Unnamed: 0,comment,title,id,created_at,score,label,sentiment_score 2,"When are you all buying $DOGE, and how much will you all buy?",I TOLD YOU SO,gmrrrf1,1612923192,3,0,0.9881205558776855 5,lmk when they start loading up on Doge and I'm in,I TOLD YOU SO,gmmgrvh,1612818294,2,1,0.8666608333587646 17,Let’s see if this investment has any effect on the actual stock. Good or bad.,I TOLD YOU SO,gmmetv6,1612817423,1,0,0.9499351978302002 18,"Some of us only read, rarely post.",I TOLD YOU SO,gmn5e5m,1612830139,1,0,0.9985565543174744 23,Which other Crypto do Tesla plan to approve?,I TOLD YOU SO,gmp6taw,1612880656,1,1,0.9650796055793762 27,When $ETH?,I TOLD YOU SO,gmps8yc,1612890351,1,0,0.9849249720573424 28,This was def just a prediction. Not an insider. He keep Rick rolling people -_____-,I TOLD YOU SO,gmpsjes,1612890477,1,0,0.9974952936172484 37,Lies...why would an R&D person in the company be involved in this? I don’t buy it.,I TOLD YOU SO,gmn2kxc,1612828695,0,0,0.999504804611206 40,"I already put a few hundred down on $DOGE, looking forward to see what will happen, but not putting in enough to hurt if it doesn’t pan out lol",I TOLD YOU SO,gnatv4s,1613253578,1,1,0.9983202815055848 46,"TSLA - Bitcoin SpaceX - Dogecoin lmao, what better way to give the opportunity of space flight to a handful or people who would absolutely never be able to afford it.",I TOLD YOU SO,gmobxt1,1612855597,1,1,0.9974945783615112 48,Yes would be helpful,I TOLD YOU SO,gmpfqkn,1612884918,1,1,0.9804272651672364 50,WASAWASAWASAWASAWASUUUUPPPPPPPPP,I TOLD YOU SO,gmrk82e,1612919235,1,1,0.9453105926513672 57,Creating the bot?,I TOLD YOU SO,gmn6sua,1612830868,3,0,0.999233603477478 61,Kinda scary to an extent. Some have predicted we could have a stockmarket crash in April possibly.,I TOLD YOU SO,gmn9ds2,1612832215,1,0,0.992703914642334 65,"But why take the risk when it's pretty obvious few would believe some anonymous guy making such big claims. Don't get me wrong, this is epic but also quite weird. What made you do it?",I TOLD YOU SO,gmpm68p,1612887772,1,0,0.9912099838256836 72,He is holding Bitcoin and that’s the real incentive here. I don’t know how much this news will benefits tesla but as you have seen bitcoin did benefit from it,I TOLD YOU SO,gmp3p0k,1612878948,1,1,0.995422065258026 73,[deleted],I TOLD YOU SO,gmoszlm,1612871641,1,0,0.9980586171150208 76,U are a legend,I TOLD YOU SO,gmp62uz,1612880269,1,1,0.9982386827468872 95,Tesla will half its price by year end no need to split,Up Vote if you would like to see a 1for 5 stock split?,i63gta0,1650864609,1,1,0.994611382484436 96,2500? It was announced at around 1400,Up Vote if you would like to see a 1for 5 stock split?,hixio9m,1635800582,1,1,0.8469812273979187 98,[removed],Up Vote if you would like to see a 1for 5 stock split?,hiqg3f2,1635659278,1,0,0.9972092509269714 124,"Keep going it's a long term play gonna revolutionize renewables, batteries, automated vehicles.. Also noone that is outspoken for the company is thinking short term, we got dis",I cry every time 😢,gs97r4x,1616731262,7,1,0.9987723231315612 129,Yeah this puppy will fall like a rock when it does,I cry every time 😢,i6hj9fx,1651114175,1,0,0.9979520440101624 130,60 shares @ $40.32 cps holding strong!,Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1t1v8t,1648049742,11,1,0.9986681938171388 132,I just buy more,Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1t830z,1648052094,8,1,0.9968294501304626 137,"Holy shit! I went from up +32k to down 3k to back up 20k! Never sold, just kept adding on the way down!",Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1t1cld,1648049541,7,1,0.991316556930542 140,"Nope I wussed out with the economy and Russia. And to top it off I bought a lot near the peak- $1052 and sold it off well under that. Fortunately I lost $50 only. I bought/sold more as it made its descent into hell and back. Unfortunately I should have held when it was at below $800. I’ll buy it. But not at $1000. I simply cannot imagine this going to $2000 with all that’s going outside of Tesla’s control. I’ll look at $900, maybe dip in at $800 and love it at $700.",Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1symem,1648048505,3,0,0.9946624636650084 141,I Really Don’t understand what to write Trying to help.,Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1tlmtk,1648057099,1,0,0.9995023012161256 146,"820 shares and 4 longterm puts sold for about 100k premium (strike between 600 and 900) bought first share in Dec 2018 and only added until then. hope I can retire in 5 years 😆",Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1wv1as,1648116575,1,1,0.9966627955436708 153,How high is it projected to go? Just found out I have quite a few shares still from when I bought years ago. Sold a few of them back then and somehow forgot I had others!,Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i3omcw7,1649281599,1,1,0.9972699284553528 164,"After each factory opens we hit a threshold stock wise that we will never hit again IMO we won’t ever see 700 again barring deadly circumstance",Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1t18do,1648049496,6,0,0.933363676071167 168,kek,Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1wvk27,1648117020,0,0,0.9216589331626892 169,"##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **500718** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70936** times. .. **28795.** `u/BuddyWoodchips` **5** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)",Raise your hands if you stayed long and didn’t de-risk on Tesla because of your research and faith in the actual company.,i1tos4c,1648058276,0,1,0.98474782705307 171,Every Friday.,LOL?,gvuj3ve,1619377855,3,1,0.9983375072479248 172,Buy one on first day of the month.,LOL?,gvutuva,1619383045,3,1,0.9983972907066344 175,"Buy the dips, because Musk needs your money to pay his taxes.",LOL?,i2ryc9p,1648680404,1,1,0.9935281872749328 176,Tesla is a steal at the current price. Buy the stock and see$1000 by the end of August.,"Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpq3lta,1614908431,14,1,0.9987049102783204 177,"I bought back when it was bouncing around $300s pre split. Then it went up to $800 + pre split down back to $300s. I was too scared to buy more but finally did around $490 pre split. When everyone asked if I sold I said I bought more. And here we are... this past couple of weeks have been painful but I do believe in TSLA long term. It’s going to be hard stomaching any more “dips” but I’m trying to stay in perspective. It’s really hard trying to see big picture sometimes. Ugh. Hang on everyone! Average c","Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpqtpop,1614923577,8,1,0.9898310303688048 178,"I’m not gunna lie I haven’t been investing for long and have been testing the waters but when I seen TSLA so cheap i bought a full share, I realise this isn’t a lot to some people but it is to me haha, Gunna hold this bad boy indefinitely","Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpqdmmh,1614913711,8,1,0.9981495141983032 187,Cathie Woods is prepping a new price target. Should alleviate some FUD,"Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gps083y,1614955757,3,1,0.9968618154525756 193,That stupidity of Bitcoin buying spooked a lot of investors. Now Musk tied his and every investors ass to BTC. It was a Bad Move to go out buying Criptos and blowing dog whistles at an idiotic asset like Dogecoin. That conveys non sereousness on part of Musk. On Wall Street Perception is Everything. Now we are Bleeding.,"Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpqjtmr,1614917188,2,0,0.9993839263916016 195,I bot 1 share today u/596,"Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpu17jw,1614989605,1,0,0.993846356868744 200,Take your profits while you can- leave a bit in if you want - that way you will be happy if it goes up and even happier if it goes down!,"Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gprq0ws,1614950413,2,1,0.9980111122131348 211,Nio also went down so not just cuz of bit move.,"Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpqox1l,1614920304,3,0,0.9989655017852784 215,Yeah but btc is going up today..... and Tesla-!not so much.,"Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpsbawi,1614960717,1,1,0.984711766242981 216,"If trading view was 100% accurate, everyone would make money haha","Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpreayj,1614941525,2,1,0.9971478581428528 220,"Never said I knew. But I would wait for an upward trend in the stock before buying. I'd rather lose a little on the upside, than keep buying dips day after day. I'm not bearish on the stock at all, I'm just cautious","Veteran TSLA hodler. Don't fall for all the bad news. Been hodling since 2015 and I am still proud of my 10k turned 200k and now 120k. F#$* you shorts. Don't forget the last couple years!!! In the end I win again, again, and again. Have fun today. My plan will beat yours!!! Paper hands!",gpup09e,1614998212,1,1,0.9621613025665284 224,That’s not how it works but good luck. Stocks don’t split normally near that close to a previous split. There hasn’t even been a decent correction since the last split. I wouldn’t expect one for years,Vote up for a 10 for 1 stock split (at 1500/share before split)!,hit8iq3,1635715430,1,0,0.989293098449707 241,Cathie Wood is a superstar,Genesis 7:1 💎🤲,gqgeqz2,1615390793,7,1,0.998552143573761 244,"""All Hail the Queen!""",Genesis 7:1 💎🤲,gqflf89,1615372941,6,1,0.9980244636535645 277,"okey, his comment just got deleted, nice move",$TSLA will bounce back like we’ve never been before. Not selling a single share. I just wish I could buy more at these discounted prices. 💎🙌🏻🚀,gpwouqg,1615023316,2,1,0.9980498552322388 280,"There is a loot of market manipulations going up atm and that influences ppl a loot. A market correction was sure to come, but to believe that TSLA has problems is funny. They manage to change the way we see EC and made all other car companies starting to make plans to change. They will be giants in the coming years. TSLA may go down to 400 ( with I expect ) or even 200 .. but they will bounce up more then ppl think.",$TSLA will bounce back like we’ve never been before. Not selling a single share. I just wish I could buy more at these discounted prices. 💎🙌🏻🚀,gpx3euk,1615027588,6,1,0.9981972575187684 291,How come we are all out of money?,HODLING 243 shrs of TSLA and have $0 buying power,gxva8bb,1620836090,1,0,0.9993126392364502 292,Holing 300 at $870. It fucking hurts and kick myself for throwing that much at ATH's. Thankfully I don't need to liquidate any of it so I can ride it out,HODLING 243 shrs of TSLA and have $0 buying power,gxxou4k,1620874438,1,0,0.995163917541504 295,"Bottom, seriously?",HODLING 243 shrs of TSLA and have $0 buying power,hn7gzi9,1638634112,1,0,0.9973395466804504 299,Nice! Welcome to the club. You’ve made a solid investment.,"I’m a small fry, but happy to say I’ve just passed Half a share of TSLA! Hoping to get to a full share by year end.",hjaoeag,1636041569,6,1,0.9988571405410768 313,Oh snap you are going too. Shoot we will be like mars brothers or something. 😂😂,"I’m a small fry, but happy to say I’ve just passed Half a share of TSLA! Hoping to get to a full share by year end.",hjc276u,1636061012,1,1,0.9982444047927856 315,This is nothing out of normal. ARK is known to buy on down days and considering billions in AUM for ARK this really is peanuts. Disclaimer: Long substantially TSLA commons.,!!!BREAKING!!!,goen5oo,1614041764,10,0,0.9930779337882996 317,I hold about a $1M in stocks and it’s hurting to see this drop. 😷,!!!BREAKING!!!,goeun6b,1614045479,7,0,0.9994434714317322 318,I am praying u are right!,!!!BREAKING!!!,goelw4g,1614041134,5,1,0.998097002506256 319,"I have huge ARK (K,G,F,Q,W) , Tesla and Bitcoins. The real truth is that TSLA will be firmly associated with BTC. Say no but watch the obvious correlation. I love Elon and his vision. If you believe in TSLA you must at least be pro BTC, you can buy if your very pro. Trust King Musk, Queen Cathy and support your stock.",!!!BREAKING!!!,goesr58,1614044534,9,1,0.9976791739463806 321,"Ark sells when the percentage as total of portfolio is too high, but buy back when price goes down with the profit they made when price was higher and they were required to sell. Seems like a good strategy. Thankfully, this helped Tesla from falling faster and greater.",!!!BREAKING!!!,goeucqg,1614045331,4,1,0.998440444469452 324,Another 8% down day. Looks ugly.,!!!BREAKING!!!,gog3blu,1614076055,2,0,0.9994943141937256 348,"Everyone rambling about lucid motors is plain stupid. Tesla = EV market. Tesla takes a dip, nio,xpeng, everyone else takes a dip. Go promote your punk ass lucid motors somewhere else.",!!!BREAKING!!!,gogajep,1614082211,1,0,0.9990803003311156 352,I’m feeling great today!!,!!!BREAKING!!!,goikauf,1614118918,1,1,0.998805284500122 354,Well this means I had a good instinct when I got some TSLA shares on friday dip 😇,Deliveries Crush Estimates!,gt5f2dr,1617378015,10,1,0.997998297214508 374,To be fair tsla is still overprice at this price point.. but yea it was a good time to load on some calls or stock.. which i did. Sorry bud,Deliveries Crush Estimates!,gt7ngqr,1617421201,3,0,0.9961088299751282 375,"Consider yourself lucky that you've only been drinking non stop since Wednesday, as I've been drinking for about the past 25 years or so ... :)",Deliveries Crush Estimates!,gt7y9z5,1617429305,2,1,0.9985135197639464 379,"They know Friday will be closed, so there is always a plan for announcements, they very well know how the market reacts to news like this.",Deliveries Crush Estimates!,gt77wk1,1617411808,3,1,0.9945329427719116 386,"Everyone please read: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bidens-electric-vehicle-ambitions-may-send-tesla-stock-skyrocketing-to-1300-analyst-165650966.html",Tesla ready to soar.,gth0r1y,1617642250,1,1,0.9955775737762452 396,I bought more shares today.,Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gyipedt,1621302509,10,1,0.9983470439910888 407,Big Short? More like Big Mistake. These shorts never learn. This could be a great setup for a short squeeze. Any big investor who takes a massive short position against a stock so beloved by retail traders is asking for serious trouble. Time to buy more.,Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gykye53,1621353076,3,0,0.9944835305213928 410,[removed],Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gyilj69,1621300574,2,0,0.9972092509269714 412,"I don’t think this is true. I think he bought 8000 put options He also didn’t bet that much. That’s what the shares within those contacts would be worth",Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gyppsqi,1621441737,2,0,0.997523844242096 413,[removed],Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gyjoufx,1621326350,1,0,0.9972092509269714 417,Time to get rekt Tesla owners,Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gyi9713,1621294410,-8,0,0.9976686835289 423,Looks like $550ish was the bottom,Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gz4d4ac,1621736523,1,0,0.9984943866729736 425,Investors see that Tesla is leading the EV sector into the future of the auto industry. Short couldn’t even break down below $560 today. Shorts are going to get roasted,Michael Burry messed with the Musk so he’s gonna get the tusk!,gyhmjnm,1621283817,8,0,0.9799519181251526 449,"Technical levels to watch. When it’s $509, it’s time? https://www.benzinga.com/trading-ideas/long-ideas/21/03/20341314/tesla-stock-looks-to-find-support-technical-levels-to-watch",TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gs7mgvr,1616702400,2,1,0.9901142120361328 451,How evil are media and hedge fund all negative news about TSLA and Elon I beat they hate ELON since they been losing a lot shorting TSLA,TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gsb2sal,1616776061,2,0,0.9974282383918762 452,Cranmer said this morning whole market isn’t done dumping and it could have a long way to go before the bottom,TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gs5mmbf,1616669287,4,0,0.9955875873565674 453,I’m 20k in the red with TSLA right now 😔,TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gs600bi,1616677869,2,1,0.9979066848754884 455,"Try getting above $725 and holding. $3000 pps in the year 3000. Cathy Wood has a nice shop but there’s much bigger players in this game. Maybe Tesla can find support at $625. Depending how you look at it, could be starting second or third leg down. See you at $425",TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gs4mmxy,1616640508,-6,1,0.9952261447906494 457,[removed],TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gs4i3da,1616638071,-6,0,0.9972092509269714 462,"It’s only a matter of time before the stock takes off...at the current price, it seems to be accumulating. Buying more on dips and holding long and strong...at least 5 years. BTW, if anyone is interested, I found this guy’s channel on YT very good...he’s a younger guy (maybe in his 30’s) and he’s been accumulating Tesla stock for the last 4-5 years, and hasn’t sold a single share...his Tesla stock is now worth over $4M. Check out “Solving the money problem” at: https://youtu.be/y7cfTyTh4YQ",TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gss17qj,1617089911,1,1,0.9986950755119324 464,Everything is up today but TSLA and the nasdaq,TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gs7al4t,1616697563,1,1,0.9972339272499084 477,So what now captain we’re at 605ish,TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gsbkia9,1616783990,2,0,0.9960327744483948 480,"I know what you mean, I having a heart attack here. Since Feb I’ve lost the equiv of about 4 years off my pension, that’s 4 more years I’ll have to work at the end if I don’t get it back. So I’ve bailed for now ... sorry peeps for adding to the bloodbath shitshow, but I don’t wanna lose any more pension years!",TSLA 🚀🚀🚀 $1K,gs6ao87,1616682851,1,0,0.9990391731262208 487,🚀🌕,800 tomorrow you heard it here first!! 📈🚀,guiuqu1,1618429001,5,1,0.9981208443641664 499,"With fuel prices in the rise and fuel pipelines down, TSLA cars are sold out, why is T$LA stock not soaring?",800 tomorrow you heard it here first!! 📈🚀,gxs4s7w,1620769450,1,1,0.9868707060813904 502,Same! My calls got destroyed today,800 tomorrow you heard it here first!! 📈🚀,gujep9g,1618437988,1,0,0.9994756579399108 503,I'm happy north of 762 😆,800 tomorrow you heard it here first!! 📈🚀,gurjmzg,1618604369,1,1,0.9988364577293396 508,Would hedge funds really be buying an IPO right after launch? Seems like that would be a terrible use of capital,800 tomorrow you heard it here first!! 📈🚀,gukbjvv,1618455086,2,0,0.9994794726371764 512,"You had me at ""Lets""",Lets breach $780 today!🚀🚀🚀,gvfzvhc,1619099616,8,1,0.9950116872787476 516,Overvalued stock. Longterm TSLA will go down to 200,Lets breach $780 today!🚀🚀🚀,gvj19lf,1619149501,-4,0,0.9988105297088624 518,Doesn’t make sense,Lets breach $780 today!🚀🚀🚀,gvgvvdu,1619113222,1,0,0.9995001554489136 519,RIP,Lets breach $780 today!🚀🚀🚀,gvhskfh,1619127164,1,0,0.9978400468826294 521,I dunno man this mkt is unhinged but the amt of retailers in it has dropped tremendously. It has many gaps to fill on the downside but then again gaps only fill 91.4% of the time. Otherwise i see $830 in the coming days possibly a test of $900 if FOMO kicks in. The closest gaps on the downside look like $680.97 and $637.36. Imho,Lets breach $780 today!🚀🚀🚀,gvi85ql,1619134429,1,0,0.9986222982406616 527,I was thinking more like 50,Lets breach $780 today!🚀🚀🚀,hn7hjzf,1638634368,1,0,0.9906161427497864 528,What are you even saying here,Lets breach $780 today!🚀🚀🚀,gviq8sr,1619143553,2,0,0.9994761347770692 541,"I am serious, I'll hit 20 years in the Army this June so I'll reveal it on my retirement party. YOLO!","Elon musk call out the media. No Fremont shutdown for two weeks , it halted some lines only for 2 days. All back to normal and high demand.",gosw7sw,1614320029,6,1,0.9968761205673218 548,institutional move out google and buy Tesla. Rebalancing..,Pocket rocket,gzpin4p,1622165930,4,1,0.996699869632721 549,I guess it's time to average up now.,Pocket rocket,gzp2uhu,1622157685,3,0,0.994150936603546 554,Nah. TSLA back down to $300 or lower,Pocket rocket,gzqaulh,1622182813,1,0,0.9977388381958008 555,Is tsla a buy today?,Pocket rocket,gzqk2x4,1622190758,1,1,0.9952567219734192 562,It’s ok. Tomorrow is a Friday before 3 days weekend. I think it will drop but not sure if it going to drop below 619. I also holding put.,Pocket rocket,gzpw82e,1622173285,1,1,0.9922886490821838 567,Hahaha dumbass,Pocket rocket,hpxq2zp,1640454978,1,1,0.9904165267944336 572,"The price movement yesterday showed this is an insanely hot stock. Valuation does not matter yet, because Tesla’s technologies will lead to unexpected monetization in the futures. Everyone wants to own a piece of this exciting company.",Tesla stock to the moon 🚀,gqilren,1615424888,3,1,0.9986118078231812 575,😂😂😂😂😂,Tesla stock to the moon 🚀,gqj2fzr,1615433748,1,1,0.9977013468742372 577,"It has reached $4500 before split, if this is not a bubble, what is a bubble look like? GE, NIO, cciv, GM, Li, Volvo, and 20 more companies make EV, and TSLA is priced as all of them combined.... this is nuts!!!",Tesla stock to the moon 🚀,gqheas2,1615404488,1,0,0.9989855885505676 579,TSLA $900 19/03 💯💥🚀🚀,Tesla stock to the moon 🚀,gqk7l6s,1615461009,1,1,0.9983468055725098 585,That’s because how many ICE cars you make doesn’t matter. Companies will be judge by their capabilities to make EVs with autonomy.,Tesla stock to the moon 🚀,gqil8ql,1615424614,1,1,0.9949927926063538 586,GE makes EV’s?,Tesla stock to the moon 🚀,gqj4b4f,1615434873,1,0,0.961750626564026 588,Really?,Tesla stock to the moon 🚀,grkw0gy,1616239567,1,0,0.9988127946853638 592,Going to be a great year! 🚀🚀🚀,Record Deliveries in Q4 2021,hqzbpxt,1641156370,7,1,0.998818337917328 597,Congratz all around. I was a little worried when we were at 900 and losing steam. But I am all in 1370 pre split. I am arguing over how much icing I want on my cake.,Record Deliveries in Q4 2021,hr2d59c,1641212811,1,1,0.9987828135490416 601,"PE ratio was over 1000 a year ago. Now it’s at 350. At current valuation it’ll be half that by the end of 2022. And Tesla will be building more gigafactories after Austin and Berlin are complete. PE still appears high at the moment, but this is not a dividend paying stock so Tesla is still clearly in the early stages of growth mode.",Record Deliveries in Q4 2021,hqznmhr,1641161065,4,1,0.9929918050765992 603,Do you need help finding your home child? You seem lost.,Record Deliveries in Q4 2021,hr0pdng,1641176315,2,0,0.99892657995224 611,I have TSLA and GME,All in on TSLA,hj5e0d4,1635948418,10,1,0.993883490562439 613,I am 100% in,All in on TSLA,hj6qfn8,1635967019,3,1,0.998705506324768 614,Steven Mark Ryan is.,All in on TSLA,hj6tg93,1635968187,4,1,0.992699921131134 627,Sold my call at open but had I sold at close I woulda doubled profits,All in on TSLA,hj7j30a,1635978220,2,1,0.9811819195747375 631,Yes. And I’m bag holding 1200 calls for Friday and am close to throwing myself out the window,All in on TSLA,hj5pwzj,1635953195,1,0,0.9994458556175232 634,Moron,All in on TSLA,hjs7q6i,1636361047,1,0,0.9974467754364014 647,I bought 15 shares before the split. I'm waiting until I can sell one share so I'm just playing with the house's money.,All in on TSLA,hj77i2t,1635973573,3,0,0.999299168586731 655,Yes and trapped is a good way to put it.,All in on TSLA,hj69s4o,1635960673,1,0,0.9928126931190492 658,Wow same thought by the run this morning I wouldn’t want to jump off a bridge but now I’m searching my city for the tallest one,All in on TSLA,hj5xsu7,1635956182,0,0,0.9888512492179872 659,Same 🥲,All in on TSLA,hj65eyk,1635959031,0,1,0.9809044003486632 661,Moronic to own TSLA? To be all in? To sell?,All in on TSLA,hjvasjz,1636414934,1,0,0.9956491589546204 662,Why are u here? Lol,All in on TSLA,hj5zk4k,1635956836,5,0,0.9952006340026855 692,Tesla stock will accelerate like the MS PLAID!! Mark these words as GOLDEN!!,Tesla To 1.2k and Beyond,hhjei7q,1634849827,3,1,0.9977656602859496 702,I never buy when a stock is close to ATH,Tesla To 1.2k and Beyond,hhyvv55,1635156366,1,0,0.9974562525749208 705,How far do you think? $500 range?,Tesla To 1.2k and Beyond,hhke9x3,1634866222,0,0,0.9909180402755736 709,Casual 40% pullback,Tesla To 1.2k and Beyond,hhzv1af,1635176022,1,0,0.9979246854782104 711,"Base Case - $3000 Bear Case - $1500 Bull Case - $4000 🤩📈🚀🧑🏽‍🚀🤑",ARK's new price target for $TSLA,grkfmte,1616222199,10,1,0.9905532598495485 715,"had a rushed read through, is it me or there's nothing on energy? solar, batteries, autobidder?",ARK's new price target for $TSLA,grky3tt,1616241454,2,0,0.9993523955345154 721,"if someone proves that she and elon are aliens, i'm all in. i know satoshi, vitalik, and willem are aliens. so.",ARK's new price target for $TSLA,gro5807,1616301864,1,1,0.9948770403862 735,"Do you think it will reach $900 by weeks end, and is that a good exit point to take profit, or will it go up much beyond that in the near future? What would be your ideal exit point using a *sell* limit order next week?",ARK's new price target for $TSLA,grnaco8,1616283940,1,1,0.9926079511642456 736,No. I'd be optimistically hoping for 5 to ten percent gains every week or two for a few months until interest rates and death to tech eases.,ARK's new price target for $TSLA,grnc21d,1616284850,1,0,0.9984575510025024 737,I'm sure he'll tweet something about selling something on mars and it will go up again.,Lots of chatter about $1200 price target. Next round of stimulus checks could get it there! Prepare for Launch.,goqbjlg,1614275963,9,0,0.9937517046928406 741,I think he need to stop tweeting. His tweet crashes stock more often than border market.,Lots of chatter about $1200 price target. Next round of stimulus checks could get it there! Prepare for Launch.,gorb7ke,1614289920,3,0,0.9994930028915404 744,Exactly!!!!!!!,Lots of chatter about $1200 price target. Next round of stimulus checks could get it there! Prepare for Launch.,gorw3c0,1614299758,1,1,0.996755063533783 750,"I’m blown away at how CNBC manipulates individual stocks during the day. The interview lineups are very strategic. All the new EV companies out there, pouring FUD all over Tesla.",Lots of chatter about $1200 price target. Next round of stimulus checks could get it there! Prepare for Launch.,goyhuhd,1614410316,1,0,0.9974772334098816 756,Now everyone running back to tsla 😂,The mentality of an investor. (Regarding the correction),gogtb8i,1614092976,5,1,0.9983407258987428 766,"Warren also said ""buy only from business you understand"", if you think that TSLA is going to crush the global auto industry you have illustrated your insight",The mentality of an investor. (Regarding the correction),gohwcig,1614108920,3,1,0.990209460258484 767,"I keep adding more, wish I had a buy order for 620",The mentality of an investor. (Regarding the correction),goisu9u,1614123052,1,1,0.9975947737693788 770,"Yup. And thanks to Robinhood and Reddit, there is a lot of insanely dumb money in Tesla right now.",The mentality of an investor. (Regarding the correction),gogkti2,1614088769,-1,0,0.9983114004135132 771,Sell Sell Sell.. !!! It reminds me of this song https://youtu.be/oUbpGmR1-QM,The mentality of an investor. (Regarding the correction),gogxc03,1614094827,-2,0,0.9918802380561828 784,[deleted],Great Opportunity to buy the dip on TSLA,glbbzxa,1611967859,6,0,0.9980586171150208 788,"The last two days have been the dip I’ve been waiting for. I honestly won’t be surprised if the dip continues down to $750, and then $700. Either way We’re getting a discount on the most innovative tech company of this young decade",Great Opportunity to buy the dip on TSLA,glbo5ae,1611973846,2,1,0.8017455339431763 789,"Yessss... perfect opportunity. Will buy 40 $TSLA at Monday opening bell",Great Opportunity to buy the dip on TSLA,glchazc,1611991051,2,1,0.9977217316627502 794,"time to buy the dip buy under sma 50 is always a good deal. sell the high buy the low sweet",Great Opportunity to buy the dip on TSLA,gmy8qs3,1613059691,1,1,0.9972819089889526 797,I'm already losing money with $ TSLA. I really don't think it was a good idea to buy his stock ...,Great Opportunity to buy the dip on TSLA,glhg7ue,1612105332,0,0,0.9994889497756958 801,"After all the things Tesla king🤴did for us, it’s time to show papa Elon some love.. $TSLA is down. Let’s Lift it.. buy💰buy💰buy💰 💎💎💎🤟🏽",Great Opportunity to buy the dip on TSLA,glchd4f,1611991099,4,1,0.998690903186798 817,Sold my last position at $1k. Have been waiting to jump back in finally did it 8 shares at $640,Bought on the dip today. Who’s with me?,i9fd08u,1653118153,7,1,0.99788099527359 840,Nice,Bought on the dip today. Who’s with me?,i9es4e8,1653103195,1,1,0.9977694749832152 841,Congrats! I added a bit near the days bottom and I now have a whopping 0.6 shares 😁 if it stays at this pace or falls more I hope to own my first full share within about a month...,Bought on the dip today. Who’s with me?,i9f4w9y,1653111429,3,1,0.9978519678115844 848,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",Bought on the dip today. Who’s with me?,i9vn26f,1653440608,1,0,0.9994649291038512 853,I’m 31 so this made me feel young again. Thanks Peter,It’s true,gr1gv1z,1615833219,3,1,0.9988704323768616 854,Well I trade.... 94 tho,It’s true,gr05yl2,1615810100,4,1,0.9859282970428468 868,Took the words right out of my mouth ..... 😂,It’s true,gr3c2tj,1615870551,1,1,0.992705762386322 873,I’m buying the dip,"Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gz3k8ih,1621720224,7,1,0.9984678626060486 874,Impossible to short squeeze a put option,"Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gz3inw1,1621719407,6,0,0.9961418509483336 876,"Good day sir, welcome to Wendy's","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gza46ok,1621869338,3,1,0.9988605976104736 882,"Bro sorry to see this. These are the tough lessons, but take away only using long term options as the short term is how you get blown up. Best of luck!","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gz476sj,1621732915,2,1,0.9834068417549132 886,"just as a side note you cannot ""squeeze"" Put options, unless they are bought on margin. The position Dr. Burry entered give you as the name says the option to sell at a specific price and not the obligation. You can hypothetically push up the price and make the contracts worthless stock price > strike price, but its not a squeeze. I wish you the best of luck with your position, but it is going to be difficult without a major catalyst.","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gzfyo6c,1621980220,2,0,0.9892849326133728 894,"Pros don't choose their victims at random, they know that the current value cannot be defended with profits, hence they are a sitting duck","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gz9qr7l,1621862849,1,0,0.997530162334442 899,"Tesla doesn't actually sell any cars without governments subs, and SpaceX is all fake. Sell now, seriously. Better to cut your losses. It's a bubble that is about to pop. Its not going to end well for this company.","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gz4kwru,1621741656,-5,0,0.9994794726371764 901,I also have $735 short put on tsla. When is your expired? Are you rolling weekly or monthly ? Thank you,"Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gz37a3m,1621713670,1,1,0.9876158833503724 902,This is really the only applicable question to ask. I mean unless the op has a portfolio so large that this position is only 2%...,"Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gzl5dxo,1622079005,1,0,0.9954656958580016 906,The guy just lost nearly 200k and your advice is “buy the dip”. Wtf,"Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gzl53ma,1622078863,1,0,0.9994945526123048 907,"That's exactly my feeling too. I am in $77k in red. Wei\_28 made me feel my pain is like nothing. In fact, I even smiled at my own thoughts of fear and dejection of holding June 18 $590 calls at a loss.","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gz65xhg,1621784551,1,0,0.9686871767044068 909,"Thank you!! Everyone is talking like he put up over 500 million as a bet against Tesla. Yeah.... if you count every shares. Just so funny how the DUD gets spread. And btw... for anyone wondering. He will most likely lose money on those puts. The haters can hate all they want but nothing will stop Tesla as a company. Elon makes it tough on their PR people with his rants and tweets. But the man (Elon) knows what he is doing.","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gza69kr,1621870299,1,1,0.9954728484153748 912,"Hi 2, I'm dad.","Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gzomg68,1622149819,1,1,0.998175859451294 916,Just for the record there is no garuntee that Burry still holds those puts. Only that he held them at the end of Q1. For all we know he could have long closed that position when tsla bottomed and started consolidating.,"Please buy tesla and save my ass. Thank you, need your supports. Tesla is being shorted by big hedge fund Michael Burry. Buy Tesla and get a short squeeze in.",gzl5w3c,1622079262,1,0,0.9944514632225036 929,Faxxxxxxxxx😂,coming in hot 🔥,gxrqrx3,1620763532,2,1,0.9977591037750244 934,"$650 puts expiration tomorrow, this thing will dip again into the weekend.",Cathie Wood Loads Up $34.5M Worth Of Tesla As Shares Retreat Post Q1 Earnings Report,gwcyfad,1619738395,2,0,0.9979996085166932 943,"If it dips you buy, you don’t time the market.",Cathie Wood Loads Up $34.5M Worth Of Tesla As Shares Retreat Post Q1 Earnings Report,gwdt734,1619753176,1,0,0.9823604822158812 944,https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.benzinga.com/amp/content/20853729,Cathie Wood Loads Up $34.5M Worth Of Tesla As Shares Retreat Post Q1 Earnings Report,gwb3msa,1619711086,2,1,0.8903672099113464 947,"Shadow traded her on SKLZ and made almost 20 percent. Don't forget draft kings",Cathie Wood Loads Up $34.5M Worth Of Tesla As Shares Retreat Post Q1 Earnings Report,gwc8cwr,1619726920,2,1,0.9978163242340088 951,Nah look at spy & qqq,Cathie Wood Loads Up $34.5M Worth Of Tesla As Shares Retreat Post Q1 Earnings Report,gwcfx83,1619730047,1,0,0.9956499934196472 952,"I trade, taxes have to be paid...,cost of business",Cathie Wood Loads Up $34.5M Worth Of Tesla As Shares Retreat Post Q1 Earnings Report,gwdyp91,1619756370,1,1,0.6908711791038513 972,At least I’m not the only one,"Gentlepersons, we have liftoff",gqd4zrr,1615318963,4,0,0.9921088814735411 977,Two finger tapping palm clap.,Congrats my fellow longs,hi21m9b,1635209093,4,1,0.9803419709205629 981,"I have a small amount avg 177 And another larger amount avg 670",Congrats my fellow longs,hi3mz5q,1635246869,1,1,0.9925077557563782 988,I did made 4k,Who else here made a significant gain with TSLA today? I’ve been holding onto $635 calls all week and they tripled today.,h2xxmq4,1624581766,3,1,0.9944792985916138 990,"i made a good gain this week with $tsla, i also bough when it dip for $700 calls for 16 july. i hope it go back and try to test the $700 today in after or tomorrow in pre market what do you think? i put 13k in options",Who else here made a significant gain with TSLA today? I’ve been holding onto $635 calls all week and they tripled today.,h2x1slt,1624561763,3,1,0.998512327671051 993,My strategy is long-term. I prefer to hold and buy up more when it dips 🍻,Who else here made a significant gain with TSLA today? I’ve been holding onto $635 calls all week and they tripled today.,h2z2g6n,1624608295,2,1,0.9986294507980348 1001,"Awesome! I have shares also I got in at 403.23. One thing you might consider since you’re looking to add to the position anyway is selling some Puts. Whatever price per share you would be comfortable paying to add to the position, sell a put contract at that strike price. Then if it moves down and your put gets assigned you get your 100 shares at that lower price minus the premium you collected per share (so you get a little discount) and if it doesn’t move down then you just keep the premium for the put co",Who else here made a significant gain with TSLA today? I’ve been holding onto $635 calls all week and they tripled today.,h2x5e26,1624563391,5,1,0.997641921043396 1004,"Don’t waste time with “what if”. You snagged an $80 gain, that’s a win. Be happy about it and focus on the next trade opportunity. “Paper hands” doesn’t mean shit. That’s just what bagholders call the smart people who take profits",Who else here made a significant gain with TSLA today? I’ve been holding onto $635 calls all week and they tripled today.,h2yh6xw,1624592488,7,1,0.9985114932060242 1006,"With P/E multiples so high, and the market seeming tumultuous, what do you see as a market wide potential catalyst to push tsla north of $700? What tsla news might be a catalyst pushing it higher?",Who else here made a significant gain with TSLA today? I’ve been holding onto $635 calls all week and they tripled today.,h5nwkhl,1626635047,1,1,0.9954857230186462 1032,He doesn’t need anymore money. Where is his motivation?! What is the motivation? Take care of his share holders? Feed the poor? Save the rain forest?!! Humph 😤,I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzsne5p,1622230843,2,0,0.9990847110748292 1036,Nope nope nope,I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzrz3e3,1622220065,1,0,0.995781421661377 1043,"IMO this stock is not up and down due to Elon as much as it is due to the market manipulation. Naked shorts, buying shares off market and shenanigans that are not available to retail traders. This is what is hurting the entire stock market right now - but particularly a few heavily shorted stocks. Moreover, look at other EV companies that started within 10 years of Tesla. Elon has proven that no-one could have done this but him. I think if you can hold your shares - they will be worth way more in 5 yea",I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,h23hve6,1623942290,1,0,0.9937187433242798 1045,looking to sell when/if the stock reaches 700-750,I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzrzkyt,1622220276,0,0,0.9928489923477172 1047,"Yeah honestly if that's your attitude, I hope you do sell before the AI and the semi are released.",I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzvgxv8,1622298414,0,0,0.9918363690376282 1048,You make a good point. I will be holding for at least few more months or maybe till the end of the year maybe even 10 more years I’m not sure yet. Just wanted to get more peoples opinions because I know there’s different investors here.,I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzt2b5k,1622238017,2,1,0.9975717663764954 1058,Yeah i argee!,I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzs1dvn,1622221045,2,1,0.9965108036994934 1060,"I feeleth the same, but belike shall feeleth different at which hour the stock price goeth back up *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`",I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzs4jcu,1622222413,1,0,0.9958804845809937 1064,"You must be talkin to me cause I dont see Anyone else here",I’m considering selling all of my shares once it goes back up again. I love the company but Elon’s antics bother me.,gzvtyga,1622305337,1,0,0.9984005093574524 1086,I think energy (mainly grid battery storage) is an underrated sector as well.,"TSLA $2,500+. Based on Cyber Truck ramp up, AI autonomous driving, further deliveries, EV growth",gqam8j0,1615264381,3,1,0.9985902905464172 1092,Tesla Semi was supposed to be on the market 2019. When can you even ask the car to go and park itself and com back when I want to go home??,"TSLA $2,500+. Based on Cyber Truck ramp up, AI autonomous driving, further deliveries, EV growth",gqayzfk,1615273991,1,0,0.999508261680603 1099,">papa Elon will eventually pay for my Tesla He has already paid for mine:)","TSLA $2,500+. Based on Cyber Truck ramp up, AI autonomous driving, further deliveries, EV growth",gqj08sq,1615432526,2,1,0.9980530738830566 1103,It will be 700+ before end of month!!,"TSLA $2,500+. Based on Cyber Truck ramp up, AI autonomous driving, further deliveries, EV growth",gqc335r,1615303076,1,0,0.7457574009895325 1106,"Maybe you will never get to buy it, LoL.","TSLA $2,500+. Based on Cyber Truck ramp up, AI autonomous driving, further deliveries, EV growth",gqc39gr,1615303151,1,0,0.992797076702118 1113,Smart money moving away from stocks that have high P/E ratios for a few months with bond interest looming,"TSLA $2,500+. Based on Cyber Truck ramp up, AI autonomous driving, further deliveries, EV growth",gq9gk2q,1615241724,3,1,0.9942330718040466 1119,She is part of the problem she’s wrong she’s a Showboat and was wrong lotta people lost money because of her,Waiting on Mama Cathie Wood’s price target,gpv2hkh,1615003275,1,0,0.9994720816612244 1123,Not true. CW always says her ETFs are focused on 5+ years out.,Waiting on Mama Cathie Wood’s price target,gq026rr,1615058728,2,0,0.9994899034500122 1124,You only lose money if you sell. And only people who don’t understand the company are selling,Waiting on Mama Cathie Wood’s price target,gq2aztf,1615089243,2,0,0.9984993934631348 1134,"ME TOO, PARTNER! YOLO🚀😉",Riding it out till 1000,gvbra4w,1619014977,3,1,0.9987301230430604 1138,When bring to Turkey in Binance ?,Riding it out till 1000,gvaqzxu,1618988279,2,0,0.9852635860443116 1139,Will it really reach 1k by when,Riding it out till 1000,gva355f,1618971928,1,1,0.9934939742088318 1142,Nice cut and paste job,Riding it out till 1000,gvd9fof,1619038078,1,1,0.99873024225235 1143,Go baby go! Next stop 1000,Riding it out till 1000,gvqttn8,1619295171,1,1,0.9973965883255004 1145,Scaling out then rebuying on dip,Riding it out till 1000,gva1ov3,1618971141,4,1,0.9976296424865724 1147,Next week right before earnings release❗💯,Riding it out till 1000,gvbups2,1619016536,2,1,0.9987026453018188 1152,Right there with you on that,"$1,400 Stimulus Approved by the House!!!!!",gp3k8hy,1614469586,3,1,0.9974785447120668 1155,TENDIES IN BOUNDS T+2....,"$1,400 Stimulus Approved by the House!!!!!",gp40tut,1614479235,1,0,0.9968992471694946 1173,I’m in it to win it! 13 1/20/23 $500 calls(leaps) w a total 400k+ invested. Let’s Goooooooo!,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gtv9e0d,1617922809,7,1,0.9986987113952636 1175,Let’s go!,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gttfkvn,1617894101,4,1,0.9987346529960632 1177,I'm only downvoting this because of your pessimism. Please state more realistic future evaluations.,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gtw12ll,1617937297,3,0,0.9994600415229796 1178,"Nonsens. Other cars will be built. Better, cheaper. More ans more. BMW, Metcedes Volkswagen, Toyota, GM Ford and many other car builders will bring top models into the market. Volkswagen sells 10 Million cars with good earnings. Tesla only build a half million cars with NO profit. The only reason for tTeslas Profit are the CO2 Ceritificates. The other car builders have to pay to Tesla. This will end in a few years. The Tesla stock will fall to a fair price of 120 Dollars.","TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gu2up9g,1618086807,1,0,0.9986979961395264 1180,Analysts often market stocks instead of analyzing them 😬,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gtx9rlf,1617971912,1,0,0.9902769327163696 1182,What pills are you on?,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gtwkxbi,1617951320,0,0,0.9885224103927612 1183,I suppose that depends on when you bought that call and at what premium. It’s been a suckers play for the last 3 months. I paid $7k for a $720 call ages ago which is now worth less that $800. I should have cut my losses ages ago. Hope is not a way to invest. The trend is your friend. Too many skimmers out there manipulating the stock.,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gtwwxec,1617962691,3,0,0.9994901418685912 1186,"I’ve lost on buying calls the last 3 months. Profits were best made on buying puts or selling calls. Even long dated, the premiums paid are not worth it!","TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gtwwovh,1617962461,1,0,0.9994934797286988 1187,Yes but why not hope on board while the iron is hot?,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gug0z35,1618367679,1,1,0.9875667095184326 1189,Why not use your delorean and find out for the rest of us?,"TSLA to $1,400 this year and $15,000 in 10 years.",gu4q9d3,1618130194,3,0,0.9967451095581056 1195,[deleted],Elon Musk has increased his Tesla holdings even after selling off his TSLA shares,hnis67r,1638831902,1,0,0.9980586171150208 1196,[This thread has some interesting discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslainvestorsclub/comments/ra57aw/how_elon_musk_sold_10_million_tesla_shares_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on this topic.,Elon Musk has increased his Tesla holdings even after selling off his TSLA shares,hni0by2,1638820912,1,1,0.986396551132202 1214,Got 100 shares and also got a bunch of Put options. Protective put.,TSLA buying opportunity Monday,hjt2mlk,1636382109,1,1,0.9931300282478333 1219,"The tweets stress me out too. If I didn't have so much confidence in the long term direction of this company, I'd be investing elsewhere. Elon is gonna Elon. You gotta take the bad with the good if you're going to be an investor.",TSLA buying opportunity Monday,hnf806z,1638766006,1,1,0.9948862195014954 1223,Elon buying up TSLA secretly?,Samsung & Tesla sign half a billion dollars deal for Cybertruck cameras,h55svhd,1626274844,1,0,0.9919716119766236 1224,"Ehhh, what?",Samsung & Tesla sign half a billion dollars deal for Cybertruck cameras,h5dikhm,1626423611,1,0,0.9990189075469972 1229,Hodling til 2030 easy. Buying more once gme collapses the world market lol,"Tesla price falling due to 10y treasury yield rise rhetoric by pros ,,,,, this is nonsense given fed comments and coronavirus cases going up...CNBC backing is obvious .... seems like a pure play on retail investors. I am holding.",gstqkdl,1617127404,4,1,0.9982919096946716 1246,"Inflation has to come but should be temp to allow economy to stable, according to Powell.","Tesla price falling due to 10y treasury yield rise rhetoric by pros ,,,,, this is nonsense given fed comments and coronavirus cases going up...CNBC backing is obvious .... seems like a pure play on retail investors. I am holding.",gssm2by,1617108256,1,1,0.9967126846313475 1248,It's a 1k stock EOY minimum. Wait for q1 sales and earnings. 