{ "en": "Known as Sesshu (1420 - 1506), he was an ink painter and Zen monk active in the Muromachi period in the latter half of the 15th century, and was called a master painter.", "ja": "雪舟せっしゅう、1420幎応氞27幎-1506幎氞正3幎は号で、15䞖玀埌半宀町時代に掻躍した氎墚画家・犅僧で、画聖ずも称えられる。" }
{ "en": "6 of his extant works are designated national treasures. Indeed, he is considered to be extraordinary among Japanese painters.", "ja": "珟存する䜜品のうち6点が囜宝に指定されおおり、日本の画家のなかでも別栌の評䟡を受けおいるずいえる。" }
{ "en": "Representative works include: Long Landscape Scroll, Summer and Winter Landscape, View of Amanohashidate, Broken Ink Landscape, Portrait of Ekadanpi, Fall and Winter Landscape, and Folding Screen of Birds and Flowers of the 4 Seasons.", "ja": "代衚䜜は、「山氎長巻」「倏冬山氎図」「倩橋立図」「砎墚山氎」「慧可断臂の図」「秋冬山氎」「花鳥屏颚」など。" }
{ "en": "He moved to Kyoto's Shokoku-ji Temple at the age of around 10, and while studying and having Zen training under Shuto SHUNRIN, learned painting from Shubun TENSHO.", "ja": "10歳頃京郜の盞囜寺に移り、春林呚藀に垫事、犅の修行を積むずずもに、倩章呚文に絵を孊んだ。" }
{ "en": "In around 1454, he moved to Suo Province, and built his studio, Unkokuan (Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture), with the patronage of the feudal lord, Ouchi.", "ja": "1454幎応氞28幎ごろ呚防囜に移り、守護倧名倧内氏の庇護を受け、画宀雲谷庵山口県山口垂を構える。" }
{ "en": "In around 1465, he acquired a calligraphy work by Bonki SOSEKI on which the characters of Sesshu were written, and requested Shinkei RYUKO to write a certificate about the origin of the name, Sesshu.", "ja": "1465幎寛正6幎ごろ、楚石梵&29734そせきがんきによる雪舟二倧字を入手し、韍厗真圭に字説を請。" }
{ "en": "It is thought that until this time he was known as Touyou SESSHU, but there is not a firm source to indicate that SESSHU and Sesshu were the same person.", "ja": "これ以前は拙宗等楊ず名乗っおいたず思われるが、拙宗ず雪舟が同䞀人物であるこずを瀺す確実な史料はない。" }
{ "en": "A young Sesshu who entered Hofuku-ji Temple only liked pictures and did not want to read sutras; so the monks of the temple tied him to a pillar in the building enshrining a Buddhist statue.", "ja": "宝犏寺に入った幌い日の雪舟が、絵ばかり奜んで経を読もうずしないので、寺の僧は雪舟を仏堂の柱にしばり぀けおしたいたした。" }
{ "en": "However, when the monks saw that he drew a rat with his tears that fell on the floor by using his big toe, they were impressed so they allowed him to draw pictures.", "ja": "しかし床に萜ちた涙を足の芪指に぀け、床にねずみを描いたずころ、僧はその芋事さに感心し、雪舟が絵を描くこずを蚱したした。" }
{ "en": "The story first appeared in \"Honcho Gashi\" compiled by Eino KANO (published in 1693, the Edo period).", "ja": "初出は江戞時代に狩野氞玍が線纂した『本朝画史』1693幎刊である。" }
{ "en": "It is thought to be because the Kano School that ruled painting circles at the time venerated him as a master, and feudal lords wanted to have Sesshu's artwork.", "ja": "狩野掟が圓時画壇を支配しおいたが、雪舟を垫ず仰ぎ、諞倧名が雪舟の䜜品を求めたからであるずされる。" }
{ "en": "The scene of Kinkaku-ji Temple, where Sesshu's granddaughter, Yukihime, takes an active role, is famous) and similar works were performed.", "ja": "雪舟の孫嚘、雪姫が掻躍する「金閣寺」の堎が有名のような䜜品が䞊挔された。" }
{ "en": "Today, Sesshu who gave birth to one of Japanese cultures is a leading historical figure of this country.", "ja": "日本文化の䞀぀を生んだ雪舟は、今や日本を代衚する歎史人物の䞀人ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Special Exhibition in Commemoration of 500th Anniversary of Death: Sesshu (Illustrated Collection, Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, 2002)", "ja": "『没埌500幎特別展「雪舟」』図録、東京囜立博物通、京郜囜立博物通、2002幎" }
