diff --git "a/filtered/e032db645db530ec76e006dc332648d7.jsonl" "b/filtered/e032db645db530ec76e006dc332648d7.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/filtered/e032db645db530ec76e006dc332648d7.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{"speaker_id": "108710150535146394", "before_utterances": ["We gonna start a new initiative?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a queen"], "automation_results": ["Kennet Pinedelver activates Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen!\nKennet Pinedelver gained Queen."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: We gonna start a new initiative?"], "before_idxs": [3], "before_state_idx": 20, "command_idxs": [23, 24, 25, 27], "after_state_idx": 25, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [26]} +{"speaker_id": "317835582000795110", "before_utterances": ["*stands in the middle of the hall*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a war"], "automation_results": ["Zandol Dreadtusk lets out a War-Cry!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: We gonna start a new initiative?", "Player 7: *stands in the middle of the hall*"], "before_idxs": [81], "before_state_idx": 75, "command_idxs": [83, 84, 85, 87], "after_state_idx": 85, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [86]} +{"speaker_id": "317835582000795110", "before_utterances": ["(exactly whats about to happen lol....", "*grins evilly down the hall, readies himself and bashes his sword on the front of his shield 3 times then gets in a stance*", "*the hull door is opening*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a ready"], "automation_results": ["Zandol Dreadtusk gets Ready!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "after_utterances": ["*as you see, only one creature*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: We gonna start a new initiative?", "Player 7: *stands in the middle of the hall*", "Player 7: (exactly whats about to happen lol....", "Player 7: *grins evilly down the hall, readies himself and bashes his sword on the front of his shield 3 times then gets in a stance*", "Player 3: *the hull door is opening*"], "before_idxs": [100, 107, 113], "before_state_idx": 94, "command_idxs": [115, 116, 117, 119], "after_state_idx": 117, "after_idxs": [120], "embed_idxs": [118]} +{"speaker_id": "317835582000795110", "before_utterances": ["*a creature made of floating crystals, with a prismatic colored glowing head, with what seems to be a plasma weapon attached to its arm, and a force field around it*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a divine"], "automation_results": ["Zandol Dreadtusk uses Divine Sense!\nZandol Dreadtusk gained Divine Sense."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn, Divine Sense", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn, Divine Sense", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: (exactly whats about to happen lol....", "Player 7: *grins evilly down the hall, readies himself and bashes his sword on the front of his shield 3 times then gets in a stance*", "Player 3: *the hull door is opening*", "Player 3: *as you see, only one creature*", "Player 3: *a creature made of floating crystals, with a prismatic colored glowing head, with what seems to be a plasma weapon attached to its arm, and a force field around it*"], "before_idxs": [125], "before_state_idx": 117, "command_idxs": [127, 130, 131, 133], "after_state_idx": 131, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [132]} +{"speaker_id": "222119980647697269", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "CM1", "hp": "<710/210 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Crystal Masters", "attacks": "Plasma Weaponry, Crystalite Sword", "spells": "Temporal Shunt, Globe of Invulnerability, Shield", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn, Divine Sense", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/290 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"death ward\" -t fiona -i"], "automation_results": ["Fiona casts Death Ward!\nFiona gained Death Ward."], "caster_after": {"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/290 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/290 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "CM1", "hp": "<710/210 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Crystal Masters", "attacks": "Plasma Weaponry, Crystalite Sword", "spells": "Temporal Shunt, Globe of Invulnerability, Shield", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn, Divine Sense", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/290 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *you see the thing sending out a golden pulse at the planet, as a shield protects the planet from it*", "Player 17: sorry i almost passed out)", "Player 3: don\u2019t worry, for the people who fall asleep, its fine, ill still give ya\u2019ll max rewards, let the others carry the rp and lore)", "Player 17: !cast aid -l 8 -t fiona -t orga -t theia", "Player 3: \u201dstar eaters, and star eater minions\u201d: UE"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 426, "command_idxs": [448, 449, 450, 453], "after_state_idx": 450, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [452]} +{"speaker_id": "222119980647697269", "before_utterances": ["\u201cStar eaters and minions have gravity altering powers, and abilities that can usually bypass most magical effects, and they are sturdy\u201d", "\u201dthey came from space, who knows what they truly are\u201d: UE"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "CM1", "hp": "<710/210 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Crystal Masters", "attacks": "Plasma Weaponry, Crystalite Sword", "spells": "Temporal Shunt, Globe of Invulnerability, Shield", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/182 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn, Divine Sense", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/163 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/290 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast aid -l 8 -t fiona -t kenn -t theia"], "automation_results": ["Fiona casts Aid!\nFiona gained Aid.\nFiona healed for -35 health.\nKennet Pinedelver gained Aid.\nKennet Pinedelver healed for -35 health.\nTheia Stahl gained Aid.\nTheia Stahl healed for -35 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/325 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/325 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/217 HP; Injured>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank, Aid", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/198 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight, Aid", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Talia Draculesti", "hp": "<143/143 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Changeling", "attacks": "Dagger, Produce Flame, Raptor claw attack, Raptor bite attack, Oxen, Oxen charge, Strength Drain, Quickling Dagger", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Heal, Draconic Transformations, Heroes\u2019 Feast, Shapechange, Cure Wounds, Guidance, Rope Trick, Conjure Minor Elementals, Tsunami, Glyph of Warding, Conjure Elemental, Produce Flame, Dispel Magic, Wish, Lesser Restoration, Shape Water, Frostbite, Alter Self, Conjure Fey, Pass without Trace, Regenerate, Conjure Animals, Sunbeam, Revivify, Druidcraft, Call Lightning, Sunburst, Healing Word, Hold Person, Conjure Woodland Beings, Polymorph, Greater Restoration", "actions": "", "effects": "Bishop", "description": "", "controller_id": "127142831326649106"}, {"name": "CM1", "hp": "<710/210 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Crystal Masters", "attacks": "Plasma Weaponry, Crystalite Sword", "spells": "Temporal Shunt, Globe of Invulnerability, Shield", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<314/314 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Apathy, Deadon Apathy, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pure Apathy, Scythe, Smile, Tactical Rifle, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike, Lightning Aura, Holy Aura, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Leap", "spells": "Telekinesis, Finger of Death, Dimension Door, Charm Person, Sending, Fear, Thaumaturgy, Sleep, Slow, Bless, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Guidance, Flesh to Stone, Wish, Disintegrate, Magic Missile", "actions": "Disarming Shot, Fast Hands, Adept Marksman, Piercing Shot, Sneak Attack, Violent Shot, Cunning Action, Firearm Specialist, Indomitable, Gunner, Limit Break, Extra Attack, Rapid Repair, Second Wind, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Deadeye Shot", "effects": "Rook", "description": "hi", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Kennet Pinedelver", "hp": "<182/217 HP; Injured>", "class": "Wizard 20", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Offhand Dagger, Set Game, Promote (Knight), Promote (Bishop), Grand Promotion and becomes a King, Grand Promotion and becomes a Queen, Grand Promotion (Rook)", "spells": "Absorb Elements, Tongues, Command, Rope Trick, Mold Earth, Fireball, Fire Bolt, Shield, Dimension Door, Haste, Power Up, Feather Fall, Dominate Monster, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Wish, Freezing Sphere, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Time Stop, Mind Sliver, Crown of Stars, See Invisibility, Synaptic Static, Dancing Lights, Crackling Leap, Bael's Distant Shield, Prestidigitation, Hold Person, Forcecage, Counterspell, Polymorph", "actions": "Draconic Cry", "effects": "Queen, Foresight, Mind Blank, Aid", "description": "A fluffy grey and orange kobold wearing an oversized wizard hat and small glasses, he carries around a Dragonchess Board and wears a satchel bag, a small pouch with all sorts of components on his hip. ", "controller_id": "108710150535146394"}, {"name": "Zandol Dreadtusk", "hp": "<240/240 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 16/Warlock 4", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Lance, Shard of Asmodeus, 2-Handed Shard of Asmodeus, Unarmed Strike, Shadow Blade (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-3), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-2), Shard of Asmodeus(w) with Crackling Leap (L-4), Shard of Asmodeus(w), Shard of Asmodeus (2-Handed), Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Search (Perception), Search (Investigation), Ready, Use An Object, Grapple, Shove (Prone), Shove (Away), Prone, Edgy, New Attack, Boon of Recovery, War-Cry, Conquerors Might", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Command, Shadow Blade, Silver Aether Blade, Magic Circle, Dominate Beast, Aura of Life, Protection from Evil and Good, Spirit Shroud, Death's Caress, Misty Step, Stoneskin, Armor of Asmodeus, Remove Curse, Branding Smite, Armor of Agathys, Unholy Barrier, Shield of Asmodeus, Death Ward, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon, Blinding Smite, Revivify, Booming Blade, Hex, Fear, Crackling Leap, Hold Person, Wrathful Smite, Aura of Purity, Bestow Curse, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Cleansing Touch, Hexblade's Curse, War Caster, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, Hex Warrior, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Aura of Conquest, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Agonizing Blast, Scornful Rebuke, Improved Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Aura of Protection", "effects": "Pawn, Divine Sense", "description": "*The air around you gets a couple degrees warmer*\n\nBefore you stands death reincarnated. Zandol is a massive undead Orc almost 8 feet tall and weighing 400lbs. He has broad shoulders adorned with spiked plate pauldrons. His skin is dark green, almost grey. His eyes glow from his helmet with fire. His face seems lifeless as you can only see shadow as you look at him. The skin you can see is riddled with veins that pulse inky blackness that flow towards the center of his body.\n\nHis armor is a black chitinous platemail,. There are various chains that connect some pieces to others, as well as a human skull that hangs from his belt. \n\nHe wields a Longsword with a 4ft long blade that he carries on his side and a shield that he carries with him as well.\n(https://tinyurl.com/36r5yed6)\n\nThis....is the Dreaded Orc **Zandol**", "controller_id": "317835582000795110"}, {"name": "Theia Stahl", "hp": "<163/198 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 20", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Dagger, Kamaitachi Katana, +3, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana, +3, Kraber [Tactical Rifle], Memory of Minutes [Tactical Rifle], Pistol (Exandria), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle], Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot [Definition], Violent Shot [Definition], Winging Shot [Definition], Forceful Shot [Definition], Spotter Snipe [Definition], Master Marksman [Definition], Decoy 17 [Definition], Ultra Snipes, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Shattering Rounds, Siphon Life [Definition], Balm of Luck, Ran Rifle: Stunned Blast (10 charges, Recharge 5-6), Ran Rifle: Take Down (10 charges), Polaris Lance [Ran Rifle] *Automated*, Vandrilia", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Super Marksman, Sneak Attack, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action, Reliable Talent, Expert Marksman, Piercing Shot, Boon of Peerless Aim [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Fanged Bite, Stroke of Luck, Grit Points, Spotter Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Balm of Luck, Spotter Snipe 13", "effects": "Knight, Aid", "description": "Stahl Family Motto:\nDeath is just a chance to grow stronger.", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "Fiona", "hp": "<290/325 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 20", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Akivean, 2-Handed Akivean, Crossbow, light, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Slow, Guardian of Faith, Heal, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Mending, Enhance Ability, Spirit Guardians, Guiding Bolt, Bane, Mass Cure Wounds, Heroes' Feast, Magic Missile, Finger of Death, Toll the Dead, Gate, Word of Radiance, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Sleep, Bless, Temple of the Gods, Mass Heal, Conjure Elemental, Hallow, Dispel Magic, Wish, Disintegrate, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Dispel Evil and Good, Aid, Death Ward, Raise Dead, Spiritual Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Flesh to Stone, Sunbeam, Forbiddance, Revivify, Booming Blade, Telekinesis, Summon Celestial, True Seeing, Shield of Faith, Fear, Bael's Distant Shield, Warding Bond, Beacon of Hope, Scrying, Bestow Curse, Greater Restoration", "actions": "Disciple of Life, Destroy Undead, Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Sentinel Attack, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Sorcery Points (Metamagic Adept), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Blessed Healer, Divine Intervention, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Divine Strike (Life Domain)", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "222119980647697269"}, {"name": "Atramir Decimus Toran", "hp": "<250/250 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Crossbow, Light, +3, Crossbow, light, Crystal Longsword, 2-Handed Crystal Longsword, Dagger, Dagger, +1, Dragonlance (Pike), Flame Tongue Longsword, 2-Handed Flame Tongue Longsword, Halberd, +3, Mace, Rapier, +1, Shortsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff of Healing, 2-Handed Staff of Healing, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike, Alter Self Unarmed Strike, 2-Handed Moonlight Longsword", "spells": "Water Breathing, Animate Objects, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Globe of Invulnerability, Mending, Conjure Barrage, Enhance Ability, Fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Skill Empowerment, Magic Missile, Summon Construct, Arcane Eye, Light, Lightning Bolt, Sanctuary, Dispel Magic, Lightning Lure, Branding Smite, Fire Shield, Alter Self, Aid, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wall of Force, Revivify, Heroism, Banishing Smite, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Tiny Servant, Transmute Rock, Aura of Purity, Greater Restoration, Aura of Vitality", "actions": "Magical Tinkering, The Right Tool for the Job, Radiant Soul, Infuse Item, Steel Defender, Healing Hands, Flash of Genius, Arcane Jolt (Damage), Soul of Artifice, Arcane Jolt (Heal), Tool Expertise, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Extra Attack", "effects": "Pawn", "description": "Casual Attire:\nAtramir is a young man standing at roughly 6'5\" with neatly combed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white dress shirt with a slim grey waistcoat and a red tie. He also has a pair of black dress pants and shoes with a pocket watch in his left breastpocket. He has 2 different rings on his fingers, a platinum ring he has on his left ring finger and a signet ring with an amber stone on his middle finger. He has a bright pink arm band that is even on his armor when he switches into that. An ornate gold crown with a single Aesirite gemstone hangs from his belt. The timid young man has a tired look in his eye perceivable by some as he bows courteously to those he meets with a soft smile\n\nArmored:\nWhen armored, he has a straw sandogasa on his head with a small red tassel hanging out from under it behind his head. His faceplate has small horizontal slits parallel to each other. His armor is rough and battered, its seen its fair share of battles. It looks exactly as shown in the picture except for the faulds, looking less samurai like and more knightly. A maroon scarf is draped around his neck that billows in the wind. On his back he carries a shiny metallic halberd with golden and blue details on it, including an inscription with the words \"God Carver\" in Sylvan. He also has a large shield with a strange emblem with the sun and and the moon displayed on it. He has two different swords in different sheathes on his sides. He wears a pink cloth band around his left shoulder. A crown hangs off of his belt with a Ruby and Sapphire gemstone", "controller_id": "256599468384078356"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: don\u2019t worry, for the people who fall asleep, its fine, ill still give ya\u2019ll max rewards, let the others carry the rp and lore)", "Player 17: !cast aid -l 8 -t fiona -t orga -t theia", "Player 3: \u201dstar eaters, and star eater minions\u201d: UE", "Player 3: \u201cStar eaters and minions have gravity altering powers, and abilities that can usually bypass most magical effects, and they are sturdy\u201d", "Player 3: \u201dthey came from space, who knows what they truly are\u201d: UE"], "before_idxs": [468, 470], "before_state_idx": 450, "command_idxs": [476, 477, 478, 480], "after_state_idx": 478, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [479]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["\"I found these guys rummaging through my basement's trash last week. Teach em a lesson for me, ok?