comment,label He’s not worried about bankruptcy that’s complete fud.,0 He’s realistic. He didn’t say he’s worried. We should be glad he sees the real issues and doesn’t walk away from it.,1 """This is all going to get fixed real fast,"" he said in comments recorded on May 31, but not released until late Wednesday. ""Both Berlin and Austin factories are gigantic money furnaces right now. There's a giant roaring sound which is the sound of money on fire. Bigger than a dumpster [fire]. A dumpster is too small. Berlin and Austin are losing billions of dollars right now. There's a ton of expense and hardly any output.""",0 I’ve been playing swings with TSLA calls and puts to buy more GME shares.,1 So you are only doing it for the premium but not holding long term?,0 "Delivery number surprise?!?!! Are you serious?",0 Let’s revisit this post in 2 weeks. Everybody expecting a huge drop. Lowered estimates to 250k I believe from 311 or so. I’d be a fool to bet the under 🤷🏻‍♂️,0 Hahahahaha,1 Giga is just the name for big factory. Look at output of companies like Toyota. They might not have giga in the name but are producing over 10 mil cars a year. Tesla struggle to do milion a year and in it's whole existence produced slightly over 2 mil cars total. They gonna have hard time once other producers expand their lines. Truck market in US is huge and Tesla cannot deliver theirs and first of all it's not even a real truck many people want. Many people want electric F150 or Silverado they can use for,0 "I read financial documents, not hack articles and quotes from a bipolar jackass.",0 "Why would anyone sell when it’s down? I’m all in until 2030 at least",1 I'm holding on as well.,1 Except tsla pays no dividends. Most likely gonna miss this quarter and will be hit hard. Harder then people expect it.,0 Macro. Not sure if you’ve seen the market lately?,0 "Numbers go up, numbers go down",1 Looks like I was right. Only way TSLA goes below 300 is with a stock split!,1 "Tesla is solid but almost all eggs in 1 basket is too risky unless you guard them well, like monger",1 Interesting!,1 I’m 100% Tesla. Everything I have is in there and people always warn against it but 🤷🏻‍♂️ yolo,1 "Only 100%, no extra leverage? WSB would be disappointed.",0 The problem with just selling the $700 put is that it may not get exercised. The stock price needs to be pressured for the sold put to be assigned.,0 I'm more than prepared to play this name from the long side for trading purposes.,1 "seriously, what would you guys consider to be the bottom before it goes back to ascending channel? i was thinking 630 but now i'm not so sure, maybe 500?",0 How does someone shorting a company's stock not hurt it in any way? Especially a very large position.,0 Then the short position changes accordingly. I was short 100 shares at $1000 now I'm short 500 shares at $200.,0 and why TSLA from all? is it because of the beef with gates foundation?,0 I'm just so tired people or entities being too big to lose. Someone has to lose. You can't just throw money at a problem until it goes away. Someone will always lose. We will see if it is Elon or Gates in this case I guess.,0 Facts 😂😂,1 "Yeah. I guess what I meant to say was I don’t see Tesla going down as dramatically as we are seeing other stocks go down. Everything is guaranteed to go down at this point, but Tesla will probably be one of the better performing stocks.",1 Ngl same. I bought more not to long ago too,0 "if it drops to 300, I'll sell everything else I have in my portfolio and buy it hand over fist.",1 Anyone get their Cyber Truck yet? How about companies taking delivery of the Tesla Semi? LMAO!! 🤣,1 "He also doesn't see the point in advertising a car that's already sold out. ""If you ever see Ford Motor Co. doing a Super Bowl ad on our electric vehicles, sell the stock,"" he said.",0 But... but they electrified the whole industry!,1 Except over 43% of TSLA is institutionally owned,0 What evidence supports the assertion Bill Gates is shor or shorting TSLA shares?,0 TSLA is way overvalued. Musk is ordering people back to the office because he wants them to quit so he can avoid a mass layoff which could cause his manipulated stock to crash.,0 ">(No, I'm not going to buy partial shares) Just Say No. To partial shares...There's something about partial shares that unsettles me for some reason.",0 People have called it over valued for years,1 ">in 2022 as the bear-case scenario fades bear-case is def not fading in 2022.",0 How to reach $1300 if board sell off before reach?,0 Lincoln was a Republican.,0 "Hold and Squeeze . Microsoft has always been trash , just like Google",0 Didn’t he try this once and got his shit rocked,0 "It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web]( Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[](** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](",0 "It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web]( Fully cached AMP pages (like the one OP posted), are [especially problematic]( Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[",0 This is a good point.,1 "Tesla might flounder until Q3 earnings. Long-term it's a big win at today's price. Edit: macro might flounder for 18 months.",1 The entire market is in shambles. TSLA stock dropping is just collateral. TSLA itself is still on a great trajectory with more growth narratives to come.,0 "Full disclosure, I owned 200 shares around $969 and exited half of my position yesterday. I hedged by selling weekly covered calls OTM and bought protective puts which allowed me to sell half at breakeven so I have cash for the bear market. This is going to be an unpopular opinion but with the current market trends, we could see Tesla go lower - maybe $400 or $300 this summer as interest rates go up, I don’t doubt it’s ability to grow YOY and it’s product offerings but it’s P/E ratio is still high and grow",1 "If tesla can keep the promise of 50% annual growth, it will be 1000 again next year without doubts. Otherwise, it is a meme.",0 "my 8 ball says between $1000 and $1200 within 6 months. I'm in at $666, but it's all a gamble with this one.",0 ">Terrible decision. Even if this media induced market crash maintains its trajectory, what makes you think Tesla will suffer? The worst outcome thing that could happen to Tesla was Shanghai being shut down and continuing at limited capacity. So you sell the day they re-open at full capacity? lol. > > > >A recession and higher rates won't hurt TSLA at all since they're profitable with plenty of cash on hand. They aren't taking high interest rate loans and their margins are crushing. With Gas predict",0 I’ll bet you it drops out. Elons tweets are getting like that stupid. He’s a completely different person,0 "Dude help me with this a$$hole now thinking we’re in 2024 ready to vote. Last comment. Wrong thread, shit",0 "I understand your thinking but I think it is not too wise. When Tesla gets back to 1000, the bear market will be over/almost over. By that standard, the coil will be unwinding and investors will be looking further out into the future, allowing it a higher P/E ratio. What I’m saying is when Tesla gets back to a thousand (could be in 6 months or 15 months) an exit strategy will not make much sense. The only way that exit strategy makes sense is if tesla is pumped to 1000 within the next month for example, the",0 [removed],0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed because a word was flagged from AutoMod. Please contact the mod team if you feel this is in error. -2"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 "Just like when Musk ""smoked"" pot on Joe Rogan, it has nothing to do with how the business is doing. They're still scaling up production, selling every car they make, backlogged to next year, improving FSD, etc. Current macro and Elon FUD makes the stock a definite buy right now.",1 [removed],0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 Sold my last position at $1k. Have been waiting to jump back in finally did it 8 shares at $640,1 Going to buy when it comes down below 300,1 You'll be able to buy more 550- 600 range,1 "I wanted to buy back at $1,200 glad now that I waited",0 Never going that low...won't get under 500,0 Nice,1 Say what?,0 The stock. …. Is a mountain ⛰ not a wall. Use your noodle and think about it in reference to what you said.,1 Are you talking about a sell wall or something?,0 "You bought at $1000+ but won’t buy at $600+? That’s crazy to me. Here are some key catalysts that are coming up: Shanghai coming back to full production - Car sales have fallen off in China, but this may mean that some delivery dates will be updated to be sooner than expected in other areas Austin and Berlin ramping up production - so many people are seeing delivery dates weeks and weeks out. Ramping up will reduce these. Gas prices are fucking outrageous. - people are sick of paying gas prices. Peop",0 "Wait till you start researching all other stocks you want to invest in and see what their stock price has done. It’s not just Tesla getting their teeth kicked in right now. It’s every sector, every stock and there is no safe place to park money right now",0 Are you retiring tomorrow? Why the hell worry if it dips in a year or two. Accumulation and Time is key.,1 What did starlink find?,0 The dip matches the rest of the market. Im still in.,1 "Twitter is a terrible forum in which to communicate as are nearly all social media platforms; the reasons to long to list here. Unfortunately at least 1 - 3 generations won't have references to understand just how detrimental these social. media companies are to the societies in which they live. Elon continues to behave foolishly related to Twitter mainly and at this time. Reminds me of a petulant teenager making rash decisions, then showing any observer with a modicum of maturity, just how self-centered",0 Yesterday they postponed all Model X orders by another year… I ordered in April 2021… expected delivery date is now April 2023. I’m going to get a dated car. People are frustrated. Will just be looking to buy something else,0 Plus how can we believe what u said and how u prove u have been long term investor of tesla? I guess this might be another autobot,0 Look it up. It’s freaking cool!,1 "Maybe it’s bc it will fail if Elon fucks up. You don’t have Tesla, without Elon. Sorry, maybe it’ll stay afloat. But, without him. Tesla is just another EV car company. Elon is Tesla. If you don’t see that. Sorry for that. But, it’s the unfortunate truth. He has too much power. Basically Twitter is a Tesla/Elon army. Twitter unfortunately matters bc his words are heard by everyone. Good, but mostly shitty now",0 Can we get a hint?,0 Why’d you buy so high?,0 We'll see. You better load up on puts then.,0 Omg idiots plz leave. You don’t invest.,0 "You make it sound like Twitter bans the right wing, they definitely don't. If it was what you wanted it to be the whole thing would dissolve because it would be a cess pool of garbage.",0 Go google SpaceX interesting finds. I can’t post a video or photo. It won’t let me,0 How the hell do I post a pic? I meant SpaceX,0 Look at SpaceX discoveries. It was all over the place. I took screenshot but can’t post a pic,0 I also bought high at 1080 (my first share) but have been dollar cost averaging down to 890 now,0 Stop what?,0 "I was telling the other ass@@le, not the nice guy above that comment",0 Can I post a picture of my portfolio on here?,1 If you bet against Elon you will be owned.,0 "what price would it take to admit you're wrong? $400, $200, let me know so I can come back and rub it in",0 "Elon Musk is one of the greatest innovators of our time and the closest thing to a real life Tony Stark. He'll navigate his way through this just fine, load up when you can. Opportunities to buy this stock won't come around very often.",1 "I mean, VW was a company of literal Nazis who knowingly faked their emissions data. GM killed countless people just to save a couple dollars on fuel tanks. The Ford family was generation after generation of white nationalists. All 3 of these companies still can't make a high production EV, and are still stuck in the ICE age. Yeah, all this noise is bad, and Elon is in a manic episode right now, but Tesla is a decade ahead of every other car company and had enough cash to buy anyone.",0 "And there are likely a lot of those. Musk has changed on major things that originally attracted them to Tesla, like save the planet, honesty, kindness, thoughtfulness, be good. He’s joined the party who’s dominated by a guy who’s the opposite of all those things. That’s gotta be a continued employment deal-breaker all by itself, but add likely sexual harassment and a plummeting stock price and you almost hear the whoosh as formerly loyal folks and customers run the other way.",0 Musk is a delusional narcissist with a victim mentality. But OK.,1 You just described all the woketards he's sick of.,0 Waiting for the 500-600 dip before I load up,1 Woke delusional thinking such as? And what freedoms don’t you have that Elon is fighting for? 🤔,0 Yeah. Seems like one of my mates down the road. Why does he need to sound like some super bland business person. Who cares?,1 Because he's trying to sell as many cars as possible. Broadcasting half baked opinions alienates people. He should resign as CEO and become a Podcaster. But then he would be just another Joe Rogan.,0 "I’ll bet that if I just hold my Tesla shares, I’ll be rich enough to retire in about 10 years or less. That will grant me the freedom to do more. Cheers. You can hate on Elon all you want, but he’s playing chess against others who can barely play checkers.",1 "I have, Nunya. An example of free speech is how Elon possibly buying twitter ends the super far left from spreading their propaganda and silencing anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda. Twitter has a lot of pull in politics and just censoring the truth is enough to sway the public opinion. Leaving the truth in the “public square” for everyone to see is better than taking it down so it doesn’t sway the opinion of others. People deserve truth, not lies from the woke.",1 What truth? Why won’t you tell me how many shares you have?,0 Hypocrisy at its finest!!!!,0 You should turn off the tv and drooling over media outlets and believing Musk playing victim.,0 This has nothing to do with politics. Graph all stocks over the past few months and Tesla has fairer pretty well compared to most.,1 You don’t have Twitter. Bc you sound like a fool. His posts are alllllllllll about politics now,0 It's going to go down quite a bit more... you could sell and buy back,0 The CEO is insane. His behavior is tanking the stock. Share holders should sue.,0 Better discount to buy more then,1 I bet big oil has some big short positions on TSLA.,0 And the whole buying twitter bullshit in the name of “free speech”,0 So VRRRROOOOM for NASDAQ's sake.,1 " Nice. I’m only 400,000 in line.",0 If I ever get even I will get as far away from that crook as I can,0 "Ding ding ding ding!!! We all knew that’s what he was doing. We should ask Elon directly if his Twitter deal falls through if he will buy back the $8.5 billion worth of tesla stock he just dumped leaving us holding his bags. It’s his money and his company, and I get it that he wants some money out of his investment, but just sell and stop making up this nonsense that you need to sell at the very tippy top peak to pay taxes or acquire Twitter. F U Elon! Stop being that jerk!",0 "The stock may go toward $500ish, but it has nothing to do with the company, Musk, or any ""big guys politically"". The market is in freefall and the old market wisdom is not to catch a falling knife. - There are not enough people buying stock PERIOD because they either already bought all they could at the start of the crash or are holding off until a bottom is found. - There are people with margin calls selling to cover because we're getting to that point in the crash that even the most conservative option",0 "I'm new to this sub, what do you think is a good entry point for TSLA stock?",1 [removed],0 [removed],0 "So, 1 and 2 are factually true. 3 is law is most of the developed world. 4-7 might be pipe dreams, but 4 is on the road now, which makes 6 and 7 almost inevitable. But, hey, keep investing in Ford, GM and Toyota. See if you can get to zero.",1 Not everyone has a garage,1 Hope you go to 16000 soon,1 "It’s actually the other way around, EV is extremely profitable when looking at gross margin, this is why Tesla can exist.",1 $300 is my target price!,0 "This analyst makes a very strong case for \~$200.",1 "Overall market sentiment is still down and typical safe havens are not looking as safe as usual (Gold isn't doing much and Bitcoin is falling). While Oil and Gas has been identified as a place to wait it out. In the meantime Tesla's impact report and economics makes it look good even with China lockdowns. We'll know at open if it slides with the rest of the market or if more investors see the light and park in TSLA. I've been scalping options for months and winning a lot more than losing and my gut says c",1 [removed],0 Is there any proof that it's really being worked on?,0 Zero.,0 "dude, this is a garbage article. did you even think about these ""points"" before you cut and paste? ​ of course, their market share will drop...but the pie is ever expanding. so they are selling more and more over 50% growth YoY. the regulatory credits are an ever decreasing percentage of their profits. TSLA's margins are huge (over 30%) and are industry leading. the regulatory credits are just icing on the cake and help them expand their lead over legacy automakers even further. ",0 [deleted],0 I thought I was following a TSLA Reddit managed by people who actually understand what the company is? This is clearly a ridiculous hit piece paid for by a bunch of socialists with short positions that got burned.,0 What price did he open the position?,0 "This market unfortunately is not for shorts. If you have skin in the game with Tesla the only way is to hold long term, I have 500 shares and i can say that i have lost $350k in the last 2 weeks Tesla alone, Amazon $100k, Rivian $25K, Lucid $30k",0 "Does not matter, BELIEVE IN THE FUTURE!",1 Elon sent tweet Aug 4th shareholder meeting,1 Best of luck. I have 100 shares at 1050,1 "Don’t think so, try insurance or safelite",0 I had my Tesla Y front windshield broken over a Little Rock while driving. It stretched so I took it to dealer to get it repaired. Cost $1500. Called insurance and they covered $500,0 Yes,1 "That 10% cap was removed",1 shut up shill,0 no,0 "I just keep buying more, cheaper is fine by me. I don't plan on selling until 2030 at a minimum so 🤷‍♂️",1 "I need to take out some money off the table around June. Hopefully, we pick up back to 1200 by then.",1 "I will be messaging you in 5 months on [**2022-09-28 21:45:07 UTC**]( to remind you of [**this link**]( [**CLICK THIS LINK**](",1 "Yeah I highly doubt Elon would sell Tesla stock to fund this purchase. Why would he? He can get a loan with the equity in Tesla as collateral. Doesn’t make sense for him to sell out, pay capitol gains, and the invest it right back into another company. 4-10% interest or whatever he is paying on that money is way less than 20% tax. If anything, it would be a better strategy to get a loan, increase twitter value, then sell shares in twitter to pay back loan without capitol gains. I think this is just an exc",0 "CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP! I may have become a full time day trader today. I just can't focus on work and I am making so much more scalping TSLA calls than I am at my day job that it doesn't make sense to let IT distract me from TSLA!",1 "Are you still holding calls or out? Took another hit today, I'm curious what next week holds given the overall red market today.",0 Fine I will buy more Tesla at discount to support free speech,1 It made me realize Elon should rule the world,1 What's his position though?,0 How?,0 Musk is killing TSLA stock with him buying Twitter,0 "Yes There’s an international number along with a 800 number but your broker should be able to assist you",1 5 days not two weeks and i'm looking into the specifics of that and i'm going to see if there is anything they can do the be just like an actual broker when it comes to selling of course you could always transfer your shares back to your broker but thats a hassle but i think itll be worth the effort since it'll bring up the price of the stock drastically over time especially before the split,1 I don’t get it..why would TSLA go down in the face of a great Q1 earnings report?,0 If I'm using a trading platform and not a us citizen?,0 You sir are a saint!,1 Lol what?,0 I’m a new investor and bought Tesla at 900 a share. All this volatility is so nerve racking. It’s so aggravating the positive earnings report to see it jump up then go back down to 1k. I need to not look at the market for 6,0 Yes. Q4.,1 Just HODL. Such a great future stock,1 Lol is this real,0 It can’t be real..,0 Thanks! I appreciate that!,1 Ask yo momma,0 Annual meeting this summer,1 How about Dogecoin? And Twitter? TSLA has tough competition abroad. And Musk isn't getting any younger.,0 """It’s also looking at increased competition as startups and legacy automakers roll out more electric models"" Every quarter the same stupid line.",0 Aged well,1 "So, massive beat?",1 TF?!,0 I think Elon constantly running his mouth is going end up hurting Tesla long term. He needs to stay in his lane and keep working on finding solutions to the world's biggest problems. Getting into culture wars and smart talking on Twitter is going to turn potential buyers off.,0 Looks like Elon likes 4/20 in anyways.,1 Calm down Francis,0 split coming 5 to 1,1 "For public purchase? Never. If TSLA wants to design this to be a robot, they can really alter things a ton. You don't need a drivers spot, you can do anything with the seats to make it more of a taxi, you can make it drive as easily forward and reverse. All the rules go out the window. I don't see them designing this to be also saleable to the public.",0 "What? You think a 20k production vehicle would be capable of fully autonomous taxi driving? Also what assumptions go into a 1M mile lifespan? That sounds quite optimistic given the way customers treat a car vs an owner",0 "20k —> 50k on the base cost. Assume only 2/3 of the miles are customer miles (driving to next customer required) Assume a 333k mile lifespan (3 years) Assume substantial additional compute power is necessary for real L4/L5 driving —> 3mi/kwh Operating costs: 83k (energy) + 50k (base) + 15k (maintenance) = $148k Income: 33c/mi —> $111k Losses: -$37k per car ——- If I assume double the lifespan (2/3 your original 9-year 1M mile assumption), I see the following: Operating costs: $166k (energy) + $50k (",0 "I would describe these as delusional rather than pessimistic. There is a model S will 2 million miles on it. And charging 33 cents per miles is about 1/10th going rate in major cities. You are assuming that L5 driving calculation requires about 20-40kW of continuous energy. That is... Literally insane.",0 Don't forget to buy your share on the IEX exchange so that it doesn't get routed through the dark pool. If you purchase shares on the IEX it'll help push up the price.. if you don't they will route it to the dark pool and it wont help the price at all.,1 "Same her ! I bot 2 shares , the shareholder meeting is in June !",0 Man i really wish they would stop with all the good news so the stock would go back up.. the more they spread good news the more hedge funds short the stock lol,0 It’s an extra step.. you have to ask your broker to direct register the shares into your name.. and they have to do it within 5 business days.. if they say it’ll take longer let them know you’ll inform the sec of their actions and they’ll be sure to do it within the time frame.. because they will do anything to try to avoid doing it.. even try to convince you it’s not necessary and that if you aren’t using margin they aren’t lending our your shares which is a complete lie ..,1 "If barley did, so can corn and wheat.",1 [removed],0 "Sold puts from today 950p 5/20",1 "I think it traces back down. People are selling the split right now, I just hold this stock, gets down to 700’s I’m adding more",1 A few 4/22 and 4/29 to head into Austin giga and earnings. Actual split date would be a nice catalyst,1 It will break 1200,1 My only position right now.,1 Weekly calls purchased throughout the morning today.,1 People need to DRS Direct Register their shares to prevent ungodly dips like this.. hedge funds are just shitting on all of you and laughing while they cause inflation and take away from your profits.. stop taking it up the anus and DRS.. do it before you get a hernia from getting raped to much and you have to sell your shares so you can pay to have your anus reattached,0 I got 5 but i'm trying to collect them all.. i have a long ways to go hahhaha,1 Is it okay if I can PM you?,1 "precisely 2900 how much I lost these past two days of dropping. No chance of winning at this point for me, I’d just like to gain insight because I constantly seem to be gambling.",0 "Was your intuition correct based on the previous weeks “all-green” days, opening green Monday, the last day of its streak?",1 [removed],0 [removed],0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed because a word was flagged from AutoMod. Please contact the mod team if you feel this is in error. -2"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed because a word was flagged from AutoMod. Please contact the mod team if you feel this is in error. -2"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 [deleted],0 Tsla is not heavily shorted. People have tried and billions have been lost while trying.,0 First time here. I enjoyed reading your posts. Too bad my brain wasn’t into this when it was $40.,1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 Agreed however you can’t keep down Tesla no way no how. When she starts to roll stay clear cause the momentum is an entirely different animal that the market has ever seen before. You can all play your anti wall-street buck system fuck the man whatever the fuck you want to call it on any other company amc GameStop but you half a brain waste of sperm cum buckets have a better chance of the sun rising in the west than to even think you could ever have anything to do w slowing down Tesla 🤣 y’all a fucking pi,1 "So then you sold, you aren’t part of the gme community if you made money. What you did is the antithesis of what their strategy is",0 I’m just meming and ofc I know this. Also short it in order to hit stop losses on day traders to further scare people.,0 😂😂 that’s silly talk.. they can’t cover.. the cost of covering is too much .. they just dig themself into a bigger hole.. if they closed their positions the price would have went way higher.. they just move the shorts to the dark pool.. off exchange shorts (dark pool) for is 50% and that’s only what they report.. you have a lot to learn about the fuckery of shorts with hedge funds,0 Tesla huge day watch what happens when the celebration of the 2nd largest building Boeing being number one Teslas huge Texas factory is bigger than 100 nfl football fields and you fools still trying to stop this runaway train?! The last 2 days you guys are busting nuts because she’s been down while I’ve been LOADING UP on the $1300 calls 🤣 please keep shorting please 🙏 by this time tomorrow you will still be living in your mothers no your only friends mothers basement saying I really don’t understand how th,0 "You assume gme investors are all retards that hold.. we evolved over a year as an investor learning how to trade.. learning from hedge funds studying and with millions of investors working together we learned how to maximize profits while holding.. I mean I can make more money to buy a bigger stake by gaining profits from trading calls.. Last week I made 160,000 from calls.. it was up to 240,000 before the sec in partnership with hedges halted trading and fucked us.. but I put a larger stake in GME a little",1 "we track it by how much failed to deliver calls there are and how much shorts there are in ETF's.. they use the dark pool to short stock by shorting a bunch of stocks at once through the ETF market.. which is why if you pay attention alot of stocks and even crypto move in very similar paterns depending on the eft group they are in, you can't go by the reported short interest because thats based off of self reporting.. and thats a loop hole so hedge funds don't have to report their short positions to the pub",0 So glad I’m long. Snagged a few 1140 4/29 call last week that’s been printing nicely. Will buy more shares with profits preSplit,1 R y’all buying after split or right before split?,0 Hertz stated they want to diversify their fleet of electric cars because customers want different brand options when renting.,1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 "You’ve got some massive diamond hands. Always buy and hold for the long term.",1 in tsla we trust.,1 link is broken..?,0 Looks like a ford- found on road dead,0 2000 top followed by 1200 at the close of 2022.,1 Who agrees with this estimate... up vote please!!!,1 "My guess is end of summer, stock at 1500, 1:10",0 [removed],0 Kinda late with the post there.,0 1500,1 I love it. Buying more shares in the morning,1 "Theoretically, there shouldn't be much impact (if any), however we have witnessed this being proven wrong time and time again with tech splits over the past 4 years",0 It would be crazy if this even had half of the effect of their pervious split.,0 "Don't have a time machine, can only look forward.",0 "Yes, this is true, especially as more brokers adopt these ""fractional shares"".",1 "See now if you had a time machine you would know that that Delorean's have AI that turned evil and held their owners hostage, only to be saved by TESLA's good AI TESLA Bot hence a ungodly spike in stock price. But know you know so buy Tesla not a Delorean",0 "can only hope that happens, talk about another big catalyst, it would probably have to be at least a 10;1 split if not more, given how expensive a share is",1 20 for 1,1 When do you think this will happen? Was saving for goog shares after their split in July but now will start saving more for this too,1 Jeez….. 