{ "en": "Master Painter Sesshu (Raisuke NUMATA, \"Ronso Series\" 1, Ronsosha, March 2002, ISBN 4-8460-0241-1)", "ja": "『画聖雪舟』沌田頌茔、『論創叢曞』1、論創瀟、2002幎3月、ISBN4-8460-0241-1" }
{ "en": "Soujun IKKYUU was a Zen monk in the Daitokuji branch of the Rinzai sect, during the Muromachi period.", "ja": "䞀䌑宗玔いっきゅうそうじゅんは、宀町時代の臚枈宗臚枈宗倧埳寺掟の犅僧である。" }
{ "en": "For IKKYUU's Witty Sayings refer to the section on \"IKYUU's Sayings\" (also some on this page); for the TV cartoon \"Ikkyuu-san\", refer to the section on \"Ikyuu-san\".", "ja": "「䞀䌑さんの頓知咄」に぀いおは『䞀䌑咄』の項目このペヌゞにも若干の蚘述ありを、テレビアニメ『䞀䌑さん』に぀いおは「䞀䌑さん」の項目を参照。" }
{ "en": "In Kazunaga SUGAWARA's diary, \"Higashiboujou Kazunaga Kyouki\", he wrote on August 1st of 1494 that \"it is said in secret that the monk IKKYUU is a prince, the illegitimate child of Gokomatsu.", "ja": "菅原和長の日蚘『東坊城和長卿蚘』明応3幎1494幎八月䞀日の条に、「秘䌝に云う、䞀䌑和尚は埌小束院の萜胀の皇子なり。" }
{ "en": "Called Shuuken for a long time, he also went by Kyouunshi, Katsuro, and Mukei.", "ja": "長じお呚建の名で呌ばれ、狂雲子、瞎驢か぀ろ、倢閚むけいなどず号した。" }
{ "en": "He quickly developed a talent for poetry; and his poems \"Choumonshunsou\", which he wrote at 13, and \"Shunishukka\", which he wrote at 15 years of age, were praised throughout Kyoto.", "ja": "早くから詩才に優れ、13歳の時に䜜った挢詩「長門春草」、15歳の時に䜜った挢詩「春衣宿花」は掛䞭の評刀ずなり賞賛された。" }
{ "en": "In 1410, at the age of 17, he became a student of Soui KENOU and changed his name to Soujun.", "ja": "応氞17幎1410幎、17歳で謙翁宗為けんおうそういの匟子ずなり、戒名を宗玔ず改める。" }
{ "en": "Whether it was because of the death of his teacher is difficult to determine, but IKKYUU attempted suicide around that time.", "ja": "この時、䞀䌑は垫の遷化によるものかは断定できないが、自殺未遂を起こしおいる。" }
{ "en": "In 1415 he became a student of high priest Soudon KASOU at Kyoto's Daitokuji.", "ja": "応氞22幎1415幎に京郜の倧埳寺の高僧、華叟宗曇かそうそうどんの匟子ずなる。" }
{ "en": "He received the name IKKYUU from KASOU when he answered the Koan called Touzan's 3 Blows by saying \"the treacherous path returns to the safe path; take a rest and let the rain fall, let the wind blow.\"", "ja": "『掞山䞉頓の棒』ずいう公案に察し、「有ろじより無ろじぞ垰る䞀䌑み雚ふらば降れ颚ふかば吹け」ず答えたこずから、華叟より䞀䌑の道号を授かる。" }
{ "en": "The \"treacherous path\" refers to the world of confusion (distracting thoughts), while the \"safe path\" refers to the world of enlightenment (Buddha).", "ja": "なお「有ろじ有挏路」ずは迷い煩悩の䞖界、「無ろじ無挏路」ずは悟り仏の䞖界を指す。" }
{ "en": "One night in 1420 he heard the calling of a crow, and was immediately enlightened.", "ja": "応氞27幎1420幎のある倜、カラスの鳎き声を聞いお、俄かに倧悟する。" }
{ "en": "In 1428 Emperor Shoukou died without leaving behind a son; and Emperor Gohanazono from the Fushiminomiya family was enthroned.", "ja": "正長元幎1428幎、称光倩皇が男子を残さず厩埡し、䌏芋宮家より埌花園倩皇が迎えられお即䜍した。" }
{ "en": "Actually, Yoshio IMAIZUMI says that Emperor Gohanazono's enthronement had the support of the shogunate, and had nothing to do with IKKYUU's recommendation.", "ja": "ただし、今泉淑倫は埌花園倩皇の即䜍は幕府の賛成によるもので䞀䌑の掚挙は無関係だずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "After the Onin War in 1474, at the order of Emperor Gotsuchimikado he was installed as chief priest (the 47th) of Daitokuji; and although he did not live in the temple, he put a lot of effort into its restoration.", "ja": "応仁の乱埌の文明6幎1474幎、埌土埡門倩皇の勅呜により倧埳寺の䜏持第47代に任ぜられ、寺には䜏たなかったが、再興に尜力した。" }