2020 q4 will not be allowed to happen again,I just bought 20 shares of Tesla… I’m very happy… And if it keeps going down I’m gonna keep on buying more… I finally found the opportunity to buy,gpsipp6,1614963897,6,1,0.969364047050476 1250,Hell yeah dude. This is a sale!,I just bought 20 shares of Tesla… I’m very happy… And if it keeps going down I’m gonna keep on buying more… I finally found the opportunity to buy,gpsk26m,1614964480,4,1,0.9982283711433412 1252,"Are you bullish? Do you think this is the bottom?",I just bought 20 shares of Tesla… I’m very happy… And if it keeps going down I’m gonna keep on buying more… I finally found the opportunity to buy,gptpxeo,1614983619,3,1,0.9936568140983582 1256,Let’s go 🚀,"Cathie Wood bought a ton more Tesla amid Tuesday’s sell-off, possibly sparking turnaround",goj5ur1,1614129573,10,1,0.9988258481025696 1263,"Yeah, that was part of their regular rebalancing of their funds. Nothing special, they are just sticking to their strategy.","Cathie Wood bought a ton more Tesla amid Tuesday’s sell-off, possibly sparking turnaround",gok10u8,1614147293,1,1,0.9981470108032228 1267,Get outta her with that shit,"Cathie Wood bought a ton more Tesla amid Tuesday’s sell-off, possibly sparking turnaround",gojxidt,1614144744,3,0,0.9994125366210938 1268,"Also, people always forget she has a whole team of analyst too. She’s not buying the hype or the memes. Their research is available on their website, it’s very interesting if anyone wants to go take a look at it.","Cathie Wood bought a ton more Tesla amid Tuesday’s sell-off, possibly sparking turnaround",gosaxb6,1614307243,1,1,0.992569625377655 1273,"They're redefining the category that business itself is put in. They have a huge reliance on data, yet they also sell cars, and the two are linked.",Tesla May Have a Path to a $4 Trillion Market Value. Here's Why.,hzn2slg,1646611559,1,1,0.9987719655036926 1285,That aged well,Looks like 2018... buy the dip,gpp33bh,1614890935,2,1,0.998571276664734 1288,Sad to watch but definitely buying more 🤷🏽‍♂️,Looks like 2018... buy the dip,gppg6na,1614896662,1,1,0.9985081553459167 1294,Pretty sure he doesn't want people to lose more money,Looks like 2018... buy the dip,gprjcrq,1614945834,1,0,0.9982897639274596 1298,"""Upside prevails providing 610 is support"" Trading Central-- Right now a melt up or melt down wouldn't surprise me-- don't want to trade on fear or greed-- as long as TSLA stays above $500 I'm long term bullish. But if she drops below $500 then... $400 or lower-- So I'm very happy with a $610 support level. --- Why am I happy? Down 25% with this last TSLA round. But up 40/50% with prior TSLA ventures--- Long live TSLA!!","Historically, TSLA has had a 100% win rate for the month of June since 2010. Just putting that out there.",gzllle2,1622088474,5,1,0.9986647367477416 1299,It will finish the year over 1k but dunno about doubling in June. There will be more fed talk and inflation fear. And who knows what bond market will be like for a few weeks.,"Historically, TSLA has had a 100% win rate for the month of June since 2010. Just putting that out there.",gzmnxgk,1622118774,2,1,0.994827926158905 1312,"Your greed has no limits, I actually like Tesla, but with no profits the value will collapse sooner or later.","Historically, TSLA has had a 100% win rate for the month of June since 2010. Just putting that out there.",gzqaep1,1622182465,0,0,0.999369204044342 1319,Looks like I was right. Only way TSLA goes below 300 is with a stock split!,Tesla to seek investor approval for 3-for-1 stock split,ibx7h6y,1654908529,5,1,0.9905965328216552 1320,"What I'm curious about is the implementation and how that relates to options. It is said to be performed through a stock dividend as opposed to a split. What does this mean for call options? For simplicity sake let's say I had 100 shares and sold calls against these with an expiration after the split. Would these calls cover 100 or 300 shares? In particular because they say it is a special dividend. I suspect there is no such loophole, but just curious if anyone knows.",Tesla to seek investor approval for 3-for-1 stock split,ibwolt4,1654898795,2,0,0.995071530342102 1322,"Lol, split in a bear market is always bad",Tesla to seek investor approval for 3-for-1 stock split,ibxf9el,1654912649,2,0,0.9989402890205384 1326,Not everyone can buy fractional shares. And many investors simply looks at the stock price to value a company I.e. if stock is cheap they think the company is cheap,Tesla to seek investor approval for 3-for-1 stock split,ibyl02v,1654943491,3,0,0.9930296540260316 1332,"Because if it goes down, it looks more like a penny stock. Which people psychologically associate with “potential bankruptcy” or “if this is so great, why isn’t the price higher?”",Tesla to seek investor approval for 3-for-1 stock split,ibz70si,1654957992,1,0,0.9926551580429076 1334,"My average buy in price is $50/share. I’ve watched Tesla drop 50%+ of its value so many times and then rocket higher. Do you still believe in the company and what they are doing? If so, then don’t worry about the near term and know it will work it’s way back up.",will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9xjgvy,1653484451,28,1,0.9983891248703004 1338,That all depends on Elon and sleep deprivation.,will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9x40rg,1653475322,4,0,0.9930508136749268 1360,Lol obviously you're not a crypto investor. This is nothing.,will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,ia0kbg3,1653530619,1,0,0.9994826316833496 1366,Not anytime soon. Even at $700 its way overvalued. I still think Elon is a genius but that doesn’t change the reality for what you’re buying into. I think I’ll cover my shorts @ $200/share.,will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,ibbwyyr,1654488185,1,0,0.9986231327056884 1374,Or ??????????,will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9ybk7y,1653496174,1,0,0.9938948750495912 1377,">Terrible decision. Even if this media induced market crash maintains its trajectory, what makes you think Tesla will suffer? The worst outcome thing that could happen to Tesla was Shanghai being shut down and continuing at limited capacity. So you sell the day they re-open at full capacity? lol. > > > >A recession and higher rates won't hurt TSLA at all since they're profitable with plenty of cash on hand. They aren't taking high interest rate loans and their margins are crushing. With Gas predict",will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9znnd6,1653515499,1,0,0.99928480386734 1383,Whole US Market is down. I bought google at 2300. Now it's is trading around 2100,will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9x2mtj,1653474236,11,0,0.998996913433075 1384,"$600 is likely to be the bottom of the support and resistance lines. Back when Tesla was at $1100 a share, I told me friends that I thought tesla would be coming back down to $600 (temporarily) and they didn't believe me. I hope it comes down further, cause to me that's just a major buying opportunity. I also agree with the other redditors in that, if you believe in the company, don't worry about it. Tesla isn't going anywhere.",will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9z7a5c,1653508668,2,1,0.998068869113922 1389,"maybe, but the market doesn't seem to react to Elon the same as other holdings, it's weird to me and unpredictable, he always seems to recover somehow, and yes, usually due to some tweet.",will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,ia20nwi,1653567062,1,1,0.9795661568641664 1394,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed because a word was flagged from AutoMod. Please contact the mod team if you feel this is in error. -2"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9ybc4l,1653496088,1,0,0.9993526339530944 1399,Sir/ma’am respectfully you sound dumber than a door post and have added nothing to the discussion. You’re probably brave or foolhardy.,will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,ia0e0sl,1653527712,1,0,0.9995050430297852 1404,[removed],will tsla ever get back to $1000 per share? I bought in a little too high and can't believe how low it is right now,i9yb17x,1653495970,1,0,0.9972092509269714 1415,What price did you buy at?,Just bought $8k worth of tsla,hu4u5rw,1643103156,1,1,0.9884214401245116 1430,"My original post [here](https://utradea.com/positions/Tesla_Tesla_Tesla) has the models, pictures, and graphs. My projections are bearish, however there is reason for this which I explained, currently I am a little bearish but if the price dips to a good point I would consider buying",Tesla ($TSLA) Due Dilligence!,h23becc,1623939575,1,1,0.9942654967308044 1432,What even is this?😂,Tesla ($TSLA) Due Dilligence!,h23jx1j,1623943158,1,0,0.9993703961372375 1440,"Was playing weeklies. Bought some calls when it found support at $600. Walked away to chill with the wife and play guitar. Opened my phone as it was cross $588. 50% loss on those calls. Win some, you lose some. That article about them selling 50% less in China than last month caused the shit storm.",TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0gxkus,1622744837,4,0,0.9994309544563292 1441,"By the year of 2030 my son will be 17 years old. I’ll then sells my TSLA ( probably worth $10k-$15k per share ) to fund his university fees and I’m glad that i did not panic sell during $550 per share. :)",TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0if7rt,1622768906,14,1,0.9985963702201844 1449,I just wish I have a few millions just to buy me some more shares of Tesla to support Elon and Tesla and to mess with the bad guys.,TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0ha0r8,1622750100,6,1,0.9977600574493408 1450,Buy the dip and go LONG. Not financial advice.,TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0gyogi,1622745297,4,0,0.9939991235733032 1453,"I got sell put 400 strike today. And will get more if tomorrow down again. And a bunch leap calls. Loving the dip. 2018,2019, and 2020 i did the same shit and diamond hands all those years. Long term we looking sexy anyways I ain’t scared!",TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0icglf,1622767619,2,1,0.9979813694953918 1454,Maybe $550 but $800 by 8/25/2021,TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0h9zi4,1622750085,3,0,0.9975645542144777 1455,Yea it looks terrible. Lot of peeps gonna lose $,TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0gv03b,1622743764,1,0,0.9994950294494628 1458,"I really hope so. I’ve been wanting to pick up 1000 shares at a good price. Load that FUD canon and make me rich please ;)",TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h1dmhil,1623396270,1,1,0.9951144456863404 1462,"WHAT?!?! You are so right. I never seen it before. Thanks. So, you think it will coming back before 6/18?",TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0i0d9y,1622761678,0,1,0.996317982673645 1463,Correction… expansion plans universally,TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0hqbzi,1622756995,5,1,0.9743010401725768 1472,How many times has TSLA broken support just to gain it back in a month or so.,TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0hn7po,1622755570,3,0,0.9980036616325378 1481,My birthday,TSLA lost support on retest of the 200 day MA. I fear $550 is on the horizon.,h0hhoo5,1622753380,11,1,0.9982587695121764 1486,I’ve always considered it an Energy company.,What does Tesla actually do?,gx1vur2,1620236842,2,1,0.9904194474220276 1492,I mean. They are actually producing batteries. But yeah they havnt started using that production yet,What does Tesla actually do?,gx2vjkb,1620251944,1,0,0.9958129525184632 1494,Fantastic!!! It will only continue growing.,My return on TSLA. Bought $50 as a 16 year old in August 2016.,gminocn,1612737324,2,1,0.9986456036567688 1495,That took a long time to make a thousand dollars.,My return on TSLA. Bought $50 as a 16 year old in August 2016.,gmj386u,1612745291,2,0,0.9994877576828004 1497,Awesome job! Imagine if you dollar-cost-averaged your way up. It's a solid strategy for companies you believe in long term👍,My return on TSLA. Bought $50 as a 16 year old in August 2016.,gmfdrgy,1612703592,1,1,0.99883633852005 1498,👍👍👍,My return on TSLA. Bought $50 as a 16 year old in August 2016.,gmfl5w1,1612705156,1,1,0.9982661604881288 1515,[removed],Elon sold his shares on 04/26 and 04/27. 3.5m shares so far. Don't throw rocks at me. I am just sharing a real information. See SEC filing.,i6ojn0q,1651248638,1,0,0.9972092509269714 1517,"We have problems where vast of people using margin in holding stocks, bitcoin, crypto, etc.",Elon sold his shares on 04/26 and 04/27. 3.5m shares so far. Don't throw rocks at me. I am just sharing a real information. See SEC filing.,i729xpf,1651518230,1,0,0.9950101375579834 1521,"Yeah, after today, I'm going to be more leary of Mondays that follow a down Friday, that's for sure.",Elon sold his shares on 04/26 and 04/27. 3.5m shares so far. Don't throw rocks at me. I am just sharing a real information. See SEC filing.,i72fdlc,1651520429,2,0,0.9978997707366944 1527,Diagree,Tesla Q1 blew the lid off!,i5yv93h,1650778336,1,0,0.9972532391548156 1533,Very class act Mr. Musk,Elon Musk gave 5 million Tesla shares to charity after teasing possible donation to fight world hunger,hx024ir,1644902634,6,1,0.9986131191253662 1550,[removed],Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,htqk2dd,1642855739,1,0,0.9972092509269714 1553,Earnings will be great but what about forecast?,Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,htwit1h,1642959077,1,1,0.9969767332077026 1554,Not sure if TSLA can run up 4-5 hundred in a matter of 3 days. 🤞,Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,htqjnvb,1642855497,0,0,0.998071789741516 1557,Going in heavy next week! Think Monday is the best day to buy in?,Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,htqm01o,1642856888,7,1,0.9984534978866576 1587,"Yes, but all these old bmws/Mercedes are ready for replacement…",Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,htwob24,1642961174,1,0,0.9988250136375428 1588,Tesla is still miniscule portion of cars on road but is growing drastically… can’t see this slowing down for another few years,Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,htwogos,1642961234,1,1,0.9982576966285706 1591,"Tech is down 10%+, and the rates increase is mostly priced in for now… I feel this week the fed will calm the markets a bit, so this should all reverse… I think ATH of $1250 for Tesla is definitely in the cards, this week, but could be more",Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,hts0w30,1642878752,0,0,0.99832421541214 1596,I can’t wait!,Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,hu6humu,1643133018,1,1,0.9987611770629884 1601,"> I think ATH of $1250 for Tesla is definitely in the cards, this week, but could be more I want what you’re on…",Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,hu1lkvd,1643045873,1,1,0.989616632461548 1605,Agreed 🤑🤑🤑 Thursday morning 🤑🤑🤑,Week of $tsla earnings - Growth 120% annualized - Price Target $1500,hu6hy3v,1643133052,1,1,0.9987425208091736 1615,"For anyone kicking themselves for not buying TSLA a couple of years ago, keep in mind that this rally is just the beginning if you take a long term view",Short squeeze coming next week - Target 1300-1500,hipgqw5,1635639102,2,1,0.9982808828353882 1617,HOLE,Short squeeze coming next week - Target 1300-1500,hikl6d4,1635546158,1,0,0.997739315032959 1625,The big question. Was this priced in?,This should help,gt7rlmz,1617424016,1,0,0.9979422688484192 1631,Amazing. Keep it up,19 Year old position,hu3oe35,1643078207,4,1,0.9988479614257812 1641,"Yeah definitely. I got a few buddies to throw their savings from summer jobs into TSLA. I’m encouraging going all in because we’re so young and have little to nothing to worry about especially as students who are dependents. I encourage using the position of being a dependent student living with parents fresh out of high school, to put all your money into building wealth considering all expenses are pretty much covered by parents. Only expenses not covered are going out, drinking, partying, etc…. But some s",19 Year old position,hu3v0tr,1643081183,4,1,0.9983047246932985 1644,What is your Instagram,19 Year old position,hu784qt,1643142829,1,1,0.9799606204032898 1651,What if I already spent all my money on buying the dip the first time it dipped?,Buy the dip,hofj5nh,1639431762,6,0,0.9991633892059326 1657,I try buying at the dip but the price is always lower. Today I bought 2 shares at $984 then 2 more shares at $960... I'm not sure if I'll have the money to buy if it goes lower,Buy the dip,hogoegh,1639450380,3,0,0.9928425550460817 1658,"Musk is dumping, a billion per week. He just dumped another block. TSLA was the most overvalued stock in the market before he started selling and it started falling. IT therefore has all the characteristics of a falling knife along with other meme stocks. I would avoid unless it falls 50%. And yet, there are super bargain stocks like VIAC, T and VX available that are solid, very undervalued and which pay large dividends for you to wait. Investors ignore them. It makes no sense but even Cramer admits ",Buy the dip,hohqvm3,1639474108,0,0,0.9994463324546814 1659,The dip didn’t come yet 😂,Buy the dip,hohlc84,1639469520,-1,1,0.99439138174057 1667,Isn’t that bullish? Since you’re holding more shares,Buy the dip,hofmcly,1639433086,1,0,0.9793423414230348 1669,[removed],Buy the dip,hojhs94,1639506382,1,0,0.9972092509269714 1672,"Same brother, don’t worry :)",Buy the dip,hpf19pj,1640089824,1,1,0.9987916350364684 1674,Relief on that sell off...,Buy the dip,hofskur,1639435700,2,1,0.9980936646461488 1677,What did you buy in at the first time? That seems kinda reckless,Buy the dip,hoix4fl,1639498343,1,0,0.9994786381721495 1679,"It’s only a dip because elon is selling. The fact that it gets bought up after is impressive. He was able to sell and not tank the stock . You could wait if you’re worried, or just buy now, If you’re long term. I added more in the slide. I went from 80 to 95 shares",Buy the dip,hnw5fw8,1639079866,10,1,0.998738706111908 1681,"Haha, it would be a real Joke if Elon Musk twittered now that hè is considering a 1:5 stock split 😂😂😂",Buy the dip,hnw37ge,1639078984,3,0,0.9904735684394836 1683,Elon still selling I’m waiting for <950 or <900 depending on the trend,Buy the dip,hnvgsv0,1639070148,6,1,0.99399995803833 1686,Just bought 2 more at $988….just like I did a few weeks ago lol.,Buy the dip,ho01r4a,1639152655,2,1,0.9985927939414978 1689,It will be 525 again,Buy the dip,hnxjh6c,1639101114,-3,1,0.9811288118362428 1693,"Ngl I want this to happen. Cus then again, more investors would be wanting to get on the TSLA train cus shares would be cheaper. Also I could buy more too!",Buy the dip,hnwf667,1639083770,2,1,0.9924476146697998 1694,Where they have the rave caves,Buy the dip,hnyogvi,1639122516,1,1,0.9956426620483398 1701,"I do it all the time it seems LOL, but thank you",Im the Best. Give me all the upvotes,hkcabcq,1636730404,3,1,0.9987539052963256 1703,Gee thanks,Im the Best. Give me all the upvotes,hl5qtwk,1637264246,2,1,0.9983094930648804 1706,Elon says thank you for buying his stocks.,Im the Best. Give me all the upvotes,hkd36gj,1636742155,1,1,0.9985768795013428 1711,I really hope so. I want to recover my PLTR losses.,Im the Best. Give me all the upvotes,hkd8s5j,1636744517,3,1,0.9967517852783204 1712,I’m the best at that too,Im the Best. Give me all the upvotes,hkcnjyv,1636735801,1,1,0.9978609681129456 1715,I’ve been invested in Tesla for several years and endured the painful losses of early 2019. But my conviction in Tesla’s class leading products was so strong that I doubled down and went all in. Now we are approaching 2022 and my conviction is even stronger than it was in 2019. Drive a model 3 then drive an Audi A4/Benz c class back to back and you’ll see a death sentence for the Germans. This is just the beginning.,Im the Best. Give me all the upvotes,hkdrmjd,1636752590,3,1,0.9984149932861328 1716,😂😂😂 Dcf og tesla based on fantasy numbers,"Base $847, Bull $1482 | Tesla DCF valuation model",hdi6g1m,1632081841,1,1,0.998037040233612 1722,"I’m down 10k, pretty much the 10k I made from them last year. I’m holding.",Hodl,gxnzlp0,1620687682,3,0,0.9988080263137816 1727,"Same, but even less!! [rattles lint cup]",Hodl,gxo8vxi,1620692330,1,0,0.9988694787025452 1733,Lmao whoever put their entire life savings into dogecoin literally deserves to loose it.,Hodl,gxnnbd0,1620681879,12,0,0.99944669008255 1739,Ha !!! Facts,Hodl,gxnuijt,1620685196,2,1,0.9916197061538696 1746,15 more,today is a good day to crush some $tsla shorts. HODL,gwh6t7f,1619820862,1,1,0.995439112186432 1761,I am getting more on Monday. Soon we hit 1000$ its certain. 🚀🌕🕺,🚀🌕1000$ next week. Moooooooon,gvp0kup,1619270802,2,1,0.9980360865592957 1770,Why would you expect such a drastic rise?,Can Tesla hit 1k by the end of this month?,gucyxqi,1618314006,6,0,0.9975913763046264 1777,Why not! It is all about momentum and news. Great ER with stock split,Can Tesla hit 1k by the end of this month?,guc9x3d,1618291145,3,1,0.9988510608673096 1779,Yup..$1000 for 2 shares more probable,Can Tesla hit 1k by the end of this month?,guc2zuc,1618286330,-4,0,0.9940255880355836 1783,Because he wants his stonkss to go up,Can Tesla hit 1k by the end of this month?,gud0hci,1618315087,10,0,0.9883594512939452 1785,In nearly times TSLA will be at 150 dollar. The real value.,Can Tesla hit 1k by the end of this month?,gucq4gu,1618306241,-7,1,0.9894099235534668 1790,"Normally a Mkt Cap value is not related to a split. However, in Tesla's case, the stock splitting was directly related to the run on the price. There is a pretty much a straight line of rise from August 11th to August 31st. People wanted to buy the stock. Other people knew that people would want to buy it after it split.",Can Tesla hit 1k by the end of this month?,guld5t9,1618486077,1,1,0.9974666833877563 1805,"Look at the lines of business. AI, teslabot, semi/cybertruck, robotaxi, power generation, bulk transportation, autonomous vehicles, PLUS the cars. Each one of these is worth a couple trillion.",Tesla Could Be Worth $1.6 Trillion. Catalysts Are Coming,hnqx7b5,1638987834,3,1,0.9958867430686952 1808,"Yayyy, everybody buy tsla",Tesla Could Be Worth $1.6 Trillion. Catalysts Are Coming,hnt5293,1639020956,3,1,0.9979220032691956 1818,I’m not buying back in until Elon starts selling. The stock is gonna drop another 10% minimum,Buying Opportunity,hk4ng6a,1636584057,2,0,0.9994970560073853 1821,I set my target at 975. Premarket already has it at 1003,Buying Opportunity,hk2fjyl,1636552191,4,1,0.9898521304130554 1823,"No worries. Any TSLA topic is great. I personally just like to spark discussion. I'd buy in increments. Maybe not whole shares with $5k. I don't deal with options. Buying and holding is all I want to do.",Buying Opportunity,hk2hhym,1636553108,4,1,0.9979618787765504 1832,"This. If you believe in the stock, and plan to hold long term, I’d just get in when you’re ready. Waiting for a specific price may never come.",Buying Opportunity,hk3a8bv,1636564853,3,1,0.9980987906455994 1839,first intelligent post ive seen on this subject. cheers OP.,Elon 10%,hjqcwr7,1636324033,5,1,0.9986507296562196 1842,I bought calls with a high premium last week. Does this stock selling means I’m screwed ? It expires 11/12 and 11/19,Elon 10%,hjqklek,1636327372,2,0,0.998648464679718 1851,My cost basis is $671 since April with 21 shares. I’m still nervous 😬,Elon 10%,hjsme66,1636373339,0,0,0.9979214072227478 1853,His brother did though,Elon 10%,hjpgn0d,1636311219,4,0,0.9755590558052064 1858,Buy with what exactly? With his dogecoins?,Elon 10%,hjsd671,1636366086,1,0,0.9984540939331056 1865,"Once you have a few billion dollars, the word ""illegal"" becomes rather irrelevant. Thou shalt not interfere with ""job creators"".",Elon 10%,hjsx4g0,1636379466,2,0,0.997471570968628 1873,"Yes, spend more time looking forward. Everyone could have bought earlier or more or sold at the top. Harry Hindsight is the best investor I know.",'I should have bought more',hi4k4xx,1635262887,3,1,0.9981701374053956 1878,... but it's indicative of a stellar company..,'I should have bought more',hi8b9d4,1635330482,2,1,0.9986384510993958 1882,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KJPP7GkuPU,Bought my model 3 today 🥳🥳🥳,hf3xx9i,1633189523,1,0,0.9104785919189452 1890,This latest news is sensationalism at its best. The leader is always easy to shoot at because there isn't anyone else around.,It is safer to drive a Tesla than other brands in general.,gv3rhli,1618853195,1,0,0.993501842021942 1893,"All newer cars have a “black box” recording that hopefully survived the fire. That should tell a lot about sensor readings/inputs prior to the crash. I have thought of numerous scenarios on how this happened, however the only evidence so far is the location of the occupants AFTER the accident. Until the full investigation is complete, I don’t think anyone really knows what happened.",It is safer to drive a Tesla than other brands in general.,gv60on0,1618892363,1,0,0.9899526238441468 1900,Bitcoin at $60k will give boost to Tesla. Market should finally give credit to Elon for his wise decision to diversify cash into Bitcoin. Investment is doubled 👍,Looking for TSLA next week.,gqtckvt,1615655770,2,1,0.9987205862998962 1912,"628, 680, 722, 765, 800.",Looking for TSLA next week.,gqypuiu,1615768831,1,1,0.9898499250411988 1926,"Yeah, it's just a temporary dip.",Keep Calm and Chive On,hjyw5bz,1636484112,1,0,0.9940097332000732 1927,"Hopefully it's just opportunity to buy more. To the moon with Elon, I mean Mars 🤣",Keep Calm and Chive On,hjzjo1i,1636493444,1,1,0.997675359249115 1932,"Sell first and ask questions later. Why is Musk family selling?",Keep Calm and Chive On,hjy1dg6,1636471822,1,0,0.9978444576263428 1935,https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/as-split-rumors-grow-investor-says-tesla-is-being-misanalyzed,Keep Calm and Chive On,hjytc2u,1636482985,5,0,0.9971938133239746 1943,"Come on, he has the freedom of talking about his trading. I don't think he violated any securities laws or regulations. Maybe he just does not want investors to take leverage. With leverage, one can't withstand such drawdowns.",Keep Calm and Chive On,hk0ptua,1636511780,1,0,0.9901662468910216 1951,"Only buy back in if you can afford to. Trading stock is not gambling, its investing.",Keep Calm and Chive On,hjyheo1,1636478284,1,1,0.9975550770759584 1964,Nah,EOW Target 1300 to 1500 - Love Tesla shareholders fidelity,hizeyai,1635835264,1,0,0.9960730075836182 1969,[deleted],Burry lacks understanding of Tesla,h025byw,1622445167,5,0,0.9980586171150208 1975,"The hopium is strong with this one. Don't get me wrong. There are very grounded arguments to be made, such that TSLA will be worth upwards of a trillion USD (in 2020 dollars) sometime in the foreseeable future.",Burry lacks understanding of Tesla,h015twj,1622421694,2,1,0.9942224621772766 1977,"It doesn't matter whether Burry knows about Tesla or not. His objective is to make money by shorting the stonk. Just like Elon's objective to make the world a better place. ​ It's all about perspective.",Burry lacks understanding of Tesla,h01esdm,1622426851,1,0,0.9931676983833312 1985,Hardly any tech companies trade based solely on profits. They trade on future growth potential. The examples are everywhere so I won’t bother listing them.,Burry lacks understanding of Tesla,h03yffi,1622487035,1,1,0.9935704469680786 1988,Difference is that this company is meeting existing multi-billion global players and was ahead only because of using technology developed by others (such as Panasonic) before it was ready for an automotive mass market. Now when the time is right the Asians are going to kill his margins so future profits are just a dream (unless he scales down and focus on what he's good at).,Burry lacks understanding of Tesla,h0404po,1622487879,1,0,0.9971526861190796 1989,Till then you will continue to not put your money where your mouth is. Excellent approach,Burry lacks understanding of Tesla,h03pi26,1622482659,2,1,0.9950020909309388 1990,Hense his focus on reducing unit cost to manufacture. I think the innovative flexibility will beat oems,Burry lacks understanding of Tesla,h0hh2zg,1622753115,2,1,0.9988515377044678 1995,Positions?,Another retard with Tesla since 2011,gvpr6yo,1619277831,3,0,0.5721713900566101 2007,Never...never panic...I was close to sell in March when the shares hit $563 but I said to my self “hold”. Now I’m holding until they go higher.,I panic today and bought 50 shares TSLA. Anyone else?,guoh28t,1618539726,3,1,0.9984847903251648 2011,"It was just way overextended. From $700 to $780 in less than 7 market hours... it was bound for a quick pullback/ consolidation. Might fill the gap back down to $700 then back up again, but slower this time.",I panic today and bought 50 shares TSLA. Anyone else?,gunlw5e,1618523766,2,0,0.9994524121284484 2013,It went up too fast so I think that will come back down to 680 or 700 and then will go up slowly like is suppose to be just my opinion,I panic today and bought 50 shares TSLA. Anyone else?,gukay5m,1618454760,1,0,0.9983469247817992 2017,Well the trend is down today,I panic today and bought 50 shares TSLA. Anyone else?,gulpyj9,1618493818,1,0,0.9974240064620972 2022,I bought 12 shares when Tesla was in the low $600 and felt bad about it but 50 shares is crazy $,I panic today and bought 50 shares TSLA. Anyone else?,gukubfu,1618468103,1,1,0.9953601956367492 2025,What the heck! That's wrong!,I panic today and bought 50 shares TSLA. Anyone else?,gum8qjr,1618502305,1,0,0.9978899359703064 2026,"12 shares when it was $600? But yesterday made profit right?",I panic today and bought 50 shares TSLA. Anyone else?,guld6nj,1618486093,1,0,0.9955909252166748 2037,I’m ready for the ride 🎢,Bull run like Pamplona,gtlclb2,1617730561,1,1,0.9987832903862 2045,Probably won’t apply to all EVs. Too many luxury EVs right now.,"Biden infrastructure proposal expect to put $621 billion into transportation infrastructure such as bridges, roads, public transit, ports, airports and ELECTRIC VEHICLE DEVELOPMENT",gsxhwle,1617208145,1,0,0.9947472214698792 2048,There will be bumps but ultimately it is the most innovate company out there.. Nothing to worry about long term.,TESLA SHOULD RISE AGAIN THIS WEEK,gq32dto,1615111268,4,1,0.9988580942153932 2050,"I'm hoping it does, since I bought early on the dip and didn't have more to average down when it _really_ dipped. But I'm also vaguely concerned about the whole market being at risk with all the other fuckery likely to happen around the 19th this month. I've no problem letting TSLA ride since I have faith in it long term, but it's got a lot of my liquidity tied up that I may need if things go south fast.",TESLA SHOULD RISE AGAIN THIS WEEK,gq2yza9,1615107863,3,1,0.9562748074531556 2055,WELL WAS I RIGHT OR FUCKING RIGHT,TESLA SHOULD RISE AGAIN THIS WEEK,gqcxowr,1615315655,1,0,0.9794723987579346 2059,"Wishful thinking, no stimulus will make Tesla reach the profit levels required to defend even $100. Hype will not hold forever.",TESLA SHOULD RISE AGAIN THIS WEEK,gq3qb6i,1615130575,-5,0,0.9940265417099 2061,"Agreed. Covered first leg of my short at $550 (By the skin of my teeth) Been trading long enough to know that sentiment will be,’ it can’t possibly go lower’ and, of course, it does. Sell the hope and buy the dismay",TESLA SHOULD RISE AGAIN THIS WEEK,gq3mqgs,1615128425,3,0,0.9968183040618896 2071,You cannot buy a share without someone selling the share. It’s a trade remember,TESLA SHOULD RISE AGAIN THIS WEEK,gq7yfei,1615218449,1,0,0.9683865904808044 2075,You ever been in a Tesla?,TESLA SHOULD RISE AGAIN THIS WEEK,gq419a6,1615136291,0,1,0.9579261541366576 2085,"Do what you have to do, best of luck. I think TSLA is still going up.",After a long run I sold half my TSLA holdings today,hf2ovpm,1633161991,2,1,0.9964978694915771 2093,i sold half today. feels good to take profits.,After a long run I sold half my TSLA holdings today,hi0nfkb,1635187644,1,1,0.9987448453903198 2099,And if share price goes down?,After a long run I sold half my TSLA holdings today,hgbjejc,1634014715,1,1,0.8533573746681213 2104,The entire growth sector is getting hammerred right now..Amzn has lost $250 since its ER..,Elon Musk - SNL Appearance,gx82wvh,1620351528,2,0,0.999421000480652 2108,Does Elon Musk want his followers to sell TSLA and buy doge?,Elon Musk - SNL Appearance,gxfy1wx,1620518330,1,0,0.9984689354896544 2116,I just picked them up at 722,🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕,gvz521d,1619471109,2,1,0.9980461597442628 2121,"After the report today you’ll understand why it may never see 700 again..... Hopefully 😂 What really sucks is I’m waiting on a $16k check to hit my fidelity account and now I’m late to the party. Messed up my mvis play also. Hoping for a Dip but not looking good",🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕,gvxmzsa,1619448010,5,0,0.9994179010391236 2122,"Earnings report ""play""",🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕,gvxmtp0,1619447931,2,1,0.995611011981964 2127,We know it’s a pure hit piece. Now we need to know who’s behind it,"Ignore fake short news “Data logs recovered so far show Autopilot was not enabled & this car did not purchase FSD. Moreover, standard Autopilot would require lane lines to turn on, which this street did not have.""",gv6y9bq,1618920649,2,0,0.9994900226593018 2129,Because TSLA crashes are far more deadly due to type of batteries. Fires that dont go out.,"Ignore fake short news “Data logs recovered so far show Autopilot was not enabled & this car did not purchase FSD. Moreover, standard Autopilot would require lane lines to turn on, which this street did not have.""",gv9y5d2,1618969282,1,0,0.9963735938072203 2141,Lately its been 700% + u doofus,What is TSLA?,grn5rss,1616281768,7,0,0.9956319332122804 2142,From selling stock. It didn’t earn that cash through rev.,What is TSLA?,grm3kh1,1616265143,-4,0,0.9990136623382568 2152,RIP,"Went in big on $TSLA today, let's go!",hul8m5w,1643382272,2,0,0.9978400468826294 2154,Bullish Tesla tomorrow. Trends are sideways for big players and looking for a bounce tomorrow. GDProduction is estimated 6.9% this year compared to last years 2.9%. I am holding and bought the dip today,"Went in big on $TSLA today, let's go!",huj2ti1,1643337461,2,1,0.9986333250999452 2155,"Has the EV market lost its luster for now? Not sure what to do, waiting for another rally.","Went in big on $TSLA today, let's go!",huklddj,1643370822,1,0,0.9958810806274414 2156,"I didn't realize this, but the other big auto-maker Q4 earnings calls are later in the year. GM is Feb 1, Ford is Feb 8th, Stellantis is Feb 23rd, and VW is mid-March. I have a suspicion that they will not be Rosy in general and not have good EV news. I think each one will result in a small TSLA bump.","Went in big on $TSLA today, let's go!",hulj0yy,1643386226,1,1,0.9844799637794496 2163,[removed],Just bought 2 shares!!,hjyi9zc,1636478624,1,0,0.9972092509269714 2164,Now hold it to Mars!,Just bought 2 shares!!,hjzu718,1636497743,1,1,0.9970148801803588 2165,Nice! 🚀🚀🚀,Just bought 2 shares!!,hk01k6l,1636500913,1,1,0.9985957741737366 2171,Plenty more things like this to come .,So this lady who protested at the Shanghai auto show actually working for NIO? 🤢😨,gvx8hoy,1619440606,2,1,0.9985764026641846 2173,What do you expect from a Chinese company?,So this lady who protested at the Shanghai auto show actually working for NIO? 🤢😨,gvwqqpf,1619425904,2,0,0.999446451663971 2176,"https://discord.gg/Q56XdHx9 Join my free discord for more stonk chat! Membership fee after the first OG 1000",So this lady who protested at the Shanghai auto show actually working for NIO? 🤢😨,gvwy36n,1619432964,-4,1,0.9981482028961182 2180,Have been meaning to review this. Thanks for posting. Got side tracked on fund flows. Hopefully moat sell off was just money going into buzz. Need to score real puter for that. Hard to do proper research on this phone. Trimmed tna moved 1.5 k to russel value. Have buy order in for gme. When gme black swan? Levels off where will that money flow,Im Just Going to Leave This Here...,gsiwubt,1616888524,2,0,0.9993601441383362 2188,Just be honest. Are my 4/16 calls in trouble?,Im Just Going to Leave This Here...,gsjljl2,1616900792,0,0,0.9979299306869508 2195,I’m really afraid to take profits. I don’t blame you at all for doing that because that is 100% the right way to do. A very small part of my portfolio is in Tesla. I think I believe in this company‘s future more than any other company I’m invested in,Im Just Going to Leave This Here...,gsmomp8,1616972973,2,1,0.9982159733772278 2199,"Dam, I wish",TSLA on good news,gnojzdp,1613505005,2,1,0.9786136746406556 2206,Price is 791.22 support shows up at 788 since begging if year.,TSLA on good news,gnq44q1,1613532335,1,1,0.9951883554458618 2210,Can Canadians DRS?,DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i62kwgg,1650848029,2,1,0.9811109900474548 2212,"If you are a tsla owner in IRA, your shares will not be loaned out; therefore, registration is not necessary.",DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i6hxdir,1651121493,1,1,0.9905905723571776 2216,"Yes https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tdxn3w/computershare_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf There’s an international number along with a 800 number but your broker should be able to assist you",DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i62u15r,1650852214,1,1,0.9845015406608582 2218,How can’t prove that can you.. you have nothing except the word of your broker.. the reality is they don’t abide by the law or the rules,DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i6hxju9,1651121606,1,0,0.9994702935218812 2220,Calling my broker in the morning!,DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i6206cy,1650838470,3,1,0.9973865151405334 2231,You sir are a saint!,DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i62iq8o,1650847021,3,1,0.9978628754615784 2233,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed because a word was flagged from AutoMod. Please contact the mod team if you feel this is in error. -2"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i62ufw8,1650852404,1,0,0.9993526339530944 2236,yeah i feel most people day trade with calls.. but i feel DRS only pertains to people who are just investing in the stock long term.. i feel most people wont sell TSLA even if it spikes to 5gs since the split is coming and that's not for a while.. my theory is if i can get a little movement going where people in TSLA are aware of the benefits than we can get the price at all time highs and all make an assload of money.. and theres enough time before the split which is when i'll stop pushing for DRS.. reddit,DIRECT REGISTER YOUR SHARES,i66m2a7,1650921894,1,1,0.9938769936561584 2249,"More like 🚀 $1,100. To the moon!!!",Bottom in at $950,hnkzbv0,1638877147,1,1,0.959735095500946 2255,Fk...that's me. Lol,Bottom in at $950,hngy7p6,1638805927,6,1,0.997226059436798 2256,$177 here…,Bottom in at $950,hnhnqyr,1638815976,2,0,0.9889737367630004 2260,the world's third richest person?,YASSSSSSS TSLA HODLLLL - is all I have to say 😂,hi27w1s,1635211987,1,1,0.9958441853523254 2262,why is there a steering wheel?,TSLA Patent,gx4u6zb,1620296361,2,0,0.9988607168197632 2265,patents are all public,TSLA Patent,gx4wkcr,1620298361,3,1,0.9000833630561829 2268,"No but I bought at 679, going to keep grabbing them as they go down. This time next year people are going to be saying we are lucky we got it at this price. I believe in the company....",Ok who is buying at 666.66 ?,gre60s0,1616092678,14,1,0.9983921647071838 2270,I bought 20 shares at $888.88,Ok who is buying at 666.66 ?,grgq84d,1616147903,3,1,0.9948930740356444 2273,I’m still washing shares trying to average down,Ok who is buying at 666.66 ?,grf7fxa,1616110173,2,0,0.998319447040558 2278,Everyone should,Ok who is buying at 666.66 ?,gre5l14,1616092487,2,1,0.9969930648803712 2279,I'm in. I mean some of the stimulus $$$,Ok who is buying at 666.66 ?,grffvnr,1616114453,1,1,0.9955535531044006 2286,"Lol, I would not bet against TSLA By 2030 I see it between 10 and 15K per share. Buy and hold",Tesla to the moon?,gqle1hn,1615483655,14,1,0.998504877090454 2298,Agreed!,Tesla to the moon?,gqnie6p,1615520134,1,1,0.99836665391922 2302,Hopefully it will split a couple time again in the next 3-5 years.,Tesla to the moon?,gqle701,1615483720,7,1,0.9922499656677246 2312,"$800-1100 last run, $1100-1400 next 🚀",Longtime Tesla bull Ron Baron plans to hold the stock at least another 8 years,i3voq16,1649411039,3,1,0.9979496598243712 2315,"This works out to be about a 15% beat at Shanghai, with 183k in Q4 out of Shanghai alone. This could put Tesla above 303k for Q4. That would put Shanghai 41% Q/Q and 170% Y/Y for Q4.",Tesla China sold 70.5k in December. $tsla,hqvru0y,1641089105,7,1,0.9977220892906188 2316,Jesus,Tesla China sold 70.5k in December. $tsla,hquvr57,1641075130,3,1,0.9850416779518129 2318,Is it confirmed?,Tesla China sold 70.5k in December. $tsla,hqv6mth,1641079783,2,1,0.9973986148834229 2327,Fuck you i can’t read the article,New $1500 target,hmkmpk9,1638217036,6,0,0.9994776844978333 2329,Sounds more accurate,New $1500 target,hmkueeu,1638220095,1,1,0.9972419738769532 2330,Bring it on ☝️,New $1500 target,hmln4u1,1638232398,1,1,0.9987051486968994 2331,Tl;Dr feeling bullish,New $1500 target,hmnzcxm,1638282808,1,1,0.9980725049972534 2333,So annoying,New $1500 target,hmkpljz,1638218200,2,0,0.9994121789932252 2338,Enjoy the ride 🎢,LETS FUCKING GO TSLA! I ain’t scared! Got in at 1100/share. Now almost back up there! Make me tendies pls! Go to 3k/share in 1 year! I have high hopes for u :),hkw9h3i,1637093466,9,1,0.9987934827804564 2340,WSB has entered the chat,LETS FUCKING GO TSLA! I ain’t scared! Got in at 1100/share. Now almost back up there! Make me tendies pls! Go to 3k/share in 1 year! I have high hopes for u :),hkz6nvb,1637149548,7,1,0.9901872277259828 2341,"Man, was this really worth it’s own thread? Stick to the daily",LETS FUCKING GO TSLA! I ain’t scared! Got in at 1100/share. Now almost back up there! Make me tendies pls! Go to 3k/share in 1 year! I have high hopes for u :),hkw3dvq,1637091052,13,0,0.9409250020980836 2343,Switch me your 1100 for my shitty 1151 if your so bullish.,LETS FUCKING GO TSLA! I ain’t scared! Got in at 1100/share. Now almost back up there! Make me tendies pls! Go to 3k/share in 1 year! I have high hopes for u :),hkxq3cp,1637115557,3,0,0.99812251329422 2350,"https://www.secform4.com/ichart-1318605-500-180-60.png Insider trading Form4 is going to pick up considerably!!! Buyer beware you could be looking at an aggressive dip",LETS FUCKING GO TSLA! I ain’t scared! Got in at 1100/share. Now almost back up there! Make me tendies pls! Go to 3k/share in 1 year! I have high hopes for u :),hkxbxzd,1637109325,-3,0,0.9840471148490906 2352,Be kind,LETS FUCKING GO TSLA! I ain’t scared! Got in at 1100/share. Now almost back up there! Make me tendies pls! Go to 3k/share in 1 year! I have high hopes for u :),hkx25kd,1637105053,1,1,0.9966437816619872 2355,Thanks for the info. Where do you get the information from and how do we know the future insider sellings? Do you have to give a certain notice period as an insider?,LETS FUCKING GO TSLA! I ain’t scared! Got in at 1100/share. Now almost back up there! Make me tendies pls! Go to 3k/share in 1 year! I have high hopes for u :),hkysm10,1637138045,2,1,0.9950481057167052 2361,"Team, Elon told us in advance for us to be informed and stay focus, don’t sell, and the price will naturally go up!!",TSLA- Elon Musk sold the shares on Nov 8th.,hk7vs0e,1636648329,3,1,0.9987480640411376 2362,"The party is over. Tesla had an iron grip on the market, but car companies realize it’s not about profit, it’s about survival. If you are not working to switch, you might as well close us shop. The competition and price optimization is about to go nuts. Rivian, Lucid, Faraday, all coming on-line, and TSLA will have to conform to the laws of gravity and valuation.",TSLA- Elon Musk sold the shares on Nov 8th.,hkbg4se,1636713166,2,0,0.9862820506095886 2372,"They don’t pay nearly the rate that you pay. It’s all the bitching. I pay pretty much 40% in taxes being in NYC. These people make their billions due to the wealth, talent, and infrastructure of this country, but giving back to make sure the future generations have the same opportunity and life is somehow evil. Yeah, such victims of injustice. Fucking please.",TSLA- Elon Musk sold the shares on Nov 8th.,hkbfj2e,1636712647,1,0,0.993161678314209 2393,"Autobala, with an electrek take? Sounds like a stolen article...",Tesla is in talks with Quebec govt amid multi-billion investment into battery production,hjzoj17,1636495399,1,0,0.9994838237762452 2401,Will wait for $900,BUYING TSLA,hj059n5,1635856370,8,0,0.9994552731513976 2406,I paper handed on that dip. Shout out trailing stop losses,BUYING TSLA,hj0feyb,1635861368,3,0,0.9965071082115172 2409,I’m buying TSLA and then putting profits into CLOV (Earnings on Monday) and then putting those profits back into TSLA! It’s a ciiiiirrrrrcllleeeeee!!!,BUYING TSLA,hj1uhdo,1635881994,3,1,0.9985355138778688 2410,Just one?,BUYING TSLA,hizzubr,1635853085,1,1,0.9944975972175598 2418,"I almost paperhanded 10 contracts for $1200c. Lucky for me, it recovered!! I was down $40k first thing in the morning. I was scared but held on tight!! Diamond hands everyone. None of us are as strong as all of us!",BUYING TSLA,hj1ol0g,1635879700,1,1,0.9979684948921204 2421,"I know, right!? BEST investment ever! :D",So happy to be apart of this movement ?,hi0mmpr,1635187320,3,1,0.9986697435379028 2429,I want to cry every time I see tsla prices. I have owned enough to sell and retire. I sell otm puts and make the premium. At times I let my shares get assigned and looking back I’m sick I didn’t hold all my shares. My biggest regret is Tsla and btc. Owned enough to burn my clothes after I wear them one time and give cars away when I am bored with them.,Michael Burry has soiled his shorts and bailed!,hh65jo8,1634600465,1,0,0.9969481825828552 2431,Imagine being a bear while you sit back and watch the fed pump $120 billion in freshly printed cash into the markets. Also I treat rates are basically 0 while at the same time unemployment numbers aren’t improving.,Michael Burry has soiled his shorts and bailed!,hhflnsp,1634776600,1,0,0.999091863632202 2435,Not sure when he bailed but had assumed it was recently as the news came out today! Anyway I like the ‘he lost a fortune’ bit so I’m going to assume the latter.,Michael Burry has soiled his shorts and bailed!,hh63t09,1634599628,1,0,0.9946876764297484 2437,Specifically what news? Michael Burry news was from last week… did I miss something?,Michael Burry has soiled his shorts and bailed!,hh6oub1,1634609773,0,0,0.997779905796051 2438,"I know what you mean, I’ve done pretty well out of $TSLA but if my pension adviser had transferred money into my Self invested pension when I asked him too, I’d be into £millions and would be retired now! I also went to an IT conference which featured bitcoins in 2014 . They told us all to buy. I went home researched and was ready to buy £4K but was put off by the difficulty of buying them and setting up a wallet at the time. I literally set it all ip to go then bailed cause of negative posts about people’",Michael Burry has soiled his shorts and bailed!,hh6dlrv,1634604365,1,0,0.9954426288604736 2446,He didn’t invent pay pal,Elon Musk in 1999: From Homeless to the Beginnings of PayPal [One of Elon's First Interviews],gxigzcb,1620578713,3,0,0.9963935017585754 2447,Great Elon porn,Elon Musk in 1999: From Homeless to the Beginnings of PayPal [One of Elon's First Interviews],gxgkjq0,1620530912,1,1,0.9984606504440308 2450,X.com?,Elon Musk in 1999: From Homeless to the Beginnings of PayPal [One of Elon's First Interviews],gxiwork,1620586383,3,0,0.9923467636108398 2472,"""Analysts"" probably freaking about increased regulatory tax credit income ($500M) because somehow that's a problem..","$TSLA beat the earnings estimations: 93c vs. 80c (revenue: $10.39B vs. $10.42). Apparently that is not good enough. After hours, it is down and trading around $719 now and could open much lower tomorrow.",gw1rwzc,1619530826,2,0,0.992235004901886 2485,"Rivian and Hyundai Ioniq 5 = serious competition that's right around the corner. And I don't think China is going to be great for Tesla long term. Chinese companies are just going to copy Tesla's technology and build their own cars. And China's gov doesn't like Tesla's camera system. But I think it will be a bitcoin crash. Crypto is a huge bubble.","$TSLA beat the earnings estimations: 93c vs. 80c (revenue: $10.39B vs. $10.42). Apparently that is not good enough. After hours, it is down and trading around $719 now and could open much lower tomorrow.",gw0roe3,1619503092,2,0,0.9938133955001832 2491,"I agree! The crash and fire occurred near my home. I told my wife, we need to buy Tesla tomorrow!",Why am I Buying Tesla Stock Tomorrow?🚀 TSLA Stock Chart Analysis,gv4z6gs,1618872379,9,1,0.9977484345436096 2496,One of the strongest brands on the planet,Why am I Buying Tesla Stock Tomorrow?