# SMPL Blender Add-on This add-on allows you to add gender specific [SMPL](https://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de) skinned meshes to your current Blender scene. Each imported SMPL mesh consist of a shape specific rig, as well as shape keys (blend shapes) for shape, expression and pose correctives. Add-on features: + Add gender specific SMPL mesh to current scene + Set mesh texture + Position feet on ground plane (z=0) + Randomize/reset shape + Update joint locations + Enable/disable corrective poseshapes + Write current pose in SMPL theta notation to console + FBX export to Unity + Imported FBX will show up in Unity inspector without rotations and without scaling + Shape key export options: + Body shape + posecorrectives + Body shape only + None (bakes current body shape into mesh) Requirements: Blender 2.80+ Additional dependencies: None ## Installation 1. Blender>Edit>Preferences>Add-ons>Install 2. Select SMPL for Blender add-on ZIP file and install 3. Enable SMPL for Blender add-on 4. Enable sidebar in 3D Viewport>View>Sidebar 5. SMPL tool will show up in sidebar ## License + Generated body mesh data using this add-on: + Licensed under SMPL Model License + https://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de/modellicense + See LICENSE.md for further license information including commercial licensing + Attribution for publications: + You agree to cite the most recent paper describing the model as specified on the SMPL website: https://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de