--- language: [] library_name: sentence-transformers tags: - sentence-transformers - sentence-similarity - feature-extraction - generated_from_trainer - dataset_size:300000 - loss:DenoisingAutoEncoderLoss base_model: FacebookAI/roberta-base datasets: [] metrics: - pearson_cosine - spearman_cosine - pearson_manhattan - spearman_manhattan - pearson_euclidean - spearman_euclidean - pearson_dot - spearman_dot - pearson_max - spearman_max widget: - source_sentence: free in spain? Are Spain free Motorways toll-free Spain, renewing old concessions coming sentences: - how to calculate weighted grade percentage in excel? To find the grade, multiply the grade for each assignment against the weight, and then add these totals all up. So for each cell (in the Total column) we will enter =SUM(Grade Cell * Weight Cell), so my first formula is =SUM(B2*C2), the next one would be =SUM(B3*C3) and so on. - In Red Dead Redemption 2's story mode, players have to go to "Story" in the menu and then click the save icon from there. However, in Red Dead Online, there is no such option. On the contrary, players have no way to manually save their game, which is pretty much par for the course in an online multiplayer experience. - are motorways free in spain? Are motorways in Spain free? Motorways are 90% toll-free in Spain. Since 2018, Spain isn't renewing old concessions coming to end. - source_sentence: things do fort wayne? sentences: - what is the difference between a z71 and a 4x4? A Z71 has more undercarriage protection (more skid plates) and heavier duty shock absorbers/struts for off road use than a 4X4. Other than that the two are pretty much the same. - is suboxone bad for kidneys? - indoor things to do in fort wayne indiana? - source_sentence: a should hair? sentences: - how many times in a week should you shampoo your hair? - Sujith fell into the borewell on Friday around 5:45 pm while playing on the family's farm. Initially, he was trapped at a depth of 26 feet but slipped to 88 feet during attempts to pull him up by tying ropes around his hands. Sujith Wilson fell into a borewell in Tamil Nadu's Trichy on Friday. - how to calculate out retained earnings on balance sheet? The retained earnings are calculated by adding net income to (or subtracting net losses from) the previous term's retained earnings and then subtracting any net dividend(s) paid to the shareholders. The figure is calculated at the end of each accounting period (quarterly/annually.) - source_sentence: long period does go sentences: - if someone blocked your email will you know? You could, indeed, be blocked It's certainly possible that your recipient has blocked you. All that means is that email from your email address is automatically discarded at that recipient's end. You will not get a notification; there's simply no way to tell that this has happened. - is drinking apple cider vinegar every day bad for you? - how long after period does weight go down? - source_sentence: beer wine both sugar alcohol excessive be a infections You also sweets, along with foods moldy cheese, if you prone. sentences: - how long does it take to get xfinity internet? Installation generally takes between two to four hours. - They began selling the plush animals to retailers rather than operating a store themselves. Today, Boyds is a publicly traded company that manufactures 18 million-20 million bears a year, all at a government-owned facility in China. - Since beer and wine both contain yeast and sugar (alcohol is sugar fermented by yeast), excessive drinking can definitely be a recipe for yeast infections. You should also go easy on sweets, along with foods like moldy cheese, mushrooms, and anything fermented if you're prone to yeast infections. 3. pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity model-index: - name: SentenceTransformer based on FacebookAI/roberta-base results: - task: type: semantic-similarity name: Semantic Similarity dataset: name: sts test type: sts-test metrics: - type: pearson_cosine value: 0.6885553993934473 name: Pearson Cosine - type: spearman_cosine value: 0.6912117328249255 name: Spearman Cosine - type: pearson_manhattan value: 0.6728262252927975 name: Pearson Manhattan - type: spearman_manhattan value: 0.6724759418767672 name: Spearman Manhattan - type: pearson_euclidean value: 0.6693578420498989 name: Pearson Euclidean - type: spearman_euclidean value: 0.6690698040856067 name: Spearman Euclidean - type: pearson_dot value: 0.18975985891617667 name: Pearson Dot - type: spearman_dot value: 0.1786146878048478 name: Spearman Dot - type: pearson_max value: 0.6885553993934473 name: Pearson Max - type: spearman_max value: 0.6912117328249255 name: Spearman Max --- # SentenceTransformer based on FacebookAI/roberta-base This is a [sentence-transformers](https://www.SBERT.net) model finetuned from [FacebookAI/roberta-base](https://huggingface.co/FacebookAI/roberta-base). It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 768-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for semantic textual similarity, semantic search, paraphrase mining, text classification, clustering, and more. ## Model Details ### Model Description - **Model Type:** Sentence Transformer - **Base model:** [FacebookAI/roberta-base](https://huggingface.co/FacebookAI/roberta-base) - **Maximum Sequence Length:** 512 tokens - **Output Dimensionality:** 768 tokens - **Similarity Function:** Cosine Similarity ### Model Sources - **Documentation:** [Sentence Transformers Documentation](https://sbert.net) - **Repository:** [Sentence Transformers on GitHub](https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers) - **Hugging Face:** [Sentence Transformers on Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/models?library=sentence-transformers) ### Full Model Architecture ``` SentenceTransformer( (0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 512, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: RobertaModel (1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 768, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': True, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_weightedmean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_lasttoken': False, 'include_prompt': True}) ) ``` ## Usage ### Direct Usage (Sentence Transformers) First install the Sentence Transformers library: ```bash pip install -U sentence-transformers ``` Then you can load this model and run inference. ```python from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer # Download from the 🤗 Hub model = SentenceTransformer("bobox/RoBERTa-base-unsupervised-TSDAE") # Run inference sentences = [ 'beer wine both sugar alcohol excessive be a infections You also sweets, along with foods moldy cheese, if you prone.', "Since beer and wine both contain yeast and sugar (alcohol is sugar fermented by yeast), excessive drinking can definitely be a recipe for yeast infections. You should also go easy on sweets, along with foods like moldy cheese, mushrooms, and anything fermented if you're prone to yeast infections. 3.", 'They began selling the plush animals to retailers rather than operating a store themselves. Today, Boyds is a publicly traded company that manufactures 18 million-20 million bears a year, all at a government-owned facility in China.', ] embeddings = model.encode(sentences) print(embeddings.shape) # [3, 768] # Get the similarity scores for the embeddings similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings) print(similarities.shape) # [3, 3] ``` ## Evaluation ### Metrics #### Semantic Similarity * Dataset: `sts-test` * Evaluated with [EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator](https://sbert.net/docs/package_reference/sentence_transformer/evaluation.html#sentence_transformers.evaluation.EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator) | Metric | Value | |:--------------------|:-----------| | pearson_cosine | 0.6886 | | **spearman_cosine** | **0.6912** | | pearson_manhattan | 0.6728 | | spearman_manhattan | 0.6725 | | pearson_euclidean | 0.6694 | | spearman_euclidean | 0.6691 | | pearson_dot | 0.1898 | | spearman_dot | 0.1786 | | pearson_max | 0.6886 | | spearman_max | 0.6912 | ## Training Details ### Training Dataset #### Unnamed Dataset * Size: 300,000 training samples * Columns: sentence_0 and sentence_1 * Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples: | | sentence_0 | sentence_1 | |:--------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | type | string | string | | details | | | * Samples: | sentence_0 | sentence_1 | |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | us have across domestic shorthair, a cat pedigreed one between two breeds Unlike domestic shorthairs which come in of looks, Shorthair kittens the distinct | Most of us have either lived with or come across a domestic shorthair, a cat that closely resembles the pedigreed American Shorthair. The one difference between the two breeds: Unlike domestic shorthairs, which come in a variety of looks, the American Shorthair produces kittens with the same distinct appearance. | | much cost to get plugs normal with plugs, cost start $120 or if precious plugs are $150 to 200+ . 6 8 will price more required | how much does it cost to get your spark plugs changed? On a normal 4-cylinder engine with standard spark plugs, replacement cost can start around $120 up to $150+, or if precious metal spark plugs are required, $150 up to $200+. 6 cylinder and 8 Cylinder engines will increase in price, as more spark plugs are required. | | much my paycheck state income%, your income level not tax rate you is of just that a flat tax rate, those, it has the | how much taxes are taken out of my paycheck pa? Pennsylvania levies a flat state income tax rate of 3.07%. Therefore, your income level and filing status will not affect the income tax rate you pay at the state level. Pennsylvania is one of just eight states that has a flat income tax rate, and of those states, it has the lowest rate. | * Loss: [DenoisingAutoEncoderLoss](https://sbert.net/docs/package_reference/sentence_transformer/losses.html#denoisingautoencoderloss) ### Training Hyperparameters #### Non-Default Hyperparameters - `eval_strategy`: steps - `per_device_train_batch_size`: 12 - `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 12 - `num_train_epochs`: 1 - `multi_dataset_batch_sampler`: round_robin #### All Hyperparameters
Click to expand - `overwrite_output_dir`: False - `do_predict`: False - `eval_strategy`: steps - `prediction_loss_only`: True - `per_device_train_batch_size`: 12 - `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 12 - `per_gpu_train_batch_size`: None - `per_gpu_eval_batch_size`: None - `gradient_accumulation_steps`: 1 - `eval_accumulation_steps`: None - `learning_rate`: 5e-05 - `weight_decay`: 0.0 - `adam_beta1`: 0.9 - `adam_beta2`: 0.999 - `adam_epsilon`: 1e-08 - `max_grad_norm`: 1 - `num_train_epochs`: 1 - `max_steps`: -1 - `lr_scheduler_type`: linear - `lr_scheduler_kwargs`: {} - `warmup_ratio`: 0.0 - `warmup_steps`: 0 - `log_level`: passive - `log_level_replica`: warning - `log_on_each_node`: True - `logging_nan_inf_filter`: True - `save_safetensors`: True - `save_on_each_node`: False - `save_only_model`: False - `restore_callback_states_from_checkpoint`: False - `no_cuda`: False - `use_cpu`: False - `use_mps_device`: False - `seed`: 42 - `data_seed`: None - `jit_mode_eval`: False - `use_ipex`: False - `bf16`: False - `fp16`: False - `fp16_opt_level`: O1 - `half_precision_backend`: auto - `bf16_full_eval`: False - `fp16_full_eval`: False - `tf32`: None - `local_rank`: 0 - `ddp_backend`: None - `tpu_num_cores`: None - `tpu_metrics_debug`: False - `debug`: [] - `dataloader_drop_last`: False - `dataloader_num_workers`: 0 - `dataloader_prefetch_factor`: None - `past_index`: -1 - `disable_tqdm`: False - `remove_unused_columns`: True - `label_names`: None - `load_best_model_at_end`: False - `ignore_data_skip`: False - `fsdp`: [] - `fsdp_min_num_params`: 0 - `fsdp_config`: {'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_v2': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False} - `fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap`: None - `accelerator_config`: {'split_batches': False, 'dispatch_batches': None, 'even_batches': True, 'use_seedable_sampler': True, 'non_blocking': False, 'gradient_accumulation_kwargs': None} - `deepspeed`: None - `label_smoothing_factor`: 0.0 - `optim`: adamw_torch - `optim_args`: None - `adafactor`: False - `group_by_length`: False - `length_column_name`: