{"uid": "french_treebank", "type": "processed", "description": {"name": "French Treebank", "description": "A reference treebank for French starting with a tagged newspaper corpus of 1 Million words.", "homepage": "http://ftb.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr/index.php?langue=en"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["French"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Europe", "Western Europe", "France"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Laboratoire de linguistique formelle, Universit\u00e9 de Paris.", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A university or research institution", "location": "France", "contact_name": "Anne Abeill\u00e9", "contact_email": "anne.abeille@linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr", "additional": "http://ftb.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - but the current owners/custodians have contact information for data queries", "download_url": "", "download_email": "anne.abeille@linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "Terms and conditions of use for internal research purposes of the French Treebank\n\nIn order to get an access to the CORPUS, the User agrees to these terms and conditions of use.\n\nArticle 1 \u2013 Definitions\n\n1.1 CORPUS refers to: \"Le corpus arbor\u00e9 pour le fran\u00e7ais\" French Treebank described in annex and crafted by the Laboratoire de linguistique formelle and owned by the universit\u00e9 de Paris.\n\n1.2 Supplier refers to: Universit\u00e9 Paris-Diderot \u2013 Paris 7 (Laboratoire de linguistique formelle)\n\nArticle 2 \u2013 Purpose of the agreement\n\nThis agreement describes the conditions in which Universit\u00e9 Paris-Diderot \u2013 Paris 7 (the Supplier) provides the User a nonexclusive, nontransferable and personal right to use the CORPUS, whithout any cost, for research purposes only, valid worldwide. Specifications are described on the website of the Supplier.\n\nArticle 3 \u2013 Provision of the CORPUS\n\nThere is no such thing as a recording medium of the CORPUS. The provision is made possible by the delivery of a personal identification number (P-ID). This P-ID is delivered after having agreed to these terms and conditions of use by the User.\n\nSince the User is given a P-ID by the Supplier, he can download the COPURS within thirty (30) days, and only three (3) times.\n\nArticle 4 \u2013 Intellectual property\n\nThe Supplier is the only owner of the rights attached to the CORPUS, guidelines included. This agreement does not imply the transfer of intellectual property to the User.\n\nThe User has a nonexclusive, nontransferable and personal right to use the CORPUS for his own research purposes only.\n\nThe User commits himself to never delete or amend the tags, copyright notes or any other distinct mark appended on the CORPUS.\n\nArticle 5 \u2013 User obligations\n\nThe User commits himself to use the CORPUS within the scope of a clear and identified project, and only for internal research purposes.\n\nThe User is not allowed to make any copy of the CORPUS except a safety one.\n\nThe User is not allowed to translate, adapt, dismantle or uncompile the CORPUS.\n\nThe User commits himself to not give up to anyone, even if the transaction is free of charge, the right to use granted by the present agreement.\n\nThe User commits himself to not use the CORPUS for any commercial or advertising purposes.\n\nThe User commits himself to redistribute to the Supplier any improved or enriched version he could make of the CORPUS. The User will do his best to share his experience of the use of the CORPUS with the Supplier (errors, mistakes\u2026).\n\nArticle 6 \u2013 Related services\n\nThe present agreement does not include any maintenance contract or assistance with the use of the CORPUS.\n\nYet, the Supplier reachable through the contact form.\n\nWhen a new version of the CORPUS is distributed, the Supplier will inform the User by email in order to provide him a chance to download it.\n\nArticle 7 \u2013 Guarantees and limitation of liability\n\nThe ressource is distributed with no guarantee and the Supplier is not responsible for the uses that will be made of it.\n\nIn no case the Supplier will be held responsible for any damages to the User caused by the use of the CORPUS.\n\nArticle 8 \u2013 Publications\n\nIn all the publications about the results related to the use of the CORPUS, the User has to mention that his studies were produced thanks to the CORPUS. He also commits himself to mention the name of the Supplier as the owner ot the intellectual property rights and make a reference to this publication: \u00ab Abeill\u00e9, A., L. Cl\u00e9ment, and F. Toussenel. 2003. \"Building a treebank for French\", in A. Abeill\u00e9 (ed) Treebanks, Kluwer, Dordrecht. (p. 165-187) \u00bb.\n\nArticle 9 \u2013 Duration\n\nThis agreement comes into effect at the time the personal identification number is given by the Supplier and is still valid during the whole term of the intellectual property rights that protect the CORPUS.\n\nArticle 10 \u2013 Disputes \u2013 Applicable Law\n\nThis agreement is subject to French laws and regulations.\n\nIn case of dispute over the reading or the execution of this agreement, the parties will do their best to find an amicable solution.\n\nIf this dispute longs more than two (2) months, the parties will have recourse at their initiative to the Court of Paris.