import argparse import getpass import os import os.path as osp from datetime import datetime from mmengine.config import Config, DictAction from opencompass.partitioners import MultimodalNaivePartitioner from opencompass.registry import PARTITIONERS, RUNNERS, build_from_cfg from opencompass.runners import SlurmRunner from opencompass.summarizers import DefaultSummarizer from opencompass.utils import LarkReporter, get_logger from import (exec_mm_infer_runner, fill_eval_cfg, fill_infer_cfg, get_config_from_arg) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run an evaluation task') parser.add_argument('config', nargs='?', help='Train config file path') # add mutually exclusive args `--slurm` `--dlc`, defaults to local runner # if "infer" or "eval" not specified launch_method = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() launch_method.add_argument('--slurm', action='store_true', default=False, help='Whether to force tasks to run with srun. ' 'If True, `--partition(-p)` must be set. ' 'Defaults to False') launch_method.add_argument('--dlc', action='store_true', default=False, help='Whether to force tasks to run on dlc. If ' 'True, `--aliyun-cfg` must be set. Defaults' ' to False') # multi-modal support parser.add_argument('--mm-eval', help='Whether or not enable multimodal evaluation', action='store_true', default=False) # Add shortcut parameters (models, datasets and summarizer) parser.add_argument('--models', nargs='+', help='', default=None) parser.add_argument('--datasets', nargs='+', help='', default=None) parser.add_argument('--summarizer', help='', default=None) # add general args parser.add_argument('--debug', help='Debug mode, in which scheduler will run tasks ' 'in the single process, and output will not be ' 'redirected to files', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--dry-run', help='Dry run mode, in which the scheduler will not ' 'actually run the tasks, but only print the commands ' 'to run', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', help='Running mode. You can choose "infer" if you ' 'only want the inference results, or "eval" if you ' 'already have the results and want to evaluate them, ' 'or "viz" if you want to visualize the results.', choices=['all', 'infer', 'eval', 'viz'], default='all', type=str) parser.add_argument('-r', '--reuse', nargs='?', type=str, const='latest', help='Reuse previous outputs & results, and run any ' 'missing jobs presented in the config. If its ' 'argument is not specified, the latest results in ' 'the work_dir will be reused. The argument should ' 'also be a specific timestamp, e.g. 20230516_144254'), parser.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', help='Work path, all the outputs will be ' 'saved in this path, including the slurm logs, ' 'the evaluation results, the summary results, etc.' 'If not specified, the work_dir will be set to ' './outputs/default.', default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument( '--config-dir', default='configs', help='Use the custom config directory instead of config/ to ' 'search the configs for datasets, models and summarizers', type=str) parser.add_argument('-l', '--lark', help='Report the running status to lark bot', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--max-partition-size', help='The maximum size of an infer task. Only ' 'effective when "infer" is missing from the config.', type=int, default=40000), parser.add_argument( '--gen-task-coef', help='The dataset cost measurement coefficient for generation tasks, ' 'Only effective when "infer" is missing from the config.', type=int, default=20) parser.add_argument('--max-num-workers', help='Max number of workers to run in parallel. ' 'Will be overrideen by the "max_num_workers" argument ' 'in the config.', type=int, default=32) parser.add_argument('--max-workers-per-gpu', help='Max task to run in parallel on one GPU. ' 'It will only be used in the local runner.', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument( '--retry', help='Number of retries if the job failed when using slurm or dlc. ' 'Will be overrideen by the "retry" argument in the config.', type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument( '--dump-eval-details', help='Whether to dump the evaluation details, including the ' 'correctness of each sample, bpb, etc.', action='store_true', ) # set srun args slurm_parser = parser.add_argument_group('slurm_args') parse_slurm_args(slurm_parser) # set dlc args dlc_parser = parser.add_argument_group('dlc_args') parse_dlc_args(dlc_parser) # set hf args hf_parser = parser.add_argument_group('hf_args') parse_hf_args(hf_parser) # set custom dataset args custom_dataset_parser = parser.add_argument_group('custom_dataset_args') parse_custom_dataset_args(custom_dataset_parser) args = parser.parse_args() if args.slurm: assert args.partition is not None, ( '--partition(-p) must be set if you want to use slurm') if args.dlc: assert os.path.exists(args.aliyun_cfg), ( 'When launching tasks using dlc, it needs to be configured ' 'in "~/.aliyun.cfg", or use "--aliyun-cfg $ALiYun-CFG_Path"' ' to specify a new path.') return args def parse_slurm_args(slurm_parser): """These args are all for slurm launch.""" slurm_parser.add_argument('-p', '--partition', help='Slurm partition name', default=None, type=str) slurm_parser.add_argument('-q', '--quotatype', help='Slurm quota type', default=None, type=str) slurm_parser.add_argument('--qos', help='Slurm quality of service', default=None, type=str) def parse_dlc_args(dlc_parser): """These args are all for dlc launch.""" dlc_parser.add_argument('--aliyun-cfg', help='The