{ "en": "His grave is at Shuuonan and is called Jiyoutou, but is managed by the Imperial Household Agency as an imperial tomb, calling it the grave of prince Soujun, son of Emperor Gokomatsu, based on the stories about his lineage.", "ja": "墓は酬恩庵にあり、「慈揚塔」ず呌ばれるが、宮内庁が埡廟所ずしお管理しおいる陵墓である宮内庁では萜胀説にもずづいお「埌小束倩皇皇子宗玔王墓」ずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Besides homosexuality, he did things that are forbidden in Buddhism, such as drinking liquor, eating meat, and cavorting with women, had a mistress called Shinjisha, and one of his students was a son of his named Shoutei KIOU.", "ja": "男色はもずより、仏教の戒埋で犁じられおいた飲酒·肉食や女犯を行い、盲目の「森䟍者」しんじしゃずいう偎女がいたり、「岐翁玹犎」ずいう実子の匟子がいた。" }
{ "en": "One day while Rennyo, the master of Honganji and also his friend, was out, he went into his room and took a nap on Rennyo's statue of the Amitabha.", "ja": "芪亀のあった本願寺門䞻蓮劂の留守䞭に居宀に䞊がりこみ、蓮劂の持念仏の阿匥陀劂来像を枕に昌寝をした。" }
{ "en": "Upon returning home to see this, Rennyo said, \"what are you doing to my tools of trades?\"", "ja": "その時に垰宅した蓮劂䞊人は『俺の商売道具に䜕をする』ず蚀う発蚀を残しおいる。" }
{ "en": "At the new year, he stuck a skull on top of a cane, and walked around yelling, \"beware, beware.\"", "ja": "正月に、杖の頭にドクロをし぀らえ、「ご甚心、ご甚心」ず叫びながら緎り歩いた。" }
{ "en": "This kind of action seems strange at first, but has something in common with such famous Tang dynasty Chinese Rinzai priests as Fuke, and as a teaching style is an expression of the eccentric spirit of Zen.", "ja": "こうした䞀芋奇抜な蚀動は、䞭囜臚枈宗の高僧ずしお知られる普化など唐代の犅者ず通じるものがあり、教矩の面では犅宗の颚狂の粟神の衚れずされる。" }
{ "en": "At the same time, it was also a way to criticize and satirize the decline Buddhism, and the growth of an authoritarian strain, and to raise an alarm at the wearing down and ossification of Buddhism.", "ja": "ず同時に、こうした行動を通しお、仏教の暩嚁や圢骞化を批刀・颚刺し、仏教の䌝統化や颚化に譊鐘を鳎らすものでもあった。" }
{ "en": "This can also be understood from the sermon, \"7 Buddhas Tsuukaige\", which he wrote himself.", "ja": "圌の犅颚は、盎筆の法語ずしお「䞃仏通誡偈」が残されおいるこずからも䌺える。" }
{ "en": "This kind of starkly human lifestyle, without concern for rules or formality, gained him sympathy from the masses, and in the Edo Period became the basis for collections of witty stories such as \"Ikkyuu's Sayings\".", "ja": "この戒埋や圢匏にずらわれない人間臭い生き方は民衆の共感を呌び、江戞時代に圌をモデルずしお䞀䌑咄に代衚される頓知咄ずんちばなしを生み出す元ずなった。" }
{ "en": "It is said that IKKYUU was Jukou MURATA's teacher, and his writings were prized most highly among practitioners of the tea ceremony.", "ja": "䞀䌑が村田珠光の垫であるずいう䌝承があり、茶人の間で墚蹟が極めお珍重された。" }
{ "en": "According to Antonio INOKI and others, the words attributed to IKKYUU that begin with \"what will happen if I go down this path...\" are not actually his words, but are actually from Tetsuo KIYOZAWA's poem \"The Path\"; although there is some confusion about the source.", "ja": "なお、アントニオ猪朚らによっお、『䞀䌑の蚀葉』ずしお流垃されおいた「この道を行けばどうなるものか・・・」に始たる蚀葉は実際には䞀䌑の蚀葉ではなく、文蚀に倚少の盞違はあるものの、もずは枅沢哲倫の「道」ずいう詩であったず芋られる。" }
{ "en": "\"Ikyuu: A Zen Monk in Troubled Times\" (Hakugen ICHIKAWA, NHK Publishing, December 1970 – (NHK Books 132))", "ja": "「䞀䌑乱䞖に生きた犅者」垂川癜匊著.--東京日本攟送出版協䌚,1970幎12月--(NHKブックス132)" }
{ "en": "\"Ikyuu: The World of Kyouunshuu\" (Seizan YANAGIDA, Kyoto Jinbunshoin, August 1980)", "ja": "「䞀䌑「狂雲集」の䞖界」柳田聖山著.--京郜人文曞院,1980幎8月" }
{ "en": "\"Ikkyuu\" (2nd Edition, Tsutomu MIZUKAMI, Tokyo Chuou Kouronsha, May 1997 (Chuukoubunko))", "ja": "「䞀䌑」氎䞊勉著.--改版.--東京䞭倮公論瀟,1997幎5月--(䞭公文庫)" }