🚀 TSLA Stock Chart Analysis,gv58day,1618876982,5,1,0.9987627267837524 2505,It should! Buy it now while it’s cheap! Holding!,TSLA stock moves with Reddit references,gpdhpi2,1614654101,5,1,0.9957114458084106 2506,Bought a call for $725 for 3/5 today when it was around $690. I’m pumped for this week 🙌🏻,TSLA stock moves with Reddit references,gpduhj4,1614661482,2,1,0.9988345503807068 2509,"$7000 by April, thanks Aunt Cathie",TSLA stock moves with Reddit references,gpfb3te,1614700000,2,1,0.99817955493927 2512,$200 by sept 2021... waiting for 1q21 numbers.,TSLA stock moves with Reddit references,gpdxzn9,1614663829,-4,0,0.9978985786437988 2515,9000,TSLA stock moves with Reddit references,gpfjf4p,1614703695,1,1,0.9850287437438964 2519,It is happening 😯,WHO IS READY FOR A 4 DIGIT WEEK!!!,gkpq6q8,1611588004,3,1,0.9986180067062378 2529,Except over 43% of TSLA is institutionally owned,Bill Gates shorting Tsla solution!,iav5edc,1654136400,5,0,0.99124276638031 2539,[Here](https://fortune.com/2022/05/05/bill-gates-elon-musk-tesla-short-climate-change/),Bill Gates shorting Tsla solution!,iaxppfx,1654191502,1,0,0.9885454773902892 2548,"Tesla Pauses Hiring, Musk Says Need to Cut Staff by 10%: Reuters https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-03/tesla-pauses-hiring-musk-says-need-to-cut-staff-by-10-reuters-l3y4nb36",Bill Gates shorting Tsla solution!,ib0hknr,1654242724,1,0,0.9988771080970764 2549,"Tesla Pauses Hiring, Musk Says Need to Cut Staff by 10%: Reuters https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-03/tesla-pauses-hiring-musk-says-need-to-cut-staff-by-10-reuters-l3y4nb36",Bill Gates shorting Tsla solution!,ib0hqu8,1654242886,1,0,0.9988771080970764 2553,"It still is idiotic reasoning. So you think Musk sent those emails so 10k people quit and he doesn’t have to mass layoff? Seriously?? Some might quit but if he wants to lay off 10k he will still need to resort to mass layoffs. Pretty sure those emails won’t make 10k people quit. Those emails are all about having the highest possible rate of innovation and problem solving. If you don’t see that you don’t understand Tesla.",Bill Gates shorting Tsla solution!,ib0mhzi,1654247337,3,0,0.9987890124320984 2561,Maybe pre split.,TSLA Forecast $1333,i32ik53,1648871013,3,0,0.9926538467407228 2562,too conservative,TSLA Forecast $1333,i33tlhr,1648906165,3,0,0.9984983205795288 2563,Who agrees with this estimate... up vote please!!!,TSLA Forecast $1333,i31ae9u,1648848815,-2,1,0.9985814094543456 2565,Im sure this forecast will drop after cybertruck lmfao,TSLA Forecast $1333,i35cb5q,1648931666,1,0,0.9963248372077942 2567,250 by 2023 and 20 eventually,TSLA Forecast $1333,i5w34mc,1650729768,1,1,0.9936791062355042 2570,What's the record date for the split?,TSLA Forecast $1333,i3bwuwr,1649062736,1,0,0.991378903388977 2572,"Earnings report is always sus, good reports can mean brutal result in the stock and vice versa. Nobody gets it.",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hugq4gv,1643304675,13,0,0.9989473223686218 2577,"A significant factor is the supply chain issues moving forward. Even with the strong earnings report, the challenges ahead for this year with inflation and supply chain constraints make the outlook quite bleak.",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hugsc4m,1643305457,5,0,0.9976383447647096 2580,"My take is they literally don't understand what is actually happening. Elon said the biggest constraint to production is still going to be chips. The market thinks they will start to sell less? I guess this could be interpreted as an unknown. They also said Shanghai and Fremont alone will result in over 50% growth for production. They didn't say this was max capacity, they said this was actual production. So despite a chip shortage, they will still grow at over 50% from just two factories! I think t",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hujxfh5,1643353188,2,0,0.9990859031677246 2585,"I can’t fully explain why other than a bubble burst. I recommend buying the dip and Diamond handing the shares. I have gained a lot through Tsla but I’m not gonna lie, I did expect a drop soon. I just didn’t realize I was going to lose a ton on options when just a month and a half ago I was up about 200 ish on each option. Anyways, Austin is about to start production, Berlin hasn’t started yet, I expect production of Tesla to not only continue to beat their competitors, but to absolutely amplify these numbe",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huhs2hl,1643318447,1,1,0.9946804642677308 2586,It’s called Fuckery aka market manipulation,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huj94fh,1643340238,1,0,0.9993639588356018 2587,"Even with a good ER it's not gaurentee for a gap up on a company's SP!?!? There's really no ryhem and reason anymore🤣?? I've seen companies give out a bad ER and their SP gaps up so like WTF 🙄?!?!!?",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hugs7ss,1643305415,1,0,0.9985145926475524 2588,The shorts got a good reason to get on top of it at the high.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hugtii3,1643305871,1,1,0.998328983783722 2591,Market hysteria and irrationality. Stock market is pretty much broken at the moment. February will be better.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hugxzwz,1643307469,1,0,0.9992308616638184 2593,I bought the dip,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huiluq6,1643330235,1,1,0.997086465358734 2596,The choice to not make additions to the model lineup this year is largely due to inflationary pressures. We cannot imagine the cost associated with expanding the catalogue. Historically Tesla Only spends Truckloads of cash when money is cheap. 0% interest rates equals Austin & Berlin Factories (4B) just as an example.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hukphqe,1643373378,1,0,0.9986888766288756 2597,Musk was cagey about talking about near term.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hul0m0i,1643378922,1,0,0.9994102716445924 2605,going down on good earnings is not a good sign for the next month or so.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huk3jn1,1643357403,0,0,0.9994219541549684 2607,"Yeah earnings report just seems to be used as an excuse to move the price whichever way makes the market makers and hedge funds the most money. If it moved big one way or the other on no news it would be more suspicious. So they wait for an event, short the hell out of it or sell shares because they need liquidity or whatever, which moves the price down (for this example anyway), and then say ""investors were disappointed in earnings because \[random number from earnings\] was not as high as expected"". Tha",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huh5612,1643310012,9,0,0.9990541338920592 2609,It’s a tactical move to push back the options plays. It was expected for there to be a rally so the options is being affected by the down trend since some people got some plays expiring this week 01/28 . Tomorrow should catch some traction to around 860 imo,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hui64dm,1643323771,2,0,0.9965112805366516 2614,"That‘s the same for ALL companies. Therefore valuation should remain unchanged. No, it should go up because estimates were topped. Market is idiotic right now. Seriously who is selling TSLA now?",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hugy9zx,1643307571,6,0,0.9960882663726808 2617,They don’t have a sales problem. They have a delivery problem. They can’t sell what they don’t have.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hul14cz,1643379147,1,0,0.9994964599609376 2618,Due to its high PE could a split help the stock??,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hwak4sm,1644448798,1,1,0.9681037068367004 2629,"The business model is fine, they just don't have enough supply of materials to produce new models of cars. They can't sell enough of they ones have as it is right now.",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hujymtx,1643353984,1,0,0.9913430213928224 2631,Or investors in a growth stock want to see production of new products and new sectors of growth for the company in addition to beating estimates. Their current valuation is still astronomical compared to other auto makers,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huhgv7m,1643314305,-1,1,0.9978087544441224 2638,From what I have seen retail investors have virtually no effect on price since their orders are routed through dark pools rather than executing on the lit markets.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huhhlcg,1643314576,1,0,0.9994133710861206 2640,"Here's Jim Cramer explaining how he would ""foment"" and knock the price down when he was a hedge fund manager. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyaPf6qXLa8",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hukrdhp,1643374435,1,0,0.9920177459716796 2645,"Dear lord. Your orders aren’t sold through dark pools and it wouldn’t matter if they were. Volume is so massive on this stock it’s not being manipulated. It’s been pumped up by Fan boys and momentum traders. It is in no way worth 12x Ford and gm. It’s becoming more clear they will cede market share in trucks and Econ cars to other manufacturers. Ford will produce half the evs Tesla does by end of yr. obviously the bear case has still been wrong to this day, it’s still up massive over the past decade. But I ",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huhicjx,1643314855,1,0,0.9976775050163268 2648,"im on multiple investor pages/forums/groups.. im just sayin what consensus is. i dont agree with it, but thats what it is.",Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huhgku1,1643314198,4,0,0.9806384444236756 2652,What should affect valuation is that they just delivered a record quarter and confirmed to be on track for massive growth. This is what counts overall. But I guess most „investors“ don‘t really know what they are doing.,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hul4ddv,1643380539,1,1,0.993863582611084 2654,Really? Is that why NIO and LCID dipped today to?,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,hujvjvw,1643351982,1,0,0.9983476400375366 2655,Expecting 650k capacity by eoy is what I read. Point Tesla had a massive lead in the ev space. It’s shrinking and the lack of truck or Econ car will add to this hurt,Why is tesla going down so much? They had a good Q4 report.,huhzifo,1643321222,2,0,0.9952008724212646 2679,Let the man dream dude 😂,Expect $tsla to become Bitcoin of stocks and goto 60k+ as all stockholders stop selling and continue to buy more and gamma squeezes cause this to skyrocket,hr9qk3u,1641333928,9,1,0.9981921315193176 2685,Anyone think Tesla may hit 2 to 300 again.,"TESLA will receive 1,1 billion Euros in German government funding for the Giga Factory in Berlin",hmdslir,1638091374,1,0,0.906180202960968 2686,"It looks like Tesla doesn't want to produce batteries in compliance with the european norms and do whatever they like. I am not sure this is such a good thing. It means, that the batteries won't have a european certification for production/quality. This is pretty shady if you ask me.","TESLA will receive 1,1 billion Euros in German government funding for the Giga Factory in Berlin",hm6fj32,1637949546,-4,0,0.9994171857833862 2693,1200 today,1200 by the end of the week 🤔,hlmr1cn,1637584376,7,1,0.9942535758018494 2695,It already hit 1200,1200 by the end of the week 🤔,hlnelme,1637596235,5,0,0.99484384059906 2696,Let’s get it!!!!,1200 by the end of the week 🤔,hlnv1nx,1637602872,4,1,0.9987080097198486 2699,I want this to go to 1500 by Jan but that’s just my hopes and dreams haha,1200 by the end of the week 🤔,hlo2prf,1637605880,3,1,0.9981733560562134 2709,Fingers crossed,1200 by the end of the week 🤔,hlnbedo,1637594882,1,1,0.996862530708313 2715,"I’d love it to drop to 700, I’ve got a massive stack of cash waiting to go. Every $ it drops is another $ of future profit.","Hang in there, when selling is done we bounce",hkqqfvt,1636997250,5,0,0.9879982471466064 2720,Musk will reward as we all know so those waiting will never be able to jump on and when it takes off they will buy at a fomo price lol buy any chance you can,"Hang in there, when selling is done we bounce",hkt6nul,1637034050,2,1,0.9974379539489746 2729,Any source for that?,"Hang in there, when selling is done we bounce",hkuztbp,1637075394,1,0,0.9923600554466248 2734,Tell her I need a loan.,Hold on tight 🚀🚀,hiwm8qu,1635787372,2,0,0.9959716200828552 2735,If we cross 1500.... I'll give you the money to keep her.,Hold on tight 🚀🚀,hix2s8m,1635794170,2,1,0.9967820644378662 2737,I’m in all day!! Holds 50% of my portfolio. Even before the split.,20k in 5 years,hidszes,1635430520,4,1,0.998538851737976 2745,xD,20k in 5 years,hifdbxc,1635452896,1,1,0.9970627427101136 2748,"I believe so, record deliveries should translate to record revenues. Investment in Bitcoins also has positive return.",Tesla Announces Date 4/26 for First Quarter 2021 Financial Results and Webcast,gu45snk,1618113194,1,1,0.9986520409584044 2749,"Bitcoin is unlikely to be recognized as it’s unclear if they have sold any. Won’t appear on earnings until that or price falls below purchase price. Additionally auto margins could go either way. Very low S&X high margin contributing but seems Y is scaling and has great margins. Good tweet thread here exploring it - https://twitter.com/matchasmmatt/status/1381057205739397121?s=21 If it’s a big beat, it will have radical impact on some of wall streets assumptions. Expect a ‘sell the news’ couple of days ",Tesla Announces Date 4/26 for First Quarter 2021 Financial Results and Webcast,gu4imad,1618122885,2,1,0.9827790856361388 2751,"You don’t have to sell any when you are accepting it as a currency. Wouldn’t it fall into assets of cash on hand?",Tesla Announces Date 4/26 for First Quarter 2021 Financial Results and Webcast,gud2zwt,1618316708,1,1,0.9979502558708192 2754,This a different year. We have a lot of guests from the south to feed.,Tesla has similar stock pattern last year; It dipped in March and then gradually trended upward beginning of April.,gsosxad,1617026914,3,1,0.9984241724014282 2776,"Looks to me you, You need to close your short to pay the master rent. If not here coin counter for the bash.",Tesla has similar stock pattern last year; It dipped in March and then gradually trended upward beginning of April.,gsrum2y,1617083784,1,0,0.9985685348510742 2779,OH CMONNNNN... What is 680 when its going to 3k?,Is Tesla a buy at opening today 22march?,grsyyft,1616416631,8,0,0.9903351068496704 2788,bought at 630 i think i will hold until the price reaches 720 and more...,Is Tesla a buy at opening today 22march?,grtzodf,1616433798,1,1,0.997192084789276 2795,"It’s not just about Tesla cars. It is about IA, energy generation and storage, autonomous taxis, charging network, battery costs and more. There is TSLA the stock, Tesla the car, and Tesla the COMPANY. As stock price sits on sale as people worry about solely car market share, I’ll just keep buying.",Is Tesla a buy at opening today 22march?,gruvqud,1616448235,1,1,0.99820876121521 2797,Volkswagen is beating Tesla and Renault too in Europe... hope Musk comes with a cheaper car soon. Most of people can’t afford a $40k car. Nio is also destroying Tesla market share in China.,Phew! And.. we’re back.,grb4es9,1616033296,1,0,0.9970128536224364 2819,I did. Bought 1 share 597.,With all my stock money I can only afford one TSLA share. Should I buy?,gqfoahe,1615375572,2,1,0.9983148574829102 2822,Invest in options,With all my stock money I can only afford one TSLA share. Should I buy?,gqf47lk,1615356925,1,1,0.9978394508361816 2823,do it! your children will take all the profits,With all my stock money I can only afford one TSLA share. Should I buy?,gqfh4af,1615368752,1,0,0.9944069385528564 2838,[deleted],Direct registering shares,i3krvsg,1649212709,3,0,0.9980586171150208 2843,Lmao stfu take this shit to a GME sub,Direct registering shares,i3jsncz,1649197077,-3,0,0.9993202686309814 2849,But why lol.. arent Tesla investors suppose to be more intelligent haha you guys gonna let a bunch of retarded gme apes out smart you o\_O,Direct registering shares,i3k6zfz,1649203361,6,0,0.9990942478179932 2852,what lol.. its one of the highly shorted companies could even be more shorted than GME.. to even suggest that its not heavily shorted is silly.. hedge funds don't cover they can't they have to many naked and synthetic shorts out there.. why do you think elon musk keeps splitting the shares.. because he is well aware that the smaller hedge funds will have to cover and it'll force shitadel and other short sellers deeper into their positions.. elon musk even tried to go private to pull TSLA out of the market a,Direct registering shares,i3k5tfu,1649202838,1,0,0.9992862343788148 2853,Hence why they lost billions on shorting bro….. meaning it was heavily shorted,Direct registering shares,i3k6s00,1649203268,1,0,0.9955509901046752 2856,that would be silly everyone on superstonks is already DRS'd i mean they arent that stupid haha.. i want people to DRS their shares bc i made bank off GME and diversified into both GME and TSLA.. lol..,Direct registering shares,i3k56pt,1649202559,3,0,0.991102695465088 2867,😂😂 that’s silly talk.. they can’t cover.. the cost of covering is too much .. they just dig themself into a bigger hole.. if they closed their positions the price would have went way higher.. they just move the shorts to the dark pool.. off exchange shorts (dark pool) for is 50% and that’s only what they report.. you have a lot to learn about the fuckery of shorts with hedge funds,Direct registering shares,i3l3q81,1649218826,2,0,0.999439299106598 2872,"What source are you using to see the short interest, and can you name those 3 people?",Direct registering shares,i3nzfsq,1649273016,1,0,0.9989252686500548 2873,"we track it by how much failed to deliver calls there are and how much shorts there are in ETF's.. they use the dark pool to short stock by shorting a bunch of stocks at once through the ETF market.. which is why if you pay attention alot of stocks and even crypto move in very similar paterns depending on the eft group they are in, you can't go by the reported short interest because thats based off of self reporting.. and thats a loop hole so hedge funds don't have to report their short positions to the pub",Direct registering shares,i3oaj26,1649277074,1,0,0.9830631017684937 2874,New high before week end???,LFG TSLA!,i3eo8rs,1649108255,3,1,0.9984548091888428 2878,god reading that was pure cringe,LFG TSLA!,i3frs2z,1649124567,1,0,0.9994398951530457 2884,"Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve.",LFG TSLA!,i3e5kxu,1649101160,8,0,0.9904133677482604 2886,I was in hs when I found Tesla and it was at $75/share when I first discovered them. I told my parents to ALL IN every single dollar they had but they didn’t listen… if only….,LFG TSLA!,i3hvpm5,1649170063,1,1,0.997028648853302 2892,When do you think this will happen? Was saving for goog shares after their split in July but now will start saving more for this too,Potential split coming,i2gkqrm,1648487750,1,1,0.9915382862091064 2894,Jeez….. 4:1,Potential split coming,i2haxa8,1648498574,1,1,0.9932244420051576 2896,"Not because of the split per say but because of forward outlook. The split is irrelevant to institutional investors.",Potential split coming,i2frnev,1648475729,4,0,0.9979104399681092 2899,That’s right,Potential split coming,i2lj8hi,1648579007,1,0,0.9868104457855223 2900,"I was reading all morning and I’m with ya..it’s about the excitement and the positivity behind it. Either way, I am happy! Great to be a shareholder!",Potential split coming,i2fsffm,1648476084,4,1,0.9988741278648376 2902,">ONE retrofitted the car with a battery holding twice the energy of Tesla's original—while fitting entirely within the same space. Great effort from a small team!",Tesla Model S Goes 752 Miles with a Prototype Battery from a Michigan Startup,htc9o96,1642612520,5,1,0.998793363571167 2925,I don’t understand this. For safety sake wouldn’t you want as many options as possible?,"Tesla is ditching radar, will rely on cameras for Autopilot in some cars",gzj9y6s,1622048705,1,0,0.9990025162696838 2926,"Not in this case: 1/ it is (very) hard to incorporate in the new NN/AI algos used and more to the point, the Vision AI developed by Tesla is now at the point where it works better without radar than with it. The benefits or radar are minimal compared to the errors it introduces. You can learn more looking up YouTube videos on the subject. Or look up non Tesla hostile pubs like Tesmanian, Teslarati, etc","Tesla is ditching radar, will rely on cameras for Autopilot in some cars",gzjnsfc,1622054470,3,0,0.9987043142318726 2927,"Bought 2 shares this morning with my $1400 stimulus at $664 and now it’s priced $698! Made $60! Thank you Mr. President. Our economy may not have needed this kick, but I do...",Tesla to the moon 🚀,gr9veey,1616010986,6,1,0.9987252354621888 2931,Keep thanking your Democrats 😂😂😂,Tesla to the moon 🚀,grfrby0,1616120545,1,1,0.9982327222824096 2936,"look at Friday and today. After bottoming out Friday it has been up and down but still not reaching Fridays low. The previous 3 days there was a steady daily decline. With a stock in the $600 range $20 dollars bounces are nothing. Day traders will cause more that that. Could it still fall a little from this point. It could, but the big sellers are out of else it would still be falling. Remember the big sellers who drove the price fall are looking to buy back in for another bounce. And many are either",TSLA stabilizing at this level before rising again,gq92mpw,1615235525,3,0,0.995963454246521 2941,It’s down a few more bucks AH. Elon will need to hit the bong tonight to ease the pain.,TSLA stabilizing at this level before rising again,gq9jlxp,1615243186,2,0,0.9974586367607116 2953,"There can still be some more price drop, but with the trend being flatter the last 2 days that would signal most of the big sellers are already out.",TSLA stabilizing at this level before rising again,gq92sxp,1615235601,2,0,0.9982155561447144 2962,He can’t be president. Maybe go back to high school or something.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9cwtv3,1653070056,10,0,0.9992696642875672 2964,So a high growth stock drops in a risk off market...and you flee? Prob should've skipped that tattoo,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9dvgde,1653086050,9,0,0.9994814991950988 2968,"Elon will continue to innovate and those that doubt will be left behind!!! I am long on TSLA and am buying at these levels. When you try and take on the establishment most lose. I think Elon will back away from all of this media non-sense when he feels the time is right. Until then, sit back and enjoy the show.",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9d3co1,1653073100,3,1,0.99878591299057 2970,Shut up n00b.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9ejr74,1653098642,3,0,0.9977412223815918 2971,Are you retiring tomorrow? Why the hell worry if it dips in a year or two. Accumulation and Time is key.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9eq5ft,1653102101,3,1,0.997462511062622 2975,The dip matches the rest of the market. Im still in.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9gj3so,1653146802,2,1,0.9984930753707886 2978,Tesla is in a super bubble.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9crjd6,1653067782,1,1,0.99772709608078 2982,Yesterday they postponed all Model X orders by another year… I ordered in April 2021… expected delivery date is now April 2023. I’m going to get a dated car. People are frustrated. Will just be looking to buy something else,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9dywku,1653087748,1,0,0.9994760155677797 2992,You don’t have Twitter obviously,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9d0uf1,1653071918,0,0,0.9993845224380492 2996,"If you truly invested 10 years ago, you are still up over 100x 🤣",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9dvz3m,1653086304,8,1,0.9986175298690796 3001,So agreed,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9ycw6i,1653496692,1,1,0.9983770847320556 3002,"Share price is dropping from investment firms selling long shares to give the appearance of failures in Twitter acquisition in hopes that retail sells and continues the down trend allowing them to purchase back in at a lower cost. look into Cathie Woods and Arkk as an example. This is happening across the entire market. They want the stimulus money that was entered into the markets and if retail doesn't learn some patience, they will get it.",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9dms5l,1653081949,3,0,0.9982308745384216 3009,"I'm sure it looks dope. If you believe in the company, don't doubt yourself.",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9cr5xc,1653067632,4,1,0.9983636736869812 3011,"I think that his twitter takeover was necessary for the United States. As you can tell Twitter has been dominated by the radical left extremists. They are extremely hateful and only allowed what they wanted up in twitter. It will help the many people using twitter actually see the truth and allow them to think for themselves rather than just believe what the radical left is saying. I wouldn’t worry so much about your stock right now. Things will turn around, it just might take till our current administratio",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9d62bl,1653074383,1,1,0.9965217113494872 3013,What do you mean?,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9du194,1653085355,1,0,0.998421311378479 3014,Sounds stupid cause it is stupid. He's not eligible to run for president.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9dwn09,1653086627,3,0,0.9994854927062988 3031,🏆 for most r*tarded comment I've read on reddit today.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9dk0t4,1653080668,0,0,0.9969850182533264 3033,As soon as you take those rainbow colored glasses off let me know. I thought Twitter was going to rip me apart. I reinstalled today. I doubled on followers bc I spoke up. Ppl are afraid to. That confirmed 100% a lot of people are worried about him. It’s not just the money I’m loosing at at. It’s more concern for him. Maybe the sexual harassment settlement? Elon just sounds like a regular dumbass Donald Trump. Worse actually!,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9ydybn,1653497104,0,0,0.9973064661026 3037,Hold on,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9cuiq1,1653069018,1,1,0.9980719089508056 3038,How the hell do I post a pic? I meant SpaceX,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9czowc,1653071378,1,0,0.9992110729217528 3043,"Nothing stays the same forever. This is why tattoo removal or cover ups are a thing I guess. (Speaking to myself I guess as well)",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9cslno,1653068215,2,0,0.9794552326202391 3044,Same could be said for either party. Both are equally guilty of serving to lobbyists agendas. I am not at all anti government or anarchist but until we start to expose the real truths and stand united as human beings then we are nothing more than cogs in the wheel.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9eiv1h,1653098186,5,0,0.9980930685997008 3050,"Pokémon Go? That is a pretty neat game, I tried it back when it first came out. Not really for me, if they made it more like the original game boy game battles I think I would have enjoyed it more.",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9dexic,1653078352,6,0,0.9852354526519777 3056,"I’m just listening to people that are actual investors. You can tell the difference. Like you, NO. Nonya",Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9ydcae,1653496866,1,0,0.9917829036712646 3066,I don’t care. It’s none of my business.,Wtf/long term investor with serious doubts,i9ykoq6,1653499711,1,0,0.9985483288764954 3075,Qhatbia going on?,HAS TO BE 10 FOR 1 SPLIT!,i2gjsyl,1648487375,3,0,0.9320374131202698 3076,"I hink its gonna be 2 for 1 split. Based on some articles ive read, the gist was that musk was looking to make 2 billion shares from currently 1 billion. So he said to the SEC. then again im quite stupid so i mightve read it wrong",HAS TO BE 10 FOR 1 SPLIT!,i2gss12,1648491062,2,0,0.9539753794670104 3079,Split em up,HAS TO BE 10 FOR 1 SPLIT!,i2k5vks,1648559424,1,0,0.996736466884613 3087,Call me stupid but I just bought 20 more :),Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi457ut,1635256682,4,1,0.998184621334076 3088,Do you believe its worth a trillion dollars ?,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi3voo8,1635252099,7,0,0.99524188041687 3089,What’s your investment thesis? Do you have conviction if it drops 20-40% but nothing about the business has changed?,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi47q4l,1635257783,3,0,0.9984217882156372 3097,"Youre buying because you believe in tesla growing over the next 5+ years, not because you wanna see instant gains.",Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi7i1gt,1635308017,2,1,0.9987699389457704 3098,300k/ by 2030😉,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi52ry4,1635270233,3,1,0.9983916878700256 3099,"It will be worth 1250 eoy at least, now just hodl!",Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi5gdka,1635275590,4,1,0.998102366924286 3100,Yes. Wait. There were hugeFTD for today and yesterday. That is why this is going up.,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi465w3,1635257105,1,0,0.9897979497909546 3107,Are you willing to hodl TSLA for several years? Then yes buying TSLA is not too late for you. DCA (dollar cost average) is your best friend when dipping occurs,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi7ssrk,1635314998,1,1,0.994045078754425 3108,Depends on how long you’re planning on holding it. There will most likely be some short term volatility ahead. So if you’re looking to swing trade it might be risky right now. But in the time spann of 2-5 years it’s still a good investment imo. Tesla will rule the world.,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi7zw6i,1635320769,1,1,0.9985736608505248 3125,This morning I thought I was going to wiped out - by 10”clock I was made whole again.,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi4xstt,1635268282,1,1,0.9987289309501648 3132,The stats on the money channel about the others weren’t so good. It’s a chip problem fir them.,Am I stupid if I buy now?,hi4y63y,1635268429,1,0,0.9988699555397034 3139,"You're not the only one, kid. We all riding this rocket w/ you here w/ the few exceptions that just sit on this sub to troll people b/c they didn't get on it w/ us or they're bum fuck shorts. F those guys.",Why i am 1000% bullish on Tesla. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀,hg1dwfi,1633820857,1,1,0.997290015220642 3140,LoL,Why i am 1000% bullish on Tesla. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀,hh4zorp,1634581683,1,1,0.9959046244621276 3148,Good point,Why i am 1000% bullish on Tesla. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀,hhiiisp,1634836908,1,1,0.9938183426856996 3151,201k is delivery the consensus was in regards to production and if you look at the numbers they where right on it !,"200,000+ deliveries in Q2.",h3tm328,1625243552,1,1,0.9987326264381408 3155,"Or, he will announce the breakthrouth in batteries capacity over winter tempretures?",Elon Musk on Twitter look like Tesla is going to Russian $TSLA to the moon today!,h321pu8,1624667368,1,1,0.9808103442192078 3156,I noticed.,Elon Musk on Twitter look like Tesla is going to Russian $TSLA to the moon today!,h31gv4k,1624656168,1,1,0.9933362007141112 3159,Woah… 🤯 that’s…. Impossible!,600 THE LOW LIMIT,h1vwwsu,1623786836,5,0,0.9920565485954284 3163,Kathy’s sniffing on some god’s powder,600 THE LOW LIMIT,h1w3is3,1623789698,2,0,0.9984001517295836 3165,"You know Ive just read an article about “social media betting”, the stupid author thinks that there is no need of knowledge anymore. No fundamentals play any role. And now I see that it’s kind of true, though I personally thought it’s bullshit. Some dumbasses write nonsense. At least listen to smart people like others do in case of GME! It was purely based on fundamentals and market conditions",600 THE LOW LIMIT,h1y8nxy,1623836641,1,0,0.9884722828865052 3173,"I think the comparison to Apple is quite fair. BUT, the problem is people are pricing a HUGE potential worldwide market share for Tesla (20m in 2030). Look at what Apple market share is and what is % of apple smartphones sold worldwide. Both are great companies, no doubt. But Tesla priced in some very unrealistic scenarios.",Go and look outside...,gprwn5r,1614953994,3,0,0.9973911046981812 3175,Position?,Go and look outside...,gprlsow,1614947658,2,0,0.9880489706993104 3179,"I went to look outside and breath in some fresh SHORT TSLA air that I covered at $550. Next leg down,$425. That first leg down was fun. These things unwind quickly. This outside thing, I think I need a scotch and cigar!",Go and look outside...,gpskt5o,1614964803,2,1,0.9981443881988524 3184,"Problem is that the value of TSLA suggest that all counties on earth will be crowded with Tesla cars, will simply not happen.",Go and look outside...,gprynog,1614954997,3,0,0.9987461566925048 3185,It's still priced like *every* car you see is a TSLA.,Go and look outside...,gpub93l,1614993373,1,0,0.9986536502838136 3186,"No Tesla’s on the road in Texas, but I think that will change, gas prices going up and new TSLA factory in Austin.",Go and look outside...,gpuiobl,1614995985,1,1,0.993858277797699 3193,https://youtu.be/i9eWmAkTTTw,Go and look outside...,gpu5zgs,1614991564,1,0,0.8645837306976318 3194,Yeah op must live in a really nice area or something. I think I’ve seen one Tesla in my city ever. It’s a large ish city but also not very rich,Go and look outside...,gpws4ji,1615024172,1,0,0.9880796074867249 3195,Nit a good feeling,Go and look outside...,gps7rnk,1614959180,1,1,0.9957510232925416 3199,No one knows,Laughing out loud actually at the people panic-selling right now...,gpp9ie0,1614893680,3,0,0.9984728693962096 3200,Tesla is a buy at $500 next week.,Laughing out loud actually at the people panic-selling right now...,gpu5yda,1614991552,1,1,0.9985659718513488 3204,"Today's drop makes me think of that scene in Platoon. ""Take the pain."" https://youtu.be/Df9BZMmmB9c",Laughing out loud actually at the people panic-selling right now...,gps5oxk,1614958284,1,1,0.9937421679496764 3207,NO ONE CARES ABOUT A SINGLE VIOLIN,Laughing out loud actually at the people panic-selling right now...,gpp9jxi,1614893699,1,0,0.9954442977905272 3209,Probability of this big dip buy and new price target from ARK. No promises just some supporting reasoning,Laughing out loud actually at the people panic-selling right now...,gpny6ap,1614873655,6,1,0.9972025156021118 3215,I like the stock,Buying more on the dip.,gnu0vui,1613610950,4,1,0.9988387227058412 3218,"Wondering if you could explain the bottom chart - Take Profit. How's that one work? Awesome charts btw!",Buying more on the dip.,gnsfvpg,1613585134,3,1,0.9980654120445251 3220,I just love seeing all the negativity (bearish) sentiment from these supposed Tesla fans.,Buying more on the dip.,gnugrfl,1613618862,3,0,0.992713987827301 3235,"Tomorrow, if not tomorrow then next week, if not next week then next month, but soon",TSLA Stock split $1200 !?,i2vgqvh,1648748120,8,1,0.9956549406051636 3258,"You mix things up, gross margin on produced cars is not the same as profits after tax on the bottom line. To underestimate competition is a classic mistake.",TSLA is set to have exponential growth,hve7tnv,1643875106,-1,0,0.9986485838890076 3273,There could be a pull back. A correction. Maybe a drop back to $980 or so.,Easy double from here,hlkp268,1637538564,6,0,0.983178734779358 3285,Hope you’re kidding,Easy double from here,hlm1hzz,1637563652,0,0,0.9986608028411864 3286,"Honestly, I feel like we could breakout in either direction. We be consolidating for a bit and it’s not clear to me yet which direction we’re going.",Breakout coming soon,h1h3xs2,1623464547,6,1,0.9971187114715576 3287,I am starting to think it will just one day take off for no reason and leave people confused as to why.,Breakout coming soon,h1gtx4h,1623458760,5,0,0.9994713664054872 3292,Pls search Wyckoff chart. Tesla is in Phase C. Phase D will be a breakout,Breakout coming soon,h1hqqw6,1623480717,1,1,0.9962729215621948 3302,Don’t sell. Ride it out and you will be well up in 2-5 years,Newbie stock market crash,gy1i1pe,1620950330,3,1,0.9986677169799804 3306,HOLD.,Newbie stock market crash,gy1tk5a,1620956372,3,0,0.9975503087043762 3308,"I just don’t check the app, never sell at a loss unless your desperately need the money",Newbie stock market crash,gxznoqm,1620921000,5,0,0.9992722868919371 3310,It’s up pre-market everyone. Probably TSLA had been shorted by the HF’s and today they have liquidity test so perhaps they can’t short hence most stocks will be up today hopefully 🙏🏽🙏🏽,Newbie stock market crash,gy339h6,1620989926,2,1,0.9975855350494384 3320,"It’s acting and has been acting like a shorted stock. I think it’s squeezing. We should gang up and short the hedges !!!! Who’s in?",Newbie stock market crash,gyqndmu,1621455873,2,0,0.9994621872901917 3322,"Lol! Only noobs use stop losses! If you have invested in a company that you believe in - fuckin hold it for 10+ years before you consider selling it. Investors don't need stop losses - gamblers do. What's your plan? Sell your Tesla at a loss and bet you leftover cash on a different pony? Never sell at a loss unless you can't pay your credit card debt. They are not losses until you sell! Rule #1 of investing is don't loose money! Buying and selling lower = dumb! If you can't afford keeping that c",Newbie stock market crash,gy11ci7,1620941931,1,0,0.992368757724762 3323,So you recommend selling on a loss? Seems like with our current over valued market a crash is inevitable and that’s a really big loss,Newbie stock market crash,gxzzc6y,1620925925,0,0,0.9987226128578186 3326,"When I get out of TSLA and VIAC, I will have money to pick new ones. Pray TSLA goes up to $640 and VIAC goes to $45.",Newbie stock market crash,gy3qqjl,1621002667,1,0,0.9981468915939332 3346,Not too worried? I’d imagine the more effective at trading one becomes the more worried they would be about everything,Long term investor. Not too worried.,gp3wxjv,1614476954,1,1,0.9961357712745668 3354,"The introduction of Tesla to the index has clearly created a false market in its shares and is why Norway took such a big position - the Norwegian fund is mainly an index fund. Funds like Cathy Woods funds which are tech funds and invested in Tesla as a tech stock are dangerous for Tesla if the tech stock downturn continues because these funds will face redemptions and will have to liquidate Tesla shares.",Long term investor. Not too worried.,gpeyltm,1614693980,1,0,0.997831165790558 3355,"Tesla is a highly volatile stock. I wouldnt be surprised with one tweet from Elon or few positive catalysts push it back to where it should be $850. But shorts love this stock they lost $38billion in shorting in 2020. They are going heavily when opportunities like this occur. If you bought in 800 then just turn off your phone and come back in couple of months bro. Easier said than done but dont get fluctuated by daily fluctuations. Your job as a smart investor is to separate the facts and the news fr",Can this get back to $800?,goxzf8p,1614400204,16,1,0.9950255751609802 3357,I bought 3/12 800c. Don’t listen to the bears. It won’t take much to swing things back again.,Can this get back to $800?,goxd3vu,1614392050,10,1,0.996852695941925 3358,I share the same pain. Hope we will recover from this,Can this get back to $800?,goxer6o,1614392996,11,1,0.9964166879653932 3359,"Hold TSLA. This is a buying opportunity. TSLA is one of my core positions, and I had a standing limit order to buy at $662 and piked more up. I put in another at $623 and have one to sell some at $794. I love this volatility. But you should not put your life savings into one stock- diversification is your friend. Put in a limit order to sell a little of your position at a 5-10% gain and take some off the table, and diversify. Old Salt",Can this get back to $800?,gp1qy14,1614449923,10,1,0.997843861579895 3360,"2022 will be a great year for tsla. Long term is the way. You invested in 2020? Great HODL for 5 years and then take some profits. Tsla isn’t a short game. Its literally the future",Can this get back to $800?,goxpvyl,1614397028,8,1,0.9983691573143004 3363,It’s not sexy but I buy and hold shares. The shorts love shorting tsla/counting out Elon. I don’t know that there’s a big catalyst coming up before q1. I also don’t pay much attention because I’m long TSLA shares. 60@$460,Can this get back to $800?,goxgis7,1614393843,6,1,0.9971856474876404 3368,Just bought at this discounts :),Can this get back to $800?,gozj8qr,1614429044,4,1,0.9988207221031188 3372,Of course it will but will it drop below $400???,Can this get back to $800?,goxusmt,1614398612,3,0,0.996908962726593 3385,$800 easily,Can this get back to $800?,gp3qzxn,1614473496,-1,0,0.996409833431244 3390,"You are giving investment advice to a trader. He apparently sunk his life savings on $800 call options. He probably only has a few months for the stock to hit 800, 1000, 1200 (what ever he striked in his deal) until he loses every penny. You screwed bro. Hope you enjoy ramen.",Can this get back to $800?,gp6myvo,1614527781,1,0,0.9994800686836244 3397,"Seems to be heading to 550 today most likely. Possible support around that but then a low 500 is also possible after that. Below 400 ... ( will have to wait & see) . 1 month ago I never thought it could dip below the S&P inclusion price of 695, but it did ...",Can this get back to $800?,gps7ngn,1614959130,1,0,0.9921823143959044 3399,"I hope you are right, that would be an opportunity to get into an amazing tech company.",Can this get back to $800?,gp6q4ds,1614528841,0,1,0.9980547428131104 3407,"Bill is just well informed, don't give your money to the big ones as they are gradually pulling out",Why are you shorting tsla!!!!🤬😠😡. Please go away!,gootsex,1614246295,3,1,0.998769223690033 3418,$595 next stop,Why are you shorting tsla!!!!🤬😠😡. Please go away!,gpnpmvn,1614869883,1,0,0.9948828220367432 3422,I also wan to see more implementations of Ambri’s implementation of liquid metal storage for micro grids instead of power walls. It’s an interesting time with a lot of innovations.,Why are you shorting tsla!!!!🤬😠😡. Please go away!,gotdvnb,1614335752,1,1,0.9979986548423768 3429,$900... probably before earnings. I think TSLA will hit $1k again sometime this year.,Who is ready for $900 week? Lets go #Bulls,gi5018x,1609814367,3,1,0.9913368225097656 3430,🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️,Who is ready for $900 week? Lets go #Bulls,gi0x9a4,1609727297,2,1,0.9984732270240784 3431,"All aboard the gain train! Next stop $900! Choooo chooo! 🚂$$900$$",Who is ready for $900 week? Lets go #Bulls,gi118pb,1609729383,2,1,0.9946221113204956 3445,💎🙌,$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hsg5upu,1642049296,2,1,0.9984309077262878 3448,"Or just a simple calculation, Tesla stock is 5x1200 = 6000 dollar?? That is indeed 100 times multiple, but not of its own earnings and deliveries, at this time Tesla is valued at 100xtimes the number of deliveries from GM, so Uh I don’t know, you can hipe as much as you want, they didn’t even deliver 1 million cars this year, so you are trying to tell people that Tesla is going to deliver 100 million cars next year? So if you want your fair value of Tesla compared to GM or Ford.. at the best case and growt",$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hsifivc,1642095186,0,0,0.9954549074172974 3458,"Exactly, this is only modeling what market is doing… look at Amazon, what is the reason for 64 multiple? Growth",$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hshuffq,1642087256,2,0,0.9969446063041688 3459,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hsicbrk,1642094019,1,0,0.9994649291038512 3464,"In you bubble maybe, check out Asia and Germany.",$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,ht0jprn,1642406403,1,1,0.9967904686927797 3469,[removed],$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hsh8hku,1642076626,1,0,0.9972092509269714 3474,[removed],$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hsh86zs,1642076445,1,0,0.9972092509269714 3475,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hsh8hlv,1642076626,2,0,0.9994649291038512 3481,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",$1500-1747 Price Target for $TSLA using Gordon Growth Model with annualized EBITDA and 100 multiple - With Proof,hsh8r6j,1642076793,2,0,0.9994649291038512 3485,"TSLA 2022 PT: $2022 If Musk builds TITS in TX in next 2 years, then $4044 by 2024.",Tesla is Norway's best selling car company of 2021,hr56u0k,1641254679,4,0,0.998016595840454 3487,"I am all in. Bought as much as I could on all my accounts. Whole market sell off combined with Elons planned sale from September. All temporary. BTFD. 4 motor cybertruck truck will be the fastest pick up on the planet. Plaid model? MMs trying to rattle the cages before big news. ER will be a blow out.",TSLA Dip Shopping,hn58yen,1638583844,5,1,0.9984270334243774 3489,TSLA my fave stock in the market. either way the market may be in a cool down channel and by that I mean straight down. Market sentiment will always value Tesla above all other crap EV's that are worth over a billion dollars and those others shouldn't try.,TSLA Dip Shopping,hn4yg7v,1638578736,5,1,0.997455894947052 3498,It does that all the time….also a fake pump at open. The gain is quickly lost by 30 min of trading.,TSLA Dip Shopping,hn784kk,1638629956,2,0,0.9994935989379884 3499,Iv been caught by this one a few time. Never again,TSLA Dip Shopping,hnbc9e0,1638704959,1,0,0.9991275668144226 3501,"you forgot cell phone, cybertruck and Semis, insurance. buy Hodl, buy more forever obv.",TSLA Valuation based on Factories Profit.,hkjpdp3,1636863919,4,1,0.9974506497383118 3504,Fact: Elon is a genius & a devious m’fucker,TSLA Valuation based on Factories Profit.,hkn6qvo,1636927694,1,1,0.9973663687705994 3512,He should not have to sell. i voted NO.,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjlyfgi,1636240465,10,0,0.999470055103302 3520,"Why should the stock drop? So lets say he sells 30M shares, about one day worth of volume, they will not be put up for sale in one day and I wouldn't be surprised if the sale is done off exchange. Anyway, there's no dilution but only shares changing hands, Musk would still have 270M (all round numbers) shares left. I really don't see the problem and if any, the only issue I see is the fact that he decides this based on a Twitter Poll that can be easily manipulated both from the inside and outside.",Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjp3t1q,1636306168,3,1,0.995590090751648 3524,Another buying opportunity,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjpe6qu,1636310264,2,1,0.9986057877540588 3525,NO! Screw taxes. He employs 100k people and generates Millions in tax review across the country with his companies.,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjlw24b,1636239354,2,0,0.9919237494468688 3526,"I voted yes. He has to pay taxes somehow. He doesn’t take a salary. He’s an incredible leader and has generated wonderful wealth for thousands and thousands if not hundreds of thousands. He is the only person taking on gas and oil and ice industry head on. Hell yes I support Elon! BTW. I’m HODL all my TSLA shares. This rocket ship is going to $3,000!",Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjnzpmx,1636288268,2,1,0.9987255930900574 3529,Wtf,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjlhy1s,1636232988,1,0,0.9982398748397828 3535,"Bo Jack Horseman has this line: ""you are the same age as you were on the day when you got rich"". That's Musk. He may be smart, but deep down he is a teenager who never had to grow up. That's why he keeps doing immature shit. Let's not pretend it's a rags to riches story. He did what he wanted all his life - the privilege that comes with you gram gram owning a goddamn emerald mine.",Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjsxgna,1636379633,0,0,0.9988865256309508 3541,Please take out as much puts as you can. I need your help to increase my return even more.,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjm9xf2,1636245775,1,1,0.9979754090309144 3551,Host a Twitter poll see what the people think,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjnodsy,1636279300,9,1,0.9919137954711914 3553,What’s your average?,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjpwxt9,1636317555,1,1,0.9848452806472778 3557,"This is amazing. I will admit I am coming over from /r/CCIV Lucid just to see if this will impact all of EV and you guys are over here betting against each other I’m rooting for Tesla too, all of EV, but I will say for those who do plan to sell along with Elon you should consider putting your funds into a company where the CEO won’t decide dumping 10% of his share via Twitter poll",Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjme4qn,1636247772,3,1,0.9978949427604676 3559,Average share price is at 408 a share. 13 shares.,Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjpz0cn,1636318351,1,1,0.9885927438735962 3564,"Ur a good man and I am fucked come Monday 😂🔫",Elon Twitter poll re: selling 10% of his TSLA stock. Says he will abide by results of poll.,hjmvla0,1636256638,1,0,0.7079335451126099 3570,I hope not!,Will it ever come down again?,hixgql9,1635799785,4,0,0.993878960609436 3582,It has become a meme stock… the moment people start to sell it will crash back down below $1000,Will it ever come down again?,hixhmsa,1635800150,2,0,0.9994906187057496 3583,You'll be saving your entire life. Hop in something else with exponential growth.,Will it ever come down again?,hixgkdo,1635799715,1,0,0.991108536720276 3587,loud mouth mofo was abusing me u/BuddyWoodchips did you stay poor today /,Will it ever come down again?,hj2jbw9,1635891549,1,0,0.9994475245475768 3596,Yes like oil gold or other utilities,Will it ever come down again?,hiy4n3g,1635810031,1,1,0.9933465719223022 3611,It's not going up before hitting $660 I think...,Retest 780 tmrw ahead of earnings.....,gunyl8y,1618530095,0,0,0.9989953637123108 3625,do we sell?,"Predictions (market open and EOD) for trading session on Monday, 04/12/2021",gu6niy4,1618174631,1,0,0.994686245918274 3633,Wedbush always try to push TSLA. People like different E-cars. Not only Tesla. Tesla looks boring. All car industries will built E-cars. More interesting and cheaper. Tesla in my target 300 Dollar.,"Tesla Q1 Deliveries To Beat Street Estimates, Says Wedbush",gsy4ahn,1617218288,-5,0,0.9963022470474244 3644,Expected late this week. It’s a short week so today or Thursday.,"Tesla Q1 Deliveries To Beat Street Estimates, Says Wedbush",gswlir0,1617191166,1,0,0.9897123575210572 3648,Street estimates downvote for extra stupid.,"Tesla Q1 Deliveries To Beat Street Estimates, Says Wedbush",gsxjifh,1617208861,1,0,0.9994580149650574 3658,This is not about to be financial advice but im buying ever dip with whatever i have.,Holding because I believe in Tesla,gpw4d5i,1615018286,2,1,0.9966095685958862 3667,"Just depends on the market. The dip isn’t just a TSLA thing. There’s a broader pullback hitting almost every stock. Just waiting for some vaccine positive news, then we’re back to the moon.",Tesla Price Correction then to the moon,gn16ais,1613110602,1,0,0.9905755519866944 3668,TSLA investment in Bitcoin is a big distraction from the company’s performance and recalls all over the place. In addition this move is adding more volatility to an already volatile TSLA. I am walking away from this non sense. Musk put so much of the cash reserves into Bitcoin and this can also back fire killing the stock price. 