length - `ddp_find_unused_parameters`: None - `ddp_bucket_cap_mb`: None - `ddp_broadcast_buffers`: False - `dataloader_pin_memory`: True - `dataloader_persistent_workers`: False - `skip_memory_metrics`: True - `use_legacy_prediction_loop`: False - `push_to_hub`: False - `resume_from_checkpoint`: None - `hub_model_id`: None - `hub_strategy`: every_save - `hub_private_repo`: False - `hub_always_push`: False - `gradient_checkpointing`: False - `gradient_checkpointing_kwargs`: None - `include_inputs_for_metrics`: False - `eval_do_concat_batches`: True - `fp16_backend`: auto - `push_to_hub_model_id`: None - `push_to_hub_organization`: None - `mp_parameters`: - `auto_find_batch_size`: False - `full_determinism`: False - `torchdynamo`: None - `ray_scope`: last - `ddp_timeout`: 1800 - `torch_compile`: False - `torch_compile_backend`: None - `torch_compile_mode`: None - `dispatch_batches`: None - `split_batches`: None - `include_tokens_per_second`: False - `include_num_input_tokens_seen`: False - `neftune_noise_alpha`: None - `optim_target_modules`: None - `batch_eval_metrics`: False - `batch_sampler`: batch_sampler - `multi_dataset_batch_sampler`: round_robin
### Training Logs | Epoch | Step | Training Loss | sts-test_spearman_cosine | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:------------------------:| | 0.02 | 500 | 7.1409 | - | | 0.04 | 1000 | 6.207 | - | | 0.05 | 1250 | - | 0.6399 | | 0.06 | 1500 | 5.8038 | - | | 0.08 | 2000 | 5.4963 | - | | 0.1 | 2500 | 5.2609 | 0.6799 | | 0.12 | 3000 | 5.0997 | - | | 0.14 | 3500 | 5.0004 | - | | 0.15 | 3750 | - | 0.7012 | | 0.16 | 4000 | 4.8694 | - | | 0.18 | 4500 | 4.7805 | - | | 0.2 | 5000 | 4.6776 | 0.7074 | | 0.22 | 5500 | 4.5757 | - | | 0.24 | 6000 | 4.4598 | - | | 0.25 | 6250 | - | 0.7185 | | 0.26 | 6500 | 4.3865 | - | | 0.28 | 7000 | 4.2692 | - | | 0.3 | 7500 | 4.2224 | 0.7205 | | 0.32 | 8000 | 4.1347 | - | | 0.34 | 8500 | 4.0536 | - | | 0.35 | 8750 | - | 0.7239 | | 0.36 | 9000 | 4.0242 | - | | 0.38 | 9500 | 4.0193 | - | | 0.4 | 10000 | 3.9166 | 0.7153 | | 0.42 | 10500 | 3.9004 | - | | 0.44 | 11000 | 3.8372 | - | | 0.45 | 11250 | - | 0.7141 | | 0.46 | 11500 | 3.8037 | - | | 0.48 | 12000 | 3.7788 | - | | 0.5 | 12500 | 3.7191 | 0.7078 | | 0.52 | 13000 | 3.7036 | - | | 0.54 | 13500 | 3.6697 | - | | 0.55 | 13750 | - | 0.7095 | | 0.56 | 14000 | 3.6629 | - | | 0.58 | 14500 | 3.639 | - | | 0.6 | 15000 | 3.6048 | 0.7060 | | 0.62 | 15500 | 3.6072 | - | | 0.64 | 16000 | 3.574 | - | | 0.65 | 16250 | - | 0.7056 | | 0.66 | 16500 | 3.5423 | - | | 0.68 | 17000 | 3.5379 | - | | 0.7 | 17500 | 3.5222 | 0.6969 | | 0.72 | 18000 | 3.5076 | - | | 0.74 | 18500 | 3.5025 | - | | 0.75 | 18750 | - | 0.6959 | | 0.76 | 19000 | 3.4943 | - | | 0.78 | 19500 | 3.475 | - | | 0.8 | 20000 | 3.4874 | 0.6946 | | 0.82 | 20500 | 3.4539 | - | | 0.84 | 21000 | 3.4704 | - | | 0.85 | 21250 | - | 0.6942 | | 0.86 | 21500 | 3.4689 | - | | 0.88 | 22000 | 3.4617 | - | | 0.9 | 22500 | 3.4471 | 0.6917 | | 0.92 | 23000 | 3.4541 | - | | 0.94 | 23500 | 3.4394 | - | | 0.95 | 23750 | - | 0.6915 | | 0.96 | 24000 | 3.4505 | - | | 0.98 | 24500 | 3.4533 | - | | 1.0 | 25000 | 3.4574 | 0.6912 | ### Framework Versions - Python: 3.10.13 - Sentence Transformers: 3.0.1 - Transformers: 4.41.2 - PyTorch: 2.1.2 - Accelerate: 0.31.0 - Datasets: 2.19.2 - Tokenizers: 0.19.1 ## Citation ### BibTeX #### Sentence Transformers ```bibtex @inproceedings{reimers-2019-sentence-bert, title = "Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks", author = "Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", month = "11", year = "2019", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10084", } ``` #### DenoisingAutoEncoderLoss ```bibtex @inproceedings{wang-2021-TSDAE, title = "TSDAE: Using Transformer-based Sequential Denoising Auto-Encoderfor Unsupervised Sentence Embedding Learning", author = "Wang, Kexin and Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna", booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021", month = nov, year = "2021", address = "Punta Cana, Dominican Republic", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", pages = "671--688", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.06979", } ```