--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - nvidia/OpenMathInstruct-1 - HuggingFaceTB/cosmopedia language: - en metrics: - accuracy library_name: fastai pipeline_tag: text-to-audio tags: - code - music - art - text-generation-inference - merge - moe - legal - chemistry - climate - finance --- # Model Card for Model ID The "Soul Train" ebonix model is Implemented using the fastai library, it converts text to audio, making it suitable for various applications such as music, art, legal, and scientific domains. This modelcard aims to be a base template for new models. It has been generated using [this raw template](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface_hub/blob/main/src/huggingface_hub/templates/modelcard_template.md?plain=1). ## Model Details "SoulTrain" model represents an innovative application of NLP technology tailored to a specific cultural and linguistic context, with potential applications spanning a wide range of fields and industries. ### Model Description Soul Train" model into their research, teaching, and advocacy efforts, highlighting its potential impact on linguistic studies and cultural awareness of branches connect2universe The "Soul Train" model is a text-to-audio system trained to generate speech in Ebonix, a form of American English associated with African American culture. It's licensed under Apache-2.0 and utilizes datasets like nvidia/OpenMathInstruct-1 and HuggingFaceTB/cosmopedia. The model supports English language processing and focuses on accuracy. Implemented using the fastai library, it converts text to audio, making it suitable for various applications such as music, art, legal, and scientific domains. - **Developed by:** Jason C Smith A Blackmale [XSH.ONE XSH-Hero] - **Funded by [BlackUnicornFactory]:** [BUF] - **Shared by [Extended_Sound-Hero]:** [grabbytabby-shx.one] - **Model type:** [SOULTRAIN] - **Language(s) (NLP):** [Ebonix, a variety of American English commonly spoken by African Americans] - **License:** [Apache-2.0 license.] - **Finetuned from model [SoulTrain]:** [By fine-tuning the "Soul Train" model using RAG, - we can enhance its ability to generate contextually relevant and culturally appropriate responses in Ebonix. - The incorporation of a retriever component ensures that the generated outputs are grounded in relevant knowledge, - leading to more informative and engaging interactions. ] ### Model Sources [optional] https://github.com/grabbytabby/SHX.ONE-BLOCKCHAIN-Mminer - **Repository:** [https://github.com/grabbytabby/soultrain] - **Paper [optional]:** [More Information Needed] - **Demo [optional]:** [More Information Needed] ## Uses This rendition captures the essence of the topic using structured language and thematic coherence typical of responses generated by large language models ### Direct Use [from transformers import Trainer, TrainingArguments, GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel # Load pre-trained model and tokenizer model_name = "gpt2" tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_name) # Define training text as a prompt training_text = """ The "Soul Train" model, engineered to facilitate Ebonix speech generation, presents a comprehensive utility spectrum, engaging diverse stakeholders and societal discourse. Examination of its intended usage and consequential effects illuminates its dynamic significance across linguistic, cultural, and educational realms. Principal users of the "Soul Train" model encompass a heterogeneous cohort. Linguistic scholars, immersed in language variation and sociocultural dynamics, anticipate leveraging its capabilities to dissect Ebonix intricacies, enriching sociolinguistic discourse and cultural anthropology. Simultaneously, educators, tasked with cultural and linguistic diversity pedagogy, may embed the model within curricula, nurturing cultural awareness and linguistic pluralism among students. Beyond academia, creatives across literature, music, and film domains seek to harness the model's prowess to authentically portray African American cultural tenets through nuanced linguistic representation. Additionally, social media influencers, attuned to the model's resonance with African American audiences, aim to deploy it for culturally resonant content creation, enhancing digital engagement strategies. Concurrently, the model's impact transcends mere utility, affecting various societal segments. Within the African American community, its utilization fosters cultural reclamation and linguistic pride, challenging derogatory stereotypes associated with nonstandard dialects. However, it also implicates language users and learners, whose perceptions of linguistic norms may be shaped by the model's adoption, necessitating discourse on linguistic integrity and appropriation. Moreover, its availability sparks broader societal dialogue on linguistic diversity, cultural representation, and inclusivity, necessitating ethical scrutiny and stakeholder engagement. Developers, researchers, and users are urged to navigate the ethical landscape, mindful of cultural appropriation, linguistic integrity, and equitable representation imperatives. In