4:1,1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 Moon,1 "I will be happy if it hits 1300 eoy, no high expectations.",0 I can get this kind of shit spam article from apple news stock app feed,0 "820 shares and 4 longterm puts sold for about 100k premium (strike between 600 and 900) bought first share in Dec 2018 and only added until then. hope I can retire in 5 years 😆",1 "15 Doesn’t matter what the market does These 15 aren’t going anywhere",0 Maybe we’re all a little crazy…but I’m holding and hoping that it’s a great call today. It will be brutal if there are surprises in Q1 or forecast. Hopefully Shanghai won’t be a reason for continued selling. Investors are in a bear mood over NFLX!,1 $45.65 here.,0 "After each factory opens we hit a threshold stock wise that we will never hit again IMO we won’t ever see 700 again barring deadly circumstance",0 Dead cat bounce. 10% crash on SP500 coming.,0 "##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **500718** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70936** times. .. **28795.** `u/BuddyWoodchips` **5** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)",1 I use mullet to catch trout and red fish.,1 Have you seen the market as a whole the last 3 months? Tesla along with many other stocks moves up and down as the market changes.,1 "All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 300 + 20 = 420 ^([Click here]( to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)",1 Bon voyage!,1 So the reason TSLA is down 27.8% so far this year is because GigaBerlin didn’t have approval?,0 "To circle back to this, TSLA is now only down 9.7% YTD, and that is mostly because of starting the year at ATH. TSLA is up since 1/13/22. Correlation /= Causation.",1 I have more shares than both of you and I am a noob.,0 "Doubtful. But if you do, good on you",1 "then you are set. Dont know how IRA exactly works though. when can you use the funds? sadly in Germany we dont have something like this so I will have to pay capital gains at some point. I just have so many shares because I bought pretty early. I have a low income so I can not really add any more - well I could but I'd be buying 6 shares/year which doesnt really increase my position :D Instead I started selling long dated puts on TSLA and use the money for cost of living and other investments that could",1 Not really it just means China will sell them to Russia for a little bit more money on the DL’,0 "I see. I know there’s some car factories in Russia and with the sanctions it may free up some demand. Any other industry relying on chips would be affected. So it’s possible some demand might be freed up. However the conflict could have other effects. For example other countries could require more semiconductors because of war/weapons etc... The general idea behind my first comment is that the bigger the economy the more demand it has for semiconductors. Russia’s not being that big, the demand can’t be that",0 buy hold drs ez,1 FUV is a buy. Short Squeeze set up! Sandy Munro on their side.,1 I’ll go to college and I’ll learn some big words and I’ll say them real loud god damn right I’ll be heard.,0 "It depends on what you think TSLA will do in the near-term. This is cash-secured right? You can continue to wait, let the extrinsic value fade some more, hope for a rebound to exit. Or TSLA drops to the 600s and you're really f'd. Right now, that put is worth 18k. You could roll it out to April 14th and pocket another 1.5k, or do an even roll and get the strike closer to the 1025. The math gets better as the expiration date approaches, but it gets harder the farther \[edit: ITM\] you are. I spent the last ",1 "I hope so, but while I'm holding some call options, don't want to miss the boat! This artificially depressed price is nuts.",0 Such a good guy,1 Class act right there. I don’t hear Senator Karen mouthing off like she did before.,1 "One wonders what will happen when the charity start selling, waiting for a dividend will probably take forever.",0 "Not hating on Elon, but this is just a good move PR wise and tax wise for him. He is avoiding A LOT of taxes with this move.",1 "it paid off well enough for me so far, but mostly i would agree. rarely, a wise person can use it well.",1 Those who bet against reality will be punished sooner or later.,0 "If you spend borrowed money, you are in for a life changer when reality hits",1 "I remember how America lost the auto battle in the seventies and early eighties (and I assume you were not even born at that time), and those who don't learn from history may be forced to repeat it",0 "the ICE auto battle you mean? lol, things have changed since then my friend, ICE is dead in less than 10 years. Going to be a tough pill for you to swallow once you realize how wrong you were. Cute tho.",0 No racism here. Are you the op that said TSLA is 100$ per share? Been long pre-split and will be long after you are gone. Elmer FUD,0 "My average TSLA cost is very low, no need to sell any shares because Elmer FUD says TSLA is terrible and worth 100$.",1 "and still, stock is valued at a level that is impossible to meet for an ever so successful electric car maker, 100$ is fair value, if you are the optimistic type (and wasting money on sidetracks does not make it better)",0 "do you know whether it is the recall news that is dropping the shares price? I mean, couldn't it be multiple compression due to pending rate hikes which are looking more and more than previously thought? what about the potential war in Europe?",0 Tell me what the pe ratio would be if the stock price was 100$. Lol,1 The Scouter reads… it’s Over 9000!!,1 Very true!,1 Elon was smart enough to believe and invest in the future,1 Elmer FUD,0 "The difference between Combustion vehicles and electric vehicles is the functionality. Unfortunately many oil based vehicles have had many issues do to many components that created issues of wear and tear. Transmissions, axles, oil filters, fault engine components, cheaply made parts. Teslas electric cars and are actually higher quality and require less maintenance over all. Less components and retrieving data of issues is easier then that of a combustion engine. Tesla stock is also not only vehicle based",1 "You wrote ""People like you work for people like me. Or until I fire you and we talk about in court"" so you are the hammer that will hit the little guy when you get out.",0 There is more electrifying features of the EV movement and electric sector. Which we haven’t discovered that don’t include batteries. I don’t doubt the ideas are being studied for further electric innovations. Tesla is in the game and seeking the answers according to what they are striving to achieve through AI and making a difference for humanity.,1 The battery swaps are not that pricy. From what I remember they are around 20k. Considering the price of gas and the amount of gas and oil used on a combustion engine. The price is not bad at all I am sure on an average car compared to a Tesla you end up spending 2 or more times that of what you would pay for a battery swap,1 Other companies are going to demand batteries in the future and the process will also make it accessible for Tesla to continue on production . I am not sure right now of the details you might like as far as operation costs . I am just sharing some business details.,1 "There are actually two Elons, don’t confuse them. The young and handsome one, and the older one that has put on a little weight. It’s a side effect of him traveling back from the future.",1 "He then uses the high short as motivation to work extra hard and smash any expectations, and the stonk surges, shorts still open get squished",1 "I think he is a lot more film-flam that you present. The big house thing, for instance... Yes, he sold a bunch of real estate, but he lied about living in an apartment. He is currently living in a huge mansion that belongs to a Texas politician, and is house hunting. He is more about building his legend than anything else when he spouts off this house-free nonsense. He is lying. And that is a problem with him. He lies. And he lies the most when he is in the grip of his untreated mental illness, which he ex",0 "Teslas have a “joe mode” when you don’t want the car to make a noise… Here we have Joe Biden, being silent… maybe he’s on joe mode?",0 "Gramps Joe is still not sure how Elon can build a car without thousands of Union employees. Clearly the only jobs he cares about are Unions.",0 Seems like you are half a man. I don't think so.,0 "That’s true. 🙂 But I was sent a mail to regarding Annual Meeting last October. And I could even cast my votes there. As I understand it, my votes are just less valuable compared to owner of a full vote.",0 "Nothing compared to future relationships with Sony or Microsoft. When people don’t have to pay attention to driving and have free time/idle hands in their nice Tesla cockpits, they’re gonna need entertainment. No, people are not going to want to work more on the way to work lol.",1 [removed],0 Heck yeah nice 👍 congrats. Your hood if it’s 3 months out. It’s making a comeback up past pre Quarter report. So far so good,1 "some one told me $876 followed by $845 levels ​ ​ PS: Iam personally TSLA long",1 Sold 800 calls for 141.25 today,1 GM delivered 26 lolololol,1 Oh word when will those numbers come?,0 "This depends if you are in options. Short term including expiration, who knows where itll bc (suggest more down) but in my case, since i hold shares and am convinced that tsla is well ahead of competitors, this will keep running in the long run. Im just selling my calls to collect the premium at this point",1 I want to buy more calls bc I think it will get back to 950-970 this week but no more margin left,1 "I do the same with a small portion of my shares. I have been doing 20-25% out of the money, 3 weeks till expiry. What about you?",0 "the day Tesla offer a car that can go to a parking lot on it's own and come back and pick me up on my request then I would be really concerned to be a Tesla stock owner, unless you think that the vehicle owner is prepared to take responsibility for what the car does on its own",0 I've been selling 1050 and 1100s for strike,0 "I agree, but would add - TSLA has been growing revenue exponentially for years. The whole time people crying it's overvalued. Humans are not intuitively good at exponentials.",1 factories are about to open for Tesla. they are making quick progress and looking to have more deliveries and production. your statement portrays bullishness after these earning that included a above estimated delivery rate for the quarter and year,1 It is facts. Tesla is currently being shorted and the market had a dip in behalf of some other factors. I am not worried of it’s current price which is currently 890. It is going to be back to the $900s+ pre market. It did try and break out today and had volatility due to market volatility from other stocks,1 "High volume equals high risk, I'm more concerned with earnings. If you increase volume with maintained good margin then I would say you have a point, but the profits should be there by now, and they are not.",0 "electric cars will take maybe 50-60% of the mature passenger car market in maybe 5-10 years, this is the roof that will hurt.",1 "The Global Car & Automobile Sales Market is [forecast]( at $3.8T in 2022. Even if EV adoption is slow as you say, there is still plenty of headroom for TSLA to grow into. Hey, you're obviously bearish. I'm obviously bullish. I'll invest in TSLA, you short it - and we'll see who comes out on top.",1 "I really hope it gets to about 1500 before they split. Another 5:1 would be awesome and get me over 100 shares. I’m a small time investor but Tesla has brought my biggest gains. Look at TTD… I’ve been killin it with them post-split also.",1 Uh oh,0 She is a really good investor and is currently a great investor. There is no curse and the only facts have been time decay do to consolidations,1 Up,1 "Learn to spell first, and TA hasn’t been a foolproof plan ever. Am sure you’re a millionaire",0 Oh yes. I’m holding on tight like I’m 2 years old and my TSLA shares are my blankey.,1 That’s an ETF that bought TSLA stock. ARKK bought the shares,1 "Would be nice to get a EM tweet with little meat on it, Looked like a nice A/Hs run to as happening and then fizzled 🤷🏻‍♂️",0 I went for the more conservative 900 strike (985 break even).,0 "I didn't realize this, but the other big auto-maker Q4 earnings calls are later in the year. GM is Feb 1, Ford is Feb 8th, Stellantis is Feb 23rd, and VW is mid-March. I have a suspicion that they will not be Rosy in general and not have good EV news. I think each one will result in a small TSLA bump.",1 Just going to buy more and pray for the best going fwd myself.,1 "tesla always goes down after earnings, because it is impossible to live up to investor expectations. we didn’t see the typical pre earnings run due to macro economics that the overall market is experiencing",0 "4 reasons: No 25k car this year (or for the near future) No semi this year No cybertruck this year Elon promise of FSD this year again.. So a lot of people upset by it.",0 Downgraded by Citi,0 Musk was cagey about talking about near term.,0 Yeah haha nobody knows if the stock Will go up or down,1 "For sure, i bought yesterday at 910 thinking it would go up more. I should have sold at 976 and bought now again at 850😕",1 "I think the supply chain issues actually help them in terms of competition. Tesla seems to be doing better with chip work arounds vs traditional autos. However, it definitely hurts them from a raw growth perspective. Chips are supposed to be in abundant supply in Q4 though. Not that far off.",1 What squeeze?,0 Due to its high PE could a split help the stock??,1 "We’ll see, some reportage said it could reach 3000$ so we’ll see.",0 "This is not the dotcom bubble. These companys actually make things and provide services. Back they it was just speculative hype, eyeballs on a screen according to Cathy Wood.",1 "no problem, tsla is not for the finicky, it’s for the cool and collected. keep your mind about you while everyone loses theirs. - Charlie Munger",1 "Yea, Tesla is also making big moves on auto insurance on their vehicles, don’t be shocked to see them disrupt that ancient and outdated $400B industry. It’s moves like this kind of vertical integration that have me bullish. I don’t see Ford rolling out their own insurance plan or battery factories.",1 Ford will produce 750K EV this year? I know GM made 26 this last quarter. So there's that.,1 Really? Is that why NIO and LCID dipped today to?,0 "Ford EXPECTING 600k production CAPACITY by “2023” - learn to read between the lines. Having a capacity does not mean Ford will be able to produce that many vehicles, let alone sell that many. Tesla operates way below its capacity, simply because the industry suffers from supply chain disruption (microchips in particular). Tesla is lightyears ahead of Ford or any other wannabe competitor. By the time they together produce as many as Tesla alone can produce today, Teslas will be flying in air and we will be c",1 We already hit $1200 once. Have faith people! I believe we will see Atleast $1500 by the end of the year.,0 "It shocks me that none of you newbies have a clue that valuation matters. Even after boosting earnings (a meager 8% YOY), TSLA still has a P/E ratio of 280. At the peak of the dotcom bubble, Microsoft had a P/E ratio of around 65. When sanity returned to the market, post-bubble, Microsoft's P/E fell as low as 15. Even if TSLA falls only as far as MSFT at its peak, that's down more than 75% from here.",0 Please tell me that's not all of your money and your portfolio is diversified well enough,1 "Yo wtf, they beat earnings and moved up production, they scrapped pie in the sky projects to favor sales today, obviously they drop. What? The! Actual? Fuck!? I officially retire, I clearly dont understand stonks at all and I am tired of this silliness.",0 "I mean yeah, I haven't searched through the internet for the answers. That's why I came to reddit. To ask the scholars like yourself who aren't too busy beating off to animal porn. But it seems like you're too busy to elaborate.",0 Where did you hear this?,0 [removed],0 Pepsi is going to be buying semis from them??,0 Stop perpetuating garbage fake news then.,0 🌝,1 "Absolutely. I sell designer furniture. My best “flip” has been buying a sofa at $200, trading it for another, then selling that one for $3000. I also made 102% return on LCID. The EV hype was obviously there and I had a feeling people wanted to use lucid as “the next Tesla”, bought before deliveries, sold at a 102% return then put it all into Tesla. ($2500+100%=$5000) have to set aside for taxes now 😓",1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 I bought 8 more shares today:),1 qqqs seem to want lower :(,0 "I agree. As well. I think anyone investing (or at least new to it) really needs to stay away from anything but Blue chips for a bit. Slowly make money DCA in guaranteed stocks with good growth. And learn and maybe experiment with 10-20% of your portfolio when you’re ready and have learned what you need to, charting, EMAs, etc. I’m sticking with smart groups from now on",1 yup i agree. but its all about learning in the first few months. never invest all ur savings. only be comfy with what u will be ok with losing.,1 Loaded up on weekly calls at the bottom today 🥰😍,1 It’s time to jump on the train things are gonna get hot quick for Tesla let’s get rich,1 lmao what a dweeb,0 "Do you really think earning will be enough for the stock prize to level out that high? Market share, margins?",1,1 The general market downturn. A lot of bears have completely sold out of their positions to buy back in after march,0 "You don't think I have done that? I read and watch hours of Tesla news every single day, so I think I have a pretty good handle on it. Again, my question was, ""what do you think will happen after earnings"", not, ""what do you think I should go research in order to figure out where Tesla stock will go after earnings"".",1 "FOMC is also on the 26th, there might be more fear coming. I would keep some dry powder ready....",0 I'm sure you probably had the same views about Amazon 10 years ago. They're just a book delivery company...,0 "Fantastic! You agree with me that Tesla is not a car company and they are like Amazon, so their valuation should not be like a car company. It's easy for people like you who don't know a lot about Tesla to think that they are just a car company and not really look into the rest. Truth be told, the other businesses could dwarf Tesla's car business within the next couple of years. Ford, GM and the other dinosaurs maybe easier for you to analyze, so you might want to stick with them. They are car companies.",1 Plus short squeeze will take it higher,1 "Tsla all the way to 5000 cents, yayy",1 "Still this year everyone who buys into Tesla earnings have yet to purchase, so position build up will only happen next 3 days, which will make it more price impact and also, the puts unwind at the same time will make the upside move harder and faster",1 $tsla 11.2 EBITDA Q3 2021. This quarter Q4 2021 - 30% deliveries growth. Expected EBITDA growth - 50% QoQ to 15-17b range. Annualized EBITDA growth at 120-150%. By Q4 2023 annualized EBITDA at 120% annual growth at 72.5b. This is only trading at 13 times that. This is super cheap. IMO - Only people who don’t know how to value growth companies call it expensive and will lose their shorts shorting this,0 "How many times we have seen this story with shorts wanting Tesla to fall but their puts themselves take this higher 🤣🤣🤣 this is a juggernaut and it breaks through each time, best earnings ever upcoming… this will print money next week for all the believers 🚀🚀🚀 countless millionaires will be printed",1 "Great point, however, I’m still a bit skeptical that TSLA can run up a few hundred dollars in a matter of days. I hope I’m wrong.",0 "Yes, but all these old bmws/Mercedes are ready for replacement…",0 [removed],0 "Yes, Amazon, Netflix, Apple growth is slowing and Tesla growth is accelerating… so more money will flow into Tesla",1 "Same for all the others, this is a clear indication that Tesla growth is about to decline. Competition was late into the game but that gave them the opportunity to avoid some beginners mistakes. To underestimate the capability of Asia and Germany is a serious mistake (just look at Porsche and you will understand).",0 Right! I’m gonna have a hard time focusing on anything else :D,1 Thanks for the educational in depth research. I’ll be buying more if it ever touches $500.,1 "If you think so, buy puts 😆",1 Stop drinking,0 The last split did happen. That’s why it’s called “the last split”.,1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 200 swings hurt until they’re in your favor. See you next week 🚀🚀🚀,1 It’s a mountain not a wall grasshopper.,1 "Plus Berlin, Germany Gigafactory in March? Austin, Texas Gigafactory, anytime now!",1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 At least you don’t own MRNA.,0 "Tesla could be a 5 trillion dollar company in ten years, you own 5 hundred shares and another 1-5 split gives you 2500 shares. Unless you’re selling your shares to live off of turn off alerts and check your portfolio in 2032.",1 With a name like WSBT4RD I wouldn’t expect to hear “diversify” in any sentence.,0 Trouble is actually determining where the real dip is and where the stock price has really peaked at.,1 "This is entirely possible, and is a great accomplishment but the question is, can this battery pack and the cells used be manufactured economically, have long life characteristics and good long term temperature performance characteristics through a wide variety of driving situations. How does this hyper mileage car perform for acceleration after the pack has 200,000 Miles on it and how long does this pack take to charge from nearly depleted to fully charged? This is worth investigating, and may be a glimpse",1 "Tesla will not go straight up. However, with that said it will hit 3k and more in due time. Most likely before 2025. What will happen is you will see a run up soon. Leading up to and possibly after the earnings call then you will also see a drop (correction) soon after. Not sure how steep of a drop but there will be one. The drop may last awhile, similar to last year but It will then start to move back upwards as more targets and the business hits its goals. If your funds are in a non taxable account (p",1 I'm in a similar position. I sell OTM leap covered calls to protect my downside a little bit.,0 Hold until 2025 and then reevaluate. The only way you loose half your retirement is if you sell at a major dip. Don’t be a coward polish those diamond hands,1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 May be focus on 🚴🎹📖?,1 Hold……..Hold………HOLD……….HOLD!!!!!!!!!,1 Thanks man.,1 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 "Investing is such a phycological game it’s crazy. I try to break it down for myself when I feel an irrational decision coming on. I also like to say to myself, “Doing nothing in investing, is doing something.”",1 "But it's a great post... You guys need great posts, because a lot of them are crap!",1 "Yes, but it would be nice if people with opposing views would be a little bit respectful, instead of starting by calling someone a moron, TBH... Keep it positive and we'll be good.",1 [deleted],0 Gapping... In which direction? Everything listed sounds bullish to me!,1 "Testing 900$ range ? More likely so",0 Moon,1 Cathie Woods just sold more shares yesterday which has been playing and affect on the stock. She has been doing so about every week every time it runs up. ARKK (Cathie) holds a lot of stock in Tesla,0 Where can I see that? (How do you know that or how do you watch/track that?),0 👌,1 "Maybe this:",0 "I have Tesla, Google,AApL,msft today got hit, I wonder if the crash is coming ?",0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 "Frome some article: ""To obtain access to the Tesla automobiles, the hacker claims he used API keys and third-party software. He further stated that the vulnerability is not due to Tesla, but rather to the owners.""",0 [deleted],0 "I think it was intentional having a billion shares, it's like being on the metric system 😅",1 "Lots of people judging by traditional metrics, but forget about the 'market' dictation by itself. The most important metric 👍",1 [removed],0 Where is gm/fords $12k profit per vehicle sold for ai software purchase? Why are gm/Ford profit margins soooo incredibly low (and decreasing) compared to Tesla (margin advantage is big & increasing)? Where is ford/gm battery production and why are Panasonic catl and LG Chem selling more to tesla than everyone else combined despite tesla also being a battery production jugernaught? Why do ford/gm EV's require 35% more batteries per comparable EV to get the same mileage as the tesla w/ 35% less identical batt,0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 [removed],0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 15 days old and have greater than 0 comment karma to submit a message. -4"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 [removed],0 Knees and toes too! 1200 EOW sounds right.,1 Glad to see you voice your opinion love the nay sayers who always jump on peoples comments,1 This aged well,1 Do you know why. Don't be a green candle whore.,0 AMOM doesn't exactly have the greatest record this year. Down 8% since June (when I bought in).,0 Bad bot. Banned.,0 "4:00 am ET happens when this comment is 19 hours and 12 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.",0 gonna say the guy leading the C Compiler efforts,1 Also just a chill dude,1 "Most of the actual work… that was only there because… it just appeared there? Or because they are standing on the shoulders of giants and there is 2+ years of work by a team of people?",0 💯agree,1 Page one today The New York Times!,1 Put your money where your mouth is? Show us your puts...,0 "If you're holding for long term then a split would be good for you though I'm scalping TSLA and I missed my exit price the other day thinking it'll gap pass to new ATH but didnt!!! Now it's retracted to a decent buy in again and I'm so fucking pissed at myself!!!!!! Oh well lesson learned 🤣",0 "i don't understand, if you sold 2.7 shares then your broker offers fractional shares",0 "Really great written except 2 small things! 1) Tesla will never make a phone, and you can’t have a phone connected to Starlink! The phone would be 40 cm at least! 2) Model Y will be the most car sold already in 2023! Mark my words!",1 TREVOR IS A SCRUB,0 Ford Apple Tesla Meta Amazon Nvidia Google,1 "I’m bullish on tesla but this shit is just ridiculous. You’re legit talking about a market cap of around 70 trillion dollars if the stock price hits 60k. And that’s without potential splits. The S&P 500 combined market cap value of all companies is around 40 trillion dollars right now. In your world tesla would almost be worth double that. That’s like the GDP of europe, china and the US combined I mean come on now",0 I think %$100k sounds about right,0 $60k is too conservative imo,0 I’ll co-sign 9k per share by 2030 without another split if FSD BETA keeps improving at current rate.,1 Hold your horses lets get to 1300 from 1100 first. Last run was 900-1100.,1 Sell that bullshit your a gambler who got lucky. Your arent about this life!,0 Hold,0 "Seriously that is such a minor profit, you'd have to pay tax on what you earn and maybe more fees in taking the money from your broker? For $300? It's not gonna tank 100%. I have a handful of shares from $690 and I just check the price from time to time. It's not worth selling em.",0 "It is all relative to your current needs and situation. If you need money - sell. If you dont, I recommend to hold. There are a few surprises still to come and this should push the stock higher. Not investment advice.",1 This has already happened once. Looks like he's going for a double.,0 TSLA to mars 🍾🎊,1 TSLA = Garbage,0 "Record sales, still not even close to defend reasonable PE, how long time will it take for you to get it....",0 Its fake. Idiot.,0,0 "🚀🚀🚀 Absolutely YES, chart indicates TSLA going to be above $1000 by end of the year. Watch learn and come back here on 1st 2022 🚀🚀🚀",1 Yup called it 🚀🚀🚀 get in while you can people!,1 ?,0 "I called Hertz for a trip in the last few weeks to Orlando to book a Tesla. I have the highest status at Hertz, President's Circle. I was told they have Teslas for reservation but they were booked through Feb due to popularity.... So it's real and it's off the charts popular",1 TSLA is back to pre announcement levels. It was a painful ride,0 "I don't even think it's a contract. Hertz has to order the cars online like everyone else. No volume discount. Nothing. Someone keep me honest, but that's what I heard. TSLA doesn't have a demand problem but a production problem. No reason to give Hertz a volume discount",0 "They’ll get there. Same reason there’s nothing in India yet, the infrastructure isn’t quite ready to support and they are still building out existing markets (superchargers). They do already sell to these areas on one-off basis but once the infrastructure starts to develop expect India, Brazil and maybe somewhere in Africa (although I think Berlin will cover most of that continent).",1 Balls deep 1000/1600/5000/12000,1 "Staying sideway for 6 months, then $1100",0 Thanks for that suggestion. Will keep an eye on it.,1 What are you thoughts about EVGO?,1 The dip didn’t come yet 😂,1 I’ll buy when it’s sub 700,0 i just bought 20 what now,0 I bought the tip. Three times so far. 