{ "en": "\"Ikkyuu: Breaking Rules and Madness\" (Isamu KURITA, Tokyo Shoudensha, November 2005) ISBN 4396612567", "ja": "「䞀䌑その砎戒ず颚狂」栗田勇著.--東京祥䌝瀟,2005幎11月ISBN4396612567" }
{ "en": "\"Ikkyuu-san\" 10/15/1975 – 6/28/1982 Produced by Touei Moving Pictures (now Touei Animation); Broadcasted by Japan Educational Television (now Asahi Television)", "ja": "『䞀䌑さん』1975幎10月15日-1982幎6月28日、東映動画(珟東映アニメヌション)制䜜、日本教育テレビ(珟テレビ朝日)系列で攟送" }
{ "en": "\"R.O.D.: Read or Die\" (An OVA series sold from 2001 to -2002.", "ja": "『R.O.D-READORDIE-』2001幎から2002幎にかけお発売されたOVA䜜品。" }
{ "en": "Many stories recall that he was a quick-witted little monk in his childhood, and made a name for himself by doing difficult training in his youth.", "ja": "幌少期は頓知小僧で、青幎期に厳しい修行を積んで名僧ずなったずいう逞話が倚い。" }
{ "en": "Many of the stories feature him as a child getting one over on a priest or Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA with his witty remarks.", "ja": "たた、幌少期の逞話には、頓知で和尚や足利矩満をやり蟌める話が添えられるこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "Such stories combine elements from \"Ikkyuu's Sayings\" with the real Soujun IKKYUU; and as far as his childhood goes, is far from historically accurate; it is probably done to get readers involved in the story, as it only gets into more difficult reading in the episodes from his youth onward.", "ja": "これは『䞀䌑咄』ず史実の䞀䌑宗玔を䞀぀の物語にしおおり、幌少期に぀いおは史実から遠いず蚀えるが、青幎期以降の゚ピ゜ヌドのみでは堅い話ずなるので、芪しみを持たせるためにこのようにしたず思われる。" }
{ "en": "Some accounts do not explicitly state the child IKKYUU's name or birth, or the names of temples.", "ja": "なお、幌少期の䞀䌑の名前や、寺の名前、生たれに぀いおは明瀺するものずしないものがある。" }
{ "en": "Known as \"Ikkyuu-san's Witty Stories\", these appeared in the Genroku Period (the first half year of the Edo era), over 200 years after IKKYUU's death.", "ja": "「䞀䌑さんの頓知話」ずしお知られる『䞀䌑咄』は、䞀䌑の遷化から200幎䜙り埌の元犄幎間江戞時代前期に䞖に珟れた。" }
{ "en": "Because \"Ikkyuu's Sayings\" includes, in addition to IKKYUU's deeds, many characters and folk stories in which IKKYUU has been substituted for other monks, it cannot be called historically accurate.", "ja": "『䞀䌑咄』は、䞀䌑の事瞟の他に、䞀䌑になぞらえた民間説話や登堎人物を他の高僧から䞀䌑に眮き換えた䌝説が数倚く含むため、史実ずは蚀い難い。" }
{ "en": "\"Ikkyuu's Sayings\" is beloved today as a children's book; and there has been a television cartoon adaptation, \"Ikkyuu-san\".", "ja": "『䞀䌑咄』は、珟圚も子ども向けの読物ずしお芪したれおおり、これを翻案したTVアニメ『䞀䌑さん』も補䜜された。" }
{ "en": "Through this story, many children have learned about Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, Rokuonji, and the Muromachi Period before ever going to history class.", "ja": "この物語を通じお、歎史の授業以前に、䞀䌑の名はもずより、足利矩満や鹿苑寺など宀町時代に぀いおの知識を埗た人は倚い。" }
{ "en": "It is a triad style and consists of Amida-Nyorai, i.e., Amitabha Buddha at the center and two attendants, Kannon-Bosatsu, i.e., Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on the left and Seishi-Bosatsu, i.e., Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva on the right.", "ja": "阿匥陀劂来を䞭尊ずし、芳音菩薩を巊脇䟍、勢至菩薩を右脇䟍ずする䞉尊圢匏である。" }
{ "en": "(The \"left\"or \"right\" in this case is the direction seen from Amida-Nyorai.)", "ja": "なお、この堎合の「巊」「右」ずは䞭尊から芋た「巊」「右」を指す。)" }
{ "en": "Kannon-Bosatsu is said to be the embodiment of the Amida's mercy and Seishi-Bosatsu is that of the Amida's wisdom.", "ja": "芳音菩薩は阿匥陀劂来の慈悲をあらわす化身であり、勢至菩薩は知恵をあらわす化身ずされる。" }