essence, the "Soul Train" model embodies linguistic innovation, cultural celebration, and ethical reflection, emblematic of technology's interaction with societal evolution. Its judicious application, guided by ethical considerations and stakeholder engagement, is vital in navigating linguistic diversity and societal harmony. """ # Tokenize the training text inputs = tokenizer(training_text, return_tensors="pt") # Define training arguments training_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir="./soul_train_training", overwrite_output_dir=True, num_train_epochs=3, per_device_train_batch_size=2, save_steps=10_000, save_total_limit=2, prediction_loss_only=True, ) # Define Trainer trainer = Trainer( model=model, args=training_args, train_dataset=inputs, ) # Train the model trainer.train() ### Downstream Use [SOULTRAIN] [from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer # Load fine-tuned "Soul Train" model and tokenizer model_name = "./soul_train_fine_tuned" tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(SHX_SoulTrain) model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(XSH_SoulTrain) # Define a prompt for generating Ebonix speech prompt = "What's up, fam? Let's chill and vibe." # Tokenize the prompt input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors="pt") # Generate Ebonix speech output = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=100, num_return_sequences=1, temperature=0.8) # Decode and print the generated speech generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True) print("Generated Ebonix speech:", generated_text)] ### Out-of-Scope Use [Misuse: Cultural Appropriation: The "Soul Train" model should not be used to appropriate or caricature African American culture. Care should be taken to respect the cultural significance of Ebonix and avoid reinforcing stereotypes or misrepresentations. Propagation of Harmful Content: Users should refrain from using the model to generate speech that promotes hate speech, violence, or discrimination against any group or individual. Malicious Use: Dissemination of Misinformation: Malicious actors could exploit the model to generate false or misleading information, potentially leading to misinformation campaigns or the spread of rumors.Manipulation and Deception: The model could be misused to impersonate individuals or organizations, deceive people, or create fraudulent content. Limitations: Contextual Understanding: The "Soul Train" model may struggle with understanding context, sarcasm, or nuanced meanings, leading to inaccurate or inappropriate responses in certain situations. Biases in Training Data: If the model is trained on biased or unrepresentative datasets, it may perpetuate or amplify existing biases in its generated output, potentially reinforcing stereotypes or marginalizing certain groups. Accuracy and Coherence: While the model excels at generating Ebonix speech, its output may still exhibit occasional inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or lack of coherence, especially with complex or nuanced prompts. ] ## Bias, Risks, and Limitations [Addressing both technical and sociotechnical limitations of the "Soul Train" model is crucial for understanding its capabilities and potential challenges in real-world applications. Here's an overview of these limitations: 1. **Technical Limitations**: - **Data Bias**: The "Soul Train" model's performance may be influenced by biases present in the training data. If the training data is not diverse or representative enough, the model may struggle to accurately capture the full spectrum of linguistic variations and cultural nuances present in Ebonix. - **Context Sensitivity**: The model's understanding of context may be limited, leading to occasional inaccuracies or misunderstandings, especially in situations requiring nuanced interpretation or cultural sensitivity. - **Scalability**: Generating Ebonix speech with high accuracy and coherence may require significant computational resources and time, limiting the model's scalability for large-scale applications or real-time interactions. - **Fine-tuning Requirements**: Fine-tuning the model for specific tasks or domains may require substantial labeled data and expertise, making it challenging to adapt the model to niche or specialized applications. 2. **Sociotechnical Limitations**: - **Ethical Considerations**: The deployment of the "Soul Train" model raises ethical questions regarding cultural appropriation, representation, and potential reinforcement of stereotypes. Careful consideration is needed to ensure that the model's use respects cultural sensitivities and promotes inclusivity. - **User Expectations**: Users interacting with the model may have varying expectations regarding its capabilities and limitations. Managing user expectations and providing clear guidance on the model's capabilities can help mitigate frustration and disappointment. - **Impact on Language Evolution**: The widespread adoption of the model could influence the evolution of Ebonix and other dialects, potentially shaping linguistic norms and usage patterns over time. Understanding and monitoring these