😏😤🤬,1 Then you are screwed,0 he did buy shares.,1 and you will regret it,0 "Same brother, don’t worry :)",1 "I think we will see ~$900 tested a few more times. It’s all part of the process. $2k by eoy2022 Btw I don’t know much about investing but I average 177 on tesla",1 We will stop falling around $750-800,0 900 $ is the next target to buy,1 I hear ya there!,1 "I’m def a long term holder - although I have mini heart attacks daily seeing the drop, I know I’m not gonna take action and sell yet.",1 "oh boy, it’s hitting real close today :(",0 Show me. How did you know?,0 "Your DD concept: Disregard earnings, competition and buy hype....",0 "Probably making them for customer field trials. This is normal for fleets to deploy in their productive routes to assess how they function... OEMs make 50 or 100 for customer field trials. During this time OEMs would address as many issues that surface so by the time they release to production, the trucks are almost trouble free...",1 "We the stock holders voted yes to all of this if he reached a certain target. He has, rightfully so. The stock will be fine, Don't forget he has Texas and Germany opening in 22! I'm staying with Tesla!",1 "While it is true, that Elon increased his overall stake, he gained another 12 million shares, that can be sold now. He wasn't able to sell these 12 million shares until now, they simply didn't exist. He has now more shares to sell and while it doesn't necessarily mean, that he will sell them, he showed, that he is willing to sell stocks for his own benefit. Take care.",1 Por que no los dos?,0 "Depends if you need car or money🙂 One gives a smooth and great ride and another is a roller coaster",1 [removed],0 Roller coasters 🎢 are fun 🙂,1 true I agree with you,1 "It’s only a dip because elon is selling. The fact that it gets bought up after is impressive. He was able to sell and not tank the stock . You could wait if you’re worried, or just buy now, If you’re long term. I added more in the slide. I went from 80 to 95 shares",1 Been buying these dips so no mo money left for new dips 🤣,1 [removed],0 Yeah he gets paid in Tesla stock,0 "Suppose to be a stock split, read it somewhere",0 you re smart /s,1 Floor is lava,0 Rebound tomorrow?,1 "Going all in on TSLA! I have a feeling we back to $1,100 today!",1 "More like 🚀 $1,100. To the moon!!!",1 Idk but as long as it doesn’t go to 239$ a share I’ll be okay,0 "Why did you buy? What was your investment thesis? No one can predict the day to day movements. Focus on why you bought vs what the general market thinks. If you’re right then you’re fine even if SP drops another 50%. Just keep buying if that’s the case until your thesis needs to be updated.",1 $177 here…,0 Tesla will hit $1900 by year end because cyberquad is $1900,0 It will go up strongly by end of year imho,1 [removed],0 💥💯,1 I'll just hold... Not sold not losing,1 I also managed to buy at $1010. That's all the money I have for now.,0 TSLA my fave stock in the market. either way the market may be in a cool down channel and by that I mean straight down. Market sentiment will always value Tesla above all other crap EV's that are worth over a billion dollars and those others shouldn't try.,1 I had to sell a few to lock in my profits (+40%) and followed another member’s advice to buy Puts $1100 exp Jan 21 and $100 Feb 18. Puts are up 20%. These will help me to go thru this volatile market.,1 Good time to buy if time horizon is longer. What happening now is the high multiple companies are getting beat down due to interest rate expectations.,0 Buying TSLA to the moon,1 "You better get rid of those put my friend TSLA going to $1,100.00 today Delta is coming for you.",0 Buy buy buy,1 I like that right now you can calculate the market cap in billions just by looking at the share price.,1 so you dont think there will be a split this month,0 "Especially for those outside of the US, where partial shares might not be an option.",1 My options that fkn crushed weekly say diff. Lol,0 Cathie Woods says it is worth 30k.,1 So annoying,0,0 Unlikely but possible fingers crossed 🤞 😀,1 tesla stock value will go up,1 i give it a 10% chance of happening,0 don't wait,1 Wait… that’s not Fibonacci…. Is it?…..,0 Its going to keep happening for some time to come,1 "Holding 1250$ calls to jan 20, if the stock split theory is true i wouldnt want to miss that",1 "I like debit call spreads so you don't get killed by time decay. Buy 1200 and sell 1225 or 1220. Way cheaper and easy 2x if it closes over 1225. Your breakeven is 1300 plus.",1 "Ha ha, my man!",1 "Well said, hope you’re long dong TSLA like I am.",1 Trust me Bro $1500 yeah!,1 "Blowout, bro! Berlin, yeah!!! Austin to the moon🚀🚀🚀",1 Unhealthy market we live in today. Tesla will start coming down In December. No more fuel left… er….sorry I meant no more electrons left,0 There is more down side to come.. hold your cash,0 Damn this stock is insane...,1 There’s no stopping this train toot toot,1 What does it mean? Hedge funds are driving price up hoping ppl will buy and then sell all?,0 That's been the pattern for the longest time in the recent trading history. Buy in the afternoon and sell in the morning before lunch.,0 1400 eow,1 I want this to go to 1500 by Jan but that’s just my hopes and dreams haha,1 [deleted],0 Already up 27$ PM,1 Fingers crossed,1 Markets been absorbing his shares well. Maybe less of a factor than you think.,1 what makes you so sure of the timeline?,1 what happens then?? butt stuff?,0 "Wow, that's unbelievable!",1 "If everyone would stop SELLING, we’d see it!!!",0 "$TSLA $LCID $EVGO $RIVN Tesla Stock Target Boosted to $1,400 as EV Maker Seen Owning Big Chunk of ‘EV Revolution’",1 I like this but could it be a potential rug pull? Price hikes as there’s already so much fomo and momentum?,1 I believe the terminology MSM is pushing is… ‘frothy‘,0 "There’s a recent interview with an ex tesla employee which said that they can update a car within 3 hours. From decision of whether it will improve the car to implementation, with that pace of improvement I just don’t see how other automakers can catch up. There’s an interesting YouTube video called ‘how tesla killed GM’ by Solving the money problem",1 [removed],0 "Think we can expect another Green Day tomorrow, or will there be pull back before Friday?",1 Jim Cramer? Is this you?,0 "Man, was this really worth it’s own thread? Stick to the daily",0 Biol. 🚀,1 " Insider trading Form4 is going to pick up considerably!!! Buyer beware you could be looking at an aggressive dip",0 Be kind,1 Lol,1 TSLA is a Rollercoaster. Enjoy the ride!,1 Someone chased the top,1 "Facepalm - don’t like it? Oppose the ‘tax the rich’ sentiment as this will happen in every major company come tax season if it ends up going through. And honestly, do you think the price won’t rebound in a few weeks! If you don’t believe the stock will be worth more in the future than what it is now then why are you investing in Tesla?",0 Chill a stock can’t continue to go up. It will be 1500 next year. He’s not stupid,1 Hold it will be at1300 soon or buy when you can I bought some today. Elon knows what he is doing and the reward will be big,1 "I’m up 20% still but man, he needs to cool it. So frustrating",0 give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,1 Just hold. Im in at 1030. It will go up and we will be glad we bought it.,1 "Split adjusted, I bought in at $60 per share a couple of years ago but it then dropped to $50 per share. So that’s the equivalent of a drop from $1100 to around $900 today. We likely won’t be seeing the parabolic increases in share price like we did the past couple of years, but holding during a period of negative news headlines has usually paid off for me. We are in that period again right now. Keep in mind that the recent price increases will result in automotive revenues that will be at least around $",0 "I’d love it to drop to 700, I’ve got a massive stack of cash waiting to go. Every $ it drops is another $ of future profit.",0 I think it’s gonna be done today or tomorrow. Maybe Wednesday.,1 Can u explain what u mean by gap?,0 Any source for that?,0 "When I have money, I will buy now. Actually, my target price is 3000 at least. It's doesn't matter to buy 1100 or 1000 or 900. It's a long term investment, don't care the short term price.",1 "Musk has 12.5M shares still to sell. It most likely will be another 10 days or so when the selling will be done. Right now, TSLA seems to hv some support at $1000. But if they breaks, the next support is anywhere from 900 to 780. I am gonna wait for next week before I buy.",0 900 was the previous resistance so it will act as the support (where it will fall to),1 "I mentioned it was hearsay so I don't think you'll be seeing a ""tech analysis"". Don't get so offended by speculation. Im having to ask bluntly because its quite frankly it's confusing and always will be. I'm surprised you're not willing to humor this after all the ""darkest days"" If you wanna pop in and have a puesdo ego about holding a stock for longer than anyone else because someone asked a question that doesn't subscribe to the way you feel a line moves up or down... well then... alright dude.",0 Thanks brother,1 Lol it went up,1 "Elon and the stock are not synonymous. For instance, the stock actually has intrinsic value as opposed to ""I forgot your still alive"" Musk.",0 "Your scenario is possible but ideal and very optimistic. Your undertone is TSLA will be able to execute the plan you described in a perfect manner. Will that take place? Not a long time ago, TSLA struggled with its production capabilities. Shanghai Super-factory was an extremely smooth and positive experience, but only God knows if such experience may be copied in exactly the same way in Austin and Berlin. Not sure about AMZN's PE, but unless TSLA can go on with its growth as of today, I don't think after ",1 "Last time i checked Tesla used more or less the same Bosch Sensors VW uses. Did this change?",0 "There were other people producing cars in the early 1900’s. However it was Henry Ford that revolutionized the automobile industry. It is now Elon Musk who is revolutionizing not only the EV industry, but also the automobile, space, energy, transportation, trucking, communications, insurance, AI, robotics and aerospace industries too, just to name a few. Elon Musk is not perfect and has his idiosyncrasies just like you and me. However, if there is one visionary worth following and supporting who is active",1 It's called diversity. Many investors classify TSLA as a EV company but the truth is that TSLA is way much more than just that.,1 "Overall for me, it’s the diversification and constant innovation. 1) What other company as large as Tesla doesn’t spend on advertising (ford spends $468 / car sold compared to Tesla’s 0$ / car sold) 2) I’m not a big fan of generational companies, as often you find that the CEO of certain companies is CEO because their great grandfather started the company not because they’ve earned their way into that position and are the most qualified to do so. (Elon musk as a CEO as well is a workaholic to the point ",1 Solving the economic crisis one step at a time. Tesla (Nikola Tesla) had it set to be for humanity to live a abundant life through the energy that revolves us. Elon picked up after the master minds work with his own perception at revolutionizing the tech goals. I am sure he didn’t name the company Tesla for no reason but only the fact that there is more to be discovered like Nikola always planned to do so by the arts.,1 It for sure will. But the question is how far out is this? I’ve heard some very smart people say we are a long time from this.,0 Now sell so it can go up for us 😜,1 Set my order at $1000 a couple days ago it hit.,0 I’m the best at that too,1 It's about the quarter of the price. I use optiwatt to track usage,1 "I did the math where I live and it costs about $2 - $3. I also signed up for a peak time plan with my power company. Overnight charging is fueled by Nuclear. The problem isn't electric cars it's coal. We need more nukes. But long story short charging your care is WAAAAY cheaper than gas. Also, electric cars need way less maintenance. Total cost of ownership will prove that electric is greater. It would help to get the prices down for EVs across the board, though to compete and different price levels.",1 A friend of mine just discovered that her electric meter at her new build condo building was cross wired with her neighbors' and she'd been paying their bill for two years! so you may have a feasible plan there...,0 but expensive when neighbour scratches up your car and busts your tyres,0 13 miles is 20.92 km,0 13 miles is 20.92 km,0 "First, understand the total demand of cars in US and then in other countries currently. Apply growth rates of demand for that sector and then see the total demand for cars in 2030. Then see where does 20mil cars fit in. After all, other companies are not just gonna sleep for next 10 years to see that ppl only buy tsla and nothing else. Tsla could announce any crap investors want to hear. atleast we as investors should use some brains.",0 "Isn't it convenient to inflate the numbers in an argument? 2019 worldwide sales of cars are 75mil. []( Car sales by the country split. approximately. [2/car-sales-by-country-2019.pdf]( I hope you agree that TSLA is not a segment (currently) for first-time buyers",0 He exercised his stock options because he had to and he’s being awarded more shares than he was forced to sell. The sell off was panic based on false premise. People are realizing this and buying back.,1 He has sold 4 million the past 3 days and is currently continuing to sell. As of last night he is at around 20 - 25% done. People are. Bullish on the Tesla stock. Some people been saying he is done selling but he isn’t and his brother sold some shares at the top as well. Elon proposed 20 billion in sales to cover taxes on stock options he is selling from the low 6s,0 "Hey can you help explain to me how Elon comes out on top with this? Explain like I’m 5. He’ll have to liquidate 10% of his shares ((28B) which will be taxed roughly at 50%), to cover the 14B of his option trades. Which his profit on each option trade is about $1100. 22.8 million shares X 1100 is roughly 25B. I think I’m missing something but isn’t that a net loss of -3B?",0 Sell,0 HODL is a dumb move when the captain is selling. I sold on monday morning and will buy back in when <1k.,0 850-900 for sure.,1 So what happens next? Will my puts be demolished?,0 "Tesla or rather TSLA is volatile on the daily. I am sure you will see an opportunity, I know I would love to buy 4 more shares (I’m from Canada and it’s 25% exchange so it’s like 6k CAD)",1 i’m buying and holding. even if short term it drops to 800 i’m confident eventually it will go back up. seeing how i’m already in the red i might as well take the gamble. i’m new to stocks though.,1 Link?,0 Yes I saw that too on CNBC. All positive news for the long term.,1 🚀🚀🚀tendies back on the menu.,1 "I bought my Model 3 last year and I have to admit the Rivian R1T is tempting with the 3-person camping tent and pull out fully-functional kitchen. I haven’t been camping in more than 20 years, so that’s just how powerful their marketing is in my opinion.",1 "It’s a mountain not a wall, grasshopper.",1 That was a nice dip to 1020. Im out of cash! Im a bag holder of 500 shares.,1 I’m not buying back in until Elon starts selling. The stock is gonna drop another 10% minimum,0 I set my target at 975. Premarket already has it at 1003,1 He’ll do a bought deal through the big banks. Won’t even hit the market,0 I put 10 share buy orders from 974 to 955. Every 10 bucks or so.,0 I bought 100 at 1030 as it was leaving to station to the moon. Not going to dip below 990 today or ever maybe. GL,1 "Elon also collected about $2.3 billion worth of Tesla shares (at $6.24 per share) through stock options that he exercised from his previous CEO grant. In other words, his stake in Tesla actually increased",1 was yew happy with teh results? :),1 "TSLA's fundamental does not really matter. We all know its power will somehow drive our lifestyle to change and evolve. However, the valuation is going up too fast for the fundamentals to catch up. In other words, the investors have been accelerating the monetization of TSLA's prospects. Any news may move the share price because of its valuation.",0 "I think he sells his shares on the private market to insiders, so it shouldn't directly affect the public share value. correct me if I'm wrong",0 did elon sell today? or was that a dump from paperhands?,0 There is 3 things that can take 50% of your wealth.1 .tornato 2 divorce 3 Elon Musk twitter.,0 $TSLA is only up 28% in the last month. Really fucked us in the ass. Great insight.,0 I sense a spilt is coming.,0 i’m split on this…,0 "Currently at about 1,025... I was thinking of adding some myself but am unsure. The last time I was able to buy in was at 575 so buying at practically double that feels... Icky?",0 only takes a week to get to mars. perhaps he should hold it for longer?,1 Tesla has created too many miracles and is indeed worthy of long-term investment,1 "After rough like today, are we expecting red or green tomorrow? I’m reluctant to admit but with a heavy heart, I have to say I expect more red.",0 Holding for one year,1 Why did Elon brother sell all his billion Tesla shares before Elon Musk twitted.? Was there a discussion with Tesla Co. before Elon twittered a lot of answers need to be said by Tesla Co.,0 I’m already regretting my decision. Panic sold today (with a loss),0 Holding for 5-10 years,1 "He had months to file this. He didn't have to do it today. I'm just fucking done. I can't deal with his bullshit anymore.",0 Musk promised not to sell,1 " This is the link bro",0 This is a surprise. Interested to hear more details.,1 TSLA to $3000,0 The people selling are going to end up regretting it,0 It's just an opportunity for others to buy the dip. This is Papa Elon we're talking about here.. not Trevor Milton.,0 "Shorties pulled the “scare card” on the 3rd and it shot right back up. Really good PR today on Pepsi purchases and Quebec-based Tesla battery manufacturing and all anyone wants to focus on is a damn tweet. I’m “down” 1,500$ right now (50 shares) and couldn’t care less. Btw we have new price targets of 1,450 and 1,800.",1 "So the sky is falling Tesla stock gurus took a Big swing and miss on Tesla stock today. Many had it being in the $700-800 range and losing 20-50%. Crickets from those experts tonight",0 "Zzzzz. What’s the investment thesis? Even if it does drop, has the thesis changed? Nothing company value has changed and only the extremely unpredictable short SP movements will occur. Gamma squeeze could push it in reverse, Elon’s sale in next few weeks could be on open market or dark pool, lots of PT upgrades and new buy rating over weekend, strong China numbers this morning, reports that 26% of funds measured by performance to benchmark are still underweight TSLA - how all this effect today, who know",1 "$500??? Surely you mean $500,000 right?",0 When a tweet tanks your portfolio 30k,0 Just the beginning. Prepare to end the year $750-850 range,1 "Well, in EV space definitely no, BUT the price is set for perfection. Any mistake, any recall, any good announcement by a competitor will make it tank. Also, don’t forget that it is a bloody high capital intensive business (read they need build plants) with cut-throat competition and political backing to keep employment. It is not a Facebook or Google, these are cars. People can use busses, gasoline cars, walk or buy a used car to get from point A to point B. And the price does matter. Anyway, just saying ",1 Bruh. Most folks don't lose a half million dollars on a 10% dip.,0 "Rip, you won't be able to buy again because it's not reaching 800 ever again 🧑‍🍳",0 "$TSLA Jefferies raises base-case PT to $1400 & bull-case PT to $1600. Wedbush raises bull-case PT to $1800.",1 It's like 17 million shares. less than half of a heavy day's volume. He needs to file with SEC first. Probably won't ever even hit the market. BUY The hell out of THAT SHIT!,0 Got 100 shares and also got a bunch of Put options. Protective put.,1 Today was a better buying day than yesterday ;),1 "This is a highly calculated move not some Twitter stunt. People simply do not understand how smart he is not ever will. He shit on bitcoin for all the right reasons. Look what happened, more green than ever and at ATHs. He co fathered OG digital payment. If you think Tesla is just a car company then you are not understanding the sheer need that he is serving to make the world better. Yes, he has more money than anyone knows what to do with which is exactly why he is the most qualified to direct it. ",1 "what his brother did, could it be considered as « insider trading »?",1 Get ready for a pullback,0 His brother did though,0 "I feel like he has remorse. Brother sells Friday, bill gets approved Friday night. His brother got nervous about the bill not passing and stock taking a dive down.",1 "Once you have a few billion dollars, the word ""illegal"" becomes rather irrelevant. Thou shalt not interfere with ""job creators"".",0 For the 5-7 years it takes to soon one up the chip problem may be resolved in time already.,1 "Clarification, yes there is an equal amount of buyers & sellers but are they meeting at the “bid” or the “ask” is the real question",0 10%~40% approximate decline,0 Yeah he also announced he was thinking of starting a university…,1 Vote vote vote!,1 I hope Elon has a plan. He’s about to cost me a shit ton Monday,0 "Oh no, not now. After the split, yes!",0 I voted yes 😈,1 Essentially a busted growth story,0 [removed],0 "Bo Jack Horseman has this line: ""you are the same age as you were on the day when you got rich"". That's Musk. He may be smart, but deep down he is a teenager who never had to grow up. That's why he keeps doing immature shit. Let's not pretend it's a rags to riches story. He did what he wanted all his life - the privilege that comes with you gram gram owning a goddamn emerald mine.",0 "The board , hence his brother , whatever the fuck his name is, is going to sell as well :(",0 "There might be credence to this, why else would he come out with back to back tweets that rock the boat. It comes across like you’re all in on a bullish position and that’s why you called “op” retarded. I hope you don’t lost too much money if this is the case.",0 "Confirm you’re not a bot. What is $420 + $0.69?",0 "Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99786% sure that droneauto is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](",1 This makes no sense. What if we hit $4200.69?!,0 Nice! Welcome to the club. You’ve made a solid investment.,1 Every little helps!,1 Welcome on board... slow and steady wins the race!,1 "Wait, sales numbers in 3 out of the next 3 months? News from cities?? *Probably* other things??? How can I be part of this.",0 "Do you really need news now? The whole Hertz thing was a minor hoax, but took the stock to the stratosphere.",0 Td Ameritrade app I think,0 "Basically, got a $400k position.",0 "Yeah, I did it a long time ago, Best thing I ever did",1 86% of my portfolio in at avg 550$. First bought In June 2020 which is the earliest possible time I could invest due to not having a bank acocunt.,0 About 98% for me 😁,1 [removed],0 Omg sell on Monday dude and buy back so u don't lose your life saving,0 Baller,1 "It’s ok to put all of your eggs in one basket, if you control the basket",0 Yes and trapped is a good way to put it.,0 His honesty is what will keep this going up though. I saw his tweet as the opposite of a run killer... he basically just stopped the stock from running up this crazy amount and then dumping itself if the media were ever to find out in any other way than the CEO to come out and announce it.,1 Moronic to own TSLA? To be all in? To sell?,0 see you at 6.000$ share price,0 About a year if the pattern holds no?,0 yes but you can control how your SCorp goes by working harder on it; an investment is always a risk,1 "I guess its not going to drop to $1,100 so will increase buy to $1,150",1 Okay,0 O K,0 Elon:)[](,1 Is it a buy?,1 "Provided Elon is already 50 and has made it clear Tesla is-at least in part- a vehicle to finance spaceX indirectly, what’s the PV of a $1.2trn investment in Elon in 10 years? Negative. Short often and frequent. I am we are short.",0 only dropped to 1152 don't want to buy till the price drops some,0 Hi fellow clovtard $CLOV and $TSLA to the moon! #TeslaHealth,1 Nothing has changed. They are paying retail anyways. Elon just covering his ass.,0 "I'm glad it's not as bad as premarket. Elon needs to stop running his mouth like that.",0 HODL… discount until this afternoon for those late to the party IMO,0 This 👆,1 [removed],0 Pull back to 800,0 Ngl I would probably sell. And I’m sure if something does happen to Elon that’s what most investors will do too. Stock would in turn plummet.,0 "I agree it was never the same, but the stock value is okay 🙂",1 Been saying for years that Tesla is the Apple of cars,1 "still pre semi truck, truck, compact and cell phone TSLA. GOAT stock about to grow a GOATEE",0 I dont value robo taxis. Its a decade out. I am more bullish Tesla insurance.,1 Shareholder since 2011. Already retired. Still holding…,1 I’ll take 5 years! Let’s split a time or two first though!,0 I’m buying TSLA and then putting profits into CLOV (Earnings on Monday) and then putting those profits back into TSLA! It’s a ciiiiirrrrrcllleeeeee!!!,1 Agreed. Hodl till 2035,1 Fkinmoon,1 For when?,1 "I remember the first time it hit $1,000 and I thought to myself, “Wow maybe I should wait until it drops below $1,000 again.” Glad I decide to go ahead and keep buying. I’m not in it for the short term. I’m in it for the long haul. Buy and hold. One day you’ll look back and think Damn I should’ve bought more.",1 It has become a meme stock… the moment people start to sell it will crash back down below $1000,0 "right way is learn option trading ( you will get say today $1225 share for $1080) ... never chase ... forget buying HIGH like this for this month in shares , i guarantee you cheaper price in 2 month for example .. ​ <<< on fed meet declaring tapering on Nov 3 is one catalyst .. never time .. take what market gives in probabilities and tiers",0 loud mouth mofo was abusing me u/BuddyWoodchips did you stay poor today /,0 Buy Ford. $F,1 Buy and hold good brother,1 How’d I hold all year but sold right before the run 😭,0 I am getting increasingly confident we get closer to 1.5k this week… the volume today was just so refreshing and reassuring.. thoughts?,1 "Yep. It will crash down at some point, might not be below what it is now but it will.",0 "Not clickable. Looks like two recalls (the other, a week or so ago relating to suspension bolts), neither got much traction or the stock price didn’t reflect any news. The fed meeting might have more impact, but changes in policy won’t take effect for a few weeks.",0 This didn't age well.....,0 How did this work out?,1 "I think you meant two hours. Lol, that post aged soooooo poorly.",0 Dont splits normally happen in July time frame?,0 I can’t wait for a stock split.,1 I'm sure they will do it but only because we all know what it will do to the stock. ;),0 "Earnings and cash that will be generated over the years at 10m cars earnings with same EBITDA as Q3 2021 is 112b. Not including all new business’es, FSD (50m FSD subscription at 5k is 250b), insurance (50m at 1k is 50b), Robotaxis (50 @20k yearly profit is 1tn), etc. I have not included solar/power saving profits, but you see the profits can already be at over 200bn EBITDA in 5 years and growth will still be crazy… this can go way higher than 20T… but that is just my estimate, and that is why I am excited… ",1 "Thoughts: Why 1.5k? Why will it be split accordingly? Why will a split cause a 30-40% boost? What evidence is there of a 100m “short squeeze”? Short squeeze is turning into a magic word that gets overused everywhere. Be wary of counting on short squeezes for value creation. Why will we hit Cathie Wood’s target in the next 3-12 months, even presupposing all your previous conclusions are totally correct? I’m not trying to tear you down or be rude or pessimistic. I really am not. But these are the types of an",0 "Well since TSLA's last split was 5 to 1 at around $2,500, and since Elon said he doesn't want split any time soon, I don't think it will happen, even though a lot of people want it to happen.",0 I’m here for the split 😎,1 It would make sense to do a split soon so that more people can buy into it. I hope Elon splits it before the end of the year,1 You are confused!!!!!!,0 Send a tweet to papa Musk,1 [removed],0 "I like where your head is at. Why don't you post as Kathy though? TSLA will probably sell items to Boring and SpaceX, but those are considered separate companies and at least SpaceX is expected to have it's own IPO at some future date. The last I read on SpaceX is that the IPO may not include the whole company but just the part that allows for high speed internet via satellite.",1 Fuckinmoon so I can make 300% and get out,1 lolshort squeeze. just. the GOAT stock,1 Yeah u can,1 Tsla to 42069 and a 100 to 1 split,1 I have made my entire years wages on Tesla calls in the last weekend is the stock market,1 When will it cross 1500 is a better question,0 When will it cross 1200,1 Moooooooon,1 You literally don't understand how a fund like her's works...,0 You are too anxious just sell and leave,0 Cathy lost Millions selling TSLA last month. Ouch.,0 Can you share how does it work.,1 "They have rules (stocks are limited to certain percentages in portfolio), ther are also money in/out flows. If someone sells the ETF, they have to sell something to pay that customer right? And so on...",0 "Warren, is that you?",1 [removed],0 So it’ll be a $20 trillion dollar company in 5 years?,0 "For European investors, fractional shares are uncommon. Would be nice with a split soon (also because it would boost the stock price)",1 Technical analysis doesn’t really apply to TSLA,0 "Don't ""know the path. Walk the path""! 