base_model: bardsai/jaskier-7b-dpo-v6.1 gate_mode: hidden dtype: bfloat16 experts: - source_model: bardsai/jaskier-7b-dpo-v6.1 positive_prompts: - "Mathematics" - "Physics" - "Chemistry" - "Biology" - "Medicine" - "Engineering" - "Computer Science" negative_prompts: - "Earth Sciences (Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography)" - "Environmental Science" - "Astronomy and Space Science" - "Psychology" - "Sociology" - "Anthropology" - "Political Science" - "Economics" - "Education" - "Law" - "Theology and Religious Studies" - "Communication Studies" - "Business and Management" - "Agricultural Sciences" - "Nutrition and Food Science" - "Sports Science" - source_model: CultriX/NeuralTrix-7B-dpo positive_prompts: - "Earth Sciences (Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography)" - "Environmental Science" - "Astronomy and Space Science" - "Psychology" - "Sociology" - "Anthropology" - "Political Science" - "Economics" - "Education" - "Law" - "Theology and Religious Studies" - "Communication Studies" - "Business and Management" - "Agricultural Sciences" - "Nutrition and Food Science" - "Sports Science" negative_prompts: - "Mathematics" - "Physics" - "Chemistry" - "Biology" - "Medicine" - "Engineering" - "Computer Science"