\"", "\"..Shit, okay, sure. I can fight.\"", "you can move away from them tho, they wont take aoo on ya for the first turn"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"Spirit Shroud\""], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Spirit Shroud!\nZara gained Shroud."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"I found these guys rummaging through my basement's trash last week. Teach em a lesson for me, ok?\"", "Player 1 (6): \"..Shit, okay, sure. I can fight.\"", "Player 5: you can move away from them tho, they wont take aoo on ya for the first turn"], "before_idxs": [29, 40, 44], "before_state_idx": 33, "command_idxs": [45, 46, 47, 49], "after_state_idx": 47, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [48]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["*the zombies look at their fallen friend as they growl and try to attack her, only she is too high up*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t ZO1 -d 5 -d 1d8[radiant]"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked ZO1 and hit.\nZO1 took 22 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<0/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<0/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"I found these guys rummaging through my basement's trash last week. Teach em a lesson for me, ok?\"", "Player 1 (6): \"..Shit, okay, sure. I can fight.\"", "Player 5: you can move away from them tho, they wont take aoo on ya for the first turn", "Player 5: *the zombies look at their fallen friend as they growl and try to attack her, only she is too high up*"], "before_idxs": [69], "before_state_idx": 76, "command_idxs": [78, 79, 80, 82], "after_state_idx": 80, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [81]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["She flies down, into melee as the second blast goes off."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<0/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t ZO2 -d 5 -d 1d8[radiant]"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked ZO2 and hit.\nZO2 took 23 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<-1/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<32/63 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mage Hand, Hunger of Hadar, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast, Spirit Shroud, Druidcraft, Speak with Plants, Hellish Rebuke, Raise Dead, Hypnotic Pattern, Pass without Trace, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, Thunder Step, Entangle", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Draconic Roar, Plant Self, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Draconic Evasion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Create Pact Weapon", "effects": "Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<0/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<-1/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Is that all of them- yep, it is!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"I found these guys rummaging through my basement's trash last week. Teach em a lesson for me, ok?\"", "Player 1 (6): \"..Shit, okay, sure. I can fight.\"", "Player 5: you can move away from them tho, they wont take aoo on ya for the first turn", "Player 5: *the zombies look at their fallen friend as they growl and try to attack her, only she is too high up*", "Player 1 (6): She flies down, into melee as the second blast goes off."], "before_idxs": [83], "before_state_idx": 80, "command_idxs": [85, 86, 87, 89], "after_state_idx": 87, "after_idxs": [114], "embed_idxs": [88]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["well, on your next turn, you can either roll your d6, or you can roll the d10 "], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, {"name": "SK2", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma skeleton slash -t Leveret"], "automation_results": ["A Skeleton attacks with a Shortsword!\nSkeleton attacked Leveret but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Skeleton", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<88/94 HP; Injured> (+5 temp)", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, {"name": "SK2", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: well, on your next turn, you can either roll your d6, or you can roll the d10 "], "before_idxs": [0], "before_state_idx": 30, "command_idxs": [33, 36, 37, 39], "after_state_idx": 37, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [38]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["Skeleton: \"Nyeh? How dare you kill my brothers in arms! ya cadd!\" *he started slashing again*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<0/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "current_actor": {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma skeleton swortsword -t Leveret"], "automation_results": ["A Skeleton attacks with a Shortsword!\nSkeleton attacked Leveret but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Skeleton", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<0/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<88/94 HP; Injured> (+5 temp)", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: well, on your next turn, you can either roll your d6, or you can roll the d10 ", "Player 0: Skeleton: \"Nyeh? How dare you kill my brothers in arms! ya cadd!\" *he started slashing again*"], "before_idxs": [81], "before_state_idx": 79, "command_idxs": [82, 85, 86, 88], "after_state_idx": 86, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [87]} +{"speaker_id": "249974370036850623", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a limb -t sk3 -adv -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Leveret attacks with a Weaver\u2019s Limb!\nLeveret attacked SK3 and hit.\nSK3 took 10 damage.\nLeveret attacked SK3 and hit.\nSK3 took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<-7/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<-7/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<88/94 HP; Injured> (+5 temp)", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Lucky Footwork, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Rage, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "after_utterances": ["Skeleton: \"Oh! the pain!\" *Dead*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: well, on your next turn, you can either roll your d6, or you can roll the d10 ", "Player 0: Skeleton: \"Nyeh? How dare you kill my brothers in arms! ya cadd!\" *he started slashing again*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 95, "command_idxs": [98, 99, 100, 102], "after_state_idx": 100, "after_idxs": [103], "embed_idxs": [101]} +{"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [" I can't remember, were you able to get the alias working to print out the yaml for the attacks?", "mah good enough. can you do it for spores on vc1?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "HIS1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Hobgoblin Iron Shadow", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Dart", "spells": "Silent Image, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Prestidigitation, Expeditious Retreat, Minor Illusion, True Strike", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "GB1", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Goblin Boss", "attacks": "Scimitar, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "PT1", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Pteranodon", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "H1", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Cordelia Silverlace", "hp": "<59/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Wizard 9", "race": "Vedalken", "attacks": "Shortsword, shiny dagger, boop, Draconic Spirit (lvl 5), Pearl of Power, Eldritch Maul Tattoo, trial Haymaker, Floating Pumpkins, Entangling Plants, Reversal of Fortune", "spells": "Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Intellect Fortress, Slow, Storm Sphere, Banishment, Command, Cure Wounds, Vitriolic Sphere, Guidance, Mending, Guiding Bolt, Fire Bolt, Shield, Toll the Dead, Goodberry, Bless, Identify, Misty Step, Summon Draconic Spirit, Mind Sliver, Message, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Shocking Grasp, Shield of Faith, Tasha's Mind Whip, Scorching Ray, Melf's Acid Arrow", "actions": "Arcane Ward - Damage Reduction, Projected Ward, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Ward - Recharge, War Caster, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Ward - Create", "effects": "Restrained", "description": "*Cordelia doesn't seem too intimidating with her small stature, barely reaching 5'4\". Long white hair frames her face and to help her think she tends to pull most of it into a bun at the nape of her neck. She has cool-grey eyes and on her nose sits a pair of round glasses. She probably spends just as much time fixing these as she does wearing them.*\n\n*The high elf thinks herself to be quite capable and is content to be alone, but despite her resting expression being one of irritation, she doesn't mind company. Her head is often in a book and the fidgety girl can be a bit oblivious to what is going on in her surroundings. Resting on her collarbone is a simple turquoise stone necklace.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "NB1", "hp": "<11/11 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Needle Blight", "attacks": "Claws, Needles", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HD1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hobgoblin Devastator", "attacks": "Quarterstaff (1H), Quarterstaff (2H), Devastating Bolt", "spells": "Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Fog Cloud, Fireball", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "B1", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Boggle", "attacks": "Boggle Oil (Slippery), Boggle Oil (Sticky), Pummel, Oil Puddle (Slippery), Oil Puddle (Sticky)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Boggle Oil", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "VC1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vegepygmy Chief", "attacks": "Claw, Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Spores, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BU1", "hp": "<11/11 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Bullywug", "attacks": "Bite, Spear (1H), Spear (2H)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "VB1", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vine Blight", "attacks": "Constrict, Entangling Plants", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Entangling Plants Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Myconid Adult", "attacks": "Fist, Pacifying Spores", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Pacifying Spores Used, Pacifying Spores Used x2", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "MotM vine blight", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vine Blight", "attacks": "Constrict, Entangling Plants", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Q1", "hp": "<10/10 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Quickling", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "KE1", "hp": "<-6/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "QU1", "hp": "<30/30 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Quetzalcoatlus", "attacks": "Bite, Dive", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "GGD1", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Green Guard Drake", "attacks": "Bite, Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "PI1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Pixie", "attacks": "", "spells": "Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Detect Thoughts, Detect Evil and Good, Sleep, Confusion, Phantasmal Force, Fly, Entangle, Polymorph, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Polymorph", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DE1", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Darkling Elder", "attacks": "Scimitar, Death Burn", "spells": "Darkness", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "TB1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Twig Blight", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HIS1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Hobgoblin Iron Shadow", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Dart", "spells": "Silent Image, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Prestidigitation, Expeditious Retreat, Minor Illusion, True Strike", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a spore"], "automation_results": ["Cordelia Silverlace releases Spores!\nCordelia Silverlace gained Spores Used."], "caster_after": {"name": "Cordelia Silverlace", "hp": "<59/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Wizard 9", "race": "Vedalken", "attacks": "Shortsword, shiny dagger, boop, Draconic Spirit (lvl 5), Pearl of Power, Eldritch Maul Tattoo, trial Haymaker, Floating Pumpkins, Entangling Plants, Reversal of Fortune", "spells": "Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Intellect Fortress, Slow, Storm Sphere, Banishment, Command, Cure Wounds, Vitriolic Sphere, Guidance, Mending, Guiding Bolt, Fire Bolt, Shield, Toll the Dead, Goodberry, Bless, Identify, Misty Step, Summon Draconic Spirit, Mind Sliver, Message, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Shocking Grasp, Shield of Faith, Tasha's Mind Whip, Scorching Ray, Melf's Acid Arrow", "actions": "Arcane Ward - Damage Reduction, Projected Ward, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Ward - Recharge, War Caster, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Ward - Create", "effects": "Restrained, Spores Used", "description": "*Cordelia doesn't seem too intimidating with her small stature, barely reaching 5'4\". Long white hair frames her face and to help her think she tends to pull most of it into a bun at the nape of her neck. She has cool-grey eyes and on her nose sits a pair of round glasses. She probably spends just as much time fixing these as she does wearing them.*\n\n*The high elf thinks herself to be quite capable and is content to be alone, but despite her resting expression being one of irritation, she doesn't mind company. Her head is often in a book and the fidgety girl can be a bit oblivious to what is going on in her surroundings. Resting on her collarbone is a simple turquoise stone necklace.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "HIS1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Hobgoblin Iron Shadow", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Dart", "spells": "Silent Image, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Prestidigitation, Expeditious Retreat, Minor Illusion, True Strike", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "GB1", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Goblin Boss", "attacks": "Scimitar, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "PT1", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Pteranodon", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "H1", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Cordelia Silverlace", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Wizard 9", "race": "Vedalken", "attacks": "Shortsword, shiny dagger, boop, Draconic Spirit (lvl 5), Pearl of Power, Eldritch Maul Tattoo, trial Haymaker, Floating Pumpkins, Entangling Plants, Reversal of Fortune, Spores", "spells": "Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, Absorb Elements, Intellect Fortress, Slow, Storm Sphere, Banishment, Command, Cure Wounds, Vitriolic Sphere, Guidance, Mending, Guiding Bolt, Fire Bolt, Shield, Toll the Dead, Goodberry, Bless, Identify, Misty Step, Summon Draconic Spirit, Mind Sliver, Message, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Shocking Grasp, Shield of Faith, Tasha's Mind Whip, Scorching Ray, Melf's Acid Arrow", "actions": "Arcane Ward - Damage Reduction, Projected Ward, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Ward - Recharge, War Caster, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Ward - Create", "effects": "Restrained, Spores Used", "description": "*Cordelia doesn't seem too intimidating with her small stature, barely reaching 5'4\". Long white hair frames her face and to help her think she tends to pull most of it into a bun at the nape of her neck. She has cool-grey eyes and on her nose sits a pair of round glasses. She probably spends just as much time fixing these as she does wearing them.