1500 by EOY!!!!",1 "Tesla will go to 2000 by eow, 5,000 by eoy, then elon will become supreme leader of world in march 2022, boosting tesla to new ath of 100,000",1 I use stop trailing to get out and made aome money.,1 [removed],0 I see it between $1040-1060 kinda hoping for a bull run tommorow,0 "Yes, spend more time looking forward. Everyone could have bought earlier or more or sold at the top. Harry Hindsight is the best investor I know.",1 "absolutely, buy more and hold for long term",1 ... but it's indicative of a stellar company..,1 "Bunch of people bought at 900 last year. You’d be just as stupid as them. Meaning: not that stupid but kinda.",0 "Smart move, my estimate is $3k 2022 Berlin, Austin, new batteries, manufacturing, FSD, robo taxi advances, humanoid, el division I have 2 Tesla's, by far best car on the market, competition still has thousands of more parts",1 oh boy... you should've waited... never chase pumps.,0 Screams *********************,0 "Yes, it will only go up",1 "Not really. You cant really time the market but you can time your investent (regulary invest and hold) Here is a sample if you invest 1030 every month, for 10 years on tesla using compound interest calculator. I set the interest as 20% - quite conservative, although as we can see for the last 2 years it was definitely more than 30-40%. [compound illustration]( As you can see on the image above, your return is 3 x larger (387k )than your original investment (120k)",1 Yes,1 Took about $12k profit sold 30 at 1050. Have a limit buy for 1000 bu I think I’m going to hold for a split.,1 "I think it will be $2500-$3000 Tesla FSD is 10 years ahead of competition",1 FTD?,0 Got in at 96 $,1 Nothing Can stop it its going all the way up,1 Smart move! I bought in my 20's and still holding my original 30 shares. Up almost 1000% and still holding.,1 I got in over 10 years ago at 28.80. Still holding.,1 boomshakalaka,1 I bought at 700. I sold at 715 after Holding it sideways for 6 months. Put that money in vanguard 500. Within a month it went up 30%. I feel sick looking at that price now. I can’t allow myself to FOMO in to this right now.,0 I fucking sold then and still regret it to this day. Those 100 shares would be so money rn,0 Same boat :((((,1 "My previous boss once told me.................... You get paid what you're worth.................... Tesla is worth what it's market cap is..............",1 It is,1 Getting yourself just 10 shares just 3 years ago would mean a lot now,1 🤞,1 I made a ton of money in the past with Tesla. But I hate to tell you Tesla 900 or Intel at 50. Which is a better buy right now. I know I'm going to be downvoted and laughed at and heckled. I would rather buy Intel at 50 then Tesla at 900. And I did,0 In B4 ideletedmyaccount05,0 "I like my job, but I will like my self driving TSLA truck more.",1 "Gonna hit $1,100 next week and with bitcoin boost might hit $1,150.00",1 "Didn't Cathie Wood sell $605,000,000 in TSLA this month? [Forbes Article](",0 "I’m thinking about AI space, too. Lots of opportunities there. FSD and, later, Tesla Bot, can make ones imagination run wild.",1 I never buy when a stock is close to ATH,0 And vehicles in all segments exploding their TAM.,1 "Wait till you see a Texas sized pushback from the good old energy boys in ERCOT as Tesla Energy eats their lunch. A super huge tell will be when Tesla cars will get a bi-directional charging update to their hardware. Imagine a Cybertruck as a powerwall on wheels like the Ford Lightning. Get your popcorn, winter is coming.",0 Tesla’s lawyers are going to enjoy this one,1 "Judge: ""Hmm... I'm curious to see how low Nikola can sink... I will allow the case to proceed""",0 "Buy the rumour, sell the news. Historically over last 8 quarters TSLA has dropped 2.7% day after earnings and dropped 2.1% over the 5 days after earnings. This is also likely the first time Elon isn’t joining the call so Kirhorn and other leaders may communicate differently or new information. Whilst anything can happen over the short short term, it is a pure gamble over the short term. But most here are confident in the long term thesis so ‘if’ you want to wait and try to time an entry for a longer ter",0 "IV crush. I wouldn't hold past 4pm",0 This aged like milk,0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed. Your account must be older than 45 days old and have greater than 100 combined karma to submit a message. Please contact the mod team if you feel this is in error."" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 "Michael Burry is a jackpot winner who believe, he knows how to win the jackpot again and while doing that he one day loose everything. Mark my words",0 "Didn't he short near the top? Depending on when he closed his position he might have made money, doubt he lost much.",0 "I guess though for those of us lucky enough to be up, we have to be grateful to Elon et al for what we have made and not mourn what we could have had, it’ll drive you crazy!",1 "Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 302,394,510 comments, and only 67,803 of them were in alphabetical order.",0 "TSLA 2021 is AAPL 2001. Except you can live without AAPL products",0 "People finally get it. Don't short $TSLA ..... Unless you want to see money burning",1 Dude shutup,0 "Typically, if you want to buy a stock you like, you’d try to average down your cost per share by *buying over time*. Weeks, months even. Try to stay patient from day to day, follow your TA and not your emotions.",1 That comment will age well.,1 Could be big now that they hit 240k deliveries,1 "Capital gains taxes are likely to be very high next year, the way discussions are happening in the congress now. You might be able to save a big tax hit by selling this year. Depending on your portfolio size, the savings in taxes could let you by back 10%-30% of the stock next year that you sold this year.",1 "Woof, I feel bad. TSLA is the surest thing on the planet right now and set to become the largest company on Earth. Hang on to those other shares and buy back in when you get in a better financial position. There won't be a dip back below $800, ever. There might be a dip back to around $800 that you can hop on in a couple weeks, but probably nothing under $830. EDIT: That $830 number is a limit buy of massive proportion, then there is just a wall of limit buys at $800+. The Jan 20th, 2023 Call limit buys al",1 Q3 Delivery numbers are coming out Saturday ish.,1 "Somewhere, Saturday is tomorrow",1 "Halloween… so the market will be orange… - Tesla and Elon are unstoppable. Nothing to see here",1 "Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible]( Was I a good bot? | [info]( | [More Books](",0 180% here and planning to hold for at minimum another 5 years,1 "I don't touch my highly appreciated stocks, they are like gold bars that I would store in a locker. If you are not up for paying capital gains taxes, hold them. There will be ups/downs, but never mind. I get 4x margin on the equity, so I play with it for quick trades. I don't use the margin for investing, but just for day trading. This is working out ok so far in providing small income, while not getting hit with huge capital gains tax.",1 Sell half now.,0 "Good rule of thumb. If you’re unsure, and its good enough to brag about, it’s good enough to sell",1 Damn this is the best advice I've ever heard😂😂😂,1 "I don't think that would do anything to shorts. Maybe it would increase doge's price as SHF have to buy doge and pay it to hodlers, but it wouldn't necessarily cause a technical squeeze. There are other plays much larger (cough cough January sneeze) that have a much higher potential to cause a squeeze based on a crypto dividend. It would be cool if Mr. Musk saw your post tho :)",0 [removed],0 PMCC?,0 "A small fraction. As the shares go up, she’ll need to sell to balance out the value.",1,0 Same thing happens every year Tesla makes a back half run.,0 TSLA Community if needed,1 "Friendly, respectful, and mature stock & crypto investing community here. No hype or bs. Free to join, occasional buy/sell alerts weekly, Beginner and advanced friendly. Really just a nice place for all to bring research/news/opinions together and share it. Supportive and respectful interactive admins as well. Plenty of researchers willing to share free information:",1 That's the whole reason they're doing this. To deter the common people from investing in the stock market!,0 "I’m on the same note, what is the name on that buy and sale indicator it’s great, thanks",1 This ceo had plans for the model 3/y in 2006. Failed 3 times with spacex until a rocket actually worked. We are so lucky we have Elon.,0 You don’t get it,0 ">overpriced ​ !remindme 1 year",0 "The big catalysts for TSLA are coming in 2022. Giga Texas and Berlin ramping up, Cybertruck, FSD. That’s when the stock is sure to make big moves. Answer to your follow up question: TSLA is undervalued. Maybe not based on current fundamentals, but their exponential growth will continue for years to come.",1 If you are stressed out then you shouldn't own the stock.,0 "I agree, definitely holding for long term but can’t help to check on how it’s doing daily lol. Mini heart attacks on a daily…",1 "your speculation is incorrect, good try doe",1 I disagree,0 "That was me too, I decided to just not check TSLA, I do keep an eye on some of my other investments but generally ignore TSLA",0 Yes. It’s been painful. Loosing money on the daily. But iv never been let down by TSLA in the long run. So we HODL,0 "Tsla getting ready to tumble on the daily though",1 "At 1:30 this is going to break the other way, hope we make it back to even but even halfway there would be happy. If your going to buy, this would be the time I believe",0 "Ehhh, what?",0 I don't think he's secretly allowed to buy tesla...,0 "i brought 100 shares for $750, it went to $800 it went $550s... I never sold, I will never sell, for next two years.. it will touch $2000...",0 Imagine selling tesla 😳,1 By the dip after earning it should dip down to support at 620,0 I also held TSLA for 6 months now. It was disappointing; it went down and sideway. I am going to hold till the earnings next week and see what happens.,0 "I sold out for $700. Looking to get back in at right price. Hope $400 but I have ARKK so I am still in with 10% of the Ark.",0 Might buy if it dips again,1 What's your option strategy?,1 probably not going to be the best considering China’s booming EV market,0 Wanna bet?,1 G i,0 Inline to slightly less than consensus,1,1 Expect it friday AM. Could come PM or even Sat at the latest.,1 "This was already planned in Dec 20 (see article date)",1 "The wsb group is being tsla, so might be drop and bounce back",1 "Just a troll, no way he has any money bet against Tesla 🤣",0 My average is $728 and TSLA makes up 79% of my portfolio. Not in the money yet. Hopefully very soon 🤞🧘‍♀️🚀🚀🚀,1 Nope,0 On Friday TSLA was shorted so HODL,0 You’ll be fine long term,1 [removed],0 Worst case scenario of what?,0 "Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.",0 i had a 656 yesterday and sold it for a MEASLY 900 FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK,0 let me gather my figures. really appreciate your time.,1 "Nothingburger of an article. If you leave your company voluntarily, either to retire, to take another job, or to take a break from work, you generally have up to 3 months or 90 days from your termination date to exercise your vested options.",0 Short sellers only borrow the shares. Dividends go to the share holders,0 "Yes short sellers are obligated to provide the dividend to the current holder of those shares. And if the dividend is an NFT, which, unlike cash is not easily obtainable, it really causes them problems. Look up what happened with",0 TSLA was already short sqeezed.,0 "S3XY AF CARS - Model S - Model 3 - Model X - Model Y - Model AF (new affordable $25k car). Launch 2023-24 - Cybertruck - ATV - Roadster - Semi Trying to think how the Van fits in.",1 Brah… coke?,0 Fucking Delirious,1 "You know Ive just read an article about “social media betting”, the stupid author thinks that there is no need of knowledge anymore. No fundamentals play any role. And now I see that it’s kind of true, though I personally thought it’s bullshit. Some dumbasses write nonsense. At least listen to smart people like others do in case of GME! It was purely based on fundamentals and market conditions",0 "Sounds like same batteries, new pack design and weight loss are the real factors here.",0 PM means nothing,0 Losers stay alone.. winners stay with Elon. Trust in Elon,1 Imo they talking about spliting the stock again to lock in value.. To do that the value of stock should be about $1400 by the end of year. ???Big question ??? It seem that the should start moving up by end of this quarter in order to split the stock again???? That may be very good catalyst.,1 Tsla is perhaps one of the safest and a potential growth stocks in the market now IMO,1 It’s been holding above 200 day ma. This week will be a telling one. I can’t fault any of the naysayers either. But I do see something in the one mos chart. Does it happen wtf knows,1 Fuck off,0 Buy the dip and go LONG. Not financial advice.,0 Don’t you all see that news are all bad about Tesla in so short period of time come on they are trying to destroy Elon and kill Tesla,0 Yeah I will go back to 540. Time to add more that’s all,1 "TSLAs overpriced stock is dependent on its sales in China. Not only has there been rocky start there, Chinas own EV car companies are picking up good sales. Plus who is China gonna tip the scales for? Chinese companies. Finally, all other EV companies betting on Solid State Batteries. When that development comes thru, TSLA and its lithium batteries are toast.",0 "Wrong, it's only for short term. We know that hype can drive swings, but long term only profits matter.",0 I don’t care about that. Any real investor leaves their emotions out of it. I hold a long position in tsla long term but I also trade the downs like today.,1 I’m making money on the dip as we speak...,1 "The stock went from $950 to $550, dude made money and is probably out of the position now.",1 I don't think I'm ready to see people being able to talk to their tesla telepathically through neuralink.,0 What tf is this,0 "It doesn't matter whether Burry knows about Tesla or not. His objective is to make money by shorting the stonk. Just like Elon's objective to make the world a better place. ​ It's all about perspective.",0 "Um, you do realize Tesla's working hard on a $25,000 car? You do realize that US government wants to throw in $10k rebate on that?",0 "To bet against a religions sect following a high priest is dangerous business, but wen I see him running out of tricks like covering losses with bitcoin trading I might act.",0 [deleted],0 1200,1 Wick to 710 this week,1 642-724,0 Honestly looking at selling my ASO for a few more shares of Tesla. I feel like ASO will double in a couple months but also feel like Tesla is one of the best long term holds right now,1 "I saw May 24th somewhere on YouTube, but that date was on a federal document,now the question is will they push that date back at all once it's all finalized",1 I think the total sale might not hurt as much. Tesla can still export the cars to other country.,1 Sure. But many will wait or get a used car for 6 months then trade in. Just means less demand this year unless final bill is change to be effective immediately.,0 "$660 by the end of this week, [Unusual Stocks Options Activity]( shows how smart money switch bullish at Friday close for next week, they knew about this EV tax news before it got to publish.",1 He who controls the memes controls the world.,0 "I think Tesla is a great company with a lot of revenue streams and tons of upside potential. That being said, I’ll be unloading the bulk of my position as soon as I reach my cost basis. I kept buying the dip to reduce my cost basis, and I ran out of capital I was willing to use to keep purchasing so I’m basically buried right now. My cost average is $749. I think it’ll be a while before the stock gets back to that level which sucks because I don’t want to take a loss and I don’t want this much Tesla stock a",0 "Sounds to me that if the stock was going up you wouldn't care about Elon's ""antics"". Feels to me like the stock going down is what really bothers you and his tweets are just an excuse to want to sell and stop the pain of you losing money.",0 He doesn’t need anymore money. Where is his motivation?! What is the motivation? Take care of his share holders? Feed the poor? Save the rain forest?!! Humph 😤,0 "For those bothered by anything Elon does or says, I hate to think what colourful commentary was posted when Trump was president. Maybe our standards need tweaking. And of course there’s a laundry list of corporate pukes who gamed the system. Whew. Don’t get me started!",0 looking to sell when/if the stock reaches 700-750,0 "Yeah honestly if that's your attitude, I hope you do sell before the AI and the semi are released.",0 Hope you’re right. Just things I’ve been considering lately. Like I could maybe put my Tesla money in something else a little more “stable” if you will. And maybe just have a little play money in Tesla. Not sure. Just wanted to get everyone’s different opinions.,1 Some world..,1 That’s what I keep telling myself. Just gonna hold at least till end of the summer and see what it’s at. Diamond hands forever just annoying how frequently the stock goes down and Elon tweeting memes everyday as if he’s not like 50 years old.,0 Very nice,1 Why does it matter? Your investing in Tesla not Elon.,0 Like that’s gonna happen... 🤪,1 Makes sense. I'm glad I own both!,1 Think you may be on to something you bastard ! Not bad thinking friend .,1 I guess it's time to average up now.,0 It seems like lot of you guys are jealous for $TSLA holders.,0 Did AMC holders collect profits and pushed that onto Tesla? 😂,0 I bought calls,0 "That type of volume right before close is institutional investors buying back in...that's not retail investors. Thank god too because I have 46 contracts on a bull call spread expiring tomorrow. That little move put me up $5,980. Closing out that position tomorrow before the shorts come for my tendies.",1 Don’t know... anyone? Bueller?,0 It’s ok. Tomorrow is a Friday before 3 days weekend. I think it will drop but not sure if it going to drop below 619. I also holding put.,1 "I’ll stick with holding my 20,000 shares of AMZN that I bought at $3.17 each back in August 1997. You little boy",1 May you articulate it a bit. I’ve seen it all over trading board about the last few minutes of TSLA trading. But I don’t know what it is.,0 "Also note applicable to the Chinese model 3, unfortunately.",0 Tesla will find another way to survive. I'm pretty sure...,1 Let’s break $780 $TSLA Let’s go!,1 It will finish the year over 1k but dunno about doubling in June. There will be more fed talk and inflation fear. And who knows what bond market will be like for a few weeks.,1 "$850 is where I bought in, so let’s break that lmao.",0 GameStop has a better chance of hitting 1k then Tesla lmfao 🤣🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀,1 It doesn’t mean it will double in June. It means since tsla has been listed it has always gone up overall for the month of June.,1 Ye this guy is a TARD,0 You’re the biggest troll on this sub. All you do is comment negative shit on every single post. Just fuck off somewhere else if you dislike tsla so much. Nobody here wants your “warning” or advice.,0 Bought 15 shares last week at $550. Hell yeah,1 Guys. I’m finally ready to buy my first share of Tesla. Is $600 a good price to buy in? I feel like it’s sort of overvalued maybe. But I really don’t know,1 Lol fuckin paper handed idiot,0 Im with you,1 "I'm in a similar position with short $735 puts. Negative $213K net liquid value. I'm just rolling then out (calendar)... and down (diagonal) when possible and waiting for TSLA to bounce to close the position. If I get exercised, I'll sell covered calls and chip away at the basis. I prefer short puts... easier to manage the trade when it goes against you than long calls... obviously not the same upside... either way we are both in trouble.",0 "Good day sir, welcome to Wendy's",1 "Already did, have been red for weeks, I HODL.",0 o fuck bro i’m so sorry,0 "just as a side note you cannot ""squeeze"" Put options, unless they are bought on margin. The position Dr. Burry entered give you as the name says the option to sell at a specific price and not the obligation. You can hypothetically push up the price and make the contracts worthless stock price > strike price, but its not a squeeze. I wish you the best of luck with your position, but it is going to be difficult without a major catalyst.",0 "Yeah, with inflation on the horizon, id try to salvage those calls for whatever you can before they're worthless",0 I’m in ... Buy Buy Buy !!!,1 🦍🦍🦍,1 "Great! Hello... I’d like to order four four for fours",1 I used to believe I would be a Velociraptor one day when I grew up.,0 The earth is also flat and nasa is just an elaborate cgi production run by the Illuminati and Lizard people.,0 Elon literally has a PR person who has to approve his tweets because he says so much dumb shit on Twitter.,0 "You should talk about this []( TSLA hasnt delivered a Model X or S all year, and all orders keep getting delayed.",0 Last time when TSLA hit $539 it got a V shaped rebound to 700+ So investors thought this will be the bottom of it. When Peoples sold TSLA to buy crypto since February they will back to growth stock soon because we got a Crypto BEAR marker coming.,1 Saddle up!,1 "Beware of the Tesla Coin. This was $37 two years ago. So even $42 is not out of the question. Next quarter will be brutal, with China sales plummeting, with all the bad press. Plus there will less EV credits and BTC profits to save the day. But Musk can pump almost anything, so shorts thread carefully.",0 Volkswagen announced a new battery technology. TSLAs technolpgy is boring.,0 Loading up more because I like this stock,1 Bury him!,0 [removed],0 War of TSLA VS crypto coin.,0 Time to get rekt Tesla owners,0 HODOR,0 "I read somewhere else: This 40% is misleading. He bought puts that were worth 535.4m IF ASSIGNED! That means the price paid for the puts is actually less than 10% of the 535.4m. Fact check this yourself.",0 Investors see that Tesla is leading the EV sector into the future of the auto industry. Short couldn’t even break down below $560 today. Shorts are going to get roasted,0 "Yes, it is the market value today. We don’t know how much he bought them for. Goddamn headline readers. Regardless, no one is gonna fact check and this article is gonna hurt Tesla’s share price even more. And having Elon musk tweet a bunch of bullshit doesn’t help either 🤦‍♂️",0 Buyin the dip,1 "IDK. I have watched it hit $560 3 times, in real time, since March, and each time it hits massive buy action that propels it to $570s/$580s within minutes. I think it will take a hard push to break past $560. If it does, no idea where we go. I'm confident at $560, so if we get back there this week, I'm loading up bigly.",1 Can’t wait for it to come off more :),1 "I closed all of my position on Tesla ever since this whole crypto controversy started. I lost a lot of money due to Elon’s idiotic behavior.",0 Overinflated asset. What do you expect,0 "When the high priest is mixing a toxic bitcoin drug to cover losses, this is what may happen",0 Don't worry sell now rebuy at 400,0 TSLA 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀,1 Who are you telling me to dump Tesla because you lost a $BTC bet. I DON’T CARE,0 Whatever kind of drugs you’re on please pass that cos you on a whole different planet right now,0 said the tsla short,0 Thanks for the heads up on selling bitcoin Elon got out at 52k to buy more Tesla,1 "Yeah , I wanna short Tesla too , but I scare it will shoot up on Monday ‘! mmmm! better hold Tesla stock 😬😬😬",1 "Its Teslas mission to make profit. They don't care about sustainable energy. Teslas run on the same electricity as Bitcoin! And if Teslas solar panels/batteries could power BTC hardware - miners would be using them. Both Tesla drivers and crypto miners are in the same boat when it comes to using electricity from coal. It is stupid of Musk to be pointing fingers. Especially since he is the one blowing up a rocket every other week and shooting cars into space. Fuck that poser! Besides Elon likes Doge coin",0 "Honestly, I think it's a slap in the face of short hedge funds (that also short tsla). But if you really wanted a responsible crypto coin, you'd make something that generates based on something tangible, cool and not draining of natural resources (coal power plants)... Maybe you'd make a Tesla coin, which collects based on road miles driven in your Tesla car... I don't know, just spit balling here.",0 "Exactly, I reckon they’ll come up with a crypto related product one day",1 "Well, it would be in that direction. I mean... energy usage, Sure. They can’t keep gpu’s in stock, right? Imagine if you had the new hotness chip. Or a storage wall that crunched bits when it had excess energy instead of selling back to the grid.",0 It legally has to be reported. No point in speculating bs to smoke hopium,0 what if there are more then 24 million bitcoins-- it and all other cryptos will tank. so I do have about 5K of the fake moneys-- but they are way more risk then many realise--,0 I’m hoping it hits $500 and continues to drop to $300 so poor people like me can buy some stonks,0 It did dude,1 $40,0 I don’t. My average is 410 😢😩,0 "If you're stocking picking, IMO the only way to have confidence to hold during dips is to have an actual valuation model of the stock. e.g. by Date D you believe TSLA will have X car sales at Y Average Sale Price with Z margin and W Opex which will lead to operating income P, upon which you can apply a P/E to get a share price S based on it's growth rate and moat. And then if today's price is less than S \* ( 1 - some margin of safety (e.g. 30%)) you go ahead and buy during dips. Or similarly do a DCF model",1 HOLD.,0 "Never sell at a loss is backwards focussed investing advice, which is complete nonsense. It's a version of the sunk cost fallacy. The market only moves forward so you should ONLY look forwards. If a stock is worth more today than it will be at relevant points in the future then selling is a good idea since it minimises losses. And yes losses do happen to even the best traders, the goal is to minimise them. Now obviously we don't know what the stock will be worth in the future which is why all the metrics ",0 "I once owned an airline named TWA. Followed it all the way down... it’s not the only stock that I’ve owned in which I felt that way: SDT, UWTI. It hurts to think about it. I wouldn’t follow the advice of never selling. It’s too absolute and doesn’t leave room for prudence.",0 "It’s acting and has been acting like a shorted stock. I think it’s squeezing. We should gang up and short the hedges !!!! Who’s in?",0 "When I get out of TSLA and VIAC, I will have money to pick new ones. Pray TSLA goes up to $640 and VIAC goes to $45.",0 "What about sustainability and ecologic coherence of their production? 