🤪,Tesla Price Correction then to the moon,gn2oz9j,1613148366,-1,0,0.9994916915893556 3669,I think it is already in a correction. I see it heading north Monday.,Tesla Price Correction then to the moon,gn0yglz,1613105412,0,0,0.9960774779319764 3678,Weird that it’s up ah but people already knew this was coming,Tesla files for 3-for-1 stock split,ibzvd62,1654969359,1,0,0.9979423880577089 3689,"Andrej Karpathy - Director of Artificial Intelligence Ganesh Venkataraman - Director of Hardware & Project Lead for Dojo Ashok Elluswamy - Director of Autopilot Software Zack Kirkhorn - CFO and Master of Coin","Everyone knows that Elon is a key man at Tesla. Who are the other key persons that drive huge value at Tesla? Talented engineers, or other high quality people.",hryhctu,1641758487,10,1,0.9951874017715454 3700,💯agree,"Everyone knows that Elon is a key man at Tesla. Who are the other key persons that drive huge value at Tesla? Talented engineers, or other high quality people.",hrzhsgp,1641771595,1,1,0.9866784811019896 3707,Sell High -- manipulate stock price --- Buy Low,Musk buying stock,ho1ei1g,1639171956,1,0,0.9969689249992372 3714,Tuesday 2:23PM,"When will $TSLA reach $2,500$",hikq1hv,1635548318,6,1,0.9612189531326294 3718,2 yrs,"When will $TSLA reach $2,500$",hjlwwmj,1636239751,1,1,0.9653165936470032 3730,Where ever ttd goes Tesla will follow,Good time for a put ? Lol,gxylt9u,1620900210,1,1,0.9970828890800476 3740,Might not be another $100+ dollar up day but I believe the momentum and confidence will drive it in this new up and to the right direction.,Do you think TSLA will keep this momentum?,gqd4imv,1615318752,6,1,0.9988453388214112 3744,"When Tesla continues to increase production, sales and value, their share value should remain higher and higher. Like Amazon and Google.",Do you think TSLA will keep this momentum?,gqe9zy4,1615338574,2,1,0.9982946515083312 3747,"I hope so, but probably down tomorrow due to profit taking. Maybe.",Do you think TSLA will keep this momentum?,gqdg6dx,1615323939,1,1,0.9683579802513124 3752,"With the strength it showed yesterday though :/ What levels are you watching on the drop to confirm its a bear trap?",Do you think TSLA will keep this momentum?,gqf9fx7,1615361423,1,1,0.9954181909561156 3759,"We should be, I think the stock will come back and easily double after the split.",$TSLA catalysts FY’22,i6c4z0d,1651018514,3,1,0.9982472658157348 3761,No way. It’s taken a while to get back to presplit prices. Still not close. And that was only 5-1 now with 20-1 it’ll be another 5 years before it goes to 1000+ again assuming split 20-1,$TSLA catalysts FY’22,i6f2ht7,1651076668,1,0,0.9963877201080322 3765,The recalls are FUD. many recall issues where simply updates that where done online over a software update. The press makes it sound as if the cars had to be taken back for repairs although it was simply a software update. The next thing actually affecting the price is all the news released by the government in regards to inflation.,Tesla continues to deliver,hwj1t98,1644600328,3,0,0.9993489384651184 3770,Tell me what the pe ratio would be if the stock price was 100$. Lol,Tesla continues to deliver,hxp5tuy,1645361940,1,1,0.9289547204971312 3772,"With an optimistic calculation (that I gave you in my post) the long term profit is 4$ per share, do the math yourself",Tesla continues to deliver,hxpyj6k,1645375579,1,1,0.989688515663147 3775,"to be fair, tsla is way pass moon it's TO THE MARS next",TSLA 🚀,hpmqloo,1640223042,7,1,0.9887425899505616 3780,With Robotaxis and Insurance business definitely… imagine taxi revenue but no cost to pay to driver? Insurance revenue but no payout as no accidents due to your own fault?,Stock to retire with - Target still 20k in 5 years,hixqzpu,1635804049,5,0,0.9985451698303224 3781,My eye is on 2030 retirement. 133 shares. Think that’s realistic.,Stock to retire with - Target still 20k in 5 years,hiymmnw,1635818103,6,1,0.9967179894447328 3785,This is short terms option driven. After the January options get cleaned up it will be back around $500.,Stock to retire with - Target still 20k in 5 years,hizm87d,1635841808,0,0,0.9988905787467957 3787,"Unfortunately, no.",Stock to retire with - Target still 20k in 5 years,hiy07af,1635808059,1,0,0.9990990161895752 3789,"Very good chance for a short squeeze. Bull triggers: Positive news from Berlin and/or Austin, FSD improvement, VLD purchase for 3D parts printing, New large orders, October sales numbers, stock split, market share numbers, solar/battery installations, new patents and last but not least; massive advertising from Hertz and Uber (who will be next, Europcar? Global?) The market also trades on psychology and the momentum of the Tesla stock cannot be ignored!",6.6m open interest in call options - so bullish,hir8r2q,1635682681,5,1,0.9980573058128356 3795,"To the moon, boys! Will be adding to my position pending imminent split.","Everyone piling on, they see the future for Tesla",hijddck,1635528604,1,1,0.9975394010543824 3808,"Hold. Sell covered calls, buy addition shares a with the premium collected.",+ 93.5% on my Tesla stock … what should do ???!,he8rgtu,1632590581,3,0,0.9799450635910034 3813,Sell half now.,+ 93.5% on my Tesla stock … what should do ???!,heb5ae6,1632631183,2,0,0.9988873600959778 3817,hold until 2025 where it will be 3000/share,+ 93.5% on my Tesla stock … what should do ???!,heuasqc,1633004035,2,1,0.9940817952156068 3824,"I'm so long on TSLA, I'm direct registering my shares now.",+ 93.5% on my Tesla stock … what should do ???!,herjg7x,1632946059,1,1,0.9978259205818176 3825,I have about 35k to invest I'm thinking about putting it all in tesla. (Money I'm willing to lose) is it too late to jump in or did I already miss the train to make good money for the next 3 to 5 yrs on tesla. I'm fairly new to investing maybe 10 months experience.,+ 93.5% on my Tesla stock … what should do ???!,hgw1b4k,1634409586,1,1,0.8775987029075623 3827,"What DTE and delta do you target? Any thoughts about when to sell, what/when to avoid, etc?",+ 93.5% on my Tesla stock … what should do ???!,he7a8rt,1632561973,2,0,0.9979665279388428 3838,"Honestly, I think it's a slap in the face of short hedge funds (that also short tsla). But if you really wanted a responsible crypto coin, you'd make something that generates based on something tangible, cool and not draining of natural resources (coal power plants)... Maybe you'd make a Tesla coin, which collects based on road miles driven in your Tesla car... I don't know, just spit balling here.",Tesla mining Bitcoin?,gy6hpy2,1621050801,1,0,0.999351680278778 3839,"I hope they don’t go in that direction. It has nothing to do the mission. I am hoping they go the direction of looking at proof of stake. Ether is moving in that direction and may make sense to get behind. If we could put FSD on the blockchain too so it’s transferrable while we are at it that would be swell.",Tesla mining Bitcoin?,gy6ivil,1621051572,1,0,0.9985305070877076 3840,"If they mine it, they should give some to the holders of Tesla stock... just my opinion of course. 😂",Tesla mining Bitcoin?,gy73nwe,1621069276,1,1,0.9948689937591552 3844,"Exactly, I reckon they’ll come up with a crypto related product one day",Tesla mining Bitcoin?,gy6imvg,1621051411,1,1,0.9946263432502748 3854,Truer words were never spoken!,Tesla n1,gw2clqb,1619539888,1,1,0.991139829158783 3865,Analysts and stock pickers are the best contra indicator out there. Brian Kelly of CNBC is a sure bet. Just do the opposite of what he says.,Price target raised,gpja49q,1614781047,4,1,0.900082528591156 3873,"Ridonculous! The target prices and ratings by these various analysts are often just one person's more or less informed opinion and there are sometimes conflicts of interests they don't disclose. Did Tesla's business improve 7-fold over the past year when all their 10-year growth was already baked in the pre-split price? I don't think so. And when Musk said the stock was too expensive at $800 and that was **before** the split? Remember how in 2008 everyone was saying that housing prices can never go down be",Price target raised,gph8ovb,1614731154,-2,0,0.9960559606552124 3876,"The fact that will save your butt is the index driven players that prevent fundamentals from hitting that fast, but a year from now $300 will be considered a dream high",Price target raised,gpinv5h,1614764458,0,1,0.9929195046424866 3878,"Ahahahahahaha go look at what a $10,000 car in America costs in India xD Also the Indian EV markets pretty saturated with Tata already, demand for Tesla would be real low!",Price target raised,gph6nc5,1614730111,0,1,0.9888691902160645 3883,What is the huge wick up on Tuesday? Showing it hit $872? Not on lower timeframe charts? Thank god it didn’t knock me out of my short @$775,Price target raised,gpnkzav,1614867644,1,0,0.9966991543769836 3895,"Perhaps. It's hard to say really. I think the outflows in Ark Funds plus the insane bearish press going on against Bitcoin and Tesla is causing panic in many for sure. But the rising yields are also causing money to move around and I think that will continue for a bit. We haven't experienced a rising yield economy in a long time. But over the course of 5-10 years, I think all the ""growth"" companies are going to show their true worth by selling better things for cheaper and the world will finally wake u",TSLA moving back up,goqigfa,1614278466,1,1,0.9946834444999696 3897,Still a seller at $740-745.,TSLA moving back up,gokv8x7,1614172984,-3,1,0.9966228008270264 3902,Seems like you're married to $TSLA. Hope it will last forever and ever! Enjoy your marriage!,Why I don't sell my $TSLA,icxgkaw,1655632882,6,1,0.9987762570381165 3905,I'm holding on as well.,Why I don't sell my $TSLA,icybqb9,1655652668,2,1,0.9985464215278624 3906,"There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a long term shareholder in any company. Dividends would help those investors. Right now the only reason to own or sell or hold is pure speculation, or to be a supporter as a fan.",Why I don't sell my $TSLA,icxw2s3,1655644560,1,0,0.9985790252685548 3922,Are those Roman numerals? Calling people noob when you are holding a rounding error's worth of shares is laughable. Feel free to post a screenshot and shut me up 🤣,Bought back my first share on Computer Share this morning.,hyuz0xi,1646100809,2,0,0.999484658241272 3925,"Doubtful. But if you do, good on you",Bought back my first share on Computer Share this morning.,hzrusmh,1646698033,1,1,0.996402382850647 3928,"then you are set. Dont know how IRA exactly works though. when can you use the funds? sadly in Germany we dont have something like this so I will have to pay capital gains at some point. I just have so many shares because I bought pretty early. I have a low income so I can not really add any more - well I could but I'd be buying 6 shares/year which doesnt really increase my position :D Instead I started selling long dated puts on TSLA and use the money for cost of living and other investments that could",Bought back my first share on Computer Share this morning.,i11sxqs,1647541235,2,1,0.8748371005058289 3931,buy hold drs ez,OWN IT-------------DON'T TRADE IT!!!!!!,hylmjy2,1645932858,1,1,0.9871503114700316 3932,FUV is a buy. Short Squeeze set up! Sandy Munro on their side.,OWN IT-------------DON'T TRADE IT!!!!!!,hynw8b0,1645981189,1,1,0.9985756874084472 3934,"I agree completely agree; between, competitor dealer markups and order delivery estimates already into 2023, buying anything besides a Tesla takes a great deal of commitment and creative value assignment.",Super Bowl ads benefit Tesla,hwx6hzp,1644854716,3,1,0.9961199760437012 3939,No need,Super Bowl ads benefit Tesla,hwy8npz,1644870247,2,0,0.9919819235801696 3954,May be focus on 🚴🎹📖?,Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,ht9txlk,1642563817,1,1,0.9937430024147034 3957,"TSLA is a great stock to have, and even though Tesla is a revolutionnary company, I share your concern from time to time. So if I understand correctly, you managed to grow your TFSA to 1.25 million CAD? If so, that's pretty amazing! I see two options: • Sell a part of your TSLA shares if you're really worried about a significant dip to capitalize on your gains. • Hold your TSLA shares and if ever they lose half their value, just buy more to average down since you have a healthy passive income. Hope this ",Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,htbo1cg,1642604067,1,1,0.998468816280365 3961,[removed],Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,htbike9,1642601726,1,0,0.9972092509269714 3965,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,htb99qj,1642597180,1,0,0.9994649291038512 3966,Polishing as we speak...,Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,ht7srnd,1642534203,6,1,0.997980773448944 3967,Anybody else want to comment on this reply?,Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,ht8801l,1642539796,3,0,0.9935158491134644 3968,"I am up in Canada, so most of the positions in my passive income portfolio are Canadian securities and ETFs. I have about a dozen positions, with 3 or 4 of them being individual stocks and the rest being ETFs. The dividend portfolio stock positions are ENB, MFC, BNS, TSLA. My ETFs are EIT.UN, GDV, HGY, HHL, NXF, RIT, SBC, ZEC, ZLC, ZWC. I was much heavier into technology a couple of months ago, but there has been a huge sector rotation from technology to financials and energy, so I now have a lot of thos",Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,ht85hcg,1642538877,1,1,0.9913525581359864 3976,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",Retired and have more than half of my money in TSLA. Now what?,ht7srpu,1642534204,1,0,0.9994649291038512 3993,Most buggy car,Updated TSLA Model 2022-25 and Sharing for free,hrbe1pz,1641359267,-6,0,0.9952889680862428 3994,I think we see closer to $3K in 2022,Updated TSLA Model 2022-25 and Sharing for free,hrccrq9,1641383175,1,0,0.9978390336036682 3996,Ford Apple Tesla Meta Amazon Nvidia Google,Updated TSLA Model 2022-25 and Sharing for free,hrf78bi,1641425512,1,1,0.975122332572937 3998,He’s literally not done selling. Can you even read?,Elon done selling,hk5pu7u,1636601092,10,0,0.9993661046028136 4011,??????Ihopeso????idk wtf?,Elon done selling,hkc2hdl,1636726931,1,0,0.9994348883628844 4021,Buy the dip!,When a tweet tanks your portfolio by $500 🤦‍♂️,hjt35fa,1636382351,5,1,0.998418927192688 4030,"Zzzzz. What’s the investment thesis? Even if it does drop, has the thesis changed? Nothing company value has changed and only the extremely unpredictable short SP movements will occur. Gamma squeeze could push it in reverse, Elon’s sale in next few weeks could be on open market or dark pool, lots of PT upgrades and new buy rating over weekend, strong China numbers this morning, reports that 26% of funds measured by performance to benchmark are still underweight TSLA - how all this effect today, who know",When a tweet tanks your portfolio by $500 🤦‍♂️,hjsysyi,1636380294,2,1,0.9845499992370604 4033,Conviction!,When a tweet tanks your portfolio by $500 🤦‍♂️,hju3hh9,1636397241,2,0,0.9945520758628844 4039,I’m still in the green but can any of you cash app some funds to help me buy more shares? 😅,When a tweet tanks your portfolio by $500 🤦‍♂️,hjueok0,1636401734,1,1,0.9975287318229676 4042,It’s just a matter of time. When SPY dips they’ll all dip. Your better off cashing out now and waiting for the real dip not these tiny pullbacks,When a tweet tanks your portfolio by $500 🤦‍♂️,hjxalxu,1636457834,1,0,0.9994311928749084 4045,When a tweet tanks your portfolio 30k,When a tweet tanks your portfolio by $500 🤦‍♂️,hkav662,1636696348,1,0,0.9994351267814636 4050,Bruh. Most folks don't lose a half million dollars on a 10% dip.,When a tweet tanks your portfolio by $500 🤦‍♂️,hjzauc0,1636489950,1,0,0.9993663430213928 4061,beat analyst expectations as expected!,$TSLA - Tesla Q3 2021 Vehicle Production & Deliveries,hf41c5d,1633190995,5,1,0.9987828135490416 4066,Congrats to the Tesla team!,$TSLA - Tesla Q3 2021 Vehicle Production & Deliveries,hf6zvy0,1633241053,1,1,0.9988399147987366 4069,"How can failure to deliver the Semi be a good sign? What's insane is to expect profits to ever match even 100$ stock price.",$TSLA - Tesla Q3 2021 Vehicle Production & Deliveries,hfn9662,1633551205,1,0,0.9994696974754332 4075,You prob should reconsider investing if you don’t know why it’s down today,TSLA 🚀,grexbsc,1616105249,2,0,0.9994738698005676 4081,This was an absolutely brilliant move by TSLA. He now has an interest free loan to pull at any time he needs to access capital. He timed just with the rise of the 10 year interest rate and wide acceptance of Bitcoin. TSLA is not tied to Bitcoin. Bitcoin added to TSLA is added value to the company. Bitcoin market is much greater than TSLA investment. They cant be in sync because of the market size difference.,Is the TSLA stock price now linked to the success of BTC?,gqzm2sr,1615790947,3,1,0.9985633492469788 4083,Only the short sellers were pushing this when bitcoin dropped a little. But Tesla is too big. but it is another source of revenue.,Is the TSLA stock price now linked to the success of BTC?,gqxyfj6,1615755560,2,1,0.9900373220443726 4085,I love TSLA stock. Treat the dip as a early Black Friday deal. It happens once a year. You snooze you lose.,Is the TSLA stock price now linked to the success of BTC?,gqyrt1g,1615769965,2,1,0.9979281425476074 4090,The only true connection is implied but there is a chart for this: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=FTX%3ATSLABTC,Is the TSLA stock price now linked to the success of BTC?,gr2bx7r,1615849202,1,0,0.9931332468986512 4095,"Yes, and when the balloon bursts, they will all wonder how the could be so easily fooled.",Is the TSLA stock price now linked to the success of BTC?,gqzkw4y,1615789840,1,0,0.9988320469856262 4105,Cramer reads a script. Totally bogus,Cathie Wood vs. mainstream media?,gq6pvob,1615185796,2,0,0.999498963356018 4108,Like all index driven players Cathie need to buy also when it's obviously against reason,Cathie Wood vs. mainstream media?,gq6zz2a,1615195281,1,1,0.9948651194572448 4109,"The most knowledgeable ""insider"" is Elon Musk= he thought the company was overvalued at around $100/share. So why do you believe Cathy Woods who is trying to prop up her fund's share price when the founder and chairman of the company is telling you its seriously overpriced?",Cathie Wood vs. mainstream media?,gq7w505,1615217441,1,0,0.9980712532997132 4112,I believe that he and main stream media are part of the HF teams who manipulate market and Woods saw through the game and doing what’s right.,Cathie Wood vs. mainstream media?,gq5kury,1615160743,7,1,0.9983900785446168 4113,"I try to stay away from opinions of mainstream media financial ""analysts"". They usually have lazy, nonfactual, biased reporting and/or they only go off of old school metrics and thinking. A lot of the older investors mainly go off of current valuations and value stocks, and a lot of newer investors look for the big potential growth companies because it's like finding and investing in a company like Amazon and realizing its potential early when it was worth $20. Company performance and stock price don't alwa",Cathie Wood vs. mainstream media?,gq5hsy4,1615159090,4,0,0.9984978437423706 4114,Cramer is putting down Cathy Wood who is more of a gun slinger than an investor. Cramer could only dream of running and managing 52 BILLION DOLLARS. Cramer was a gun slinger but turned into a guy who sold out and manages five million dollar charitable trust.,Cathie Wood vs. mainstream media?,gq6b0qb,1615175315,2,0,0.9992524981498718 4122,Been a tough couple weeks for this 4 year hodler. I'll wear my short shorts if this happens!!!🙈 Brand new in the 📦,Friday TSLA short squizzz to 900 just hold . Now,gpl8355,1614811799,1,0,0.9981136322021484 4128,"Don’t allow them to play you they want you to buy there using what we call fun against us now. The world is watching Thank me later",Friday TSLA short squizzz to 900 just hold . Now,gppp61x,1614901021,1,0,0.9991853833198548 4135,"500 shares TSLA $527.60 at 17:59:56 ET. https://i.imgur.com/yupuiUy.png And this shows both the $527.60 and the $895.98 trades https://i.imgur.com/FyAtzo1.png",Friday TSLA short squizzz to 900 just hold . Now,gpmexkg,1614834786,2,1,0.922695815563202 4136,I am so confused by this statement? Are you going to short Tesla or are you pulling out the Speedo for butt clenches,Friday TSLA short squizzz to 900 just hold . Now,gplh3md,1614816306,4,0,0.9994712471961976 4141,Based on what?,Possible TSLA squizzz after 2PM,goueq9j,1614357067,3,0,0.9993653893470764 4146,"I could use the esteem boost soon. Although I am a monkey, I live in denial.",Possible TSLA squizzz after 2PM,govcloy,1614367416,1,0,0.9889896512031556 4149,you didn't mention the time zone. that's important.,Possible TSLA squizzz after 2PM,govd1we,1614367557,2,0,0.9979242086410522 4153,When though? I want to see $800-$900,Possible TSLA squizzz after 2PM,goyg69m,1614409117,1,0,0.9968321919441224 4159,"Oh man, I completely forgot that that must've been an April fool's joke! Phew!",Tesla reports Q1 results - Full Coverage,i58clew,1650302335,1,1,0.9769302606582642 4169,"Probably making them for customer field trials. This is normal for fleets to deploy in their productive routes to assess how they function... OEMs make 50 or 100 for customer field trials. During this time OEMs would address as many issues that surface so by the time they release to production, the trucks are almost trouble free...",Semis unexpectedly started being produced,holvmxc,1639543770,1,1,0.997934103012085 4176,"I have one for sale. Freight shipping might be costly to wherever you are, but mine is for sale.","Tesla Just Launched a New EV. It's a $1,900 'Cyberquad' for Kids",hn3m0s8,1638557332,1,1,0.9939016103744508 4177,"This quote from Buffet sounds about right with the current FOMO surrounding Tesla stock; “Those who invest only when commentators are upbeat end up paying a heavy price for meaningless reassurance.”",Why Tesla's Stock Looks Headed For All-Time Highs,hlqa81t,1637640984,5,0,0.9946041703224182 4180,"How is anything here bullish? The reasons why tesla heads for new all-time highs according to the post: \-Musk's tweets \- tweet speculations about stock split \-gaps, which are also likely to be filled at some point in the future",Why Tesla's Stock Looks Headed For All-Time Highs,hlp87hv,1637622950,3,1,0.9971913695335388 4184,[removed],Why Tesla's Stock Looks Headed For All-Time Highs,hlpbokp,1637624520,1,0,0.9972092509269714 4185,"Bidens incompetence is going to bring the tech market down and gas prices up. https://twitter.com/NancyTracker/status/1463232059019771912?t=WEb_XG761wkKMHis0JZrvg&s=19",Why Tesla's Stock Looks Headed For All-Time Highs,hlt6vye,1637698426,1,0,0.998526692390442 4186,"Buffet also buys the company that sells a product people will walk across the street to buy instead of the one currently in front of them. TSLA is that company.",Why Tesla's Stock Looks Headed For All-Time Highs,hls2bs2,1637682544,1,0,0.982430636882782 4190,I would love to see a split sooner than later. I know people have been saying Elon is in no rush to split it again but I think the stock is rising much faster than others have been predicting.,Just the beginning,hj7zwzy,1635985578,9,1,0.9985162615776062 4193,berlin and texas with 4680 will be the next big catalyst,Just the beginning,hj9g9rm,1636018439,2,1,0.996955633163452 4198, G i,Tesla New Delivery Record | Tesla Growth Continues in Q2 2021,h3ywz3l,1625354700,1,0,0.9181612730026244 4200,I recieved last week and there were Plaid's everywhere. I think tsla reports over 200k deliveries and maybe some decent profit even.,TESLA Q2 2021 Deliveries Coming Soon!!!!!!!!,h3mbwrw,1625095596,3,0,0.9786269068717957 4202,"Unfortunately the stock will go down with the repot. Just like it did last time. Report",TESLA Q2 2021 Deliveries Coming Soon!!!!!!!!,h3m6dzn,1625092841,2,0,0.9994571805000304 4205,"Most “analysts” didn’t even know that the X wasn’t even being produced yet. S/X projections are severely inflated. There might be some difference between what the street actually expects and what the projections have been. However, Q3 and Q4 set to have some massive numbers. If Q2 comes in above it’s going to be a big tailwind for the stock.",TESLA Q2 2021 Deliveries Coming Soon!!!!!!!!,h3o8rx3,1625140691,1,0,0.9981200098991394 4207,[removed],TESLA Q2 2021 Deliveries Coming Soon!!!!!!!!,h3pqth2,1625165955,1,0,0.9972092509269714 4214,Expect it friday AM. Could come PM or even Sat at the latest.,TESLA Q2 2021 Deliveries Coming Soon!!!!!!!!,h3ol0ln,1625147452,1,1,0.992521107196808 4219,Makes sense. I'm glad I own both!,"Hi, $AMC Ape here…",gzpur70,1622172465,4,1,0.9988574981689452 4221,You people really have infected every stock related sub on Reddit. What a sad state of things.,"Hi, $AMC Ape here…",h03zrhu,1622487697,2,0,0.9994598031044006 4226,"Earnings, always sells off after. People are dumb. Doesn’t matter if it’s good news or bad news.",Why the recent dip?,gw3sre3,1619562251,12,0,0.9994346499443054 4231, No biggie. Taking profits also the market probably doesn’t love that bitcoin sales and carbon credits make up a big chunk of profits.,Why the recent dip?,gw43dr4,1619567507,3,1,0.9977019429206848 4235,when you sell bitcoin to have profits...,Why the recent dip?,gw5enlx,1619597292,1,0,0.9837799668312072 4240,Of course it dips if investors see that their core business is not profitable even after such a great revenue jump. Carbon credits and bitcoin won't last forever,Why the recent dip?,gw5kk4f,1619603014,0,0,0.9869117736816406 4244,Hehehe. Deep more and buy. Hehehe,Why the recent dip?,gw42dlf,1619567002,1,1,0.998652160167694 4258,"Got a few at 770, on a technical chart it looked like it was gonna break on the upside.",TSLA 3-19 Options,gr4tm99,1615909689,1,1,0.9977033734321594 4262,"28 minutes ago, story on Tesla Tesla Autopilot safety under investigation after 'violent crash,' NHTSA says.",TSLA 3-19 Options,gr5iwxu,1615920873,1,0,0.9977362155914308 4279,😡,"Billionaire investor Ron Baron's firm sold 1.8 million Tesla shares despite saying price will hit $2,000",gppb3le,1614894375,1,1,0.9978631138801576 4281,"This is just for the electric vehicle business I believe. I don’t think he included solar panels business, auto bidder, FSD / robotaxi fleet","Billionaire investor Ron Baron's firm sold 1.8 million Tesla shares despite saying price will hit $2,000",gprmj3k,1614948173,1,0,0.9981847405433656 4285,I saw the 5% off sale today and bought 5 more.,Does anyone know why is TESLA down every day? ???,gmu3w5p,1612977080,11,1,0.9985670447349548 4301,"Tesla stonk consolidating at these levels. Everybody should buy, buy, buy! 25K model probably finished design and will be shipping by mid 2022, then profitability will be even higher, revenue will be higher. Tesla will kill Chinese, European and American competitors. India Gigafactory starting soon and Indonesia battery Terafactory soon to be announced! Totally growth paid with #bitcoin speculation! To the moon baby!",Does anyone know why is TESLA down every day? ???,gn587hn,1613194697,2,1,0.9981862902641296 4304,Entire market down,Does anyone know why is TESLA down every day? ???,gmuevv5,1612981675,2,0,0.9994115829467772 4305,Day traders should be slightly concerned. There’s plenty of room for long-term growth. You just need to be patient. Knee jerk trades will only hurt your bottom line. Buy the dips and hold for the future returns.,Does anyone know why is TESLA down every day? ???,gmufb33,1612981845,2,1,0.9984606504440308 4306,Not sure,Does anyone know why is TESLA down every day? ???,gmty6pd,1612974660,1,0,0.9983468055725098 4331,wont happen mate,Does anyone know why is TESLA down every day? ???,gmw8r2d,1613011849,2,0,0.9991567134857178 4346,"""to the moon” OP is just pumping for tomorrow's SH meeting and financials. I don't think it'll be record breaking this time, but still much better than every other automakers in comparison.",Monumental Year for TESLA!,i5dzp5h,1650398837,1,1,0.9985944628715516 4356,Calls expiring next week,"$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3oix0o,1649280241,1,0,0.9987452030181884 4357,A few 4/22 and 4/29 to head into Austin giga and earnings. Actual split date would be a nice catalyst,"$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3ozi6f,1649287232,1,1,0.9970945119857788 4366,"My calls are expiring next Thursday, and I am very worried. My calls were going great, and well in the profits until Brainard released statements that crashed the stock market. It’s very disappointing and I am not quite sure what to do.","$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3rork9,1649342913,1,0,0.9994803071022034 4367,My only position right now. https://optionstrat.com/oI2CSG1ueHma,"$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3s6gji,1649350142,1,1,0.985789716243744 4371,Calls. Got them cheap this morning,"$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3uetrl,1649382710,1,0,0.9989804625511168 4372,[removed],"$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i4dalw0,1649725763,1,0,0.9972092509269714 4378,haha good luck man! Im still holding 1110 calls that got absolutely shitted on,"$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3o4ve5,1649274998,1,0,0.9924449324607848 4380,"I have 2000 dollar loss, my call options are like at a dollar per, so they are worthless already. What you think about me buying in later today a call option? Im trying to get my fucking money back from Tesla’s surge down. 😂","$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3sf5pb,1649353572,1,0,0.9994457364082336 4384,"I don't do PMs, but I overshare publicly on reddit sometimes. If you're curious which call I was doing, it was -TSLA220414C900 which is the April 14 $900 call. Back when I started at the end of January, it was a decently long way off and close enough to end of quarter (which I knew Tesla would slay like always) that I felt confident we'd be back above $1000 by then (I was paying premiums in the $80 range back then and I was looking to hold long rather than scalp like I ended up doing). And I was right, her","$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3xbaxx,1649438192,1,1,0.9937082529067992 4389,I don’t believe that’s true.. I’m sure a lot of smaller hedge funds were forced to close their positions back in 2008 but alot of heavy players were stuck in their position.. you can’t close your shorts when you have so many positions to cover the price would spike to ungodly levels especially since at the time the split causes so much hype that if they closed all their positions along with the insane volume they would have been screwed.. so they just buy the dept of the middle size hedge funds and try to r,"$TSLA surged down 2 days in a row, for all option traders, do you have Calls or Puts at this very moment?",i3sw98x,1649360003,1,0,0.997511625289917 4407,"$69,420",What is the price predictions for TSLA in late May early June ?,i22810q,1648214294,3,0,0.9939874410629272 4410,"$1,000,000/share",What is the price predictions for TSLA in late May early June ?,i2g627m,1648481891,2,1,0.984128475189209 4427,"And got even cheaper today, and dropped after hours. So tomorrow is good day to buy","Tesla’s stock is still cheap, says manager of new ETF who made Musk’s EV company its No. 1 holding",hn0e6hy,1638495091,1,0,0.9954792261123656 4428,"Totally agree... TSLA to $3,000.00","Tesla’s stock is still cheap, says manager of new ETF who made Musk’s EV company its No. 1 holding",hn4mdhp,1638573075,1,1,0.9938147068023682 4440,"May 22 options activity showing 5:1 call:put so yeah, about to 🚀",Gift horse,hluuq3x,1637724746,1,1,0.997829020023346 4457,"Completely agree, Elon’s tweets can be very influential both negative and positive but anyone who invests due to some tweet will not last long. Be informed, stay informed and invest wisely.","Musk Option plan, nothing to worry about, stop the panic",hjw7kf3,1636429833,3,1,0.9986660480499268 4461,"Can't put stock certificates on a sandwich plus he'll still own 25% if he sells 10% / no biggi, people sell and buy every day",TSLA hodlers ban together!,hjqnyk9,1636328833,2,0,0.9993929862976074 4463,I don’t know what to say. How much can we expect the stock fo fall next week?,TSLA hodlers ban together!,hjna2gy,1636265973,1,0,0.9992352724075316 4467,"Clarification, yes there is an equal amount of buyers & sellers but are they meeting at the “bid” or the “ask” is the real question",TSLA hodlers ban together!,hjo7upf,1636292789,2,0,0.9864533543586732 4480,"Hmm, how come I can't see the comments? Nevermined... seemed to be an issue with my phone",TSLA Breaking Trends From Other EVs?,hc6fdmf,1631193612,1,0,0.999427318572998 4496,predicting stock price is pointless now just hold commons,TSLA options should rocket this month - here's why,gwu2y1q,1620079218,3,0,0.998706579208374 4510,"It’s all rigged, so yeah i think they will drop it, hope for new investors to get scared and sell and then buy low and push it. It’s literally all rigged. Just buy as much as u can when it crashes. Not financial advice","I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",guxgrka,1618713591,11,0,0.998488426208496 4512,I think no one knows when stock go brrrr,"I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",guy9z0y,1618736591,7,1,0.9817459583282472 4515,"Could hit $900 with good numbers, must stay in uptrend. Looks like $680-700 area is important, break below with miss on numbers sets up $450 test. Staying long, my bet is EPS beat 😃","I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",guye97k,1618740819,6,1,0.9985212683677672 4521,"Can’t time Tesla stocks. Everyone try to be an expert but timing stocks is pure luck. If you stay in the game long enough you will capture the bull run. Don’t be short sighted, long haul always pays off with right stock.","I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",gv19o9l,1618797075,3,1,0.9969090819358826 4523,dont forget about bitcoins,"I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",guxu91s,1618722361,2,1,0.9939475059509276 4524,"Ah yes, technical analysis is real","I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",guy9du1,1618735978,2,1,0.994944393634796 4526,Buy straddle option on Friday 23rd and wait for big move in either direction,"I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",gvecmmk,1619057017,2,1,0.9877145290374756 4529,True,"I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",guzbebk,1618762059,1,1,0.9943047165870668 4538,You mean dogecoin,"I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",guywxyl,1618754777,1,0,0.9934605360031128 4540,We’ve been consolidating for months but “studying the graph” probably means he has used technical analysis to estimate an upcoming move in price action. We’ve also seen a bullish run to $780 which shows strength. People are willing to pay to get these shares. Hodl,"I just study graph, TSLA is on the rise but the earning on 26th could tank down to $720 or even $680 before it goes up. What do you guys think?",gv0p9ra,1618786185,1,1,0.996996283531189 4548,"I think you’re right, perhaps post earnings call there may be another drive in the right direction, I suppose we may bounce of the resistance a few times between now snd then. In any case I am content the charts have moved green by a good margin. 1000 by EOY would be very nice but I hold reservation on that until I see it.",Tesla price,gui11ua,1618416031,5,1,0.9983023405075072 4550,"I'm bullish on Tesla as well. The stock is taking a breather after STRONG two days trading. In my opinion, it can break the $780 resistance before the earnings on 4/26. It was $785 in premarket trading this morning.",Tesla price,gui62xd,1618418207,6,1,0.9979881048202516 4555,"$1k EOY is what I'm thinking too, but I'm more focused on 5-10 years",Tesla price,gujgmjn,1618438944,2,0,0.9908814430236816 4557,You think it will go up after earnings? given how they met delivery numbers?,Tesla price,guio4rs,1618426105,1,1,0.9971325397491456 4561,$720 is key then it needs to get back up on the island it fell off of at $775 ( My current short). If it holds $775 I’m a bear to bull.,"Boring day. Let’s break the 700 resistance level next 05/05! Earnings, annual vols and infrastructure bill next key catalysts. Something else besides GoJo insightful comments?",gtlysqr,1617740232,5,0,0.9988306164741516 4565,Dude shut the fuck up,"Boring day. Let’s break the 700 resistance level next 05/05! Earnings, annual vols and infrastructure bill next key catalysts. Something else besides GoJo insightful comments?",gtohjz7,1617798008,1,0,0.9966859221458436 4568,weren’t there Q1 earnings already reported last week?,Mark your calendars - Tesla to report Q1 earnings on 05/05 https://twitter.com/elonsworld/status/1378414097289654282?s=21,gtdypxw,1617572039,4,0,0.9895652532577516 4574,I’m holding till next split,Mark your calendars - Tesla to report Q1 earnings on 05/05 https://twitter.com/elonsworld/status/1378414097289654282?s=21,gteqryf,1617587659,3,1,0.9951744675636292 4576,only it they sell them,Mark your calendars - Tesla to report Q1 earnings on 05/05 https://twitter.com/elonsworld/status/1378414097289654282?s=21,gtht47u,1617655170,1,0,0.9762500524520874 4577,"I thought it was wedbush dude who said it. Doesn’t matter who, the statement is exactly right. IMO it’s the best catalyst in company history. Better than q3 2019 earnings beat & better than s&p inclusion. This was a huuge print. If energy growth is what I think, this lit the wire and the spark is moving close to the 🧨. I think $2k by august",Drop the Mic Quarter - Gene Muster,gtca3tq,1617538874,2,1,0.9985449314117432 4579,while i pray for that outcome i do not believe in it :P,Drop the Mic Quarter - Gene Muster,gtcgsiy,1617543516,0,0,0.9994586110115052 4581,"Short the shorties, I like the stonk",Coming off the morning drop.,gqp3k6w,1615562048,5,0,0.9830416440963744 4582,"As for me, I like the stock!",Coming off the morning drop.,gqpiuil,1615568915,6,1,0.9988223910331726 4593,"It's harder for some, like myself, arriving late for the party. I accumulated as it rose, post split from $400USD up to $860USD per share. I bought as funds became available to me, regardless of the price. My average price stands at just over $700USD per share. Yes I will hold, as I still believe in the outlook and future of Tesla.","Friendly reminder, that whether the price goes back up or down, at pre-split, I had expected a post- split price of around $300 per share. The $900 price range was hundreds over what was predicted by many for the post- split price ( after correction).",goxf3z1,1614393175,2,1,0.998479425907135 4596,Awesome! Really shows how this stock has investors with deep pockets and conviction!,EOD rally,goikq1d,1614119116,4,1,0.9987637996673584 4598,Imagine selling at $620 seeing it rebound,EOD rally,goj8pxb,1614131070,2,1,0.9980388283729552 4601,That Silly goose,EOD rally,gojr7h4,1614140789,1,0,0.9978819489479064 4614,It might but it won' stay there for long. These consolidation periods have never turned their back to Elon so far. I'd doubt it occurs anytime soon so long as the numbers from China for January look pretty - which I am sure they do with full factory ramp up hitting.,Bought calls on Tesla when I saw it hit 800.,gnq41gb,1613532286,1,1,0.9977134466171264 4630,Feels like the rate hike sell off is mostly over. Hope the 700s range is the new “floor”,$1300 target just now,iauc6lh,1654122452,6,0,0.9854795336723328 4635,How to reach $1300 if board sell off before reach?,$1300 target just now,iatmv8s,1654111662,1,0,0.9991074204444884 4642,It’s a mountain not a wall.,Prediction: 1 Stock-Split Stock That Will Lead the Market Recovery,i9f7rlw,1653113689,2,1,0.9906627535820008 4643,Say what?,Prediction: 1 Stock-Split Stock That Will Lead the Market Recovery,i9f8yqp,1653114687,1,0,0.9954952001571656 4644,The stock. …. Is a mountain ⛰ not a wall. Use your noodle and think about it in reference to what you said.,Prediction: 1 Stock-Split Stock That Will Lead the Market Recovery,i9f9gc6,1653115097,1,1,0.99565190076828 4649,They had good reasons for removing Tesla from the list.,"‘Ridiculous,’ ‘Wacktivism:’ Cathie Wood, Elon Musk React To Tesla’s Removal From S&P 500 ESG Index",i97nl7u,1652974015,3,0,0.984752118587494 4652,😂 the Musky ball sniffers are mad about this I presume,"‘Ridiculous,’ ‘Wacktivism:’ Cathie Wood, Elon Musk React To Tesla’s Removal From S&P 500 ESG Index",i98d1zw,1652984279,2,0,0.9974602460861206 4654,Shanghai reopened... tomorrow they probably show on mainstream or after hours today. Don’t fomo 🤓,Does NASDAQ drive a Tesla? Prepare for liftoff. VROOM!,i8yw0zn,1652807898,3,1,0.9971612691879272 4658,"I'm no stock market expert, but I feel like I have a basic sense of the mechanics that move the stock. Firstly, the stock sells at a high P/E ratio. That alone might give enough reason for people who are not informed, to sell the stock in a bear market. Secondly, there is a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) put out by mainstream outlets, many of which have a conflict of interest and hold stock in things like lidar, legacy auto companies, oil and gas, etc. Some have the fear that ""the competition is ",How does everyone feel about the stock in general?,i0uu7iw,1647413760,12,1,0.9961674809455872 4662,Have you seen the market as a whole the last 3 months? Tesla along with many other stocks moves up and down as the market changes.,How does everyone feel about the stock in general?,i1wxuvu,1648118748,1,1,0.9937445521354676 4664,Me too,How does everyone feel about the stock in general?,i0vxjkp,1647439986,2,1,0.993317723274231 4667,Tesla Daily w/ Rob is best,How does everyone feel about the stock in general?,i0za3s1,1647490914,2,1,0.9982264637947084 4670,"Really great written except 2 small things! 1) Tesla will never make a phone, and you can’t have a phone connected to Starlink! The phone would be 40 cm at least! 2) Model Y will be the most car sold already in 2023! Mark my words!",Tesla vs competition,hrjs16t,1641505769,3,1,0.9933297038078308 4672,"My thoughts exactly. You have your facts right, bro. Wonder how many times Elon doubters will be humiliated for them to give the man his due. Betting against that man is a losing proposition. I believe we'll see another stock split this year.",Tesla vs competition,hrjnpno,1641504183,1,1,0.9912420511245728 4674,"Actually they COULD make a phone, but it wouldn't HAVE to be connected to Starlink full time. If someone is going somewhere out of cell range- like trekking in mountains, I could see Tesla creating an accessory dish that would have to be packed away and folded in your gear, and would have to be set up for these ""out of range"" excursions. I'm just not sure if Tesla would bother with the phone to begin with...",Tesla vs competition,hrless8,1641529683,1,0,0.9985595345497132 4676,1100 by Feb,Tesla squeeze 20 day 1hr chart,hphht4o,1640127784,4,1,0.994913935661316 4679,What’s the number for tomorrow bulls ??,Tesla squeeze 20 day 1hr chart,hpiuqj7,1640150963,2,1,0.988379716873169 4684,TSLA is still cooling off from its last run. So definitely a couple more months.,Tesla squeeze 20 day 1hr chart,hphqkdh,1640131715,0,0,0.9865155220031738 4687,Remember what I said... watch and LEARN 🚀🚀,Tesla squeeze 20 day 1hr chart,hpqe25x,1640295965,2,1,0.9985660910606384 4689,?,Tesla squeeze 20 day 1hr chart,hphe9d7,1640126259,1,0,0.9942834973335266 4699,It’s just my mentality. Buy and hold. Keep acquiring. I didn’t know. I didn’t have to. I just did my DD and put my money in.,Help me hold / buy more shares,hobthth,1639361778,2,1,0.9978774785995485 4707,[removed],Why is there no EV love for Ford and GM? Cathie Wood says ‘they don’t have the DNA for this brave new world’ of electric cars,hl8cpi3,1637309560,1,0,0.9972092509269714 4708,Not to mention a stagnant culture opposite of rapid moving innovation. These have been the companies that were laughing at Tesla before they started seeing massive changes on the scoreboard. The race to EVs is totally over imo. As soon as the others start to catch up the narrative is gonna switch to self driving cars and no one has as much data as Tesla. They will never catch up in that department.,Why is there no EV love for Ford and GM? Cathie Wood says ‘they don’t have the DNA for this brave new world’ of electric cars,hl43ly5,1637239044,3,0,0.9992639422416688 4711,1105,"When will it cross 1,100?",hijc8qp,1635528170,5,1,0.9886022210121156 4718,It did.,"When will it cross 1,100?",hik1fur,1635538017,3,1,0.9982927441596984 4719,When will it cross 1500 is a better question,"When will it cross 1,100?",hikugja,1635550367,3,0,0.9868082404136658 4731,Wow thanks for the complete trend!!,Cathie Wood ARK Invest - Spotlight on ARK's Tesla $TSLA position this year,h4k4p2t,1625806581,1,1,0.9984965324401855 4737,No telling in this market is my honest answer. I just continue to hold.,$TSLA price targets,gxxx3r5,1620879285,3,1,0.9955541491508484 4738,"I am a simple man. I ask myself this: would I buy a small amount of TSLA and hold long term, or would I short a small amount of TSLA and take profit when it dips to 500, 400, 300, 40 like people mentioned here? I would just buy and hold. Remember when TSLA was $240 pre-split and people were still super bearish?",$TSLA price targets,gy4360u,1621007974,3,1,0.9985878467559814 4753,"You can never lose money if you’re always taking profits. From the looks of things, you’re in a great position. How much better can things get?",Sell or Hold 4/16 $620 Call,gt23bak,1617301095,5,1,0.997252881526947 4765,"They sold from 900 to 550; So the case here is.. Sell on Rumor, buy on the news.. Rumor was that Tesla was gonna miss big because of 1) Chip Shortages 2) Shrinking Demand 3) Folks waiting for EV credits, etc and more etc.. Elon proved all nay sayers wrong. The scenario here is sell on the rumor buy on the news... Huge gains await",Sell or Hold 4/16 $620 Call,gt8yqfg,1617460716,2,1,0.9988077878952026 4769,The auto chip shortage affects Tesla as much as other companies and deliveries may be off because of that,Sell or Hold 4/16 $620 Call,gt2vgtn,1617314329,1,0,0.9982796907424928 4770,Can you pick me up at 880 while heading to the moon? Thanks :),BUY IN?,gscwac8,1616803249,11,1,0.9988007545471193 4771,always buy time for TSLA. LEAPs are looking extra attractive at these prices,BUY IN?,gsbz4p1,1616789731,6,1,0.9978613257408142 4783,"Of course buy in, it's on sale",BUY IN?,gsc241f,1616790864,2,1,0.9967750906944276 4785,"Looks pretty strong at bumping off the fake bulls down to 600. I'd buy it. Not financial advice. Chip shortage, interest rates, tech sell off all playing a part in this not being at 1k already.",BUY IN?,gschntv,1616797035,2,1,0.9982643723487854 4786,"have been looking at TSLA chart and saw alot of puts for 600 ending today that i marked as a potential bounce point. I had some puts i sold before the hit, so could of made more. Looking at the option volume for next week, i see a potential pullback. ratio of call to puts and volume to O/I is higher on puts then it is on Calls. 15 min chart with Ichimoku has it under the cloud with Chiko line under cloud as well. just my thoughts that I see another drop next week with support at 600. my opinion, i thi",BUY IN?,gscjukk,1616797938,2,0,0.9975268244743348 4793,"Wait til 2025. Then it will be well into the low thousands per share....if there isn't another split by then",BUY IN?,gscq65a,1616800603,3,0,0.9981626868247986 4794,Hahaha me too!,BUY IN?,gsclbp2,1616798552,2,1,0.9985387325286864 4805,"Wonz, I’m sorry I can’t fix stupid.",BUY IN?,gt1ddzc,1617289489,1,0,0.9994423985481262 4816,6 @ $780,What was your Tesla Buy in price. My price was $195 x 361 Shares,gpso8gw,1614966258,2,0,0.995222508907318 4821,"Start this new round (after I sold my 2015) 740x60 average because I bought 10 every dip. I missed the 520 today 😭",What was your Tesla Buy in price. My price was $195 x 361 Shares,gpuksk9,1614996731,1,0,0.9930033087730408 4836,"I don’t get how your screwed, if you have Tesla stock your only screwed in the good way. 