*\n\n*The high elf thinks herself to be quite capable and is content to be alone, but despite her resting expression being one of irritation, she doesn't mind company. Her head is often in a book and the fidgety girl can be a bit oblivious to what is going on in her surroundings. Resting on her collarbone is a simple turquoise stone necklace.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "NB1", "hp": "<11/11 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Needle Blight", "attacks": "Claws, Needles", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HD1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hobgoblin Devastator", "attacks": "Quarterstaff (1H), Quarterstaff (2H), Devastating Bolt", "spells": "Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Fog Cloud, Fireball", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "B1", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Boggle", "attacks": "Boggle Oil (Slippery), Boggle Oil (Sticky), Pummel, Oil Puddle (Slippery), Oil Puddle (Sticky)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Boggle Oil", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "VC1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vegepygmy Chief", "attacks": "Claw, Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Spores, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BU1", "hp": "<11/11 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Bullywug", "attacks": "Bite, Spear (1H), Spear (2H)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "VB1", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vine Blight", "attacks": "Constrict, Entangling Plants", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Entangling Plants Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Myconid Adult", "attacks": "Fist, Pacifying Spores", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Pacifying Spores Used, Pacifying Spores Used x2", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "MotM vine blight", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vine Blight", "attacks": "Constrict, Entangling Plants", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Q1", "hp": "<10/10 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Quickling", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "KE1", "hp": "<-6/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "QU1", "hp": "<30/30 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Quetzalcoatlus", "attacks": "Bite, Dive", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "GGD1", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Green Guard Drake", "attacks": "Bite, Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "PI1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Pixie", "attacks": "", "spells": "Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Detect Thoughts, Detect Evil and Good, Sleep, Confusion, Phantasmal Force, Fly, Entangle, Polymorph, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Polymorph", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DE1", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Darkling Elder", "attacks": "Scimitar, Death Burn", "spells": "Darkness", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "TB1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Twig Blight", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: I can't remember, were you able to get the alias working to print out the yaml for the attacks?", "Player 1: mah good enough. can you do it for spores on vc1?"], "before_idxs": [558, 560], "before_state_idx": 544, "command_idxs": [579, 580, 581, 583], "after_state_idx": 581, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [582]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["roll 1d8 on ur next turn and subtract that from ur current roll", "She drops her shield, taking out a greataxe instead.", "(this warlock gets martial weapon prof for some reason", "\"Didnt say it was an easy monster, didnt I?\"", "\"I'm sure it'll be fine!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghost", "attacks": "Withering Touch, Horrifying Visage, Possession", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!a greataxe -t GH1 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Zara attacks with a Giant Slayer Greataxe!\nZara attacked GH1 and hit.\nGH1 took 16 damage.\nZara attacked GH1 and hit.\nGH1 took 16 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<13/45 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ghost", "attacks": "Withering Touch, Horrifying Visage, Possession", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<13/45 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ghost", "attacks": "Withering Touch, Horrifying Visage, Possession", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: roll 1d8 on ur next turn and subtract that from ur current roll", "Player 4 (6): She drops her shield, taking out a greataxe instead.", "Player 4 (6): (this warlock gets martial weapon prof for some reason", "Player 1: \"Didnt say it was an easy monster, didnt I?\"", "Player 4 (6): \"I'm sure it'll be fine!\""], "before_idxs": [4, 23, 25, 37, 43], "before_state_idx": 41, "command_idxs": [45, 46, 47, 49], "after_state_idx": 47, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [48]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["\"..was that meant to do something?\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<13/45 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ghost", "attacks": "Withering Touch, Horrifying Visage, Possession", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!a greataxe -t GH1 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Zara attacks with a Giant Slayer Greataxe!\nZara attacked GH1 and hit.\nGH1 took 14 damage.\nZara attacked GH1 and hit.\nGH1 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<-16/45 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ghost", "attacks": "Withering Touch, Horrifying Visage, Possession", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<-16/45 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ghost", "attacks": "Withering Touch, Horrifying Visage, Possession", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["She picks her shield back up!\n\n\"I can teleport, right?\"", "\"Wait, wait, this is a trick, isn't it?! I'd be teleporting onto red!\"", "\"Or go to the space before it i dont care\"", "\"Yeah, I think the game host is getting annoyed with me.\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 4 (6): She drops her shield, taking out a greataxe instead.", "Player 4 (6): (this warlock gets martial weapon prof for some reason", "Player 1: \"Didnt say it was an easy monster, didnt I?\"", "Player 4 (6): \"I'm sure it'll be fine!\"", "Player 4 (6): \"..was that meant to do something?\""], "before_idxs": [67], "before_state_idx": 65, "command_idxs": [69, 70, 71, 73], "after_state_idx": 71, "after_idxs": [83, 90, 92, 107], "embed_idxs": [72]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!init join adv"], "automation_results": ["Percival Firn \"Pierce\" becomes Elusive!\nPercival Firn \"Pierce\" gained Elusive.", "Percival Firn \"Pierce\" becomes Elusive!\nPercival Firn \"Pierce\" gained Boon of The Night Spirit."], "caster_after": {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}], "after_utterances": ["*is nowhere near them, away somewhere"], "utterance_history": [], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 26, "command_idxs": [29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51], "after_state_idx": 47, "after_idxs": [60], "embed_idxs": [44, 44]} +{"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["My phone isn't even moving anymore"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/280 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a danger"], "automation_results": ["Crowre has Danger sense!\nCrowre gained Danger sense."], "caster_after": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/280 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 12: *is nowhere near them, away somewhere", "Player 2: My phone isn't even moving anymore"], "before_idxs": [91], "before_state_idx": 99, "command_idxs": [105, 106, 107, 109], "after_state_idx": 107, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [108]} +{"speaker_id": "252085070492554802", "before_utterances": ["The wide canopy casts a wide shadow where a shadow would logically be.. I just can't math."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a aura -t elenor -t percival -t jester -t smigs -t crowre"], "automation_results": ["Aerhys uses Aura of Protection!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) gained Aura of Protection.\nPercival Firn \"Pierce\" gained Aura of Protection.\nThe Jester gained Aura of Protection.\nSmigs gained Aura of Protection.\nCrowre gained Aura of Protection."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 12: *is nowhere near them, away somewhere", "Player 2: My phone isn't even moving anymore", "Player 13: The wide canopy casts a wide shadow where a shadow would logically be.. I just can't math."], "before_idxs": [264], "before_state_idx": 261, "command_idxs": [268, 269, 270, 272], "after_state_idx": 270, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [271]} +{"speaker_id": "208864991128741524", "before_utterances": ["Imagine not being able to code that smh."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a punch -t aerhys -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["SSG1 attacks with a Punch!\nSSG1 attacked Aerhys and hit.\nAerhys took 44 damage.\nSSG1 attacked Aerhys and hit.\nAerhys took 44 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 12: *is nowhere near them, away somewhere", "Player 2: My phone isn't even moving anymore", "Player 13: The wide canopy casts a wide shadow where a shadow would logically be.. I just can't math.", "Player 13: Imagine not being able to code that smh."], "before_idxs": [282], "before_state_idx": 291, "command_idxs": [296, 297, 298, 300], "after_state_idx": 298, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [299]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (RA1)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast mislead -i"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) casts Mislead!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) gained Invisible (Mislead).\nElenor Alvira (TTR) gained Illusory Double."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Huh.. That thing's not working..\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 12: *is nowhere near them, away somewhere", "Player 2: My phone isn't even moving anymore", "Player 13: The wide canopy casts a wide shadow where a shadow would logically be.. I just can't math.", "Player 13: Imagine not being able to code that smh."], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 377, "command_idxs": [381, 382, 383, 385], "after_state_idx": 383, "after_idxs": [398], "embed_idxs": [384]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["Acceptable Line for a Piercing shot?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (RA1)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast haste -t elenor -noconc -i"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) casts Haste!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) gained Hasted."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: My phone isn't even moving anymore", "Player 13: The wide canopy casts a wide shadow where a shadow would logically be.. I just can't math.", "Player 13: Imagine not being able to code that smh.", "Player 13: \"Huh.. That thing's not working..\"", "Player 16: Acceptable Line for a Piercing shot?"], "before_idxs": [402], "before_state_idx": 383, "command_idxs": [408, 409, 410, 412], "after_state_idx": 410, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [411]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["object interact hood goes up to maintain invis"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (RA1)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Tactical -t 3 adv -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -b -3 -f \"Silencer (Barrel)|When you are hidden from a creature and you miss or hit it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. and creatures around the target have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on hearing to find you. You take a -3 penalty to attack rolls.\" -b1 6 -d1 6 -f \"Marksman|Being prone doesn't impose disadvantage on your attack rolls with ranged weapons. If you are prone and haven\u2019t moved on your turn you may reduce your speed to 0 and gain a bonus to one attack roll and damage roll with a ranged firearm weapons equal to your proficiency bonus\" -b 4"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG3 and crit!\nSSG3 took 162 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<838/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<838/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: The wide canopy casts a wide shadow where a shadow would logically be.. I just can't math.", "Player 13: Imagine not being able to code that smh.", "Player 13: \"Huh.. That thing's not working..\"", "Player 16: Acceptable Line for a Piercing shot?", "Player 16: object interact hood goes up to maintain invis"], "before_idxs": [416], "before_state_idx": 410, "command_idxs": [422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 429, 430, 432], "after_state_idx": 430, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [431]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["aight first shot hits, second two shots go off no adv, because adv +dis"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<838/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (RA1)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Tactical -t 2 -t 1 -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -b -3 -f \"Silencer (Barrel)|When you are hidden from a creature and you miss or hit it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. and creatures around the target have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on hearing to find you. You take a -3 penalty to attack rolls.\" -b1 6 -d1 6 -f \"Marksman|Being prone doesn't impose disadvantage on your attack rolls with ranged weapons. If you are prone and haven\u2019t moved on your turn you may reduce your speed to 0 and gain a bonus to one attack roll and damage roll with a ranged firearm weapons equal to your proficiency bonus\""], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG2 and hit.\nSSG2 took 58 damage.\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 24 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<942/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<976/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<976/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<942/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<838/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: Imagine not being able to code that smh.", "Player 13: \"Huh.. That thing's not working..\"", "Player 16: Acceptable Line for a Piercing shot?", "Player 16: object interact hood goes up to maintain invis", "Player 16: aight first shot hits, second two shots go off no adv, because adv +dis"], "before_idxs": [433], "before_state_idx": 430, "command_idxs": [436, 437, 438, 439, 448, 449, 451], "after_state_idx": 449, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [450]} +{"speaker_id": "252085070492554802", "before_utterances": ["Nice how that works. So neat.", "*Closes gap with 3*\n\"Get that stupid grin off ya face\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<838/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast spirit -l 7 -t aerhys -i"], "automation_results": ["Aerhys casts Spirit Shroud!\nAerhys gained Shroud."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<280/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<838/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: Acceptable Line for a Piercing shot?", "Player 16: object interact hood goes up to maintain invis", "Player 16: aight first shot hits, second two shots go off no adv, because adv +dis", "Player 13: Nice how that works. So neat.", "Player 9: *Closes gap with 3*\n\"Get that stupid grin off ya face\""], "before_idxs": [478, 494], "before_state_idx": 500, "command_idxs": [502, 505, 506, 508], "after_state_idx": 506, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [507]} +{"speaker_id": "252085070492554802", "before_utterances": ["\"One minute. Then you can surrender.\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<806/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "commands_norm": ["!a cross -d 3d4 -f \"Arcane Strike | Attacks made with your Bonded Weapon or Sorcerer Spells deal an additional 3d4 damage.\" -b 3 -b 3 -d 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer | When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, thunder, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage. You can only take this boon once.\" -d 3d8[radiant] -f \"Spirit Shroud | Attacks deal extra damage when hitting a creature within 10 ft. and the target can't regain hit points until the start of Aerhys' next turn.