\n\nAnnex: list of the resources of the CORPUS\n\nCorpus over 21.550 sentences (664.533 tokens) from the newspaper Le Monde (1990-1993) tokenized, tagged and corrected for the compounds, categories and inflectional morphology, lemmas, constituants and grammatical functions; in three formats: original XML, Tiger-XML (searchable with Tiger-search), PTB (depleted);\nCorpus of texts segmented into articles with TEI annotations (article, date, author, coverage) related to the files above;\nDocumentation about the annotated corpus with annotation choices, divided into three guidelines: Morphosyntactic annotations (simple words, compounds), Constituants annotations, Functions annotations.", "license_properties": ["research use"], "license_list": ["other: Other license"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Taken from primary source", "primary_availability": "No - the dataset curators describe the primary sources but they are fully private", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": ["le_monde_newspaper"]}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [".TXT"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [".CSV"], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "10010,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "scientific articles/journal"}} {"uid": "the_language_archive", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "The Language Archive", "description": "The Language Archive is part of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen. It contains various materials, including: audio and video language corpus data from languages around the world; photographs, notes, experimental data, and other relevant information required to document and describe languages and how people use them; records of speech in everyday interactions in families and communities; naturalistic data from adult conversations from endangered and under-studied languages, and linguistic phenomena.", "homepage": "https://archive.mpi.nl/tla/"}, "languages": {"language_names": [], "language_comments": "Multiple languages are represented", "language_locations": ["World-Wide"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A university or research institution", "location": "Netherlands", "contact_name": "Paul Trilsbeek", "contact_email": " Paul.Trilsbeek@mpi.nl", "additional": "https://archive.mpi.nl/tla/people"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - but the current owners/custodians have contact information for data queries", "download_url": "", "download_email": " Paul.Trilsbeek@mpi.nl"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "https://dobes.mpi.nl/ethical_legal_aspects/DOBES-coc-v2.pdf", "license_properties": ["non-commercial use", "research use"], "license_list": []}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["audiovisual"], "text_format": [], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "", "instance_type": "", "instance_count": "", "instance_size": ""}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "Language documentation"}} {"uid": "el_archivo_y_biblioteca_nacionales_de_bolivia", "type": "organization", "description": {"name": "El Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia", "description": "The National Archive and Library of Bolivia are located in Sucre. The institution was established in 1836. Its collections has 114,000 volumes.", "homepage": "https://www.archivoybibliotecanacionales.org.bo"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Spanish", "Spanish, Castilian"], "language_comments": "May contain languages of bolivia", "language_locations": ["Americas", "Latin America and the Caribbean", "Bolivia"]}, "custodian": {"name": "El Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A library, museum, or archival institute", "location": "Bolivia", "contact_name": "", "contact_email": "contacto@abnb.org.bo", "additional": "https://www.archivoybibliotecanacionales.org.bo"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "", "download_url": "", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "", "license_text": "", "license_properties": [], "license_list": []}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": [], "text_format": [], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "", "instance_type": "", "instance_count": "", "instance_size": ""}, "source_category": {"category_type": "", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "freelancer_market_place_website", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "Freelancer Market Place Website", "description": "Freelancer is an Australian freelance marketplace website, which allows potential employers to post jobs that freelancers can then bid to complete. Founded in 2009, its headquarters is located in Sydney, Australia, though it also has offices in Vancouver, London, Buenos Aires, Manila, and Jakarta.\nFreelancer is a marketplace where employers and employees are able to find each other. The site allows employers to post work for site members who place bids in a competitive tender process. The site also allows members to host and enter contests for which prize money is offered as a reward. Freelancers and employers develop profiles on the site as they offer, win and complete work and write and receive reviews of people they work with or for. The site's members receive a finite number of bids to use on the site, which are periodically replenished. A series of account options are offered, ranging from free accounts through to professional subscriptions.", "homepage": "https://www.freelancer.com/"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["English"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["World-Wide", "Australia", "Germany", "United Kingdom", "United States of America", "India"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Freelancer", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A commercial