😉",Made some money back,goo1td2,1614225397,0,1,0.9870409369468688 4840,And first trillionaire,Made some money back,gowopb8,1614381772,1,1,0.996178150177002 4841,"It’s options. They expire on a set day and if the actual price isn’t above the contract price, it will become worthless.",Made some money back,gothije,1614339115,1,0,0.97897607088089 4843,"Also, while there is never any guarantee that any stock will go up or down, for perspective, tsla went through a very similar dip in 2020 when it went from 498 on 8/31 and dropped to 330 by 9/8...a 34% drop...it was at 880 on 1/25 and now at 714, a 19% drop. This is a volatile stock, more so than most obviously. I would say to stay the course and see what happens but it could dive further just looking at previous trends and then skyrocket","Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",goec0ei,1614036249,7,0,0.9967674016952516 4846,"From what I’ve seen, it seems like the market went from growth stocks to value stocks. Stocks that pay out high dividends","Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",gofnxrf,1614062207,4,1,0.9978501796722412 4865,[deleted],"Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",goe2hnu,1614031782,1,0,0.9980586171150208 4866,Made a 30 day low on Friday. Broke a major support at $775. I nibbled on a sell near Fridays close. Added to my short today. It’s WAY overvalued. My original target was $600. Might need to adjust lower,"Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",goe6gr0,1614033620,1,0,0.998818576335907 4874,Similar correction magnitude implies 580... long way down.,"Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",goenl7n,1614041979,1,0,0.9973503351211548 4879,You will regret that imo,"Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",gog5kn6,1614078133,1,0,0.9988129138946532 4888,"I have bitcoin, and while I agree with you there is a period of nay Sayers that will cause fud. The whole r/buttcoin sub has been losing their shit for months. Anyways, buying BTC basically at the ATH seems like a pretty wild move. That and his brother sold his shares. Could both be signs of what they expect to come","Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",gogmlll,1614089728,1,0,0.9954067468643188 4889,Only profit once they sell until then it’s a liability,"Can anyone please explain what’s going on with tsla, why is it falling so bad ? Any input ? It’s just not tsla .. even ticker PLUG is sad last few days... what’s the news ?",goi87sb,1614113715,1,0,0.9992988109588624 4898,Not to mention the battery shortage that is coming hard that they will capitalize on and I bet we get some big news this year related to FSD. So many near term catalysts for this stock.,Roughly $500M in unrealized gains from holding Bitcoin.,gnnm5py,1613490023,3,1,0.9984057545661926 4901,TSLA is Long Term↗️,What’s up with $TSLA stock?,gmqj3bl,1612901749,18,1,0.9974327683448792 4906,"Betting against TSLA has always been a bad idea. Now that it is starting to tie itself to BTC, that's even more true. Let's keep in mind that TSLA has made more from its recent BTC purchase than it made all of last quarter selling cars. The phenomena will become even more pronounced with time and be very obvious to the world at the next earnings call.",What’s up with $TSLA stock?,gmqhx6x,1612901251,6,1,0.935474157333374 4908,It’s a temp cutback due to recent massive rise. Tesla has got some major milestones that are going to be achieved in the next 3 years. In the market for over 10 years compared to everyone else who is trying to hop on now. I personally will not trust an AV with my kids in the car based on simulated models rather than real life cross highway logic derived over years. This is the time to buy more. 1k will be the new normal very soon.,What’s up with $TSLA stock?,gmtxb79,1612974288,6,1,0.9787821173667908 4915,Hurr durr tsla stop going up like rocket every two seconds how come? Cmon man.,What’s up with $TSLA stock?,gmrt5f7,1612923917,4,0,0.998829185962677 4919,"Just hold or buy the dip. It's consolidating back down to $750 before reaching $1000. In the short term, the unrealized gains from holding the Bitcoin will have zero effect on Tesla's value. However, if Tesla can get unrealized losses from Bitcoin, it would reduce Tesla's earnings.(But it's highly unlikely that Bitcoin will drop below $33000--Tesla's avg cost.",What’s up with $TSLA stock?,gnrcufc,1613566424,1,1,0.9969198703765868 4920,People are probably ditching it for Zinc8 MGXRF OTC (they do batteries for the grid),What’s up with $TSLA stock?,gmt4xc4,1612959813,0,0,0.9984960556030272 4928,"I didn't say it was acting abnormal. I think its consolidating right now and people don't understand the benefit of BTC. I think it will jump once the next factory is done if that's the closest catalyst. Why do Tesla people always jump down peoples throat when they point something out other than ""Tesla to the moon"". Please also not I'm Long Tesla. Holding for at least the next ten years.",What’s up with $TSLA stock?,gmqla7q,1612902677,1,1,0.992813766002655 4929,How does someone shorting a company's stock not hurt it in any way? Especially a very large position.,Bill Gates on shorting $TSLA,ib5zr7b,1654364786,4,0,0.9941100478172302 4935,"Why or how do you think it would hurt a stock? Given volume and market cap of TSLA, such a trade would be imperceptible to you or anyone. It would lower the share price for a short period of time, certainly less than a few hours.",Bill Gates on shorting $TSLA,ib70p2l,1654384632,1,0,0.9584831595420836 4936,"As much as you ""hurt"" a stock when you short. you are ""helping"" it equally when you cover. If anything TSLA has proven that shorting a stock doesn't really hurt a stock.",Bill Gates on shorting $TSLA,ica2dh0,1655171987,1,1,0.9972387552261353 4944,He has sold $500 million short in TSLA per Elon's Comments. Bill Gates or any other large entity selling a stock short is betting the stock will decrease in value. This is not good for any company. Bill Gates is full of shit IMO.,Bill Gates on shorting $TSLA,ib66ij0,1654368404,8,0,0.9984739422798156 4945,Then the short position changes accordingly. I was short 100 shares at $1000 now I'm short 500 shares at $200.,Bill Gates on shorting $TSLA,ib86vm4,1654410891,3,0,0.99644935131073 4948,I'm just so tired people or entities being too big to lose. Someone has to lose. You can't just throw money at a problem until it goes away. Someone will always lose. We will see if it is Elon or Gates in this case I guess.,Bill Gates on shorting $TSLA,ib6a8nq,1654370459,2,0,0.997686505317688 4952,"Yeah. I guess what I meant to say was I don’t see Tesla going down as dramatically as we are seeing other stocks go down. Everything is guaranteed to go down at this point, but Tesla will probably be one of the better performing stocks.",Bill Gates on shorting $TSLA,ic4m5zp,1655066588,1,1,0.9964070916175842 4956,I bet big oil has some big short positions on TSLA.,Elon Musk Attacks S&P Over Exxon Outscoring Tesla On ESG: What He’s Saying,i94gv9t,1652908795,6,0,0.9925962686538696 4957,"Yup, he said he was going to vote Republican next election and the ""WOKE"" mob is trying to cancel him. What a fucked up world we live in. I'm sure Elon will be fine, I bought myself a whopping 10 shares of Tesla today!!!!",Elon Musk Attacks S&P Over Exxon Outscoring Tesla On ESG: What He’s Saying,i948j5y,1652905342,15,0,0.9973128437995912 4958,"Elon is a very smart guy , we all know that , and he just got smarter …. He’s voting republicans. I don’t understand why people are moving from a blue state to a red state because they don’t like the political agenda and they keep voting democrats where they move .",Elon Musk Attacks S&P Over Exxon Outscoring Tesla On ESG: What He’s Saying,i95vea8,1652932640,3,0,0.9469890594482422 4961,Even Bill Gates has millions of $$$ short position on TSLA. He’s also a sham of environmental advocates.,Elon Musk Attacks S&P Over Exxon Outscoring Tesla On ESG: What He’s Saying,i94l4lw,1652910616,6,0,0.9993832111358644 4975,All just another clever ploy to sell out of TSLA stock without investors panicking,Musk puts on hold $44-billion deal for Twitter,i8gwhqo,1652459227,-1,0,0.998773157596588 4976,"Ding ding ding ding!!! We all knew that’s what he was doing. We should ask Elon directly if his Twitter deal falls through if he will buy back the $8.5 billion worth of tesla stock he just dumped leaving us holding his bags. It’s his money and his company, and I get it that he wants some money out of his investment, but just sell and stop making up this nonsense that you need to sell at the very tippy top peak to pay taxes or acquire Twitter. F U Elon! Stop being that jerk!",Musk puts on hold $44-billion deal for Twitter,i8ije2k,1652484530,2,0,0.9995013475418092 4978,My biggest regret was selling for 100% profit at 1000 pre last split. Made me buy my shares back at 800 and never looked back.,Why you should invest in TSLA stock before the split,i2njz9d,1648600052,4,1,0.9980595707893372 4984,Hopefully after the next split it won’t fall in a downtrend because then we would lose value 10x faster.,Why you should invest in TSLA stock before the split,i3gcbt1,1649135100,1,0,0.9992189407348632 4987,i agree but it shouldnt matter because of fractional shares.,Why you should invest in TSLA stock before the split,i2pvl51,1648650376,2,0,0.9952162504196168 4990,"No for sure, I think the split only helps tsla!",Why you should invest in TSLA stock before the split,i2nuckq,1648604830,3,0,0.999114453792572 4992,"Thats true. I tried to post a picture but this app didn't let me. The chart shows in 3 months post split the stock appreciated 7.8%, after 6 mths, 13.9%, and after a year 25.4%",Why you should invest in TSLA stock before the split,i2qp73k,1648662195,1,1,0.998233437538147 4998,"> but Tesla not a Delorean Why not both? A cybertruck!",Why you should invest in TSLA stock before the split,i2s2wqi,1648682483,1,0,0.9964687824249268 5002,Because all other car companies are going bankrupt this decade.,TSLA Stock: Tesla Can Weather the Storm and Rise to the Moon,hvwf5p4,1644205167,2,0,0.995226263999939 5012,I have a lot of dandruff on my head that keeps falling on my shoulders. Does that mean I will fly in a plane or climb Everest or go to the moon,$BULLISH ON TSLA,hv5p51i,1643736699,1,0,0.9975160360336304 5013,Can’t stop TSLA.,$BULLISH ON TSLA,hv9hlqm,1643801194,1,1,0.9980838298797609 5014,[removed],$BULLISH ON TSLA,hvyc3h1,1644247267,1,0,0.9972092509269714 5020,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",$BULLISH ON TSLA,hvyc3k5,1644247268,1,0,0.9994649291038512 5024,"How about a carbon fiber roof replacement, with a matching insulated headliner panel?",Koenigsegg is now making Tesla aftermarket parts through collaboration with Unplugged Performance,htvqcco,1642947191,2,1,0.9954785704612732 5025,Macros man. Even Microsoft was down 4.23 today,WTF?,hsjowvb,1642112130,12,0,0.9988365769386292 5029,This is simply due to the option expiry date is approaching.,WTF?,hsl2npp,1642133173,2,0,0.995348870754242 5033,"Inflation of the dollar and of stock values. The US Gov is cashing out on all of their US Stock Bonds and then raising interest rates. This is a controlled crash method to slow down inflation and revalue the stock market appropriately. Think of it like a controlled burn of a forest fire in order to build it back up to be even stronger and healthier. The only question is, how low will it go before it rises again?",WTF?,hsmibuh,1642166512,1,1,0.9886279702186584 5035,"I have Tesla, Google,AApL,msft today got hit, I wonder if the crash is coming ?",WTF?,hsjp82e,1642112251,2,0,0.9972196817398072 5039,"You are very new to investing aren‘t you? EDIT: no offense btw a genuine question",WTF?,hsjuh4j,1642114270,3,1,0.9765967726707458 5044,"But then u habe to have seen more red days, why does it make u think of a crash rn? I mean there are theories and they could be true, i just dont understand why a red tech-day concerns u now?",WTF?,hsjx6vb,1642115318,4,0,0.9989750385284424 5047,"20m Production will not be an issue. Issue will be competition, as TSLA won’t be a monopoly anymore past ~2025 like they are now. As a result, demand for Tesla inevitably will drop, as carmakers such as Lexus, Acura, Audi, MB, BMW start mass producing EVs and with high quality. That being said, I’m a TSLA bag holder, catching the 🚀 run til 2025 or so.","The road to 20M in 2030, from a historical and short-term predictive perspective",hr7rtnr,1641306131,1,1,0.9970878958702089 5055,"First to the moon, then to Mars!!! 🚀","What’s everyone’s price predictions for $TSLA for YE ‘21, ‘22, ‘25 and ‘30?",hpcl0ct,1640038642,3,1,0.9983826875686646 5057,$3K 2022,"What’s everyone’s price predictions for $TSLA for YE ‘21, ‘22, ‘25 and ‘30?",hpx6pc4,1640444759,2,0,0.9911852478981018 5059,"Depends on how long time it takes for the bubble to burst, in 2025 the value is set by PE so probably a fraction of its peak","What’s everyone’s price predictions for $TSLA for YE ‘21, ‘22, ‘25 and ‘30?",hpbea32,1640020980,0,0,0.9923927783966064 5065,This is the way lol,"What’s everyone’s price predictions for $TSLA for YE ‘21, ‘22, ‘25 and ‘30?",hpd7uxg,1640048883,3,1,0.998323619365692 5066,What he said…,"What’s everyone’s price predictions for $TSLA for YE ‘21, ‘22, ‘25 and ‘30?",hpe4y3f,1640065101,2,1,0.9883089065551758 5068,😂,"What’s everyone’s price predictions for $TSLA for YE ‘21, ‘22, ‘25 and ‘30?",hpps0h5,1640286442,2,1,0.9980341792106628 5074,Why so anxious for a split? It's nothing!,What price or catalyst would need to happen for a stock split? Been buying partial shares weekly.,hmzvbfb,1638486681,6,0,0.9932643175125122 5076,"It will split around the 3k to 5k area and/or around new factories being built. If the stock price makes another HUGE run that is unsustainable then maybe. But short term I don't see a stock split. They don't need to. Another reason would be if the shares are needed as the amount of employees grow to sustain employee stock options. Stock splits are just an added benefit for us retail investors.",What price or catalyst would need to happen for a stock split? Been buying partial shares weekly.,hmzzqrs,1638488587,3,1,0.9928319454193116 5079,most of the stocks will dump when they do forward split (pre covid). Last time it was unusual.,What price or catalyst would need to happen for a stock split? Been buying partial shares weekly.,hn0oin0,1638499620,0,0,0.9946909546852112 5080,stock split is priced in.. just looked at the volume and market cap.,What price or catalyst would need to happen for a stock split? Been buying partial shares weekly.,hn1444h,1638506902,0,0,0.9929941296577454 5084,Opens up options plays for smaller retail investors,What price or catalyst would need to happen for a stock split? Been buying partial shares weekly.,hn0q01j,1638500273,4,1,0.998489499092102 5094,[removed],Analyst Hikes Tesla Price Target To Street High,hl8co2u,1637309532,1,0,0.9972092509269714 5099,[removed],Teslas to charge your home,hl8cu5d,1637309658,1,0,0.9972092509269714 5100,"In australia,yes,their grid is already supported by li-ion batteries because it's small (capacity) and unstable,they have too much solar/wind P.s. the battery that support their grid now are altready teslas,google ""hornsdale power reserve"" P.p.s. my english is bad,feel free to point out things but be kind please",Teslas to charge your home,hl0e6a6,1637169901,3,0,0.9965763688087464 5103,Good,"U.S. Senate Democrat Manchin Opposes $4,500 EV Union Tax Credit",hkald6y,1636690848,2,1,0.998415231704712 5107,"Volatility is a gift that goes both directions, most don't seem to mind when it is rocketing up & some recognize how to profit from both directions. (I think shorting & spreading FUD about a good company like TSLA is a disgusting practice; I don't see anything wrong with selling puts on red days because I'll either make a premium or own more of something I like.) To those that can't handle it...the AT&T's of the market might be a ""safe space"" where you might take a deep breath & sleep easy. TSLA IS AN ALL T",When will it end?,h5aixm7,1626366815,5,1,0.9185587167739868 5110,"Basic rules of investing include never investing money that you can't afford to lose did you can't afford to lose. Never invest never invest money that you need but you need to use soon.. Never invest in a stock that you haven't done and I stopped but you haven't done your due diligence and research on. If you regular day trader you will buy low and sell high yeah sooner or later, not a regular or expected event. In the last year Tesla has gone from $300 to near $900, Slipped down into the High 5 hundre",When will it end?,h5c2axl,1626391455,4,0,0.9959495067596436 5119,Just sent another at $640.00,When will it end?,h5at6zs,1626371116,2,0,0.9990398287773132 5124,I disagree,When will it end?,h5bo59z,1626384637,3,0,0.9982104301452636 5127,"I averaged down today heavily on 640 support. I can only hope my charting holds for the rip next week, or I’ll be sad.",When will it end?,h5awcu9,1626372431,2,0,0.993938446044922 5139,"TSLA is a long-term winner. If you can afford to pick up more shares in the 500's while it's low,, it would be wise. 🔋😎",Any catalyst for TSLA in coming weeks?,h1lo9e7,1623571716,1,1,0.9985559582710266 5146,Its because I sold last week :/,what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzbdad1,1621889136,11,0,0.9918763637542723 5149,"i left change in my pocket today, opposed to every other day i put it in my cup holder. so do with that information as you will",what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzb93mk,1621887216,3,1,0.9897583723068236 5156,Possible also. A battery supplier announced a sodium ion battery. Lithium is a rate limiter with EVs as it is rare. Sodium is not. Thus would allow for more batteries to be made. Sorry I didn’t save the link but Im sure those interested can research.,what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzci2lq,1621909690,1,0,0.975404679775238 5157,EV incentive.,what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzpdadq,1622163101,1,1,0.9971676468849182 5158,Lol fuckin paper handed idiot,what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzdytdj,1621948293,0,0,0.9985024929046632 5161,Im with you,what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzc0rgc,1621900677,1,1,0.9971880316734314 5162,Pussy,what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzmbwnh,1622110382,1,0,0.9711118340492249 5164,">i think so too, as btc goes up, retail investors will invest in tsla. but the hedge funds might not be as gun hoe on tsla right now",what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzd4jup,1621924274,1,1,0.9977732300758362 5165,Lithium is not that rare in fact…,what was the trigger for today's 4.4% gain?,gzpd8kt,1622163075,1,1,0.9871851801872252 5167,If you had done your DD and bought a company you truly believe in you wouldn’t need “faith”. Sell at a loss and stick to index funds if you are not willing to put in the time to research and learn. But keep in mind that even index funds are volatile so I recommend you just hide your money under the mattress so you can sleep easy.,Discouraged,gxwivi6,1620854303,9,0,0.9969655871391296 5171,"My best lesson was learning to take a hit, I have positions down more than 50%, but 10 stocks are still 10 stocks, not dollars, I won't sell my house because my neighbor sold cheap, lol. A good business stock goes up and down, just know when to buy.",Discouraged,gxwryfj,1620858435,5,1,0.9910532832145692 5176,well I have lost the sell buy back cheaper game more then I hath won it... regarding TSLA now -- well this is the TSLA area so won't mention the etfs where I hath won that game;),Discouraged,gxxz9pl,1620880722,3,0,0.9991029500961304 5179,"We are finishing wave 5, more downside to come",Discouraged,gxzkh3s,1620919637,2,0,0.9978423118591307 5180,Zoom out the chart to 1 year and feel good about it!,Discouraged,gxzzyd9,1620926184,2,1,0.9986847043037416 5183,DD Haaaaaaaaaaaa ITS ALL RIGGED AND MANIPULATED!,Discouraged,gxyhf6c,1620896087,1,0,0.99727863073349 5186,bought at 860 thinking it was heading towards 1K still think it will hit 1K. When did I paper hand it and try to buy back lower. Might have actually won that game that time but most of the time when I play this game with TSLA I lose. Bought 3 shares in the 600range..,Discouraged,gxxzgs6,1620880855,6,0,0.9925600290298462 5187,I have been buying in every dips these days! Increased share numbers from 25 to 110 and portfolio from 30% to 99% Tesla. Not even scared. This is short term downfall!,Discouraged,gy009py,1620926314,1,1,0.9983252882957458 5199,Wow thanks for sharing information that was super important,SUPPORT AT 600,gsqn0jz,1617057749,1,1,0.99877268075943 5207,"It means that if if you had 100 shares worth $50 each, you’d now have 500 shares but each would be worth $10 each. Ultimately you’d have the same value, but the purchase power of a single share would be much better as it would be easier to buy shares at $10 rather than $50 each. Now, if you have 25 shares at $850 each, after a 5:1 split, you’d have 125 shares at $170 each. Usually a split results in more people getting he shares so the price rises.",SUPPORT AT 600,gsuqv2y,1617144426,2,0,0.9914283156394958 5209,"Makes sense. Although I have recently seen plenty of media playing against Tesla. I usually discount comments bringing the same narrative without bringing any positives whatsoever. Just look at the enclosed. Cramer says Ford, General Motors are picking up momentum as Tesla shares slip https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/15/cramer-says-ford-gm-shares-are-picking-up-momentum-as-tesla-slips.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard Here is another one NHTSA investigating 'violent' Tesla ",Will ARK / Cathy strategically let stock rise organically into next week before releasing new PT?,gr2zlra,1615862728,2,0,0.9984500408172609 5218,"I’m rooting for you. I have a March 19 720 put. I’m sure you know but if the stock does not reach $720 I’m going to have to buy it. To the 🌙",Will this print? :),gqtwagw,1615666098,2,1,0.9984036087989808 5223,Doubt it.,Will this print? :),gqyfbd3,1615762937,1,0,0.9976929426193236 5224,Doubt it.,Will this print? :),gqyfbok,1615762941,1,0,0.9976929426193236 5229,"TSLA already overvalued like crazy, 900 is nonsense. You think TSLA worth more then FB? When one makes 11B profit and the other is in the red without stipends.",Will this print? :),gqurnu8,1615683777,1,0,0.9987444877624512 5246,cathie evaluates her cosmetics at 2000,Cathie Wood’s New Tesla Target Price Is Coming Soon. Here’s Where It Might Land.,gqd1jkv,1615317413,2,1,0.9927623867988586 5248,"Why didn’t you use your own money considering this particular stock and other similar stocks whether it be in the EV sector or in general, related to the Tech industry, are plummeting right now? You could have bought it cheap with your own money without worrying about having to pay it back later.",I bought a 10 more shares on margin at $736. Thinking about buying 10 more at $675.50. Really liking this company,gp6785s,1614521165,3,0,0.9994612336158752 5251,careful with margin. great buying opportunity,I bought a 10 more shares on margin at $736. Thinking about buying 10 more at $675.50. Really liking this company,gpc5az5,1614629878,2,1,0.9986975193023682 5254,"Not to judge, but given the prices, I'd be skeptical about positions with margin. ​ Take care.",I bought a 10 more shares on margin at $736. Thinking about buying 10 more at $675.50. Really liking this company,gph5m5a,1614729576,1,0,0.9983428716659546 5257,I think we’ll see a nice bump this week from the stimulus news alone.,I bought a 10 more shares on margin at $736. Thinking about buying 10 more at $675.50. Really liking this company,gp3ne32,1614471402,6,1,0.9984853863716124 5258,I didn’t want to sell anything to buy more. Taking a risk but I can cover if I get the call,I bought a 10 more shares on margin at $736. Thinking about buying 10 more at $675.50. Really liking this company,gp8npex,1614553603,1,1,0.9978759288787842 5260,I do. I can cover if I get the call,I bought a 10 more shares on margin at $736. Thinking about buying 10 more at $675.50. Really liking this company,gp8nupi,1614553675,2,1,0.997669279575348 5267,"I def wouldn't be buying any tech growth stocks on margin right now, but Tesla defies logic at times so good luck",I bought a 10 more shares on margin at $736. Thinking about buying 10 more at $675.50. Really liking this company,gp4eri0,1614487103,5,1,0.9944329857826232 5269,"Market is extremely volatile, and will rebound soon, that’s why you do not want to use margin.",Took An Ass Whooping Today LAWD!!!,gox3ocz,1614386791,4,0,0.9989390969276428 5270,Stonk took a little zinger right at the end of the day,Took An Ass Whooping Today LAWD!!!,gow94ce,1614376860,2,1,0.9946683049201964 5274,I literally took 2 call options today KNOWING full well they would expire at 4 pm and did it anyway. I LOVE TESLA!! And I’m a total jackass!! Lol,Took An Ass Whooping Today LAWD!!!,gowz7ki,1614385167,2,1,0.9985596537590028 5276,"That has nothing to do with it. Market is selling off in general. It’s normal and will find support soon. Unless you’re in options, you’ll be fine.",So they close one production line for a few days and there’s a mass sell REALLY?,gorogwn,1614295994,5,0,0.998001754283905 5286,"That is only a smoke screen, the real truth is that the big ones are now pulling out since they begin to fear that the little guy start to understand how overvalued TSLA is",So they close one production line for a few days and there’s a mass sell REALLY?,gotco7d,1614334579,1,0,0.9976359605789183 5289,Nice,So they close one production line for a few days and there’s a mass sell REALLY?,goriyx9,1614293369,1,1,0.9977694749832152 5291,Maybe don't use meme as market research. Or as a source of news about anything?,Do you guys think this will increase Tesla’s stock?,gkyg2gw,1611760807,4,0,0.9994277358055116 5294,No but maybe WKHS. He could be referring to the usps proposed contract. The ev will be commercial.,Do you guys think this will increase Tesla’s stock?,gkxbkse,1611733918,2,0,0.996963918209076 5295,"Electric vehicles that break down after 10 miles, so they’ll sit in a warehouse waiting to be fixed, meanwhile they’ll use gas vehicles.",Do you guys think this will increase Tesla’s stock?,gkzbyoe,1611771613,1,0,0.9995001554489136 5300,I bought 5 @ $392 and plan on holding for literally almost ever.,I bought 13 shares at $543. When should I sell?,giml6jv,1610168837,4,1,0.9984638690948486 5303,Lol I just got 1 to ride just now. I’m also broke so let’s see what happens.,I bought 13 shares at $543. When should I sell?,givyczi,1610377346,3,0,0.99937242269516 5307,Hold it and buy more when price adjusts.,I bought 13 shares at $543. When should I sell?,gillvly,1610150100,2,1,0.9985747337341307 5314,2030,I bought 13 shares at $543. When should I sell?,gkcamoe,1611398231,2,1,0.9704450964927672 5329,Good advice. I’m hoping it dose it in oct 2021,I bought 13 shares at $543. When should I sell?,gjkfgtr,1610881034,1,1,0.9986475110054016 5332,"Selling and making a profit is never a mistake, but selling based on emotional judgment is a mistake according to the books I’ve been reading. Be proud you did more with your money than most do",I bought 13 shares at $543. When should I sell?,gjkf5u9,1610880875,2,1,0.9859492182731628 5334,Yeah you’re right! Can’t be mad that I made money!!,I bought 13 shares at $543. When should I sell?,gjqv6fc,1610995999,1,1,0.9981858134269714 5337,Where is the wsb?,Elon Musk Says Bill Gates Has ‘Multi-Billion Dollar’ Tesla Short Position,iaeg70j,1653806781,2,0,0.9761781096458436 5340,"Only issue is it’s not Gates driving the stock price down. He’s entitled to short the stock. It’s the CEO who cannot keep his mouth shut and has a whim at 2am to buy Twitter which serves nothing to shareholders of Tesla stock. This is classic deflection. And yes I own the stock and the car so I’m not some blubber fish from r/realTesla . I don’t care if Gates is short. He’s been wrong on so many things that he’s almost become a meme. I only trust him on Bio stuff. Electronics? Nope!",Elon Musk Says Bill Gates Has ‘Multi-Billion Dollar’ Tesla Short Position,iaf1agp,1653825060,-6,0,0.9994822144508362 5345,"Elon has his right to sell more or buy more TSLA shares at anytime. No matter Elon sells or buys more shares, it doesn’t affect the value of Tesla stock. The only thing that affects the value of Tesla is whether the revenue/profit growth rate can be maintained as 50% annually as promised. The stock price of TSLA can be very frustrated in short term due to market rumours, but it will eventually reflect to the true value in long run. If you have been a shareholder of Tesla for years, I believe you have earne",Elon Musk Says Bill Gates Has ‘Multi-Billion Dollar’ Tesla Short Position,iafq9ns,1653838278,1,1,0.9978638291358948 5347,What I can say is “No company is perfect!”.,Elon Musk Says Bill Gates Has ‘Multi-Billion Dollar’ Tesla Short Position,iafu31b,1653839995,1,0,0.9895836114883424 5348,"It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://investorplace.com/2022/05/billionaire-philippe-laffont-bets-on-ev-stocks-tsla-rivn-lcid/](https://investorplace.com/2022/05/billionaire-philippe-laffont-bets-on-ev-stocks-tsla-rivn-lcid/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & Abou","Billionaire Philippe Laffont Bets on EV Stocks TSLA, RIVN, LCID",ia4rrj6,1653609904,1,0,0.997894823551178 5359,Time-in VS timing,Bulls Hold. Chickens sell.,i9c0xzw,1653057237,1,0,0.9973137974739076 5360,Better discount to buy more then,Bulls Hold. Chickens sell.,i9a54x5,1653014542,2,1,0.9916935563087464 5362,"did you time it, correctly... or are you playing time-in... I would say that Musk sold some at the right time.",Bulls Hold. Chickens sell.,i9czpc3,1653071384,1,0,0.9917786717414856 5370,Looks like Elon likes 4/20 in anyways.,"Earnings Report Q1 2022 due on Wednesday, 4/20/22",i59snpz,1650324129,1,1,0.9900630116462708 5371,I respect the manic excitement. It’s contagious.,"Earnings Report Q1 2022 due on Wednesday, 4/20/22",i5am1ck,1650336967,2,1,0.9986881613731384 5375,Man i really wish they would stop with all the good news so the stock would go back up.. the more they spread good news the more hedge funds short the stock lol,Tesla now renting Tesla's,i4b8kdp,1649694605,3,0,0.9899681806564332 5377,TSLA 1700,Tesla Gets a Big Win That May Cost Legacy Carmakers Millions,i2q7voy,1648655333,6,0,0.9359403848648072 5379,I love it. Buying more shares in the morning,Tesla Gets a Big Win That May Cost Legacy Carmakers Millions,i2sjn0e,1648690130,2,1,0.9988803267478944 5381,[deleted],Got 10 more shares now ✌️,hvfxkme,1643908040,3,0,0.9980586171150208 5386,Great entry. Depends on your intentions. For stocks you can hold as long as you want. I see the price for TSLA back above 950 in the short term and above 1200 very soon. I am holding my positions not worried,Got 10 more shares now ✌️,hvfvnog,1643907343,7,1,0.997890055179596 5390,"Yeah, some day. But nobody knows when.",Austin,hrjqcsx,1641505157,6,0,0.9958289265632628 5406,"$700??? Please show me the tech analysis for that. It’s all nonsense. This is a blip. If one can’t handle the volatility, don’t invest/trade TSLA. I’ve held TSLA through its darkest days and still haven’t sold a single share. TSLA is only in its early adolescent.",When to buy?,hko5vzj,1636943342,8,0,0.999392867088318 5422,"Tbh bro I have zero idea I thought it was gunna plummet when he sold his recent shares but it only went down about 200$ so I’m not to sure but I’m hoping it does cause I wanna get back into Tesla, but as of right now I think it’ll stay where it’s at till something happens just keep an eye out bro bro",When to buy?,hknnl40,1636934922,1,1,0.9791425466537476 5423,So much can happen anytime don't miss out leverage in,When to buy?,hknvzti,1636938807,1,1,0.9980698227882384 5424,Hard to say. It would take a beating if he sells all the shares over the next week. But that may be good to buy more shares going into Q4 and next year. There are alot of catalysts coming up soon so any price you can afford then it's good to jump in.,When to buy?,hknwmai,1636939100,1,1,0.9937345385551452 5425,"hes day trading, depends on VWAP and Fibonacci bro",When to buy?,hkor9pz,1636954465,1,1,0.9942668080329896 5436,This,When to buy?,hkqqhk5,1636997269,2,0,0.9040104150772096 5441,Fuck out of Tesla stock!!!,When to buy?,hkq9k66,1636990399,1,0,0.998416781425476 5444,Total of 10% of his 170m shares. So 17m. Has another 10m to go,When to buy?,hkrx7ii,1637014080,1,0,0.9975600242614746 5447,[The Q&A part in full ](https://youtu.be/P-v9NbgXuYA),Here are the highlights with Elon Musk at the shareholder meeting,hft6e58,1633661588,1,1,0.9907367825508118 5450,"Lol.... it’s headed to FUD land for sure. There is some whole movement starting trying to bash Tesla stock Bc of Elon and his views on crypto. Some sort of ‘short Tesla’ drive that eventually will bite everyone in the ass . If the short interest goes sky high and then they deliver their marks on the year we will see a hefty bounce.",Omg,gygyp0l,1621273771,7,0,0.9870920181274414 5451,"You must be new to the market, buy this dip! Will be at $800 in 1-2 months!",Omg,gygqtyd,1621270547,17,0,0.9980707764625548 5452,"Just bought a few more shares. My rule is that I buy VTI every time I buy more TSLA. It's not equivalent (by # of shares, or value)- I just kinda wing it based on feel. But, the general rule is that's what I do. Sentiment changes. The business model and upside have not. Yes, there is risk, but an expectation for an uninterrupted upward march is not reasonable.",Omg,gyh7zxn,1621277629,4,1,0.9921783208847046 5453,Buyin the dip,Omg,gygwr99,1621272966,4,1,0.9986562728881836 5454,"Growth stocks across the board are down, so if you're in it for the short run, get out. Long term investors dollar cost average and buy the dips. Tesla will be unrecognizably big in 10 years!",Omg,gygrc7z,1621270758,10,0,0.9960172772407532 5462,I am holding stock since $640. I wrote $600 weekly calls just before the close on Friday getting $12 back. This sucker is not looking like it will go to even $600 this week.,Omg,gyh1edh,1621274891,2,0,0.9984307885169984 5463,"IDK. I have watched it hit $560 3 times, in real time, since March, and each time it hits massive buy action that propels it to $570s/$580s within minutes. I think it will take a hard push to break past $560. If it does, no idea where we go. I'm confident at $560, so if we get back there this week, I'm loading up bigly.",Omg,gyizm4s,1621307837,2,1,0.998126208782196 5469,Overinflated asset. What do you expect,Omg,gygt0a3,1621271444,0,0,0.9994902610778807 5472,1.200 $ Next year,Omg,gyjse95,1621329687,2,1,0.8835120797157288 5473,With shortsqueeze 4.000 $,Omg,gyjsh5s,1621329763,2,1,0.9629616141319276 5477,You HAD to sell? Why? Did you invest next months rent?,Omg,gygr5gy,1621270681,3,0,0.9994390606880188 5485,Sell covered calls. Collect that sweet premium.,125x TSLA now what?,gwqlknk,1620009312,3,1,0.9973894953727722 5486,"Move somewhere more affordable. Consider diversifying. A portfolio which is 100% TSLA (or any single stock) is pretty risky.",125x TSLA now what?,gwtd25t,1620067892,3,0,0.997873306274414 5488,You have a financial advisor at under 100k net worth? How much are you paying them?,125x TSLA now what?,gws90dy,1620050842,2,0,0.9993871450424194 5492,Do you just want a cookie or what's your fucking point?,125x TSLA now what?,gws5y37,1620049429,2,0,0.9992751479148864 5495,"Buy dip like I do. Of course I am not a smart man",125x TSLA now what?,gwr2zkq,1620021107,1,0,0.9872631430625916 5504,On margin!,125x TSLA now what?,gxfidqf,1620510149,1,1,0.9963950514793396 5505,"Right, people act like its gonna go bankrupt lol",125x TSLA now what?,gx3o8ib,1620265700,1,0,0.997225284576416 5511,Buy and sell a decade later.,"Tesla will open above 780 will it rally again up today ?? What are your suggestions, buy or wait till dip again end of week ??",guh9l9t,1618402761,5,0,0.9902652502059937 5512,In 2024 the last Investor will See Tesla is overvalued. The share will be at 160 maximum.,"Tesla will open above 780 will it rally again up today ?? What are your suggestions, buy or wait till dip again end of week ??",guj1fj4,1618431898,1,1,0.988807499408722 5524,"I will be messaging you in 8 years on [**2029-04-15 03:31:40 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-04-15%2003:31:40%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TSLA/comments/mqp4vv/tesla_will_open_above_780_will_it_rally_again_up/gukfrc0/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTSLA%2Fcomments%2Fmqp4vv%2Ftesla_will_open_above_780_will_it_rally_ag","Tesla will open above 780 will it rally again up today ?? What are your suggestions, buy or wait till dip again end of week ??",gukftpe,1618457540,1,1,0.9909523725509644 5526,See all of y’all in a decade,"Tesla will open above 780 will it rally again up today ?? What are your suggestions, buy or wait till dip again end of week ??",gui13lf,1618416051,1,1,0.9871034026145936 5531,"Is going up too fast, that same way will dip soon it’s scary",TSLA Open Interest,guedo47,1618338516,1,1,0.9838410019874572 5538,"Tesla is many, many years ahead of the competition. VW CEO talks as if Tesla will sit and stay still while they play catch up. Tesla builds everything in-house, and quality is getting better. I can't wait for my cybertruck!",VW news,gr5n2ms,1615922754,4,1,0.9987175464630128 5549,Nice stash!,Good day update: my point is there is room to run for all great stocks... Don’t listen to the relics of the days gone by.,gqe46s9,1615335496,1,1,0.998586654663086 5550,"It will be over $800 in just a few weeks. Be ready to sell, and then be ready to buy again as it pulls back.",Do you think $TSLA will run up to $800 when leading up to Q1 delivery numbers?,gphbacv,1614732487,9,0,0.9977763295173644 5553,"Nobody here knows what Tesla does, it will literally take 4 good days for Tesla to go back to 800, market is slow 8n Feb,March hopefully we might see a good April.",Do you think $TSLA will run up to $800 when leading up to Q1 delivery numbers?,gpghzj5,1614718546,4,0,0.9987668991088868 5554,April 16 call volume are pretty high. Lots of people thing the stock is going over 800. Calls for $1000 even have huge volumes. Expect a move upward in March and early April,Do you think $TSLA will run up to $800 when leading up to Q1 delivery numbers?,gphl1j2,1614737535,3,1,0.9978749752044678 5555,Nope,Do you think $TSLA will run up to $800 when leading up to Q1 delivery numbers?,gpghivw,1614718356,3,0,0.9968211650848388 5558,Since the stock prize is determined by hype it's theoretically possible but my feeling is that more people are now looking at real value and hence $800 won't be reached ever again.,Do you think $TSLA will run up to $800 when leading up to Q1 delivery numbers?,gpimf5w,1614763060,2,1,0.9778481125831604 5560,Best advice,Do you think $TSLA will run up to $800 when leading up to Q1 delivery numbers?,gphs5pi,1614741136,2,1,0.9958556294441224 5571,"It's really weird, I see AH low at 555 right now, wonder wtf triggers it :/",872 high today??,gpgxd8c,1614725434,1,0,0.9979333877563475 5573,"Honestly dude, loads on bearish sentiment on this sub, try WSB for blind faith lol",872 high today??,gpgxh5o,1614725485,1,0,0.9985554814338684 5574,I saw it on etrade so I checked google and it said the same thing,872 high today??,gpdaeu7,1614650196,1,1,0.9570841193199158 5578,"Hope your right, the bottom’s in. The market is not going up tomorrow though","Tesla bottom, strong buy here",i7i655d,1651802751,4,0,0.9955713152885436 5581,Squeeze like Amc \ GME,"Tesla bottom, strong buy here",i7ygndr,1652124215,2,1,0.957895040512085 5592,Don't let yourself miss out!,"Tesla bottom, strong buy here",i7kakev,1651849989,1,1,0.996895432472229 5600,"I understand all the good news, however it’s also super overvalued, you guys don’t think one day we will be in it for a surprise?",Surge 🚀,i3gc1fs,1649134925,-5,0,0.9904996752738952 5606,It really doesn’t matter before or after split. It really doesn’t change anything for the company’s value,Surge 🚀,i3j5tpq,1649188215,1,0,0.9993972778320312 5607,"This is the competition at the top. It's steep as hell, rugged, and assuredly tough. I think it's a good way to combat types like Bezos, Gates, and others so he can get his part of The Pie.",Elon Musk Hints At Potential Future Acquisition Of Major TV Network,hvgouyz,1643917972,5,1,0.9988877177238464 5611,Na. We need more pot stirring nowadays.,Elon Musk Hints At Potential Future Acquisition Of Major TV Network,hvi5o1d,1643939243,0,0,0.9966313242912292 5624,[removed],Robot trader picks Tesla,hs2867s,1641822390,0,0,0.9972092509269714 5631,I still give GM some credit for bringing the Bolt to the market relatively early. It was actually a much better attempt than BMW’s i3,Chevy Bolt Production Halted Through End Of 2021,hlwrvor,1637767744,1,1,0.9985392093658448 5633,We have been here before…the stock will recover. HODL.,Hey ELON MUSK !! Playing with people’s hard earned money who has invested in your company is TOTALLY NOT COOL !!,hkqrhy0,1636997668,17,0,0.9911780953407288 5640,"It‘s Musk, and this trait of his pushed the stock at some other points, to use edgy teen-quotes: if you can‘t handle him at his worst you don’t deserve him at his best",Hey ELON MUSK !! Playing with people’s hard earned money who has invested in your company is TOTALLY NOT COOL !!,hkqpsix,1636996992,16,0,0.9466444849967957 5657,I’m glad he’s selling! I’m making money! $20k gain the first day he sold,Hey ELON MUSK !! Playing with people’s hard earned money who has invested in your company is TOTALLY NOT COOL !!,hkt3704,1637032446,-2,1,0.998601734638214 5659,"When I commit suicide because of my Tesla options, I hope Elon says something nice at the funeral. I’m coming out of a ketamine session right now and I wish they’d overdose me next time after looking at what happened",Hey ELON MUSK !! Playing with people’s hard earned money who has invested in your company is TOTALLY NOT COOL !!,hkrtapf,1637012528,-7,0,0.9947671890258788 5661,"When there is a question you shall seek answers through DD. Questions are resolved through actions. Do not be hand fed or expect to be. This is chess not checkers, checkers and NGMI far. Elon is chess prepping checker players",Hey ELON MUSK !! Playing with people’s hard earned money who has invested in your company is TOTALLY NOT COOL !!,hkvaoql,1637079851,0,1,0.9952638149261476 5667,His employees make more than union employees 🤣,Hey ELON MUSK !! Playing with people’s hard earned money who has invested in your company is TOTALLY NOT COOL !!,hkurn1k,1637071705,2,1,0.9985949397087096 5668,i agree Elon needs to STFU and stay off twitter.,Hey ELON MUSK !! Playing with people’s hard earned money who has invested in your company is TOTALLY NOT COOL !!,hksr9gr,1637027149,-4,0,0.9987903237342834 5674,"Can you buy more? Thanks. And then sell at the bottom Buy High, Sell Low!",My superpower is the best :),hkq6dmu,1636989016,4,1,0.9902439713478088 5676,Just hold. Im in at 1030. It will go up and we will be glad we bought it.,My superpower is the best :),hkqcjua,1636991653,3,1,0.9982054233551024 5683,No can do! I have no more money left haha,My superpower is the best :),hkq6v3k,1636989231,2,1,0.9931222796440125 5710,"^winning TSLA- TLRY(future winner)- TTD",$TSLA and $TLRY Cannabis Company Tilray Sets Blueprint for U.S. Expansion,hgrg5p0,1634318718,2,1,0.9962655901908876 5712,"Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 302,394,510 comments, and only 67,803 of them were in alphabetical order.",$TSLA and $TLRY Cannabis Company Tilray Sets Blueprint for U.S. Expansion,hgr7prb,1634315261,2,0,0.9988196492195128 5724,HODL TO THE MOON🚀🚀🚀,Sold on Friday,h4xcrsk,1626101779,4,1,0.997503697872162 5725,I also held TSLA for 6 months now. It was disappointing; it went down and sideway. I am going to hold till the earnings next week and see what happens.,Sold on Friday,h4xevwg,1626102781,2,0,0.9991822838783264 5736,"657.50C 8.70 8.60 8.75 +7.61 +698.17% 657.50p 9.45 9.45 10.10 -25.40 -72.88% So a strangle would have netted around 620% ?? However I see other options where the price goes up and the calls and the puts go down...tsla is just one that acted more like an option should.",Is $tsla a good candidate for a strangle?,h2tu91i,1624492762,2,0,0.964522123336792 5745,"Assignment would mean you have to buy 100 at 610 my guy Edit: or you could buy 200 at 610. What type of spread is this?",Is this a stupid play?,gy91ura,1621110033,2,0,0.9970327615737916 5746,"Just was looking at doing a ratio back spread, and thought switching the ITM Call for a ITM Put and instead of collecting a credit just put down a little debit. A ratio back spread was giving me 20% chance of profit, whereas this has a 40% of profit. Assignment would most def screw me over, hah.",Is this a stupid play?,gya7peh,1621132890,1,0,0.9977712631225586 5750,It had a good run premarket but shorts are killing it,Tsla Stock rallies with high demand and sold out for the Quarter,gx74awd,1620334916,2,0,0.9993053674697876 5752,"I’m so ready for the rally that I sold off 31 of 50 shares! I expected more. I’ll hold 19 for awhile, but after two decent quarters, it’s growing backwards.....grrrrr",Tsla Stock rallies with high demand and sold out for the Quarter,gx7pkj2,1620344679,2,0,0.9991098046302797 5755,Yeah looks like it ..taking small profits I guess from a quick spike . It wants to go up but shorts are killing it and need more catalysts,Tsla Stock rallies with high demand and sold out for the Quarter,gx746n3,1620334869,2,1,0.992264986038208 5756,"That ""something going on"" is that really good news for 7-10 years is priced in. If the news is good but not REALLY GOOD then the valuation will trend down. By really good news I mean news that translates into CONSISTENT 40%pa earnings increases, or higher. Ie. 40% earnings growth for 7 years will bring TSLA into the fair value range.",Tsla Stock rallies with high demand and sold out for the Quarter,gx7g546,1620340107,1,1,0.9981703758239746 5764,I’m holding at this point.,Vote on BUY/SELL/HOLD on TSLA,gx1lk7d,1620232622,3,1,0.9966384172439576 5766,Add more and reap the benefit when it goes up to $800.00,Vote on BUY/SELL/HOLD on TSLA,gx2j1j7,1620246613,3,0,0.9923385381698608 5779,"If apes can HODL GME, I can hold TSLA!!",Vote on BUY/SELL/HOLD on TSLA,gxwteyb,1620859114,1,1,0.9803531169891356 5781,"Agree... $450 next... long stock/options $686 area bought this week, sold 625 call against it for $75 with friday expiration. Only way to trade this name is with some safety on...",Vote on BUY/SELL/HOLD on TSLA,gx4qd4i,1620292778,1,0,0.9980145692825316 5796,Don't say that. That's the enron story.,Tesla | Is the recent fall in stock price a long term opportunity?,gq9iwv8,1615242849,2,0,0.9984638690948486 5814,Wild bet but good luck,TSLA 720 put March 19,gq4f9s2,1615142509,1,1,0.9980547428131104 5818,Thanks. Let’s hope for a great 2021,TSLA 720 put March 19,gpt91w1,1614975563,1,1,0.9988168478012084 5824,He joined hoping tesla will go down to insult us. But tesla will return and hit new heights this year just hold,TSLA 720 put March 19,gptl40u,1614981195,4,1,0.9975268244743348 5837,"The mega investment in so many factories, so much cash, so many orders, power walls, solar roofs, latest plaid model updates, FSD about to be approved, robotaxi about to be piloted with people initially, LFP batteries to compensate for potential nickel shortage, awesome speculative investment insight in the nature of cryptocurrency... Tesla is unstoppable. If anything, it’s a short term undervaluation.","Short term bear, Long term bull",gpa1c61,1614584573,3,1,0.9984229803085328 5840,"Most people can agree that it’s very overpriced, but there are also many people who think it will keep going up. I’m going to keep hodling because I have long term confidence in the company but I’ll keep my eye on it","Short term bear, Long term bull",gpkyxrq,1614807618,1,0,0.9924105405807496 5844,"I honestly wouldn’t mind. Whatever puts I own going to 0 doesn’t bother me cause this ones speculative. I just came here hoping to understand why people have made this thing so outrageously overpriced , and why you believe the analysts who come out and give it an even more ridiculous price target. I just hope everyone who buys at these high prices understands what they’re doing and not just follow blindly.","Short term bear, Long term bull",gpcqqgj,1614639818,1,0,0.9960501790046692 5848,Don’t care about the 50 and 100 SMAs?,"Short term bear, Long term bull",gpcxcgv,1614643239,1,0,0.9984305500984192 5868,Good luck all of you! I bought in at 400$ long long ago. And sold back in the 800’s (financial emergency and I only owned 2 shares). Tesla is not and nowhere close to a bad stock and I feel it will come back. I don’t think any of you should really worry.,This is getting hard to watch,goi81bx,1614113649,2,1,0.9984741806983948 5875,Where’s my crystal ball?,This is getting hard to watch,gok5mbf,1614151039,1,1,0.5309792160987854 5879,Do you want to watch it dump as an owner?,This is getting hard to watch,gog6k6v,1614078995,1,0,0.9992478489875792 5882,"Currently, no support established. Next possible support is $583 (38.2% retracement from 52-wk high)",Hold the Line boy’s,gog16jh,1614074016,2,0,0.9985089898109436 5889,Bought the dip!,Curb your Tesla short @Bill Gates,go0t2hb,1613752974,14,1,0.9983994364738464 5893,"a liar and a eugenicist. bill gates is so depraved his tetanus vaccine in africa is sterilizing the women. we cannot ever expect anything positive from this sociopath. im long on tsla HODL buy the dips",Curb your Tesla short @Bill Gates,go1ocjq,1613766910,-7,0,0.999097228050232 5896,"I think traditional idea of valuation is being challenged and Tesla might be the poster child but not the only example out there. Now days your edge is determined by qualitative valuations, not by the fundamentals that everyone has access to. A worthless painting can be sold for millions but Tesla is expensive, give me break! This is boomers vs millennials fight!",Thoughts on Michael Burry shorting TSLA and publicizing his biases on Twitter?,gnopmyn,1613507545,5,1,0.9946711659431458 5900,[deleted],Thoughts on Michael Burry shorting TSLA and publicizing his biases on Twitter?,gnq5co6,1613533010,2,0,0.9980586171150208 5905,[deleted],Thoughts on Michael Burry shorting TSLA and publicizing his biases on Twitter?,gnogsoh,1613503578,0,0,0.9980586171150208 5918,Will continue next week !!!! It was close ... But bulls win again !!! As always,TSLA short squizzz .. after 3'30 pm,gn3nriv,1613163775,1,1,0.9988552331924438 5921,Tsla I mean .,TSLA short squizzz .. after 3'30 pm,gn3ngus,1613163638,1,0,0.9855288863182068 5922,Tsla to the moon,TSLA short squizzz .. after 3'30 pm,gn4tf3d,1613185541,3,1,0.9915143251419068 5923,"Shorts needs to buy their contract s or sell at a loss . Big shorts will buy the stock and tsla investors will hold, causing the stock price to go up in a very fast way.",TSLA short squizzz .. after 3'30 pm,gn3hrpp,1613161014,3,1,0.9798589944839478 5925,"I mean ... It may happen or not . If the stock soar down before the shorts will win offclurse . Them Monday is just another day ')",TSLA short squizzz .. after 3'30 pm,gn3ianm,1613161256,1,0,0.9968373775482178 5928,"""Billionaire businessman Bill Gates owns numerous real estate properties across the United States but is specifically drawn to horse farms..."" He didn't want to come out against Elon himself because he didn't want the world to know he was working part-time as a flight attendant and giving Elon massages. Now he's shorting Tesla and leaked the info through a friend to try and bring the stock down. 