\" -t 3 -dtype force -d1 3d8+6[force] -f \"Silver Aether Blade | On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack's normal effects, and an additional force damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. At current level, target takes an additional 1d8 force damage, and the spell ends.\" \n-title \"Aerhys casts Silver Aether Blade with [aname]!\""], "automation_results": ["Aerhys casts Silver Aether Blade with a Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69)!\nAerhys attacked SSG3 and hit.\nSSG3 took 55 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<751/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<751/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: object interact hood goes up to maintain invis", "Player 16: aight first shot hits, second two shots go off no adv, because adv +dis", "Player 13: Nice how that works. So neat.", "Player 9: *Closes gap with 3*\n\"Get that stupid grin off ya face\"", "Player 13: \"One minute. Then you can surrender.\""], "before_idxs": [540], "before_state_idx": 537, "command_idxs": [542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 553], "after_state_idx": 551, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [552]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": ["Aerhys gets absolutely nutted over there."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<751/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Percy", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Katana, +3 (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), 2-Handed Katana, +3 (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Needle of Mending (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Tactical Rifle (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Unarmed Strike (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Deadeye Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), helped by Tac (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Dazing Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Nanotech Surge (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Strafe's (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Clockwork Amulet (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Prone (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Tac (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Forceful Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Steady Aim (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Master Marksman (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Decoy Snipes (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Winging Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Violent Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Elusive (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Boon of the Night Spirit (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), reloads (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Raven's Cry (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Assault Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Sentience (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Charging Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Charging (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Fluorescence Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Sniping Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Transform Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Recharge (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Ultra Snipes (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Beak (Tac)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Decoy "], "automation_results": ["Percival Firn \"Pierce\" uses a Decoy Snipes!\n", "Percival Firn \"Pierce\" uses a Decoy Snipes!\nPercival Firn \"Pierce\" gained Invisible (Mislead).\nPercival Firn \"Pierce\" gained Illusory Double."], "caster_after": {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<751/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: aight first shot hits, second two shots go off no adv, because adv +dis", "Player 13: Nice how that works. So neat.", "Player 9: *Closes gap with 3*\n\"Get that stupid grin off ya face\"", "Player 13: \"One minute. Then you can surrender.\"", "Player 13: Player 10 gets absolutely nutted over there."], "before_idxs": [618], "before_state_idx": 622, "command_idxs": [625, 626, 627, 628, 630, 631, 632, 634, 635], "after_state_idx": 632, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [629, 629]} +{"speaker_id": "184581910036772518", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<688/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "commands_norm": ["!a revolver -t SSG3 eadv -d 5d6 -f \"Sneak Attack|you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe\u2019s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.\n\nYou don\u2019t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn\u2019t\u00a0incapacitated, and you don\u2019t have disadvantage on the attack roll.\" -b 3 -desc \"Aimbot on\" -b -5 -d 10 -f \"Sharpshooter|Before making an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 to hit, and gain +10 damage.\""], "automation_results": ["The Jester attacks with a Tactical Revolver!\nThe Jester attacked SSG3 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<688/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<688/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Aura of Protection", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Shut up! F-..fly got into my eyes!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: aight first shot hits, second two shots go off no adv, because adv +dis", "Player 13: Nice how that works. So neat.", "Player 9: *Closes gap with 3*\n\"Get that stupid grin off ya face\"", "Player 13: \"One minute. Then you can surrender.\"", "Player 13: Player 10 gets absolutely nutted over there."], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 669, "command_idxs": [678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 685], "after_state_idx": 683, "after_idxs": [703], "embed_idxs": [684]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": ["I mean looking for target is different", "What happens if you shoot the clone?", "*Sees nothing happen as clone is shot.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<688/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!a run -d 1d6[Lightning]+1d6[Fire] -t sg3"], "automation_results": ["Smigs attacks with a Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness!\nSmigs attacked SSG3 and hit.\nSSG3 took 20 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<668/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<668/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["Sighs \u201cOk just a little rust, you\u2019re still going down\u201d"], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: Player 10 gets absolutely nutted over there.", "Player 15: \"Shut up! F-..fly got into my eyes!\"", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: I mean looking for target is different", "Player 13: What happens if you shoot the clone?", "Player 13: *Sees nothing happen as clone is shot.*"], "before_idxs": [737, 739, 744], "before_state_idx": 717, "command_idxs": [748, 749, 750, 752], "after_state_idx": 750, "after_idxs": [754], "embed_idxs": [751]} +{"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["my to hit sucks soooo", "It's not too bad. I made him a little squishier than Barbatos."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<668/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"unarmed strike\" -t SSG3 -d 2d4+2 -adv"], "automation_results": ["Crowre attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nCrowre attacked SSG3 and hit.\nSSG3 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<653/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<653/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*Attempts to grab Goku*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: What happens if you shoot the clone?", "Player 13: *Sees nothing happen as clone is shot.*", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Sighs \u201cOk just a little rust, you\u2019re still going down\u201d", "Player 2: my to hit sucks soooo", "Player 13: It's not too bad. I made him a little squishier than Barbatos."], "before_idxs": [762, 765], "before_state_idx": 758, "command_idxs": [766, 767, 768, 770], "after_state_idx": 768, "after_idxs": [775], "embed_idxs": [769]} +{"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["Do you think I care anymore?", "It matter not if he's immune, you contest it", "He doesn't take dmg, he's immune boi", "\\*Can't grab him but the sheer force of trying to grab him causes damage*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<599/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Boon of Divine Size, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a boon"], "automation_results": ["Crowre activates Boon of Divine Size!\nCrowre gained Boon of Divine Size."], "caster_after": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<599/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: \\*Attempts to grab Goku*", "Player 2: Do you think I care anymore?", "Player 2: It matter not if he's immune, you contest it", "Player 13: He doesn't take dmg, he's immune boi", "Player 2: \\*Can't grab him but the sheer force of trying to grab him causes damage*"], "before_idxs": [782, 786, 795, 796], "before_state_idx": 792, "command_idxs": [798, 799, 800, 802], "after_state_idx": 800, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [801]} +{"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["Ergo you did not grappe", "*If it's like that then be it*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<653/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"unarmed strike\" -t SSG3 -d 2d4+2"], "automation_results": ["Crowre attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nCrowre attacked SSG3 and crit!\nSSG3 took 21 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<632/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<632/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: It matter not if he's immune, you contest it", "Player 13: He doesn't take dmg, he's immune boi", "Player 2: \\*Can't grab him but the sheer force of trying to grab him causes damage*", "Player 13: Ergo you did not grappe", "Player 2: *If it's like that then be it*"], "before_idxs": [810, 812], "before_state_idx": 814, "command_idxs": [817, 818, 819, 821], "after_state_idx": 819, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [820]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["Has your char done this with the raven before?", "weird its not showign xD", "2 actions ia dded for prone etc"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<620/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a prone"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) goes Prone!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) gained Prone."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<620/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: Ergo you did not grappe", "Player 2: *If it's like that then be it*", "Player 13: Has your char done this with the raven before?", "Player 16: weird its not showign xD", "Player 16: 2 actions ia dded for prone etc"], "before_idxs": [912, 937, 938], "before_state_idx": 923, "command_idxs": [943, 944, 945, 947], "after_state_idx": 945, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [946]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["misfire, Hasted Action to repair?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<520/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a jam"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with a Gun Jam!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<520/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *If it's like that then be it*", "Player 13: Has your char done this with the raven before?", "Player 16: weird its not showign xD", "Player 16: 2 actions ia dded for prone etc", "Player 16: misfire, Hasted Action to repair?"], "before_idxs": [967], "before_state_idx": 964, "command_idxs": [968, 969, 970, 972], "after_state_idx": 970, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [971]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action to make two attacks with a weapon that uses ammunition from the quiver.", "Munition from Quiver loaded in", "also heal that damage from misfire btw"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<620/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Prone (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a tactical adv -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -b -3 -f \"Silencer (Barrel)|When you are hidden from a creature and you miss or hit it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. and creatures around the target have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on hearing to find you. You take a -3 penalty to attack rolls.\" -dtype force -d 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer (force)|When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, necrotic, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage.\" -t 3"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG3 and crit!\nSSG3 took 183 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<437/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<1000/1000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<437/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: 2 actions ia dded for prone etc", "Player 16: misfire, Hasted Action to repair?", "Player 16: On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action to make two attacks with a weapon that uses ammunition from the quiver.", "Player 16: Munition from Quiver loaded in", "Player 16: also heal that damage from misfire btw"], "before_idxs": [998, 999, 1000], "before_state_idx": 1007, "command_idxs": [1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1017, 1018, 1020], "after_state_idx": 1018, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1019]} +{"speaker_id": "252085070492554802", "before_utterances": ["fly, misty step to close"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<279/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "commands_norm": ["!a cross -d 3d4 -f \"Arcane Strike | Attacks made with your Bonded Weapon or Sorcerer Spells deal an additional 3d4 damage.\" -b 3 -b 3 -d 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer | When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, thunder, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage. You can only take this boon once.\" -d 3d8[radiant] -f \"Spirit Shroud | Attacks deal extra damage when hitting a creature within 10 ft. and the target can't regain hit points until the start of Aerhys' next turn.\" -t 3 -dtype cold"], "automation_results": ["Aerhys attacks with a Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69)!\nAerhys attacked SSG3 and hit.\nSSG3 took 38 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<241/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<241/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Aura of Protection, Mislead, Invisible (Mislead), Illusory Double, Prone, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: misfire, Hasted Action to repair?", "Player 16: On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action to make two attacks with a weapon that uses ammunition from the quiver.", "Player 16: Munition from Quiver loaded in", "Player 16: also heal that damage from misfire btw", "Player 9: fly, misty step to close"], "before_idxs": [1069], "before_state_idx": 1071, "command_idxs": [1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1084], "after_state_idx": 1082, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1083]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": ["Yuh, barrier. Seems most realistic."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<225/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Tac Help, Sniper", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Percy", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Katana, +3 (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), 2-Handed Katana, +3 (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Needle of Mending (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Tactical Rifle (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Unarmed Strike (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Deadeye Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), helped by Tac (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Dazing Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Nanotech Surge (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Strafe's (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Clockwork Amulet (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Prone (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Tac (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Forceful Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Steady Aim (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Master Marksman (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Decoy Snipes (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Winging Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Violent Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Elusive (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Boon of the Night Spirit (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), reloads (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Raven's Cry (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Assault Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Sentience (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Charging Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Charging (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Fluorescence Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Sniping Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Transform Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Recharge (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Ultra Snipes (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Beak (Tac)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a master"], "automation_results": ["Percival Firn \"Pierce\" becomes a Master Marksman!