'Cause something's gotta be sustainable if it has to be of real value.",0 Is that related to the questions?,0 "TSLA may be overvalued-- I still expect it to hit 1K at some point... Will it hit resistance at 1K? will people fomo in at 1K and we hit resistance higher ??? chartmill thought it was a break out set up but it broke down... I have a buy order in that I just placed with BOSS... have 3 direct shares... I also own NIO, F, directly. ASML was my top dog today. and BLNK is another EV holding I have. Will it hit 500 before Ik?? might be there already?? I watch my top 10 more then my 1 and 2K holdings...",1 No telling in this market is my honest answer. I just continue to hold.,1 "The next 6-12months has a lot of great potential catalysts - Model S&X get back into the mix (high margin vehicles) - FSD improvements and MRR (ability to recognize more pure margin revenue) - Biden’s EV incentive (reduces risk of becoming demand constrained) - announcement of Model AF ($25k car, probably won’t start production till early 2023 but it’s an important stepping stone) - deliveries starting for Berlin and Austin (improving primary source of revenue) And lots more. Biggest risk to Tesla is macr",1 Projected earnings per share over the next few years $4 with a reasonably aggressive P/E of 30 (above Apple and double S&P500 average) = $120 share price.,1 Musk flips off BTC and TSLA tanks to $200!,0 And Cybertruck,1 Puts more TSLA into outer space?,0 "If you had that same call this time last year and assuming you bought at peak (last year aswell), they’d still have turned profitable. Hold long and don’t bet against tesla. It’ll have another run in the next few months, before its next earnings. Someone set a reminder",1 A lot can happen in 6 months. For one we’ll have two new factories built and operational by then most likely,1 "Jesus cripe. What kind of premium did you pay for those ???? What is your breakeven price ???? Tesla is in deep shit... Can’t remember last day it closed green. Good luck man",0 and if not you can always buy more options.,0 “Be greedy when others are fearful”. This is the way you get rich!,1 "My best lesson was learning to take a hit, I have positions down more than 50%, but 10 stocks are still 10 stocks, not dollars, I won't sell my house because my neighbor sold cheap, lol. A good business stock goes up and down, just know when to buy.",1 Bond yields sudden rise plus traditional investors panicking or institutional playing with it to create entry points. Holding my stocks.,1 "Yeah another good thing to do is not just watch TSLA charts. Add a bunch of other similar companies into your watch lists as well, e.g. Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, Nvidia, AMD etc Then also put a bunch of ETFs in your watch list, Ark Invest, Vanguard and follow their Tech/Growth/Electronic funds. Then also watch the index funds, S&P500s, Dow Jones, NASDAQ. When you see Tesla is down you can easily check if the entire sector is down. Or multiple other high market cap stocks. This can give you a good overview",1 Get a grip,0 "The loses got over me and I sold at 610-ish, how would I know if the 2nd target is a good buying point or if it's going lower? Will you post anything about it?",0 "Read the news folks, even Barron’s are sounding downbeat about Tes, it’s a bit of a perfect storm right now, interest rates, bad news stories (china prod in particular) and no big stories around the corner for me only means one thing... as Barron’s have said Tesla tends too go big and then flat lines or drops until the next big thing. With the China and German plants ina bit of a pickle I’m struggling to see any light at the end of the tunnel till FSD does it’s thing whenever that is ... even more depressi",0 "I shorted at $775 on a 30 day low and ugly island top. Until it can get above $775 and hold, I’m holding short but, longer term bull",1 Tsla going to 420,1 This cat is spot on.,1 LOL,1 I just got my Tesla and paid for it but will never be able to drive or receive as I am down as much as it cost 😜,0 I think Tesla’s destroying everyone’s account😬,0 "So the entire market is in the RED but all you see is supposedly bad news about Tesla everywhere. Geeez, when will the HF stop hating.",0 It’s a BS!,0 "I just commented something like this. I’m tapped. Need more money lol. This dip is so juicy....",1 You have balls of steel my friend! I’m hodling 75 and hoping to buy more next week.,1 How come we are all out of money?,0 Holing 300 at $870. It fucking hurts and kick myself for throwing that much at ATH's. Thankfully I don't need to liquidate any of it so I can ride it out,0 Itll rip in a month or two again like it does after every sell off,0 "No worries guys. If you are in long it’s healthy to sell off, consolidate, and run later in year. Everything revolves in cycles. The trajectory was too up side steep for a long time. Compared to the big 3 US automakers, Tesla is still in infancy. Big projects, plants, trucks, tech advancements in the next 5 years. This company still has much to prove and deliver yes. But, it will",1 Don’t be afraid just buy more now is on sale let’s push it to $750,1 "All that goodies dont support PE, soon it will run out of government grants then cash crunch and some more. Long hold 3-5 years seems more relevant, I would buy around 400-450 range TBH. I am an Ape in the shape of a human, do not see anything higher than my height. :)",0 I feel you 💎✋🏻let’s hope for a change!,1 "Same, but even less!! [rattles lint cup]",0 "He made dogecoin to the moon then abandoned it, making innoccent investors that maybe put their life savings into it lose 30%",0 Still holding,1 "Of course, and buy the dip if you can :B",1 I don't know what the hell I just watched. You're in the wrong sub.,0,0 Why not just do a quick google search before trying to say someone is wrong?,0 What rally!,1 😑,1 "That ""something going on"" is that really good news for 7-10 years is priced in. If the news is good but not REALLY GOOD then the valuation will trend down. By really good news I mean news that translates into CONSISTENT 40%pa earnings increases, or higher. Ie. 40% earnings growth for 7 years will bring TSLA into the fair value range.",1 "T hadst a valorous runneth premarket but shorts art killing t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`",0 FUD Alert....,0 "the delay in germany was fud and debunked by probably the most reliable source ever, and tesla doesnt need the credits, the credits were supposed to end in 2020 now here we are, q1 highest ever amount of credits sold",0 "I should add that VW just signed a massive credit deal with Tesla for (India I think)... and all that despite VWs own push for more electrification. People don’t realise that these credits are simply allowing Tesla to build more and more massive plants. Which once they are up and running will flood every continent with lovely Tesla’s. I don’t know whether the current price is too high or not, it does have a lot baked into it, but Tesla’s future is certainly very rosey, and that counts for a lot.",1 []( all over the news lol...,0 And Factory completion.,1 Next year really. We all know that this year is leading up to everything that’ll get pushed out next year. All the new production lines in working order etc. Just gotta hodl and buy up as much as possible for the next few months,1 Really ? Wow. Can you point to source,0 ",889,262#D00001",1 I mean. They are actually producing batteries. But yeah they havnt started using that production yet,0 Buy,1 Buy,1 I’m holding at this point.,1 Buy obviously its on sale,1 LONG 1000 676.50 and hodling for $1000+#TSLA,0 "All your eggs in one basket? Better hope it’s not the next Cisco. I read many post about them just like this in the dot com bubble, twenty years later and it’s never seen it’s pre crash highs.",0 But Elon is promoting Doge and his brother sold TSLA. Is it a signal to sell TSLA and buy Doge.,0 Not sure if this is a joke post or you actually compare companies on an individual share price? I'm not saying Chipotle isn't overpriced but it does have 10x higher earnings per share than Tesla.,0 Good thing the company doesn’t depend on wether he did or didn’t work at Tesla…. but this kinda funny lol.,1 TSLA will be this crashs Cisco. But worse. at least Cisco was profitable. It's stock price is still below its peak 20 years ago.,0 Well now is a good time to buy and push it to $750,0 Great! Will place the order to say thank you to Elon,1 "If it was about just cars, I might actually worry.",0 """Only by joining forces can we finally succeed in bringing the magician of the markets, who @elonmusk undoubtedly still is, to his knees."" Frankfurter Allgemeine (@Faznet), the site that gets 47.6M views monthly (!) put this bullsh*t up today. pics by @WholeMarsBlog *** posted by [@TheEVuniverse]( Photos in tweet | [Photo 1]( | [Photo 2]( ^[(Github)](",0 This is the most ridiculous thing in internet today!,0 So disgusting (living in Germany and worked in the auto industry) it’s pitiful.,0 sell covered calls?,0 Buy more.,1 "Sell cover call or put depend on the underline position. If it on the rise, sell put way out of the money. If it on the dip, sell call that week. Pick delta below 20. You can sell 1 contract every week or two weeks. If this is not cleared, Google how to write cover option. Are you in CA?",0 "Buy dip like I do. Of course I am not a smart man",0 "Buy some VTI every month. You need to build a base of security and VTI is just that. I didn't start messing with individual stocks until I had a good chunk there. Throw a little on Ethereum if you want a higher risk reward but VTI first.",1 I’m from the Kansas,1 "Right, people act like its gonna go bankrupt lol",0 With or without it you will love the car. Welcome to the family!,1 Big no,0 Get FSD,1 You think it will really decrease? I thought maybe increase. Could help maintain value as it increases.,0 5k,1 Love me some EV stock 😋,1 Is this just a forecast based on historical growth? Seems unlikely,0 Huge call buying any news coming ?,0 "I’m broke, but continued buying up until yesterday...need the next paycheck before I can buy more.",1 Exactly right!,1 "All in is very risky specially with tsla specially right now. Hope it will work for you. My advise will be to find a deeper dip",0 Hard to say if the believers will finally start to look at earnings potential. Institutions must follow index so they will reduce decline speed but it will not hold forever...,0 Musk’s SNL will boost the SP,1 It is always darkest before the dawn. That’s exactly the time to scoop up more.,1 So do you still stand by the $600 level target?,1 "Wow , u/WallStreetSewerGator ... many people did not buy because of this advice, & lost a HUGE opportunity to rally Big today. Are you really sure it will fall again to 650 and , my goodness, wait till 600 ? Isn't that a Huge risk ? Why did it rally today ? What really happened? Is that because of Musk on SNL ? isn't that BS? Did it rally because someone Twitted that the Texas crash had a driver in seat ? What's going on ? Is there some insider news ? What could cause it to go down to 650 again ",0 "It's very hard to time the market. I think it's low enough so you make profit of the dip, I wouldn't wait if I were you.",0 "I'd say go for it, time in the market is better than timing the market, i honestly think it will hit 1k a share by august and $1200 by the end of the year. Waiting for it to drop by $50 wont make as much of a difference and isnt worth the risk imo",1 Id lock em in tomorrow morning after market opens. Probably going to be lower than it is now.,1 "Did the exact same thing yesterday. Apparently I like the red crayons.",0 $TSLA is still a sell,0 entire market is red less NOK... I guess not worry too much? lol,1 "Earnings, always sells off after. People are dumb. Doesn’t matter if it’s good news or bad news.",0 "Some bearish articles and a fake fiasco in China at tesla dealership, chinese competition paid some lady to stand on her car and make a scene complaining about customer service .. manager said they offered her compensation but she refused to work out, seemed like a ""pro"" apparently. Just ignore the noise",0 "TTC is what caused the initial dip along with manufacturing shortages due to backordered parts. TTC - Texas Tesla Crash. I like the green crayons.",0 The name of the game is bubble fear (well justified I might add),1 The biggest reason I invested was only 3% on cars on the road are electric I see a 97% of possible sales FSD is a gimmick the real money is on this huge possible increase on EV market share ! Ps: my wife hates the car driving for her so some people don’t event like FSD i love it,1 ">They also made money from selling regulatory emission credits, ask yourself So, you mean a 5% share of their revenue should be a major part in a bear-thesis? In my eyes Tesla is a software developing company which also focusses on highly automated manufacturing facilities. They don't have much competition in that space.",1 Congrats. I will be adding more tomorrow as well.,1 so retail is probably cheering the earnings and are hodling for sure. so who exactly keeps putting downward pressure on the stock? is there a huge shorting effort going on by HFs?,0 $TSLA is going down after every earnings report for few days and then up again. At least last 4 times,1 Tired of hearing a tone like this after every earnings call. OP are you not tiered? After pretty much every ER the stock went down to eventually come back up.,0 "Again, Tesla always sells off after earnings announcements. People who brought just before the earnings were wanting some quick returns but they didn’t get it and they are out now.",0 Any chance we can get up to 800 by friday?,1 "Every time earning come up some people are reminded about the extreme PE, but after a while the Elon hype make them forget reality",1 We know this bs has tons of shitty trades not bragged about on here like a giant twat,0 "Tesla has been beating expectations more then 50% of the time. To truly beat expectations then they need to do more then beat the ""expectations"".",1 Where did you get the Bitcoin number? I thought it would be closer to $300m?,0 """Would be nice"" but there's nothing we can do. Just hope & pray it doesn't dip or sell off. That's all.",0 This post didn’t age well,0 Ouch,0 "The bed shape wont accommodate alot of truck accessories. So for fleets, it’s probably out. Im bummed, Price per mile is VERY ATTRACTIVE. But if it cant take a toolbox or headache rack, I cant use it.",0 Ok... bye lol,1 "Before you complain about Elon Musk, ask yourself if Tesla would be where it is today without him. Then compare what he’s achieved in last few years compared to what you have in your entire life. He has earned, and frankly deserves, to be a dirtbag, and many other things, in my opinion.",1 Mans probably lost money,0 Nio's glass supplier. Its a German company. Not Nio. Get your facts straight.,0 "Truck drivers aren't expensive. They will still be needed to monitor the truck because there is so much that can go wrong. 18 wheelers have 34 tires. Roads are constantly changing...even day-to-day, due to construction. Brake failures are not uncommon. The main advantages here are (1) safety (2) drive time (3) systems monitoring (4) emissions (5) fuel costs. I think there is a similar issue with autonomous taxis, which will obviously be programmed to stop for humans...I just can't see New Yorkers waiting",0 He’s a delusional manipulative fktard. Go research how of a piece of sht Elon is.,0 I suggest you take a look at implied move indicator,0 "That’s funny, because all short positions have been crushed over the years. So just keep on losing money pal.",0 Thanks for sharing your experience with Tesla. I’m considering adding more shares to my initial investment.,1 Positions?,0 "You had just spoke my mind. I’m going back and forth hundred times. I’m also own 60 and need 40 more so I can write covered options. (Yeah I know just one contract but if I can do one a week. It’s not bad for regular income. I earn a lot from AAPL that I sold before split. I did a trade and earned more then list them over the last TSLA AAPL FB earning 3 months ago. I only have 1/3 left and trading more carefully. I’m thinking spread this time BUT Call or Put?!?! Then the stock, Before or After 🤯",0 "Tesla has record earnings and stock falls. Usual for Tesla, think medium long term 👍",1 **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** ,0 Expected to beat by 90%,1 "I'm not worrying, TSLA always rebound fast from my experience.",1 Tesla to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀,1 The point is to be realistic about your international expansion assumptions. What makes you think that China will give up it's market or Europe for that reason.,1 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🌙,1 I dunno man this mkt is unhinged but the amt of retailers in it has dropped tremendously. It has many gaps to fill on the downside but then again gaps only fill 91.4% of the time. Otherwise i see $830 in the coming days possibly a test of $900 if FOMO kicks in. The closest gaps on the downside look like $680.97 and $637.36. Imho,0 "You said similar about your weight, ironically like TSLA, you're stuck at 720",0 "You are unfortunately wrong, it will struggle to stay above 100. But it may take some time since the congregation remains believing in the promise from the high priest. It might in fact not pop until the inevitable NE is announced (for sure motivated by yet another dream)",1 No clue im an ape remember,0 "Think of it this way If Tesla goes up 10 dollars it’s like a 70 dollar stock going up 1 dollar or a 7 dollar stock going up 10 cents! Investment versus return is my point I think Tesla is a great company However I also think it’s stink is very manipulated??? Just my opinion/ not advice",1 "I theory of course. I buy when RSI is in it's 80s , and sell close or under 30s. That usually gives me profits. But right now since the entire market took a hit, and it cought me holding I will wait for the rebound, it should be soon if history is any guide. This is not financial advise, just my personal views on the matter, this is for entertainment ONLY.",0 Distributive energy,1 You are right...but I see 780 breach tomorrow...then past 800 on Monday,0 Scaling out then rebuying on dip,1 "It winds me up looking at everyone focusing on the bad, in the words of Elon “Teslas with Autopilot engaged now approaching 10 times lower chance of accident than average vehicle” In Elon we trust 😎",1 Well TSLA misleads in its presentation of its software. They intentionally mislead people to believe it is autonomous capable. Then whine its not. I hope they get sued Bigley.,0 I’m med term. I’m a ETF guy at heart. Looking to gamble some $ for a specific fund. But also an Elon believer considering he hasn’t lost yet in his career,1 If your employer does any matching stick with contributing up to whatever they match otherwise just max IRA instead and TSLA options. A lot of 401k have such stupid fees anyway they end up not being worth it especially if you aren’t afraid of risk and not planning to retire soon. I converted all of my IRA to TSLA last year and it’s worked out so far.,1 "Not wise, but may work out",0 "Firstly, sympathy for the passengers of the Tesla, they MAY have behaved irresponsibly (TBD), only time will tell, but no one takes any pleasure in what happened its very unfortunate. With regards to Tesla/$TSLA There’s so much to know about that accident before you make any judgement, can’t believe people were so quick on the trigger this morning ! 1. Was anyone in the driver seat? Even FSD requires someone to be in the drivers seat, if there was no one in there they went against the Instructions, so yo",0 "All newer cars have a “black box” recording that hopefully survived the fire. That should tell a lot about sensor readings/inputs prior to the crash. I have thought of numerous scenarios on how this happened, however the only evidence so far is the location of the occupants AFTER the accident. Until the full investigation is complete, I don’t think anyone really knows what happened.",0 Buy and hold,1 Somebody yolo’d at .44 on doge and lost their stimmy 😆,0 "If becoming China's bitch is American, than keep cryptoing... Mark my words, China is taking over. It is time for us Americans to start fighting back. They mine the cryptos, sell them to us consumer Americans, and yet dont allow cryptos to be used in their own country. Ironic eh?",0 "I think it’s best not to try to predict what the stock is going to do on any given day because it’s impossible to know. Better to buy the stock and ignore the daily fluctuations. Just buy it and forget it. Over time, it will go up, but with a lot of ups and downs along the way.",1 "Can’t time Tesla stocks. Everyone try to be an expert but timing stocks is pure luck. If you stay in the game long enough you will capture the bull run. Don’t be short sighted, long haul always pays off with right stock.",1 "It depends on the earnings on 4/26. If it misses expectation or barely beat expectation, the stock will tank as you described above. If it is a blowout quarter plus better than expected guidance, the stock will go up.",1 That’s how I read it but I missed the read of the spike last week. That one went over the line.,0 "I think amount of sell in 1Q will be impressive (but last time it was good but stock drop anyhow). I just studied purely the graph of repeated behavior 10 days before earning and 5 days after. It seems to have the same pattern! Two weeks before up a few days to a new high then flat. One week before down, spike up for a day then down and up afterward. My thought is the market makers, keep this pattern so they can keep price sort of reasonable for them. (They dump for profit, stock drop, they buy back so po",0 We’ve been consolidating for months but “studying the graph” probably means he has used technical analysis to estimate an upcoming move in price action. We’ve also seen a bullish run to $780 which shows strength. People are willing to pay to get these shares. Hodl,1 Yup,1 "He studies THE graph. It’s important to include “the” to be grammatically correct, this should protect you from people on the internet thinking you are dumb. They most likely only speak English so they don’t understand.",1 "As a Russian, Dutch, French and English speaker i still did not understand.",0 "Earnings is around the corner. In my opinion, it is going to a blowout quarter and it will back to its all high time plus more. 🚀🌕",1 It’s gotta correct some to relieve pressure again buddy. Be careful tomorrow.,0 "TSLA should test 750-800 by the end of the month. The resistance is 750 and support is 680. The earnings will a snooze, stock range bound and the stock will be very volatile the entire summer.",0 Yes please .. I hope it happens so that I can reload ..,1 "IF you sell, you will have to pay taxes on your gains. Buy and HOLD. You don't sound experienced enough to be messing around with day trading.",0 buy more and hold. I tried day trading TSLA last year and always lost. Since then I buy and hold,1 If you think it’s gonna go up higher. Just do dollar cost averaging and buy the dips.,1 If I was able to drop $35k like that maybe I would’ve panic bought but that’s more than my portfolio lolol,0 Can’t afford any more... need to make more monies,0 Well the trend is down today,0 "If Merrill raised requirements, does that not make you think, do they by any chance look at fundamentals?",0 Genius! Did exactly that. Sold a call expiring tomorrow for extra income.,1 "I saw that, apparently they have to sell to keep it only 10% of their portfolio.",0 "I’m ready , my 1000 calls need some help lol",0 $1100 by year end - [](,1 Nope I've been saying it all day !!!!!,0 "🧐, to the moon",1 "I agree. Would love to see $800 but in reality, we closed at $732 and not a lot of momentum pushing up either. General trend most of the day was going down",0 "I'm currently 10% but, I'd like to increase my position to 50% of my portfolio",1 And then crashed so fast it was laughable,0 Just wait for COIN listing. Might be a good bump in price,0 "$1k EOY is what I'm thinking too, but I'm more focused on 5-10 years",0 I am glad you made money. Think of those who bought at 780 today. They are being screwed.,1 "Fuck yes, I made that investment years back in myself. Continue to do that and in 5 years when my nice suits are shit your Robinhood will be popping off",0 [deleted],0 "I think were going rally up to $780 - $793 area like you said. gl",1 That's my thinking too,1 "As far as i know they buy shares from the market and then split them. I think that's also what platforms liked Robinhood do, when buying fractional shares. Please correct me if I'm wrong",1 These are real shares and will affect the price. They can just be divided up.,1 "Thank you TSLAgang and BTC/CRYPTOmoonbois! I never knew my 2 worlds would collide like this. I thought 2020 was amazing that I bought 99% TSLA/BTC that year. I have a bit of SPY from when I first started but hell, even that’s up too! Thanks S&P for including TSLA. But 2021, they have combined! And now BINANCE on top?",1 If the almost religious community is prepared to pump up the balloon even further then maybe but more and more people appear to understand that even $100 if extremely optimistic long term value.,1 Stock split has nothing to do with rise of Tesla stock. It ran up because of addition to SP and improving sentiments for EV. Stock split might contribute retail investor behavior a bit but it has zero economic impact on valuation and stock price growth.,0 "The puts in Tesla could be selling puts, collecting big premiums and willing to accept the stock at a much higher price. Selling puts is bullish! Breaking 700 is a tremendous move from just last week. Very bullish.",1 700 confirmed. Engaging rocketship to 900 mode. #elon @elon 🚀🪐,1 Capacity means a ramp up to that number. It’ll take time to reach 200k,1 "First delivery was supposed to be 2019, when are you believers going to understand that not even Elon can change laws of physics..",0 "Slow rise until April 26th, earnings will be good but not blowout. Announcements on cyber truck and Tesla semi would give the stock a nice shot up. Otherwise we’ve got another 3 months of stagnation and/or decay. The last breakout before Nov & Jan was Sept. The chart from Jan to now looks eerily similar to the rise and fall in Aug-Nov before Tesla had another breakout. So fingers crossed for those announcements! If it falls I’ll be just as Ok with that because I’ll keep buying it on the cheap. I think inves",0 "Bitcoin is unlikely to be recognized as it’s unclear if they have sold any. Won’t appear on earnings until that or price falls below purchase price. Additionally auto margins could go either way. Very low S&X high margin contributing but seems Y is scaling and has great margins. Good tweet thread here exploring it - If it’s a big beat, it will have radical impact on some of wall streets assumptions. Expect a ‘sell the news’ couple of days ",1 I'd be interested to see if there is any energy revenue and/or insurance revenue ...,0 "10X IN 10 YEARS???!!! those are rookie numbers you gotta pump those numbers up baby....30, 40 60%!!! \*excuse me waiter can I have a scotch and a coke, not the drink\*...yeah baby we gotta send the rocket emojis",1 I’m in it to win it! 13 1/20/23 $500 calls(leaps) w a total 400k+ invested. Let’s Goooooooo!,1 Analysts often market stocks instead of analyzing them 😬,0 "I’ve lost on buying calls the last 3 months. Profits were best made on buying puts or selling calls. Even long dated, the premiums paid are not worth it!",0 Just buy. And wait a year. It will have doubled.,0 "I'm a believer, but want to make extra profit on the way up to the long-term goals. I like $TSLA because if I screw up and buy-in too high, then the worst that can happen is I have to wait a few weeks until the stock comes back up to the price point where I bought in too high. I locked up a good chunk of change at $702-ish because I bought-in on the way down and was in shell-shock as the price kept dropping each day ... A lesson of 6-weeks -- without having the benefit of two-thirds of my $CASH has taugh",1 "There are many ev, solar, tech stocks that are available at huge discounts right now, take a look. Cciv, nio, snow, plug, spwr, fubo, dash, ttd,",1 $720 is key then it needs to get back up on the island it fell off of at $775 ( My current short). If it holds $775 I’m a bear to bull.,0 The share will could go down. The number of produced cars is like plan. But they sold more cheaper models. So the Profit will be lower and earnings may be a negative stimulus.,0 Dude shut the fuck up,0 "Tesla is car manufacturer, car dealer, charge network operator, charger manufacturer, software company that works on full self driving, insurance company, solar manufacturer, battery manufacturer. Did I miss anything?",1 "Oooo