entity", "location": "Australia", "contact_name": "Freelancer", "contact_email": "support@freelancer.com", "additional": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freelancer.com"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - but the current owners/custodians have contact information for data queries", "download_url": "", "download_email": "support@freelancer.com"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "https://www.freelancer.com/about/privacy?w=f&ngsw-bypass=", "license_properties": ["copyright - all rights reserved"], "license_list": ["unknown: License information unavailable"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text", "image"], "text_format": [".HTML", ".PDF", ".JS", ".DOCX", ".DOC"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [".JPG", ".AI"], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "10K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "website", "category_web": "content repository, archive, or collection", "category_media": "movies and documentaries"}} {"uid": "webteb", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "webteb", "description": "WebTeb is an Arab internet website that produces and publishes medical, health news and information and lifestyle through various tools and topics such as symptom diagnosis, diseases, and medicines, as well as articles on medicine, health, beauty and some aspects of pregnancy and childbirt", "homepage": "https://www.webteb.com/"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Arabic", "ar-MSA"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Middle East and North Africa", "Libya", "Egypt", "Tunisia", "Algeria", "United Arab Emirates", "Saudi Arabia", "Morocco", "Mauritius", "Mauritania", "Iraq", "Yemen", "Syria", "Palestine", "Lebanon", "Bahrain", "Kuwait", "Qatar"]}, "custodian": {"name": "contact form ( info@webteb.com)", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A commercial entity", "location": "United Arab Emirates", "contact_name": "webteb", "contact_email": "", "additional": "https://www.webteb.com/contactus"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - 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it has a direct download link or links", "download_url": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iPFcW44_UVztdzXir72JNK6uXTvigYy7/view?usp=sharing", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Unclear", "license_text": "It is open-source for free downloads", "license_properties": [], "license_list": []}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Original data", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [".TXT"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [".RAR"], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "100K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "biblioteca_nacional_mariano_moreno", "type": "organization", "description": {"name": "Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno", "description": "The \"Mariano Moreno\" National Library (Spanish: Biblioteca Nacional \"Mariano Moreno\") is the largest library in Argentina. It is located in the barrio of Recoleta in Buenos Aires. The library is named after Mariano Moreno, one of the ideologists of the May Revolution[2] and its first director.\n\nThe National Library is an agency under the Ministry of Culture of Argentina.", "homepage": "https://www.bn.gov.ar"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Spanish"], "language_comments": "May contain other languages of south america", "language_locations": ["Americas", "Latin America and the Caribbean", "Argentina"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Biblioteca Nacional de la Rep\u00fablica Argentina", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A library, museum, or archival institute", "location": "Argentina", "contact_name": "Juan Sasturain", "contact_email": "dncb@bn.gob.ar", "additional": "https://www.bn.gov.ar/biblioteca/acerca"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "", "download_url": "", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "", "license_text": "", "license_properties": [], "license_list": []}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": [], "text_format": [], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "", "instance_type": "", "instance_count": "", "instance_size": ""}, "source_category": {"category_type": "", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "tvperu", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "tvperu", "description": "TV Per\u00fa is the flagship television network of Peruvian state broadcaster IRTP. It is Peru's first channel and the one to have the widest coverage area in the country.", "homepage": "https://www.tvperu.gob.pe/informa"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Spanish"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Latin America and the Caribbean", "Peru"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Instituto Nacional de Radio y Televisi\u00f3n del Per\u00fa", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A government organization", "location": "Peru", "contact_name": "", "contact_email": "webmaster@irtp.gob.pe", "additional": ""}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - we would need to spontaneously reach out to the current owners/custodians", "download_url": "", "download_email": "https://www.tvperu.gob.pe/"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "Queda plenamente prohibida la reproducci\u00f3n, distribuci\u00f3n y transformaci\u00f3n, total o parcial de los contenidos del sitio web, en cualquier soporte y/o por cualquier medio t\u00e9cnico, sin la autorizaci\u00f3n previa de TVPer\u00fa. El Usuario se compromete a respetar los derechos de propiedad intelectual de TVPer\u00fa y terceros, en concordancia a lo establecido en el Decreto Legislativo N\u00b0 822 \u201cLey Sobre el Derecho de Autor\u201d.", "license_properties": ["copyright - all rights reserved"], "license_list": []}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text", "audiovisual"], "text_format": [".HTML"], "audiovisual_format": ["other", "Youtube videos"], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "1M10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "Academic papers"}} {"uid": "newsweek_news_magazine", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "Newsweek News Magazine", "description": "Newsweek is a premier news magazine and website that has been bringing high-quality journalism to readers around the globe for over 80 years.