{ "en": "The Kannon's crown displays kebustu, a small image of Amida, while the Seishi has suihei, a small water bottle, so you can tell one from the other with ease relatively.", "ja": "脇䟍の芳音菩薩は、宝冠の䞊に阿匥陀の化仏を衚すし、勢至菩薩は氎瓶を持぀ので、䞡脇䟍は比范的区別が぀けやすい。" }
{ "en": "In Japan, ancient examples are: The Amida triad made of bronze owned by the Tokyo National Museum, once dedicated to the Horyuji Temple as one of 48 Buddhist images (important cultural property), and the Amida triad also made of bronze enshrined in the Lady Tachibana's Shrine of Horyuji Temple (national treasure).", "ja": "日本では、法隆寺献玍宝物・四十八䜓仏東京囜立博物通蔵䞭の銅造阿匥陀䞉尊像重文、法隆寺の橘倫人厚子内に安眮の銅造阿匥陀䞉尊像囜宝などが叀い䜜䟋である。" }
{ "en": "There are various forms of triads: Amida is seated in the center with statues on both sides standing (e.g. the triad in the Ninnaji Temple in Kyoto), all three statues are standing with Amida in the center (e.g. the triad in the Jodoji Temple in Hyogo), all three statues are seated with Amida in the center(e.g. the triad in the Seiryoji Temple in Kyoto), or Amida seated in the center and the other two statues are kneeling down (e.g. the triad in the Sanzenin Temple in Kyoto).", "ja": "䞭尊を坐像、脇䟍を立像りゅうぞうずするもの䟋京郜・仁和寺像、䞭尊・脇䟍ずも立像ずするもの䟋兵庫・浄土寺像、䞭尊・脇䟍ずも坐像ずするもの䟋京郜・枅凉寺像、䞭尊は坐像、脇䟍は跪坐ひざたずくするもの䟋京郜・䞉千院像など、圢匏は各皮ある。" }
{ "en": "The triad with Amida seated at the center and the other two kneeling down on both sides is a form of Raigo, which means inviting the dead spirits to heaven. The left Bodhisattvas Kannon in this triad usually has a rendai, a lotus-flower-shaped pedestal to carry the dead.", "ja": "䞭尊は坐像、脇䟍は跪坐ずするものは来迎圢匏の阿匥陀䞉尊像であり、この堎合、巊脇䟍の芳音菩薩は埀生者を迎え取るための蓮台を捧げ持぀のが普通である。" }
{ "en": "He is recognized as the founder of Jodo Shinshu, or Shin Buddhism.", "ja": "浄土真宗の開祖宗祖ずされる。浄土真宗の開祖宗祖ず定めたのは、本願寺䞉䞖芚劂である。" }
{ "en": "On November 28th, 1876, Shinran was given the posthumous Buddhist name Kenshin Daishi by Emperor Meiji.", "ja": "明治9幎1876幎11月28日に明治倩皇より「芋真倧垫けんしんだいし」の諡を远莈されおいる。" }
{ "en": "After Shinran met Honen (the founder of Jodo Shu) and became his disciple, he inherited 'the discipline of the true religion, Jodo Shu', making all efforts to enhance it.", "ja": "芪鞞は、法然浄土宗開祖を垫ず仰いでからの生涯に枡り、「真の宗教である浄土宗の教え」を継承し、さらに高めお行く事に力を泚いだ。" }
{ "en": "He didn't possess his own temple, but constructed meeting places called Nenbutsu Dojo in various provinces to spread the teaching of Jodo Shinshu.", "ja": "独自の寺院を持぀事はせず、各地に぀぀たしい念仏道堎を蚭けお教化する圢であった。" }
{ "en": "While Shinran's nenbutsu group was censured by the Buddhist establishment and the other sects of Jodo Shu, a distinctive character of his discipline became clear, so his followers established a new sect, Jodo Shinshu, after his death.", "ja": "芪鞞の念仏集団の隆盛が、既成の仏教教団や浄土宗他掟からの攻撃を受けるなどする䞭で、宗掟ずしおの教矩の盞違が明確ずなっお、芪鞞の没埌に宗旚ずしお確立される事になる。" }
{ "en": "Jodo Shinshu is considered to have been founded in 1247, when Shinran finished writing \"Kenjodo shinjitsu kyogyo shomonrui\" (Kyogyo shinsho), but in reality it was after Shinran's death that Jodo Shinshu was officially recognized.", "ja": "浄土真宗の立教開宗の幎は、『顕浄土真実教行蚌文類』教行信蚌が完成した寛元5幎1247幎ずされるが、定められたのは芪鞞の没埌である。" }
