diff --git "a/filtered/e5fdbcc22e3932587893745ab07eef6e.jsonl" "b/filtered/e5fdbcc22e3932587893745ab07eef6e.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/filtered/e5fdbcc22e3932587893745ab07eef6e.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +{"speaker_id": "246287557184958969", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Tenebril WolfHeart", "hp": "<70/70 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5/Fighter 3", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Katana, +1, 2-Handed Katana, +1, Longbow, Scimitar, Scimitar2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Disguise Self", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Sneak Attack, Maneuvers: Riposte, Action Surge, Second Wind, Superiority Dice, Maneuvers: Quick Toss, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Tall but slender, and clearly one who has lived a troubled life, he seems almost ghost like. He wears his fine clothes mildly awkwardly, as if he is unused to wear such finery. Dressed in all black, his shock of white hair falls messily around his face, in sharp contrast to his clothes. The hilts of many blades peek from between the folds of his midnight cloak, emphasizing the aura of unknown danger that emanates from him.\n\nHe has a small tattoo underneath his right eye, strange symbology but clearly non magical, and another that seems to swirl around different parts of his body in varying shapes and patterns, almost as if it has a life of its own. Amber eyes seem to softly glow and pulse as his unstable mind-state fluctuates from one moment to the next. \n\nHe is clearly struggling with some internal demons that haunt his every moment. His face shifts emotions almost as quickly as the wind shifts direction. He is young, late teens at best, and his age shows in the tenderness in his face. But there is something... dark... that lurks just underneath the barely maintained mask of his youthfulness...\n", "controller_id": "905195855392012939"}, {"name": "Tallulah Mikagura", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5", "race": "Mark of Shadow Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Musket (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria), Rapier, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Invisibility", "actions": "Violent Shot, Sneak Attack, Deadeye Shot, Steady Aim, Shape Shadows: Invisibility, Summon Snipe, Grit Points, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Graceful as much as charming, carrying herself with an casual, leveled confidence and carefree. Tallulah is beautiful, has often numerous praised. Cherry blossom pink hair, long and silk-like flow down till her back and tied into a neat low ponytail, side tresses framing her heart-shaped face. Smiling periwinkle blue eyes that endears the most. She stands at 5'5\" and often not wears intricate layered apparel more towards pleasing to the eyes but always practical.", "controller_id": "246287557184958969"}, {"name": "Rowyn Silverthread", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 5", "race": "Rock Gnome", "attacks": "Hunter's Mark, Shift Hunter's Mark, Longbow of Warning, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Shortsword2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Rope Trick, Disguise Self, Hunter's Mark, Healing Spirit, Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Primeval Awareness, Dread Ambusher", "effects": "Hunter's Mark, Marking Target", "description": null, "controller_id": "726605107544948563"}, {"name": "OW2", "hp": "<34/59 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW3", "hp": "<33/59 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "Jinx Davys", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind, Grappling Pin, Extra Attack, Breath Weapon (Blue)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "256344526533963256"}, {"name": "OW5", "hp": "<-11/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Marked", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Tallulah Mikagura", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5", "race": "Mark of Shadow Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Musket (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria), Rapier, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Invisibility", "actions": "Violent Shot, Sneak Attack, Deadeye Shot, Steady Aim, Shape Shadows: Invisibility, Summon Snipe, Grit Points, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Graceful as much as charming, carrying herself with an casual, leveled confidence and carefree. Tallulah is beautiful, has often numerous praised. Cherry blossom pink hair, long and silk-like flow down till her back and tied into a neat low ponytail, side tresses framing her heart-shaped face. Smiling periwinkle blue eyes that endears the most. She stands at 5'5\" and often not wears intricate layered apparel more towards pleasing to the eyes but always practical.", "controller_id": "246287557184958969"}, "commands_norm": ["!a pistol eadv sneak -d 1d10 -t OW3"], "automation_results": ["Tallulah Mikagura attacks with a Pistol (Exandria)!\nTallulah Mikagura attacked OW3 and hit.\nOW3 took 26 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Tallulah Mikagura", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5", "race": "Mark of Shadow Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Musket (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria), Rapier, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Invisibility", "actions": "Violent Shot, Sneak Attack, Deadeye Shot, Steady Aim, Shape Shadows: Invisibility, Summon Snipe, Grit Points, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Graceful as much as charming, carrying herself with an casual, leveled confidence and carefree. Tallulah is beautiful, has often numerous praised. Cherry blossom pink hair, long and silk-like flow down till her back and tied into a neat low ponytail, side tresses framing her heart-shaped face. Smiling periwinkle blue eyes that endears the most. She stands at 5'5\" and often not wears intricate layered apparel more towards pleasing to the eyes but always practical.", "controller_id": "246287557184958969"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "OW3", "hp": "<7/59 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Tenebril WolfHeart", "hp": "<70/70 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5/Fighter 3", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Katana, +1, 2-Handed Katana, +1, Longbow, Scimitar, Scimitar2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Disguise Self", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Sneak Attack, Maneuvers: Riposte, Action Surge, Second Wind, Superiority Dice, Maneuvers: Quick Toss, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Tall but slender, and clearly one who has lived a troubled life, he seems almost ghost like. He wears his fine clothes mildly awkwardly, as if he is unused to wear such finery. Dressed in all black, his shock of white hair falls messily around his face, in sharp contrast to his clothes. The hilts of many blades peek from between the folds of his midnight cloak, emphasizing the aura of unknown danger that emanates from him.\n\nHe has a small tattoo underneath his right eye, strange symbology but clearly non magical, and another that seems to swirl around different parts of his body in varying shapes and patterns, almost as if it has a life of its own. Amber eyes seem to softly glow and pulse as his unstable mind-state fluctuates from one moment to the next. \n\nHe is clearly struggling with some internal demons that haunt his every moment. His face shifts emotions almost as quickly as the wind shifts direction. He is young, late teens at best, and his age shows in the tenderness in his face. But there is something... dark... that lurks just underneath the barely maintained mask of his youthfulness...