\nPercival Firn \"Pierce\" gained Master Marksman."], "caster_after": {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Tac Help, Sniper, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<225/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Tac Help, Sniper, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Invulnerability, Invulnerable", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action to make two attacks with a weapon that uses ammunition from the quiver.", "Player 16: Munition from Quiver loaded in", "Player 16: also heal that damage from misfire btw", "Player 9: fly, misty step to close", "Player 13: Yuh, barrier. Seems most realistic."], "before_idxs": [1133], "before_state_idx": 1149, "command_idxs": [1151, 1152, 1153, 1155], "after_state_idx": 1153, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1154]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<63/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!a run -d 1d6[Lightning]+1d6[Fire] -t sg3"], "automation_results": ["Smigs attacks with a Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness!\nSmigs attacked SSG3 and hit.\nSSG3 took 21 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<42/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<42/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["He chugs whiles he blasts from his chest \u201cGood stuff.\u201d"], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action to make two attacks with a weapon that uses ammunition from the quiver.", "Player 16: Munition from Quiver loaded in", "Player 16: also heal that damage from misfire btw", "Player 9: fly, misty step to close", "Player 13: Yuh, barrier. Seems most realistic."], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1243, "command_idxs": [1248, 1249, 1250, 1252], "after_state_idx": 1250, "after_idxs": [1253], "embed_idxs": [1251]} +{"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["From what I see rn"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<42/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<183/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a step"], "automation_results": ["Crowre uses Step of the Wind (Dash)!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<899/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<42/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: also heal that damage from misfire btw", "Player 9: fly, misty step to close", "Player 13: Yuh, barrier. Seems most realistic.", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: He chugs whiles he blasts from his chest \u201cGood stuff.\u201d", "Player 2: From what I see rn"], "before_idxs": [1265], "before_state_idx": 1263, "command_idxs": [1269, 1272, 1273, 1275], "after_state_idx": 1273, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1274]} +{"speaker_id": "184581910036772518", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<874/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<28/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<874/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, "commands_norm": ["!a uncanny -amt 52"], "automation_results": ["The Jester uses Uncanny Dodge!\nThe Jester healed for -26 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<874/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<938/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<28/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["_Spit a lot more than just blood,some of his lunch too coming out_ \"Ughhh-...\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 16: also heal that damage from misfire btw", "Player 9: fly, misty step to close", "Player 13: Yuh, barrier. Seems most realistic.", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: He chugs whiles he blasts from his chest \u201cGood stuff.\u201d", "Player 2: From what I see rn"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1310, "command_idxs": [1313, 1314, 1315, 1317], "after_state_idx": 1315, "after_idxs": [1321], "embed_idxs": [1316]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": ["No lol, holding back XD"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<874/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<879/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<28/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Prone (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast shiel -i"], "automation_results": ["Smigs casts Shield!\nSmigs gained Shield."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<874/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<879/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<28/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: Yuh, barrier. Seems most realistic.", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: He chugs whiles he blasts from his chest \u201cGood stuff.\u201d", "Player 2: From what I see rn", "Player 15: _Spit a lot more than just blood,some of his lunch too coming out_ \"Ughhh-...\"", "Player 13: No lol, holding back XD"], "before_idxs": [1364], "before_state_idx": 1356, "command_idxs": [1369, 1372, 1373, 1374], "after_state_idx": 1373, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1375]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["also missing sneaks on the other two"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<829/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<629/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<-101/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Prone (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneak crit -t ssg2 -t ssg1"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) uses Sneak Attack!\nSSG2 took 78 damage.\nSSG1 took 71 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<551/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<551/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<-101/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: He chugs whiles he blasts from his chest \u201cGood stuff.\u201d", "Player 2: From what I see rn", "Player 15: _Spit a lot more than just blood,some of his lunch too coming out_ \"Ughhh-...\"", "Player 13: No lol, holding back XD", "Player 16: also missing sneaks on the other two"], "before_idxs": [1400], "before_state_idx": 1392, "command_idxs": [1401, 1402, 1403, 1405], "after_state_idx": 1403, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1404]} +{"speaker_id": "252085070492554802", "before_utterances": ["None of you hit melee"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<551/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<-101/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "commands_norm": ["!a cross -d 3d4 -f \"Arcane Strike | Attacks made with your Bonded Weapon or Sorcerer Spells deal an additional 3d4 damage.\" -b 3 -b 3 -d 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer | When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, thunder, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage. You can only take this boon once.\" -d 3d8[radiant] -f \"Spirit Shroud | Attacks deal extra damage when hitting a creature within 10 ft. and the target can't regain hit points until the start of Aerhys' next turn.\" -t 2 -dtype lightning"], "automation_results": ["Aerhys attacks with a Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69)!\nAerhys attacked SSG2 and hit.\nSSG2 took 50 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<501/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<501/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "SSG3", "hp": "<-101/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Master Marksman, Deadeye, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: From what I see rn", "Player 15: _Spit a lot more than just blood,some of his lunch too coming out_ \"Ughhh-...\"", "Player 13: No lol, holding back XD", "Player 16: also missing sneaks on the other two", "Player 13: None of you hit melee"], "before_idxs": [1422], "before_state_idx": 1408, "command_idxs": [1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1434], "after_state_idx": 1432, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1433]} +{"speaker_id": "184581910036772518", "before_utterances": ["Nah, just not holdin back no more.", "Thing is you guys are insane."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<110/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "commands_norm": ["!a revolver -t ssg2 eadv -d 5d6 -f \"Sneak Attack|you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe\u2019s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.\n\nYou don\u2019t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn\u2019t\u00a0incapacitated, and you don\u2019t have disadvantage on the attack roll.\" -b 3 -desc \"Aimbot on\""], "automation_results": ["The Jester attacks with a Tactical Revolver!\nThe Jester attacked SSG2 and hit.\nSSG2 took 38 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<72/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<72/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: No lol, holding back XD", "Player 16: also missing sneaks on the other two", "Player 13: None of you hit melee", "Player 13: Nah, just not holdin back no more.", "Player 13: Thing is you guys are insane."], "before_idxs": [1537, 1538], "before_state_idx": 1534, "command_idxs": [1541, 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1547], "after_state_idx": 1545, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1546]} +{"speaker_id": "184581910036772518", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<61/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "commands_norm": ["!a defensive -t SSG2"], "automation_results": ["The Jester uses Defensive Flourish!\nSSG2 took 6 damage.\nThe Jester gained Defensive Flourish."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<55/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<55/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Fucking hell- How many bullets do you want from me!?\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: No lol, holding back XD", "Player 16: also missing sneaks on the other two", "Player 13: None of you hit melee", "Player 13: Nah, just not holdin back no more.", "Player 13: Thing is you guys are insane."], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1554, "command_idxs": [1558, 1559, 1560, 1562], "after_state_idx": 1560, "after_idxs": [1563], "embed_idxs": [1561]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": ["Ba inserts acid elemental stone in chest"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<55/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!a run -d 1d6[Lightning]+1d6[Fire] -t sg2 -dtype [acid]"], "automation_results": ["Smigs attacks with a Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness!\nSmigs attacked SSG2 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<55/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<55/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: None of you hit melee", "Player 13: Nah, just not holdin back no more.", "Player 13: Thing is you guys are insane.", "Player 15: \"Fucking hell- How many bullets do you want from me!?\"", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Ba inserts acid elemental stone in chest"], "before_idxs": [1571], "before_state_idx": 1567, "command_idxs": [1573, 1574, 1575, 1577], "after_state_idx": 1575, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1576]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<55/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!a run -d 1d6[Lightning]+1d6[Fire] -t sg2 -dtype [acid]"], "automation_results": ["Smigs attacks with a Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness!\nSmigs attacked SSG2 and hit.\nSSG2 took 36 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<19/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<19/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Aura of Protection, Boon of Divine Size", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\u201cTurn that frown, upside down.\u201d He chuckles"], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: None of you hit melee", "Player 13: Nah, just not holdin back no more.", "Player 13: Thing is you guys are insane.", "Player 15: \"Fucking hell- How many bullets do you want from me!?\"", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Ba inserts acid elemental stone in chest"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1580, "command_idxs": [1587, 1588, 1589, 1591], "after_state_idx": 1589, "after_idxs": [1592], "embed_idxs": [1590]} +{"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["Actually on the 27 dmg"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<-15/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<-15/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, "commands_norm": ["!a redirection"], "automation_results": ["Crowre uses a Redirection of Power!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<758/1000 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG2", "hp": "<-15/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: Thing is you guys are insane.", "Player 15: \"Fucking hell- How many bullets do you want from me!?\"", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Ba inserts acid elemental stone in chest", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: \u201cTurn that frown, upside down.\u201d He chuckles", "Player 2: Actually on the 27 dmg"], "before_idxs": [1647], "before_state_idx": 1644, "command_idxs": [1654, 1658, 1659, 1661], "after_state_idx": 1659, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1660]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["He died on the nat 1"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<166/1000 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Prone (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneak crit -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) uses Sneak Attack!\nSSG1 took 66 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<100/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<100/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink, Blinked", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: \"Fucking hell- How many bullets do you want from me!?\"", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Ba inserts acid elemental stone in chest", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: \u201cTurn that frown, upside down.\u201d He chuckles", "Player 2: Actually on the 27 dmg", "Player 13: He died on the nat 1"], "before_idxs": [1731], "before_state_idx": 1725, "command_idxs": [1733, 1734, 1735, 1737], "after_state_idx": 1735, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1736]} +{"speaker_id": "252085070492554802", "before_utterances": ["Yes, he misfird into his foot"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<100/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "commands_norm": ["!a cross -d 3d4 -f \"Arcane Strike | Attacks made with your Bonded Weapon or Sorcerer Spells deal an additional 3d4 damage.\" -b 3 -b 3 -d 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer | When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, thunder, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage. You can only take this boon once.\" -d 3d8[radiant] -f \"Spirit Shroud | Attacks deal extra damage when hitting a creature within 10 ft. and the target can't regain hit points until the start of Aerhys' next turn.\" -t aerhys -dtype acid -d1 3d8+6[force] -f \"Silver Aether Blade | On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack's normal effects, and an additional force damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. At current level, target takes an additional 1d8 force damage, and the spell ends.\" \n-title \"Aerhys casts Silver Aether Blade with [aname]!\" -hit"], "automation_results": ["Aerhys casts Silver Aether Blade with a Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69)!\nAerhys attacked Aerhys and hit.\nAerhys took 59 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<100/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Ba inserts acid elemental stone in chest", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: \u201cTurn that frown, upside down.