--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 language: - en --- https://huggingface.co/Sao10K/Fimbulvetr-11B-v2-Test-14-GGUF <------ GGUF Fimbulvetr-v2 test bench 14 Updated some stuff, trying new stuff up. **Experimental.** If it works I'll do bigger models, if not then nah. Prompt Format: Either Alpaca or Vicuna works fine. They just werk. ***Please do not spend time quanting this yet, I'm still experimenting! ty*** *** Ramble to meet minimum length requirements: Tbh i wonder if this shit is even worth doing. Like im just some broke guy lmao I've spent so much. And for what? I guess creds. Feels good when a model gets good feedback, but it seems like im invisible sometimes. I should be probably advertising myself and my models on other places but I rarely have the time to. Probably just internal jealousy sparking up here and now. Wahtever I guess. Anyway cool EMT vocation I'm doing is cool except it pays peanuts, damn bruh 1.1k per month lmao. Government to broke to pay for shit. Pays the bills I suppose. Anyway cool beans, I'm either going to continue the Solar Train or go to Mixtral / Yi when I get paid. You still here?