\n\nNewsweek provides the latest news, in-depth analysis and ideas about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics. In addition to its online and mobile presence, Newsweek publishes weekly English print editions in the United States, Europe/Middle East/Africa and Asia as well as editions in Japanese, Korean, Polish, Serbian and Spanish.\n\nSince it was spun off from IBT Media in September 2018, Newsweek is owned by Dev Pragad, who serves as the CEO overseeing all of Newsweek's operations. Johnathan Davis is a passive shareholder with no operational role at Newsweek.", "homepage": "newsweek.com"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["English"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Northern America", "United States of America"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Newsweek", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A commercial entity", "location": "United States of America", "contact_name": "Newsweek", "contact_email": "Newsweek@EnveritasGroup.com", "additional": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsweek"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - but the current owners/custodians have contact information for data queries", "download_url": "", "download_email": "Newsweek@EnveritasGroup.com"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "https://www.newsweek.com/terms-service", "license_properties": ["copyright - all rights reserved"], "license_list": ["unknown: License information unavailable"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text", "image"], "text_format": [".HTML"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [".JPG"], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "1M10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "Books", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "lot_of_indic_tweets", "type": "processed", "description": {"name": "Lot Of Indic Tweets", "description": "This dataset contains 79,45,718 (7.9 million) Telugu tweets and 1,76,54,722 (17.6 million) Hindi tweets. 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Of these, 1,58,07,840 are tweets with unique text.", "homepage": "http://bpraneeth.com/projects/loit"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Indic", "Telugu", "Hindi"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Southern Asia", "India"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Bedapudi Praneeth", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A private individual", "location": "India", "contact_name": " Bedapudi Praneeth", "contact_email": "praneeth@bpraneeth.com", "additional": "https://github.com/bedapudi6788?tab=overview&from=2021-09-01&to=2021-09-30, http://bpraneeth.com/"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - it has a direct download link or links", "download_url": "https://github.com/bedapudi6788/LOIT", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "", "license_properties": ["public domain"], "license_list": ["gpl-3.0-only: GNU General Public License v3.0 only"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Taken from primary source", "primary_availability": "No - the dataset curators describe the primary sources but they are fully private", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": ["other", "json"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [".JSON"], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "sentences", "instance_count": "1M10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "laws"}} {"uid": "researchgate_for_scientists_and_researchers", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "ResearchGate for Scientists and Researchers", "description": "ResearchGate is for you: the scientist, the clinician, the student, the engineer, the public health worker, the lab technician, the computer scientist.\n\nThe work you do is important. But too often, you are overworked, underpaid, have low job security, and operate under high pressure. Becoming a researcher in the first place was no easy task, and access all too often relies on privilege. Our purpose is to make your life easier.\n\nWe offer a home for you\u2014a place to share your work and connect with peers around the globe, traversing the borders and silos of science. We want to empower you to do your best work, advance your field, and make a better world for all.\n\nFor the intellectually curious, the seekers of truth, the geeks, the makers: our members offer you a treasure trove of knowledge in areas as diverse as materials science, agriculture, human health, and quantum physics. \nWe believe that science is humanity's most important tool. It's responsible for the great leaps we've made in understanding our universe, and the best means we have to meet the challenges of our future.\n\nStill, it's not without problems. The systems powering research are too slow and inaccessible to address the global challenges of our time. Complicated funding processes and proprietary interests are hampering progress towards open science.