\n", "controller_id": "905195855392012939"}, {"name": "Tallulah Mikagura", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5", "race": "Mark of Shadow Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Musket (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria), Rapier, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Invisibility", "actions": "Violent Shot, Sneak Attack, Deadeye Shot, Steady Aim, Shape Shadows: Invisibility, Summon Snipe, Grit Points, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Graceful as much as charming, carrying herself with an casual, leveled confidence and carefree. Tallulah is beautiful, has often numerous praised. Cherry blossom pink hair, long and silk-like flow down till her back and tied into a neat low ponytail, side tresses framing her heart-shaped face. Smiling periwinkle blue eyes that endears the most. She stands at 5'5\" and often not wears intricate layered apparel more towards pleasing to the eyes but always practical.", "controller_id": "246287557184958969"}, {"name": "Rowyn Silverthread", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 5", "race": "Rock Gnome", "attacks": "Hunter's Mark, Shift Hunter's Mark, Longbow of Warning, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Shortsword2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Rope Trick, Disguise Self, Hunter's Mark, Healing Spirit, Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Primeval Awareness, Dread Ambusher", "effects": "Hunter's Mark, Marking Target", "description": null, "controller_id": "726605107544948563"}, {"name": "OW2", "hp": "<34/59 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW3", "hp": "<7/59 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "Jinx Davys", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind, Grappling Pin, Extra Attack, Breath Weapon (Blue)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "256344526533963256"}, {"name": "OW5", "hp": "<-11/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Marked", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}], "after_utterances": ["*Winks and blows the gunsmoke out of the muzzle*", "*Two more shots before reload.*"], "utterance_history": [], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 272, "command_idxs": [277, 278, 281], "after_state_idx": 286, "after_idxs": [282, 288], "embed_idxs": [280]} +{"speaker_id": "726605107544948563", "before_utterances": ["!attack \"longbow\" -t OB4 -rr -d 1d8"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Tenebril WolfHeart", "hp": "<70/70 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5/Fighter 3", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Katana, +1, 2-Handed Katana, +1, Longbow, Scimitar, Scimitar2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Disguise Self", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Sneak Attack, Maneuvers: Riposte, Action Surge, Second Wind, Superiority Dice, Maneuvers: Quick Toss, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Tall but slender, and clearly one who has lived a troubled life, he seems almost ghost like. He wears his fine clothes mildly awkwardly, as if he is unused to wear such finery. Dressed in all black, his shock of white hair falls messily around his face, in sharp contrast to his clothes. The hilts of many blades peek from between the folds of his midnight cloak, emphasizing the aura of unknown danger that emanates from him.\n\nHe has a small tattoo underneath his right eye, strange symbology but clearly non magical, and another that seems to swirl around different parts of his body in varying shapes and patterns, almost as if it has a life of its own. Amber eyes seem to softly glow and pulse as his unstable mind-state fluctuates from one moment to the next. \n\nHe is clearly struggling with some internal demons that haunt his every moment. His face shifts emotions almost as quickly as the wind shifts direction. He is young, late teens at best, and his age shows in the tenderness in his face. But there is something... dark... that lurks just underneath the barely maintained mask of his youthfulness...\n", "controller_id": "905195855392012939"}, {"name": "Tallulah Mikagura", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5", "race": "Mark of Shadow Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Musket (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria), Rapier, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Invisibility", "actions": "Violent Shot, Sneak Attack, Deadeye Shot, Steady Aim, Shape Shadows: Invisibility, Summon Snipe, Grit Points, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Graceful as much as charming, carrying herself with an casual, leveled confidence and carefree. Tallulah is beautiful, has often numerous praised. Cherry blossom pink hair, long and silk-like flow down till her back and tied into a neat low ponytail, side tresses framing her heart-shaped face. Smiling periwinkle blue eyes that endears the most. She stands at 5'5\" and often not wears intricate layered apparel more towards pleasing to the eyes but always practical.", "controller_id": "246287557184958969"}, {"name": "Rowyn Silverthread", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 5", "race": "Rock Gnome", "attacks": "Hunter's Mark, Shift Hunter's Mark, Longbow of Warning, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Shortsword2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Rope Trick, Disguise Self, Hunter's Mark, Healing Spirit, Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Primeval Awareness, Dread Ambusher", "effects": "Hunter's Mark, Marking Target", "description": null, "controller_id": "726605107544948563"}, {"name": "OW2", "hp": "<-2/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW4", "hp": "<22/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW3", "hp": "<-1/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "Jinx Davys", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind, Grappling Pin, Extra Attack, Breath Weapon (Blue)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "256344526533963256"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Rowyn Silverthread", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 5", "race": "Rock Gnome", "attacks": "Hunter's Mark, Shift Hunter's Mark, Longbow of Warning, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Shortsword2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Rope Trick, Disguise Self, Hunter's Mark, Healing Spirit, Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Primeval Awareness, Dread Ambusher", "effects": "Hunter's Mark, Marking Target", "description": null, "controller_id": "726605107544948563"}, "commands_norm": ["!attack \"longbow\" -t OW4 -rr 2 -d 1d8"], "automation_results": ["Rowyn Silverthread attacks with a Longbow of Warning!\nRowyn Silverthread attacked OW4 but missed.\n\nRowyn Silverthread attacked OW4 and hit.\nOW4 took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Rowyn Silverthread", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 5", "race": "Rock Gnome", "attacks": "Hunter's Mark, Shift Hunter's Mark, Longbow of Warning, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Shortsword2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Rope Trick, Disguise Self, Hunter's Mark, Healing Spirit, Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Primeval Awareness, Dread Ambusher", "effects": "Hunter's Mark, Marking Target", "description": null, "controller_id": "726605107544948563"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "OW4", "hp": "<10/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Tenebril WolfHeart", "hp": "<70/70 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5/Fighter 3", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Katana, +1, 2-Handed Katana, +1, Longbow, Scimitar, Scimitar2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Disguise Self", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Sneak Attack, Maneuvers: Riposte, Action Surge, Second Wind, Superiority Dice, Maneuvers: Quick Toss, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Tall but slender, and clearly one who has lived a troubled life, he seems almost ghost like. He wears his fine clothes mildly awkwardly, as if he is unused to wear such finery. Dressed in all black, his shock of white hair falls messily around his face, in sharp contrast to his clothes. The hilts of many blades peek from between the folds of his midnight cloak, emphasizing the aura of unknown danger that emanates from him.\n\nHe has a small tattoo underneath his right eye, strange symbology but clearly non magical, and another that seems to swirl around different parts of his body in varying shapes and patterns, almost as if it has a life of its own. Amber eyes seem to softly glow and pulse as his unstable mind-state fluctuates from one moment to the next. \n\nHe is clearly struggling with some internal demons that haunt his every moment. His face shifts emotions almost as quickly as the wind shifts direction. He is young, late teens at best, and his age shows in the tenderness in his face. But there is something... dark... that lurks just underneath the barely maintained mask of his youthfulness...