temp / DV-AGENT /v2 /app.py
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from langchain_groq import ChatGroq
from langchain_experimental.agents import create_pandas_dataframe_agent
import pandas as pd
import json
import streamlit as st
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
groq_api_key = os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY")
chat_model = ChatGroq(temperature=0, model_name="mixtral-8x7b-32768")
def csv_tool(filename : str):
df = pd.read_csv(filename)
return create_pandas_dataframe_agent(chat_model,df, verbose=True)
def ask_agent(agent, query):
Query an agent and return the response as a string.
agent: The agent to query.
query: The query to ask the agent.
The response from the agent as a string.
# Prepare the prompt with query guidelines and formatting
prompt = (
Let's decode the way to respond to the queries. The responses depend on the type of information requested in the query.
1. If the query requires a table, format your answer like this:
{"table": {"columns": ["column1", "column2", ...], "data": [[value1, value2, ...], [value1, value2, ...], ...]}}
2. For a bar chart, respond like this:
{"bar": {"columns": ["A", "B", "C", ...], "data": [25, 24, 10, ...]}}
3. If a line chart is more appropriate, your reply should look like this:
{"line": {"columns": ["A", "B", "C", ...], "data": [25, 24, 10, ...]}}
Note: We only accommodate two types of charts: "bar" and "line".
4. For a plain question that doesn't need a chart or table, your response should be:
{"answer": "Your answer goes here"}
For example:
{"answer": "The Product with the highest Orders is '15143Exfo'"}
5. If the answer is not known or available, respond with:
{"answer": "I do not know."}
Return all output as a string. Remember to encase all strings in the "columns" list and data list in double quotes.
For example: {"columns": ["Products", "Orders"], "data": [["51993Masc", 191], ["49631Foun", 152]]}
Now, let's tackle the query step by step. Here's the query for you to work on:
+ query
# Run the prompt through the agent and capture the response.
response = agent.run(prompt)
# Return the response converted to a string.
return str(response)
def decode_response(response: str) -> dict:
"""This function converts the string response from the model to a dictionary object.
response (str): response from the model
dict: dictionary with response data
return json.loads(response)
def write_answer(response_dict: dict):
Write a response from an agent to a Streamlit .
response_dict: The response from the agent.
# Check if the response is an answer.
if "answer" in response_dict:
# Check if the response is a bar chart.
# Check if the response is a bar chart.
if "bar" in response_dict:
data = response_dict["bar"]
df_data = {
col: [x[i] if isinstance(x, list) else x for x in data['data']]
for i, col in enumerate(data['columns'])
df = pd.DataFrame(df_data)
df.set_index("Products", inplace=True)
except ValueError:
print(f"Couldn't create DataFrame from data: {data}")
# Check if the response is a line chart.
if "line" in response_dict:
data = response_dict["line"]
df_data = {col: [x[i] for x in data['data']] for i, col in enumerate(data['columns'])}
df = pd.DataFrame(df_data)
df.set_index("Products", inplace=True)
except ValueError:
print(f"Couldn't create DataFrame from data: {data}")
# Check if the response is a table.
if "table" in response_dict:
data = response_dict["table"]
df = pd.DataFrame(data["data"], columns=data["columns"])
st.set_page_config(page_title="πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Talk with your CSV")
st.title("πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Talk with your CSV")
st.write("Please upload your CSV file below.")
data = st.file_uploader("Upload a CSV" , type="csv")
query = st.text_area("Send a Message")
if st.button("Submit Query", type="primary"):
# Create an agent from the CSV file.
agent = csv_tool(data)
# Query the agent.
response = ask_agent(agent=agent, query=query)
# Decode the response.
decoded_response = decode_response(response)
# Write the response to the Streamlit app.