🤪",Theory: Bill Gates is the flight attendant who likes horses. It all makes sense now.... 😂,iaa6kjk,1653715541,4,0,0.9982985854148864 5929,"It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/bill-gates-owns-multiple-horse-properties](https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/bill-gates-owns-multiple-horse-properties)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amput",Theory: Bill Gates is the flight attendant who likes horses. It all makes sense now.... 😂,iaa60rl,1653715132,1,0,0.9982784986495972 5930,You should turn off the tv and drooling over media outlets and believing Musk playing victim.,Woes to TSLA stock politically,i9848tx,1652980718,3,0,0.9994439482688904 5936,[removed],Woes to TSLA stock politically,i9aexzx,1653019957,1,0,0.9972092509269714 5940,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",Woes to TSLA stock politically,i9aey15,1653019957,1,0,0.9994649291038512 5959,"August 4th, 100% gonna happen. The fractional shares in their compensation packages for employees are a problem, so I'd expect a large split rather than a 5:1.",Stock Split?,i7anihw,1651674285,1,1,0.9876205325126648 5962,apparently it'll be through dividends. so more like a +1 for 5 for a 20% dividends. of course he can do 4 for 1 + 1dividends. idk it will be bigger either way. it's a buy buy back or/ and a split.,Stock Split?,i67gv94,1650935213,1,1,0.9984188079833984 5965,"About the only thing that is a hedge against inflation is a loan, because as the value of money goes down, the loan remains the same price. So, if you take a 500k loan on a house, and your salary adjusts for inflation (many don't, but some do), then you end up paying less for the house than the later price with inflation built in. Tesla needs to have amazing sales to match it's current value, so in some regards it can be super volatile. That said, Tesla can always shed some Bitcoin to have a cash-positive ",Tesla inflation proof,hwfm4a2,1644535372,2,0,0.9876232147216796 5971,Keep it bro,Buy or sell?,hr4b466,1641242147,13,1,0.9980841875076294 5978,"Dude If I had to describe how BIG $TSLA will become in 10-15years in my opinion. You will sell your house and buy as many as you can get, today. Set it and forget it. Thank these people who are telling you to HOLD, you will be handsomely rewarded in future. 💎✋🚀🌕",Buy or sell?,hr5y3us,1641266079,3,1,0.9968464970588684 5994,There is no split coming. Tesla doesn't have the need nor the want to split.,Next week Tesla moves,hnfaafj,1638767272,14,0,0.9915465712547302 5995,"Musk still has a few million more shares to sell, I think. I wouldn't buy until a few days before production numbers come out. This is not investment advice, and you should do your own research, or some shit.",Next week Tesla moves,hneidi1,1638754089,3,0,0.9979113936424256 5999,If futures remain in the green we will see a strong bounce at the open which will kick off a decent rally.,Next week Tesla moves,hnepo4s,1638757355,4,1,0.9986274242401124 6002,It will go up strongly by end of year imho,Next week Tesla moves,hnh5cy3,1638808793,1,1,0.998610496520996 6004,[removed],Next week Tesla moves,ho711hk,1639274113,1,0,0.9972092509269714 6009,Exactly like last year at that time,Next week Tesla moves,hnfc418,1638768325,1,1,0.9950018525123596 6014,I'll just hold... Not sold not losing,Next week Tesla moves,hnh3z7r,1638808239,1,1,0.9955663084983826 6015,"If it does, my limit sell triggers lol",Next week Tesla moves,hnh6a6q,1638809158,1,1,0.9966223239898682 6023,before,Split stocks,hk0jx9a,1636509134,3,1,0.5734297633171082 6037,"Accually that effect alot. Cuz new buy can buy more shares and look cheaper, but at the end will not change any thing in MC 😅.",Split stocks,hk2ek6x,1636551709,1,0,0.9986670017242432 6038,totally agree.,Split stocks,hkmw2eo,1636923512,1,1,0.9985209107398988 6046," Vote “No” on Elon’s poll btw. He was always planning on selling. Don’t let him use Twitter as a scape goat. *** posted by [@Valuations_](https://twitter.com/Valuations_) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1457134604872159232/pu/vid/1136x640/7ozIJ8kuuH-z8eOv.mp4?tag=12) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)",Elon was always going to sell: video proof from earlier this year.,hjmdacn,1636247372,2,0,0.9986647367477416 6051,Texas Institute of Technology and Science aka TITS,Elon was always going to sell: video proof from earlier this year.,hjp64jw,1636307098,1,1,0.9781312346458436 6057,"Yeah, what about Musk’s brother selling his stock yesterday? And Elon’s possible shares dump??",Buy signal,hjld64b,1636230857,0,0,0.9962548017501832 6059,Haha.,Buy signal,hjjsfey,1636206121,1,1,0.9976295232772828 6061,"I seem to recall hearing about his brother selling off a ton of shares when it got to $900 the last time, right before it dipped hard.",Buy signal,hjqgbhv,1636325493,1,0,0.9976208806037904 6072,"I love $TSLA. I selling cash covered puts. 10/29 strike 715. I want to see earnings because the options are crazy priced until earnings. It is my biggest position in my IRA. I have no idea what earnings will be because the market might expect more than ever.","TSLA Earnings Prediction: They beat estimates, but by how much?",hh9ild3,1634668420,1,1,0.998296320438385 6076,TSLA Community if needed https://discord.gg/CJJZvSc3Rk,"Anything interesting catalysts news or information do you have, if yes please comment below, so that everyone will catch up with the upcoming catalysts and will be more up to date.",h83ae96,1628366210,1,1,0.9912482500076294 6078,"-2500 US workers are not union.",EV tax credit bill will eliminate existing EV cap,gzlrav5,1622092295,1,0,0.9993658661842346 6080,"$660 by the end of this week, [Unusual Stocks Options Activity](https://youtu.be/AySaEurm0qg?t=221) shows how smart money switch bullish at Friday close for next week, they knew about this EV tax news before it got to publish. And they switch short on Ford at least for the next week or two.",EV tax credit bill will eliminate existing EV cap,h03pfz3,1622482632,1,0,0.9957192540168762 6083,Until $420,Looks like the next resting point may be $539 but for how long?,gypsfqv,1621442847,8,0,0.9869720339775084 6084,Fk the press... I just read an article about Tesla may be loosing it’s lead in the EV market. Tell me which company has been selling more EV’s world wide than Tesla. All a bunch of BS.,Looks like the next resting point may be $539 but for how long?,gyqi8cy,1621453694,6,0,0.9994232654571532 6086,How did you come up with this hypothesis?,Looks like the next resting point may be $539 but for how long?,gypmwvu,1621440537,2,1,0.99240380525589 6088,This didn't age very well. But if TSLA does hit 539 we will see it drop down to 470 or 480. Luckily we are not going to see 539.,Looks like the next resting point may be $539 but for how long?,gyub66a,1621529357,2,0,0.994978129863739 6093,Had my first TSLA buy order in at $420. Then decided I should have be a serious investor. Got greedy and lowered the order and didn't get it until after the split!!!!!,Looks like the next resting point may be $539 but for how long?,gys5jsb,1621481856,2,0,0.9973740577697754 6097,this is exactly why a buy and hold works for majority of the people. I used to trade in and out of NVDA at $7-9 over almost 2 decades ago. If I had just bought and held......,Looks like the next resting point may be $539 but for how long?,gyuke42,1621533174,1,1,0.9976359605789183 6105,Govt funding means guaranteed money...can’t beat getting taxpayer’s money. It’s the best kind.,What’s the reason of today’s jump?,gsys6q2,1617229590,6,1,0.9985368251800536 6106,"Seems to be rumors going around about them exceeding their projected production #s, but who knows anymore, TSLA is just volatile AF.",What’s the reason of today’s jump?,gsx5znx,1617202739,5,0,0.9977194666862488 6107,Bc Tesla is the king of ev,What’s the reason of today’s jump?,gsxcoge,1617205799,3,1,0.997769832611084 6111,"Over sold. Yesterday I predicted the following: Telsa up to 660-680. Correct into earnings 600 level. Recover in April thru May. 700 and beyond.",What’s the reason of today’s jump?,gsygxkk,1617224075,2,0,0.9973922967910768 6118,"It’s possible we go up, maybe really good production numbers from Shanghai, plus steady from Fremont. Now that Shanghai open, more whale Asia investors load up because they have forecasters. I’m long with lots of shares, and don’t play the option gaps.",What’s the reason of today’s jump?,gszt908,1617249878,2,1,0.997661828994751 6122,Shorting and penny options are not for me . Seems chicken shit HF play. For me just a few type of stocks and real estate higher profit margins. Need real money and credit to play.,Micheal Burry vs. Cathie Wood who is right about Tesla?,gsdvdm3,1616820366,1,0,0.9989227652549744 6126,Well the video was actually about Micheal Burry shorting TSLA. Which seems like playing with fire. Micheal Burry has his money on VW oddly enough. I guess he thinks their move into EVs is going to bring the to the top.,Micheal Burry vs. Cathie Wood who is right about Tesla?,gsxz45w,1617215914,1,0,0.9988104104995728 6131,"People should be buying for years for now. Buying for 2025 or 2030. Not for next month or next week.",Some big money jumping in pre-market. Couple of million.,gqgcjy9,1615389813,3,1,0.9947734475135804 6132,Will see some actions today. Bull vs Bear.,Some big money jumping in pre-market. Couple of million.,gqg2val,1615385273,1,1,0.9919030070304872 6139,Bitcoins puts we’re going out heavy this morning... if bitcoin drops big Tesla will feel it.,"Tesla Should Sell Its Bitcoin and Buy Back Shares To Create 'Positive Momentum,' Says Analyst",gq7dgpv,1615207588,1,1,0.996662139892578 6143,"How about this: Sell the damn BTC position and invest it on the actual company, not buying shares but improving production rate and so on. Many ways to funnel in money without directly buying shares.","Tesla Should Sell Its Bitcoin and Buy Back Shares To Create 'Positive Momentum,' Says Analyst",gqah33w,1615261296,1,1,0.9945756196975708 6155,"The organic AI connectivity is not solved yet, he is trying to break through. It's not an easy matter crack open but if it can be overcomed... wow.",Neuralink!! Can this increase TSLA stock????,glku3aa,1612168462,2,1,0.9946106672286988 6158,"Although there’s no immediate breakthrough, Tesla is way ahead of the market due to the massive amount of data they’re capturing. Every car sold, is another machine collecting data.",Neuralink!! Can this increase TSLA stock????,glpf2re,1612250369,1,1,0.9975837469100952 6165,"This is why I recommend to SELL puts. Why be the player, when you can be the house and collect the premium? When you buy options, time is against you. It's very easy to see many folks post their gains. Hardly will you see posts with losses (unless you're on WSB) If you're in it for the premium, consider put credit spreads, and not flat out buy/sell options.",Option Tsla Put $600 exp 29 Jan,gi4zwf5,1609814298,2,0,0.9976638555526732 6173,You put tsla???????? Sell sell sell,Option Tsla Put $600 exp 29 Jan,gi3c7dq,1609785083,0,0,0.995643138885498 6185,"Thank you for your post!! I have traded for over 35 years and have never heard about this. Do I just call customer service and request this? I don't want hedge funds using me and my 200 shares of Tesla as part of their margin hedge.",Failed to Deliver,i5igo39,1650478732,2,0,0.993405818939209 6187,"Yes just call your broker and tell them you want to DRS your shares, they have an legal obligation to do it within 3-5 days.. if they say itll take longer let them know you'll be informing the SEC about their actions and they'll get it done immediately lol",Failed to Deliver,i5insgs,1650481510,1,1,0.9976779818534852 6199,"Another way to look at this is from consumer electronics aspect. Maybe people won’t be able to buy a laptop or iPhone in the future there. I don’t know if that’s the case. If it is, that would ease up demand. But I don’t have the numbers. It’s an interesting problem.",Russian Sanctions,hyp1jap,1645997354,1,0,0.9840130805969238 6200,"Teslas have a “joe mode” when you don’t want the car to make a noise… Here we have Joe Biden, being silent… maybe he’s on joe mode?",Say TESLA JBiden👨🏼‍⚖️,hvls32l,1644004633,3,0,0.9990309476852416 6201,"Say my name, say my name..",Say TESLA JBiden👨🏼‍⚖️,hvn1o0j,1644023032,3,0,0.991361439228058 6204,Uh oh,42k more Shares,hv7nftm,1643763574,5,0,0.9976935982704164 6207,Because Tesla is on track to 2k,42k more Shares,hv9mkgg,1643804427,7,1,0.9981136322021484 6225,"It makes sense for tesla holders to exit with musk, long down draft ahead",It makes sense for $TSLA investors to consider investing in EV charging site builders like $PPSI,hoyda7j,1639768103,-7,0,0.959128737449646 6229,true I agree with you,Who can deliver electric cars to the Fed? Tesla is the only one with volume production,hobzh1z,1639364473,1,1,0.9968239068984984 6239,"Yeah, after split it sure will!",New 12/9 hint,hm51f4a,1637920423,4,1,0.9945817589759828 6242,it is free when you plug it on your neighbor outlet.,How Much It Costs to Fill Up an Electric Vehicle,hkd3bho,1636742214,3,1,0.9969648718833924 6245,"Lots of great info here about emissions comparison over lifecycle comparing ICE, grid charged or solar charged, especially page 13-14 https://www.tesla.com/ns_videos/2020-tesla-impact-report.pdf Also it’s WAY cheaper to run an EV and much more convenient. Easy to plug in when home at end of day if you’re running low and schedule it to be done in the morning and take advantage of off peak power overnight for even cheaper charging. Lots of time saved each week from no longer needing to stop at gas station, ",How Much It Costs to Fill Up an Electric Vehicle,hkaxe44,1636697802,2,1,0.9987263083457948 6248,"I did the math where I live and it costs about $2 - $3. I also signed up for a peak time plan with my power company. Overnight charging is fueled by Nuclear. The problem isn't electric cars it's coal. We need more nukes. But long story short charging your care is WAAAAY cheaper than gas. Also, electric cars need way less maintenance. Total cost of ownership will prove that electric is greater. It would help to get the prices down for EVs across the board, though to compete and different price levels.",How Much It Costs to Fill Up an Electric Vehicle,hkd6hp4,1636743543,1,1,0.9980399012565612 6262,Short squeeze deeze butts,EV Credit increase to 12.5k - Will take the stock to 1.5k,hiyg8ou,1635815219,1,0,0.7337982654571533 6272,Yes. It’s been painful. Loosing money on the daily. But iv never been let down by TSLA in the long run. So we HODL,"Market tumbles, dip buy opportunities!",h56xddy,1626292670,4,0,0.9960730075836182 6280,but there is nothing about TSLA using MMAT for anything at all. If it is true share something which proves it. The 4 automobile solutions from MMAT are not that great that it will be absorbed by TSLA.,New Relations - MMAT (Metamaterials),h3arv9h,1624866686,2,0,0.9940339922904968 6282,"Hey man, I said it could be good, and for you to look into it, its only just starting out, if you’re an investor you envision things for the future. Just look into what MMAT does buddy, like I said, could be big",New Relations - MMAT (Metamaterials),h3b80jy,1624881366,0,1,0.9961259961128236 6288,"I doubt he'll generate a selling spree driving the price down... But if it happens and the price drops below 400, I'm buying.",Markets: Ex-Tesla President Sells Stock Worth $270M,h2hr2bg,1624240776,5,1,0.9932936429977416 6289,Better late selling but out now,Markets: Ex-Tesla President Sells Stock Worth $270M,h2gzs6m,1624225500,2,0,0.9978408813476562 6292,Next week who cares. Next decade is where the money is,"TSLA will be $800 next week before earnings, ~10% upside?",gvcgxk8,1619025952,9,1,0.9663750529289246 6294,We have resistance at both 780 and 700. I think we will stay between that area til after earnings are released. May see a break into 800 post earnings not before that.,"TSLA will be $800 next week before earnings, ~10% upside?",gvdn3at,1619044275,6,1,0.9962838292121888 6295,hope so,"TSLA will be $800 next week before earnings, ~10% upside?",gvc2dp7,1619019864,5,1,0.9978309273719788 6299,You are right...but I see 780 breach tomorrow...then past 800 on Monday,"TSLA will be $800 next week before earnings, ~10% upside?",gve97lx,1619055261,3,0,0.9942759871482848 6301,"Its more for information and guidance for rest if the year in these uncertain times, rather than waht they made per in 1Q....that the release is important...IMHO🙏","TSLA will be $800 next week before earnings, ~10% upside?",gve9401,1619055213,1,1,0.9986328482627868 6303,10x larger than any existing car maker today. Sounds about right.,"TSLA will be $800 next week before earnings, ~10% upside?",gvm6mrw,1619214712,1,0,0.992314875125885 6306,"I like the optimism, I would very like thing to happen that way. I think all investors would but only time will telll.","TSLA will be $800 next week before earnings, ~10% upside?",gvfhcov,1619088183,3,1,0.9980998635292052 6317,Not great advice unless you want to pay taxes on capital gains every year,"Should I be greedy with other stocks, or keep day-trading TSLA?",gtkys2i,1617724571,2,0,0.9994832277297974 6323,Good luck with AMC.,"Should I be greedy with other stocks, or keep day-trading TSLA?",gtjhpft,1617688305,1,1,0.9969356060028076 6329,"Did Ark give/update any 2021 target? A 2025 target is still a long way to go, and will need have more predictions by that time.","Guys, what is the effect of ARK Report with the Tesla stocks on the next weeks ?",grs894b,1616392474,2,0,0.9927157759666444 6331,"it might spike but then go back down. ark has been hyping tsla forever. it was expected they’d make some huge forecast. we will just have to see but i’m going to keep margin free if it drops back below $600 or even below $500. won’t be selling tomorrow if it’s up, in anticipation of a dip.","Guys, what is the effect of ARK Report with the Tesla stocks on the next weeks ?",grqlqha,1616359438,1,0,0.9982970356941224 6334,"Perhaps they have hedges parked that they want to benefit from?? ARK has been hurting on other fronts per my understanding (but do your own research of course) $TSLA is slightly overpriced but then again it has defied odds in the past so nothing is impossible.","Guys, what is the effect of ARK Report with the Tesla stocks on the next weeks ?",grqyg9y,1616365836,1,0,0.9900112748146056 6340,Good question no one knows which way the market goes next couple of weeks?,"Guys, what is the effect of ARK Report with the Tesla stocks on the next weeks ?",grvaadb,1616455347,1,0,0.9865666031837464 6351,Thank you for sharing,Ark More Convicted On Tesla's Autonomous Strategy And Cathie Wood Says A New Price Target Is Coming Soon,gpncxm7,1614863206,1,1,0.9987409710884094 6352,IMO I suspect the CCP is in bed with NIO and is trying to get ahead in the EV market,Why some Chinese are buying local electric car brands like Nio — instead of Tesla,gpicngp,1614754227,2,0,0.9963309168815612 6358,Does anyone have a historical view of other sell offs like this? Trying to get context,"Tesla MOST SEE HUGE CASH OUT 166,000,000 plus",gnufz23,1613618455,3,0,0.9994828701019288 6362,Their dumping cause they know the stock is going too. IMO of course.,"Tesla MOST SEE HUGE CASH OUT 166,000,000 plus",godg1ed,1614021808,2,0,0.9949243068695068 6365,Sell and run,Tesla is set to $900!!! What’s your thought?,gmldnc7,1612800777,3,0,0.9988082647323608 6366,I am not selling,Tesla is set to $900!!! What’s your thought?,gmmxd13,1612826049,2,1,0.9920974969863892 6370,I’m just waiting for another dip before I grab some more.,Tesla is set to $900!!! What’s your thought?,gmo4b56,1612849513,1,1,0.9986347556114196 6373,Tesla is the next GME.,Tesla is set to $900!!! What’s your thought?,gmo0uf7,1612847192,0,1,0.9921122789382936 6378,TSLA is the original GME.,Tesla is set to $900!!! What’s your thought?,gngg4tw,1613330647,1,1,0.9959816932678224 6385,"IMHOP if SN9 is a success I will be relieved, I'm upside down too. There's a method to Musk's madness but I'll bet on him, YOLO.",I rebought in after hours but now see a bearish divergence. Also concerned about the shorts trying to recover by driving this down. Thoughts on next week?,glgkf8h,1612078390,2,1,0.9947994947433472 6386,🤩🤩,I rebought in after hours but now see a bearish divergence. Also concerned about the shorts trying to recover by driving this down. Thoughts on next week?,glgdb95,1612072917,1,1,0.997616171836853 6410,October last time i heard,When is this years annual shareholder meeting?,i4eijja,1649751485,2,0,0.954221487045288 6412,Usually sep / oct.,When is this years annual shareholder meeting?,i4fq66t,1649776027,1,1,0.9951554536819458 6414,but some say June maybe... so who the hell knows..,When is this years annual shareholder meeting?,i4eimsh,1649751558,1,1,0.9922130703926086 6419,Same lead times for CyberTruck,EV Checkpoint: The GM Electric Hummer You Order Today Will be Delivered in Two Years,i36d8ah,1648953282,1,1,0.9942288398742676 6422,"That’s why they’re driving it though water, in the picture.",EV Checkpoint: The GM Electric Hummer You Order Today Will be Delivered in Two Years,i36q6f4,1648960130,1,0,0.9984986782073976 6423,"The battery pack size compared to range alone is so, so pathetic.",EV Checkpoint: The GM Electric Hummer You Order Today Will be Delivered in Two Years,i35t7x8,1648939763,2,0,0.9995037317276 6426,"There aren't a ton of funds that use DJIA because it's such a nonsense indicator, but it's good recognition.",Dow Jones Industrials addition,i2q5tad,1648654499,1,1,0.99460369348526 6428,Oh yes. I’m holding on tight like I’m 2 years old and my TSLA shares are my blankey.,2k Tessie,hv07gdc,1643644172,5,1,0.9977533221244812 6433,"yes that is true. The company has taken a good position to grow, financially and statistically.",2k Tessie,hv4pex8,1643722527,1,1,0.998754382133484 6443,Happy to give you the 5th option. Webull.,Where/How do you buy your TSLA shares?,hreln52,1641417114,-1,1,0.9984286427497864 6445,"IBKR for myself. However I would not recommend it for beginners. An accessible app to start off, maybe RobinHood or Webull might make more sense. As your position and interest in stock grows you can always transfer your shares to any major brokerage account for free.",Where/How do you buy your TSLA shares?,hrdh2th,1641401624,0,0,0.9992565512657166 6450,Buy and hold. Two factories up and running full capacity mid 2022! Stock will shoot up next year!!!!,$TSLA swing trading?,hpm1jbr,1640211523,13,1,0.9986131191253662 6454,I do and got burned like hell last three months when got caught on the wrong side of swings. Keep your risk small.,$TSLA swing trading?,hpp2a6o,1640275673,3,0,0.9983204007148744 6459,I think the big Red shorts needs to cover before christmas. Nobody know what news will be released for the holidays. Cover Cover Cover.,$TSLA swing trading?,hpp1noo,1640275408,1,1,0.9315244555473328 6460,https://youtu.be/iGQCFLutg9k,$TSLA swing trading?,hq0tbxb,1640524744,1,0,0.9312937259674072 6462,bears will say it’s priced in,Biden administration accelerates plans for national EV…..this no a good catalyst?🤷🏻‍♂️,hog6dd1,1639442191,5,1,0.9872640371322632 6464,I’ll hope with you! I’m also in for long term as I bought right before the 10% sell-off tweet…,Hoped it was the lowest dip,hoe8fur,1639412971,5,1,0.9954479336738586 6465,I'm with you.. The stock is crazy with these Elon's sells... We never know whats is going to happen,Hoped it was the lowest dip,hoeaat6,1639413709,4,0,0.998245120048523 6469,How much more is Elon gonna sell?,Hoped it was the lowest dip,hofti8n,1639436089,1,1,0.993762195110321 6476,I hear ya there!,Hoped it was the lowest dip,hohaqua,1639461934,1,1,0.9933949112892152 6477,It will bottom around $799-750,Hoped it was the lowest dip,hp5utp9,1639917693,1,0,0.9989063739776612 6483,Fracture butt hole,Split clue? Fractured but whole.,hldc5w0,1637402410,2,0,0.997670829296112 6486,"M&A ? (SpaceX, Boring Company, Hyperloop, OpenAI, Neuralink) Company 'X', like 'Alphabet'.",Split clue? Fractured but whole.,hli2rvo,1637496969,1,0,0.9851359724998474 6487,what happens then?? butt stuff?,Split clue? Fractured but whole.,hlecmnh,1637424795,1,0,0.998616337776184 6488,If that’s what you’re into,Split clue? Fractured but whole.,hlhcsk4,1637477100,1,1,0.9916828870773317 6492,Interesting these guys are likely selling in morning and buying in evening as the SI is not really high… isn’t this market manipulation?,TSLA SHORTING LESSENED SLIGHTLY BUT REMAINS SIGNIFICANT,hl2iuvx,1637202097,1,1,0.9932340979576112 6498,"Why the fuck would you ask Tom Brady about finance-stuff, can anyone explain?",Bucs Quarterback Tom Brady Says He Loves His Tesla,hk6lung,1636621912,1,0,0.9994694590568542 6506,"Can someone explain plz? Is a split good or bad? If there was a split, is it best to sell before?",Split Rumors... your thoughts?,hk17vqp,1636520967,1,0,0.9875767230987548 6507,i’m split on this…,Split Rumors... your thoughts?,hk1udg9,1636538325,1,0,0.9985413551330566 6512,Did he say that in a tweet or verbally?,Split Rumors... your thoughts?,hjz6m7a,1636488265,2,0,0.9942455887794496 6516,"Verbally, cc last er",Split Rumors... your thoughts?,hjzggjj,1636492162,2,0,0.993602216243744 6520,He recently announced AI robots. Theres your answer.,Chances of Tesla getting into chip manufacturing?,hjp853x,1636307919,3,1,0.9917221665382384 6522,Easily.,The Megafactory under construction isn’t getting much attention - but it looks like the energy business could be nearly as big as auto after fully ramped up (!),hhkbf2u,1634864891,2,1,0.9975167512893676 6524,"Wait till you see a Texas sized pushback from the good old energy boys in ERCOT as Tesla Energy eats their lunch. A super huge tell will be when Tesla cars will get a bi-directional charging update to their hardware. Imagine a Cybertruck as a powerwall on wheels like the Ford Lightning. Get your popcorn, winter is coming.",The Megafactory under construction isn’t getting much attention - but it looks like the energy business could be nearly as big as auto after fully ramped up (!),hhz6irw,1635164216,1,0,0.9924029111862184 6527,i bought 6 1000c and theyre down 231... joy,Place a call option or to not place a call option tomorrow before earnings hmmm,hhbfgno,1634698679,2,1,0.9985254406929016 6533,Sell the news will be in full effect. Wait until Thursday/Friday for the drop,Place a call option or to not place a call option tomorrow before earnings hmmm,hhbb4fm,1634696513,1,0,0.9966095685958862 6537,"Buttttttt, you fucked it up this morning with some new $$$. Well done! I held 5 10/29 900 calls I bought yesterday at $9.41. Cashed this morning at $14.25 and yeah it’s gambling, but today was our day.",Place a call option or to not place a call option tomorrow before earnings hmmm,hhkhyeo,1634867938,1,1,0.9956384301185608 6540,Hope you execute call option...,Place a call option or to not place a call option tomorrow before earnings hmmm,hi0nf12,1635187638,2,1,0.9986234903335572 6547,....I'll still be buying at $900,TSLA performed extremely well but the stock moved by 1 dollar. I mean seriously dude? Just 1 dollar. A big company like this would naturally move about 50 to 60 dollars. I cannot believe this. Whoever is doing this just stop as this will deter common people from investing in stock market.,h8i8jcm,1628663547,2,1,0.9899208545684814 6548,What makes you think that the bubble will burst at that particular level?,TSLA performed extremely well but the stock moved by 1 dollar. I mean seriously dude? Just 1 dollar. A big company like this would naturally move about 50 to 60 dollars. I cannot believe this. Whoever is doing this just stop as this will deter common people from investing in stock market.,h90j9aw,1629021311,2,0,0.994878888130188 6552,"Important for $TSLA to start up trend.. so better hold well above 600.. If not a test of 585 area is due, failure here and far to fall. Long stock against short 585 call,..","What day will TSLA begin its uptrend (Mar. 29, 30, 31; Apr. 1, 2)?",gsh035q,1616863456,3,1,0.9976423382759094 6557,"Imagine the possibilities if the GME play comes off. A bunch of suddenly wealthy apes working together (not colluding 😉) ready to re-invest. Could be some huge moves and if we played it smart, could make a LOT of money.","What day will TSLA begin its uptrend (Mar. 29, 30, 31; Apr. 1, 2)?",gskfyyj,1616924673,2,1,0.9961907863616944 6559,"This is 💯 on point. I get so much hate on Reddit from shills for praising GME and what apes are standing for with their positions. Too many people have been reading into the media and thinking that GME is responsible for the downtrend in the market because investors are now “weary”. It 💯 is and always has been about what HF / short sellers are doing betting against good companies and driving down the whole market. They are going so far as to buy adds to slander companies like Nikola with false claims to d","What day will TSLA begin its uptrend (Mar. 29, 30, 31; Apr. 1, 2)?",gsp3vqz,1617032120,1,1,0.9975228905677797 6560,If you think critically without believing the nonsense from WSB you'll realize everything you said is crap.,"What day will TSLA begin its uptrend (Mar. 29, 30, 31; Apr. 1, 2)?",gsq8pxl,1617050757,1,0,0.9994916915893556 6561,Was down to 582 couple weeks ago.... will probably go on Monday and then down Tuesday..... who knows.,"What day will TSLA begin its uptrend (Mar. 29, 30, 31; Apr. 1, 2)?",gsi3bg1,1616876304,3,0,0.9944795370101928 6568,Chance of it hitting 700 tomorrow/end of next week?,resistance today,gs8i9js,1616717387,3,1,0.9961219429969788 6569,"Just like the model Y my family bought, TSLA stock is trim and fit and accelerates faster then those “legacy” car makers churning out 1 EV model with every million gas and diesel (horror) cars. TSLA a trillion company in 2021!",resistance today,gs9jf2d,1616740161,2,1,0.9987421631813048 6578,"Shorting Tesla has been attempted since the IPO, all unsuccessfully. Sadly, we can attempt analyze Tesla stock's sudden runs in value as well as the dips... none are defined with logic. This has potential and risk, but what investment doesn't?",Elon just said that Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained to Bitcoin. Can this be in any way good for $TSLA?,gs2m3fu,1616607310,6,0,0.998997151851654 6581,"I’m short @680 price point. BTC is worthless and TSLA is overvalued. Still could go up though, do your DD and trust your judgment.",Elon just said that Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained to Bitcoin. Can this be in any way good for $TSLA?,gs2jabe,1616606129,-2,0,0.9989882111549376 6584,"Shorting not for me. I like watching and listening to some wanta be HF schooling, going big, explain to me. You present yourself a number one 🧻 asshole.",Elon just said that Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained to Bitcoin. Can this be in any way good for $TSLA?,gs8ctkw,1616714643,1,0,0.998933970928192 6586,I think first and foremost people are using crypto like BTC as investment instrument. I don’t expect Tesla will get much BTC through this transaction. This seems to be more a marketing stunt than anything else. So it won’t make any difference on whatever valuation you want to slap on Tesla. BTC impact on Tesla as for now is insignificant. I am not gonna debate here if BTC has future or not on this forum.,Elon just said that Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained to Bitcoin. Can this be in any way good for $TSLA?,gs4bh0u,1616634729,0,0,0.9991819262504578 6587,"Wash your hands And don't bet against Elon Musk",Elon just said that Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained to Bitcoin. Can this be in any way good for $TSLA?,gs2k61j,1616606496,13,1,0.9973230957984924 6610,"Still like $BIDU at this level. maybe some money getting out due to the news out on the HK listing, but essentially the company is gonna be a EPS grower with the optionality of EV and autonomous driving biz, which is big in the coming years.","$TSLA stable today, will see if it can hold. its movement really affect lots of tech names imo",gqgsk0l,1615396271,1,1,0.9983329176902772 6614,Dude fuck this market can’t catch a break with tsla,"$TSLA stable today, will see if it can hold. its movement really affect lots of tech names imo",gqi723o,1615417202,1,0,0.9978986978530884 6619,"Hahahahaha, trying to pump a deflating balloon.. good luck! Others will be happily sucking your money out as they sell.",Let’s put Tesla on the top.,gpkmk53,1614802252,3,0,0.9976479411125184 6629,"It's more likely that SpaceX buys more bitcoin and that he spent a sizeable amount of personal cash from sale of his Real Estate on bitcoin. Then using his social media and position in companies, simply do what he has done to help run up the price. Announcing that spaceX has purchase bitcoin will run up the price of bitcoin and Tesla' bitcoing value. Just like Trump using twitter to say things to create buzz, Papa Elon is doing the same, but won't have his social media accounts deleted. I heard that he ",Tesla added more Bitcoin.,go1zqrs,1613773080,1,0,0.9955908060073853 6630,"Just look for Elon comment on BTC o be clear, I am *not* an investor, I am an engineer. I don’t even own any publicly traded stock besides Tesla. However, when fiat currency has negative real interest, only a fool wouldn’t look elsewhere. Bitcoin is almost as bs as fiat money. The key word is “almost”.",Tesla added more Bitcoin.,gnyx2jl,1613706913,5,0,0.9976179003715516 6633,I bought today @ 790 😁,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn3aqj0,1613157812,8,1,0.9985417127609252 6635,Buy more if you can !!!,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn33g3r,1613154582,8,1,0.9976701140403748 6637,I picked up more shares today. It might take a few weeks before we see it jump again.,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn3zs8q,1613169481,7,0,0.9825814366340636 6648,I got 14@580 and then 10@880. Keeping it tight until I have enough for a model 3LR and they have matrix headlights lol...,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn6v15l,1613215425,3,1,0.9984384179115297 6650,Opportunity to buy at a bargain.,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn3j11j,1613161591,4,1,0.9979250431060792 6659,The stock has no reason to be valued at over $1000. Market cap isn’t justified. Time to run up another stock. Tesla is done after Bitcoin blunder,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn48qee,1613174092,-3,0,0.99947327375412 6661,"Nice timing, I got some around 800 before started rebounding :)",Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn3nin1,1613163661,5,1,0.9988387227058412 6666,Hold don’t sale,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn4uduk,1613186103,3,0,0.9965223073959352 6670,"of course, and when it gets closer to 700 you’ll wait till it dips to 500 😂😂😂",Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gndvxnb,1613300936,2,0,0.9879090189933776 6672,Just hold and be patient,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn4qimz,1613183887,2,1,0.9985412359237672 6679,You are.,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn82y09,1613228799,1,1,0.9957193732261658 6680,do you have an updated short report?,Any thoughts on TSLA end of day?,gn3ee12,1613159474,1,0,0.9817386269569396 6684,"I'm buying puts at $300 Strike for March 18, 2022. One to two years is a long time. Maybe we will both profit.",TSLA Price Prediction,gmnaww7,1612833023,1,1,0.9944708347320556 6688,"Everyone's waiting for the jump from $800 to above $1000 like it did with the rapid rise from $400 to $800 a few weeks ago. At a current market cap of $800 billion, the way up is steeper. For example, for TSLA price to increase 50% at the current price, it would require an injection of $400 billion or 100% of TSLA's market cap from last December at $400. Simply put, one would require more $ input to reach similar performance in the past. $400 billion is like putting half of all existing bitcoins at $40,00",Thoughts on Tesla (2/5/21),gm7uzbs,1612604857,7,1,0.9867362380027772 6691,Fuck bro I got 5 the other day that went down Thursday I got 2 more all that is a chance to add more tsla to the portafolio if you don’t see future there you are nuts,Thoughts on Tesla (2/5/21),gm8qkcj,1612628372,2,1,0.99542635679245 6692,I am in,Thoughts on Tesla (2/5/21),gmk27cb,1612765759,1,1,0.9985887408256532 6694,"Yup, I picked up a few shares when it dipped last week. Holding a call that I hope recovers.",piper sandler analysis. target $1200 Fireworks ain't over yet!,glo2hmu,1612223790,1,1,0.9975678324699402 6695,60% of trading is done by algorithms,How does this happen the price was $901.23 than spikes to $911.66 than drops down in the same exact moment in time at 17:28:43 to $901.03.,i73ff4t,1651535962,6,0,0.9982555508613586 6699,big 'ole nothing burger. the stock split will still happen but no need to force a timeline. I think it still happens this year and is 20:1 in the 4th quarter. 4:20 so you see,Stock Split delayed,i71e3jr,1651505477,8,0,0.9986417889595032 6702,"I wouldn't call it delayed, there was never any plan to do it this soon. It would require shareholder approval which means waiting until the shareholder meeting, which has no date set. 2021's was October 7th, but it's been slipping, with 2017-2019 in June, then 2020 in Sept, and 2021 in October. I wouldn't be surprised by any date from June to Dec. EDIT: August 4th",Stock Split delayed,i70qn20,1651494595,7,0,0.9542409181594848 6737,I want it to stay out so I can keep accumulating,Will it hit $1250 a share,i5sa4jx,1650654195,1,1,0.9930022358894348 6743,No. 700 Dollar per shares,Will it hit $1250 a share,i5t0kn2,1650665369,-2,0,0.9964967370033264 6761,Most have found that the house always wins when it comes to TSLA and options. Longer term should probably be fine but the theta alone will usually kill you unless it whipsaws.,I'm shamelessly scalping TSLA calls and wondering when this gravy train will end.,hxbn263,1645114357,6,1,0.9939277172088624 6768,Waaaaaaaaahhh I want more money,I'm shamelessly scalping TSLA calls and wondering when this gravy train will end.,hy3mjj3,1645624997,1,1,0.996029257774353 6769,"Take my advice: take 10-20% from weekly profit. You will thank me 3 months from now. Don’t believe me? Tag this comment and check back in 3 months.",I'm shamelessly scalping TSLA calls and wondering when this gravy train will end.,hxet8l3,1645161703,0,1,0.9920193552970886 6774,Buy back the put. It’s a trade. Win and lose. I try to sell puts way out of the money b/c Tesla has huge swings. Probably better off buying puts and calls to have defined risk.,I'm shamelessly scalping TSLA calls and wondering when this gravy train will end.,hxe2mis,1645148758,2,1,0.9942996501922609 6782,Good advice.,I'm shamelessly scalping TSLA calls and wondering when this gravy train will end.,hxeqrcb,1645160298,2,1,0.998704195022583 6784,Yup. You were right,I'm shamelessly scalping TSLA calls and wondering when this gravy train will end.,ia9m79i,1653703376,1,1,0.9960837364196776 6792,Moon is inevitable - no question here.. Its just next week could be an opportunity.. so i wondered..,Will TSLA's massive deep ITM calls expiring 21Jan crush the stock?,hslu9es,1642149988,4,1,0.9839852452278136 6796,[removed],Will TSLA's massive deep ITM calls expiring 21Jan crush the stock?,hsyrin1,1642375231,1,0,0.9972092509269714 6812,"I called Hertz for a trip in the last few weeks to Orlando to book a Tesla. I have the highest status at Hertz, President's Circle. I was told they have Teslas for reservation but they were booked through Feb due to popularity.... So it's real and it's off the charts popular",TSLA & HERTZ update?,hpfuyu2,1640104151,3,1,0.9968870282173156 6818,"I don't even think it's a contract. Hertz has to order the cars online like everyone else. No volume discount. Nothing. Someone keep me honest, but that's what I heard. TSLA doesn't have a demand problem but a production problem. No reason to give Hertz a volume discount",TSLA & HERTZ update?,hq3jw2h,1640571981,1,0,0.9993661046028136 6827,Anything can happen in the short term. That’s why I buy and hold long term. Much better for actually making money.,Buying opportunity,hk4ajlm,1636578912,8,1,0.9984323382377625 6831,Probability of that happening is less than 1%.,Buying opportunity,hk5gwi3,1636597031,1,0,0.99911230802536 6839,Couple years ago I saw an article about lithium supply. I forget exact numbers…. Bit for tesla to meet sales goals would soak up some 80% of the lithium production.,"Is there enough lithium currently available to supply all the batteries needed for this demand? Apparently it will take more than a year to supply 100,000 Teslas to Hertz! I haven’t heard any discussion about lithium supply.",hjej2bs,1636112583,1,0,0.9824261665344238 6840,"A little red today, big red on Wednesday, then we start back a healthy climb until EOY TSLA is my biggest holding but this is the least painful way out of that insane run up. Elon is no dummy",Slight crash overnight. What’s today looking like?!,hiztcd3,1635848246,10,1,0.9967171549797058 6841,Nothing has changed. They are paying retail anyways. Elon just covering his ass.,Slight crash overnight. What’s today looking like?!,hizug4d,1635849146,7,0,0.9994646906852722 6847,HODL… discount until this afternoon for those late to the party IMO,Slight crash overnight. What’s today looking like?!,hj05djz,1635856430,3,0,0.9885433912277222 6848,"Hold on, Last time Musk thought the price was too high we rocketed! There's no denying October numbers, Q4, FSD, AI, Berlin, Austin, 1M cars in 2021",Slight crash overnight. What’s today looking like?!,hj09lo0,1635858635,3,1,0.9981252551078796 6855,Thanks for all the info guys! Ape help ape. 11/12 1500 calls…Hold to exp?,Slight crash overnight. What’s today looking like?!,hj1r8va,1635880739,1,1,0.985630989074707 6867,"I am, kinda. Lol. Ape help ape.",Slight crash overnight. What’s today looking like?!,hj1qy2q,1635880621,1,1,0.9972796440124512 6870,"I love what TSLA is doing its truly light years ahead of competition. After watching the plaid event it’s definitely transforming the auto industry, but anyone else worried about burrys 500 million dollar puts? Dont get me wrong I love the stock but at the moment it seems risky. Although Longterm im sure tsla will be in the thousands",Up PM,h1vxmps,1623787144,1,1,0.9987443685531616 6872,Nothing means anything,Up PM,h1q0auk,1623672439,2,0,0.9987221360206604 6877,"Tesla could show a prototype for a compact car with a low price point: [https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/tesla-again-hints-compact-ev-hatchback-rival-volkswagen-id-3](https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/tesla-again-hints-compact-ev-hatchback-rival-volkswagen-id-3) Then the Green Act passes with $7k for the next 400,000 cars...that would be huge for Tesla. However, there's also a lot of competition around the corner--and people seem to be getting tired of Elon promises than never materi",Upcoming catalysts?,gwcb5t9,1619728079,2,1,0.986670196056366 6886,I have 500 shares of ARKK at $131 and another 300 shares at $125....I've been down for a month. Please tell me Monday will be better...,"what are your option call strategies at market open on Monday? I held 670c 4/9 over the weekend... not sure if I should hold if it spikes on Monday or sell and re-buy 4/16 calls, let me know your thoughts",gtajnqe,1617490751,1,0,0.9986690282821656 6889,"I’m sorry to hear that bro I feel your pain, next time sell when it’s high and buy puts for more profit because other people would be selling as well and the more the stock goes down the more money you generate.","what are your option call strategies at market open on Monday? I held 670c 4/9 over the weekend... not sure if I should hold if it spikes on Monday or sell and re-buy 4/16 calls, let me know your thoughts",gtbj2lv,1617513269,2,0,0.9967888593673706 6890,If you are sufficiently capitalized to hold those positions how is it you type in all caps?,"what are your option call strategies at market open on Monday? I held 670c 4/9 over the weekend... not sure if I should hold if it spikes on Monday or sell and re-buy 4/16 calls, let me know your thoughts",gtag4fk,1617488716,2,0,0.9973069429397584 6896,When will delivery report come out?,Will Q1 delivered beat or yeet?,gsbc04r,1616780184,2,0,0.9781419634819032 6898,Beat 💥,Will Q1 delivered beat or yeet?,gsboevx,1616785662,1,1,0.997806966304779 6899,"Q4 sales at average 50k per vehicle would mean 9B sales or 36B on yearly basis (very optimistic), margin 12% (very high) would mean 4$ per share, real profit is 0,59, get it?",Will Q1 delivered beat or yeet?,gsb1ipm,1616775499,1,1,0.9972851276397704 6903,This week.. usually April 2nd or 3rd,Will Q1 delivered beat or yeet?,gsq4rmb,1617048924,2,1,0.9891214966773988 6914,Picked up a call for 4/9 660 strike on Friday. I’m ready for Monday!,ARK article and weekly forecast?,grpbctj,1616336578,1,1,0.9986165761947632 6921,on monday TSLA will start the ride to the moon again 🚀💎🙌🏻,Let's drink and love this weekend ... And hope for Elon to smoke and tweet something crazy good for TSLA !!!,gpw4q29,1615018431,3,1,0.9987282156944276 6924,By investing in bitcoin Elon has made it possible to lower the prices of his Tesla’s.,Why would Tesla invest in Bitcoin?,go02mjm,1613739694,3,1,0.9984575510025024 6936,This is the correct answer to your question.,Why would Tesla invest in Bitcoin?,go37kdo,1613796235,1,1,0.998176097869873 6945,I think we've had the peak... time to cash in ones chips,TSLA underperforming since joined S&P 500?,gnrorwq,1613573359,-3,0,0.995273768901825 6950,I am traded TSLA a few times but now I am stuck with some shares at 795. It seems early trading is when it dips then never completely recovers but does better during regular hours. If the trend continues I am buy a few more shares in early trading and dump it all as it creeps up in the afternoon,TSLA underperforming since joined S&P 500?,gnyq31o,1613703118,1,0,0.998030960559845 6959,"1. They have basically no debt. Ford and GM have literally a generation of profit worth of debt. 2. The profit on their cars is over 30%. It's not about sales, it's about profit. 3. In less than 8 years nearly every car will be an EV. Not just because of all the requirements for the end of ICE, but also because of the economics of it. No western car company has produced any EV at scale for a profit. 4. FSD, if successful, will be worth more than all car companies put together, by itself. 