config path for aliyun config', default='~/.aliyun.cfg', type=str) def parse_hf_args(hf_parser): """These args are all for the quick construction of HuggingFace models.""" hf_parser.add_argument('--hf-path', type=str) hf_parser.add_argument('--peft-path', type=str) hf_parser.add_argument('--tokenizer-path', type=str) hf_parser.add_argument('--model-kwargs', nargs='+', action=DictAction, default={}) hf_parser.add_argument('--tokenizer-kwargs', nargs='+', action=DictAction, default={}) hf_parser.add_argument('--max-out-len', type=int) hf_parser.add_argument('--max-seq-len', type=int) hf_parser.add_argument('--no-batch-padding', action='store_true', default=False) hf_parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int) hf_parser.add_argument('--num-gpus', type=int) hf_parser.add_argument('--pad-token-id', type=int) def parse_custom_dataset_args(custom_dataset_parser): """These args are all for the quick construction of custom datasets.""" custom_dataset_parser.add_argument('--custom-dataset-path', type=str) custom_dataset_parser.add_argument('--custom-dataset-meta-path', type=str) custom_dataset_parser.add_argument('--custom-dataset-data-type', type=str, choices=['mcq', 'qa']) custom_dataset_parser.add_argument('--custom-dataset-infer-method', type=str, choices=['gen', 'ppl']) def main(): args = parse_args() if args.dry_run: args.debug = True # initialize logger logger = get_logger(log_level='DEBUG' if args.debug else 'INFO') cfg = get_config_from_arg(args) if args.work_dir is not None: cfg['work_dir'] = args.work_dir else: cfg.setdefault('work_dir', './outputs/default/') # cfg_time_str defaults to the current time cfg_time_str = dir_time_str ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') if args.reuse: if args.reuse == 'latest': if not os.path.exists(cfg.work_dir) or not os.listdir( cfg.work_dir): logger.warning('No previous results to reuse!') else: dirs = os.listdir(cfg.work_dir) dir_time_str = sorted(dirs)[-1] else: dir_time_str = args.reuse'Reusing experiements from {dir_time_str}') elif args.mode in ['eval', 'viz']: raise ValueError('You must specify -r or --reuse when running in eval ' 'or viz mode!') # update "actual" work_dir cfg['work_dir'] = osp.join(cfg.work_dir, dir_time_str) os.makedirs(osp.join(cfg.work_dir, 'configs'), exist_ok=True) # dump config output_config_path = osp.join(cfg.work_dir, 'configs', f'{cfg_time_str}.py') cfg.dump(output_config_path) # Config is intentally reloaded here to avoid initialized # types cannot be serialized cfg = Config.fromfile(output_config_path, format_python_code=False) # report to lark bot if specify --lark if not args.lark: cfg['lark_bot_url'] = None elif cfg.get('lark_bot_url', None): content = f'{getpass.getuser()}\'s task has been launched!' LarkReporter(cfg['lark_bot_url']).post(content) if args.mode in ['all', 'infer']: # When user have specified --slurm or --dlc, or have not set # "infer" in config, we will provide a default configuration # for infer if (args.dlc or args.slurm) and cfg.get('infer', None): logger.warning('You have set "infer" in the config, but ' 'also specified --slurm or --dlc. ' 'The "infer" configuration will be overridden by ' 'your runtime arguments.') # Check whether run multimodal evaluation if args.mm_eval: partitioner = MultimodalNaivePartitioner( osp.join(cfg['work_dir'], 'predictions/')) tasks = partitioner(cfg) exec_mm_infer_runner(tasks, args, cfg) return if args.dlc or args.slurm or cfg.get('infer', None) is None: fill_infer_cfg(cfg, args) if args.partition is not None: if RUNNERS.get(cfg.infer.runner.type) == SlurmRunner: cfg.infer.runner.partition = args.partition cfg.infer.runner.quotatype = args.quotatype else: logger.warning('SlurmRunner is not used, so the partition ' 'argument is ignored.') if args.debug: cfg.infer.runner.debug = True if args.lark: cfg.infer.runner.lark_bot_url = cfg['lark_bot_url'] cfg.infer.partitioner['out_dir'] = osp.join(cfg['work_dir'], 'predictions/') partitioner = tasks = partitioner(cfg) if args.dry_run: return runner = # Add extra attack config if exists if hasattr(cfg, 'attack'): for task in tasks: cfg.attack.dataset = task.datasets[0][0].abbr task.attack = cfg.attack runner(tasks) # evaluate if args.mode in ['all', 'eval']: # When user have specified --slurm or --dlc, or have not set # "eval" in config, we will provide a default configuration # for eval if (args.dlc or args.slurm) and cfg.get('eval', None): logger.warning('You have set "eval" in the config, but ' 'also specified --slurm or --dlc. ' 'The "eval" configuration will be overridden by ' 'your runtime arguments.') if args.dlc or args.slurm or cfg.get('eval', None) is None: fill_eval_cfg(cfg, args) if args.dump_eval_details: cfg.eval.runner.task.dump_details = True if args.partition is not None: if RUNNERS.get(cfg.eval.runner.type) == SlurmRunner: cfg.eval.runner.partition = args.partition cfg.eval.runner.quotatype = args.quotatype else: logger.warning('SlurmRunner is not used, so the partition ' 'argument is ignored.') if args.debug: cfg.eval.runner.debug = True if args.lark: cfg.eval.runner.lark_bot_url = cfg['lark_bot_url'] cfg.eval.partitioner['out_dir'] = osp.join(cfg['work_dir'], 'results/') partitioner = tasks = partitioner(cfg) if args.dry_run: return runner = runner(tasks) # visualize if args.mode in ['all', 'eval', 'viz']: summarizer_cfg = cfg.get('summarizer', {}) if not summarizer_cfg or summarizer_cfg.get('type', None) is None: summarizer_cfg['type'] = DefaultSummarizer summarizer_cfg['config'] = cfg summarizer = build_from_cfg(summarizer_cfg) summarizer.summarize(time_str=cfg_time_str) if __name__ == '__main__': main()