Artificial Collective Intelligence: Beyond AGI

Community Article Published September 28, 2024


Artificial Collective Intelligence (ACI) represents a distributed framework designed to orchestrate multiple models and resources through a Master Control Program (MCP). This paper explores how ACI surpasses AGI, providing scalability and task specialization by leveraging multi-model orchestration, task scheduling, and resource management. This paper introduces and coins the term Artificial Collective Intelligence (ACI), representing a novel AI architecture paradigm. ACI goes beyond traditional AGI approaches by orchestrating specialized models in a distributed, multi-modal system.


Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has long been heralded as the ultimate goal in AI research, aiming to create machines that can replicate the full range of human intellectual capabilities. AGI systems aspire to perform any task a human can, irrespective of domain or specialization. However, the development of AGI has faced substantial challenges, particularly concerning scalability, resource optimization, and the limitations inherent in relying on a monolithic model structure. These limitations raise concerns about efficiency, task specialization, and adaptability to rapidly evolving environments.

In response to these challenges, we introduce the concept of Artificial Collective Intelligence (ACI). ACI represents a new paradigm in AI architecture that departs from the AGI approach by embracing a distributed, multi-model system. Instead of relying on a singular, all-encompassing model, ACI orchestrates specialized models, called Entity Programs (EPs), to collaborate in completing complex tasks. These EPs, designed for specific domains such as vision, language, or decision-making, are coordinated by a central Master Control Program (MCP), which ensures that tasks are efficiently distributed and completed based on real-time evaluations and performance histories.

ACI’s architecture offers several advantages over traditional AGI models:

  • Scalability: ACI’s distributed framework enables horizontal scaling by integrating more specialized models (EPs) as needed, allowing the system to handle increasingly complex tasks without the computational bottlenecks often associated with AGI.
  • Task Specialization: Unlike AGI, which attempts to generalize across all domains, ACI thrives on task specialization. Each EP is designed to excel at a specific function, resulting in higher accuracy and performance for specific tasks.
  • Resource Management: ACI optimizes resource utilization by dynamically allocating tasks to EPs based on their real-time performance and confidence levels. The MCP ensures that high-priority tasks are assigned to the most suitable models, reducing inefficiencies and computational overhead.

The distributed nature of ACI makes it particularly suited for environments that require handling a variety of AI models, such as large language models (LLMs), vision models, and reinforcement learning agents. As AI applications grow increasingly complex, requiring multi-modal inputs and outputs, the ACI framework offers a flexible and modular approach to solving diverse tasks across multiple domains. By leveraging the strengths of specialized models, ACI can outperform AGI in many real-world applications, particularly those involving complex, multi-disciplinary problem-solving.

This paper explores how ACI can surpass AGI in terms of performance, scalability, and flexibility. We examine ACI’s system architecture, including the role of the MCP in orchestrating EPs, and highlight its applications in multi-model orchestration, task scheduling, and resource management. Furthermore, we provide experimental results demonstrating ACI's superior performance in distributed AI systems compared to traditional AGI approaches.

Related Work

AGI has been a major focus of AI research for decades, with seminal works like "AGI and Collective Intelligence" exploring the potential of collaborative intelligence frameworks to push the boundaries of machine learning. However, the challenges posed by AGI—such as task specialization, resource inefficiencies, and scalability—have prompted researchers to look toward more distributed architectures. One such example is the SETI@Home project, which employed distributed computing to search for extraterrestrial life. This approach demonstrated the power of collective intelligence in distributed systems.

In parallel, the concept of Master Control Programs has been explored in distributed computing environments, where the need for centralized task orchestration is critical to ensure efficiency. Recent studies in grid and cloud computing environments have demonstrated the efficacy of using MCPs to manage resource allocation and task scheduling.

Research on multi-model orchestration has also gained momentum, particularly with the rise of large, multi-modal AI models. These models are capable of handling diverse inputs, such as text, images, and videos, but often require sophisticated orchestration mechanisms to optimize their performance. ACI builds on this research by integrating a variety of EPs under a cohesive orchestration framework managed by the MCP, making it a more versatile solution for large-scale, multi-domain AI applications.