maybe a brain neuroscience company if it all goes well. Ppl forget about the boring company. The hyper loop thing in Vegas will open soon. Ppl just wanna hate",0 "Remember this chart? Look at the alarm set at 785. That may be a half-way rise. But it's going there, oh yeah it's gonna get there",1 "This is the way. 869 here we go",1 Long hold Tesla. It’ll be worth 3-4K by 2025. Trust me.,1 I'm happy taking my profit now and am willing to give a higher portion of it to the IRS for the privilege of cashing out regularly.,1 Thank you,1 "Everyone please read:",1 many bitcoins,1 I’m holding till next split,1 "I thought it was wedbush dude who said it. Doesn’t matter who, the statement is exactly right. IMO it’s the best catalyst in company history. Better than q3 2019 earnings beat & better than s&p inclusion. This was a huuge print. If energy growth is what I think, this lit the wire and the spark is moving close to the 🧨. I think $2k by august",1 Yes we are going up. Smells like money and taste like chicken.,0 I had 23 4/1 667.50c on Thursday that were in the money up $22k. I held for Tesla to hit $700 and lost it all including my 14k investment at the end of the day. Take profits when you can!,0 I have 500 shares of ARKK at $131 and another 300 shares at $125....I've been down for a month. Please tell me Monday will be better...,0 I HAD TO MUCH PRACTICE AT YELLING AT MY WIFE BY WAY OF TEXT MESSAGES TO STOP GAMBLING AND LOOSING SO MUCH THAT IT WAS MUCH QUICKER TO USE ALL CAPS. Does that answer your question?,0 Well this means I had a good instinct when I got some TSLA shares on friday dip 😇,1 Too bad the market is closed :( hope the momentum carries through the weekend,1 Smells like money and taste like chicken,0 I hope my $615 calls will print bigtime. Need to moon past $800.,0 Lfg,1 "They know Friday will be closed, so there is always a plan for announcements, they very well know how the market reacts to news like this.",1 Can’t wait for their next report!,1 "I agree, however, latest jobs report is very strong, might effect yields and tech stocks. Good news is bad news etc... [](",1 TSLA is expected to have less cars sold than what analysts were predicting. I'd take the money now or just hold the shares,0 "I lucked upon a dirt cheap 760 call for 4/9...actually had a 705 last week did not pull the trigger in 690sThursday morning realized was likely wasn't jumping again and sold it for a dollar more than I bought it for! Beats a loss barely. Back to the 760 for this week, it will be very hard not to share it if it geTs anywhere close and stalls. Whats the thoughts speculation WAGS for the high for the week? I'm a rookie on here,but have made and lost a little before this site was a thing.. Just a retired guy",0 meee too...fingers-crossed.,1 Still thinking that bud?,0 Govt funding means guaranteed money...can’t beat getting taxpayer’s money. It’s the best kind.,1 Bc Tesla is the king of ev,1 "Yep, Just ask the oil companies that get tens of Billions$ in direct subsidies. And tens of Billions more in indirect subsidies each year.",0 "Hmmm maybe, MM HF want more options volume. Maybe, maybe Shanghai is really cooking too. See my other post. How much oversight does SEC have in Shanghai?",1 Yes...if it gets through The Congress.,1 🚀 🚀 🚀,1 Democrat is controlling the house and the senator; Biden's plan will pass through.,0 Dems are 10 senators short of controlling the senate outside of budget reconciliation,0 When will the figures be announced,1 That tells you they'll beat estimates 😒😒😒,1 "Hi CA, you may have already seen posts in Tesla investmentclub sub. There are a couple Austin longs hoping to get a interview and job. Maybe you can post about your friends to help them out. Maybe you can have new friends in Austin. TY old UC guy from. The East Bay.",1 yup mass hirings in a production plant equals good news to me,1 "No it tells me Tesla is ramping production in Fremont, Austin, Berlin and Shanghai. I’m sorry I’m not a day trader are you? Nice post CA upvote. Employee stock options. I been in TSLA for years, also supported Solar City in the Bay.",1 Anyone notice that ttd and tsla charts seem to mirror one another? Shop has similar trends as well,0 Tsla will be 1200 before its 400. It will only be 400 after a stock split.,0 It’s currently in a short squeeze. It will fall substantially after the squeeze is over. To day up $50 with no news!!!,0 You watch CNBC?!? 😂,1 "Wtf are you smoking we basically had a W , selloff , bonds, chip shortage, suez canal, and here we are at like 630. I'd expect a couple more green days soon.",0 Looks at this mf post history lmao. Fuck off,0 150 is really all it’s worth imho,1 Will buy more today.,1 Fantastic buy opportunity today. I just keep averaging down.,1 "IMO, Its going down together with the whole EV sector because of the chip shortage. Various car manufacturers have decided to halt either full or partial production of their lines. Shortage is not expected to be solved until 2022 and its also impacting the whole TECH industry (with the slight exception of APPLE) ​ Not financial advise I be just an ape!",0 "Do you own the stock or holding options? Selling a TSLA May 21 500 Put for $1700. I wouldn’t mind owning the stock at $500 and getting paid to do so.",0 that would be nice. only 64 dollars away from 700. Missed out on the Call option play this morning. have to wait in til morning to see how volume is moving. do believe the earnings will be a let down due to chip shortage and deliveries. might put a few put options in pending on chart studies.,0 "FOMO, price trending upwards. Too many catalyst including Berlin, Austin, Shanghai and Fremont. Long TSLA for years, took profits from the last 5:1, loaded and prepared for the next 5:1 split. I’m calling it the Fremont Ca million dollar trade. Maybe other traders in Berlin, and Shanghai will be in agreement, the rocket will reach Mars.",0 Waiting on those delivery numbers... need catalyst,0 "Yep, in agreement. Low volume too. Let’s see what happens. Holding shares, waiting again for the 5:1 split and will sell for profits. Like many community members million dollars trades CA trading model.",0 Reddit’s asked me a slew of things asking me what this subreddit is I answered: amateur advice,0 Your post is shit too. No real DD downvote save your spit. Big Daddy TSLA not for you. Don’t waste my time and I won’t waste your time either.,0 How your shit helping me and the community make money. Yes upgrade maybe TSLA not for you,1 "Why did you post. Looks like scheduled sales by mgmt, in SEC compliance. Did you post this because of your short position. Have you ever driven a TSLA car, have solar city panels or battery wall. Down vote for FUD",0 There’s nothing unwarranted about the rise,1 How is this helping me and community with TSLA? Maybe wrong Sub.,0 Same. 50 percent upside. Dividend.,1 "this year should be different, especially with the large value shift to bitcoin., with bitcoin up today, it makes no sense for Tesla stock to go down.",1 "Yeah, the entire market dipped at that time due to fear of pandemic. This time around, tech sell off due to fear of rising yield rate. Let's see if the history will repeat itself.",0 "Roflol you don't know why? You don't do DDs? If not, how about looking at DD of most other big institutions if you cannot do it yourself? If you don't know why it grew you've been oblivious. Also market dynamics... Bears gonna be bears. 🌈 🐻",0 "I think the article is missing a slightly unimportant market: China!!! Elon’s true bet. Do you know China’s central bank position on e-currencies? I think it is worthwhile to research. The AV pie is humongous, in my view , it is ok if VW wants to take the lead in Germany. Globally, I doubt it but I could be wrong.",0 "I never drove VW EV. I drove friends Leaf, 3 and S. The S AWD dual motor is the shit. The auto pilot in the 3 was really nice too. The Leaf was quiet and drove like new economy car. I betting the EV VW golf drives the same. Been here watching Fremont and Solar City for years. Seems to me TSLA makes and sells cars and don’t carry inventory, I know I will continue to make nice profits on selling shares.",1 "Shanghai, TSLA will have increased sales, other Asian friends from the mainland mentioned that there are many their that are holding lots BTC from all the sales (pharma) to Mexico and US. The real question is how or should Shanghai TSLA report BTC Sales. I see Overseas BTC tax shelter for TSLA.",0 Btc for tsla will also help avoid iffy currencies as they expand. Perhaps crypto not just take money.,1 And on and on. I’m holding boys and girls. Partying at the peaks and crying in the valleys. Tesla is a great company ran by quite possibly the smartest person in the planet. Definitely a weird motherfucker but probably the smartest.,1 Have been meaning to review this. Thanks for posting. Got side tracked on fund flows. Hopefully moat sell off was just money going into buzz. Need to score real puter for that. Hard to do proper research on this phone. Trimmed tna moved 1.5 k to russel value. Have buy order in for gme. When gme black swan? Levels off where will that money flow,0 "Moved some of my tsla nuts to nio Also 1 k ford. Ford actually funded from levered transports. Delevering or at least tryin to...",1 Pre Condition through your app before you drive.,1 "Important for $TSLA to start up trend.. so better hold well above 600.. If not a test of 585 area is due, failure here and far to fall. Long stock against short 585 call,..",1 Exactly,1 [deleted],0 When does the mega factory open in Berlin?,1 "Been watching Fremont and Solar City for years. Proof of concept is in. You should really drive the cars first before shorting the stock, maybe it a wanta be HF play for people with limited credit and money, too chicken shit for me. Again no Bullshit, real DD. We will see Austin and Berlin opening end of the year. PS maybe we will see the concept truck roll out of Fremont first.",1 Yup.... big time,1 Buy and Hodl til 2024 or 2025,1 I bought an other 6,1 The only good thing you could say about Telsa today is that it closed off the bottom. The momentum is gone for now,0 It will be too late once the turnaround begins 🚘🚙🏎,0 "Of course buy in, it's on sale",1 "have been looking at TSLA chart and saw alot of puts for 600 ending today that i marked as a potential bounce point. I had some puts i sold before the hit, so could of made more. Looking at the option volume for next week, i see a potential pullback. ratio of call to puts and volume to O/I is higher on puts then it is on Calls. 15 min chart with Ichimoku has it under the cloud with Chiko line under cloud as well. just my thoughts that I see another drop next week with support at 600. my opinion, i thi",0 "The top that it hit.... will be the low mark in a few years . If you get worried then just don’t look at the market for a week. - only check on Friday afternoon or something",1 My bias is 1k . That's was pre Kathy wood 3k. She is a longer t thinker than I. I put in 850 or so limit order and got a price improvement. Now when I get partial orders in this is when I know I got limit order correct.,1 "Not even sure what this means nor why you said it. I asked for a dissenting opinion on the company and you said nothing of real value. Edit: Now I can make sense of a little bit after the fact. You assume wrong. I am long on this ticker.",0 When will delivery report come out?,0 Its a beat for sure! Mark it.,1 Because TSLA is over valued and reality is hitting it :(,0 Hehehehe I am long on Tesla. It is better than FAANG except aapl.,1 So funny! Same thing can't buy anymore dips,1 “Expired worthless” 🥲,0 Yeah this puppy will fall like a rock when it does,0 Tesla stock needs to accelerate like the Model S way past $640.,1 "Just like the model Y my family bought, TSLA stock is trim and fit and accelerates faster then those “legacy” car makers churning out 1 EV model with every million gas and diesel (horror) cars. TSLA a trillion company in 2021!",1 I saw that too,1 "its gonna be one hell of a ride, and i got my kettle cooked chips and bathrobe lets do this.",1 How evil are media and hedge fund all negative news about TSLA and Elon I beat they hate ELON since they been losing a lot shorting TSLA,0 I’m 20k in the red with TSLA right now 😔,1 "It’s only a matter of time before the stock takes the current price, it seems to be accumulating. Buying more on dips and holding long and least 5 years. BTW, if anyone is interested, I found this guy’s channel on YT very good...he’s a younger guy (maybe in his 30’s) and he’s been accumulating Tesla stock for the last 4-5 years, and hasn’t sold a single share...his Tesla stock is now worth over $4M. Check out “Solving the money problem” at:",1 "All of this is true Tesla will be great, but at the moment the shares probably have too much future potential and not enough current... the company and Elon are one thing, the shares are only worth what someone is prepared to pay. There’s no confidence in the market so people are dumping . My next question will be when I get back on the ride.",0 "Ok let’s see what happens. We have a vaccine, FEDS will stimulate the economy, new factories will open end of the year. Seems more car purchases, rapid charging stations, and home battery backup sales. Holding shares maybe we see another 5:1 split for more profit! Downvote your post for others to see.",1 Woulda' been 16k when I typed this...,0 "Welcome to r/echo_chamber. Unfortunately your post doesn't confirm the bias, so has been voted down. If you persist we may be forced to put our fingers in our ears and say, ""LALALALALA"", until you stop.",0 I would be good with $900.🤷🏿‍♂️ but $2k is good too.,1 Cramer is a jackass.,0 "Autonomous is not the the short term key here. Volkswagen and Renault are kicking Tesla’s ass in Europe. Autonomous will be key when Google, Apple, Microsoft and so many other real tech company will enter the market competing against Tesla. When you talk about high yield, what do you mean? GM makes much more money than Tesla... what are you referring to? Only emotions and BS",0 "Hey, sorry to hear that but you don’t need to apologise, it’s your money and you have to do what’s best for you.",1 "**Can someone explain why I shouldn't short $TSLA right now?** Look at the history of the stock, the shorts have lost billions. If you are smarter that the hedgies, and Elon go for it. I am in it for the long term.",1 "I’m short @680 price point. BTC is worthless and TSLA is overvalued. Still could go up though, do your DD and trust your judgment.",0 "Wash your hands And don't bet against Elon Musk",1 doubt it so much paperhand!,0 "Shorting not for me, let’s see what happens. Long, have other metrics for valuation.",1 "How much is an oz of gold worth, the standard for keeping value for thousands of years? Now , how much is 1 BTC worth, a digital currency out less than 2 decades. Yeah, BTC is worthless 🤦‍♀️",0 Why the hell would I sell when all these new factories are on the horizon,1 RIP Tesla,0 Seems like the norm lately.,0 Low volume in afterhours would be my guess large order no limit price. Poor guy. Bought beer expensive shares,0 After consulting my charts and crunching the numbers I've determined that the best day to buy TSLA is every day.,1 there was good talk on Squawk on the Street this morning with Jim Cramer and one of the hosts about the ARK announcement. Might see some good upside moves this week. its already a good premarket.,1 Lamest post ever. Go fuck yourself,0 It will go to 3k in the year 3K. Cathie Wood and Co are pumping their brand. Get over $700 and hold first. Then try to beat $900 which your price bounced off like a dog in heat.,0 It will never go to 3k. More and more car producers built electric cars. With the optimistic look into Tesla’s Future there is no realistic chance for such a P/E ratio.,1 That's ambitious but I'm rooting for you.,1 Just buy the dip & hold long,1 "This is a once in a year opportunity where we know for sure that the stock has a higher probability of going upwards on Monday (the 22nd), than the other way around. The question is how much will it shoot upwards .... The last time ARK released its price target a year ago, the stock immediately went up approximately 20% ... ARK and Cathie have more credibility now than a year ago ... Retail investors are chomping at the bit and ready to spend their $1,400 in stimulus money ... The stock price is at a d",1 What’s the position?,1 JUST HOLD DONT SELL TESLA,0 "I hope Tesla makes a move to clean crypto. If Elon wants Tesla to earn better interest off its cash holdings, clean crypto like $ADA and $ALGO exists now. 6.5 APY for holding ALGO. These coins do way more than Bitcoin, including asset management, plus transactions are faster and more affordable. Reinvesting that big BTC gain would probably increase their value by 10 fold (and thus Tesla’s investment), sending Tesla’s stock through the roof and giving it a huge stash of capital. This would also cause a glo",1 I’m in ALGO too. Had 4K+ coins but converted to BTC back in February. Slowly building it back up though and would love to get your thoughts on it,1 Everyone has their own investment strategies and needs. I'm in for the long haul with TSLA 😎🚀👍,1 F- tesla,1 "Yes, those are v spreads each",0 Aunt Cathie always comes through for us. Is it just me or is she in some of y’all spank bank too,1 $3000 by the year 3000. That’s a fund manager pumping her position. Right now she’s taking a beating and pre market is looking ugly,0 "Last year, ARK estimated that in 2024 Tesla’s share price would hit $7,000 per share, or $1,400 adjusted for its five for one stock split. Based on our updated research, we now estimate that it could approach $3,000 in 2025.",1 If they include flying car then 25k,0 Depends on your risk tolerance and the overall exposure of the stock in your portfolio. My main mistakes have been due to greedy. Traditional traders limit their exposure to 5% for a particular stock and 20% per industry. Not financial advice.,0 I hope they do it before the close on Friday,1 "I hope not! Where Tesla is going is inevitable so the longer we’ve got to accumulate at discount prices, the better IMO",1 "He’s a retard.... just as bad as Melvin. TSLA is undervalued in n my book. Look at what the guy/company is into. He’s the future. Please let it keep dropping because it’s a sale. Two or three years you will wish you accumulated, not sold. Don’t sell",0 "I got some $560, $580 from last drop.",1 "The pros are making money in either direction. Should have been playing puts and calls all week. Being the inexperienced optimist, I sadly only have stock and calls.",0 "Possibly not, the yields rose and numbers are to be made public. More likely hype is created more",0 "I also have $700c. Mine are a little further out but this drop was not appreciated. I honestly though after we bounced off $539 and ran to $700, we would start heading back up to $750/$800",0 I bought 20 shares at $888.88,1 I’m still washing shares trying to average down,0 40 @ 665. Hoping Monday to be green.,1 Relax. It’s Tesla. If you are in the loss hold. These are options boards. Stay hold. Ark invest. Buffett. Hold. Hold.,1 Yeah well tough $h€# for the Bears. They can bite me!,0 Are you talking about % of EV cars on road or % of EV Cars sold,0 "For Tesla, no. For TSLA investors, I’d say maybe yes since people are rotating their portfolios.",0 "If everyone understood how inflation works then no lmao. However, people only look at the annual rate which was at the bottom of the market a year ago so :/",0 "and the answer is: ..... what a surprise! Fed sees stronger economy and higher inflation, but no rate hikes",1 "Long term investing, no. You are still getting a discount for the price in 15-20 years. Keep buying. But the question wasn’t investing. It was Short term trading, so the answer is. YES, this dude can drop down to $200 by summer. Markets are confused, because the Fed is being feckless. So the scared little bunnies (big money, including Tesla) are on the fence about what to do. Play with the bulls, or run into their holes (hoard their money) from the bears. (Why you think Elon is pumpin",1 "Basically, the higher the inflation rate the lower the expected earnings as these are discounted to come with present value. Wood position is that 2-3% of inflation has already been priced in.",0 You won't get any. It is moving the wrong way for you to get any. It isn't dipping that low this week or next.,0 "There was no crash, it was not even a dip worth buying.",0 "My prediction is around 700+ after fed meeting confirming previous messaging about int rates and inflation. Today, treasury yields jumped and hit again high growth stocks. The Fed must walk a fine line Wednesday as financial markets hang in the balance",1 Thanks for letting us know!,1 Not the worst idea,1 "In my view, sure ten years maybe but it’s more than that. When basically all of the car companies, ev only manufacturers included, focus on making ev’s.. they are going to outsource a lot or even most of it. Tesla builds all in house. This is much more meaningful than it may seem at first thought.",1 "Honestly, why not invest in both? They are in the same market but focusing on different groups of individuals. The pool of people willing to adopt EV for a company like VW or Ford is much larger than the pool for Tesla. Much like well established companies like VW, Ford, and GE, Tesla’s pool is becoming a red ocean with companies like NIO, Canoo etc. The difference is that a big part of Tesla’s draw has arguably been that they were the only ones in their space and constantly driving innovation (no pun inte",1 dropping stimmy on tsla calls - all the FUD/interest rate BS just an opportunity to buy [](,0 Im in a call strike price $780 exp 3/26. You guys think the stock will be over $780 this week?,1 Breh my puts are just as bad. Idk WHO is winning with Tesla right now,0 "I’m with you 580strike puts... one thing is for sure, people think Tesla is gonna do something. Up from stimulus, down cause it’s over valued or in circles just to piss everyone off",0 "Trying to find someone with a fat finger, take advantage of a novice options trader, manipulate the stock price",0 this aged poorly,0 Well I trade.... 94 tho,1 Tell that to my portfolio sniff,0 Took the words right out of my mouth ..... 😂,1 Nio went down and not aware of nio putting cash in bit...,0 Bitcoin might not even correlate with bitw that was 77 percent bit,0 "Not really, I just feel that a rise of fall in one would be replicated some what in the other, regardless of the investor type. Do you feel that?",0 oh never mind ... I was right to be very concerned this morning.,0 Yeah that works till it doesn’t,0 "ETH, BTC or cosmos 😍🚀",1 Lord Elon!!! Buy the dips of TSLA. To the MOON,1 "Not a chance , might recover 15-20% if you lucky .",0 "I’m rooting for you. I have a March 19 720 put. I’m sure you know but if the stock does not reach $720 I’m going to have to buy it. To the 🌙",1 I believe theta al ready eaten your premium so flip your luck!,0 Doubt it.,0 Doubt it.,0 "With stimulus you might have a chance. But time is not on your side. But be positive, never know with this stock market it can rocket to 900 by Thursday and by Friday you ITM",1 Your portfolio is redder then Madeline McCann’s ass,0 These are super cheap right now. I bought one before close today. Going to buy a few $800 3/19 tomorrow morning.,0 And that’s (hurt) the bottom line!,0 "I will be messaging you in 5 days on [**2021-03-19 03:12:23 UTC**]( to remind you of [**this link**]( [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](",1 "A little bit higher, around 760",1 "My levels show possible test of 765 this week, and if that happens we enter a gap range of highs close to 800. Over that we can retest ATH’s by June. However I’m expecting spy testing 400 this week and if we don’t hold that level we can fall back to retest trend supports from last March.",1 Why?,0 Naw.. fuck that! I want to see $1250,0 "Short the shorties, I like the stonk",0 "As for me, I like the stock!",1 I set a stop loss yesterday for Tesla at 669 because people keep talking about the markets being red today and it hit my stop loss for a second in the morning and went up..I’m highly upset 😭,0 "Never underestimate the Elon hype, one however wonder when reality is going to catch up.",1 VW is really the only issue here. They are using stats from combined company numbers to make Tesla look bad.,0 Let’s not forget they rigged their cars to hide their shitty emissions. I love how the next Tesla plant is opening in their backyard. Won’t it be nice to see Tesla outselling VW in Europe and Germany consistently for years to come.,1 "Non-AMP Link: []( I'm a bot. [Why?]( | [Code]( | [Report issues](",0 "> 550 sale t Yes it was, I bought 10 more and have more dry powder if it happens again.",1 We will surpass it eventually. Hold that shit for 5 year minimum .,1 "It takes patience and endurance to reach the greatness. TSLA will dominate the next generation infrastructure like mobility, internet, energy, and even space. To be honest, in around 2018, all of those “ideas” sounded ridiculous but as I see Elon and Tesla make real progresses and teach myself about the technologies, my doubt has turned into conviction. I’m almost terrified to miss a chance to be even a small part of such enormous paradigm shift so I went all-in when TSLA hit low.",1 "Well I bought back in at huge support, $550 so hopefully after it broke resistance at 666, retesting that now. So if market continues uptrend I don’t see why it can’t go back up to the high; only time will tell.",1 "time in the market beats timing the market, if you want to invest in tesla, take the money you have and buy some shares, maybe you make quick profits, maybe not, but you will have some good gains in 5-10years.",1 Shopify to moon 😅,1 Patience grasshopper. ROME wasn't built in 1 day.,0 Picking up TSLA whenever I can. Elon has a bunch more tricks up his sleeve.,1 Hopefully it will split a couple time again in the next 3-5 years.,1 "Apple did like 5 splits, it’s real price is crazy",0 That's a great talking baloon!,1 "I did bet thee wanteth those puts to print, thee not? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`",0 "Hopefully, dang thing was around 704 at 0930 yesterday. Then promptly swan dived.",0 "My impression was that EV stocks like TSLA and NIO had large numbers individuals that bought in, at least before S&P listing. Seemed like everyone in my group had picked up at least a few shares of TSLA at some point in the last year.",1 Down bout 20 per this go round with tsla. But made 55 per my first go and then 6 per with the next batch. Not as bullish as Kathy. Do expect tesla to hit 1 k. This year or next. Thought it might have been when chart mill had it listed as a set up.,0 I'd consider buying 695 put and call with tomorrow expiration.. $ 37 on open..,1 Boeing was the one to ride today. It’s definitely kicked into high gear. Headed for $300,1 "I filled up when it bottomed out, and it will go to the moon. Just don't know how high the moon is! 1K should be feasible in 2021.",1 15k by 2025!!! Let’s gooooo! 