\n", "controller_id": "905195855392012939"}, {"name": "Tallulah Mikagura", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 5", "race": "Mark of Shadow Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Musket (Exandria), Pistol (Exandria), Rapier, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Invisibility", "actions": "Violent Shot, Sneak Attack, Deadeye Shot, Steady Aim, Shape Shadows: Invisibility, Summon Snipe, Grit Points, Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": "Graceful as much as charming, carrying herself with an casual, leveled confidence and carefree. Tallulah is beautiful, has often numerous praised. Cherry blossom pink hair, long and silk-like flow down till her back and tied into a neat low ponytail, side tresses framing her heart-shaped face. Smiling periwinkle blue eyes that endears the most. She stands at 5'5\" and often not wears intricate layered apparel more towards pleasing to the eyes but always practical.", "controller_id": "246287557184958969"}, {"name": "Rowyn Silverthread", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 5", "race": "Rock Gnome", "attacks": "Hunter's Mark, Shift Hunter's Mark, Longbow of Warning, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Shortsword2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Rope Trick, Disguise Self, Hunter's Mark, Healing Spirit, Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Primeval Awareness, Dread Ambusher", "effects": "Hunter's Mark, Marking Target", "description": null, "controller_id": "726605107544948563"}, {"name": "OW2", "hp": "<-2/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW4", "hp": "<10/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "OW3", "hp": "<-1/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "564908541255925250"}, {"name": "Jinx Davys", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind, Grappling Pin, Extra Attack, Breath Weapon (Blue)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "256344526533963256"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *Winks and blows the gunsmoke out of the muzzle*", "Player 1: *Two more shots before reload.*", "Player 6: !attack \"longbow\" -t OB4 -rr -d 1d8"], "before_idxs": [425], "before_state_idx": 423, "command_idxs": [429, 430, 433], "after_state_idx": 436, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [432]} +{"speaker_id": "317246804344821955", "before_utterances": ["I am a man of honor. I say same position I mean it", "be gentle with me :emojiuwu:", "This us the gentle version lol"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<46/46 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, "commands_norm": ["!a binding -t Jin"], "automation_results": ["Baerick Ulf uses Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified)!\nBaerick Ulf took 2 damage.\nJin Ohara rolled a Strength save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<46/46 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<46/46 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: I am a man of honor. I say same position I mean it", "Player 1: be gentle with me :emojiuwu:", "Player 3: This us the gentle version lol"], "before_idxs": [28, 34, 39], "before_state_idx": 32, "command_idxs": [40, 44, 47], "after_state_idx": 52, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [46]} +{"speaker_id": "317246804344821955", "before_utterances": ["Wouldnt be right if I didnt send it- just gonna go for three"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<46/46 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, "commands_norm": ["!a scim -t Jin -rr 3"], "automation_results": ["Baerick Ulf attacks with a Double-Bladed Scimitar!\nBaerick Ulf attacked Jin Ohara and hit.\nJin Ohara took 9 damage.\nBaerick Ulf attacked Jin Ohara and hit.\nJin Ohara took 10 damage.\nBaerick Ulf attacked Jin Ohara and hit.\nJin Ohara took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<46/46 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<34/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: I am a man of honor. I say same position I mean it", "Player 1: be gentle with me :emojiuwu:", "Player 3: This us the gentle version lol", "Player 3: Wouldnt be right if I didnt send it- just gonna go for three"], "before_idxs": [90], "before_state_idx": 88, "command_idxs": [91, 92, 95], "after_state_idx": 101, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [94]} +{"speaker_id": "139650113149178082", "before_utterances": ["***I WISH I WOULD'VE FUCKING KNOWN THAT A FEW DAYS AGO***"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<34/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<34/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, "commands_norm": ["!a surge"], "automation_results": ["Jin Ohara uses Action Surge!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<34/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Baerick Ulf", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Chill Touch, Green-Flame Blade, Hellish Rebuke, Unseen Servant", "actions": "Blood Maledict, Extra Attack, Blood Curse of Binding, Crimson Rite, Knowledge from a Past Life, Blood Curse of Binding (Amplified), Rite Focus - The Undead, Rite of the Frozen (Damage), Rite of the Frozen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "317246804344821955"}, {"name": "Jin Ohara", "hp": "<34/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Artificer 3", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Ace of Spades, Dagger, Dead Man's Tale, Duality, Handaxe, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mending, Shield, Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements", "actions": "One Thousand Voices, Leviathan's Sigh, Action Surge, Fey Step (Spring), Infuse Item, Second Wind, The Right Tool for the Job, Fey Step, Hollow Bastion, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: I am a man of honor. I say same position I mean it", "Player 1: be gentle with me :emojiuwu:", "Player 3: This us the gentle version lol", "Player 3: Wouldnt be right if I didnt send it- just gonna go for three", "Player 1: ***I WISH I WOULD'VE FUCKING KNOWN THAT A FEW DAYS AGO***"], "before_idxs": [130], "before_state_idx": 122, "command_idxs": [132, 133, 136], "after_state_idx": 143, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [135]} +{"speaker_id": "313872666094206309", "before_utterances": ["!multline\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a bow -t zo3"], "automation_results": ["Slithers attacks with a Shortbow!\nSlithers attacked ZO3 and hit.\nZO3 took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<16/22 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<5/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: !multline\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\""], "before_idxs": [54], "before_state_idx": 85, "command_idxs": [87, 88, 91], "after_state_idx": 94, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [90]} +{"speaker_id": "154772788614904901", "before_utterances": ["!a jav dis -t zo3", "!a javelin dis -t zo3"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<5/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, "commands_norm": ["!a jav dis -t zo3"], "automation_results": ["Leon Fellblade attacks with a Javelin!\nLeon Fellblade attacked ZO3 and hit.\nZO3 took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<-4/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "ZO3", "hp": "<-4/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: !multline\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"", "Player 9: !a jav dis -t zo3", "Player 7: !a javelin dis -t zo3"], "before_idxs": [105, 106], "before_state_idx": 103, "command_idxs": [112, 113, 116], "after_state_idx": 121, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [115]} +{"speaker_id": "154772788614904901", "before_utterances": ["`!a smite -b 1d8 -t zo1`"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Blessed, Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "Bless", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<9/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<18/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<9/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, "commands_norm": ["!a great -t oz1"], "automation_results": ["Leon Fellblade attacks with a Greatsword!