ACI System Architecture

The Master Control Program (MCP) is the cornerstone of the ACI system, acting as a centralized coordinator for the various EPs within the Artificial Collective Network (ACN). The MCP’s primary responsibility is to ensure that tasks are dynamically allocated to the most appropriate EPs based on their specialization, performance history, and real-time evaluation metrics. This task allocation process is guided by Artificial Collective Rules (ACR), which define the policies for resource usage, model selection, and task prioritization.

The ACI framework introduces a novel approach to handling computational tasks by treating each EP as a modular, specialized entity capable of performing specific functions. EPs can range from large language models (LLMs) like GPT to vision models, and even APIs. The MCP dynamically assesses the confidence level of each EP based on historical data and real-time feedback. This continuous evaluation process ensures that only the most suitable EPs are selected for a given task, improving overall system efficiency.

In contrast to traditional monolithic systems, where task scheduling and resource management are handled in a centralized manner, the ACI system leverages the decentralized nature of the ACN to distribute tasks across multiple EPs. This approach enables the ACI to scale horizontally, adding new EPs as needed without significantly increasing computational overhead. Additionally, the ACI framework incorporates observability mechanisms, ensuring that all decisions made by the MCP are transparent.

Abstract Application of Transformer Models in ACI

The architecture of Artificial Collective Intelligence (ACI) draws inspiration from the transformer model, particularly its use of attention mechanisms, but applies these concepts in a more abstract, distributed context. In transformer models, the self-attention mechanism allows the model to weigh the importance of different elements within the input sequence. Similarly, in ACI, the Master Control Program (MCP) functions as an abstract version of the transformer’s attention mechanism, focusing its 'attention' on different Entity Programs (EPs) within the Artificial Collective Network (ACN).

Attention Mechanism in ACNs

In this framework, the MCP orchestrates tasks by dynamically assigning priority to EPs based on real-time performance, resource availability, and task requirements. This can be seen as an abstract extension of the self-attention mechanism, where instead of attending to tokens in a sequence, the MCP attends to different EPs that are part of a collection of ACNs. Each EP specializes in a certain domain, much like different heads in a multi-head attention layer focus on different aspects of the input data. The MCP integrates the outputs from these specialized EPs, similarly to how transformers aggregate information from attention heads.

Recursive Depth of Attention Across ACNs

What sets ACI apart is its recursive depth. Just as transformers can be stacked to form deeper layers, ACI allows the MCP to focus not only on individual EPs but also on entire ACNs. Each ACN, in turn, can consist of its own EPs and possibly other ACNs, creating a recursive structure where attention can be applied across multiple layers of intelligence. This hierarchical system mimics the transformer’s deep layers but extends it to a distributed, scalable network of collective intelligences.

In this recursive attention system, each ACN can effectively 'pay attention' to other ACNs, prioritizing the most relevant tasks and resources across the network. This recursive nature makes the ACI system infinitely scalable, allowing deeper layers of collective intelligence to emerge as needed to solve increasingly complex problems. Much like transformers excel at handling long-range dependencies in data, ACI excels at managing complex, multi-modal tasks across diverse domains by focusing on the right entities and resources at the right time.

Task Scheduling and Resource Management

Task scheduling in the ACI system is governed by a combination of historical performance data, real-time evaluations, and model-reported confidence levels. This multi-layered approach allows the MCP to make informed decisions about which EPs should handle specific tasks. The MCP constantly monitors the performance of each EP, adjusting task assignments based on factors like task completion times, accuracy, and resource consumption. This dynamic scheduling mechanism allows ACI to maximize resource utilization while minimizing inefficiencies.

One of the key challenges in distributed systems is resource management, particularly in environments where both free and paid resources are available. The ACI framework addresses this challenge by implementing a sophisticated resource allocation system that prioritizes the use of free resources whenever possible, while ensuring that paid resources (such as paid APIs) are only utilized when absolutely necessary. This resource management strategy is essential for reducing operational costs, particularly in environments with budget constraints.

The MCP is also equipped with a gating mechanism that prevents overuse of paid resources. This mechanism ensures that tasks requiring expensive computational resources, such as querying an OpenAI model, are only executed when no alternative free resources are available. This level of control over resource management allows the ACI system to operate within defined budgets, making it a cost-effective solution for both research and commercial applications.