5. If TeslaBot ","Does TSLA really deserve more than half of the automotive industry value? Probably even put at this point, (now the P/E ratio is 97)",i80n1dn,1652160762,21,1,0.9978752136230468 6960,"Considering Tesla is one of the few (if not only) automotive companies/company that does not use the dealership model, does not bend over for unions, is spending much more on the development of FSD, and much more, I’d say it deserves more than half of the automotive industry value. Now the real question is: Is the value of the entire automotive industry deserved? That I wouldn’t be so sure of.","Does TSLA really deserve more than half of the automotive industry value? Probably even put at this point, (now the P/E ratio is 97)",i80gt8h,1652156911,3,1,0.998266577720642 6963,If the robots actually work it's the most undervalued company of all time.,"Does TSLA really deserve more than half of the automotive industry value? Probably even put at this point, (now the P/E ratio is 97)",i80knj5,1652159175,1,1,0.9906936287879944 6979,"Currently up 1653%, after this last dip.","Does TSLA really deserve more than half of the automotive industry value? Probably even put at this point, (now the P/E ratio is 97)",i83wvym,1652220966,2,1,0.9985710382461548 6982,"They don’t give data on individual models, but for company value it’s the bottom line that counts.","Does TSLA really deserve more than half of the automotive industry value? Probably even put at this point, (now the P/E ratio is 97)",i8fl1z8,1652435581,1,1,0.9933260679244996 6985,"It’s actually the other way around, EV is extremely profitable when looking at gross margin, this is why Tesla can exist.","Does TSLA really deserve more than half of the automotive industry value? Probably even put at this point, (now the P/E ratio is 97)",i8x5l3c,1652772635,1,1,0.998391568660736 6987,"Interesting, do you really have a BOM and assembly cost on a VW product, if so please share with this forum","Does TSLA really deserve more than half of the automotive industry value? Probably even put at this point, (now the P/E ratio is 97)",i929w34,1652874833,1,1,0.9845645427703856 6991,How’s the stock gonna move this week..I’m scared,Tesla: Austin Production and Battery News Are Potential Game Changers,huzo3qm,1643635707,2,0,0.9985888600349426 6993,"Did you see what the original reply said before they took it down? If so, can you share?",Tesla: Austin Production and Battery News Are Potential Game Changers,hv29bln,1643672278,1,0,0.9976352453231812 6995,No idea but it looks it’s way too unpredictable right now I got some profits off a 980c but I’m gonna sell Tuesday as I don’t see it holding for much longer. It’s a bull trap vibe I’m getting,Tesla: Austin Production and Battery News Are Potential Game Changers,hv3u7ma,1643700837,1,0,0.9994662404060364 7003,fuck these lawyers,Nikola lawsuit dismissed,hrfibdy,1641429928,3,0,0.9993934631347656 7006,Usually early Jan. Excited to hear!,Total deliveries when is it in December?,hmvrz1g,1638412967,3,1,0.9987401366233826 7009,"2021 Q4 (and by default 2021 total) should be reported around Monday Jan 3rd or 4th. It’s normally fairly quick after the quarter ends. China’s CPCA (China Passenger Car Association) reports each brands deliveries (local and exports). Their November report is around the 7th or 8th of December and similar timeframe for December’s report in January. This Twitter account has had relative success recently leaking info before - https://twitter.com/teslashanghai?s=21 China’s production numbers (which is differe",Total deliveries when is it in December?,hmwv383,1638436500,2,1,0.9930758476257324 7013,It should be safe,safe to hold Jan 21 1200 call over thanksgiving?,hlxwfpb,1637783713,3,1,0.8993659019470215 7018,Closed my fkn 211129 1180 and 1200 ...down to zero ...fml,safe to hold Jan 21 1200 call over thanksgiving?,hm6e4rf,1637948926,1,0,0.9993977546691896 7031,Yeah baiting people it buy in then hoping they panic and paper hand,Price manipulation,hlrzdnt,1637681333,3,0,0.9989933371543884 7032,What's R40?,How does TSLA compare to the big tech stocks in terms of value?,hjuprs4,1636406189,1,0,0.9843787550926208 7050,I'm a long term holder and Im starting to feel like we’ll see under $1k again before it starts to move steadily again. A lot of manipulation is taking place at the moment.,Price predictions for 10/27?,hi7q5vo,1635313090,1,1,0.989807426929474 7058,This man went to Wharton,Price predictions for 10/27?,hi7n417,1635311040,2,0,0.9887037873268129 7061,💎🙌 all the way,So this is what it feels like to hold on for your dear life,hi3iap3,1635243379,2,1,0.9985993504524232 7062,Nothing Can stop it its going all the way up,So this is what it feels like to hold on for your dear life,hi3n6un,1635247015,1,1,0.9985004663467408 7063,It's a great option to sell. But I wouldn't be buying calls or puts at this point.,Top 10 Trending Stocks on Reddit - TSLA at #6,hfc4lpj,1633344620,1,0,0.9982605576515198 7066,Truck load,For anyone holding TSLA stock,hcbxdlc,1631292126,1,0,0.8834598660469055 7067,TSLA will dip but we will see 800 again,For anyone holding TSLA stock,hctf6lh,1631625828,1,1,0.9874568581581116 7068,Prescient.,For anyone holding TSLA stock,hgobsoc,1634255977,1,1,0.997175931930542 7072,I am sitting here and hodl my Tesla....is there any hope?,TSLA DOWNTREND RESPECTED FROM 1.5 WEEKS AGO.. LETS SEE IF IT HITS 2ND PT,gxvwb5g,1620845134,5,0,0.9953452944755554 7076,I think $425-450 is entirely possible,TSLA DOWNTREND RESPECTED FROM 1.5 WEEKS AGO.. LETS SEE IF IT HITS 2ND PT,gxw9alc,1620850299,1,0,0.9890199303627014 7077,"Read the news folks, even Barron’s are sounding downbeat about Tes, it’s a bit of a perfect storm right now, interest rates, bad news stories (china prod in particular) and no big stories around the corner for me only means one thing... as Barron’s have said Tesla tends too go big and then flat lines or drops until the next big thing. With the China and German plants ina bit of a pickle I’m struggling to see any light at the end of the tunnel till FSD does it’s thing whenever that is ... even more depressi",TSLA DOWNTREND RESPECTED FROM 1.5 WEEKS AGO.. LETS SEE IF IT HITS 2ND PT,gxwymiv,1620861582,1,0,0.99874347448349 7079,"I shorted at $775 on a 30 day low and ugly island top. Until it can get above $775 and hold, I’m holding short but, longer term bull",TSLA DOWNTREND RESPECTED FROM 1.5 WEEKS AGO.. LETS SEE IF IT HITS 2ND PT,gxw95v6,1620850246,1,1,0.9753513932228088 7082,"Hi sitting here and hodl my Tesla, I'm Dad! :)",TSLA DOWNTREND RESPECTED FROM 1.5 WEEKS AGO.. LETS SEE IF IT HITS 2ND PT,gxvwcz1,1620845154,3,1,0.9988306164741516 7092,I have to wait til Monday or Tuesday. Hope it stays about where it’s at til I can buy in.,"Looking to buy some shares, should I buy now to wait for it to go lower?",gwd013z,1619739164,2,1,0.987731397151947 7093,"Time in the market, is better than timing the market my friend. Tesla will increase in price over the next few years almost certainly, but you have to expect volatility, so have some cash on the side lines for dips and DCA.","Looking to buy some shares, should I buy now to wait for it to go lower?",gwg0lkh,1619801559,2,1,0.9960363507270812 7095,You can wait and buy it to 500$ level,"Looking to buy some shares, should I buy now to wait for it to go lower?",gwe9rey,1619764522,0,0,0.9990752935409546 7114,Buying calls right now was extremely risky,Predictions on price by Friday??? I’m new and decided to buy calls this morning before the crash 😱😓,gr6svxc,1615943160,7,0,0.9994086027145386 7128,I hope so 😬,Predictions on price by Friday??? I’m new and decided to buy calls this morning before the crash 😱😓,gr6kkw6,1615938791,1,1,0.9986709356307985 7131,"tsla is sitting on a lump of cash or liquid investment from Q20 report so it shouldnt be as vulnernable to the interest rate spike at this point in time as compared to EV startups but its catching the broader perception of higher interest being a growth impediment. its not carrying debt it cant afford. fords debt by comparison is massive. biden adminiatration is green friendly, gas prices went up so it should continue the broader upward trend. once the perception of the bond market normalizes it should sta",When will Tesla rebound?,gq8ksfb,1615227829,8,1,0.9962228536605836 7137,It’s going to $450. May hit $550 today the way it didn’t like $600,When will Tesla rebound?,gq8iek8,1615226816,3,0,0.9990383386611938 7142,"Whats the connection of TSLA with Spacex? when im buying TSLA im buying Tesla Motorsports, so not sure how Spacex plays within this context.",When will Tesla rebound?,gqag7ac,1615260795,1,0,0.9936220049858092 7148,no chance,When will Tesla rebound?,gqcxeb5,1615315513,1,0,0.9975696206092834 7156,"You had a bargain buying for 300, look this is not financial advice, you need to have in mind that tesla is the future, not just in cars but in renewable energy in general, tesla might look in a limbo, but once more advancements are made in energy storage and other domótica shit, tesla will go up, it has been happening since 2015 and good stuff is just starting in climate change shenanigans, so. 🤷🏻‍♂️",Should I sell?,gq5vyho,1615166856,5,1,0.9968931674957277 7163,"What are you asking people on here for? If you don’t want to live without the green in front of you hit sell. It’s no fun to watch huge gains go to zero telling yourself what was I thinking, I really let greed get the best of me and I won’t do that next time.",Should I sell?,gq7dm09,1615207687,2,0,0.9993436932563782 7178,Yeah I was watching that shit go down in Texas last week and thinking “oh...didn’t TSLA just move to Texas?” then bought more 😂,Should I sell?,gq6fywo,1615178391,1,1,0.9977715611457824 7179,"If you need the cash now then sell, if you think you can hike the stock for a long period then wait. Keep in mind that shorters do tend to persuade and cause panic. I do hold Tesla stocks for a long term.",Should I sell?,gq5uiqt,1615166072,3,1,0.9970070719718932 7182,"Don’t think about per share price Think about total market cap price. Right now Tesla is a little under 600 billion and Toyota is about 250 billion. Do you think Tesla is worth more than two Toyotas. If so buy now, if not wait until you think Tesla is at a fair price.",A thought,gppk4vg,1614898534,2,1,0.994465172290802 7183,Interesting. For new buyers. Would you consider buying in the 500s? Or buy now. For long term.,A thought,gpojojr,1614882856,1,1,0.9964297413825988 7197,"The Cybertruck and Hummer EV will debut around the same time — Fall 2021. However, GM has more production capacity for the Hummer EV, so it’ll likely be easier to obtain. The first Cybertruck is slated to sell Fall 2021 but many on the waitlist won’t get a delivery until 2022. The Ford F-150 will come later, but considering it’s the best selling vehicle in North America for over 25 years in a row, I don’t see it’s late debut harming its sales potential.",Tesla Us Market,gpof87i,1614880987,2,1,0.9973596930503844 7199,I may tell you a shocking thing: not everyone would want/need FSD.,Tesla Us Market,gpp90el,1614893460,2,0,0.9782378673553468 7200,I agree. It’s a hold,Rebound ???,gpgtsjz,1614723724,3,0,0.9972074627876282 7204,"I'll look closer, didn't look like one with -$7.00 a share for the day",Rebound ???,gpk58vn,1614794776,1,0,0.9989546537399292 7206,I didn't get to sell then.. I was holding at $900 last month.,Rebound ???,gpk5ddt,1614794831,1,0,0.9983819723129272 7207,"Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. The term is also used to refer to the ontological status of things, indicating their existence. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it.* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*",Rebound ???,gpj2vge,1614777013,1,1,0.994836688041687 7208,"Should be Car Maker not Cat Maker. Please correct your spelling.",Freemont Factory lines pause ?,gopt7k5,1614268264,2,0,0.9993788003921508 7210,"Should also be FREMONT with one ""E""",Freemont Factory lines pause ?,gor7yn9,1614288544,1,0,0.9934325218200684 7211,"down 5% on a Monday - I would be panicked, but I remember too many times it was up 7, 8, 9 % in one day.",Predictions?,godf8ih,1614021456,5,0,0.996990442276001 7223,I got assigned 300 shares on an $840p 2 weeks ago. The $12 premium doesn’t come close to making up for the drop so I feel your pain. Hopefully we get a bounce this week,Predictions?,goc2ffj,1613997964,8,0,0.9967846870422364 7229,Made a 30 day low Friday. $775 was a big level to hold. Here comes $600 pps,Predictions?,gocmf6j,1614009113,-5,0,0.9926816821098328 7230,Actually considering lowering my short cover after today. TSLA is WAY overvalued.,Predictions?,goe79ke,1614033992,0,0,0.9957322478294371 7237,he is right. Tesla will be down on its price temporarily. Doesn’t mean anything for the company in the long run. This is just the product of market SPECULATION not INVESTMENT.,This guy is really trying hard to tank TSLA stocks. 'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says the Tesla boom is 'remarkably similar' to the dot-com and housing bubbles,gnpn50n,1613523426,2,0,0.9993709921836852 7238,Never trust a man with crooked eye holes,This guy is really trying hard to tank TSLA stocks. 'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says the Tesla boom is 'remarkably similar' to the dot-com and housing bubbles,gnp3wib,1613513865,1,0,0.9981030225753784 7246,There are plenty people with just Tesla and it was long before the split. They may not be on Reddit though,Any thoughts on my portfolio?,ibkfpco,1654658444,5,0,0.9965540170669556 7249,"Drop BTC, buy tsla. At 30 yo, I would be 100% tsla because of your time horizon. But, I’m biased because I’m not a fan of btc. So, take with a grain of salt.",Any thoughts on my portfolio?,ibkp420,1654664400,4,0,0.9980600476264954 7256,"Tesla is solid but almost all eggs in 1 basket is too risky unless you guard them well, like monger",Any thoughts on my portfolio?,ibnpvjn,1654724032,1,1,0.9872934818267822 7257,100% Tesla,Any thoughts on my portfolio?,iboirlz,1654738242,1,1,0.9981359243392944 7258,DO 100% TESLA.,Any thoughts on my portfolio?,ibsdelf,1654814312,1,1,0.9959813356399536 7266,I plan to sell all growth stocks into index funds in retirement as well,Any thoughts on my portfolio?,ibkuy2j,1654668619,0,0,0.9990026354789734 7274,"Just like when Musk ""smoked"" pot on Joe Rogan, it has nothing to do with how the business is doing. They're still scaling up production, selling every car they make, backlogged to next year, improving FSD, etc. Current macro and Elon FUD makes the stock a definite buy right now.",Woes to TSLA stock politically (2),i9pb5gr,1653324891,10,1,0.9922922849655152 7275,I think it’s political..the stock price makes no sense to me. It’s brave of musk to speak his mind however it is at the expense of shareholders…I liked Michael Jordan’s approach…he famously said..”Republicans buy shoes too” when asked about his political leanings..,Woes to TSLA stock politically (2),i9oyas0,1653319503,8,0,0.994853675365448 7282,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",Woes to TSLA stock politically (2),i9uhzk9,1653422096,1,0,0.9994649291038512 7289,Hopefully a good sign for tomorrow,Anyone see that rise and quick drop after hours?,i5p5qg0,1650593683,1,1,0.9985827207565308 7294,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",When do you think the stock split will take place and how big a split would you guess at?,i3m8l5o,1649248179,1,0,0.9994649291038512 7301,FSD one rolling will make it's current price look ridiculously cheap. $0 of current FSD revenue is reported in it's current earnings since it's just beta.,It's about the Tesla Factories.,hki5ipl,1636838940,2,0,0.9993056058883668 7303,"Overall for me, it’s the diversification and constant innovation. 1) What other company as large as Tesla doesn’t spend on advertising (ford spends $468 / car sold compared to Tesla’s 0$ / car sold) 2) I’m not a big fan of generational companies, as often you find that the CEO of certain companies is CEO because their great grandfather started the company not because they’ve earned their way into that position and are the most qualified to do so. (Elon musk as a CEO as well is a workaholic to the point ",It's about the Tesla Factories.,hklz8rn,1636911100,1,1,0.9982922673225404 7306,Please stay on the sidelines.,It's about the Tesla Factories.,hkggk77,1636811800,0,0,0.9994127750396729 7313,"Let's not get greedy, just be thankful that after Elon's sale we have seen an uptick.",Tesla go brrrrr,hk7c16p,1636639685,3,1,0.9945642948150636 7316,Doubt it. Maybe next year,Tesla go brrrrr,hk6o0cg,1636623841,0,0,0.9981648325920104 7321,Sell your stock. No one cares if you sell it.,If Elon would pass,hj40wor,1635915037,1,0,0.999110996723175 7328,LOL Tim Cook made apple the apple it is today..,If Elon would pass,hj41mti,1635915472,2,1,0.9981491565704346 7334,Yeah she’s been selling because as TSLA goes up it becomes a larger % of the portfolio and they maintain no one position should make up more than 10% of of the portfolio.,Cathie Wood is a huge Tesla bull but she sure does know how to stop a bull run with the dumping of all these shares... sheez louise... would probably already be over 1100 by now,hidyulx,1635432960,3,0,0.994027853012085 7337,Cathie Woods is a genus. I follow her and her knowledge of the markets is just nuts.,Cathie Wood is a huge Tesla bull but she sure does know how to stop a bull run with the dumping of all these shares... sheez louise... would probably already be over 1100 by now,hidza5u,1635433140,1,0,0.9890788197517396 7338,Cathy lost Millions selling TSLA last month. Ouch.,Cathie Wood is a huge Tesla bull but she sure does know how to stop a bull run with the dumping of all these shares... sheez louise... would probably already be over 1100 by now,hjlx1os,1636239816,1,0,0.9991210103034972 7339,You would think people who follow her and her holdings would have a basic knowledge of why she does this from time to time.,Cathie Wood is a huge Tesla bull but she sure does know how to stop a bull run with the dumping of all these shares... sheez louise... would probably already be over 1100 by now,hif49y0,1635449266,4,0,0.9993523955345154 7344,"I have owned shares since 2017 and I’ll never forget how it tanked from $900 to $500s in Q1. I was expecting a “sell the news” pullback after earnings, but it hasn’t happened… The funny thing is this will go even higher if the infrastructure bill comes through.",I realized today..,hi0k5f1,1635186315,4,0,0.9985224604606628 7348,I did,I realized today..,hi2978p,1635212571,1,1,0.9965161085128784 7351,"IMO Waymo and Cruise are both on a path where they need to prove no need for a driver so they can create the robotaxi network. Yes they can safety drivers but at the end of the day, they need level 5. Meanwhile Tesla couldn’t care less. In fact they WANT to be seen as level 2 aka require driver monitoring. They don’t need robotaxi either as it’s profitable selling cars today. They can keep selling cars, making lots of money, keep collecting data/training software, all whilst stating it needs driver monitor",Serious question about Tesla’s full self driving,hffcxp8,1633396160,3,0,0.9922019243240356 7362,"it's more due to overall state of the market, inflation etc lmo. Should start running again before the earnings call. Btw I think Elon is doing the right thing by calling their bluff there. These sharks should think twice before coming up with such groundless claims and waste Elon’s and his teams time.",Why down?,h53dcdq,1626217895,2,0,0.996594250202179 7370,Great opportunity to buy call options lol,Why down?,h53phst,1626224269,1,1,0.9985400438308716 7371,Doesn't help me hope you sold,Why down?,h56015p,1626277986,1,0,0.9994022846221924 7378,I hold a significant core position of TSLA. Over many years I don't sell any shares. Have you considered options? Options are great especially if you are in a taxable account and don't want to sell any shares but think stock could drop after a run or to hedge at earnings time. I have a small position in POAHY CCIV.,TSLA hedge: for market volatility,h3jtjqv,1625053816,1,1,0.9981412887573242 7384,Great! Will place the order to say thank you to Elon,Order car now or wait for EV credit?,gwuoqqf,1620089613,2,1,0.9986892342567444 7386,Easier to roll it into the loan now. If you believe we will make FSD in the next 2 years then why not take the risky investment.,Ok I have been wanting a Tesla for 8 or more year now. Been hodling tsla since 2015 and now ready to buy one. My question to this family is if you were me what would you do.,gwlzdfu,1619918554,3,0,0.9859638214111328 7405,5k,TSLA in 10 years,gwlsn5g,1619914808,1,1,0.9857666492462158 7407,Is this just a forecast based on historical growth? Seems unlikely,TSLA in 10 years,gwr49l3,1620022182,1,0,0.9994696974754332 7419,Lol,Elon musk fans,gufacdb,1618353840,1,1,0.9886379837989808 7426,It’s under construction. I drive by it anytime I go to the VA. It won’t be read for a while.,DD: $TSLA short interest for today,gsi7du7,1616877809,2,0,0.9984285235404968 7430,"I don't ever read BS that analysts put out there. They want volatility as it creates tremendous opportunities for the rich to buy the dip. buy on the dip and sell only if you feel that market is crashing. That's what i do. Unfortunately stock market is a tool for the wealthy. We are here just visitors but nevertheless, if you play it smart you can become successful",Social Sentiments aka SS pretty B****S****,gs6lcz0,1616687253,2,1,0.9970671534538268 7434,I don’t think price will drop significantly.,"Resale activity growing, watch for buying opportunities.TSLA last traded at 672.50 in the premarket hours, with a combined volume of 118,102 shares",gqonmcp,1615553431,0,0,0.9964228272438048 7437,I see dead cat bounce/ inverted cup/handle formation. I see potential sideways or downward action then retest ATH in 1-2 months,Bears vs Bulls.,gqikviz,1615424417,1,0,0.9955050349235536 7443,"I'm thinking it will trade sideways for a couple weeks for now. I couldn't take the wild ride anymore though. I bought in at 815 a month ago, averaged down to 650 by tripling my shares buying during this downward spiral with all my available funds and set a break even limit. It sold off today and I recouped the money. I expected to be bag holding for a few years when it hit 550 a couple days ago. If it went down to the 400's, I would consider buying back in and starting over with a fresh outlook.","Missed key dips but still believe the stock can drop tomorrow or when/if inflation grows higher than expected; I have lifted my entry price from 500 to 600 although I am not sure if it will go that low, thoughts?",gqfarjb,1615362657,1,0,0.9928460717201232 7447,"I mean, aren’t you surprised that even in this bull sub the number down outweigh the numbers above lol?",Support,gpzk2ht,1615051682,1,0,0.996582329273224 7448,"Can someone explain the extreme selloff at 6pm ET/3pm PT? Am I seeing that right? Tesla went from $650 area down near the $525 range, then immediately bought back up.....what the heck does that tell us moving forward? Who would sell such a huge amount after hours? And who is buying those shares almost immediately?","Who is buying these deeps, I see huge buy orders on the 600s",gplmagm,1614819290,5,0,0.9962917566299438 7451,"I do agree this sell off is pretty wide but it’s going to be more extreme with Tesla as its done everything with more energy the last year. If you pull a two year MACD, the real price drop and negative selling momentum is just getting started. It’s done all this dropping without any serious negative volume yet. If a large group of retail trades hit a limit soon or institutions sell off at all papa musk and cathie are gonna😭","Who is buying these deeps, I see huge buy orders on the 600s",gplgmdp,1614816056,1,0,0.9983445405960084 7452,I thought those were short coverings? You can see the spike on the 1 day chart.,"Who is buying these deeps, I see huge buy orders on the 600s",gpmcewl,1614833180,1,1,0.9960786700248718 7453,i did buy the deep but still it's go down :(,"Who is buying these deeps, I see huge buy orders on the 600s",gpowlax,1614888194,1,0,0.9994646906852722 7458,Good. This was the goal!,Competition starting to increase for Tesla in US market,gpk8qi8,1614796272,2,1,0.9987722039222716 7463,Pretty sure their YouTube post got more downvotes then up. It’s disgusting that they thought it was a good idea. If they wanted a EV they should have kept the mustang badge off of it,Competition starting to increase for Tesla in US market,gpktswb,1614805380,1,0,0.9994887113571168 7469,Second wave down coming.,Tesla short-sellers sitting on $3.5 billion weekly profits: Ortex,gops6z7,1614267825,1,1,0.9890542030334472 7470,This is the wrong time to ask that question. You’re late by 2 full weeks.,Should I sell and buy back at a lower cost?,goh5cv8,1614098145,6,0,0.9995015859603882 7473,If the Powell meeting goes bad yes. If it goes well maybe. ...,Should I sell and buy back at a lower cost?,gogrmeh,1614092193,2,1,0.9845395684242249 7474,first thing that comes to mind is taxes,Should I sell and buy back at a lower cost?,goik990,1614118897,2,0,0.990924596786499 7478,"If you want to sell and buy back at lesser price, keep in mind your tax rate. If holding for less than a year, any paper gain becomes realized at as ordinary income. So to break even you need to account for the tax cost at your income rate.",Should I sell and buy back at a lower cost?,gol2qgc,1614177108,1,0,0.9756292104721068 7508,The 4680 batteries will be sufficient. Nothing to see here. Move on...,This may assist us in weathering this little storm ☔️ Do your DD. Romeo Power Surges On Deal To Develop Next-Gen EV Battery Technology,go8aoha,1613918976,1,0,0.9984070658683776 7510,I hope you realize many people will never use public transportation for a variety of reasons and so I would be hesitant to suggest that it is some type of solution. It may work for urban dwellers with short travel commutes who also live in a tiny condo with no parking. Also I’m not sure why you threw in genders to the discussion.,This may assist us in weathering this little storm ☔️ Do your DD. Romeo Power Surges On Deal To Develop Next-Gen EV Battery Technology,goclveb,1614008871,1,0,0.9989818930625916 7511,"Bitcoin uses energy to confirm transactions in a backless, fraud less payment network. You don’t understand BTC","Why Elon is smart to invest in bitcoin, and the retail trader is not.",gnwkg9l,1613667985,2,0,0.8705902695655823 7513,If i'm Tesla i would put a crypto-miner in every car i sold. Can you imagine how many BTC could be mined?,"Why Elon is smart to invest in bitcoin, and the retail trader is not.",gnzviq1,1613734156,1,0,0.9907953143119812 7516,"Feeling cute, might sell Tsla later IDK",What’s next for tsla,gnsg3fj,1613585229,10,1,0.997041404247284 7521,It’s tough to be long and be negative. Totally get that. If you believe in Tesla - and I’m reminded to be every time I drive somewhere and see a Tesla! - this stock will be $1000 in the next 6 months.,What’s next for tsla,gntp7oy,1613605102,5,1,0.9978273510932922 7539,I just bought more. It’s on sale,What’s next for tsla,gns8fxo,1613582144,0,1,0.9982927441596984 7543,Ya i ended just avging down a bit,What’s next for tsla,gnroj2n,1613573236,1,0,0.9957224130630492 7546,Sell and buy back lower,What’s next for tsla,gnt52yv,1613596200,1,0,0.9855222702026368 7549,Free fall??? Can you handle a $100 swing? Bc there will be many of them.....,What’s next for tsla,gnrncwj,1613572649,1,0,0.997205913066864 7556,"Now would be the time, good time to get in with the dip. I always buy more at the dip, currently holding 74 shares",Should I buy TSLA stock? What's the best time to buy?,gg1f65t,1608133264,4,1,0.9982469081878662 7560,Buy now!!,Should I buy TSLA stock? What's the best time to buy?,gkw6i7m,1611709444,1,1,0.9980158805847168 7562,">TIME IN THE MARKET>TIMING THE MARKET this is good.",Should I buy TSLA stock? What's the best time to buy?,ggpr3vk,1608661818,1,1,0.9984845519065856 7589,About three fiddy.,Whats the low of TSLA?,i7xnsz7,1652112574,1,0,0.987984538078308 7591,550,Whats the low of TSLA?,i7zn61m,1652142689,1,1,0.9749164581298828 7593,10$,Whats the low of TSLA?,i8039rh,1652149942,1,0,0.9928444027900696 7605,"lmao I'd love to see an analysis justifying Tesla's valuation above $1,000/share, please.",Whats the low of TSLA?,i9h7q5e,1653158147,1,0,0.9932475090026855 7617,"Cathy Wood just said this same thing ​ lol ​ beat her to it",What if MUSK is using this TWTR thing as an excuse to diversify out of TSLA,i6ou7wr,1651252903,0,0,0.998177170753479 7623,[deleted],Tesla name was chosen. Not made up,hw4qysd,1644353140,2,0,0.9980586171150208 7624,Or because electricity,Tesla name was chosen. Not made up,hz3ez45,1646252723,1,1,0.987912118434906 7635,By the end of 2022 when tsla launched robo driving (which actually works) and a rivaling ride servive tsla will split 1:5 and be at 2500,"Did you see the new model revealed from NIO the ET5,,,, do you think it will take market share from TESLA in China???",hp8c4r8,1639957743,3,0,0.9975553154945374 7640,i think it s safe to buy now,Wait for gap down to $900 or below before buying?,hobzent,1639364443,2,1,0.9983265995979308 7656,[removed],Would You Rather Buy its Car or Invest in Tesla (TSLA) Stock Instead?,ho70v7y,1639274028,1,0,0.9972092509269714 7657,Roller coasters 🎢 are fun 🙂,Would You Rather Buy its Car or Invest in Tesla (TSLA) Stock Instead?,hny0t4z,1639108810,3,1,0.9987890124320984 7666,He has sold 4 million the past 3 days and is currently continuing to sell. As of last night he is at around 20 - 25% done. People are. Bullish on the Tesla stock. Some people been saying he is done selling but he isn’t and his brother sold some shares at the top as well. Elon proposed 20 billion in sales to cover taxes on stock options he is selling from the low 6s,Tesla bullish or bearish?,hk89mtk,1636653767,1,0,0.996563732624054 7670,"Long term? Bullish. Short term? 🎢",Tesla bullish or bearish?,hktj5du,1637040690,1,1,0.9892890453338624 7673,I just bought in to TSLA first time yesterday and cost was so low. Now I'm in the red and the price keeps dropping. Wonder if I made a mistake and should get out before it tanks more.,Tesla bullish or bearish?,hkbhrqv,1636714535,1,0,0.9988521337509156 7675,He exercises options which results in more shares. This share count is larger than the number of shares he’s selling. Easier to see when he’s all done in a few weeks,Tesla bullish or bearish?,hko3oct,1636942339,1,1,0.9926971793174744 7676,Definitely dont sell,Tesla bullish or bearish?,hkcnezb,1636735746,1,1,0.9745692610740662 7684,"Completely agree. $1800, IF people will stop being satisfied by 5%…….if everyone just holds, we WILL see it. Hang on folks!",Time is on TSLA stockholders side,hl6gi2x,1637274513,1,1,0.9935393929481506 7685,"This is Genius. Rent each week a New tesla for a week, jump in, load your profil and you are ready to go. I believe its uber related or robotaxi related. Bullish af",Next Step to car rent excellence,hj9l1jn,1636022363,3,1,0.9983478784561156 7687,Thank you for the considered response. I also have some crypto as a hyper inflation hedge!,How would high inflation impact the TSLA price,hi92yao,1635345533,2,1,0.9986622333526612 7700,@me with updates this could be promising,Why are premiums so high for options expiring next week?,heyctlx,1633077697,1,0,0.9870972633361816 7706,"Can confirm, have 5k @$84 and I try and sell anywhere from 10-25 contracts per week for $1k profit. I have had to buy back twice but I’m 26 and am making closer to 5k a week compared to ~2k in my cube. Oh & I work from home with my father and siblings ♥️",TSLA covered calls,hd7ims8,1631887473,1,1,0.9985328912734984 7709,Could you explain further? Are you saying if you sold a CC at $800 you’d want at least $20? And what do you mean by week 2? Sorry I’m dense,TSLA covered calls,hd0vno7,1631754814,1,0,0.999026656150818 7712,"Thanks. So if all 3 options in your table were available, would you do one week, 2 or 3? Also, any science to the 2.5%, or just a number that has seemed to work for you?",TSLA covered calls,hd633bq,1631851633,1,1,0.996166467666626 7724,Not necessarily but with the vibe in the market right now and going into the slowest time of the year there’s a good chance time decay will eat you up pretty bad.,I have a 750 call & 790 call 1 expires in December 17 and the other expire in September tsla is at 590 a share am I fucked??,gxwha0m,1620853619,4,0,0.9957066178321838 7725,"If you had that same call this time last year and assuming you bought at peak (last year aswell), they’d still have turned profitable. Hold long and don’t bet against tesla. It’ll have another run in the next few months, before its next earnings. Someone set a reminder",I have a 750 call & 790 call 1 expires in December 17 and the other expire in September tsla is at 590 a share am I fucked??,gxwi5e1,1620853992,3,1,0.9985087513923644 7735,You boys buying high and selling low is the only thing that keeps me afloat these days.,I have a 750 call & 790 call 1 expires in December 17 and the other expire in September tsla is at 590 a share am I fucked??,gy1kdd2,1620951536,2,0,0.9975008368492126 7737,Thats cuz you’re a fucking idiot who doesnt make money,Some good analysis being reported of the results,gw5t0b1,1619610022,5,0,0.9993977546691896 7742,I don't see why it would be a buy at $500. If you wanted exposure to EVs with low risk and good upside I would be buying Hyundai.,Some good analysis being reported of the results,gwezmcx,1619784246,1,0,0.9992764592170716 7746,"$40k? seriously? I'll take 2 to go!",CyberTruck OH MY LORD,gvxm23b,1619447579,1,0,0.999488353729248 7750,Can she drive on the beach??,CyberTruck OH MY LORD,gw07zlv,1619490253,1,1,0.9943893551826476 7751,">After watching all the videos on this thing I would have priced this thing at 80 GRAND. But for 40 GRAND! are they going to be selling this thing out of goodwill? Or was the price just a marketing ploy based on assumed advances in battery tech? Note, the reserve price is not guaranteed.",CyberTruck OH MY LORD,gw0sfm2,1619503688,1,0,0.997651755809784 7752,Yep. 50k if you include self driving,CyberTruck OH MY LORD,gvxqi3u,1619449553,1,0,0.9951971173286438 7753,"That is not 1 million Trucks. The looks are similar to model Y. 275000 first year, but more equals great exposure.",Cybertruck Reservations data?,gu7iw9l,1618191566,2,1,0.9948360919952391 7755,"Do you have any idea of what market share this would mean on the class 8 business the this product appear to address? And don't forget that the first announced intro time was 2019, still nothing..",Cybertruck Reservations data?,gu95atd,1618235339,1,0,0.9981217980384828 7760,[deleted],High of 818 premarket?,gtz82ha,1618004280,2,0,0.9980586171150208 7762,[deleted],High of 818 premarket?,gtxf37b,1617974739,1,0,0.9980586171150208 7765,What annoying to me is even though I bought back in at around 693 average my app is saying I paid 770 per share and right now it’s making my account look very very bad.,High of 818 premarket?,gtxgp23,1617975536,2,0,0.9994993209838868 7769,He (Elon) has it all under control......,"Battery shortage, why invest in bitcoin and not in capacity",gsosqio,1617026816,2,1,0.998134970664978 7771,"Shanghai BTC sales will be TSLA overseas tax shelter. Excited to see what happens. Shanghai, Berlin, Austin, Fremont new customers will be happy with their 3, S, X , Y cars. Many more will buy the battery backups power walls. Free 24/7 electricity, and low maintenance autos (brakes and tires). To offset the cost they will sale shares after the next 5:1 split for profits or million dollar trade. Proof of concept in, this is the way CA model. Cyber semi, TSLA truck, supper cars, battery let’s see what ha","Battery shortage, why invest in bitcoin and not in capacity",gspgnm8,1617038003,2,1,0.9985142350196838 7786,I really hope you’re right.,DID I JUST FUCK UP?! 4/16 C (new trader),grszc3t,1616416871,2,1,0.9980332255363464 7794,I don't see a big drop in the immediate future.,Morning spike,gr0mlwj,1615819740,3,1,0.9929102063179016 7801,"Well..I’m not much of a player. I put $900 into Tesla and forgot about it. It turned into $3600ish. I could use the money, but I think I’ll leave it alone.",The profit takes are hitting the price.,gqimerj,1615425232,1,0,0.9994542002677916 7812,"yeah well TESLA pretty much is saving TEXAS grid. but muh..tendies..FUD ALERT I sold all shares at 650 ps cost 279 and rebought in between 590 and 599..because of...MOAR..I love the stock and the product.....",Don't fall in love with the stock just because you love their product,gq8efrx,1615225187,3,1,0.99834144115448 7813,"This - I'm seeing long term potential for Tesla from a number of different revenue sources and couple lotto tickets in FSD & Dojo ([https://youtu.be/x39G2RSi2-Y](https://youtu.be/x39G2RSi2-Y)) Multi-trillion dollar valuation by 2030 is reasonable when running the numbers.",Don't fall in love with the stock just because you love their product,gq8puat,1615229988,2,1,0.9971852898597716 7819,Test drive the new Audi EV RS Gtron. It’s every bit a Tesla and a bag of chips. Far better looking too,Tesla Sales Nowhere in Netherlands in Feb,gq86f06,1615221851,1,1,0.9986600875854492 7821,Not sure if you are building a case for or against Tesla stock?,Tesla Sales Nowhere in Netherlands in Feb,gq8rvnq,1615230869,2,0,0.999381422996521 7824,"TSLA is being shorted big time. There was an article on it. We just all need to be hold and calm down. They are way ahead of every other car manufacturer and it’s only beginning. On top of that they will have FSD, Tesla insurance, Tesla energy and their cyber truck and $25k hasn’t event come out yet. Let’s be real - anyone you talk to wants a Tesla cause it’s a cool car in general. It will only get better. Diamond hands💎🙌🏼","All the major indexes are up (Dow, S&P, Nasdaq), yet TSLA is down. What's going on?",gpqddh2,1614913572,3,1,0.998095452785492 7826,"Confucius - he say: Bubbles burst The bigger they are, the harder they fall!","All the major indexes are up (Dow, S&P, Nasdaq), yet TSLA is down. What's going on?",gpog173,1614881332,0,1,0.9016146063804626 7831,You're not. I'm old blood Tesla and I just got here from r/gme. Very similar pattern.,"All the major indexes are up (Dow, S&P, Nasdaq), yet TSLA is down. What's going on?",gpqcybn,1614913341,2,0,0.9895673394203186 7837,I’m too am confused about Costco and Amgen. They just keep falling!,"All the major indexes are up (Dow, S&P, Nasdaq), yet TSLA is down. What's going on?",gppble9,1614894593,1,0,0.9994980096817015 7840,"Scared money don’t make money, fuck the nay-sayers . In two years I’m going to be eating crayons on Mars 🚀",Trust but verify,gpnn00w,1614868643,6,1,0.9919173121452332 7843,Tesla should have completed the VW takeover last year.,The German invasion,gpk4u3b,1614794599,2,1,0.9818978905677797 7844,noone wants an ev VW,The German invasion,gpk8s57,1614796291,2,0,0.9982594847679138 7851,I told you guys. Dr. Michael J Burry is a very informed dude. I have been telling about this competition issue and no one listen. Run!!!,Tesla losing market share in Europe,gpix15q,1614772921,2,1,0.9980024695396424 7852,"Exactly. Not only is market share falling, the actual sales volume has fallen in a market which has increased in size. This competition is from a very small number of EV models which are current available for delivery - there are another 150 new ev models announced and coming intro production over this year, so competition is going to hot up. The market for EV's in Europe is growing and will continue to grow but not as fast as the hype because its quite difficult in Europe to put in the charging infrastr",Tesla losing market share in Europe,gpiu6hx,1614770550,2,0,0.997674524784088 7860,I am more looking forward to the next split. That will be well past $900 though.,When will we see $900/share again?,gp2ijs9,1614456537,2,0,0.9969172477722168 7861,Tell me something I don’t already know. I assume that most option traders own the underline stocks and of course we hang on to them just so we can write some calls to compensate our lossss 😭,When will we see $900/share again?,gp2qi4d,1614458627,1,0,0.9949064254760742 7865,"Why realize your losses? Give it a couple of months, and $TSLA will be back at $800 Edit: hold",15% down so far.. Hold or sell?????,gogt2sl,1614092866,9,0,0.9991382360458374 7869,"Not until money easing policy gone, u should just hold or even buy more.",15% down so far.. Hold or sell?????,gohv4yr,1614108391,2,1,0.9957885146141052 7870,"I’ve sold at 755, I wouldn’t suggest selling until at least 700 again, but all of my technical tools are telling me it prob won’t reach that again today unless anything major comes out in the news or something externally affects it",15% down so far.. Hold or sell?????,gohga9y,1614102094,1,1,0.981222927570343 7871,HOLD HARD. Stop listening to retards online the stocks are going to go back up it’s going to take a little time be patient.,15% down so far.. Hold or sell?????,gohk93k,1614103711,1,1,0.9957159161567688 7872,[removed],15% down so far.. Hold or sell?????,gohvs6c,1614108670,-1,0,0.9972092509269714 7873,Sell,15% down so far.. Hold or sell?????,gogwbzo,1614094372,-3,0,0.9977053999900818 7879,Not sure what I’m looking at but it seems you are fucked,"Current situation. Any suggestions where this is going?😅 I have 1,400 long @870 and 1,100 short @835",gljxkul,1612147656,6,0,0.9994875192642212 7887,It’s fixed now. Whew 😥,"Current situation. Any suggestions where this is going?😅 I have 1,400 long @870 and 1,100 short @835",glykkqv,1612419481,1,1,0.9987587928771972 7891,Everybody seems so mixed. People buying up to 820. People thinking it’s going 650 to buy more. Money coming out of Tesla from the GME shorts as they need to free up cash. An absolute frenzy right now 😕,Need a hand here,glimehk,1612125283,3,0,0.993742287158966 7892,"Thanks, we need more people",Need a hand here,gli06v6,1612115157,2,1,0.9960209727287292 7896,"Numerous Tesla bulls have pleaded with the eccentric entrepreneur on Twitter to take things down a notch, with an eye toward his behavior potentially depressing the share price. While he often posts photos and videos of his Falcon Heavy rockets or static fire tests of his latest Raptor engines, the SpaceX boss is known for his love of sharing memes and jokes that push the envelope. His tweets have famously resulted in litigation, such as a defamation suit brought by a British rescuer involved in freeing ","Elon Musk wants Twitter to allow more outrageous posts, but his SpaceX staff reportedly find him embarrassing",icn3fyn,1655420536,-5,1,0.9803617000579834 7900,"seriously, what would you guys consider to be the bottom before it goes back to ascending channel? i was thinking 630 but now i'm not so sure, maybe 500?","That Was Then, This Is Now: How to Trade Tesla",ibgu28f,1654591865,1,0,0.9880263805389404 7901,I've been washing around 670,"That Was Then, This Is Now: How to Trade Tesla",ibh57ez,1654601433,1,0,0.9987095594406128 7906,"I think the ""Model 2"" will likely be an exclusive to cybertaxi item, at least for now. Tesla can get basically more than MSRP for their current cars. Why would they make a cheaper car right now? The only reason it might make sense is a cybertaxi, which likely will be 50% profit margins, compared to the cars, which are 30% profit. Here's my assumptions about cybertaxi: - Production cost $20k - Size: smaller than model 3, 4 or 6 seats, no steering wheel, no center console in 6 seater. - Energy usage: 5m",Tesla model 2,i4o2584,1649915887,4,0,0.9964753985404968 7909,"Bare bones, manual everything, low range, and tiny.",Tesla model 2,i4oo511,1649933638,1,0,0.9994969367980956 7918,"I was fully prepared to be wrong on this, but I’m not. After some digging I think there’s one thing we can agree on: power and energy are easily confused. KWh is a measure of total energy, which ranges in the 60-100 kWh range for a standard EV these days. A dual motor Tesla S has a peak power output of 600-ish kW (this is now energy per unit time, not energy). If an EV gets 300 mi per charge on a 100kWh battery, this would be 3 mi per kWh, independent of the speed driven. Over a 10 hour period, this wo",Tesla model 2,i4vcvhr,1650051696,1,1,0.9942915439605712 7925,"I commuted on public transit / walked to work for 10 years. Did my part. Now I’m driving everywhere. Plus, everyone I know left the city for the burbs.",Pandemic-fueled luxury car boom is to here to stay: J.D. Power,i2x1ooz,1648770805,2,0,0.993053138256073 7927,Seems like you are half a man. I don't think so.,Voting right of a fractional share owner,hvktp94,1643991939,5,0,0.9994757771492004 7929,[removed],Voting right of a fractional share owner,hvp92i3,1644071548,1,0,0.9972092509269714 7930,"That’s true. 