\u201d He chuckles", "Player 2: Actually on the 27 dmg", "Player 13: He died on the nat 1", "Player 13: Yes, he misfird into his foot"], "before_idxs": [1768], "before_state_idx": 1755, "command_idxs": [1774, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1785], "after_state_idx": 1783, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1784]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": ["*stays where they are an watches*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-59/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Percy", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Katana, +3 (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), 2-Handed Katana, +3 (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Needle of Mending (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Tactical Rifle (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Unarmed Strike (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Deadeye Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), helped by Tac (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Dazing Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Nanotech Surge (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Strafe's (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Clockwork Amulet (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Prone (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Tac (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Forceful Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Steady Aim (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Master Marksman (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Decoy Snipes (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Winging Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Violent Shot (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Elusive (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Boon of the Night Spirit (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), reloads (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Raven's Cry (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Assault Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Sentience (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Charging Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Charging (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Fluorescence Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Sniping Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Transform Mode (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Recharge (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Ultra Snipes (Percival Firn \"Pierce\"), Beak (Tac)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a help"], "automation_results": ["Percival Firn \"Pierce\" gets helped by Tac!\nPercival Firn \"Pierce\" gained Tac Help."], "caster_after": {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-59/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection, Defensive Flourish", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: \u201cTurn that frown, upside down.\u201d He chuckles", "Player 2: Actually on the 27 dmg", "Player 13: He died on the nat 1", "Player 13: Yes, he misfird into his foot", "Player 12: *stays where they are an watches*"], "before_idxs": [1850], "before_state_idx": 1847, "command_idxs": [1852, 1853, 1854, 1856], "after_state_idx": 1854, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1855]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": ["Confused \u201cI know one you have spirit shroud, cause it\u2019s not me.\u201d Charge"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!a run -d 1d6[Lightning]+1d6[Fire] -dtype [acid] -t sg1"], "automation_results": ["Smigs attacks with a Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness!\nSmigs attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 50 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-49/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-49/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Actually on the 27 dmg", "Player 13: He died on the nat 1", "Player 13: Yes, he misfird into his foot", "Player 12: *stays where they are an watches*", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Confused \u201cI know one you have spirit shroud, cause it\u2019s not me.\u201d Charge"], "before_idxs": [1889], "before_state_idx": 1885, "command_idxs": [1891, 1892, 1893, 1895], "after_state_idx": 1893, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1894]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!a run -d 1d6[Lightning]+1d6[Fire] -dtype [acid] -t sg1 -rr 3 adv"], "automation_results": ["Smigs attacks with a Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness!\nSmigs attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 34 damage.\nSmigs attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 36 damage.\nSmigs attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 36 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-105/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-105/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["Flies through his body \u201cWhat\u2019s keeping you alive?\u201d"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Actually on the 27 dmg", "Player 13: He died on the nat 1", "Player 13: Yes, he misfird into his foot", "Player 12: *stays where they are an watches*", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Confused \u201cI know one you have spirit shroud, cause it\u2019s not me.\u201d Charge"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1901, "command_idxs": [1904, 1905, 1906, 1908], "after_state_idx": 1906, "after_idxs": [1923], "embed_idxs": [1907]} +{"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["I'mma go make sure nobody die except them"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a step"], "automation_results": ["Crowre uses Step of the Wind (Dash)!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: Yes, he misfird into his foot", "Player 12: *stays where they are an watches*", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Confused \u201cI know one you have spirit shroud, cause it\u2019s not me.\u201d Charge", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Flies through his body \u201cWhat\u2019s keeping you alive?\u201d", "Player 2: I'mma go make sure nobody die except them"], "before_idxs": [1940], "before_state_idx": 1937, "command_idxs": [1941, 1944, 1945, 1947], "after_state_idx": 1945, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1946]} +{"speaker_id": "208864991128741524", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a kick -t aerhys"], "automation_results": ["SSG1 attacks with a Kick!\nSSG1 attacked Aerhys and hit.\nAerhys took 45 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["Aerhys dies before your faces, even before the massive kick that sends him flying."], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: Yes, he misfird into his foot", "Player 12: *stays where they are an watches*", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Confused \u201cI know one you have spirit shroud, cause it\u2019s not me.\u201d Charge", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Flies through his body \u201cWhat\u2019s keeping you alive?\u201d", "Player 2: I'mma go make sure nobody die except them"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1975, "command_idxs": [1978, 1979, 1980, 1982], "after_state_idx": 1980, "after_idxs": [1983], "embed_idxs": [1981]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["\"You're not giving up.\" *Shrug.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1000 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Prone (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a vio1 -t 1 -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" adv -dtype acid -b 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer (acid)|When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, necrotic, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage.\" -b -3 -f \"Silencer (Barrel)|When you are hidden from a creature and you miss or hit it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. and creatures around the target have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on hearing to find you. You take a -3 penalty to attack rolls.\""], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle [Vio1]!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and crit!\nSSG1 took 392 damage.", "Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle [Vio1]!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 142 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-391/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-533/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-533/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Confused \u201cI know one you have spirit shroud, cause it\u2019s not me.\u201d Charge", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Flies through his body \u201cWhat\u2019s keeping you alive?\u201d", "Player 2: I'mma go make sure nobody die except them", "Player 13: Player 10 dies before your faces, even before the massive kick that sends him flying.", "Player 13: \"You're not giving up.\" *Shrug.*"], "before_idxs": [1995], "before_state_idx": 1991, "command_idxs": [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023], "after_state_idx": 2020, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2012, 2012]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": [" Lol how do I set hp"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-533/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Prone (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Tactical Rifle -t 1 -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" adv -dtype acid -b 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer (acid)|When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, necrotic, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage.\" -b -3 -f \"Silencer (Barrel)|When you are hidden from a creature and you miss or hit it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. and creatures around the target have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on hearing to find you. You take a -3 penalty to attack rolls.\""], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 130 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-663/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-663/1000 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: Flies through his body \u201cWhat\u2019s keeping you alive?\u201d", "Player 2: I'mma go make sure nobody die except them", "Player 13: Player 10 dies before your faces, even before the massive kick that sends him flying.", "Player 13: \"You're not giving up.\" *Shrug.*", "Player 13: Lol how do I set hp"], "before_idxs": [2024], "before_state_idx": 2020, "command_idxs": [2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2032, 2033, 2035], "after_state_idx": 2033, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2034]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["That's why he's offering XD"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Marksman Girl", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Dagger of Blindsight (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), 2-Handed Katana, +4 (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Moon-Touched, Rapier (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Unarmed Strike (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Suck (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Bad News [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio1] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio2] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio3] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Vio4] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot] (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Tac Rifle (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Kallahan's Worm Poison (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Gun Jam (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Prone (Elenor Alvira (TTR)), Beak (greg)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a tactical rifle -dtype acid -b 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer (acid)|When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, necrotic, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage.\" adv -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -d1 \"9d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 9d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -b -3 -f \"Silencer (Barrel)|When you are hidden from a creature and you miss or hit it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. and creatures around the target have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on hearing to find you. You take a -3 penalty to attack rolls.\" -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 178 damage.", "Elenor Alvira (TTR) attacks with Tac Rifle!\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 132 damage.\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 56 damage.\nElenor Alvira (TTR) attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 56 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-177/1 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-421/1 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-421/1 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone, Sniper, Deadeye, Master Marksman, Tac Help", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: I'mma go make sure nobody die except them", "Player 13: Player 10 dies before your faces, even before the massive kick that sends him flying.", "Player 13: \"You're not giving up.\" *Shrug.*", "Player 13: Lol how do I set hp", "Player 13: That's why he's offering XD"], "before_idxs": [2089], "before_state_idx": 2079, "command_idxs": [2106, 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2113, 2114, 2116, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2122, 2123, 2125, 2126], "after_state_idx": 2123, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2115, 2115]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": ["\"You have six seconds to decide.\"", "is big stubborn \u201cWhy don\u2019t *you* give up! We took out your forms and your only alive cause you can\u2019t die.\u201d Takes out a scroll, moving to Aerhys"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast revi -i -t Aer"], "automation_results": ["Smigs casts Revivify!\nAerhys healed for -1 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: \"You're not giving up.\" *Shrug.*", "Player 13: Lol how do I set hp", "Player 13: That's why he's offering XD", "Player 13: \"You have six seconds to decide.\"", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: is big stubborn \u201cWhy don\u2019t *you* give up! We took out your forms and your only alive cause you can\u2019t die.\u201d Takes out a scroll, moving to Player 10"], "before_idxs": [2203, 2211], "before_state_idx": 2189, "command_idxs": [2214, 2215, 2216, 2218], "after_state_idx": 2216, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2217]} +{"speaker_id": "442074408218629099", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "commands_norm": ["!a run -d 1d6[Lightning]+1d6[Fire] -dtype [acid] -t sg1 adv"], "automation_results": ["Smigs attacks with a Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness!\nSmigs attacked SSG1 and hit.\nSSG1 took 42 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-41/1 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "SSG1", "hp": "<-41/1 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Super Saiyan Goku", "attacks": "Punch, Kick, Kamehameha", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "208864991128741524"}, {"name": "Elenor Alvira (TTR)", "hp": "<205/205 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 18/Ranger 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Bad News (Exandria), Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Katana, +4, 2-Handed Katana, +4, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Unarmed Strike, Suck, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Pistol (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria) [Violent Shot], Pistol (Exandria) [Dazing Shot], Bad News [Vio1], Bad News [Vio2], Bad News [Vio3], Bad News [Vio4], Bad News [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle [Vio1], Tac Rifle [Vio2], Tac Rifle [Vio3], Tac Rifle [Vio4], Tac Rifle [Dazing Shot], Tac Rifle, Kallahan's Worm Poison, Gun Jam, Prone", "spells": "Forcecage, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Piercing Shot, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Boon of The Elemental Archer [Twilight Realms - Epic Boon], Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9, Disarming Shot", "effects": "Death Ward, Muroosa Balm, Freedom of Movement, Black Sap, Hasted, Prone, Sniper", "description": "a 5'4\" individual slightly pale skin with a rapier at her side with a rifle slung on her back. Standing in a jacket with a white shirt underneath and some leather padding resembling armor. She has Silvery White hair with Silver eyes.", "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "greg", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Swift Quiver", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Aerhys", "hp": "<219/315 HP; Injured>", "class": "Paladin 8/Sorcerer 12", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Spirit Shroud, Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), 2-Handed Arming Sword (+3 Paradoxian Katana), Dagger of Blindsight, Dragon Slayer Scimitar, Hellfire Pepperbox (Exandria), Ironsteel Glory, Nazduul (Mode: Cross 69), Nazduul (Mode: Wrath), Pepperbox Of Warning, Pistol (Exandria), Shotgun Rain, Unarmed Strike, Arcane Strike", "spells": "Light, Knock, Lesser Restoration, Minor Illusion, Bael's Distant Shield, Animal Friendship, Magic Circle, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Green-Flame Blade, Intellect Fortress, Absorb Elements, Conjure Elemental, Heroism, Blink, Comprehend Languages, Acid Splash, Synaptic Static, Cure Wounds, Silver Aether Blade, True Strike, Fire Shield, Flame Blade, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Hold Person, Speak with Animals, Aid, Misty Step, Daylight, Booming Blade, Cone of Cold, Warding Bond, Wall of Force, Mirror Image, Fear, Hellish Rebuke, Sending, See