\nLeon Fellblade attacked OZ1 and hit.\nOZ1 took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<10/85 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Blessed, Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "Bless", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<9/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<-13/85 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<9/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: !multline\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"", "Player 9: !a jav dis -t zo3", "Player 7: !a javelin dis -t zo3", "Player 9: `!a smite -b 1d8 -t zo1`"], "before_idxs": [359], "before_state_idx": 353, "command_idxs": [360, 361, 364], "after_state_idx": 369, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [363]} +{"speaker_id": "120611078890081534", "before_utterances": ["*walks up the wall to stand on the roof and shoots down at oz3*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK2", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "SK4", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Vampiric Bite", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Blessed, Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<68/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "Bless", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<-1/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<-13/85 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<3/22 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Vampiric Bite", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast blast ab adv -t oz3"], "automation_results": ["Sylvia Ordelia casts Eldritch Blast!\nSylvia Ordelia attacked OZ3 and hit.\nOZ3 took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Vampiric Bite", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<63/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK2", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "SK4", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Blessed, Vampiric Bite", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Blessed, Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ3", "hp": "<63/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "Bless", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO5", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO2", "hp": "<-1/22 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "OZ1", "hp": "<-13/85 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO1", "hp": "<3/22 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO6", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: !multline\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"\n!i madd \"Ogre Zombie\"", "Player 9: !a jav dis -t zo3", "Player 7: !a javelin dis -t zo3", "Player 9: `!a smite -b 1d8 -t zo1`", "Player 8: *walks up the wall to stand on the roof and shoots down at oz3*"], "before_idxs": [529], "before_state_idx": 527, "command_idxs": [531, 532, 535], "after_state_idx": 538, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [534]} +{"speaker_id": "120611078890081534", "before_utterances": ["*and i just started blasting sk3*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "SK4", "hp": "<-2/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "commands_norm": ["!a cast blast ab -t sk3"], "automation_results": ["Sylvia Ordelia uses Agonizing Blast!\nSK3 took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<5/13 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<13/13 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "SK4", "hp": "<-2/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: !a jav dis -t zo3", "Player 7: !a javelin dis -t zo3", "Player 9: `!a smite -b 1d8 -t zo1`", "Player 8: *walks up the wall to stand on the roof and shoots down at oz3*", "Player 8: *and i just started blasting sk3*"], "before_idxs": [1129], "before_state_idx": 1127, "command_idxs": [1131, 1134, 1137], "after_state_idx": 1139, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1136]} +{"speaker_id": "313872666094206309", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<3/13 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "SK4", "hp": "<-2/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, "commands_norm": ["!a stick adv sneak -t sk3"], "automation_results": ["Slithers attacks with a Pointy stick ! (Rapier)!\nSlithers attacked SK3 and hit.\nSK3 took 21 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SK3", "hp": "<-18/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "SK3", "hp": "<-18/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "SK4", "hp": "<-2/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": ["*Looks up to Sylvia with sad eyes.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: !a jav dis -t zo3", "Player 7: !a javelin dis -t zo3", "Player 9: `!a smite -b 1d8 -t zo1`", "Player 8: *walks up the wall to stand on the roof and shoots down at oz3*", "Player 8: *and i just started blasting sk3*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1184, "command_idxs": [1187, 1188, 1191], "after_state_idx": 1196, "after_idxs": [1202], "embed_idxs": [1190]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<56/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<48/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<48/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a hurl -t sylv -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["BD3 attacks with Hurl Flame!\nBD3 attacked Sylvia Ordelia but missed.\n\nBD3 attacked Sylvia Ordelia but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<48/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "ZO4", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Zombie", "attacks": "Slam, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<56/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "OZ2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ogre Zombie", "attacks": "Morningstar, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<48/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": ["Sylvia Ran over the building out of sight, and it is your turn"], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: !a javelin dis -t zo3", "Player 9: `!a smite -b 1d8 -t zo1`", "Player 8: *walks up the wall to stand on the roof and shoots down at oz3*", "Player 8: *and i just started blasting sk3*", "Player 6: *Looks up to Sylvia with sad eyes.*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1356, "command_idxs": [1361, 1362, 1365], "after_state_idx": 1368, "after_idxs": [1371], "embed_idxs": [1364]} +{"speaker_id": "545114601377345713", "before_utterances": ["You can take a shot with flat roll if you want - dis for glass pane, adv for not seen", "*you now see 4 Devils, and one slumped Sylvia, and 2 humanoids in the back looking messed up*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<55/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<36/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a hurl -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["BD1 attacks with Hurl Flame!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<55/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<36/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: *and i just started blasting sk3*", "Player 6: *Looks up to Sylvia with sad eyes.*", "Player 9: Sylvia Ran over the building out of sight, and it is your turn", "Player 9: You can take a shot with flat roll if you want - dis for glass pane, adv for not seen", "Player 9: *you now see 4 Devils, and one slumped Sylvia, and 2 humanoids in the back looking messed up*"], "before_idxs": [1824, 1831], "before_state_idx": 1836, "command_idxs": [1839, 1840, 1843], "after_state_idx": 1846, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1842]} +{"speaker_id": "313872666094206309", "before_utterances": ["\"You no hurt friend Sylvia !\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<-2/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<25/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<8/110 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rapier adv sneak -t bd3"], "automation_results": ["Slithers attacks with a Pointy stick ! (Rapier)!\nSlithers attacked BD3 and crit!