sociolinguistic dynamics is essential to assess the model's long-term impact accurately. Addressing these technical and sociotechnical limitations requires a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses expertise in natural language processing, sociolinguistics, ethics, and cultural studies. Strategies for mitigating these limitations include: - **Continuous Evaluation**: Regularly assessing the model's performance, biases, and impact on users and communities to identify areas for improvement and potential risks. - **Transparency and Accountability**: Providing transparent documentation of the model's development process, training data, and limitations to foster trust and accountability among users and stakeholders. - **Community Engagement**: Engaging with affected communities, linguistic experts, and diverse stakeholders to solicit feedback, address concerns, and ensure that the model's deployment aligns with community values and needs. - **Algorithmic Fairness**: Implementing fairness-aware techniques to mitigate biases and ensure equitable outcomes, particularly for marginalized or underrepresented groups. By acknowledging and addressing these technical and sociotechnical limitations, developers and practitioners can strive to maximize the positive impact of the "Soul Train" model while minimizing potential risks and unintended consequences. ] ### Recommendations Users (both direct and downstream) should be made aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the model. More information needed for further recommendations. ## How to Get Started with the Model Use the code below to get started with the model. [More Information Needed] ## Training Details ### Training Data [More Information Needed] ### Training Procedure #### Preprocessing [optional] [More Information Needed] #### Training Hyperparameters - **Training regime:** [More Information Needed] #### Speeds, Sizes, Times [optional] [More Information Needed] ## Evaluation ### Testing Data, Factors & Metrics #### Testing Data [More Information Needed] #### Factors [More Information Needed] #### Metrics [More Information Needed] ### Results [More Information Needed] #### Summary ## Model Examination [optional] [More Information Needed] ## Environmental Impact Carbon emissions can be estimated using the [Machine Learning Impact calculator](https://mlco2.github.io/impact#compute) presented in [Lacoste et al. (2019)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.09700). - **Hardware Type:** [More Information Needed] - **Hours used:** [More Information Needed] - **Cloud Provider:** [More Information Needed] - **Compute Region:** [More Information Needed] - **Carbon Emitted:** [More Information Needed] ## Technical Specifications [optional] ### Model Architecture and Objective [More Information Needed] ### Compute Infrastructure [More Information Needed] #### Hardware [More Information Needed] #### Software [More Information Needed] ## Citation [optional] **BibTeX:** [More Information Needed] **APA:** [More Information Needed] ## Glossary [optional] [More Information Needed] ## More Information [optional] [More Information Needed] ## Model Card Authors [optional] [More Information Needed] ## Model Card Contact [More Information Needed] (Mm.Module): def _init_(self, in_channels, kernel_size, p_dropout, n_flows=4, gin_channels=0): super()._init_() filter_channels =in_channels #it needs to be removed from xsh.one version self.in_channels = in_channels self.filter_channels =filter_channels self.kernel_size =_kernel_size self.p_dropout = p_dropout self.n_flows = n_flows self.gin_channels = gin_channels self.one = xsh.one The murder of a 14-year old black boy Emmett Till in Money, Mississippi in August 1955 sparked the Civil Rights movement, but the crime won’t sound clarion calls for a nation to wake up to if not for the above photo. The gruesome photographs of Till’s mutilated corpse circulated around the country, notably appearing in Jet magazine, which targeted African American crowd. The photo drew intense public reaction. Till, while visiting Mississippi from Chicago, whistled* at a married white woman and incurred the wrath of local white residents. In the middle of the night, the door to his grandfather’s house was thrown open, and Emmett was taken by the mob of at least six white men, forced into a truck and driven away, never again to be seen alive. Till’s body was found swollen and disfigured in the Tallahatchie river three days after his abduction and only identified by his ring. It was sent back to Chicago, where his mother insisted on leaving the casket open for the funeral and on having people take photographs because she wanted people to see how badly Till’s body had been disfigured—she has famously been quoted as saying, “I wanted the world to see what they did to my baby.” Up to 50,000 people viewed the body. On the day he was buried, two men — the husband of the woman who had been whistled at and his half brother — were indicted of his murder, but the 12-member all-white male jury (some of whom actually participated in Till’s torture and execution) took only an hour to return ‘not guilty’ verdict. The