Invisibility, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Haste, Counterspell, Find Steed, Protection from Poison, Command, Watery Sphere, Shield, Mage Hand, Wrathful Smite", "actions": "Aura of Protection, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Channel Divinity, Gunner, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands, Sorcery Points, Extra Attack, Arcane Strike, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Harness Divine Power, Magical Guidance, Divine Sense, Metamagic - Quickened Spell", "effects": "Death Ward, Aid, Spirit Shroud, Shroud, Blink", "description": null, "controller_id": "252085070492554802"}, {"name": "Percival Firn \"Pierce\"", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 19/Cleric 1", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Katana, +3, 2-Handed Katana, +3, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Needle of Mending, Tactical Rifle, Unarmed Strike, Deadeye Shot, helped by Tac, Dazing Shot, Nanotech Surge, Strafe's, Clockwork Amulet, Prone, Tac, Forceful Shot, Grit Points - Critical Hit/Kill, Steady Aim, Master Marksman, Decoy Snipes, Winging Shot, Violent Shot, Elusive, Boon of the Night Spirit, reloads, Raven's Cry, Assault Mode, Sentience, Charging Mode, Charging, Fluorescence Mode, Sniping Mode, Transform Mode, Recharge, Ultra Snipes", "spells": "Light, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Thaumaturgy, Ice Knife, Guidance, Bless, Sending", "actions": ", Spotter Snipe 13, Deploy Decoy Snipe 13, Spotter Snipe 17, Steady Aim, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Reliable Talent, Super Marksman, Grit Points, Master Marksman, Uncanny Dodge, Expert Marksman, Deploy Decoy Snipe 17, Forceful Shot, Summon Snipe, Gunner, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Winging Shot, Ultra Snipes, Spotter Snipe 9", "effects": "Elusive, Boon of The Night Spirit, Aid, Mislead, Illusory Double, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Tac", "hp": "<1/1 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Raven", "attacks": "Beak", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<156/156 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 10/Bard 7", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Healing Word, Blade Ward, Heroism, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Hold Person, Kinetic Jaunt, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery", "actions": "Panache (Not Hostile), Countercharm, Slashing Flourish, Bardic Inspiration, Uncanny Dodge, Defensive Flourish, Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Mobile Flourish, Panache (Hostile), Song of Rest", "effects": "Aura of Protection", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "Smigs", "hp": "<131/218 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 20", "race": "Rift Cat", "attacks": "Club, Club, +3, Dagger of Warning, Dwarven Thrower, 2-Handed Dwarven Thrower, Handaxe, Mace, Sling, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Rune Launcher Of Awesome-ness, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "spells": "Light, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Greater Restoration, Blade Ward, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Monster, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Rope Trick, Cure Wounds, Fire Shield, Shield, Crackling Leap, Aid, Frostbite, Wall of Force, Greater Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, Spare the Dying, Passwall, Shatter, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Fireball, Sanctuary, Haste, Guidance, Heat Metal, Yakii\u2019s Coruscating Weapon, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Soul of Artifice, Arcane Armor - Create Armor, The Right Tool for the Job, Perfected Armor: Infiltrator, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infiltrator Armor: Lightning Launcher (DEX)", "effects": "Aid, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Smigs is a 4 foot rift cat from Technomira, Lamberd. Probably goofing off somewhere or having fun if he isn\u2019t building new tech. Usually wearing metal gloves with multiple buttons, stretching out from his armor.", "controller_id": "442074408218629099"}, {"name": "Crowre", "hp": "<211/291 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 16/Barbarian 4", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Chain Blade, Dagger, Dart, Javelin, Unarmed Strike, Redirection of Power\u2028, Unarmed Strike2, Thought to Action, Eldritch Maul, prone you, Redirection of Power, suppressing you, Boon of Divine Size, slams you on the floor, an Injection, Muroosa balm, Danger sense, cringe", "spells": "Jump, Beast Sense, Speak with Animals, Misty Step, Mage Hand", "actions": "Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Slow Fall, Thought to Action, Patient Defense, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Quickened Healing, Suppressed Rage, Deflect Missiles, Githyanki Psionics: Jump, Flurry of Blows, Bear Rage, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles Attack, Stillness of Mind, Step of the Wind (Dash), Redirection of Power\u2028, Healer Healing, Diamond Soul, Ki-Fuel Counter", "effects": "Danger sense, Enlarge, Rage, Boon of Divine Size, Eldritch Maul", "description": null, "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["He's closing your window of surrender.", "\"Thank you for training me.\"", "You return to where you were, with no time having passed."], "utterance_history": ["Player 13: \"You're not giving up.\" *Shrug.*", "Player 13: Lol how do I set hp", "Player 13: That's why he's offering XD", "Player 13: \"You have six seconds to decide.\"", "Zen-13/Vars-20+4/Player 4-20: is big stubborn \u201cWhy don\u2019t *you* give up! We took out your forms and your only alive cause you can\u2019t die.\u201d Takes out a scroll, moving to Player 10"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 2229, "command_idxs": [2234, 2235, 2236, 2238], "after_state_idx": 2236, "after_idxs": [2266, 2280, 2293], "embed_idxs": [2237]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["*its a large stone pillar that has arms and large stone hands*", "\"Okay, sorry but.. I don't wanna' get hit again.\"\n\nShe flies straight up thirty feet."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<126/126 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t EE1 -rr 2 -d 5"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked EE1 but missed.\n\nZara attacked EE1 and hit.\nEE1 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "EE1", "hp": "<112/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<112/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Are you gonna let her do that?!?! Hurl a boulder at her!\"", "*the earth elemental roars and chucks a boulder at her*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: *its a large stone pillar that has arms and large stone hands*", "Player 4 (6): \"Okay, sorry but.. I don't wanna' get hit again.\"\n\nShe flies straight up thirty feet."], "before_idxs": [44, 45], "before_state_idx": 41, "command_idxs": [47, 48, 49, 51], "after_state_idx": 49, "after_idxs": [56, 58], "embed_idxs": [50]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["The boulder narrowly misses.\n\n\"Close!\"", "*it roared and pounded the ground*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<112/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t EE1 -rr 2 -d 5"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked EE1 and hit.\nEE1 took 11 damage.\nZara attacked EE1 and hit.\nEE1 took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "EE1", "hp": "<95/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<95/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\"We both know I'm going to beat it, want to just save us both the time..?\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 4 (6): \"Okay, sorry but.. I don't wanna' get hit again.\"\n\nShe flies straight up thirty feet.", "Player 5: \"Are you gonna let her do that?!?! Hurl a boulder at her!\"", "Player 5: *the earth elemental roars and chucks a boulder at her*", "Player 4 (6): The boulder narrowly misses.\n\n\"Close!\"", "Player 5: *it roared and pounded the ground*"], "before_idxs": [66, 68], "before_state_idx": 72, "command_idxs": [74, 75, 76, 78], "after_state_idx": 76, "after_idxs": [79], "embed_idxs": [77]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<95/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<95/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma earth elemental hurl rock -t zara"], "automation_results": ["An Earth Elemental attacks with a Slam!\nEarth Elemental attacked Zara and crit!\nZara took 13 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Earth Elemental", "hp": "<126/126 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<95/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Ugh... don't use your slam! She's clearly up there!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Are you gonna let her do that?!?! Hurl a boulder at her!\"", "Player 5: *the earth elemental roars and chucks a boulder at her*", "Player 4 (6): The boulder narrowly misses.\n\n\"Close!\"", "Player 5: *it roared and pounded the ground*", "Player 4 (6): \"We both know I'm going to beat it, want to just save us both the time..?\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 83, "command_idxs": [85, 88, 89, 91], "after_state_idx": 89, "after_idxs": [93], "embed_idxs": [90]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["\"Ya know what? you're grounded!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast earthbind -t Zara"], "automation_results": ["Argo casts Earthbind!\nZara rolled a Strength save but failed.\nZara gained Earthbound."], "caster_after": {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<70/70 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 17", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Bestow Curse, Disintegrate, Acid Splash, Eyebite, Poison Spray, Toll the Dead, Chill Touch, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Spare the Dying, Fly, Power Word Pain, Wish, Blight, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Vampiric Touch, See Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Wall of Light, Purify Food and Drink, Shield, Infestation, Acid Arrow", "actions": "Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Arcane Recovery, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Undead Thralls, Command Undead, Grim Harvest", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["*the earth elemental waits for her beneath her feet*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 4 (6): The boulder narrowly misses.\n\n\"Close!\"", "Player 5: *it roared and pounded the ground*", "Player 4 (6): \"We both know I'm going to beat it, want to just save us both the time..?\"", "Player 5: \"Ugh... don't use your slam! She's clearly up there!\"", "Player 5: \"Ya know what? you're grounded!\""], "before_idxs": [129], "before_state_idx": 127, "command_idxs": [131, 134, 135, 137], "after_state_idx": 135, "after_idxs": [140], "embed_idxs": [136]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["\"Dang it! Hmm... we need more flying troops obviously... anyways, earth elemental! Keep hurling boulders! try that glowing boulder over there!\"", "*they hurled a lava engraved boulder at her*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!a reactive"], "automation_results": ["Zara uses Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Ugh... don't use your slam! She's clearly up there!\"", "Player 5: \"Ya know what? you're grounded!\"", "Player 5: *the earth elemental waits for her beneath her feet*", "Player 5: \"Dang it! Hmm... we need more flying troops obviously... anyways, earth elemental! Keep hurling boulders! try that glowing boulder over there!\"", "Player 5: *they hurled a lava engraved boulder at her*"], "before_idxs": [151, 160], "before_state_idx": 149, "command_idxs": [169, 170, 171, 173], "after_state_idx": 171, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [172]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["\"I've got counters for that too, you know!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t EE1 -rr 2 -d 5"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked EE1 but missed.\n\nZara attacked EE1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Hmph... she thinks she can make a fool outta me...\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Ya know what? you're grounded!\"", "Player 5: *the earth elemental waits for her beneath her feet*", "Player 5: \"Dang it! Hmm... we need more flying troops obviously... anyways, earth elemental! Keep hurling boulders! try that glowing boulder over there!\"", "Player 5: *they hurled a lava engraved boulder at her*", "Player 4 (6): \"I've got counters for that too, you know!\""], "before_idxs": [174], "before_state_idx": 178, "command_idxs": [180, 181, 182, 183], "after_state_idx": 182, "after_idxs": [189], "embed_idxs": [184]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<78/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t EE1 -rr 2 -d 5"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked EE1 but missed.\n\nZara attacked EE1 and hit.\nEE1 took 11 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "EE1", "hp": "<67/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<67/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Oh I have an idea. This will bring her down\" *He gave the earth elemental a ball made of clock bombs*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: *the earth elemental waits for her beneath her feet*", "Player 5: \"Dang it! Hmm... we need more flying troops obviously... anyways, earth elemental! Keep hurling boulders! try that glowing boulder over there!\"", "Player 5: *they hurled a lava engraved boulder at her*", "Player 4 (6): \"I've got counters for that too, you know!\"", "Player 5: \"Hmph... she thinks she can make a fool outta me...\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 199, "command_idxs": [201, 202, 203, 205], "after_state_idx": 203, "after_idxs": [212], "embed_idxs": [204]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["*the elemental threw the giant bomb*", "*the bombs grabbed onto her and they chimed 12*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<67/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<67/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!a reactive"], "automation_results": ["Zara uses Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<67/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4 (6): \"I've got counters for that too, you know!\"", "Player 5: \"Hmph... she thinks she can make a fool outta me...\"", "Player 5: \"Oh I have an idea. This will bring her down\" *He gave the earth elemental a ball made of clock bombs*", "Player 5: *the elemental threw the giant bomb*", "Player 5: *the bombs grabbed onto her and they chimed 12*"], "before_idxs": [214, 222], "before_state_idx": 210, "command_idxs": [236, 237, 238, 240], "after_state_idx": 238, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [239]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["\"Ha! that brought her on the ropes!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<67/126 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t EE1 -rr 2 -d 5"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked EE1 but missed.\n\nZara attacked EE1 and hit.\nEE1 took 13 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "EE1", "hp": "<54/126 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<54/126 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\"What ya need more bombs? Well I gotta craft em of course\"", "\"..I feel like this is targetting!\"", "\"Well maybe ya shouldnt be flying in a battle like this\"", "\"I'm sure the others cant fly, right guys?\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Hmph... she thinks she can make a fool outta me...\"", "Player 5: \"Oh I have an idea. This will bring her down\" *He gave the earth elemental a ball made of clock bombs*", "Player 5: *the elemental threw the giant bomb*", "Player 5: *the bombs grabbed onto her and they chimed 12*", "Player 5: \"Ha! that brought her on the ropes!\""], "before_idxs": [244], "before_state_idx": 248, "command_idxs": [250, 251, 252, 254], "after_state_idx": 252, "after_idxs": [255, 257, 263, 265], "embed_idxs": [253]} +{"speaker_id": "139194158998008781", "before_utterances": ["\"Hey, I've got wings! They're just part of my biology!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<54/126 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t EE1 -rr 2 -d 5"], "automation_results": ["Zara casts Eldritch Blast!\nZara attacked EE1 and hit.\nEE1 took 8 damage.\nZara attacked EE1 and crit!\nEE1 took 22 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zara", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "EE1", "hp": "<24/126 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zara", "hp": "<12/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Au'ra", "attacks": "Dagger, Giant Slayer Greataxe, Handaxe, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Druidcraft, Thunder Step, Raise Dead, Speak with Plants, Spirit Shroud, Hellish Rebuke, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, Silver Aether Blade, Cure Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Entangle, Pass without Trace, Mage Hand", "actions": "Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Chromatic Infusion, Dark One\u2019s Own Luck, Agonizing Blast, Plant Self, Create Pact Weapon, Draconic Evasion, Draconic Roar, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Reactive Resistance", "effects": "Earthbound", "description": null, "controller_id": "139194158998008781"}, {"name": "EE1", "hp": "<24/126 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Earth Elemental", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"What ya need more bombs? Well I gotta craft em of course\"", "Player 4 (6): \"..I feel like this is targetting!