\nBD3 took 18 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "BD3", "hp": "<-10/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "BD4", "hp": "<-2/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<25/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<-10/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 6: *Looks up to Sylvia with sad eyes.*", "Player 9: Sylvia Ran over the building out of sight, and it is your turn", "Player 9: You can take a shot with flat roll if you want - dis for glass pane, adv for not seen", "Player 9: *you now see 4 Devils, and one slumped Sylvia, and 2 humanoids in the back looking messed up*", "Player 6: \"You no hurt friend Sylvia !\""], "before_idxs": [1973], "before_state_idx": 1970, "command_idxs": [1975, 1976, 1979], "after_state_idx": 1982, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1978]} +{"speaker_id": "120611078890081534", "before_utterances": ["*stands up, peaks out, blasts retreats back again*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<25/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<-10/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast blast ab -t bd2"], "automation_results": ["Sylvia Ordelia casts Eldritch Blast!\nSylvia Ordelia attacked BD2 and hit.\nBD2 took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "BD2", "hp": "<16/110 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<16/110 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}, {"name": "BD3", "hp": "<-10/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: Sylvia Ran over the building out of sight, and it is your turn", "Player 9: You can take a shot with flat roll if you want - dis for glass pane, adv for not seen", "Player 9: *you now see 4 Devils, and one slumped Sylvia, and 2 humanoids in the back looking messed up*", "Player 6: \"You no hurt friend Sylvia !\"", "Player 8: *stands up, peaks out, blasts retreats back again*"], "before_idxs": [2025], "before_state_idx": 2023, "command_idxs": [2027, 2028, 2031], "after_state_idx": 2034, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2030]} +{"speaker_id": "120611078890081534", "before_utterances": ["*moves up, blasts bd2 retreats*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<16/110 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast blast ab -t bd2"], "automation_results": ["Sylvia Ordelia casts Eldritch Blast!\nSylvia Ordelia attacked BD2 and hit.\nBD2 took 11 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "BD2", "hp": "<5/110 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "BD2", "hp": "<5/110 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: You can take a shot with flat roll if you want - dis for glass pane, adv for not seen", "Player 9: *you now see 4 Devils, and one slumped Sylvia, and 2 humanoids in the back looking messed up*", "Player 6: \"You no hurt friend Sylvia !\"", "Player 8: *stands up, peaks out, blasts retreats back again*", "Player 8: *moves up, blasts bd2 retreats*"], "before_idxs": [2098], "before_state_idx": 2096, "command_idxs": [2100, 2101, 2104], "after_state_idx": 2107, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2103]} +{"speaker_id": "120611078890081534", "before_utterances": ["*gives lay on hands to slithers*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}], "current_actor": {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, "commands_norm": ["!a lay -amt 5 -t slithers"], "automation_results": ["Sylvia Ordelia uses Lay on Hands!\nSlithers healed for -5 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Slithers", "hp": "<15/15 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 3", "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Pointy stick ! (Rapier), Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Skirmisher, Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "313872666094206309"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "545114601377345713"}, {"name": "Leon Fellblade", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Lay on Hands", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "154772788614904901"}, {"name": "Sylvia Ordelia", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 1/Warlock 3", "race": "Dhampir", "attacks": "Durandal, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Hex, Misty Step, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Hellish Rebuke, Enthrall", "actions": "Divine Sense, Vampiric Bite (Bonus), Hexblade's Curse, Vampiric Bite (Heal), Fanged Bite, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Lay on Hands (Restoration), Agonizing Blast, Hex Warrior, Create Pact Weapon, Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": "Before you stands a 5'5\" woman. Her skin pale and as smooth as porcelain. Her hair is a very light platinum blonde closer to a grey in colour. Her eyes a piercing baby blue with narrowed irises. Beneath her left eye are two beauty marks. The clothes she wears are of a gothic lolitta style, with many frills, decorations and black roses adorning it. Atop her head sits a small black top hat that has a black bow and black roses tied to it as it sits slightly askew on her head.", "controller_id": "120611078890081534"}, {"name": "Ostap", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guiding Bolt, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Heroism, Resistance, Bane, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity, War Caster, Voice of Authority, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Order's Demand", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": "A grey-haired, slightly fat man in a worn armor of a battle cleric.\n\nHe winks at you knowingly, as if he knows your secret, and is amused by it.", "controller_id": "233320961879815704"}, {"name": "Trildea Boumstck", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 4", "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Moon-Touched Sword, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Lesser Restoration, Shield of Faith, Pass without Trace, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Guidance, Toll the Dead, Ice Knife, Silence, Word of Radiance, Aid, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Absorb Elements, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt", "actions": "Channel Divinity, Harness Divine Power, Nimble Escape: Hide, Nimble Escape: Disengage, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Fury of the Small", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "274460719027651018"}], "after_utterances": ["*also makes their way back*", "*pat pat and gives cookie*", "*pulls a vial of blood from her pouch and sips it*", "*takes out an apple juice box and gives it to slithers*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: *you now see 4 Devils, and one slumped Sylvia, and 2 humanoids in the back looking messed up*", "Player 6: \"You no hurt friend Sylvia !\"", "Player 8: *stands up, peaks out, blasts retreats back again*", "Player 8: *moves up, blasts bd2 retreats*", "Player 8: *gives lay on hands to slithers*"], "before_idxs": [2174], "before_state_idx": 2154, "command_idxs": [2176, 2179, 2182], "after_state_idx": 2250, "after_idxs": [2183, 2186, 2192, 2196], "embed_idxs": [2181]} +{"speaker_id": "218180695896552538", "before_utterances": ["\"If you are a truly devoted to Sol, you will allow a fellow devotee and his friends safe passage.\"", "\"Get ready guys, they are coming\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "commands_norm": ["!a longsword k09"], "automation_results": ["Victor Stormborne attacks with a Longsword!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: \"If you are a truly devoted to Sol, you will allow a fellow devotee and his friends safe passage.\"", "Player 3[2]: \"Get ready guys, they are coming\""], "before_idxs": [22, 55], "before_state_idx": 73, "command_idxs": [76, 77, 80], "after_state_idx": 108, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [79]} +{"speaker_id": "218180695896552538", "before_utterances": ["move and use breath weapon", "*moves towards ko9 and slashes it with his longsword*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "commands_norm": ["!a longsword -t ko9"], "automation_results": ["Victor Stormborne attacks with a Longsword!\nVictor Stormborne attacked KO9 and hit.\nKO9 took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: \"If you are a truly devoted to Sol, you will allow a fellow devotee and his friends safe passage.