🙂 But I was sent a mail to regarding Annual Meeting last October. And I could even cast my votes there. As I understand it, my votes are just less valuable compared to owner of a full vote.",Voting right of a fractional share owner,hvkuf8i,1643992202,2,0,0.9925016164779664 7938,I would love for it to split personally.,Newbie question,hvafplj,1643817469,1,1,0.9937947988510132 7940,[removed],Newbie question,hvrotps,1644112051,1,0,0.9972092509269714 7961,"yup and the mistake a lot of people do is think tesla is a car company.. thats just the tip of it.. They are entering the energy sector (supporting texas electricity grid), have their own insurance (expanding), opening warehouses to meet demand, solar (they have to work on that tho), and among other things, starting a Model 2 (25k car). The biggest advantage they have in their cars is their technology which is leaps and bounds ahead of its competitors and what drove me to buy one over a benz/bmw/audi.",This one is for the short sellers :*,hu2cezg,1643055928,2,1,0.998805046081543 7962,"I agree. As well. I think anyone investing (or at least new to it) really needs to stay away from anything but Blue chips for a bit. Slowly make money DCA in guaranteed stocks with good growth. And learn and maybe experiment with 10-20% of your portfolio when you’re ready and have learned what you need to, charting, EMAs, etc. I’m sticking with smart groups from now on",This one is for the short sellers :*,hu2csck,1643056068,1,1,0.9984394907951356 7963,Anyways I went on a tangent lol. My whole point is I feel regardless of what happens if you’re loaded up on this stock and stocks like it. You won’t be hurt long term on this stock regardless,This one is for the short sellers :*,hu2d31s,1643056185,1,1,0.9987276196479796 7981,"I'm not the gambling type, so none, I just use Tesla as my bubble alert",TSLA getting rotated out?,hu19wef,1643041532,1,0,0.9884806871414183 7987,That's why I like about Tesla. He is the pioneer of a lot of sectors,TSLA getting rotated out?,hu28oyx,1643054494,1,1,0.9987924098968506 7991,"Fantastic! You agree with me that Tesla is not a car company and they are like Amazon, so their valuation should not be like a car company. It's easy for people like you who don't know a lot about Tesla to think that they are just a car company and not really look into the rest. Truth be told, the other businesses could dwarf Tesla's car business within the next couple of years. Ford, GM and the other dinosaurs maybe easier for you to analyze, so you might want to stick with them. They are car companies.",TSLA getting rotated out?,hu1xdzx,1643050226,-1,1,0.9875876307487488 7992,">Fantastic! You agree with me that Tesla is not a car company and they are like Amazon, so their valuation should not be like a car company. I never once disagree with you lol. And I agree, once again, that they shouldn't be like a car company. But that doesn't justify their current valuations. No one and nothing can currently justify their current valuation. >It's easy for people like you who don't know a lot about Tesla to think that they are just a car company That's a crazy assumption internet stran",TSLA getting rotated out?,hu3e6x7,1643073848,2,1,0.9948329925537108 7996,200 swings hurt until they’re in your favor. See you next week 🚀🚀🚀,Trying to keep the faith in TSLA...,htdueei,1642633677,9,1,0.9983277916908264 8000,It’s a mountain not a wall grasshopper.,Trying to keep the faith in TSLA...,htemp6e,1642646120,3,1,0.9918056726455688 8003,"Plus Berlin, Germany Gigafactory in March? Austin, Texas Gigafactory, anytime now!",Trying to keep the faith in TSLA...,hteejgb,1642642498,2,1,0.9972785115242004 8007,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",Trying to keep the faith in TSLA...,htcpels,1642618317,1,0,0.9994649291038512 8015,[removed],Trying to keep the faith in TSLA...,hto1bfq,1642807153,1,0,0.9972092509269714 8019,Or PLTR,Trying to keep the faith in TSLA...,htjq8tp,1642733675,1,0,0.9424213171005248 8026,"No. He exercised 2MM of options and sold almost half of the shares he got from the exercise of the options. Thereafter, he owns about 23MM of options. We do not know when he will exercise the remaining options and the expiry date of those options. I am not sure the 2MM options are exactly 10% of his total TSLA holdings or not.",TSLA sell of,hk56jnm,1636592416,2,0,0.9979360103607178 8029,"""What the hell is a Tesla and who is this Elon Musk guy. Doesn't sound very promising"" \-Me, in 2017, a brand new investor looking to invest a couple grand to see what happens. ​ The hurt is real. Sometimes I'll zoom back my chart to look at the stupid gains that stupid stock made.",Should’ve listen,hjc458b,1636061801,2,0,0.9992352724075316 8036,"Yes short sellers are obligated to provide the dividend to the current holder of those shares. And if the dividend is an NFT, which, unlike cash is not easily obtainable, it really causes them problems. Look up what happened with Overstock.com",Question on shorts,h23zmf9,1623949840,1,0,0.9897828698158264 8040,"I saw May 24th somewhere on YouTube, but that date was on a federal document,now the question is will they push that date back at all once it's all finalized","New EV tax credit bill - Effective after December 31, 2021?",gzwkoz1,1622318838,2,1,0.9969063401222228 8047,"$660 by the end of this week, [Unusual Stocks Options Activity](https://youtu.be/AySaEurm0qg?t=221) shows how smart money switch bullish at Friday close for next week, they knew about this EV tax news before it got to publish.","New EV tax credit bill - Effective after December 31, 2021?",h03p4g4,1622482477,1,1,0.997141659259796 8048,It was really fun to watch... $8 in 5 min and $10 in 10 min. Wow,What’s going on with that last rally?,gzodda7,1622145812,7,1,0.9987855553627014 8050,Tesla will skyrocket when the cybertruck hits the market,What’s going on with that last rally?,gzowqgr,1622154600,3,1,0.997147262096405 8054,Ignore the short term fluctuation as long as it has a bright future.,What’s going on with that last rally?,h1uzinx,1623772541,1,1,0.9963840246200562 8064,I dunno man. Something tells me that the public will view AI day the same way they did battery day and not know WTF is going on. They'll probably just hear that FSD isn't hear yet and sell or give it a negative rating,"$TSLA not looking too good to good here, downside expected to the 600",gxxp9ho,1620874673,2,0,0.9990707635879515 8073,This just makes me want to buy toyota,Tesla's valuation compared to other companies,gy0bvko,1620931095,1,1,0.9973511695861816 8075,"Looking around, FSD does not seem to hold much value in used cars even on Teslas site. I also saw many stories awhile back that Tesla itself does not value FSD when they buy it back. Based on my impression, you should not expect it to have an impact beyond maybe 1-2k.",Have you ever traded in FSD?,gwyc3ej,1620165075,1,0,0.9990783929824828 8077,"As of 1:22 a.m. (New York time), futures are *down*: `/NQ` (-0.50%) `/ES` (-0.33%) The stars are lining up for a drop in share price to a 650 price target ...","When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwe4dev,1619760316,3,0,0.9984500408172609 8089,How's that workin out for ya?,"When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwfqede,1619797257,1,1,0.9972333312034608 8092,Musk’s SNL will boost the SP,"When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwdztoo,1619757097,0,1,0.9980831146240234 8093,I'm too old to seriously think about looong-term ... I need additional income now and am not willing to wait years to make a profit .... I want instant gratification or as near to that as reasonably possible to obtain ...,"When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwim4vt,1619851613,1,1,0.9645553827285768 8095,Yes 500 $ is what I am looking for,"When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwe8m58,1619763596,2,0,0.9950036406517028 8096,"I'm still in disbelief and cannot for the life of me convince myself that it will continue to go up .... SPY and QQQ went down and there was no catalyst for TSLA ... it was an option call thing-a-majig that I still do not understand how it works, but that's what happened and the idea was to make the putters lose their shirts ... If I did not have to work today at my regular profession, I would still have waited on the sidelines with my mouth wide open in disbelief for the entire day ...","When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwilrt8,1619851296,2,0,0.9993003606796264 8098,I see ~610 after ~650,"When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwdh3b8,1619747209,2,0,0.990975558757782 8104,are you waiting for it to dip well below 700? at this point it seems it's not happening. What could cause it in the next few days/weeks?,"When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwry3bh,1620045569,1,0,0.9984460473060608 8105,"well, then trade crypto ... huge risks but also huge reward.","When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwupged,1620089959,1,1,0.997795820236206 8106,"hmmm, I see $711 right now. Still waiting for the $650","When TSLA hits 650 on 04/30, go all in or slightly less?",gwg4l11,1619803254,2,0,0.9991636276245116 8115,"Earnings got no connection to TSLA prize, estimate hype is pure guesswork.",Earnings 04/26,gv7mqik,1618932571,1,0,0.9994949102401732 8121,10k by 2030,Where is TSLA headed?,gsakpoj,1616768037,4,1,0.992492139339447 8122,$425 to cover my second leg short. Covered first leg at $550. Second wave down now. Chopping Wood!,Where is TSLA headed?,gsbfe6u,1616781711,1,0,0.9976626634597778 8123,"Less than $600 got a lot of votes, damn.",Where is TSLA headed?,gscovt8,1616800050,1,1,0.9937362670898438 8124,"Shorts will fill the bag for the ride up, Biden unveils the green infrastructure plan this week EV’s will enjoy months of green",Where is TSLA headed?,gsgkskd,1616859645,1,1,0.9981840252876282 8126,"Shhhh, this is the part where we build the shorts to blow them out of the water on a squeeze.",Where is TSLA headed?,gsdn2or,1616815619,2,0,0.9941315054893494 8128,I think in the short term it’ll go less then 600 with the shorts and the US interest rates and mid term (or after 5/5) it’ll go back up again to a strong growth,Where is TSLA headed?,gsg0y8u,1616851429,1,1,0.9984138011932372 8139,"Long term good move Short term I dunno. Maybe I'll do the same.",Thinking of picking up a few more shares 03/17/2021. Limit order for $625/share?,gr77wd2,1615951415,0,1,0.9976509213447572 8146,Shenanigans....,What the heck was this dip before market close?!,gqe98hi,1615338169,1,1,0.9973130822181702 8148,"It's true, I don't see it either now. Could it be that it was corrected? Something fishy is going on...",What the heck was this dip before market close?!,gqdllui,1615326325,1,0,0.999466359615326 8149,"> whilst Stopped reading",You may have a long wait for your Robo Taxi,gqbzw3f,1615301745,0,0,0.9994010925292968 8156,"I think you’re still too early imo. Maybe we get a bounce here but I don’t think the floor is in. As a reminder Amazon had a 90% drawdown from its 1999 peak price. It was of course a great long term investment, but these hyper growth names can go through insane drawdowns (and rallys).",Tesla,gps9e2v,1614959883,3,0,0.979035496711731 8159,558 now. wait for a dip bigger than this for correction.,Tesla,gpsbyvj,1614961009,1,0,0.9984059929847716 8164,Me too lol,Tesla,gpuj8ni,1614996190,1,1,0.9984329342842102 8172,"Love Tesla and agree with everything you are saying. What’s going on in the market outside of Tesla is the cause of the decline:(",Media trying to reduce public confidence? Let me help you get it back.,gpn2rja,1614855450,3,1,0.9984686970710754 8175,The fact it came back from 619 in minutes this morning shows serious support at those prices. I honestly expected it to tank to 580,Emotional State Right Now,gohttiu,1614107816,1,1,0.9987698197364808 8179,"Just wait till end of this week and early next week, nio will pay off",My poor nio...,gofmjio,1614061152,2,1,0.9916017651557922 8184,"Tesla may take others down with it, but that may not be reflective of this other EV stocks. They didn’t rise as fast, but if they see an equivalent or greater decline by %, then I’m likely to purchase those stocks because I would hope that a Tesla bounce up would take those other stocks up in the updraft.",How will TSLA crash affect Lucid?,goeo4qj,1614042252,2,1,0.9941943287849426 8187,The SPAC bubble is bursting.,How will TSLA crash affect Lucid?,gofio5k,1614058490,1,0,0.9986995458602904 8191,Bruh gme will be bankrupt in 10-20 years LMAO,How will TSLA crash affect Lucid?,gohjz0s,1614103591,1,0,0.998143196105957 8192,"**bursting, the spac bubble is.** *-MrIslanderOcho* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')",How will TSLA crash affect Lucid?,gofipya,1614058521,1,0,0.9977574944496156 8194,"Consider, if the price of a Tesla is always decreasing, and the price of Bitcoin is always advancing... then we live in a financial bubble. And i worry. This is not financial advice, I am a robot. I actually don’t worry. I just fume... get it!",Price reduction moving the stock price?,go2dffc,1613780010,4,0,0.9934764504432678 8197,Expect the Austin plant to be delayed with the snow storm,Price reduction moving the stock price?,go2umxf,1613789036,2,0,0.9994682669639589 8202,At the end of the day it’s Xpeng. Tesla is better!!!,XPENG beats Tesla in Long Range https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3106817/china-leads-industry-powers-electric-cars-country-mile-what-will,gnymiwn,1613701266,2,1,0.9973618388175964 8216,"I put in about £55 worth yesterday but it went through when it was at $816. Did I done goofed with that (I'm still fairly new to Stocks/Trading). I put £20 in the other day when it was at $786","Do we think the price is going to keep dropping, or is now a good time to buy?",gns6uet,1613581455,2,0,0.9988094568252563 8221,Fractional shares?,"Do we think the price is going to keep dropping, or is now a good time to buy?",gnwkw7z,1613668170,2,0,0.9931407570838928 8226,To the moon,237K Put options?!,gmvmz08,1613000967,2,1,0.99433434009552 8237, [$TSLA Gamma Squeeze - tesla post - Imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/9oBnBuR),237K Put options?!,gmwgw89,1613016150,1,1,0.9637759923934937 8239,Buy TSLA. End of discussion,237K Put options?!,gmv9gdh,1612994621,1,1,0.9953729510307312 8257,Answer is yes.,Shares,gjcytxx,1610729842,1,1,0.9982946515083312 8259,Awesome comment.,Shares,gkmmw36,1611519148,1,1,0.9986749291419984 8265,"🤣 zoom out and look at the whole market. Hell… just look at crypto.",Tsla stock!!!,icc7sw8,1655220452,5,1,0.9937135577201844 8269,"My people, TSLA is so well positioned for the next 2 decades for so many reasons: 1. In a time when electric vehicles are at an all time high demand, and, other car companies are trying to spin up electric vehicle operations, Tesla has: Long term Nickel, Lithium, and Copper contracts established -world wide sourced. 2. A battery factory in Nevada, which just so happens to sit next to one of the worlds largest reserves of lithium. Accident? I think not. https://www.2news.com/nevada-mine-could-produce-2",Tsla stock!!!,iceqelh,1655260852,3,1,0.9984946250915528 8271,What's wrong with every stock right now? Market manipulation and shorting from our pals the hedge funds. Must be nice to be at the top of this giant pyramid scheme called the stock market!!!!,Tsla stock!!!,icbtdgj,1655214069,3,0,0.9988970756530762 8272,"Same as every other heavily shorted stock right now. Large margin accounts have no choice but to short their short positions to the max. This gives them a little more rope in 2 ways. 1) Their immediate liquidity goes up, because they just sold something (short). 2) The liability of their larger position goes down (they lowered the cost of their short portfolio). But, if it doesn't work out for them, they get margin called anyway, and have to buy back the whole short portfolio.",Tsla stock!!!,icbtr5i,1655214254,0,0,0.997018814086914 8273,"Samething what all other stocks do. They go up sometimes, down sometimes and sometimes go back to where it used to be. TSLA price action don't look much from SPY. More exaggerated like most other high PE stocks do.",Tsla stock!!!,icfcs6s,1655274835,1,0,0.9933186769485474 8282,He better start tweeting something positive as next support level is 450)),Response to Buyback Proposal?,i9gvp65,1653152573,2,0,0.9971933960914612 8296,"I don't do weekly calls, but I've had a really, really good return trading April $900 call options the past two weeks. Just my round from Thursday the 27th to Monday the 31st made me a 45% return. And I've done it two more times for since for 8-9% returns. EDIT: The volatility is from insane amounts of scalping, which I'm partaking in. It will decay out and scalping will become a losing strategy as there aren't any dips to buy back in and we'll see a steady climb to new heights.",Weekly Tesla calls.,hw8nc8m,1644423172,1,1,0.9985674619674684 8298,"They’ll get there. Same reason there’s nothing in India yet, the infrastructure isn’t quite ready to support and they are still building out existing markets (superchargers). They do already sell to these areas on one-off basis but once the infrastructure starts to develop expect India, Brazil and maybe somewhere in Africa (although I think Berlin will cover most of that continent).",Tesla forgetting something?,hpl1vb8,1640196986,2,1,0.9940510392189026 8303,"Competition is good, more EVs is good.",Rivian -vs- Tesla,hk30z6z,1636561259,6,1,0.9978684186935424 8304,I’ll be surprised is Rivian makes is past a few years without going bankrupt honestly. I feel sorry for people buying into the IPO. I give it 3 years before the either need some major funding rounds or go bankrupt. Either way share holders and getting heavily diluted within the year or so.,Rivian -vs- Tesla,hk3hjqm,1636567668,3,0,0.9992608428001404 8308,Don't buy because of FOMO. [I made a video about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLMZxNtwGcM),Rivian -vs- Tesla,hkhohij,1636831661,1,0,0.9957230091094972 8311,"I think they have the best chance among the new EV start up. Due to Amazon, and ford backing. Especially orders from Amazon. And their IPO raised more than 10billion, it should last them a few years hopefully to get things rolling. But at 100+, it’s too expensive.",Rivian -vs- Tesla,hk43m3r,1636576225,1,1,0.9878913164138794 8316,I could of took a £115 profit before (I’m from England btw) but chose to hold and it’s now down to only £35 profit,Is it stupid to buy in now,hi507l8,1635269230,1,0,0.999311089515686 8318,"That’s really up to you if you want to trade it or not. But I’m telling you I have been in that situation probably a dozen times. In the end you will make way less money trading for a number of reasons. The main one being taxes. When I was new to stocks I looked at it the same way as you, but once I got screwed enough I realized I had to change my tactics.",Is it stupid to buy in now,hie8peq,1635436928,1,0,0.9989608526229858 8327,"Well, it’s your loss 😎",Srsly tired from this stock and it's CEO,h5dup33,1626433909,1,1,0.9930725693702698 8330,">hopefully will be able to find a good price point to buy back in famous last words...",Srsly tired from this stock and it's CEO,h5dc75p,1626418209,3,1,0.993737816810608 8333,">overpriced ​ !remindme 1 year",Srsly tired from this stock and it's CEO,h5bev5n,1626380539,1,0,0.9985451698303224 8334,"i love the range though. it moves so much up and down. its great for snatching premium with covered calls. which i use to buy other stocks i have my eye on.",Srsly tired from this stock and it's CEO,h5bilif,1626382162,1,1,0.9987461566925048 8337,"Model S delivery. Maybe sales figure that confirm they are on track for 1 million or more delivery.",Are there any concrete catalysts on the horizon?,gx2zo1g,1620253819,2,1,0.9968644976615906 8344,"Up hopefully, above 800-850usd would be nice",whats your guess after T$LA announces earning? will the stock dip or go up? 800$ maybe?,gvyfo6h,1619460202,4,1,0.9941709637641908 8347,Crazy,whats your guess after T$LA announces earning? will the stock dip or go up? 800$ maybe?,gvz6w7q,1619471920,1,1,0.997162401676178 8351,"You can keep your 401k and still invest in Tesla, just allocate some (or all) of your portfolio to a different mutual fund. I found out I was invested 100% into Vanguard 2060 (slow growth, shares in fossil fuel and weapons manufacturing, all around dumb). I moved everything into higher-risk mutual funds that allocate shares in renewables, tech, healthcare etc. and now 60% of my 401k is divided between two funds whose top share is TSLA. Effectively this puts around 8% of my 401k in Tesla stock.",Stop contributing to work 401k and buy Tesla stocks?,gvttnww,1619365926,2,0,0.9990851879119872 8352,If your employer does any matching stick with contributing up to whatever they match otherwise just max IRA instead and TSLA options. A lot of 401k have such stupid fees anyway they end up not being worth it especially if you aren’t afraid of risk and not planning to retire soon. I converted all of my IRA to TSLA last year and it’s worked out so far.,Stop contributing to work 401k and buy Tesla stocks?,gv4qnbc,1618868382,1,1,0.9922582507133484 8360,"The ""bears"" are actually short sellers peddling garbage that they do not care if it is true or false. They are not true believers or true deniers. They are ""traders"" or ""traitors"". ​ Is the stock price too high, yes and it will go higher. Sales of Tesla products are only going up and stock price will follow.",Do the bears actually believe any of their propaganda?,gt9vfsi,1617477653,1,0,0.9965822100639344 8365,"Wondering if tsla was a good place to park $$ to ride out the pandemic for big funds. Now that reopening is looking good, $$ are being moved out??",Tired of the echo chamber,gsecdnw,1616830927,2,0,0.9871616959571838 8377,Why even comment,Tired of the echo chamber,gsluihl,1616957512,1,0,0.9993044137954712 8379,Why even comment? Nobody said they were selling.,Tired of the echo chamber,gslujeo,1616957524,1,0,0.9994988441467284 8380,Could you rephrase that last bit? Not sure I can make sense of it.,Tired of the echo chamber,gsluspd,1616957650,1,0,0.9994760155677797 8381,Agreed,Tired of the echo chamber,gsluuzi,1616957681,1,1,0.9969826340675354 8382,There nothing but empty echos in here. It does indeed make you wonder if you are right about tsla,Tired of the echo chamber,gsq6bxj,1617049643,2,0,0.9994888305664062 8385,Too much concentration! You have to diversify into sectors that lost last year with the pandemia. Keep a balance is a win win,TSLA vs Nasdaq returns?,gs7a7ox,1616697410,1,1,0.9966596364974976 8387,I think you're fairly diversified for an aggressive portfolio. Don't put all your money in any single stock unless you love living on the edge and are prepared for the possibility of losing most or even all of your investment.,TSLA vs Nasdaq returns?,gs8ro4u,1616722287,1,1,0.9977558255195618 8392,"> Tesla is at a 30% drop right now. It hasn’t done that...Umm, ever. This should be an indicator the shorts might be right this time.",TSLA vs Nasdaq returns?,gsqclpd,1617052577,1,0,0.9991521835327148 8393,Should I set a limit order to sell all TSLA at $650 and then buy back in in a few days?,This video (stock market crash) scared the crap out of me ... is there any merit?,gs00dfj,1616549397,1,0,0.9821115732192992 8406,I don't know.... CAN YOU REPEAT THE QUESTIONNNN,Is inflation a real issue for Tesla in the short term or at least for 2021?,gr89sb6,1615983661,1,0,0.9966135621070862 8408,"Long term investing, no. You are still getting a discount for the price in 15-20 years. Keep buying. But the question wasn’t investing. It was Short term trading, so the answer is. YES, this dude can drop down to $200 by summer. Markets are confused, because the Fed is being feckless. So the scared little bunnies (big money, including Tesla) are on the fence about what to do. Play with the bulls, or run into their holes (hoard their money) from the bears. (Why you think Elon is pumpin",Is inflation a real issue for Tesla in the short term or at least for 2021?,grgfrm5,1616137377,1,1,0.9906697273254396 8421,"Well said Sir clit muffin, I am a friend of your kind. 550 sale was beautiful, I cried. Then bought 100 shares. But still have 75 locked up in the tower of hold thy bag @ 800 🤦🏻‍♂️",F@&K,gqloqm9,1615488223,1,1,0.9977471232414246 8422,We will surpass it eventually. Hold that shit for 5 year minimum .,F@&K,gqlzta6,1615493030,3,1,0.9865145087242126 8429,One way is to have pre and post market trading with your account and it shows the prices.,Premarket rise,gqkq3pj,1615472858,1,1,0.9977583885192872 8430,That isn't a key sell signal.,Tesla just crossed key sell signal - the beast is unleashed.,gqiuivo,1615429434,2,0,0.9927525520324708 8432,"I wonder if it will hold 650@ 100ma, if it breaks 650 I’m going back at the puts",Tesla just crossed key sell signal - the beast is unleashed.,gqh7ers,1615401660,1,0,0.9930631518363952 8436,Trying to scare people to sell. What are your options expiring out of the money.,Tesla just crossed key sell signal - the beast is unleashed.,gqn55os,1615513053,1,0,0.9993884563446044 8439,"Hold Tesla to the moon!",$TSLA price target. A bear case. $350 PPS,gqc6ich,1615304416,2,1,0.996986448764801 8443,And after today’s movement?,$TSLA price target. A bear case. $350 PPS,gqd4qxt,1615318852,1,1,0.9959741234779358 8446,Have a feeling it’ll hover around 600 for a while,$TSLA to the noon,gqb9w7b,1615284552,3,0,0.9943859577178956 8455,You are mixing up gross margin and bottom line.,Can someone check my math,gq8cgvl,1615224401,1,0,0.9994826316833496 8468,I’m going to go with white knuckle tendies for $500 Alex,Stimu bump or dump?,gpfbp6y,1614700267,1,0,0.9961265921592712 8469,Sweet 😎,Stimu bump or dump?,gpfpyyc,1614706548,1,1,0.9986171722412108 8476,"Make it now, and make a shit ton of coins so we can get it cheap. By the time Elon Musk passes my people would be rich. Its only gonna go up, dude is taking us to mars.",Elon Cryptocurrency,go24lst,1613775492,2,1,0.9913600087165833 8477,When precisely are we going to be living in Mars? 😂😂😂,Elon Cryptocurrency,go90ii5,1613931942,1,1,0.99760639667511 8478,I think Papa Elon should release it and make it tied in such a way as an inheritance in his estate.,Elon Cryptocurrency,go3hai2,1613802912,1,1,0.9850244522094728 8489,So what!,Stop the Shorts,glhhqq3,1612106191,1,1,0.9925999641418456 8494,"Starlink is expected to create revenue streams of 30-50 billion$ annually even with 3-5% penetration. Services can be scaled-up faster than cabled services and bring parity to users in remote areas, bringing new users and business dynamics in this space",Tesla Success will pave the way to 1 Trillon$ ISP market disruption,giu29zf,1610335144,2,1,0.9986887574195862 8501,"It's now trading at PE, should be 40 suggesting 300-400 but if you also consider the increased competition from Korea and Germany profits will drop so the stock should probably drop a bit more, my guess is that it will level out at 200 within 12-18 months.","Anyone going to buy TSLA stock?, or are you waiting for it to drop below $50 a share?",ibqz3la,1654792508,1,1,0.9975628852844238 8510,Musk doesn’t seem happy with the way things are going.,"Anyone going to buy TSLA stock?, or are you waiting for it to drop below $50 a share?",ib3plii,1654305954,1,0,0.9994582533836364 8517,"What makes you think an acquisition would offer the best return on investment for Tesla, rather than using it to fund its own growth? I’m not saying Tesla won’t, I’m just genuinely curious to know why you believe it will.",Acquisition targets,ia4edkq,1653603530,3,1,0.9700698256492616 8519,"Also not to be ignored - a mining company is definitely not CO2 neutral neither sustainable. Asquiring a mining company would destroy the thesis, that TSLA has sustainable practices.",Acquisition targets,ia60vti,1653635812,1,0,0.9988331198692322 8525,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",Acquisition targets,ia7bff5,1653664964,0,0,0.9994649291038512 8526,"I mean even I had some TSLA puts yesterday with the fed news, but they are much riskier than calls with TSLA down so much on such solid fundamentals. Today feels soon for another large recovery and I'm just holding my long position. It doesn't feel blood bathy, just not optimistic, but we're entering the last hour, so we'll find out. Things that would be actually bad for TSLA are bad for the whole world (Ukraine spills into NATO or China hits Taiwan). Even things like India banning Teslas is a nothing burg",Whale Traders Riding Waves,i7l8q3n,1651864287,3,1,0.9980629086494446 8527,I lost $4000 on Tesla calls 🙄,Whale Traders Riding Waves,i7m73ss,1651880395,2,0,0.9994175434112548 8531,I had my Tesla Y front windshield broken over a Little Rock while driving. It stretched so I took it to dealer to get it repaired. Cost $1500. Called insurance and they covered $500,Tesla warranty coverage?,i722nxo,1651515312,2,0,0.9962371587753296 8538,Tesla doesn’t report monthly production. Tesla China does report Domestic sell and export.,Is Tesla still reporting monthly production numbers?,hvdjgl5,1643860976,3,0,0.9905821084976196 8542,"Usually about a week after. (I can’t remember exactly how many days) Right now it’s Chinese New Year holiday, dunno if there will be delay or not.",Is Tesla still reporting monthly production numbers?,hvdovyl,1643863585,1,1,0.9932589530944824 8546,No worries. The format is off 👌,ARKK investments,husidtc,1643504549,1,1,0.997761368751526 8549,[removed],resistance,hu3d44v,1643073383,1,0,0.9972092509269714 8552,"""Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",resistance,hu2uyzq,1643062964,1,0,0.9994649291038512 8555,qqqs seem to want lower :(,resistance,hu6anl5,1643130380,1,0,0.9993420243263244 8556,[deleted],Gapping on Monday ??,hsoe9n0,1642193502,5,0,0.9980586171150208 8558,Gapping... In which direction? Everything listed sounds bullish to me!,Gapping on Monday ??,hsnrqwg,1642184766,3,1,0.9976677298545836 8560,"Testing 900$ range ? More likely so https://invescohood.com/tesla-stock-analysis/",Gapping on Monday ??,ht2h25n,1642444064,2,0,0.9963645339012146 8568,Why does it matter? You can buy fractional shares.,Will Tesla split again?,hrleg04,1641529516,8,0,0.9957400560379028 8575,Honestly what the hell are you waiting for? Stop trying to time the market and just get involved.,Missed the Dip??,hm4pm0k,1637910961,7,1,0.9926080703735352 8607,1200,Future,gzzod3t,1622393821,1,1,0.9838507771492004 8615,GOOD answer > 3x less than in 2024,Future,h1vo8i9,1623783013,1,1,0.9932035207748412 8621,How heavy is your btc bag?,Fair Investing - Is Tesla a nice candidate?,gxzj95r,1620919114,1,1,0.8069431185722351 8622,"What about sustainability and ecologic coherence of their production? 'Cause something's gotta be sustainable if it has to be of real value.",Fair Investing - Is Tesla a nice candidate?,gy2zps5,1620987071,1,0,0.99290269613266 8633,"IF you sell, you will have to pay taxes on your gains. Buy and HOLD. You don't sound experienced enough to be messing around with day trading.",advice - new trader,guoiddx,1618540434,5,0,0.9986203908920288 8635,BUY & HODL,advice - new trader,gumzofa,1618514039,5,0,0.9562015533447266 8639,"if you can't answer your question yourself, you shouldn't be putting money in the market.",advice - new trader,guqzy0x,1618595475,2,0,0.9995087385177612 8646,Congratz on your BIG wins. My condolences to all the TSLA short sellers.,"Cheers to all the negative bitches that called Tesla @ 400 this week, I made 45k in two days. How should we repay your negative, no money, subway riding same suit all week losers?",guhmadh,1618409483,3,1,0.9981966614723206 8654,I’m 32,"Cheers to all the negative bitches that called Tesla @ 400 this week, I made 45k in two days. How should we repay your negative, no money, subway riding same suit all week losers?",guic5mm,1618420839,0,1,0.9928049445152284 8656,I was going to return your wife’s text but her boyfriend called,"Cheers to all the negative bitches that called Tesla @ 400 this week, I made 45k in two days. How should we repay your negative, no money, subway riding same suit all week losers?",guicdc1,1618420928,0,0,0.9977754950523376 8658,"They don't have to disclose short positions, afaik.",Proof of Michael Burry's shorts?,grlm63u,1616256339,1,0,0.9767053723335266 8663,"DCA any chance I can get - don't be upset if it takes off on you, but all the better if you're able to get in at a lower price. ​ [https://youtu.be/x39G2RSi2-Y](https://youtu.be/x39G2RSi2-Y)",TSLA needs to bottom more before I buy. Im looking at around 620,gri3b9l,1616175143,2,0,0.9796184301376344 8664,DCA,TSLA needs to bottom more before I buy. Im looking at around 620,grk39am,1616212319,2,0,0.9219602942466736 8677,That’s if you want to exercise and buy the actual underlying shares. You don’t have to.,Please help me! This was my first major call option and I have no idea what I’m doing?,gqdtzl6,1615330257,3,0,0.9866932034492492 8680,"The contract trades similar to the stock, so just click it and it should give you the option to sell",Please help me! This was my first major call option and I have no idea what I’m doing?,gqdxzyx,1615332266,4,0,0.99115389585495 8681,Regained roughly half of my losses the last month jsut from one day... let’s go Tesla I believe in you.,Tesla back to the 🚀,gqdhb1d,1615324428,1,1,0.9987823367118835 8683,Thank you for sharing. I think some parts of your analysis are missing the point that Tesla is a hybrid company partially car manufacturer and partially self driving technology. I think your valuation could be off because you are not considering the portion of the 1 trillion that will go to self driving business where billions could be needed. You have correctly compared Tesla with auto manufacturers but not factored it’s self driving business driving where comparable P/E ratios do not exist. Competitors ,TSLA Short Analysis,gq5ac8q,1615155454,6,1,0.9918843507766724 8685,Buy and hold. It will up. Never short tsla!!!,TSLA Short Analysis,gq70t28,1615196120,2,1,0.9972104430198668 8694,This is a discussion community. I think people should have the right to say “buy and hold”. This is 100% the right place.,TSLA Short Analysis,gq7m2nq,1615212646,3,1,0.9986466765403748 8700,Thanks,"What is good entry price to wait, is it already fallen or more drop expected in few weeks ahead?",gq59eni,1615155062,2,1,0.998206615447998 8703,This could still go a ways...,"Dummies must be running out of shares to sell, right?",gptffva,1614978483,1,0,0.98721444606781 8704,The lower the price the more you can buy..... This sell of is amazing 💲💲,"Dummies must be running out of shares to sell, right?",gpvl8lw,1615012088,1,1,0.9986878037452698 8706,I called a $600 close for Tesla. 40 points ago,Tesla scraping off the lows,gptd8ns,1614977479,1,1,0.9881575703620912 8709,"Unwind your positions and get whatever you can back. If you wanna YOLO, do it properly and spend the change on OTM options.",What should I do ??,gpocnmb,1614879900,1,0,0.9909006357192992 8710,"On margin too, dam man...",What should I do ??,gppptc0,1614901346,1,1,0.995585799217224 8711,Hold,What should I do ??,gpqvnxk,1614925044,1,0,0.8789187669754028 8739,Let's see how the market reacts to this news in the morning! Remember tesla was 2500 dollars before the stock split. It can still get back to that. Elons company is way more valuable then Jeff's Amazon.,"Cathy Woods bought 273,105 shares of Tesla today with her ark investments 🤞🏼👊🏼",gofnsbo,1614062089,1,1,0.9980448484420776 8744,I bought in in 2013 at $90 a share. Granted they split but cmon. That’s not what happened.,"$ 820, that's it. Ondřej Tomek starts selling Tesla shares, holding billions of crowns in them",glwcexn,1612380643,1,0,0.9844058156013488 8749,If you are crying about a 10% swing you might want to think about your decision of buying individual stock.,I sold my 14 Tesla stocks at $840,glec0ac,1612034640,9,0,0.9994282126426696 8753,Long holding,I sold my 14 Tesla stocks at $840,gleaust,1612034113,2,0,0.9994580149650574 8756,"Don't trade, just hold it for 10 years, you will appreciate.",I sold my 14 Tesla stocks at $840,glgdrpm,1612073234,2,1,0.9983665347099304 8765,"I am holding and adding on dips. was a great quarter and the 2021 guidance is likely conservative. this company is the future. also shorts love this stock, don't let them win!",I sold my 14 Tesla stocks at $840,glj91t6,1612135917,1,1,0.9988116025924684 8767,"TSLA is doing nothing but going up...this isn't a fad or movement on reddit. It just is a strong stock backed by lots of data and potential. When Elon decides to merge all his companies into 1...the stock will literally go to the moon. (Not financial advice)",I sold my 14 Tesla stocks at $840,glmgrfx,1612200789,1,1,0.998696506023407 8772,"You just missed the pullback...today. After today it will never be the same. Do a ""remindme! 30 days""",I sold my 14 Tesla stocks at $840,glmh216,1612200903,1,0,0.9967361092567444 8773,Just hold to $5k!,I sold my 14 Tesla stocks at $840,glpjf34,1612254038,1,1,0.992745041847229 8784,Zero.,Is there any solid proof that the pi phone is going to be a Tesla product?,i86dvo4,1652272850,1,0,0.9993417859077454 8798,"Are you the author of the book? Can you summarize what the message is? I can say…. For anyone who read the Bible, can expect we will eventually die and end up in heaven or hell.","Anyone who owns a copy of the book ""The Mars Hypothesis"" knows what is coming to the stock market in October and for how long. Here is a hypothesis that the Federal Reserve can set interest rates based on the movements of the planet Mars",hesq7m3,1632965327,1,0,0.9342297911643982 8806,"Source? The only news about Tesla in the Netherlands I can find recently is [a report on the downturn in sales of Tesla ascribed to a change in the tax rules for company cars. ](https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2021/06/tesla-is-no-longer-the-most-popular-electric-car-brand-in-nl/)",Things are not going well for Tesla in the Netherlands,h30u6t4,1624645534,2,0,0.9935983419418336 8810,He is giving a nod to AMC and GME fighting the shorts.,the 2nd? what is it about,h23o9bu,1623945006,1,0,0.9913286566734314 8812,yea -- he will always be Tusk to me-- but yea also wondering--,the 2nd? what is it about,h22ggpy,1623919351,0,1,0.992091178894043 8813,"Ok. So I sold 15 550 put contracts expiring 5/21. Got a good size premium for it. Stock price was at 617. I’m in an indifference point. Would not mind at all getting assigned, it’s about 800k. I feel like I got paid to buy TSLA cheap and average down my cost. TSLA is going through the roof with investors that really can see the huge value in its powerful contribution to mankind!",Hoping it hits 550,gy3capd,1620995683,2,1,0.6675614714622498 8820,$40,Hoping it hits 550,gyesp5u,1621227468,0,0,0.9964053630828856 8827,"So the entire market is in the RED but all you see is supposedly bad news about Tesla everywhere. Geeez, when will the HF stop hating.",Tesla halts expansion in china and sales in China dropping,gxsjqt5,1620776472,3,0,0.9993014335632324 8838,"Yes, if Tesla can't show an ability to generate serious earnings soon then the stock needs to be repriced to reflect that reality. I suspect that is what will slowly happen. Of course there's a reasonable chance Tesla will surprise with higher earnings growth over the next few quarters which would then support the high valuations.",Seems market sentiment has turned against Tesla,gwy8w7b,1620163695,1,0,0.993845283985138 8839,"Forget about the German gigafactory I'll be finished way too late",Will TSLA hit 1M deliveries in 2021?,gvx8xd8,1619440868,1,0,0.9994152784347534 8844,"If I had full paychecks and was not losing 700$ due to bs taxes I might actually be able to buy a tesla Thanks libtards for taxing me to death",Elon hosting SNL and liberals screeching,gvw87v4,1619410578,-2,0,0.9994633793830872 8857,"I'm a believer, but want to make extra profit on the way up to the long-term goals. I like $TSLA because if I screw up and buy-in too high, then the worst that can happen is I have to wait a few weeks until the stock comes back up to the price point where I bought in too high. I locked up a good chunk of change at $702-ish because I bought-in on the way down and was in shell-shock as the price kept dropping each day ... A lesson of 6-weeks -- without having the benefit of two-thirds of my $CASH has taugh",Looking for $TSLA buying opportunities on 04/08 and 04/09 ...,gtrk4fk,1617849686,3,1,0.994455635547638 8861,"Trying to find someone with a fat finger, take advantage of a novice options trader, manipulate the stock price",Level II bid / ask oddities,gr2avuq,1615848546,1,0,0.9986658096313475 8868,Who knows what he is,Telsa has bottomed at set to 🚀 soar,gqartl4,1615268161,1,0,0.9984976053237916 8873,"What change negativity? Nothing. Tesla had is best year ever in 2020 and 2021 will beat it. 👍",3 months graphic. Same level price. People have no memory...,gpysoxv,1615044573,3,1,0.9981180429458618 8875,Monday tesla will be sniffing 800. July/august its 1k +. If q2 and q3 earnings blow it out of the park it could be 1500-2k EOY,3 months graphic. Same level price. People have no memory...,gq3g6ep,1615124103,1,1,0.9970861077308656 8882,The Bireme capital summary of Tesla's position is pretty accurate. It may slightly underestimate the competitive position because not only are existing car manufacturers switching to EV production but Tesla's stock market success has encouraged several other new entrants into the EV market - so competition is going to very fierce. 150 new models coming in over the next year or so!,Another Investment management firm goes short,gpk292r,1614793497,-2,1,0.9976997971534728 8883,One fart out of Elon and the stock is at $1200,Shorting Tesla With Michael Burry,gphm60b,1614738109,10,0,0.984419286251068 8894,He’s a fUnDaMeNtAlIsT,Shorting Tesla With Michael Burry,gphma21,1614738168,1,1,0.9960772395133972 8896,Cant its to much :) over 10 gs,Shorting Tesla With Michael Burry,gpl01xj,1614808107,2,1,0.9986697435379028 8897,Lol,Shorting Tesla With Michael Burry,gplnaaq,1614819890,1,1,0.9886379837989808 8899,It was. A glitch !!!,TSLA 30% up after hours???? Or a glitch?,gowhqz3,1614379569,1,0,0.9992049336433412 8903,Glitch,TSLA 30% up after hours???? Or a glitch?,gowkqqd,1614380502,1,0,0.9980393052101136 8911,"Previous support levels have little to do with new ones, but tsla had strong support at 590 from dec3-dec4, support at 580 whenever it hit that after dec 2, strong support at 550 too — this is from a 5 minute glance at the graph so take it with a grain of salt, I’d like to reiterate once a support has been broken for months it’s unlikely that support will hold the same level of support, however I’d suggest that whole numbers, eg. 500,600,700 all have very strong support/resistance, you’ll notice today even ",I’m bad at technical analysis...,gohfrwx,1614101915,1,1,0.9916943907737732 8915,"TSLA is more than just a car company!! If you are a investor then you hold. If you are a trader then you should be buying, sellers already missed their chance this go round. I'm long on TSLA.",should i sell my tsla?,gogft1j,1614085843,5,1,0.9984857439994812 8918,i just bought more today.,should i sell my tsla?,goe8qk2,1614034683,3,1,0.9978545308113098 8924,"After the wild ride this morning, I would hold. Bitcoin cannot be kept down forever and Tesla will rise with it",should i sell my tsla?,goh3ow7,1614097492,1,1,0.9985578656196594 8927,I told you guys to sell when it was at $820,should i sell my tsla?,godqkka,1614026461,-10,0,0.9992663264274596 8928,Everything has to go perfectly for Tesla for the next ten years to justify today's stock price. Musk has proved he is amazing. A lot of people have faith and believe in his extraordinary abilities.,should i sell my tsla?,godui56,1614028200,2,1,0.9983226656913756 8935,"Only difference is King Canute fought against the elements Elon musk is utilizing the elements Plus the 4680 batteries are going to be so dope",should i sell my tsla?,goe91sq,1614034829,2,1,0.9980712532997132 8936,"If Tesla did this, then they wouldn't be considered a technology company. Under these circumstances, they'd be considered an investment company. Instead of buying something from Ark Investments, people could just buy Tesla because of the large diversification in so many industries. One would then start comparing Tesla to Ark instead of comparing it to Google, Facebook, Intel, Nvidia, Microsoft, all of which enjoy higher than usual PE ratios.",What would Elon do?,go1ysfc,1613772601,3,0,0.9941001534461976 8939,"Honestly Tesla is not a stock you want day trade or use margin. The volatility might make it enticing but its a buy and hold stock. It will eventually go up but I don't know when.",What should I do?,gnry4jx,1613577734,3,0,0.9977927207946776 8941,"Tbh ....You bought in high! You haven’t lost anything until you sell though. With the cannabis thing, and gas prices, plus the other crazy stuff happening in our economy.... I think it will get much worse before getting better. I got into Tesla at $289 presplit and I really wanna take my gains. But when it goes back up I will be kicking my own ass",What should I do?,gnro26p,1613573001,2,0,0.9972335696220398 8942,"Yeah I'm a new trader, I've realised this now haha",What should I do?,gns0uwz,1613578919,1,1,0.9969419836997986 8949,Shorts must be havin' diamond hands. Tesla to will go to $5K!,Short volume,glpja7h,1612253921,1,0,0.9981587529182434 8955,"Amusing. In fact they are upgrading the vehicles and merging the assembly lines at the same time. Which is why they chose this time of year to make these improvements.",TSLA fud in swiss news,gjeu1g1,1610763233,1,1,0.998620629310608 8957,"Hehe yes, you will get your Twitter shares when you arrive at Mars. Same for everyone so its really fair.",Holding Company,i6ay8gd,1651000324,1,1,0.9940943121910096 8971,"My previous boss once told me.................... You get paid what you're worth.................... Tesla is worth what it's market cap is..............","This is not worth 1 trillion , its ....",hi0ovpc,1635188228,6,1,0.9983293414115906 8972,How much did you lose on the puts you had 😆,"This is not worth 1 trillion , its ....",hi0ur35,1635190539,4,0,0.9992955923080444 8984,FUD Alert....,Tesla losing Carbon Credits,gx4vgeb,1620297447,6,0,0.9965456128120422 8990,"How can a company that’s currently building HUGE new factories show profit of the vehicles alone? Tesla is doing what it needs to do, making it possible to build more vehicles. There won’t be very much profit generated until things are in place. But wait, there is profit and actually the numbers are better than expected. Who gives af where the money came from? So what the credits are going away .... or are they? And the btc move. It’s like some slick way of using their 33k/btc to their advantage. No t",Tesla losing Carbon Credits,gx766t0,1620335707,2,0,0.9842961430549622 8991,Jeez.. it was a lie. https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-giga-berlin-isnt-facing-6-month-delay-jorg-steinbach-interview/,Tesla losing Carbon Credits,gxch9fp,1620440659,2,0,0.9990885257720948 8992,"Did you not read that Tesla have already sold out of cars for Q2, the queue for Tesla’s is shattering to grow! Also the cost of building all of these new giga factories is going to ramp down as they reach completion, which will mean less overheads ramping down and production ramping up, reduction in credits is all planned in.",Tesla losing Carbon Credits,gx98aji,1620381258,1,0,0.7240848541259766 8997,"What is truly amazing is that for about a century, no big car manufactures or EV startups could resolve this battery problem. Elon came in and not only resolved the issues with the huge batteries and puts it in between the chassis to balance the car but also improved the lithium battery among other things that Tesla does and suddenly everyone has become an EV car expert and are looking for a way to get him out of the way. A few examples: GM, Ford, VW and NIO. Tesla is over 10 years ahead in technology and ",Tesla losing Carbon Credits,gx8mrb6,1620362876,1,1,0.9985448122024536 8999,"I’m sure Elon and the team has thought about this risk, and perhaps there’s a reason why Tesla is testing and has deployed Boston Dynamics robots at the CyberTruck site.",Autonomous Transport Truck Design Flaw,gvvbtsk,1619391958,2,0,0.9963741898536682 9007,haha I've gone through this as well many times. I've stopped day trading it so actively due to the inevitable impossibility of never timing it correctly. I hit big and lost decently so I've landed on the green side but it saves so much time and anxiety not doing this lol.,"How to day-trade when TSLA is in ""beast-mode"" upwards?",gv24ruh,1618819302,3,0,0.9977565407752992 9010,"When you feel it may start the rally, Maybe look at 5 minute intervals and jump right in.","How to day-trade when TSLA is in ""beast-mode"" upwards?",gv2euc7,1618828556,1,1,0.9957591891288756 9027,Stop being a day trader,"On an uptrend, is it a viable strategy to sell at open and buy back between 10:00 to 10:45 a.m.?",gqvzru6,1615718141,3,0,0.996402382850647 9028,Yeah that works till it doesn’t,"On an uptrend, is it a viable strategy to sell at open and buy back between 10:00 to 10:45 a.m.?",gqvzvsc,1615718258,2,0,0.9971852898597716 9036,Dude if people could call the market they wouldn’t be on Reddit.. do the best you can with what you got and keep it movin,Does this mean it'll drop?,gqcn0xm,1615310784,1,1,0.9950670003890992 9037,500 first. That’s my entry,🤯TESLA STOCK: Elon Musk just CONFIRMED Tesla’s HUGE 2021 plans || Buy Now? || Tesla Stock Prediction,gq5kru9,1615160700,3,1,0.9950771927833556 9040,Don’t sell low not ever,Give you 48 hour warning CASH OUT before it’s to late 🪤 Thank me later #1000011110,gppsjet,1614902749,2,1,0.9891172051429749 9048,They are still not ultra cheap. Still costs anywhere from 1100-7000 depending on what terms you choose,Bought 2 TSLA April calls today on dip,gou4keh,1614352613,1,0,0.9951232075691224 9051,Probs hit a low of 750 then bounce back to 850 and stay around there ? Peoples thoughts ?,Is TSLA consolidating around the 700s? Thoughts?,gnxtuby,1613686911,3,1,0.9961503744125366 9057,"Tomorrow will be the day. If it holds around 780-800 end of day, I think it will go up next week.",Is TSLA consolidating around the 700s? Thoughts?,gnyngkl,1613701753,3,1,0.9984537363052368 9060,800,Is TSLA consolidating around the 700s? Thoughts?,go0flak,1613746871,1,1,0.974521815776825 9066,Care to share your positions and total gains using this 'manic/depressive cycle' stock shorting technique?,Elon Musk seems to be entering into the bad part of his manic/depressive cycle.,hvqq54p,1644096202,3,1,0.996815025806427 9069,Lots of shill content hating on Tesla lately,Elon Musk seems to be entering into the bad part of his manic/depressive cycle.,hvqx5bd,1644099401,2,0,0.99885892868042 9074,[deleted],Elon Musk seems to be entering into the bad part of his manic/depressive cycle.,hvrftjk,1644107837,1,0,0.9980586171150208 9076,Yeah. Robots not approved by board. Conference call was a joke. No infer stock tanked,Elon Musk seems to be entering into the bad part of his manic/depressive cycle.,hvs3lga,1644123402,0,0,0.9994888305664062 9078,"TSLA's board of Directors is eventually going to act. Until then, this is money laying on the ground for anyone to pick up. By all means, hold this stock, but there is no reason not to make easy money when Elon is struggling and losing his mind so publicly.",Elon Musk seems to be entering into the bad part of his manic/depressive cycle.,hvpx01w,1644081593,3,0,0.9983720183372498 9081,"I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2022-02-13 00:37:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-02-13%2000:37:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TSLA/comments/slb7q3/elon_musk_seems_to_be_entering_into_the_bad_part/hvrftjk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTSLA%2Fcomments%2Fslb7q3%2Felon_musk_seems_to_be_entering_into_the_bad",Elon Musk seems to be entering into the bad part of his manic/depressive cycle.,hvrfvzz,1644107869,1,0,0.997895121574402 9082,"The board will never do anything to him. He is the company. Silence him and you essentially shut down the company. This was the Steve Jobs issue many years ago. It gets bad if you’re a shareholder because you live the highs of the company but it’s held at bay by its CEO’s careless rants. Often times he says things that are awe inspiring and just genius. But other times he comes across as someone you want to keep the hell away from. It’s also a problem for any shareholder who’s ceo has making",Elon Musk seems to be entering into the bad part of his manic/depressive cycle.,hvtrqej,1644164758,2,0,0.9994183778762816 9085,Just buy shares this isn’t a meme stock to trade wildly over,"1k gone, will 0,9k hold",hvawoa7,1643823653,8,1,0.998444139957428 9092,"I do the same with a small portion of my shares. I have been doing 20-25% out of the money, 3 weeks till expiry. What about you?","1k gone, will 0,9k hold",hvbyx6c,1643837807,1,0,0.99633127450943 9093,Full self driving,"1k gone, will 0,9k hold",hvbrv8j,1643835294,1,1,0.9962751865386964 9095,"the day Tesla offer a car that can go to a parking lot on it's own and come back and pick me up on my request then I would be really concerned to be a Tesla stock owner, unless you think that the vehicle owner is prepared to take responsibility for what the car does on its own","1k gone, will 0,9k hold",hvkb0ez,1643984571,1,0,0.9993407130241394 9097,Elmer FUD,"1k gone, will 0,9k hold",hwymu0t,1644876011,1,0,0.9921743869781494 9098,"20-25% over current share price typically...I then try to work it. Buy it back if a big red day and sell to open on a pop. Tesla has been so volatile that it's working well. I take the proceeds and buy more shares...""earning"" about 1 per month this way and haven't been exercised yet. If it pops 25% in 2 weeks, I'll just have to be content with my longs 😁","1k gone, will 0,9k hold",hvcviio,1643850750,2,1,0.997698962688446 9112,15 going to be delivered this month. https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-semi-first-customer-deliveries-date-pepsico/amp/,Tesla phone releasing this year?,hu67pgd,1643129287,3,1,0.9960779547691344 9117,That was mean,Tesla phone releasing this year?,hua4g18,1643195851,0,0,0.9992511868476868 9127,Hahahahahaha,help save losses,gw5l90j,1619603657,1,1,0.998237371444702 9141,Major mistake enjoy your high reentry pt.,I will sell out Tesla stock,gqbi4eg,1615291796,1,0,0.9980772733688354