🚀,1 "Will anyone ever trim their position? I don't think I will, unless Elon stops innovating.",1 [deleted],0 ">Will anyone ever trim their position? No way, I bought more at 567",1 GE makes EV’s?,0 Seems more like this number came out of his other end,0 Good thing I rotated into financials. Got some pain with soxl and want.,1 Second leg down coming. She better grab a life raft and drop the rod. Chopping wood!!,0 "If I could only invest in one share, I'd buy QQQ. I just like the etf",1 Buy options,1 hope it burns. Causing so much turmoil in the market.,0 That’s if you want to exercise and buy the actual underlying shares. You don’t have to.,0 Data glitch. Don't see it on other charts.,0 Regained roughly half of my losses the last month jsut from one day... let’s go Tesla I believe in you.,1 "Nothing happened, nothing ever happened. It’s just the world’s sexiest investment getting back to being sexy",1 Might not be another $100+ dollar up day but I believe the momentum and confidence will drive it in this new up and to the right direction.,1 "That's the problem. When it shoots up it by so much, it also falls down as much. Difficult to make sense of this market. What has changed between yesterday & today ? Not much. when it's low you're scared its diving deeper and when it's up by as so much, you're nervous it will come crashing down again.",0 "When Tesla continues to increase production, sales and value, their share value should remain higher and higher. Like Amazon and Google.",1 It’s got a long way to go. If it can break $775 and hold I’ll be a buyer. Still short half my position after covering half at $550. This whole day could be a bear trap. These things sell off in phases . $775 is my red to green line,0 Short it I dare ya,0 In for 10 at 619!!!,1 VROOOMMMM,1 Tsla price still a buy now? I am waiting to buy in more. Please advise.,1 SpaceX/TSLA should buy ACIC. Autonomous air taxi service paired with Starlink the same way the autonomous land-based TSLA taxi service will work. UBER/RPT direct competitor. First to market will be huge here.,1 858 rns,0 Not happening,0 Lol this didn’t age well,0 Thank you for sharing. I think all the key sale offs have occurred; institutional investors have reshuffled their portfolios meaning that major jumps are less likely although still probable. The key question to answer is the catalyst that will bring down the value of the stock: which seems to be mainly inflation. Tesla seems to be performing well and is supported by comments from pro analysts. For these reasons I think your assumptions seemed off to me. Note all the media that happened after the stock hit ,1 I got a portfolio of funds which mainly have Tesla in their top 10 holdings so I don’t hold it directly but still got some exposure,1 Buying today..,1 "So reduced prices is good, more an indication of reduced margin as competition is catching up",0 lets talk again next year when giga berlin its running. as long as tesla has to ship vehicles from china and america to europe its irrelevant to compare market share by month.,0 Are they still counting selling to dealerships as sales though?,0 Have a feeling it’ll hover around 600 for a while,0 I’m more of a $TSLA to the lazy afternoon type of guy...,0 India will be the next major market!!!!,1 "Fsd should come free with every Tesla, that would sell the cars and stocks",1 "It’s not the 10 year yield. It’s hedges shorting the dam stock. They attacked TSLA because they can’t short GME, AMC, and half a dozen other stocks. They’ll probably do it again after people put their stimulus into the market. This was a set up by the media and hedges. I just have a hard time justifying this by the rise in the 10 year interest rate. TSLA stock is completely undervalued. TSLA should hit $1400 to $1500 within the next year.",0 Rebound is happening now.,1 It’s going to bounce back just when not if. I could imagine around April it’ll start rallying upwards,1 "TSLA $2,500+. HODL!",0 "C Woods’ fund is down like 25% in the last month too. This climate (by that I mean rising interest rates) doesn’t benefit outsized valuations (TSLA is trading at 10x GM, with unfavorable fundamentals) - smart money is moving towards value for next few months.",0 "There can still be some more price drop, but with the trend being flatter the last 2 days that would signal most of the big sellers are already out.",0 "Crooked Jim Cramer and trying to push tesla down even further with their bias against Tesla. Will Investors Get a Chance to Buy Tesla for $500? Tesla has taken a beating lately but have we seen the bottom? We don't know yet. If it sees $500 though, it will get our attention. Will investors get a chance to buy Tesla  (TSLA)  at $500? If the selloff persists much longer, they just might. Shares traded flat on Monday, but fell as much as 2.3% and gained as much as 3.7% in early trading. It's bee",0 no chance,0 We need more pain. Sub $500 would be good to reset the market.,0 But the dip,1 "That would be quite extraordinary, but here's to hoping. The underlying business is rock solid and they're sitting on a couple of lotto tickets in FSD and Dojo 🚀",1 "Interesting, do you have any idea what the market share is?",1 Not sure if you are building a case for or against Tesla stock?,0 "Simple, by waiting your loss will be even bigger",0 Bitcoins puts we’re going out heavy this morning... if bitcoin drops big Tesla will feel it.,1 "unfortunately a sell off is happening right now, as for myself im selling my TSLA positions ...",0 "Personally, whenever I don't feel comfortable with stock, I just sold enough to get my investment out and let the gain stay in market..I am not good at getting gain though and have no financial advising skills",0 My ave pps was 279 I sold moved of all into my sep ira and will rebuy $600 or less. My goal is more stocks. at 600 or less price ps,1 Hold,0 "Yes sell, unless you think that extreme hype will reappear to overcome obvious fundamentals.",0 Weather the storm . Buy more. Sell when it gets too 1000,1 500 first. That’s my entry,1 Like all index driven players Cathie need to buy also when it's obviously against reason,1 Premiums are ridiculously expensive on those.,0 "I try to stay away from opinions of mainstream media financial ""analysts"". They usually have lazy, nonfactual, biased reporting and/or they only go off of old school metrics and thinking. A lot of the older investors mainly go off of current valuations and value stocks, and a lot of newer investors look for the big potential growth companies because it's like finding and investing in a company like Amazon and realizing its potential early when it was worth $20. Company performance and stock price don't alwa",0 Do have any idea how many vehicles that Tesla need to sell and the profit per vehicle required to defend current value???,0 Do you know that Tesla is more than a car company?,1 Thank you for sharing. I think some parts of your analysis are missing the point that Tesla is a hybrid company partially car manufacturer and partially self driving technology. I think your valuation could be off because you are not considering the portion of the 1 trillion that will go to self driving business where billions could be needed. You have correctly compared Tesla with auto manufacturers but not factored it’s self driving business driving where comparable P/E ratios do not exist. Competitors ,1 "Not the place for this. WSB exists for a reason, keep the memes there.",0 Thank you for the link. Very insightful. Do you know how complex it is to develop a self driving software technology?I think your 10x-20x seems an insane multiple because you keep using car manufacturers as a base. Perhaps using a tech software company can give you a different point of view? India is opening its arms to Elon to start a small EV version. The Indian market is humongous and Tesla seems to have its first foot on it. You are correct time will tell but i think everyone agrees that holding Tesla,0 "first two days will dictate it, if it hovers the range of 620- 640, i think it will go back up to $800 by April/May. But, if the graph starts indicating that waterfall into correction, then it might hit 500-540 which is a good buy-in price for long term. . . . . . tl;dr: nobody knows.",1 Thanks,1 You are mixing up gross margin and bottom line.,0 BMW is making $2k per sold vehicle,0 This stock bounced off $900 like a dog in heat. Tepid retest. 30 day low on close 2/19. Very Toppy chart. Long term bull but no cultish devotion. Reddit is becoming a social sentiment contra indication play. Lots of hope on the various boards. I short hope.,0 I cut the sentiment with TSLA.....until it acts right i sold,0 "If you missed out selling at $900 and want to panic sell at $600 🤨, it’s your call no need to leverage with all the “reasons” (BS in my personal opinions) that I don’t see necessary. Enjoy your beloved money and I will enjoy mine later when the stock goes up to $2,000. BTW I own the stocks from 2015, sell half in Jan to lock in profit and come back to scoop up more every dip day from $803 to $550. I also own AAPL from 08, sell off last year, then buy more. Guess, bitcoins are also not your things.",0 If I was going to sell I would 1. Already sold by now.,0 Tl;dr: it could rise. It could fall. We don’t know.,0 Needs to touch 500 first. It needs to shake out a ton of more fake bulls before it continues its climb back to $1000.,0 It should hit $1200 by Wednesday,1 [deleted],0 Can you tell me more about march 19th please?,0 Few companies in growth stage are able to defend profits; Tesla has not reached its full potential like Ford however your point is still valid for many traditional analysts. If the stock drops below 500 will naturally create momentum. Tesla can also decide to buy back boosting interest and trust. Even those analysts valuing Tesla in 150 recommend holding Tesl in the long term. Just look at the potential market in India and China plus the rest of the business lines that Tesla pursues. It is hard consider it ,1 "Yup, I didn’t hear this either! Feel like media’s trying to explain the stock drop with Elon related bs so old school retail doesn’t panic. See you at 482 :D",0 So are you saying this crayon colored picture is telling me the price will drop like it has then go back to the moon in a few weeks? So just 💎✋?,0 "I’m fucking diamond handing it 💎🙌 Would have bought the dip on Friday morning but I only had so much cash when PLTR, TSLA both on sale.",1 India,1 " Right now, it's actually a great opportunity to buy TSLA at such a huge discount. When it's back over 800, we'll already have locked in a 35% gain! 😎👍",1 I think I like the stock,1 "Base in uk, who knows best apps to buy and sell or FOR investors for TSLA.....Thank you guys!",1 The day they announce the school bus it’s over Lol,1 Lol or sell and buy more when it’s super low,0 time in the market is better then timing the market,1 "Dam, can't believe the bears are actually winning this, is sentiment on this that bad? Please comment so I get more insight!!",0 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀,1 [deleted],0 Correct. Selling puts is bullish,1 He joined hoping tesla will go down to insult us. But tesla will return and hit new heights this year just hold,1 "Here's a sneak peek of /r/teslainvestorsclub using the [top posts]( of all time! \#1: [Model S and Taycan compared]( | [185 comments]( \#2: [TSLA to join the S&P500]( | [298 comments]( ",1 You only lose money if you sell. And only people who don’t understand the company are selling,0 I called a $600 close for Tesla. 40 points ago,1 My average price for Tesla is $171 because I bought presplit.,0 3 03/19/2021 600P @ 15.45,1 **$400 x 2 Shares**,0 7 shares @ $1800 each,1 "I bought at 800. In retrospect, I’m an idiot but fuck it, I’m holding can’t be arsed to sell at this stage. If it comes close to $800 again by some miracle I’ll just sell then.",0 People are losing money due to these bullshit short sellers and Michael burry spreading their BS. This stock needs to squeeze up,0 Do you have the data on how many shorts tea there ?,0 Tesla right now coming off the bottom and approaching 580. I think your buy provided a support. Thanks,1 That’s what I said at 700 let’s hope so,1 Bought one more!,1 558 now. wait for a dip bigger than this for correction.,0 Jumped out at 665. Goodbye for now. :(,0 I think Tesla will be fine… He has a good vision… 400 then I’ll buy a lot more… But I bought some at 5:81 and 576,1 "I think the comparison to Apple is quite fair. BUT, the problem is people are pricing a HUGE potential worldwide market share for Tesla (20m in 2030). Look at what Apple market share is and what is % of apple smartphones sold worldwide. Both are great companies, no doubt. But Tesla priced in some very unrealistic scenarios.",0 Position?,0 The people who don’t believe in tsla will continue to look for reasons they are right. Just like the people who are pro tsla will continue to look for reasons we are right. I’m long tsla. 60@460,1 "I went to look outside and breath in some fresh SHORT TSLA air that I covered at $550. Next leg down,$425. That first leg down was fun. These things unwind quickly. This outside thing, I think I need a scotch and cigar!",1 "Japan is planning on converting the entire country to hydrogen - only 2,000 teslas sold in japan last year - hydrogen can be quickly refueled, provides the same range hot or cold and doesnt need 900 pounds of batteries - which means lighter cars",1 "A car is a car. EVs are novel at the moment and Tesla has opened the market. lets face it, any of the major car companies can make an EV and there 150 new models hitting the streets. Not many of these are available in US yet- but they are coming this year. This has been proven in the European market where the new EV models are massively outcompeting Tesla. Tesla's european sales have fallen in a high growth market - thats a clear definition of failure. If you want performance from an EV - what abou",0 "Problem is that the value of TSLA suggest that all counties on earth will be crowded with Tesla cars, will simply not happen.",0 Tesla keeps getting more undervalued for each day that passes. I’m not selling a single share.,0 "Everything is down and if you have Tesla, Square and Apple, you are sick to your stomach, like I am!",0 "How would this short drive down the price of the stock? Other ETF’s are buying dips. And as of today, call buying outpaced puts. I’m getting dizzy! Haha",1 Uncle Billy himself,0 That stupidity of Bitcoin buying spooked a lot of investors. Now Musk tied his and every investors ass to BTC. It was a Bad Move to go out buying Criptos and blowing dog whistles at an idiotic asset like Dogecoin. That conveys non sereousness on part of Musk. On Wall Street Perception is Everything. Now we are Bleeding.,0 😂😂😂 hold it! Be a macho and hold till the end 😂😂😂,1 Bought my first full Tesla share today too. I told my wife we’re going to give it to our kids one day.,1 and if I had nickel every time I heard someone say why didn't I take the profit when I could?,0 What if its lower than the current one and makes things worse? o.O,0 Traditional companies like what?,0 Why wouldnt you wait for the end of the correctio it will still go down today...,0 Looks like it finished at lunch time bro. 30 percent is enough for us to benefit from but you can wait forever for it to drop more.,0 2000 bucks,0 "No, Costco reported mixed earnings - not great.",0 Beat by 4%,1 "The news is going all out trying to kill investor confidence in Tesla. I think a lot of people are shorting it. Could lead to a squeeze, which is something I bet Cathie could initiate by announcing a new price target and more purchases.",0 "20M by 2030 projection is pretty dumb IMO. It is a huge market share. Ford was in a similar ""market leader"" position in the early XX century and even they didn't have so huge market share. I expect their market share at around 10-15% at most, which already huge for a single car manufacturer. Also it worth mentioning that Elon himself being quite vocal against monopolies.",0 "Wait, did I miss the news that elon cancelled their other products and made Tesla just a car company?",0 The electric Hummer that GM is preparing to release and the electric Ford F-150 will beat the Cybertruck in sales. Guarantee it.,1 "TSLA is being shorted big time. There was an article on it. We just all need to be hold and calm down. They are way ahead of every other car manufacturer and it’s only beginning. On top of that they will have FSD, Tesla insurance, Tesla energy and their cyber truck and $25k hasn’t event come out yet. Let’s be real - anyone you talk to wants a Tesla cause it’s a cool car in general. It will only get better. Diamond hands💎🙌🏼",1 Institutional investors are shifting into blue chips and value stocks. TSLA is still seen as highly overvalued.,1 Yep 620 ain’t gonna hold. 😞,0 Where will TSLA be 7/4 price wise,1 You're not. I'm old blood Tesla and I just got here from r/gme. Very similar pattern.,0 "Yes but right now EVERYTHING aside from tech stock is being treated like a bubble. Just doesn't make sense . Eg: Why are Costco , Home Depot also down ? They aren't bubbles for sure.",0 600 seems right - at least for this week ... who knows what the next storm will bring.,1 Wonder if he is buying bitcoins?,0 Right. He believes ha,1 "Unwind your positions and get whatever you can back. If you wanna YOLO, do it properly and spend the change on OTM options.",0 same wheres the $850 gang at,0 uhhh QUESTION: what evidence do we have that tsla will be back to $800s in the next few weeks or so?,0 "It’s not you. It’s ME and I have other stocks to proof. AND you know what, when I buy PUT the stock goes UP 😡",1 Probability of this big dip buy and new price target from ARK. No promises just some supporting reasoning,1 [deleted],0 "Good news I’m color blind so they all taste the same, see you on Mars brother",1 Toilet paper hands sty away from Tesla. Double down Johnny and get you some money,0 “trust in TSLA”. Sounds like QAnon level cult like thinking.,0 Do you think it will go down a little more?,1 Lots of competition in China. Deep state is out to get EM.,0 "Seems to me like Burry was right about shorting TSLA, his prediction for TSLA is around $100 a share. FYI: I have 2 shares in TSLA bought at ATH",0 Hope not but looks like it might test lower levels today/tomorrow,0 Hey! No bots allowed!,1 Pretty sure he doesn't want people to lose more money,0 Hard as in your dick during this buy op?,1 "Love Tesla and agree with everything you are saying. What’s going on in the market outside of Tesla is the cause of the decline:(",1 "Fully autonomous driving is a long way off - even if the technology works it will need regulatory acceptance and acceptance from insurance companies. The insurance industry is very conservative and will take a lot of convincing to insure a driver asleep on the back seat of a car. Also the process of getting the system to work will undoubtedly cause some serious accidents which will enrich a lot of lawyers and lead to a potentially huge liability for the manufacturer. Home energy storage is a good idea - ",0 "Hold your TSLA shares. You will be rewarded as always. Don't allow market manipulation, bots on these threads, purposeful so called bad news promoted in the media, etc. trying to trick you into selling your shares. Remember....the shorts are very afraid of long term holds....especially on TSLA. Notice that the short interest in TSLA has gone down. If most are not selling...the shorts have to cover and the price will go up. They have some time before they have to that is why you see the price ",1 You called two other squeezes so far that didn't happen.,0 Wow. Prob not. Maybe 5% chance of that. Or less.,0 Time,1 Short swiiiizzz your way,1 Sad I had to sell. Real sad. I hope to but back in really soon. They just keep nose diving. Not convincing for me. Don’t get me wrong nio down cciv down. Not sure where tsla is heading. I believe but don’t want a loss either.,0 Elon needs to do something brilliant so we can be green again,0 Hummel raised his price target to $730 from $325... When the stock is trading at about $680. Is this someone who's predictions you want to trust?,0 They may be competition for electric vehicles but there will never be another company (stock) like Tesla.,1 The original iPhone used to have 100% smartphone market share. Now iPhone 12 is down to less than 50%. Meanwhile apple stock goes up more than 10 fold.,1 Traded in a Mustang GT for Model 3 LR because I need a 4 door car. They are both fun to drive.,1 "* SN10 is a wild success * Manned mission timeline accelerated * SN-17: Elon abandons Earth * TSLA stock plummets /s",0 The same reason as some Europeans buying local ev instead of Tesla,0 "Lmao I don’t care about people who short Tesla, I don’t even have a stake in them, but this post is pathetic af... bro are you in middle school 😂",0 lol i love it,1 "The fact that will save your butt is the index driven players that prevent fundamentals from hitting that fast, but a year from now $300 will be considered a dream high",1 I didn't get to sell then.. I was holding at $900 last month.,0 "These news were released 20 hours ago, go figure",0 April 16 call volume are pretty high. Lots of people thing the stock is going over 800. Calls for $1000 even have huge volumes. Expect a move upward in March and early April,1 Best advice,1 "It’s only the “best advice” because it’s what you want to hear, no one really knows what TSLA will do",0 $800 EOW $1000 EOM,0 Cash out?,0 Sweet 😎,1 I saw it on etrade so I checked google and it said the same thing,1 I read that article. Honestly I think Tesla moves the needle based on its merits. It doesn’t hurt that Elon Musk is probably the smartest person alive,1 "3/19 850c, CMON DADDY ELON",1 All the manufactured news to keep giving hedgies a cheap price to buy in to the future,0 $200 by sept 2021... waiting for 1q21 numbers.,0 Should I buy tesla today it's at $577 CAD?,0 "Just after i posted this an article came out []( which also says tesla sold only 1,977 cars in Europe in january. In 2019, tesla sold 109,00 cars in Europe, in 2020 98,000.",0 I agree that january sales are normally a bit lower - but 90% lower- I think not! I don't think German buyers are waiting for Tesla' Berlin factory which is far from complete. They are buying european EV's - 2020 and have been increasing doing so. Throughout 202 the VW group way outperformed Tesla. If German buyers are holding back its probably for models like the Id.4 which is nor starting deliveries in Europe. I live in France - Tesla doesn't have a good reputation for quality and it doesn't have muc,1 "NO As much I would love to buy at $500 again, I don't think it will hit that number. Resistance at $620 only happened once.",0 It did stick its foot in the ground last week right at 100sma.,0 "I think the price will average $600 until the Q4. So, you could be right it might dip under $600. I would go all-in when it reaches $500. Some experts like Michael Burry is shorting since December last year and thinks the price would dip below $400 this year when the bubble pops...",1 "I love TSLA but had to take short the 30 day low close a week ago Friday. Very Toppy chart. Bounced off $900 like a dog in heat. I’m hoping to cover around $500, $425 respectively",1 Don’t care about the 50 and 100 SMAs?,0 Cathie wood likes the stock,1 How is ai easy....? First step is data which no one has as much of as Tesla,1 Especially with more stimulus by mid March,1 careful with margin. great buying opportunity,1 "Your nutz, this thing is not going up in the near future.",0 I think we’ll see a nice bump this week from the stimulus news alone.,1 I do. I can cover if I get the call,1 "I def wouldn't be buying any tech growth stocks on margin right now, but Tesla defies logic at times so good luck",1 You are set for life. TSLA is the first and the future. Nice job,1 "Take most of your profits, sit on the original investment amount and perhaps a bit more and you will be happy if it goes and even happier if it goes down! Sit on the position and wait for even more share price increase become less likely as the share price gets higher and if it crashes down to, say, Elon Musk's value of $100/share you will not feel good about it.",1 Norway bought $5bn worth of TSLA stocks 😀🍾,1 BUY BUY BUY....GREAT STOCK.,1 No great investor in history is a worried investor,0 TENDIES IN BOUNDS T+2....,0 God I hope so. One right tweet from the man and it could be,1 I am right there with you on that,1 2010,1 "Funny, how much do you think it’ll help Tesla? Or any other stock for that matter?",0 "Hold TSLA. This is a buying opportunity. TSLA is one of my core positions, and I had a standing limit order to buy at $662 and piked more up. I put in another at $623 and have one to sell some at $794. I love this volatility. But you should not put your life savings into one stock- diversification is your friend. Put in a limit order to sell a little of your position at a 5-10% gain and take some off the table, and diversify. Old Salt",1 Product speaks for itself. EV is the future and Tesla is the pioneer! Wait until all plants are opened and operational. Great long long hold,1 Tsla was able to deliver almost 500k with just Fremont and a budding Shanghai. Austin and Berlin will come online soon and Improved manufacturing of the structure/cell design and cybertruck exoskeleton will maximize efficiencies adding to the numbers. Semi will diversify their offerings. All of this is not even included in the 100% profits in subscriptions and autonomous software plus insurance. Plus the $25k car is coming. At this price tsla is on SALE!,1 hell yeah!,1 $800 easily,0 "You are giving investment advice to a trader. He apparently sunk his life savings on $800 call options. He probably only has a few months for the stock to hit 800, 1000, 1200 (what ever he striked in his deal) until he loses every penny. You screwed bro. Hope you enjoy ramen.",0 "Seems to be heading to 550 today most likely. Possible support around that but then a low 500 is also possible after that. Below 400 ... ( will have to wait & see) . 1 month ago I never thought it could dip below the S&P inclusion price of 695, but it did ...",0 "I think so too, greed is blurrin their visions",0 I am more looking forward to the next split. That will be well past $900 though.,0 Well I had me,1 Took an ass whopping all month!,0 Based on what?,0 Options are especially risky with the fluctuating price with Tsla. But when it’s low like this it’s a win for sure.,1 Hey everybody Listen to this!,1 "Yep. Shorted a Toppy chart last Friday on a 30 day low. Looking to cover at $600 and $425 respectively. I think it could be starting a second push down. $775 area is key, continuation/rejection",0 "But if you are a dreamer and believer, it can be a great opportunity to re-enter a long position",1 "If Tesla hits $860 by March 05, I am getting a Tesla Tramp Stamp. Up Vote to see it happen",1 "Honestly, I have no idea why anyone doubts Tesla or Elon. Either ride the winning wave or don’t.",1 "This is wrong. Read the article, and change your post. Still one Model 3 line shut for two weeks. The whole factory was down a few days because of ""parts supply issues"".",0 "I am serious, I'll hit 20 years in the Army this June so I'll reveal it on my retirement party. YOLO!",1 Hope so!,1 This is the way. Tesla is the best dip in the market at the moment,1 im calling 650 by tmrw,1 "Oh, another thing: I think the lack of semiconductors is a code word for why they are selling off........the shorts.",0 "The mass sell and increasing negative sentiment is simply a reflection of the market understanding that (a) Tesla's share price is ridiculously overvalued and (b) the company is facing increasing competition. Its already being slaughtered in the European market - sales falling significantly even in a market which is growing rapidly and despite Tesla continuing to reduce its prices. The Tesla hype is all based on an idea that Tesla will dominate the EV market - it hasn't taken account of the fact that its q",0 Cyber truck was designed for military or law enforcement but marketed as civilian!,0 "I’m blown away at how CNBC manipulates individual stocks during the day. The interview lineups are very strategic. All the new EV companies out there, pouring FUD all over Tesla.",0 "Should be Car Maker not Cat Maker. Please correct your spelling.",0 "I do industrial maintenance for a very large well known corporation. The plants MUST SHUT DOWN sometimes. It’s called an OUTAGE and it’s important to keep things working properly. If they are having a semi conductor issue or whatever we they claim it is .... the. They are using this two weeks to stock up on whatever parts they can while the plant is being maintained.",1 "Should also be FREMONT with one ""E""",0 "Really respect him, but Charlie munger there has similar thoughts about Tesla. Makes sense as Warren buffet and Bill gates are old chums. Looks like they were a big short against Tesla for a while there. I think Elon knew who he was targeting with those short shorts 🩳",1 "With as much money as he influences with the Gates foundation, I'm very doubtful that he would waste time with speculative gambling regarding another person or organization's failure, unless there was a motive to see n organization fail because it is evil. I read an article that he even states that he has helped his relatives buy Tesla vehicles. He has also commented something about he world needing more Elon Musks.",0 "People think getting to the top is a smooth ride. The market will and always has tested investors, especially paper hands who typically lose out . You only lose if you sell. If you believe in Elon and Tesla hold.",1 NO! It is not possible for them to go bankrupt because of a very small position in btc. Their balance sheet was carrying around 20 billion dollars worth of cash at the time they purchased 1.5 billion worth of bitcoin. Let that sink in a little bit.,1 It's 10% of their cash reserves. That's a blip.,0 "Yep, give you money the big ones, they will then thank you by going short",0 Very Funny....the same here. I bought 50 shares at around $800 a few days ago..... sulked for a bit but then grew up an thought this is a 3-5 year position.,0 Let’s go 🚀,1 "She actually sold some of her Amazon, google and Apple to get this. I am truly amazed.",1 I'm happy I bought more TSLA @674! 