Multi-Model Orchestration

The concept of multi-model orchestration is central to the ACI framework. Unlike traditional AI systems, which rely on a single model to handle all tasks, ACI leverages a diverse array of models (EPs), each optimized for specific tasks. This specialization allows the MCP to assign tasks to the most appropriate EP, resulting in more efficient task execution and better overall system performance.

Recent advances in multi-model orchestration have demonstrated the benefits of distributing

tasks across multiple models. For example, large AI models like GPT-4 have been shown to perform exceptionally well in natural language processing tasks but may struggle with tasks like image recognition. By integrating specialized vision models into the ACN, ACI ensures that tasks requiring image recognition are handled by the most suitable models, improving both accuracy and efficiency.

Additionally, ACI’s multi-model orchestration capabilities allow for better scalability. As new EPs are added to the network, the MCP can dynamically adjust task assignments to account for the strengths and weaknesses of each model. This dynamic orchestration not only improves task execution but also ensures that computational resources are used more efficiently, reducing overall system latency and energy consumption.


Experiments conducted using the ACI framework demonstrate its superiority over traditional AGI systems in terms of task scheduling, resource management, and scalability. In a series of tests, the ACI system was able to improve task completion times by up to 20% compared to AGI-based approaches. This improvement was largely due to the MCP’s ability to dynamically allocate tasks to the most appropriate EPs based on real-time performance data.

Furthermore, the distributed nature of the ACN allowed the ACI system to scale horizontally, adding new EPs as needed without significantly increasing computational overhead. This scalability was particularly evident in tasks that required multi-modal processing, such as video analysis, where both vision and language models were needed to complete the task. The ACI system’s ability to seamlessly integrate new EPs into the network ensured that these tasks were completed efficiently and with minimal delays.

The results also highlight the importance of resource management in large-scale AI applications. By prioritizing the use of free resources and only using paid resources when necessary, the ACI system was able to reduce operational costs by an average of 15% compared to traditional systems that relied heavily on paid APIs.

External and Internal Communication

Using the Swagger/OpenAPI framework, ACI can communicate both internally (between EPs) and externally (with external models, APIs, and services). The key advantage of using a standardized protocol like Swagger is the ease of integration with external systems, making ACI extensible and future-proof for evolving applications and models.

By defining clear communication protocols, ACI ensures that each EP receives the necessary inputs to execute its tasks efficiently, while providing transparency through real-time status updates to the MCP. This architecture enables ACI to dynamically adapt to changing requirements and scale as new EPs or models are introduced.

Swagger Protocols for ACI Communication

The efficient operation of ACI relies on seamless communication between various Entity Programs (EPs) within the Artificial Collective Network (ACN). To facilitate this, we utilize well-defined API protocols based on Swagger specifications. These protocols handle both internal and external interactions, ensuring that tasks are allocated correctly, responses are received in a timely manner, and resources are efficiently managed.

ACI Protocol Overview

The ACI Swagger specification defines how the Master Control Program (MCP) communicates with EPs. This specification includes endpoints for:

  • Task Assignment: Allocating tasks to specific EPs based on real-time performance metrics.
  • Resource Management: Prioritizing resources based on availability and cost, using both free and paid APIs.
  • Error Handling and Fallback: Redirecting tasks to alternative EPs in case of failure or degraded performance.

The full Swagger specification for the ACI communication protocol is included in Appendix A.

Differences Between Agentic Systems and ACI

Traditional agentic systems, such as those found in agent-based AI, rely on individual agents that act semi-autonomously to achieve goals. These systems typically involve agents that make independent decisions based on localized data, without central coordination. While this approach has been successful in many applications, it has significant limitations when scaling up to more complex, multi-modal tasks.

In contrast, Artificial Collective Intelligence (ACI) provides a centralized coordination system via the Master Control Program (MCP). The MCP not only allocates tasks but also evaluates real-time performance data, making data-driven decisions about which Entity Program (EP) should handle specific tasks. This centralized orchestration allows for a more coordinated and efficient use of resources, especially in large-scale systems that involve multiple domains (e.g., vision, language, and decision-making).