\"", "Player 3[2]: \"Get ready guys, they are coming\"", "Player 3[2]: move and use breath weapon", "Player 3[2]: *moves towards ko9 and slashes it with his longsword*"], "before_idxs": [98, 104], "before_state_idx": 78, "command_idxs": [106, 107, 110], "after_state_idx": 117, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [109]} +{"speaker_id": "630864819618590178", "before_utterances": ["its a small broken wall, you can just walk over it", "*Thinks of all the times those wolves didnt let him pet them*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rage"], "automation_results": ["Wick Brackshaw uses Rage!\nWick Brackshaw gained Rage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: \"Get ready guys, they are coming\"", "Player 3[2]: move and use breath weapon", "Player 3[2]: *moves towards ko9 and slashes it with his longsword*", "Player 5: its a small broken wall, you can just walk over it", "Player 6(3): *Thinks of all the times those wolves didnt let him pet them*"], "before_idxs": [128, 132], "before_state_idx": 125, "command_idxs": [134, 135, 138], "after_state_idx": 143, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [137]} +{"speaker_id": "630864819618590178", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Greatsword -t KO7 adv -d +2"], "automation_results": ["Wick Brackshaw attacks with a Greatsword!\nWick Brackshaw attacked KO7 and hit.\nKO7 took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": ["||*\"All of you will die\"*||"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: \"Get ready guys, they are coming\"", "Player 3[2]: move and use breath weapon", "Player 3[2]: *moves towards ko9 and slashes it with his longsword*", "Player 5: its a small broken wall, you can just walk over it", "Player 6(3): *Thinks of all the times those wolves didnt let him pet them*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 143, "command_idxs": [150, 151, 154], "after_state_idx": 157, "after_idxs": [161], "embed_idxs": [153]} +{"speaker_id": "117898442021449290", "before_utterances": ["!ma gdw1 \"Fire Breath\" -t Ry\u016bki", "!ma gdw1 Fire -t Ry\u016bki", "!mcast gdw1 Fire -t Ry\u016bki", "do you have adv in dex save?", "!ma 'GDW' \"Breath Weapon\" -t Ry\u016bki"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma \"Gold Dragon Wyrmling\" \"Breath Weapon\" -t ry"], "automation_results": ["A Gold Dragon Wyrmling unleashes their Fire Breath!\nRy\u016bki rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nRy\u016bki took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Fighting Spirit", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: !ma gdw1 \"Fire Breath\" -t Player 9", "Player 5: !ma gdw1 Fire -t Player 9", "Player 5: !mcast gdw1 Fire -t Player 9", "Player 5: do you have adv in dex save?", "Player 5: !ma 'GDW' \"Breath Weapon\" -t Player 9"], "before_idxs": [185, 190, 195, 203, 206], "before_state_idx": 169, "command_idxs": [214, 217, 220], "after_state_idx": 227, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [219]} +{"speaker_id": "309387977967588335", "before_utterances": ["I guess it was the special char in the name"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Fighting Spirit"], "automation_results": ["Ry\u016bki uses Fighting Spirit!\nRy\u016bki gained Fighting Spirit.\nRy\u016bki gained 5 temp HP."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Fighting Spirit", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<47/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Fighting Spirit", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: !ma gdw1 Fire -t Player 9", "Player 5: !mcast gdw1 Fire -t Player 9", "Player 5: do you have adv in dex save?", "Player 5: !ma 'GDW' \"Breath Weapon\" -t Player 9", "Player 5: I guess it was the special char in the name"], "before_idxs": [222], "before_state_idx": 218, "command_idxs": [225, 226, 229], "after_state_idx": 232, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [228]} +{"speaker_id": "755129159919075510", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<23/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"Blindness\" -t GDW1"], "automation_results": ["Eirhorn casts Blindness/Deafness!\nGDW1 rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nGDW1 gained Blinded/Deafened."], "caster_after": {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<23/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<100/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": ["_First instinct is to try and blind it so they squeeze through and casts, then they take cover behind a wall_"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: !ma gdw1 Fire -t Player 9", "Player 5: !mcast gdw1 Fire -t Player 9", "Player 5: do you have adv in dex save?", "Player 5: !ma 'GDW' \"Breath Weapon\" -t Player 9", "Player 5: I guess it was the special char in the name"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 260, "command_idxs": [268, 269, 272], "after_state_idx": 285, "after_idxs": [295], "embed_idxs": [271]} +{"speaker_id": "117898442021449290", "before_utterances": ["it was supposed to be stronger but it took the default HP"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma kobold dagger -t ry"], "automation_results": ["A Kobold attacks with a Dagger!\nKobold attacked Ry\u016bki but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Kobold", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO3", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO9", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO4", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: do you have adv in dex save?", "Player 5: !ma 'GDW' \"Breath Weapon\" -t Player 9", "Player 5: I guess it was the special char in the name", "Player 2: _First instinct is to try and blind it so they squeeze through and casts, then they take cover behind a wall_", "Player 5: it was supposed to be stronger but it took the default HP"], "before_idxs": [304], "before_state_idx": 308, "command_idxs": [310, 311, 314], "after_state_idx": 317, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [313]} +{"speaker_id": "117898442021449290", "before_utterances": ["*Aron's hands crackle with energy as he points to the kobolds that are the furthest and shoots out two beams of energy, which obliterates them*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma kobold dagger -t ry adv"], "automation_results": ["A Kobold attacks with a Dagger!\nKobold attacked Ry\u016bki and hit.\nRy\u016bki took 3 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kobold", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: !ma 'GDW' \"Breath Weapon\" -t Player 9", "Player 5: I guess it was the special char in the name", "Player 2: _First instinct is to try and blind it so they squeeze through and casts, then they take cover behind a wall_", "Player 5: it was supposed to be stronger but it took the default HP", "Player 5: *Player 10's hands crackle with energy as he points to the kobolds that are the furthest and shoots out two beams of energy, which obliterates them*"], "before_idxs": [338], "before_state_idx": 354, "command_idxs": [357, 358, 361], "after_state_idx": 364, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [360]} +{"speaker_id": "218180695896552538", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"Breath Weapon\" -t KO8 -t KO10 -t KO5"], "automation_results": ["Victor Stormborne uses Breath Weapon (Gold)!\nKO8 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nKO8 took 2 damage.\nKO10 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nKO10 took 2 damage.\nKO5 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nKO5 took 2 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: (can i attack from here so that it hits all 3 but misses ryuki?", "Player 5: move the token, I am not understanding", "Player 5: if you stand right beside me, in my block, you can attack them safely", "Player 5: you just have to move out after the attack", "Player 5: can't end your turn in my block"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 364, "command_idxs": [404, 405, 408], "after_state_idx": 427, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [407]} +{"speaker_id": "218180695896552538", "before_utterances": ["no, they are not resistant to fire, they just made the dex save that is why half dmg", "i want to cast shield of fatih to ryuki"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"Shield of Faith\" -t Ry\u016bki"], "automation_results": ["Victor Stormborne casts Shield of Faith!