\"", "Player 5: \"Well maybe ya shouldnt be flying in a battle like this\"", "Player 5: \"I'm sure the others cant fly, right guys?\"", "Player 4 (6): \"Hey, I've got wings! They're just part of my biology!\""], "before_idxs": [267], "before_state_idx": 278, "command_idxs": [280, 281, 282, 284], "after_state_idx": 282, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [283]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["or u can go through the short cut", "there is a fork in the road!", "or u can roll ur d10"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "MU1", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma mummy rotting fist -t Bonks"], "automation_results": ["A Mummy attacks with a Rotting Fist!\nMummy attacked Mr Bonks but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Mummy", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: there is a fork in the road!", "Player 5: or u can go through the short cut", "Player 5: or u can roll ur d10"], "before_idxs": [9, 10, 15], "before_state_idx": 60, "command_idxs": [64, 65, 66, 68], "after_state_idx": 66, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [67]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma mummy dreadful glare -t Mr Bonks"], "automation_results": ["A Mummy gives you a Dreadful Glare!\nMummy gained Dreadful Glare.\nMr Bonks rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Mummy", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": ["*Mr Bonks is no longer afraid of mummies*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: there is a fork in the road!", "Player 5: or u can go through the short cut", "Player 5: or u can roll ur d10"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 82, "command_idxs": [85, 86, 87, 89], "after_state_idx": 87, "after_idxs": [94], "embed_idxs": [88]} +{"speaker_id": "499413261205008558", "before_utterances": ["\"Increasing burning attack, level 2\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"burning hands\" -l 2 -t MU1 -t MU2"], "automation_results": ["Mr Bonks casts Burning Hands!\nMU1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nMU1 took 30 damage.\nMU2 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nMU2 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<28/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<43/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<28/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<43/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": ["\"What are you doing to my mummies?\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: there is a fork in the road!", "Player 5: or u can go through the short cut", "Player 5: or u can roll ur d10", "Player 5: *Player 8 is no longer afraid of mummies*", "Player 7: \"Increasing burning attack, level 2\""], "before_idxs": [100], "before_state_idx": 92, "command_idxs": [102, 103, 104, 106], "after_state_idx": 104, "after_idxs": [107], "embed_idxs": [105]} +{"speaker_id": "499413261205008558", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<28/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<43/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "commands_norm": ["!i aoo M11 unarmed -t MU1"], "automation_results": ["M11 attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nM11 attacked MU1 and hit.\nMU1 took 2 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<26/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<26/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<43/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Well.....they did attack me.\"", "\"But still... its rude to attack someone's mommy\"", "\"That's a joke. everyone knows my real mommy is buried 6 feet under\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: or u can go through the short cut", "Player 5: or u can roll ur d10", "Player 5: *Player 8 is no longer afraid of mummies*", "Player 7: \"Increasing burning attack, level 2\"", "Player 5: \"What are you doing to my mummies?\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 104, "command_idxs": [116, 117, 118, 120], "after_state_idx": 118, "after_idxs": [121, 123, 128], "embed_idxs": [119]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["\"Whatever... I don't need you. Whenever I want to, I could wish her back\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<26/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<43/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "MU1", "hp": "<26/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma mummy rotting fist -t Bonks"], "automation_results": ["A Mummy attacks with a Rotting Fist!\nMummy attacked Mr Bonks but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Mummy", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<26/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<43/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Dreadful Glare (Frightened)", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"What are you doing to my mummies?\"", "Player 7: \"Well.....they did attack me.\"", "Player 5: \"But still... its rude to attack someone's mommy\"", "Player 5: \"That's a joke. everyone knows my real mommy is buried 6 feet under\"", "Player 5: \"Whatever... I don't need you. Whenever I want to, I could wish her back\""], "before_idxs": [133], "before_state_idx": 143, "command_idxs": [147, 148, 149, 151], "after_state_idx": 149, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [150]} +{"speaker_id": "499413261205008558", "before_utterances": ["*MU1 was screaming in pain before turning to dust*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<-2/58 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<43/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "commands_norm": ["!i aoo M11 unarmed -t MU2"], "automation_results": ["M11 attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nM11 attacked MU2 and hit.\nMU2 took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<38/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU1", "hp": "<-2/58 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "MU2", "hp": "<38/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: \"Well.....they did attack me.\"", "Player 5: \"But still... its rude to attack someone's mommy\"", "Player 5: \"That's a joke. everyone knows my real mommy is buried 6 feet under\"", "Player 5: \"Whatever... I don't need you. Whenever I want to, I could wish her back\"", "Player 5: *MU1 was screaming in pain before turning to dust*"], "before_idxs": [179], "before_state_idx": 176, "command_idxs": [180, 181, 182, 184], "after_state_idx": 182, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [183]} +{"speaker_id": "499413261205008558", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<38/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "commands_norm": ["!i aoo M11 BONK -rr 2 -dtype [magical] -t MU2"], "automation_results": ["M11 attacks with a BONK!\nM11 attacked MU2 and hit.\nMU2 took 5 damage.\nM11 attacked MU2 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<33/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<33/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Hey Professor! I studied mummies a ton!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: \"Well.....they did attack me.\"", "Player 5: \"But still... its rude to attack someone's mommy\"", "Player 5: \"That's a joke. everyone knows my real mommy is buried 6 feet under\"", "Player 5: \"Whatever... I don't need you. Whenever I want to, I could wish her back\"", "Player 5: *MU1 was screaming in pain before turning to dust*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 204, "command_idxs": [206, 207, 208, 210], "after_state_idx": 208, "after_idxs": [211], "embed_idxs": [209]} +{"speaker_id": "499413261205008558", "before_utterances": ["\"They are weak to fire moves!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<33/58 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast branding smite -t MU2"], "automation_results": ["Mr Bonks casts Branding Smite!\nMU2 took 7 damage.\nMU2 gained Branded."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<26/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<26/58 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Thanks argo, I'll use my firebolt next time\" it says, getting pretty winded out of arcana"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"That's a joke. everyone knows my real mommy is buried 6 feet under\"", "Player 5: \"Whatever... I don't need you. Whenever I want to, I could wish her back\"", "Player 5: *MU1 was screaming in pain before turning to dust*", "Player 5: \"Hey Professor! I studied mummies a ton!\"", "Player 5: \"They are weak to fire moves!\""], "before_idxs": [213], "before_state_idx": 208, "command_idxs": [215, 216, 217, 219], "after_state_idx": 217, "after_idxs": [220], "embed_idxs": [218]} +{"speaker_id": "499413261205008558", "before_utterances": ["*the mummy was running around and burning*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<8/58 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "commands_norm": ["!i aoo M11 unarmed -t MU2"], "automation_results": ["M11 attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nM11 attacked MU2 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<8/58 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<8/58 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: *MU1 was screaming in pain before turning to dust*", "Player 5: \"Hey Professor! I studied mummies a ton!\"", "Player 5: \"They are weak to fire moves!\"", "Player 7: \"Thanks argo, I'll use my firebolt next time\" it says, getting pretty winded out of arcana", "Player 5: *the mummy was running around and burning*"], "before_idxs": [246], "before_state_idx": 243, "command_idxs": [247, 248, 249, 250], "after_state_idx": 249, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [251]} +{"speaker_id": "499413261205008558", "before_utterances": ["In mummy talk: \"Why you little...\" *it tried to wrap bonks in bandagers*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<8/58 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast fire bolt -t MU2"], "automation_results": ["Mr Bonks casts Fire Bolt!\nMr Bonks attacked MU2 and hit.\nMU2 took 32 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<-24/58 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MU2", "hp": "<-24/58 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Mummy", "attacks": "Rotting Fist, Dreadful Glare", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Branded", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Mr Bonks", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 6", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Crossbow, light2, Dagger, Shortsword, +1, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Blur, Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Restoration, Branding Smite, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Alter Self, Shield, Lightning Lure, Mending, Mage Hand, Burning Hands", "actions": "The Right Tool for the Job, Share Spells, Mend Mech, Tool Expertise, Infuse Item, Telekinetic - Shove, Command Mech, Command Mech to Repair, Magical Tinkering, Extra Mech Attack", "effects": "secure cockpit, Branding Smite", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}, {"name": "M11", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mark 1", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, BONK", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "499413261205008558"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Hey Professor! I studied mummies a ton!\"", "Player 5: \"They are weak to fire moves!\"", "Player 7: \"Thanks argo, I'll use my firebolt next time\" it says, getting pretty winded out of arcana", "Player 5: *the mummy was running around and burning*", "Player 5: In mummy talk: \"Why you little...\" *it tried to wrap bonks in bandagers*"], "before_idxs": [262], "before_state_idx": 269, "command_idxs": [271, 274, 275, 277], "after_state_idx": 275, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [276]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["*a water elemental enters the scene*", "\"Don't get your hopes up... but there will be something if you succeed\"", "!ma water elemental slam -t mizu -rr 2"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<114/114 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Water Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whelm", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<88/94 HP; Injured> (+5 temp)", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<114/114 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Water Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whelm", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma water elemental slam -t leveret -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["A Water Elemental attacks with a Slam!\nWater Elemental attacked Leveret but missed.\n\nWater Elemental attacked Leveret but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Water Elemental", "hp": "<114/114 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Water Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whelm", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<88/94 HP; Injured> (+5 temp)", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<114/114 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Water Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whelm", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<83/94 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *a water elemental enters the scene*", "Player 1: \"Don't get your hopes up... but there will be something if you succeed\"", "Player 1: !ma water elemental slam -t mizu -rr 2"], "before_idxs": [11, 39, 46], "before_state_idx": 44, "command_idxs": [52, 57, 58, 60], "after_state_idx": 58, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [59]} +{"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["!ma zombie slam -t Mizu -rr 9 -adv"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<83/94 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO7", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO10", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO9", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO8", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma zombie slam -t leveret -rr 9 -adv"], "automation_results": ["A Zombie attacks with a Slam!\nZombie attacked Leveret and hit.\nLeveret took 2 damage.\nZombie attacked Leveret and hit.\nLeveret took 3 damage.\nZombie attacked Leveret but missed.\n\nZombie attacked Leveret and crit!\nLeveret took 4 damage.\nZombie attacked Leveret but missed.\n\nZombie attacked Leveret and crit!\nLeveret took 4 damage.\nZombie attacked Leveret but missed.\n\nZombie attacked Leveret and hit.\nLeveret took 3 damage.\nZombie attacked Leveret but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Zombie", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<83/94 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<48/94 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO7", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO10", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO9", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO8", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !ma zombie slam -t Player 1 -rr 9 -adv"], "before_idxs": [73], "before_state_idx": 71, "command_idxs": [77, 78, 79, 81], "after_state_idx": 79, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [80]} +{"speaker_id": "249974370036850623", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<48/94 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "Rage, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<-4/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO8", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<48/94 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "Rage, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a limb -adv -t zo8 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Leveret attacks with a Weaver\u2019s Limb!\nLeveret attacked ZO8 and hit.\nZO8 took 9 damage.\nLeveret attacked ZO8 and crit!\nZO8 took 16 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<48/94 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "Rage, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "ZO8", "hp": "<-3/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Leveret", "hp": "<47/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 2", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Weaver\u2019s Limb, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Scorching Ray", "actions": "Rage, Fighting Spirit, Action Surge, Rabbit Hop, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Lucky Footwork", "effects": "Rage, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "249974370036850623"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<-4/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "ZO8", "hp": "<-3/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["*Drinks healing potion after stabbing the last skeleton*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !ma zombie slam -t Player 1 -rr 9 -adv"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 394, "command_idxs": [399, 400, 401, 403], "after_state_idx": 401, "after_idxs": [412], "embed_idxs": [402]}