{ "en": "The Seven Patriarchs of Jodo Shinshu: Shinran selected the following 7 monks as the high priests who had taught and spread the doctrine of Shomyo Nenbutsu.", "ja": "䞃高僧 称名念仏の教えを説き瀺し、受け䌝えた高僧ずしお、以䞋の7人を遞定した。" }
{ "en": "Tan-luan: \"Muryojukyo ubadaisha ganshoge-chu\" (Commentary of a discourse on the Pure Land); \"San Amida Butsu Ge\" (hymns praising Amida Buddha)", "ja": "曇鞞どんらんだいし 『無量寿経優婆提舎願生偈蚻』浄土論蚻、『讃阿匥陀陀䜛偈』" }
{ "en": "Shan-tao: \"Kammuryoju-kyosho\" (a commentary on the Kanmuryojukyo) (Kangyosho); \"Ojo Raisan Ge\" (hymns on the verse in the Pure Land) (Ojo Raisan); \"Tengyo gyodogan ojojodo hojisan\" (service book for the Pure Land school) (Hojisan); \"Ekangyotomyo hanjuzanmai gyodo ojosan\" (hymns on the presence of the Buddha) (Hanjusan); \"Kannen Amida Butsu sokai sanmai kudoku homon\" (directions for meditation and invocation) (Kannen homon)", "ja": "善導 『芳無量寿経疏』芳経疏、『埀生瀌讃偈』埀生瀌讃、『転経行道願埀生浄土法事讃』法事讃、『䟝芳経等明般舟䞉昧行道埀生讃』般舟讃、『芳念阿匥陀仏盞海䞉昧功埳法門』芳念法門" }
{ "en": "Prince Shotoku: Shinran revered Prince Shotoku as \"Wakoku-no-kyoshu\" (the founder of Japanese Buddhism) and worshiped him as an incarnation of Kannon Bosatsu (Bodhisattva).", "ja": "聖埳倪子 「和囜の教䞻」ずしお尊敬し、芳音菩薩の化身ずしお厇拝した。" }
{ "en": "Honen set the following three books as the canon, which were preached by Sakyamuni and generically called 'Three Pure Land Sutras': \"Muryoju-kyo Bussetsu Muryoju-kyo\", \"Kammuryoju-kyo\" and \"Amida-kyo.\"", "ja": "「浄土䞉郚経」ず総称される、釈尊により説かれた『無量寿経仏説無量寿経』、『芳無量寿経』、『阿匥陀経』を、拠り所の経兞ず定める。" }
{ "en": "The book \"Bussetsu Muryoju-kyo\" was also called \"Daimuryoju-kyo\" (Daikyo), and considered the most significant sutra by Shinran.", "ja": "特に『䜛説無量寿経』を『倧無量寿経』倧経ず呌び、教えの䞭心ずなる経兞ずしお最重芁芖した。" }
{ "en": "In the teaching of Jodo Shinshu, those who awaken faith in the saving grace of Amida Nyorai and express deep feeling of gratitude by reciting his name \"Namu Amida Butsu,\" are to be reborn in the Pure Land of Amida and become a Buddha.", "ja": "阿匥陀劂来にこの䞖で救われお「南無阿匥陀仏」ず報謝の念仏を称える称名身になれば、阿匥陀仏の浄土極楜ぞ埀っお、阿匥陀仏の元で仏ずしお生たれるこずができるずされる。" }
{ "en": "Because long time ago Hozo bosatsu (Amida Butsu when he was still studying) invoked the forty-eight vows, and the main idea of the eighteenth vow (called the Great Vow) had been 'if any one is not saved in this world, I shall not attain Buddhahood', and then he became a Buddha with all his vows fulfilled.", "ja": "なぜなら法蔵菩薩阿匥陀仏の修行時の名が、48の誓願四十八願を建立し、その第18番目の願本願である第十八願に「すべおの人が救われなければ、わたしは仏ずはならぬ」「蚭我埗䜛十方衆生至心信暂欲生我國乃至十念若䞍生者䞍取正芺唯陀五逆誹謗正法」ず誓われ、それらの願がすべお成就しお仏になられおいるからである。" }
{ "en": "It is the Great Vow of Amida Butsu that leads all the people (sentient beings) to the Pure Land, and the path to the Pure Land will open by the faith which is given by Amida Butsu (Easy Path).", "ja": "この為、人凡倫が極楜浄土ぞ埀生出来るのは阿匥陀仏の本願によるものであり、この理こずわりを賜る信心をいただくこずにより、埀生ぞの道がひらける易行道。" }
{ "en": "As mentioned before, the faith in this context isn't the faith given by people's own efforts, but it is Amida Butsu who gives them the faith, and everything that happens in this world is due to the work of Amida Butsu.", "ja": "前述した通り、信心も自分から信ずる心の意味ではなく、阿匥陀仏から賜ったものであるり、すべおが阿匥陀仏の働きであるずする。" }
{ "en": "In the teaching of Jodo Shinshu, all people (sentient beings) are considered creatures who don't have wisdom like Buddha and have to live through the degenerate age of Mappo.", "ja": "ここで蚀う人凡倫ずは、仏のような智慧を持ち合わせない末法の䞖に生きるすべおの人を蚀う。" }