\n\nThis is where we can make a difference. We strive to offer researchers access to one another and the resources they need to thrive. We strive to make science faster, fairer, and easier to discover and access.\n", "homepage": "https://www.researchgate.net/"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["English"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["World-Wide", "United States of America"]}, "custodian": {"name": "ResearchGate", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A commercial entity", "location": "United States of America", "contact_name": "ResearchGate", "contact_email": "https://www.researchgate.net/contact", "additional": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ResearchGate"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - but the current owners/custodians have contact information for data queries", "download_url": "", "download_email": "https://www.researchgate.net/contact"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "https://www.researchgate.net/terms-of-service", "license_properties": ["copyright - all rights reserved"], "license_list": ["unknown: License information unavailable"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text", "image"], "text_format": [".PDF"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [".JPG"], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "10K 'contact us' on the top right "}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Unclear", "license_text": "", "license_properties": [], "license_list": []}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "100K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "scientific articles/journal"}} {"uid": "teca__textual_entailment_catalan_dataset", "type": "processed", "description": {"name": "TECA: Textual Entailment Catalan dataset", "description": "\"Textual entailment (TE) in natural language processing is a directional relation between text fragments. The relation holds whenever the truth of one text fragment follows from another text. In the TE framework, the entailing and entailed texts are termed text (t) and hypothesis (h), respectively.\" From Wikpedia.\nTECa contains two Catalan TE sub-datasets, catalan_TE1 and vilaweb_TE, containing 14997 and 6166 annotated pairs of sentences.\nIn TECa datasets, each sentence has three hypotheses, annotated as follows:\n* \"0\": positive TE (Inference, text entails hypothesis)\n* \"1\": non-TE (Neutral, text does not entail nor contradict)\n* \"2\": negative TE (Contradiction, text contradicts hypothesis).\nSource sentences are extracted from the Catalan Textual Corpus (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4519349), and from Vilaweb newswire.", "homepage": "https://zenodo.org/record/4761458"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Catalan"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Spain"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Barcelona Supercomputing Center - CNS", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A university or research institution", "location": "Spain", "contact_name": "Carme Armentano-Oller", "contact_email": "carme.armentano@bsc.es", "additional": "https://temu.bsc.es/"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - it has a direct download link or links", "download_url": "https://zenodo.org/record/4761458", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "", "license_properties": ["public domain"], "license_list": ["cc-by-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Taken from primary source", "primary_availability": "Yes - their documentation/homepage/description is available", "primary_license": "Unclear / I don't know", "primary_types": ["news articles", "other"], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": ["other", "json"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [".JSON", ".ZIP"], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "sentences", "instance_count": "10K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "african_minds_publisher", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "African Minds publisher", "description": "African Minds is an open access, not-for-profit, publisher of scholarly books. 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At African Minds the emphasis is less on the commercial viability of publications than on fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base.", "homepage": "https://www.africanminds.co.za/"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["English"], "language_comments": "a handful of books in French and Portuguese too", "language_locations": ["Africa"]}, "custodian": {"name": "African Minds", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A nonprofit/NGO (other)", "location": "South Africa", "contact_name": "general information", "contact_email": "info@africanminds.co.za", "additional": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Minds"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - it has a direct download link or links", "download_url": "https://www.africanminds.co.za/books/", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "", "license_properties": ["open license"], "license_list": ["cc-by-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [".PDF"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "book", "instance_count": "10010,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "books/book publisher"}} {"uid": "ekantipur_com", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "ekantipur.com", "description": "Kantipur (Nepali: \u0915\u093e\u0928\u094d\u0924\u093f\u092a\u0941\u0930) is a Nepali language daily