😄,1 She indicates she’s sees those types of companies as cash like securities,0 🚀,1 The fact it came back from 619 in minutes this morning shows serious support at those prices. I honestly expected it to tank to 580,1 Im wondering the same,1 II sold last week. It’s always s ok to collect profits.,1 "If you want to sell and buy back at lesser price, keep in mind your tax rate. If holding for less than a year, any paper gain becomes realized at as ordinary income. So to break even you need to account for the tax cost at your income rate.",0 $580.00 from the looks of it. If it breaks it will be trading back in the 400s,0 I bought shares this morning after the dead cat bounce.....and again...holding ten years...,0 "Buying more Tesla right now is probably one of the best things anyone could do, betting against Elon musk is absolutely nuts he is the future and anyone selling there Tesla and not buying more will end up regretting it big time, no one makes moves like Elon musk, Tesla will be a trillion dollar company very soon as they tackle home energy not to mention robo taxis etc and the share price will be astronomical pardon the pun 😂 patience is the 🔑 here definitely 📈⏱",1 Sell Sell Sell.. !!! It reminds me of this song,0 "I think the only people that panic are those that don't have the cash flows to DCA. They throw $2,000 into the market every 5 months and play it like a freaking casino game. I am assuming many of us are professionals with cash flow businesses on the side. We can continue to buy even during these times. It's a beautiful thing to be cash flow positive.",1 "I think Elon might be causing controversies to create a bear trap. Every single time this has happened, the stock has skyrocketed after an initial sell-off. Why? He likes making a fool out of people who short his company!",0 All money is dumb. There are no exceptions. Usually people say dumb money because they haven’t got any,0 It hopefully should be hitting $800 within a few weeks 🤜🤛,1 "Don't worry,fellas, today was 650.So its cool discount for a buy",1 [](,1 me here at 620. looks like I'll be selling calls for a while,1 Guh,0 "I am with you, holding tight , feeling pain to see it from 880 to 618... worst roller coaster ride in my life .",0 It won’t drop now after what Powell said and stimulates check is coming and the 7k ev credit.,1 "I don't have that much in, but I'm waiting for a further drop to buy more. Here's me hoping it gets down to $500",1 Tesla worth more than all the people buying everything on the inter web...retard moment lol,1 Let's see how the market reacts to this news in the morning! Remember tesla was 2500 dollars before the stock split. It can still get back to that. Elons company is way more valuable then Jeff's Amazon.,1 You are not alone. Mine is 3/5 C910 got it at $71 today $1.3 (lost 98% I think. I don’t want to look right now),0 "I'd say 0% this month, 100% in two years.",0 "It is happening ,,, ') up up up after 650.",1 Over the last couple of years I have wish I doubled down on these dips.,1 I am praying u are right!,1 Another 8% down day. Looks ugly.,0 "Embrace for impact! TSLA price is going down. Michael J Burry warned us and most of you laughed about him and call him an old school. Arrogance is a bad habit. Ignorance too. I have been telling you to just look at a basic value indicator called P/E ratio. There’s no way that 1,200 years after having its best quarter in December 2020 was going to hold. Keep listening to your folks that tell you hold, ironically of course. The good news is that TSLA is no close to bankruptcy like it was on 1Q2020, th",0 Proof?,1 Correct. But I’m pushing out information for the new investors. They can take it for a grain of salt.,0 Wow.... that hurts bro.,0 My GM Stock has kept rising and not dipping much at all. It's a profit stock. Lots of concrete pumping 24/7 at plant near my house. Lyriq is game changer.,1 "this is it right here boss, well said🙏🏽🤙🏽",1 "You should hold stock in companies that are undervalued and sell the bubble at burst time, and this is where TSLA is now",0 Bruh gme will be bankrupt in 10-20 years LMAO,0 "**bursting, the spac bubble is.** *-MrIslanderOcho* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')",0 "Also, while there is never any guarantee that any stock will go up or down, for perspective, tsla went through a very similar dip in 2020 when it went from 498 on 8/31 and dropped to 330 by 9/8...a 34% was at 880 on 1/25 and now at 714, a 19% drop. This is a volatile stock, more so than most obviously. I would say to stay the course and see what happens but it could dive further just looking at previous trends and then skyrocket",0 Problem i see is the bubble with MEME stocks. The bubble is hitting the hedgies hard and they had high positions in TSLA. They pulled thier money out of it to cover some of thier losses from what I understand. TSLA will come back. But it may slump more due to panic sells.,0 Maybe because Musk is working against the establishment on wall street. Short sold and then pumped and dumped. Dont let it happen.,0 The model y is still for sale at any Tesla dealer it’s just not online t was announced about hour ago . He just wants to improve on the battery first but you can still buy the standard model y with its present range c,0 Cathy Wood bought $200 million TSLA today. I may have sold into her bid. Thanks Cathy! Love you.,1 The bubble is bursting,0 [deleted],0 "If it goes bellow 400, you should post again. No one asked this ques when it was going up",0 Bought TSLA today at $661.50 🤞❤️🙏🏎,1 "Ark Investments bullishness has recently been based upon Tesla producing robo-taxis for their own fleet. I can’t imagine that happening very soon. Also, Cathie disagrees with Elon Musk regarding Short sellers. Short sellers provide a downward parachute during a fall as they purchase on the way down... today Tesla fell faster than other EV mfg and Tech. Kinda concerning...",0 "TSLA is more than just a car company!! If you are a investor then you hold. If you are a trader then you should be buying, sellers already missed their chance this go round. I'm long on TSLA.",1 i just bought more today.,1 Do not sell!!!!!!,0 "After the wild ride this morning, I would hold. Bitcoin cannot be kept down forever and Tesla will rise with it",1 "I think this such drop should be expected with the global expansion that Tesla is trying to achieve. Trying to quickly get into the worldwide markets and deliver a decent amount of cars annually, and still compete with already established markets in those places, must start to take a toll on the stock at some point.",0 King Canute had conviction but the tide still came in,1 Time to buy/stock up,1 "Been holding since 2016 and tonight I have to, maybe, should I... where is the damn Buffalo Trace.",0 lose,0 715,1 "The removal of model y sr need explanation from tsla . . Once that clear, and news of increase in solar energy demand with the new Tesla own inverters plus India should take the stock out of the deep.. hopefully.",1 "If you short the spy and go long in Tesla you effectively can never lose. Just choose the right ratios lol Not advice, just humor",1 Yeah I just got assigned 500 shares Friday and now this :/,0 "Elon is gonna eat the bears for breakfast, he has done this before. Don’t come back here and cry once you find out your puts are worthless. Remember it instead.",0 I got assigned 300 shares on an $840p 2 weeks ago. The $12 premium doesn’t come close to making up for the drop so I feel your pain. Hopefully we get a bounce this week,0 "What experts ? The ones that base tsla at 40 dollars or the one that values the stock at 1200 target . Tsla fundamentals are hard to understand as we do not know on what business the company is actually , cars, crypto , energy, software etc etc . .",0 I’m in the exact same spot. Assigned on $837.5 with a $10 premium,0 Elon was the master mind behind Bitcoin,1 "The market for EV's is presumably large. Recently Tesla financials revealed that their profitability without revenue from carbon credits from other auto manufacturers, they would have been losing money. Also, their profitability per car sold is down to something like 18% from 23% according to some analyst. As more competitors enter the market, they'll have to decide if they would prefer to lower the cost of their vehicle to prevent paying Tesla the carbon credit, which many will do rather than leave mark",0 "I think the Achilles heal(s) is range and fast charging for electric cars currently. I think both will improve over time. However, if you live in an apartment, and of course millions do, an overnight charge may not be an option.",1 Expect the Austin plant to be delayed with the snow storm,0 By investing in bitcoin Elon has made it possible to lower the prices of his Tesla’s.,1 "If $TSLA is growing production to ver 10,000,000 EVs annually, one must stop diddling with the cash on hand....",0 "best short-term decision, maybe. but the long-term signal is not going over well with long-term institutional investors, which probably explains why the stock is rolling over despite continued passive inflows.",0 Very well written. Thanks.,1 At the end of the day it’s Xpeng. Tesla is better!!!,1 Its about the battery performance based on constant speed. All batteries are coming out of CATL,1 Sounds like you just bought a bunch of bitcoin and are trying to run up the price.,0 Do you know the Tesla wallet address?,0 "I recall that people used to trade in shells, others times in bronze, gold, etc. In each case these item were only worth as much as people will willing to trade these items for goods and services. Gold is scarce because it requires effort and energy to acquire. Once processed, it retains its shape etc. in transactions and requires energy for it's transportation. As a transactional currency, it changes hands without a third party intervention. Bitcoin requires a third party. Thus it is not like shells,",1 Probs hit a low of 750 then bounce back to 850 and stay around there ? Peoples thoughts ?,1 "I think not, its just blowing off steam from unrealistic investors. It will go down soon, any market event could trigger it. Few facts where current problems are: 1) Few 100k recalls 2) Loosing market share Europe and China (Europe biggest EV market, China close, US far behind in volume) 3) India will not save the day, bad power grid and not so much upper class customers 4) It looks like institutions are going out for now, bag holders left behind",0 "Institutional holdings as a percentage of total shares outstanding is significantly higher now than after speculative inclusion into S&P 500. I'm starting to doubt that we'll see the huge swings to the upside again. Mostly likely, speculative traders will cash out and purchase stocks that have more upside potential. It's time to move on to the next growth stock. Cathie Woods is trying to do a good job of chatting up Tesla because they own so much of it, but robo-taxis are waaay in the future, not within",0 "Showtime, bubble burst?",0 "Tomorrow will be the day. If it holds around 780-800 end of day, I think it will go up next week.",1 800,1 I like the stock,1 "Wondering if you could explain the bottom chart - Take Profit. How's that one work? Awesome charts btw!",1 Tesla is getting jerked around as usual. This will probably be the most valuable company in the world. This will double or triple soon. Jmo,0 "This is an indicator I got from usethinkscript. I paid for it and i will not give you the code. This is the daily chart for TSLA. Just because the “buy the dip” indicator says it’s on sale does not in any way mean it will reverse. No indicator is 100% accurate. Buy at your own risk. Seriously check out usethinkscript. I am not associate with them, they have just helped me make a ton of money. Best wishes everyone!",1 "**still very risky, honestly this is.** *-benoesage* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'opt in', 'delete')",0 "Honestly Tesla is not a stock you want day trade or use margin. The volatility might make it enticing but its a buy and hold stock. It will eventually go up but I don't know when.",0 Its in a consolidation period. The market is driven by news. No good news recently. Wait until factories open and this price will seem cheap.,0 Depends on what your investing strategy is... daytrader may sell. Investor would hold as there are so many technologies this company is cutting edge on. Just the beginning.,1 I think Michael Burry is leading a short attack on the price,0 never sell tesla retards,0 "I'm unsure on this one. I only put in a little (still a noobie) but it went through yesterday when it was $816 (did fractional with about £55.49) but did a bit before at £20 when it was at $786. Think I may have done goofed. Hoping it goes back up again though to recover what I put in :D",0 Ya i ended just avging down a bit,0 "Um.... yeah... when the price has been going up and down $100 a share multiple times in a month.... Other things that go back and forth 🤔 a swing!",0 It's gonna drop it Elon comes out of his hole and shows himself.,0 "I am worry about a company that buys BTC to make profits... I believe that the rally is over, time to move to something else.",0 "I put in about £55 worth yesterday but it went through when it was at $816. Did I done goofed with that (I'm still fairly new to Stocks/Trading). I put £20 in the other day when it was at $786",0 Cathie Wood ARK funds bought in the $790’s. Under $800 is a steal!,0 "I think we’re seeing a major shift in a lot of car companies’ standpoint on electric vehicles. A few years ago, it was just something they talked about for publicity, maybe made an EV or two. Now, huge car companies are making actual plans to go all electric within the next few years. Don’t you think this will diminish Tesla’s potential market share? We already know the Tesla vehicles themselves are not great—they had to recall 135k of them recently and somehow the stock price went up? Aside from their tech",1 Apparently you didn’t hear the dropped the price of model 3 in Europe. Profits will be hurt this quarter and stocks will dramatically drop by April 2021. That’s why he went for BTC gambling cash reserves in exchange of some profitability. I hope BTC doesn’t drop of TSLA and price will go to the basement,0 "As a long term investor, I encourage anybody who wants to sell this year, to go for it. I'd love to buy more at a discount.",1 "In fact, what happens daily, weekly, monthly doesn't matter. What's guaranteed in my opinion is that TSLA will be worth more on 31 December than on 1 January. And if you put it into a 5-10 year perspective, well... Moon emoji.",1 I am traded TSLA a few times but now I am stuck with some shares at 795. It seems early trading is when it dips then never completely recovers but does better during regular hours. If the trend continues I am buy a few more shares in early trading and dump it all as it creeps up in the afternoon,0 What does this mean exactly,0 Can we just go to at least 850.,1 This is exactly my conclusion from my TA today. A 4 hr chart shows a distinct channel since Jan 8th or so. We should see $850 pretty soon and with a relatively high confidence,1 "Crypto wasnt just a joke for him. It's a solid investment and a hedge against inflation. All companies will be investing in it soon. They already made nearly 40% on it. Plus there going to be accepting it as a payment. There lots of people that have bitcoin.",1 I agree no short squizzz in sight . Only the news can take out the stock of the spin down now. Unfurtunally .,0 [deleted],0 Just another short that eventually gets burned,0 he is right. Tesla will be down on its price temporarily. Doesn’t mean anything for the company in the long run. This is just the product of market SPECULATION not INVESTMENT.,0 LOVE the stock,1 Just add 3 shares Thursday.,1 I think it’s going to go down to $750,0 "Yeah, they'd rather buy communist BYD.",0 "Now , this is a sign of a lot of shorters pain at the end . Never short TSLS !!!!",0 Tsla I mean .,0 Now is to late for the shorts ... Tesla investors just need to hold,1 I bought today @ 790 😁,1 Buy more if you can !!!,1 Be grateful you’re holding shares; I’m holding options 😅,1 Everything is Going To Be ok😉👌🏽,1 "I bought my fist TSLA shares last week, 35 at average $801. I know I am late getting on board this train, but I hope it was a good time to buy and when I retire in 10 years time, I get a ""free Tesla"" 😁",1 "Ya it’s gonna drop because the micro grid storage market is being taken away from them by zinc air battery technology put your money on Zinc8 instead, car sales are already fully priced into the stock, the battery business for utility is where this is taking a hit.",0 Nice 👍,1 "of course, and when it gets closer to 700 you’ll wait till it dips to 500 😂😂😂",0 It needs to head to the end of day above 800 so the shorts have to sale last minute,1 Wait until his battery facility in Berlin is up and running. It’s going to sky rocket. Only reason why they didn’t meet earnings. Lots of demand but not enough batteries for the cars,1 He doesn’t have anything to hide.,1 "im already down almost 90% on my calls so theres nothing left to lose. they expire march 5th. lets see what happens, yeah? fingers crossed it breaks 1k",0 "This comment is bullish on TSLA. The more TSLA bears, the higher it goes",1 "he is probably high on Acid, I have 1000 call options for march 19th.",1 [deleted],0 Don’t think anyone is going to get dumped on. Just trying to understand why someone would buy large quantities of options that are so far out of the money.,0 Recall,0 A board member sold 25.6 million dollars worth of stock. It's the perception that the board member lacks faith in the stock which may trigger a sell off.,0 "Tesla semi was supposed to have SOP 2019, still nothing. And again, consider the earnings potential, this is not an internet application, its a physical product. There is a limit to what margin you can have. Market knows that, but you can still make money if you get out at the right time..........",0 "Tesla stonk consolidating at these levels. Everybody should buy, buy, buy! 25K model probably finished design and will be shipping by mid 2022, then profitability will be even higher, revenue will be higher. Tesla will kill Chinese, European and American competitors. India Gigafactory starting soon and Indonesia battery Terafactory soon to be announced! Totally growth paid with #bitcoin speculation! To the moon baby!",1 "You won't see price above $900 until the TSLA is consolidated to below $770. It might even drop to $750. I've been observing the trading books everyday and every time whales bid more than -5%, the price dropped during the trading hours. Also, Ark Invest has been reducing the weight from 10% to 7% in the past few weeks. But I'm sure they'll start buying TSLA on the dip soon.",0 IMO the talks of $7000 federal tax credit being reinstated at higher purchase quantities- previously 200k vehicles sold not planned for 400-600k sold. Why would anyone in the US buy a brand new Tesla now? Surely they would wait a few months and get 7k off the purchase price plus state incentives. I see stock price increase post federal incentive and rise further once the other factories are at Full operating capacity. Stock pricing prediction for Q3 $1250,1 Y’all been wanting it to crash for 2 years. It ain’t gonna happen genius.,0 You don’t believe that yourself,0 Some would say first mover advantage is the benefit with Tesla. Secondly for other firms to catch up they will have to invest heavily in R&D. In reality I think the problem is that the bitcoin investment goes against their green image. Bitcoin mining uses alot of energy. However I do think Tesla at some point may buy a or invest in mining and could use the solar panels to generate electricity. Only time will tell.,0 Elon has always backed the Reddit users and chastised RH for suspending trades. Let’s make TSLA fly 🚀🚀🚀🚀,1 "Betting against TSLA has always been a bad idea. Now that it is starting to tie itself to BTC, that's even more true. Let's keep in mind that TSLA has made more from its recent BTC purchase than it made all of last quarter selling cars. The phenomena will become even more pronounced with time and be very obvious to the world at the next earnings call.",1 "Here is another way of playing the driverless car market. Look into infrared makers. LightPath Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: LPTH) is a leading global, vertically integrated provider of optics, photonics and infrared solutions for the industrial, commercial, defense, telecommunications, and medical industries. LightPath designs and manufactures proprietary optical and infrared components including molded glass aspheric lenses and assemblies, infrared lenses and thermal imaging assemblies, fused ",1 You just going to let the shorts win tomorrow Elon?,0 new 25k model coming this year in USA,1,1 You're welcome.,1 The man behind the account said this:,0 Sell and run,0 "Nope, I am a holder I made my decision.",0 This is the right time to get some,1 When is DOGE flying,1 Elon....come on.....we got ya...right?,1 This guy!!,1 When $ETH?,0 [deleted],0 "TSLA - Bitcoin SpaceX - Dogecoin lmao, what better way to give the opportunity of space flight to a handful or people who would absolutely never be able to afford it.",1 Or maybe he is Papa Elon ?!,1 Guess he/she was telling the truth. SEC is delayed in publishing.,0 """Hello. Your submission has been removed because a word was flagged from AutoMod. Please contact the mod team if you feel this is in error. -2"" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TSLA) if you have any questions or concerns.*",0 Kinda scary to an extent. Some have predicted we could have a stockmarket crash in April possibly.,0 U are a legend,1 It won't stop there. More gain is coming as soon as Monday🎏,1 Fantastic!!! It will only continue growing.,1 Awesome job! Imagine if you dollar-cost-averaged your way up. It's a solid strategy for companies you believe in long term👍,1 Amazing! Seeing people’s TSLA returns is no different than looking at a beautiful art piece.,1 Price Target 🎯 $1010 Tesla,1 "Basically flat for 3 weeks. It will 900 again and more but move slower then past years. S&P mutual fund managers have to hold and buy more. Tesla has more going on then just cars!",0 He might want to buyback at lower price. Strong support at $700.,1 "Neuralink jas nuthing to do with TSLA. TSLA wiull Increase today and tomorrow and the next day. 🙃",1 "Although there’s no immediate breakthrough, Tesla is way ahead of the market due to the massive amount of data they’re capturing. Every car sold, is another machine collecting data.",1 Not sure what I’m looking at but it seems you are fucked,0 "I'm down 50k last week myself. How many DTE?",0 Sooooo,1 Too many times I’ve sold Tesla options for a loss and a few days later it recovered in the money,1 "Thanks, we need more people",1 Ouch!,0 "I think TSLA will be fine either way, the drop to $800 was likely from hedgefunds liquidating to cover shorts and people selling to buy more GME. It is estimated anywhere between 80% to 120% of shorts remain. If that number is close to 80% hedgefunds are less likely to liquidate shares remaining such as TSLA so TSLA won't take a significant drop as less shares are being sold. Good news! Also let's say the hedgefunds are still above 100% then GME shareholders will sell GME shares high and as many have alr",1 "I just bought 15 shares but I think I’m going to sell in premarket and see how it goes. Probably do options this week because I’d imagine it will either sky rocket or crash. Whole market was slaughtered, I was up because of GME and CYDY- thank goodness. I love TSLA and Elon- I’m wanting to buy 50 TSLA in the next few months but have been afraid of the shorts dropping it an extreme amount and after last week I’m more concerned.",0 I'm sitting this out and letting the retards battle it out with the big money. I'll swoop in ilke a hero at $650,0 "IMHOP if SN9 is a success I will be relieved, I'm upside down too. There's a method to Musk's madness but I'll bet on him, YOLO.",1 🤩🤩,1 "TSLA can give you returns in two ways - hold for long, then no need looking at day to day moves. Second way would be where you have a defined profit goal and plan your entry exit based on that. TSLA has gone ballistic and a pull back appears to be on the cards. Actually overall market appears to be at an inflection point (S&P at 50 day EMA on daily chart) and could correct. I would look for $ 680 as the point at which I would sell (I purchased at 470 for my fourth entry into TSLA in the past 12 months).",1 Curious if you are still holding on...this market is crazy,1 Stay Long on Tesla. It will hit anywhere from 950 to 1200 soon.,1 "Don't trade, just hold it for 10 years, you will appreciate.",1 Smart move..wish I did the same!,1 "Bruh I’ve been holding an 860c exp 12/17 and picked up some more shares (7) recently. I drive a model 3, I love it. They are an aggressively innovative company. Elon Musk is the GOAT. Find a cheesy EV ETF if you don’t believe in the company.",1 "I am holding and adding on dips. was a great quarter and the 2021 guidance is likely conservative. this company is the future. also shorts love this stock, don't let them win!",1 Just hold to $5k!,1 That’s already baked into the price,0 "sold my 50 shares taking the money and letting you retards fight the good fight for me while I sip on some diet coke",0 "time to buy the dip buy under sma 50 is always a good deal. sell the high buy the low sweet",1 But I heard the sales in china has dropped 30%?,0 "Careful guys, since hedge funds are liquidating to cover their shorts, the price of TSLA can still drop alot further possible to the high 600's",0 Same. Stick market is crazy at the moment. And having options on anything apart from you know what is painfull.,0 "After all the things Tesla king🤴did for us, it’s time to show papa Elon some love.. $TSLA is down. Let’s Lift it.. buy💰buy💰buy💰 💎💎💎🤟🏽",1 "Totally agree, if we get a market correction, that price is totally possible. Correction is only 5% away...for Nasdaq at least. Keep some dry powder, I certainly will buy more",1 Musk sure could use some help shorting short shorts.,0 "Yeah not enough resources to boost tsla, lets send out another round of checks to everyone",0 This stock is an out of control roller coaster ... I'm already losing money! I should’ve bough gold or silver instead of $TSLA,0 "Don't worry. Tesla is going to be fine. Look at it as a buying opportunity. I'm watching for it to drop and saving money in the meantime to buy more. Remember, Tesla isn't just an electric car company. It an AI, robotics, and energy storage company. Their first products on the market are electric cars. More will be coming. This stock will be worth an INSANE amount by 2030.",1 "Hope you’re right about the EV credit as a soon to be buyer. Been reallocating and adding with the dip as an investor.",1 No. This is just stupid. TSLA is just getting started. Sit down,0 "Sell if you want, I'll be waiting to buy them.",0 "LIES, BUY TSLA GUYS, 1000 COMING SOON, WATCH OUT⚡⚡",0 "EUROPE: Renault’s Zoe hatch has lead the sales charts for EVs for most of 2020, it was swamped by the surging ID.3 Volkswagen as the Zwickau plant’s production ramp hit full swing. The shock news was that the darling of EV investors, Tesla, dropped out of Europe’s EV Top 10 entirely for the month of October.....Its hard for TSLA lovers to accept this - especially those of us who have been invested here from the start and who stuck through the ""bankruptcy fears""......reality is that Europe is NOT the US. Tes",0 What's this retarded shit,0 "Electric vehicles that break down after 10 miles, so they’ll sit in a warehouse waiting to be fixed, meanwhile they’ll use gas vehicles.",0 "Biden has spent tens of trillions in promises of spending with no real plan to drive business and create wealth. I wouldn't count on it. That said, Dems in general are good for green business.",0 Hell yeah,1 What the...,0 Two thumbs up!,1 4 digit will never come. Its the biggest retard call whistle out there,0 "The problem with hot-swappable batteries is that it's a gimmick that doesn't really solve any problem. The problem that it's trying to solve is long recharge times. I own a tesla 3 I can attest that long recharge times are not a problem. Normally, after driving around, I get home and plug it in. (2 seconds). Full charge after 4 hours or so, while I'm watching TV. On long trips it lasts about 4 hours worth of driving, and tells me where the next supercharger is on route. After 4 hours worth of driving I",0 "Starlink is expected to create revenue streams of 30-50 billion$ annually even with 3-5% penetration. Services can be scaled-up faster than cabled services and bring parity to users in remote areas, bringing new users and business dynamics in this space",1 I bought 5 @ $392 and plan on holding for literally almost ever.,1 Don’t sell. Let’s get tsla going again! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 TSLA to 1000,1 "Listen, I’m relatively new to stocks so take what I say with a grain of salt but I originally owned 13 shares of TSLA in the mid 300s sometime last year. I sold when I doubled my money. Thought I was making out but it just kept going up then split. I rebought in at 15 shares for 460 after the split. It may be tempting to sell but I don’t see TSLA slowing down anytime soon. If I would’ve held on to TSLA original my account would be astronomical right now (hind sight is 20/20). IMO don’t make the same mistak",1 2030,1 Now,0 Hold hold hold,1 Sell ASAP,0 If you don’t use HVS there could be mass loss on your capital,0 It keeps their stock at a price where more people are likely to buy it. It split around 2k. Look at Burkeshire and Hathaway stock. That’s a stock that has never split its entire “life”,1 "im hoping if it reaches 1400 maybe idk, long term",1 That dip ain’t comin bucko,0 BUT wERE iN A bUBbLe,0 hey is the correction today?,0 nio? what's nio? another battery car company?,0 $900... probably before earnings. I think TSLA will hit $1k again sometime this year.,1 "Now would be the time, good time to get in with the dip. I always buy more at the dip, currently holding 74 shares",1 Can someone explain to me why it went up? Did musk sign some deal with another company,0