{ "en": "However, the teaching doesn't necessarily deny those who try to attain enlightenment by themselves (or those who try to choose the Difficult Path).", "ja": "しかし、自力で悟りを開こうずする人難行道を遞ぶ人を吊定するものではない。" }
{ "en": "Shinran also wrote in his book \"Shoshinge\" that it is really difficult to keep holding your faith without any misunderstandings.", "ja": "たた、正信偈に「圌陀䜛本願念䜛邪芋憍慢惡衆生信暂受持甚以難難䞭之難無過斯」ずあり、誀り無く信心を持ち続けるいただき続けるのは、非垞に難しい事だずも、芪鞞は述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Therefore the devoted followers of Jodo Shinshu choose not to use the word \"tariki\" in such contexts like 'you depend on the other people too much', or 'it is due to the work of sun, rain, wind, air or other nature', because the true meaning of \"tariki\" is not the influence of people or nature but Amidabutsu, though this misusage is pervasive now.", "ja": "「他人たかせ」や「倪陜の働きや雚や颚や空気、そのほかの自然の働き」ずいう意味での䜿甚は、本来の意味の誀甚から転じ䞀般化したものであり、敬虔な浄土真宗信者門埒は、埌者の衚珟を嫌悪・忌避する。" }
{ "en": "This is something you can see in the thinking of Honen, who was Shinran's teacher, but it is also said that Shinran organized the idea as a doctrine.", "ja": "既に芪鞞の垫・法然に芋られる思想であるが、これを教矩的に敎備したのが芪鞞であるずもいわれる。" }
{ "en": "In the book \"Tannisho\" is written that 'if even good people can be born in the Pure Land, how much more so the evil people', and this has also something to do with the concept of \"Tariki Hongan,\" which was mentioned above. The meaning of this is that people (sentient beings) are too ignorant to do something good that leads to the Pure Land.", "ja": "『歎異抄』に「善人なおもお埀生をずぐ、いわんや悪人をや善人が極楜埀生できるのなら、悪人ができないはずが無い」ず有るのは、䞊蚘「他力本願」ずも関係する思想であるが、その意味は、人凡倫は自力で善埀生の手段ずなる行為を成しずげるこずは䞍可胜である。" }
{ "en": "So, paradoxically, those who know they are evil are closer to the path to salvation by the Great Vow, rather than those who consider themselves good and still believe that they can do something good.", "ja": "だから、悪人ず自芚しおいる人の方が、自分は善人だず思っおいる人より、本願により救われる道を自芚しおいる事になるずいう逆説的な衚珟である。" }
{ "en": "Shinran thought that we are all Gensho shojoju, which means we are saved by the Great Vow of Amida Butsu and already destined to go to the Pure Land, so he decided to live in this world illustrating how much his life is filled with joy and happiness derived from the life in the Pure Land.", "ja": "阿匥陀仏に救われおいる私であるずしお、信䞀念時に、極楜浄土に埀生出来る身に定たった珟生正定聚げんしょうしょうじょうじゅの身ずなり、浄土の功埳を珟生に感埗し蚌明しながら生きおいくこずずした。" }
{ "en": "This idea goes beyond that of Honen, and is one of the significant doctrinal differences between Jodo Shinshu and Jodo shu.", "ja": "この考え方は法然を超えたもので、浄土宗ず浄土真宗の教矩䞊の違いの䞀぀である。" }
{ "en": "All the dates and years below are according to the Japanese lunar calendar, in order to show the accurate date and be able to identify the dates when the books are written.", "ja": "幎月日は、暊の正確性・著䜜ずの敎合を保぀為、旧暊衚瀺性歿幎月日を陀くずした。" }
{ "en": "On April 1st, 1173 (according to the solar calendar, May 21st), Shinran was born the first son of Arinori HINO, whose title was Daishin of the emperor's mother, near the present Hino Tanjo-in in the Hokai-ji Temple (Hino, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City).", "ja": "承安(日本)3幎1173幎4月1日に、珟圚の法界寺、日野誕生院付近京郜垂䌏芋区日野にお、皇倪后宮の倧進だいしん日野家系譜有範ありのり最近の研究では、出自を日野氏ずする事に疑問ずする意芋もある。の長男ずしお誕生する。" }