newspaper,", "homepage": "https://ekantipur.com/"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Indic", "Nepali (macrolanguage)"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Southern Asia", "Nepal"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Kantipur Media Group", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A commercial entity", "location": "Nepal", "contact_name": "ekantipur.com/", "contact_email": "csd@kmg.com.np", "additional": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kantipur_(daily)"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - we would need to spontaneously reach out to the current owners/custodians", "download_url": "", "download_email": " csd@kmg.com.np"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "https://ekantipur.com/termsofservice\n", "license_properties": ["copyright - all rights reserved"], "license_list": ["other: Other license"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [".HTML"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "10K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "Translations of the Bible"}} {"uid": "publons_commercial_website", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "Publons Commercial Website", "description": "Publons is a commercial website that provides a free service for academics to track, verify, and showcase their peer review and editorial contributions for academic journals. It was launched in 2012 and was bought by Clarivate in 2017. It claims that over 200,000 researchers have joined the site, adding more than one million reviews across 25,000 journals.[1][2][3] In 2019, ResearcherID was integrated with Publons.[4]\n\nPublons produces a verified record of a person's review and editorial activity for journals, which can be downloaded to include in CVs, funding and job applications, and promotion and performance evaluations.[5] Publons' business model is based on partnering with publishers.\nIn today\u2019s highly competitive research environment, researchers are frequently asked to demonstrate their impact and service in performance reviews, funding and promotion applications.\n\nKeeping track of this impact isn't easy and takes up valuable time. That\u2019s why we\u2019ve brought the power of Web of Science to Publons \u2014 making it quick and easy for researchers to track and demonstrate a more complete record of their impact as a cited author, journal editor, and peer reviewer, in one place.\n\nPublons is powered by integrations with the Web of Science, ORCiD and thousands of scholarly journals to provide industry-leading, trustworthy information so you can show the world more of your research impact.", "homepage": "publons.com"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["English"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["World-Wide", "New Zealand"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Publons", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A commercial entity", "location": "New Zealand", "contact_name": "Publons", "contact_email": "https://publons.com/journal/72921/contact/", "additional": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publons"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - but the current owners/custodians have contact information for data queries", "download_url": "", "download_email": "reviews@publons.com"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "https://publons.com/about/terms", "license_properties": ["copyright - all rights reserved"], "license_list": ["cc-by-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text", "image"], "text_format": [".PDF", ".DOCX"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [".JPG"], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "100K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "scientific articles/journal"}} {"uid": "verdad_abierta", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "Verdad Abierta", "description": "Medio periodistico independiente de noticias", "homepage": "https://verdadabierta.com/"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Spanish"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Latin America and the Caribbean", "Colombia"]}, "custodian": {"name": "verdad abierta", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A nonprofit/NGO (other)", "location": "Colombia", "contact_name": "Juan Diego Restrepo E.", "contact_email": "contacto@verdadabierta.com", "additional": "https://verdadabierta.com/aviso-legal-y-politicas-de-privacidad/"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - we would need to spontaneously reach out to the current owners/custodians", "download_url": "", "download_email": "contacto@verdadabierta.com"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "Todo el contenido de www.verdadabierta.com puede ser utilizado total o parcialmente siempre y cuando se cite como fuente a VerdadAbierta.com", "license_properties": ["public domain"], "license_list": ["other: Other license"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text", "image"], "text_format": ["other", "html"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [".JPG"], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "", "instance_count": "", "instance_size": ""}, "source_category": {"category_type": "website", "category_web": "news or magazine website", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "uit_viquad", "type": "processed", "description": {"name": "UIT-ViQuAD \u2013\u00a0A Vietnamese Dataset for Evaluating Machine Reading Comprehension.", "description": "Vietnamese Question Answering Dataset (UIT-ViQuAD), a new\ndataset for the low-resource language as Vietnamese to evaluate MRC models. This dataset comprises over 23,000 human-generated question-answer pairs based on 