\nRy\u016bki gained Shielded by Faith."], "caster_after": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": ["\"May Sol, protect you Ryuki\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: if you stand right beside me, in my block, you can attack them safely", "Player 5: you just have to move out after the attack", "Player 5: can't end your turn in my block", "Player 5: no, they are not resistant to fire, they just made the dex save that is why half dmg", "Player 3[2]: i want to cast shield of fatih to ryuki"], "before_idxs": [418, 420], "before_state_idx": 406, "command_idxs": [425, 426, 429], "after_state_idx": 436, "after_idxs": [431], "embed_idxs": [428]} +{"speaker_id": "117898442021449290", "before_utterances": ["!ma kobold -t ry adv"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma kobold dagger -t ry adv"], "automation_results": ["A Kobold attacks with a Dagger!\nKobold attacked Ry\u016bki but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Kobold", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO7", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: can't end your turn in my block", "Player 5: no, they are not resistant to fire, they just made the dex save that is why half dmg", "Player 3[2]: i want to cast shield of fatih to ryuki", "Player 3[2]: \"May Sol, protect you Ryuki\"", "Player 5: !ma kobold -t ry adv"], "before_idxs": [442], "before_state_idx": 436, "command_idxs": [445, 446, 449], "after_state_idx": 456, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [448]} +{"speaker_id": "630864819618590178", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<-15/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, "commands_norm": ["!a wild surge"], "automation_results": ["Wick Brackshaw uses Wild Surge - Protective Shroud!\nWick Brackshaw gained Wild Surge - Protective Shroud."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<-15/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": ["It files back to the fountain and drinks from it"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: can't end your turn in my block", "Player 5: no, they are not resistant to fire, they just made the dex save that is why half dmg", "Player 3[2]: i want to cast shield of fatih to ryuki", "Player 3[2]: \"May Sol, protect you Ryuki\"", "Player 5: !ma kobold -t ry adv"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 464, "command_idxs": [468, 471, 474], "after_state_idx": 477, "after_idxs": [479], "embed_idxs": [473]} +{"speaker_id": "309387977967588335", "before_utterances": ["So, it can't move right?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<-15/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<63/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!init aoo Ry\u016bki glaive -t GDW1"], "automation_results": ["Ry\u016bki attacks with a Glaive!\nRy\u016bki attacked GDW1 and hit.\nGDW1 took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<51/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<51/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<-15/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Oh? Where are you going? You're staying right here\"", "Seeing that you stopped him from doing what he wants, he attacks you"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: i want to cast shield of fatih to ryuki", "Player 3[2]: \"May Sol, protect you Ryuki\"", "Player 5: !ma kobold -t ry adv", "Player 5: It files back to the fountain and drinks from it", "Player 5: So, it can't move right?"], "before_idxs": [487], "before_state_idx": 477, "command_idxs": [490, 491, 494], "after_state_idx": 507, "after_idxs": [496, 498], "embed_idxs": [493]} +{"speaker_id": "117898442021449290", "before_utterances": ["!ma gdw1 \"Breath Weapons\" -t ry"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<51/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO6", "hp": "<-15/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<51/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!ma \"Gold Dragon Wyrmling\" \"Breath Weapons\" -t ry"], "automation_results": ["A Gold Dragon Wyrmling unleashes their Weakening Breath!\nRy\u016bki rolled a Strength save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<0/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<-15/60 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: It files back to the fountain and drinks from it", "Player 5: So, it can't move right?", "Player 1: \"Oh? Where are you going? You're staying right here\"", "Player 5: Seeing that you stopped him from doing what he wants, he attacks you", "Player 5: !ma gdw1 \"Breath Weapons\" -t ry"], "before_idxs": [499], "before_state_idx": 492, "command_idxs": [503, 506, 507, 509, 520, 527, 531, 548, 553, 558, 567, 584, 591, 598, 603, 607, 612, 616, 626, 640, 645, 650, 655, 660, 702, 712, 724, 737, 756, 761, 768, 773, 778, 787, 791, 796, 818, 825, 833, 838, 844, 849, 856, 867, 874, 880, 884, 888], "after_state_idx": 888, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [508]} +{"speaker_id": "309387977967588335", "before_utterances": ["its not a true dragon", "*Internally: \"Dragon, or Kobolds...think the dragon is up to something, but then again, I'm surrounded....\"*", "go go go, finish him", "\"Hey, I'll focus on the dragon. I'll trust my back to you guys\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<51/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Glaive -t GDW1"], "automation_results": ["Ry\u016bki attacks with a Glaive!\nRy\u016bki attacked GDW1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<51/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<45/60 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO10", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: !ma gdw1 \"Breath Weapons\" -t ry", "Player 5: its not a true dragon", "Player 1: *Internally: \"Dragon, or Kobolds...think the dragon is up to something, but then again, I'm surrounded....\"*", "Player 5: go go go, finish him", "Player 1: \"Hey, I'll focus on the dragon. I'll trust my back to you guys\""], "before_idxs": [534, 538, 539, 542], "before_state_idx": 531, "command_idxs": [546, 547, 550], "after_state_idx": 553, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [549]} +{"speaker_id": "218180695896552538", "before_utterances": ["definitely slay with his longsword"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<26/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Divine Favour"], "automation_results": ["Victor Stormborne uses Divine Smite!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<26/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: its not a true dragon", "Player 1: *Internally: \"Dragon, or Kobolds...think the dragon is up to something, but then again, I'm surrounded....\"*", "Player 5: go go go, finish him", "Player 1: \"Hey, I'll focus on the dragon. I'll trust my back to you guys\"", "Player 3[2]: definitely slay with his longsword"], "before_idxs": [682], "before_state_idx": 660, "command_idxs": [697, 701, 704], "after_state_idx": 712, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [703]} +{"speaker_id": "218180695896552538", "before_utterances": [" ???"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<26/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Longsword -t GDW1"], "automation_results": ["Victor Stormborne attacks with a Longsword!\nVictor Stormborne attacked GDW1 and hit.\nGDW1 took 11 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<15/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *Internally: \"Dragon, or Kobolds...think the dragon is up to something, but then again, I'm surrounded....\"*", "Player 5: go go go, finish him", "Player 1: \"Hey, I'll focus on the dragon. I'll trust my back to you guys\"", "Player 3[2]: definitely slay with his longsword", "Player 3[2]: ???"], "before_idxs": [732], "before_state_idx": 724, "command_idxs": [735, 736, 739], "after_state_idx": 756, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [738]} +{"speaker_id": "309387977967588335", "before_utterances": ["it tries to move again"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!init aoo Ry\u016bki glaive -t GDW1"], "automation_results": ["Ry\u016bki attacks with a Glaive!