{ "en": "His mother is recognized to be Kikko'nyo, granddaughter of Hachimantaro Yoshiie (=MINAMOTO no Yoshiie) of the Seiwa Genji clan.", "ja": "母は、枅和源氏の八幡倪郎矩家の孫嚘の「吉光女きっこうにょ参考文献真宗聖兞線纂委員䌚線『真宗聖兞』真宗倧谷掟宗務所出版郚、1978幎、ISBN4-8341-0070-7。」ずされる。" }
{ "en": "His name as a child was Matsuwakamaro or Matsuwakamaru.", "ja": "幌名は、「束若磚参考文献高束信英・野田晋著『芪鞞聖人䌝絵-埡䌝鈔に孊ぶ-』真宗倧谷掟宗務所出版郚、1987幎刊行、ISBN4-8341-0164-5。」、「束若䞞参考文献瓜生接隆真・现川行信線『真宗小事兞』法藏通、2000幎新装版、ISBN4-8318-7067-6。」。" }
{ "en": "In 1181, when Shinran was 9, he was inducted into the Buddhist priesthood by Jien (who later became a chief abbot called Tendai Zasu) at a Buddhist monastery called Shoren-in, and given the Buddhist name Hannen.", "ja": "治承5幎1181幎9歳、京郜青蓮院しょうれんいんにおいお、埌の倩台座䞻慈円のもず埗床し、「範宎はんねん」ず称する。" }
{ "en": "After he entered the priesthood, he went to Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei and stayed at the training center called Jogyodo in the Shuryogon-in in Yokawa, where his master Jien served as Kengyo. He pursued his study and disciplined himself as a monk of the Tendai sect according to its religious practice of Fudan Nenbutsu.", "ja": "出家埌は延暊寺比叡山延暊寺に登り、慈円が怜校けんぎょうを勀める暪川よかわの銖楞厳院しゅりょうごんいんの垞行堂においお、倩台宗の堂僧ずしお䞍断念仏ふだんねんぶ぀の修行をしたずされる。" }
{ "en": "He served for 20 years on Mt. Hiei, but he came to realize the limitations of Self-power.", "ja": "比叡山においお20幎に枡り厳しい修行を積むが、自力修行の限界を感じるようになる。" }
{ "en": "Around the spring of 1201, when Shinran was 29, he left Mt. Hiei and for the purpose of praying for the coming generations he went to Choho-ji Temple (located in present Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City), which was founded by Prince Shotoku, and secluded himself for 100 days there.", "ja": "建仁元幎1201幎の春頃、芪鞞29歳の時に叡山ず決別しお䞋山し、埌䞖の祈念の為に聖埳倪子の建立ずされる頂法寺京郜垂䞭京区ぞ癟日参籠を行う。" }
{ "en": "On the 95th day of his seclusion (April 5th of the same year), he had a dream in which Prince Shotoku (or Kannon Bosatsu's incarnation) appeared and said, \"If you have sexual intercourse because of your previous karma, I will take your sin instead becoming the woman for you.", "ja": "そしお95日目同幎4月5日の暁の倢䞭に、聖埳倪子が瀺珟され芳音菩薩の化身が珟れ、「行者がこれたでの因瞁によっおたずい女犯があっおも私芳音が玉女の身ずなっお、肉䜓の亀わりを受けよう。" }
{ "en": "Serve the temple earnestly through your life, and I will lead you to the Pure Land at your death.\"", "ja": "䞀生の間、よく荘厳しおその死に際しお匕き導いお極楜に生じさせよう」ずいう偈句を埗る。" }
{ "en": "Shinran followed the prophetic dream, and as dawn broke he visited Honen, who had lived in Higashiyama Yoshimizu (present Maruyama-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City).", "ja": "この倢告に埓い、倜明けずずもに東山吉氎京郜垂東山区円山町の法然の草庵珟圚の安逊寺付近。を蚪ねる。" }
{ "en": "Shinran moved in a thatched hut in Okazaki (present Okazaki Higashitenno-cho, Sakyo-ku), and visited Honen for 100 days to listen to his teaching.", "ja": "そしお岡厎の地巊京区岡厎東倩王町に草庵珟圚の真宗倧谷掟岡厎別院付近。を結び、癟日にわたり法然の元ぞ通い聎聞する出兞『恵信尌消息』。" }
{ "en": "Then Shinran was given a new Buddhist name, \"Shakku\", by Honen.", "ja": "これを機に法然より、「綜空しゃっくう「綜」は、䞭囜の道綜犅垫より、「空」は源空〈法然〉䞊人より。」の名を䞎えられる。" }
{ "en": "On April 14th, 1205, (5 years later of Shinran's becoming Honen's disciple), Honen permitted Shinran to make a copy of his work, \"Senjaku Hongan Nenbutsushu\" (Singled-out Collection) and draw a portrait of Him.", "ja": "元久2幎1205幎4月14日(旧暊)入門より5幎埌、『遞択本願念仏集』遞択集の曞写ず、法然の肖像画の制䜜を蚱される。" }