5,109 passages of 174 Vietnamese articles from Wikipedia.", "homepage": "https://sites.google.com/uit.edu.vn/uit-nlp/datasets-projects"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Vietnamese"], "language_comments": "unclear", "language_locations": ["South-eastern Asia", "Vietnam"]}, "custodian": {"name": "The UIT NLP Group", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A university or research institution", "location": "Vietnam", "contact_name": "Mr. Kiet Nguyen", "contact_email": "kietnv@uit.edu.vn", "additional": "The UIT Natural Language Processing Group is a scientific research group on Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics. Members in our group are lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students from Vietnam National University- Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM). https://sites.google.com/uit.edu.vn/uit-nlp/"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - after signing a user agreement", "download_url": "https://sites.google.com/uit.edu.vn/uit-nlp/datasets-projects", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": " Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License", "license_properties": ["open license"], "license_list": ["cc-by-nc-sa-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Taken from primary source", "primary_availability": "Yes - they are fully available", "primary_license": "Yes - the dataset has the same license as the source material", "primary_types": ["web | wiki"], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "", "instance_count": "10K1B", "instance_size": "1010,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "website", "category_web": "wiki", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "ester", "type": "processed", "description": {"name": "ESTER Evaluation de Systemes de Transcription enrichie d\u2019Emissions Radiophoniques", "description": "The ESTER Corpus is a subset of the ESTER Evaluation Package (catalogue ref. ELRA-E0021), which was produced within the French national project ESTER (Evaluation of Broadcast News enriched transcription systems), as part of the Technolangue programme funded by the French Ministry of Research and New Technologies (MRNT). The ESTER project enabled to carry out a campaign for the evaluation of Broadcast News enriched transcription systems using French data.\n\nThis corpus includes the material that was used for the ESTER evaluation campaign, excluding the textual data (available in this catalogue and referenced ELRA-W0015 and ELRA-W0023):\n\n1) About 100 hours of orthographically transcribed news broadcast, including annotations of named entities.\n2) The evaluation tools allow to evaluation each task defined above.\n3) Two guides and manuals were produced and are provided in the package distributed by ELDA :\no Guide for the annotation of named entities\no Specifications and evaluation protocol\n\nAn extra corpus of 1,700 hours of non-transcribed radio broadcast news recordings can also be provided upon request, on hard disk, as an adding to this package at a cost of 100 Euro (plus shipment fee).", "homepage": "http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2006/pdf/646_pdf.pdf"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["French"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Northern Africa", "Western Europe", "France", "Morocco"]}, "custodian": {"name": "French Ministry of Research and New Technologies", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A government organization", "location": "France", "contact_name": "Val\u00e9rie Mapelli", "contact_email": "mapelli@elda.org", "additional": "http://www.technolangue.net/article.php3?id_article=60"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - after signing a user agreement", "download_url": "http://catalog.elra.info/en-us/repository/browse/ELRA-S0241/", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "http://www.elra.info/media/filer_public/2015/04/13/enduser_150325.pdf", "license_properties": ["non-commercial use"], "license_list": ["other: Other license"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Taken from primary source", "primary_availability": "Yes - their documentation/homepage/description is available", "primary_license": "Unclear / I don't know", "primary_types": ["radio"], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["audiovisual", "text"], "text_format": [], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "Yes - audiovisual", "instance_type": "hours", "instance_count": "1K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "the_japan_times", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "The Japan Times", "description": "The Japan Times is Japan's largest and oldest English-language daily newspaper.[1][2] It is published by The Japan Times, Ltd. 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For any queries and requests contact: Paolo Pareti\nTo cite this dataset use:\nPaula Chocron, Paolo Pareti. Vocabulary Alignment for Collaborative Agents: a Study with Real-World Multilingual How-to Instructions.