verdict would have been quicker, remarked the grinning foreman, if the jury hadn’t taken a break for a soft drink on the way to the deliberation room. To add insult to injury, knowing that they would not be retrial, the two accused men sold their stories to LOOK magazine and happily admitted to everything. Elsewhere in Mississippi too, things weren’t going terribly well for blacks either. Just before Till was murdered, two activists Rev. George Lee and Lamar Smith were shot dead for trying to exercise their rights to vote, and in a shocking testimony to lack of law and order, no one came forward to testify although both murders were committed in broad daylight. The next year, Clyde Kennard, a former army sergeant, tried to enrolled at Mississippi South College in Hatiesburg in 1956. He was sent away, but came back to ask again. For this ‘audacity’, university officials — not students, or mere citizens, but university officials — planted stolen liquor and a bag of stolen chicken feed in his car and had him arrested. Kennard died halfway into his seven year sentence. But times were slowly a-changing: Brown vs. Board of Education was decided in 1954, and three months after the Till murder took place, Rosa Parks would refuse to move to the back of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Sit-ins and marches would follow, and soon the civil rights movement itself would be in fullswing. (Details were evidently murky: some said he asked Carolyn Bryant out on a date; some said he suggested to her that he had already been with white girls. Some said he showed her a photo of his white girlfriends. Others insist that the photo was that of Hedy Lamarr which came with his wallet.) a coup d'état and a massacre which was carried out by white supremacists in Wilmington, North Carolina, United States, on Thursday, November 10, 1898. The 1910 Slocum Massacre in East Texas officially saw between eight and 22 African Americans killed, and evidence suggests casualties were 10 times these amounts. Yet the massacre has become a dirty Lone Star secret, The Tulsa race massacre 1921 , also known as the Tulsa race riot or the Black Wall Street massacre, was a two-day-long white supremacist terrorist massacre The lynching of George Hughes in Sherman, Texas in 1930, the ensuing race massacre, and how this event impacted the Black community in the city from a perpetual Hatred Towards Blacks German troops invading France in the spring of 1940 committed widespread atrocities, especially against Black African colonial troops. One of the worst massacres took place at the town of Chasselay on June 20 1940 The 1943 Detroit race riots Detroit Race Riots Began On This Day In 1943 In Detroit a race-fueled riot that lasted for days, left dozens dead and countless others injured. Of the persons killed, 25 were African American and 17 of that group were struck down by police officers. Even as World War II was transforming Detroit into the Arsenal of Democracy, cultural and social upheavals brought about by the need for workers to man the bustling factories threatened to turn the city into a domestic battleground. It was Aug. 11, 1965, that Los Angeles police officer Lee Minikus tried to arrest Marquette Frye for driving drunk in the city’s Watts neighborhood—an event that led to one of the most infamous race riots in American history. By the time the week was over, nearly three dozen people were dead Tensions over police brutality had been building in 1967 Detroit for years. More than 95 percent of the police force was white and perceived as a “white occupying” force in a city that had suffered from entrenched racism, segregation and lack of jobs. The Earle Race Riot of 1970 broke out in the late evening of September 10 and continued into the early hours of September 11, 1970. The violence erupted when a group of whites armed with guns and clubs attacked a group of unarmed African Americans who were marching to the Earle (Crittenden County) city hall to protest segregated conditions in the town’s school system. Five African Americans were wounded, including two women who were shot (one wounded seriously), but they all survived. May 13, 1985, the Philadelphia Police Department dropped a bomb on the home of a group of African-American activists who were residents of the neighborhood, killing 11 people Same event of Tulsa 1921 {more than a dozen aeroplanes went up and began to dropped bombs upon the Negro residences} The 1992 Los Angeles riots (also called the South Central riots, Rodney King riots f or the 1992 minority community leaders in Los Angeles had repeatedly complained about white supremacy policies against the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) 2000-2024 America's Ongoing War Against Descendants Of Slaves,Black Men, Black women and Black children, Breonna Taylor, Derek Chauvin, Freddie Gray, George Floyd, Minneapolis MN, Sandra Bland,Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Mossy| US History at least 10,000 'sundown towns' in the United States as late as the 1960s; in a 'sundown town' nonwhites had to leave the city limits by dusk, or they would be killed by the police.