The key differences between Agentic systems and ACI include:

  • Centralized vs. Decentralized Control: Agentic systems operate with a decentralized model where each agent makes decisions independently, whereas ACI uses the MCP for centralized task orchestration.
  • Task Specialization: In agentic systems, each agent often operates with general capabilities, whereas ACI leverages highly specialized EPs to handle specific tasks more efficiently.
  • Scalability: ACI scales horizontally by adding more specialized EPs to the system, while agentic systems face challenges when integrating diverse models across different domains.
  • Multi-Model Orchestration: ACI excels at multi-model orchestration, ensuring that the right EP is selected for the right task, while agentic systems often struggle with inter-agent communication and task coordination.

Future Work

One of the most exciting future directions for ACI is the potential to create nested, inception-like networks of Artificial Collective Networks (ACNs). By conceptualizing ACI itself as an Entity Program (EP), we open the door to multi-layered intelligence systems, where each layer can orchestrate its own tasks while collaborating with others in a hierarchical collective structure.

This recursive architecture could revolutionize the way we think about AI scalability. Rather than building ever-larger monolithic models, we can develop networks of ACIs, each responsible for a specific domain, which can collaborate across layers. The potential for cross-domain learning, resource-sharing, and task coordination across layers is immense.

In future iterations of the ACI framework, the Master Control Program (MCP) could be enhanced to facilitate communication not just between EPs within a single ACI, but across entire galaxies of ACIs within a larger ACN. This would enable universes of intelligence to collaborate, expanding the scope and capability of ACI far beyond current AI architectures.

This hierarchical, fractal-like system will also open new doors for self-learning systems, where lower layers learn from higher layers and vice versa, creating a feedback loop of continuous improvement and adaptation.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Richard Wang, Jason Ferrell, Vincent Cen, Heydi Gonzalez, Francis Ko, John Chouangrasakod, Alex Tai, and Michael Carpenter for their valuable feedback and collaboration on this work. Special thanks to Kim Hales for believing that AI is the future. I would also like to thank those I've missed and, most importantly, my family, who have endured long nights without me. Your support has been invaluable throughout this journey.


ACI Swagger Specification

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: Artificial Collective Intelligence (ACI) API
  description: API for submitting tasks, retrieving results, and subscribing to events in the ACI system.
  version: 1.0.0
  - url:
    description: ACI System Inference API

      summary: Submit a task to the ACI system
      description: Submit a task to the MCP, which will assign it to the appropriate Entity Program (EP) for processing.
        required: true
              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: Type of task (e.g., NLP, Vision, Compute)
                  example: NLP
                  type: string
                  description: Detailed description of the task
                  example: Generate a summary for the given text
                  type: object
                  description: The input data required to complete the task
                    text: "Input text to be summarized."
                  type: string
                  description: Priority of the task (low, moderate, high)
                  example: high
                  type: string
                  description: Defines the resource usage limits for the task
                  example: moderate
                  type: string
                  description: URL where the MCP should send a callback after the task is completed or fails
                  example: ""
          description: Task successfully submitted
                type: object
                    type: string
                    description: Unique identifier for the task
                    example: "12345"
                    type: string
                    description: Submission status of the task
                    example: "submitted"
                    type: string
                    description: The ID of the assigned Entity Program (EP)
                    example: "EP_3"
          description: Invalid request parameters
          description: Internal server error

      summary: Check the status of a submitted task
        - name: task_id
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: Unique identifier of the submitted task
          description: Task status returned successfully
                type: object
                    type: string
                    example: "12345"
                    type: string
                    description: Current status of the task
                    example: "in-progress"
                    type: integer
                    description: Percentage of task completion
                    example: 65
                    type: string
                    description: The ID of the Entity Program (EP) assigned to the task
                    example: "EP_3"
          description: Task not found
          description: Internal server error

      summary: Subscribe to ACI events
      description: Allows clients to subscribe to specific ACI system events (e.g., task completion, task failure, or new EP discovery).
        required: true
              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: The event to subscribe to (e.g., task_completed, task_failed, ep_discovered)
                  example: task_completed
                  type: string
                  description: URL where the callback should be sent
                  example: ""
          description: Subscription successfully created
                type: object
                    type: string
                    description: Unique identifier for the subscription
                    example: "sub_12345"
                    type: string
                    description: Status of the subscription
                    example: "active"
          description: Invalid request parameters
          description: Internal server error

      description: "Callback that is triggered when a task is completed."
          required: true
                type: object
                    type: string
                    description: Task ID for the completed task
                    example: "12345"
                    type: object
                    description: The result of the completed task
                      summary: "Generated summary text."
                    type: string
                    description: Time when the task was completed
                    example: "2024-09-22T12:34:56Z"
            description: Callback received successfully
            description: Invalid callback payload

