Samuel L Meyers PRO


AI & ML interests

Dialogue Generation, Text Generation, etc...


MrOvkill's activity

posted an update 7 days ago
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I've been in the lab, I think one or two of you saw my furtive attempts to create a dolphinized 2b Gemma, which is still waiting for more funding. I get paid in a week.

Once that funding ran out, I dropped my last pinch of API credits to work on this:


It is an instruct database for spatial interactions with color tokens, i'm planning to tune a TBD model. Been experimenting with Gemma, but i'm welcome to ( smaller! ) model suggestions. If you think your favorite 0.5/0.75/1/2b can handle numbers, distances, or colors especially well, most especially community-enhanced models... I'm listening to the comments, intently!
Have a great day, and enjoy! This was one fun! 🤗

replied to their post 9 days ago
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You aren't the one flaming. The others though...

Anyway yes, it's being improved now. Been in the lab since that post. The CO-lab...

replied to their post 9 days ago
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As did 'takera' author your thoughts, apparently. You're like snowflakes, each of you.

replied to their post 9 days ago
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I was testing some plugins, it didn't occur to me the default installations of some of the most commonly used plugins would cause issues. I apologize for the horrifying inconvenience that you may have suffered at the hands of my blog. It does, after all, have such large and pointy teeth. Oh. Wait...

posted an update 10 days ago
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I've been playing with Claude, and we decided to tackle a real thorn in my side.

"The Truthiness Model" - Analyze arbitrary input text for "truthiness", or likelihood of containing true information according to seed text.

P.S. Yes, v1 was broken. I saw the loss rate going down and go excited. Anyway, it just needed some data and a rollback, me and Claude got WAY too carried away trying to tack on features.

Anyway, fixed now, and working! :D
replied to their post 12 days ago
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I'm so glad the data proved helpful! Keep me updated, i'm already a follower, looking forward to seeing more! As always, as if you need anything.

replied to their post 12 days ago
posted an update 12 days ago
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I had some feedback recently, that perhaps it would be beneficial to expand upon the fallacy dataset. I took this deeply to heart, and exploded it 10x.


Produced synthetically with *ALL* the Gemini models on Vertex AI.

*phew* This was a rush. I can promise over 8 it might have been like 16 of straight prompt/copy/paste/fix/re-splice/fix/prompt again/chug caffeine/repeat, but we got there! Thanks for egging me on, all! I appreciate being driven to work! So much better than boredom! 🤗

Have fun!

replied to their post 13 days ago
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Was seriously considering a branch-generation into n samples/workarounds for each row of that dataset, if I can once automate a step w/ Gemini i'm pretty confident. Want it? If so, what should n be?

replied to their post 13 days ago
posted an update 13 days ago
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I've been in the lab playing with various data formats today, and jammed out with some plain text to produce a nice list of fallacies and their solutions from Wikipedia's List of fallacies as JSONL for data processing.

Had some bumps along the way, but me and Gemini 1.5 Pro got there in the end. I must really learn to work with Gemini 1.5 Flash more effectively in future.




posted an update 15 days ago
replied to their post 15 days ago
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I'm so glad you like it! If you need any other datasets, i'm happy to help. 🤗

posted an update 16 days ago
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I've made a little evaluation dataset for LLMs that require advanced and convoluted logical reasoning. It's composed of 81 unique paradoxes, with admittedly a couple in the same category ( absolutes. ) It's available here: MrOvkill/pdox

**Update**: I have upgraded the dataset to v3, ( don't worry about v2, it can be forgotten... ) and placed in a separate repo here:

Enjoy & Have fun!
replied to nroggendorff's post 18 days ago
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Don't listen to doubt, that sounds an excellent idea. Could you elaborate?

posted an update 24 days ago
posted an update 28 days ago
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I propose a novel approach to training large language models (LLMs), inspired by the layered learning process observed in humans. Instead of training on all data simultaneously, this method would introduce increasingly complex information in stages, prioritizing foundational knowledge and relevance to the modern world. This "back-to-front" training approach could potentially improve the efficiency and effectiveness of LLM training. I've outlined the concept in more detail in this Gist:

While the core idea and solutions presented in the Gist are my own, I'd like to acknowledge the valuable assistance I received from a language model in refining the presentation of this concept, making it clearer and more engaging for the community. I'm eager to hear your thoughts and feedback!
replied to their post about 1 month ago
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Thanks! Don't worry, i'll leave it up as long as it helps someone.

posted an update about 1 month ago
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Hello, all!

I was up late experimenting with Gemini, and we came across the need for circular arithmetic. We couldn't find anything that accomplished it in the way we wanted reliably, for different transformations identically, etc...

Therefore, I wrote and Gemini assisted, with the creation of an _rclamp function you can add as an attribute or just use as-is for a PyTorch tensor. It's 1d right now, didn't want to implement the dimensionality wrong with my "newbie skills".

Have fun!
- <3
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posted an update about 1 month ago
posted an update about 2 months ago
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StarCoder 15b Instruct v0.1 Space w/ Llama.cpp & Code Completion!

Hey all! I made a little StarCoder space, it's up for fun, have at it, pls make tons of pr's and requests, I love to improve my work for you all!
