Quanto: a pytorch quantization toolkit

Published March 18, 2024
Update on GitHub

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Quantization is a technique to reduce the computational and memory costs of evaluating Deep Learning Models by representing their weights and activations with low-precision data types like 8-bit integer (int8) instead of the usual 32-bit floating point (float32).

Reducing the number of bits means the resulting model requires less memory storage, which is crucial for deploying Large Language Models on consumer devices. It also enables specific optimizations for lower bitwidth datatypes, such as int8 or float8 matrix multiplications on CUDA devices.

Many open-source libraries are available to quantize pytorch Deep Learning Models, each providing very powerful features, yet often restricted to specific model configurations and devices.

Also, although they are based on the same design principles, they are unfortunately often incompatible with one another.

Today, we are excited to introduce quanto, a versatile pytorch quantization toolkit, that provides several unique features:

  • available in eager mode (works with non-traceable models)
  • quantized models can be placed on any device (including CUDA and MPS),
  • automatically inserts quantization and dequantization stubs,
  • automatically inserts quantized functional operations,
  • automatically inserts quantized modules (see below the list of supported modules),
  • provides a seamless workflow for a float model, going from a dynamic to a static quantized model,
  • supports quantized model serialization as a state_dict,
  • supports not only int8 weights, but also int2 and int4,
  • supports not only int8 activations, but also float8.

Recent quantization methods appear to be focused on quantizing Large Language Models (LLMs), whereas quanto intends to provide extremely simple quantization primitives for simple quantization schemes (linear quantization, per-group quantization) that are adaptable across any modality.

The goal of quanto is not to replace other quantization libraries, but to foster innovation by lowering the bar to implement and combine quantization features.

Make no mistake, quantization is hard, and integrating it seamlessly in existing models requires a deep understanding of pytorch internals. But don't worry, quanto's goal is to do most of the heavy-lifting for you, so that you can focus on what matters most, exploring low-bitwidth machine learning and finding solutions for the GPU poor.

Quantization workflow

Quanto is available as a pip package.

pip install quanto

quanto does not make a clear distinction between dynamic and static quantization. Models are dynamically quantized first, but their weights can be "frozen" later to static values.

A typical quantization workflow consists of the following steps:

1. Quantize

The first step converts a standard float model into a dynamically quantized model.

quantize(model, weights=quanto.qint8, activations=quanto.qint8)

At this stage, the model's float weights are dynamically quantized only for inference.

2. Calibrate (optional if activations are not quantized)

Quanto supports a calibration mode that records the activation ranges while passing representative samples through the quantized model.

with calibration(momentum=0.9):

This automatically activates the quantization of the activations in the quantized modules.

3. Tune, aka Quantization-Aware-Training (optional)

If the performance of the model degrades too much, one can tune it for a few epochs to try to recover the float model performance.

for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
    data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
    output = model(data).dequantize()
    loss = torch.nn.functional.nll_loss(output, target)

4. Freeze integer weights

When freezing a model, its float weights are replaced by quantized integer weights.


Please refer to the examples for instantiations of the quantization workflow. You can also check this notebook where we show you how to quantize a BLOOM model with quanto!


These are some very preliminary results, as we are constantly improving both the accuracy and efficiency of quantized models, but it already looks very promising.

Below are two graphs evaluating the accuracy of different quantized configurations for mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1.

Note: the first bar in each group always corresponds to the non-quantized model.

mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 Lambada prediction accuracy
mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 Lambada prediction accuracy

These results are obtained without applying any Post-Training-Optimization algorithm like hqq or AWQ.

The graph below gives the latency per-token measured on an NVIDIA A100 GPU.

mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 Mean Latency per token

These results don't include any optimized matrix multiplication kernels. You can see that the quantization adds a significant overhead for lower bitwidth. Stay tuned for updated results as we are constantly improving quanto and will soon add optimizers and optimized kernels.

Please refer to the quanto benchmarks for detailed results for different model architectures and configurations.

Integration in transformers

Quanto is seamlessly integrated in the Hugging Face transformers library. You can quantize any model by passing a QuantoConfig to from_pretrained!

Currently, you need to use the latest version of accelerate to make sure the integration is fully compatible.