ECPC Swagger Specification

 openapi: 3.0.1
  title: Entity Program Communication Protocol (EPCP)
  description: Communication protocol between the Master Control Program (MCP) and Entity Programs (EPs) in the Artificial Collective Intelligence (ACI) system.
  version: 1.0.0
  - url:
    description: EPCP Endpoint for ACI System

      summary: Assign a task to an Entity Program (EP)
      description: The MCP assigns a task to the appropriate EP based on its capabilities and current availability.
        required: true
              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: A unique identifier for the task
                  example: "task_12345"
                  type: string
                  description: The unique identifier of the EP that will handle the task
                  example: "EP_7"
                  type: string
                  description: A detailed description of the task to be executed
                  example: "Process NLP text for sentiment analysis"
                  type: object
                  description: The input data that the EP will process
                    text: "This is the input text to analyze."
                  type: string
                  description: Priority of the task (low, moderate, high)
                  example: "high"
                  type: string
                  description: Specifies the resource allocation (e.g., compute or memory limits) for this task
                  example: "moderate"
          description: Task successfully assigned to EP
                type: object
                    type: string
                    description: Unique identifier of the assigned task
                    example: "task_12345"
                    type: string
                    description: Unique identifier of the EP assigned to the task
                    example: "EP_7"
                    type: string
                    description: Status of the task assignment
                    example: "assigned"
          description: Invalid request parameters
          description: Internal server error

      summary: Update the status of an ongoing task
      description: Allows an EP to update the status of a task that it is handling (e.g., progress, completion, or error).
        required: true
              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: A unique identifier for the task
                  example: "task_12345"
                  type: string
                  description: Current status of the task (e.g., pending, in-progress, completed, failed)
                  example: "in-progress"
                  type: integer
                  description: Progress percentage of task completion
                  example: 65
                  type: string
                  description: Error message or details if the task encountered a failure
                  example: "Memory allocation error on EP_7"
          description: Task status updated successfully
                type: object
                    type: string
                    description: Unique identifier of the task
                    example: "task_12345"
                    type: string
                    description: Updated status of the task
                    example: "in-progress"
          description: Invalid request parameters
          description: Internal server error

      summary: Retrieve the result of a completed task
      description: Allows the MCP or other authorized systems to retrieve the result of a task processed by an EP.
        - name: task_id
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
          description: The unique identifier of the completed task
          example: "task_12345"
          description: Task result retrieved successfully
                type: object
                    type: string
                    description: Unique identifier of the task
                    example: "task_12345"
                    type: object
                    description: The result data produced by the EP
                      sentiment_analysis: "The sentiment is positive."
          description: Task not found
          description: Internal server error

      summary: Discover available Entity Programs (EPs)
      description: Provides a list of available EPs and their capabilities for the MCP to potentially assign tasks.
          description: List of EPs retrieved successfully
                type: object
                    type: array
                    description: List of available EPs with their details
                      type: object
                          type: string
                          description: The unique identifier of the EP
                          example: "EP_7"
                          type: array
                          description: List of capabilities or functions the EP can perform
                            type: string
                            example: "NLP, Vision Processing"
                          type: integer
                          description: The current task load of the EP
                          example: 3
          description: Internal server error

      type: object
          type: string
          description: Unique identifier for the task
          type: string
          description: Unique identifier for the assigned EP
          type: string
          description: Current task status (e.g., pending, in-progress, completed, failed)
          type: integer
          description: Progress of task completion
          type: object
          description: The output or result of the task handled by the EP
      type: object
          type: string
          description: Unique identifier for the EP
          type: array
            type: string
          description: The functionalities the EP can perform (e.g., NLP, image processing)
          type: integer
          description: Current number of tasks the EP is handling



  • AGI and Collective Intelligence, 2022
  • Artificial Collective Intelligence, 2023
  • Master Control, 2021
  • SETI@Home, 2002
  • Task Scheduling, 2020
  • Resource Management, 2019
  • Multi-Model Orchestration, 2021