from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, List from mmengine.config import Config, ConfigDict from opencompass.registry import PARTITIONERS from .base import BasePartitioner @PARTITIONERS.register_module() class MultimodalNaivePartitioner(BasePartitioner): """Multimodal naive task partitioner. This partitioner will generate a task for each model-dataset-evaluator pair. Args: config (ConfigDict): The full config dict. """ def partition(self, models: List[ConfigDict], datasets: List[ConfigDict], evaluators: List[ConfigDict], load_froms: List[ConfigDict], work_dir: str, num_gpus: int, num_procs: int, launcher: str) -> List[Dict]: """Partition model-dataset pairs into tasks. Each task is defined as a dict and will run independently as a unit. Its structure is as follows: .. code-block:: python { 'models': [], # a list of model configs 'datasets': [], # a list of dataset configs 'evaluators': [], # a list of evaluator configs 'load_froms': [], # a list of load_from paths 'work_dir': '', # the work dir 'num_gpus': int, # integer, number of gpus for each task 'num_procs': int, # integer, number of gpus on single machine 'launcher': str, # string, how to launch distributed training } Args: models (List[ConfigDict]): A list of model configs. datasets (List[ConfigDict]): A list of dataset configs. evaluators (List[ConfigDict]): A list of evaluator configs. load_froms (List[ConfigDict]): A list of load_from paths. work_dir (str): The work dir for the task. num_gpus (int): Number of gpus for each task. num_procs (int): Number of gpus on single machine. launcher (str): How to launch distributed training. Only `slurm`, `pytorch` and `mpi` are available. Returns: List[Dict]: A list of tasks. """ tasks = [] for model, dataset, evaluator, load_from in zip( models, datasets, evaluators, load_froms): task = Config({ 'model': model, 'dataset': dataset, 'evaluator': evaluator, 'load_from': load_from, 'work_dir': work_dir, 'num_gpus': num_gpus, 'num_procs': num_procs, 'launcher': launcher }) tasks.append(task) return tasks def __call__(self, cfg: ConfigDict) -> List[Dict]: """Generate tasks from config. Each task is defined as a dict and will run independently as a unit. Its structure is as follows: .. code-block:: python { 'models': [], # a list of model configs 'datasets': [], # a list of dataset configs 'evaluators': [], # a list of evaluator configs 'load_froms': [], # a list of load_from paths 'work_dir': '', # the work dir 'num_gpus': int, # integer, number of gpus for each task 'num_procs': int, # integer, number of gpus on single machine } Args: cfg (ConfigDict): The config dict, containing "models", "dataset" and "work_dir" keys. Returns: List[Dict]: A list of tasks. """ cfg = deepcopy(cfg) models = cfg['models'] datasets = cfg['datasets'] evaluators = cfg['evaluators'] load_froms = cfg['load_froms'] work_dir = cfg['work_dir'] num_gpus = cfg['num_gpus'] num_procs = cfg['num_procs'] launcher = cfg['launcher'] tasks = self.partition(models, datasets, evaluators, load_froms, work_dir, num_gpus, num_procs, launcher)'Partitioned into {len(tasks)} tasks.') for i, task in enumerate(tasks): model_name = task['model']['type'] dataset_name = task['dataset']['dataset']['type'] evaluator_name = task['evaluator'][0]['type'] self.logger.debug( f'Task {i}: {model_name}-{dataset_name}-{evaluator_name}') return tasks