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, QuantoConfig

model_id = "facebook/opt-125m"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)

quantization_config = QuantoConfig(weights="int8")

quantized_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
    quantization_config= quantization_config

You can quantize the weights and/or activations in int8, float8, int4, or int2 by simply passing the correct argument in QuantoConfig. The activations can be either in int8 or float8. For float8, you need to have hardware that is compatible with float8 precision, otherwise quanto will silently upcast the weights and activations to torch.float32 or torch.float16 (depending on the original data type of the model) when we perform the matmul (only when the weight is quantized). If you try to use float8 using MPS devices, torch will currently raise an error.

Quanto is device agnostic, meaning you can quantize and run your model regardless if you are on CPU/GPU/ MPS (Apple Silicon).

Quanto is also torch.compile friendly. You can quantize a model with quanto and call torch.compile to the model to compile it for faster generation. This feature might not work out of the box if dynamic quantization is involved (i.e., Quantization Aware Training or quantized activations enabled). Make sure to keep activations=None when creating your QuantoConfig in case you use the transformers integration.

It is also possible to quantize any model, regardless of the modality using quanto! We demonstrate how to quantize openai/whisper-large-v3 model in int8 using quanto.

from transformers import AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq

model_id = "openai/whisper-large-v3"
quanto_config = QuantoConfig(weights="int8")

model = AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq.from_pretrained(

Check out this notebook for a complete tutorial on how to properly use quanto with the transformers integration!

Implementation details

Quantized tensors

At the heart of quanto are Tensor subclasses that corresponds to:

  • the projection using a scale of a source Tensor into the optimal range for a given quantization type,
  • the mapping of projected values to the destination type.

For floating-point destination types, the mapping is done by the native pytorch cast (i.e. Tensor.to()).

For integer destination types, the mapping is a simple rounding operation (i.e. torch.round()).

The goal of the projection is to increase the accuracy of the conversion by minimizing the number of:

  • saturated values (i.e. mapped to the destination type min/max),
  • zeroed values (because they are below the smallest number that can be represented by the destination type)

For efficiency, the projection is symmetric for 8-bit quantization types, i.e. it is centered around zero. Symmetric quantized Tensors are usually compatible with many standard operations.

For lower bitwidth quantization types, such as int2 or int4, the projection is affine, i.e. it uses a zeropoint to shift the projected values, which allows a better coverage of the quantization range. Affine quantized Tensors are typically harder to work with and require custom operations.

Quantized modules

Quanto provides a generic mechanism to replace torch modules (torch.nn.Module) by quanto modules that are able to process quanto tensors.

Quanto modules dynamically convert their weight parameter until a model is frozen, which slows inference down a bit but is required if the model needs to be tuned (a.k.a Quantization Aware Training).

Module bias parameters are not quantized because they are much smaller than weights and quantized addition is hard to accelerate.

Activations are dynamically quantized using static scales (defaults to the range [-1, 1]). The model needs to be calibrated to evaluate the best activation scales (using momentum).

The following modules can be quantized:

  • Linear (QLinear). Weights are always quantized, and biases are not quantized. Inputs and outputs can be quantized.
  • Conv2d (QConv2D). Weights are always quantized, and biases are not quantized. Inputs and outputs can be quantized.
  • LayerNorm, Weights and biases are not quantized. Outputs can be quantized.

Custom operations

Thanks to the awesome pytorch dispatch mechanism, quanto provides implementations for the most common functions used in transformers or diffusers models, enabling quantized Tensors without modifying the modeling code too much.

Most of these "dispatched" functions can be performed using combinations of standard pytorch operations.

Complex functions however require the definition of custom operations under the torch.ops.quanto namespace.

Examples of such operations are fused matrix multiplications involving lower bitwidth terms.

Post-training quantization optimizers

Post-training quantization optimizers are not available yet in quanto, but the library is versatile enough to be compatible with most PTQ optimization algorithms like hqq or AWQ.

Moving forward, the plan is to integrate the most popular algorithms in the most seamless possible way.

Contributing to quanto

Contributions to quanto are very much welcomed, especially in the following areas:

  • optimized kernels for quanto operations targeting specific devices,
  • PTQ optimizers,
  • new dispatched operations for quantized Tensors.