\n(PDF) (bibtex)\n\n", "homepage": "https://www.kaggle.com/paolop/human-instructions-vietnamese-wikihow"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Vietnamese"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Asia", "Vietnam"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Paolo Pareti", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A university or research institution", "location": "", "contact_name": "Paolo Pareti", "contact_email": "paolo.pareti@winchester.ac.uk", "additional": "https://w3id.org/people/paolo"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - it has a direct download link or links", "download_url": "https://www.kaggle.com/paolop/human-instructions-vietnamese-wikihow", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "license_properties": [], "license_list": ["cc-by-nc-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Taken from primary source", "primary_availability": "Yes - their documentation/homepage/description is available", "primary_license": "Yes - the dataset has the same license as the source material", "primary_types": ["web | wiki"], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": ["other", "RDF"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [".ZIP"], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "Sentences / instructions", "instance_count": "1K10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "indic_nlp_corpus", "type": "processed", "description": {"name": "Indic NLP Corpus", "description": "The IndicNLP corpus is a largescale, general-domain corpus containing 2.7 billion words for 10 Indian languages from two language families. s (IndoAryan branch and Dravidian). Each language has at least 100 million words (except Oriya).", "homepage": "https://github.com/AI4Bharat/indicnlp_corpus#publicly-available-classification-datasets"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Indic", "Punjabi", "Hindi", "Bengali", "Odia", "Gujarati", "Marathi", "Kannada", "Telugu", "Malayalam", "Tamil"], "language_comments": "", "language_locations": ["Southern Asia", "India"]}, "custodian": {"name": "AI4Bharat", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "AI4Bharat is a voluntary community founded by faculty members at the Computer Science and Engineering department at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.", "location": "India", "contact_name": "Indic NLP Corpus", "contact_email": "ankunchu@microsoft.com; gokulnc@ai4bharat.org; gsatishkumaryadav@gmail.com; avikbhattacharyya.2k@gmail.com; divk@cse.iitm.ac.in; miteshk@cse.iitm.ac.in; pratyush@cse.iitm.ac.in", "additional": "https://ai4bharat.org/"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - it has a direct download link or links", "download_url": "https://github.com/AI4Bharat/indicnlp_corpus#publicly-available-classification-datasets", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "", "license_properties": ["non-commercial use"], "license_list": ["cc-by-nc-sa-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "Taken from primary source", "primary_availability": "Yes - their documentation/homepage/description is available", "primary_license": "Yes - the source material has an open license that allows re-use", "primary_types": ["web | news or magazine website", "web | wiki", "news articles", "web | content repository, archive, or collection"], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [".TXT"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [".GZ"], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "Each line of the dataset consists of a single sentence.", "instance_count": "1M10,000"}, "source_category": {"category_type": "collection", "category_web": "", "category_media": "Laws"}} {"uid": "care_opinion_uk", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "Care Opinion UK", "description": "Collection of stories by health-care consumers in the UK.", "homepage": "https://www.careopinion.org.uk/"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["English"], "language_comments": "British English", "language_locations": ["Europe", "United Kingdom"]}, "custodian": {"name": " Care Opinion CIC", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A nonprofit/NGO (other)", "location": "United Kingdom", "contact_name": "Care Opinion UK", "contact_email": "team@careopinion.org.uk", "additional": ""}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "No - we would need to spontaneously reach out to the current owners/custodians", "download_url": "", "download_email": "team@careopinion.org.uk"}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Yes", "license_text": "", "license_properties": ["non-commercial use"], "license_list": ["cc-by-nc-sa-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International"]}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": [], "text_format": [], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "", "instance_type": "", "instance_count": "", "instance_size": ""}, "source_category": {"category_type": "website", "category_web": "", "category_media": ""}} {"uid": "VNTQcorpus_big", "type": "primary", "description": {"name": "Vietnam Thu Quan Corpus (Big)", "description": "", "homepage": "http://viet.jnlp.org/download-du-lieu-tu-vung-corpus"}, "languages": {"language_names": ["Vietnamese"], "language_comments": "General, Formal, Semi-formal", "language_locations": ["South-eastern Asia", "Vietnam"]}, "custodian": {"name": "Luu Tuan Anh", "in_catalogue": "", "type": "A university or research institution", "location": "Vietnam", "contact_name": "Luu Tuan Anh", "contact_email": "vietnamese@jnlp.org", "additional": "http://viet.jnlp.org/home/luu-tuan-anh"}, "availability": {"procurement": {"for_download": "Yes - it has a direct download link or links", "download_url": "https://www.jnlp.org/cgi-priv/download.cgi?id=SNOW/VNTQcorpus-big.txt", "download_email": ""}, "licensing": {"has_licenses": "Unclear", "license_text": "It is open-source", "license_properties": [], "license_list": []}}, "processed_from_primary": {"from_primary": "", "primary_availability": "", "primary_license": "", "primary_types": [], "from_primary_entries": []}, "media": {"category": ["text"], "text_format": [".TXT"], "audiovisual_format": [], "image_format": [], "database_format": [], "text_is_transcribed": "No", "instance_type": "article", "instance_count": "100K