\nRy\u016bki attacked GDW1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: go go go, finish him", "Player 1: \"Hey, I'll focus on the dragon. I'll trust my back to you guys\"", "Player 3[2]: definitely slay with his longsword", "Player 3[2]: ???", "Player 5: it tries to move again"], "before_idxs": [793], "before_state_idx": 791, "command_idxs": [794, 795, 798], "after_state_idx": 818, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [797]} +{"speaker_id": "218180695896552538", "before_utterances": [" this then?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!init aoo Victor Longsword -t GDW1"], "automation_results": ["Victor Stormborne attacks with a Longsword!\nVictor Stormborne attacked GDW1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"Hey, I'll focus on the dragon. I'll trust my back to you guys\"", "Player 3[2]: definitely slay with his longsword", "Player 3[2]: ???", "Player 5: it tries to move again", "Player 3[2]: this then?"], "before_idxs": [814], "before_state_idx": 796, "command_idxs": [816, 817, 820], "after_state_idx": 825, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [819]} +{"speaker_id": "309387977967588335", "before_utterances": ["*Clicks his tongue as the dragon manages to leave*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<5/5 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Glaive -t KO2"], "automation_results": ["Ry\u016bki attacks with a Glaive!\nRy\u016bki attacked KO2 and crit!\nKO2 took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "KO2", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<3/5 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: definitely slay with his longsword", "Player 3[2]: ???", "Player 5: it tries to move again", "Player 3[2]: this then?", "Player 1: *Clicks his tongue as the dragon manages to leave*"], "before_idxs": [827], "before_state_idx": 825, "command_idxs": [831, 832, 835], "after_state_idx": 838, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [834]} +{"speaker_id": "755129159919075510", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<0/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"Healing word\" -t Ry"], "automation_results": ["Eirhorn casts Healing Word!\nRy\u016bki healed for -7 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KO5", "hp": "<0/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Victor Stormborne", "hp": "<20/20 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2", "race": "Dragonborn", "attacks": "Divine Favor, Dagger, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Breath Weapon (Gold), Divine Smite", "effects": "Divine Favor, Favor of the Divine", "description": null, "controller_id": "218180695896552538"}, {"name": "KO1", "hp": "<-5/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Wick Brackshaw", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Wild Surge - Protective Shroud (Target), Wild Surge - Light Burst, Rage, Wild Surge, Magic Awareness, Wild Surge - Wild Weapon, Wild Surge - Wild Growth, Wild Surge - Wild Teleportation, Wild Surge - Explosive Fey, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud, Wild Surge - Vampiric Burst, Wild Surge - Retribution", "effects": "Rage, Wild Surge - Protective Shroud", "description": null, "controller_id": "630864819618590178"}, {"name": "GDW1", "hp": "<11/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gold Dragon Wyrmling", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath, Weakening Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded/Deafened, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Ry\u016bki", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "attacks": "Dagger, Dart, Glaive, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Longbow, Moon-Touched Katana, 2-Handed Moon-Touched Katana, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Warhammer, 2-Handed Warhammer, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Poison Spray, Animal Friendship", "actions": "Innate Spellcasting: Suggestion, Action Surge, Fighting Spirit, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Sentinel Attack", "effects": "", "description": "A quiet and reserved man in his early twenties. Clad in dark robes under heavy armour, Ry\u016bki speaks softly, but assuredly, and is always vigilant of his surroundings. \n\nStanding at exactly 6 feet and possessing a lean but athletic build, Ry\u016bki could be considered attractive, if one were to disregard the scars that littered his body, most notably the large scar across his face, his inhuman eyes, and small patches of scales that could be overlooked or mistaken as tattoos.", "controller_id": "309387977967588335"}, {"name": "Eirhorn", "hp": "<21/21 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Harengon", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Shield of Faith, Sacred Flame, Blindness/Deafness, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, False Life, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Command, Healing Word, Light", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Touch of Death, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "755129159919075510"}, {"name": "KO2", "hp": "<-7/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "KO8", "hp": "<-12/5 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold", "attacks": "Dagger, Sling", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Weakened", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "Crown of Madness", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": ["_Eir smacks the last Kobold as they are running to help Ryuki take this thing down _"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3[2]: definitely slay with his longsword", "Player 3[2]: ???", "Player 5: it tries to move again", "Player 3[2]: this then?", "Player 1: *Clicks his tongue as the dragon manages to leave*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 856, "command_idxs": [865, 866, 869], "after_state_idx": 874, "after_idxs": [870], "embed_idxs": [868]} +{"speaker_id": "139650113149178082", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a arms -rr 3"], "automation_results": ["Haru Maheshvara attacks with an Unarmed Strike2!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: \"That's not good.\" *He chuckles as he takes a drag* \"So take the stealth route and stop the ritual from commencing?\"", "Player 2: just for context, we don't know for certain if the lich is in the building)", "Player 9: \"I'm not exactly built for infiltration.\" *He laughs nervously*", "Player 9: \"I can certainly try going along with that group however.\"", "Player 9: *Haru smiles warmly and walks over towards the cultist and just fucking decks him*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 162, "command_idxs": [399, 402, 403, 405], "after_state_idx": 403, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [404]} +{"speaker_id": "209713508882789472", "before_utterances": ["He\u2019s not here but going to cast a spell on him"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "commands_norm": ["!a armor"], "automation_results": ["Shionne Vael uses Armor of Shadows!\nShionne Vael gained Mage Armor."], "caster_after": {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: just for context, we don't know for certain if the lich is in the building)", "Player 9: \"I'm not exactly built for infiltration.\" *He laughs nervously*", "Player 9: \"I can certainly try going along with that group however.\"", "Player 9: *Haru smiles warmly and walks over towards the cultist and just fucking decks him*", "Player 2: He\u2019s not here but going to cast a spell on him"], "before_idxs": [485], "before_state_idx": 501, "command_idxs": [503, 504, 505, 507], "after_state_idx": 505, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [506]} +{"speaker_id": "318766063313211551", "before_utterances": ["thats my 10ft to get on the map"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<72/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "commands_norm": ["!a great -rr 3 -t GL5"], "automation_results": ["Kaiphas Sol attacks with a Greatsword!\nKaiphas Sol attacked GL5 but missed.\n\nKaiphas Sol attacked GL5 and hit.\nGL5 took 7 damage.\nKaiphas Sol attacked GL5 and hit.\nGL5 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GL5", "hp": "<91/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<91/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<72/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: \"I'm not exactly built for infiltration.\" *He laughs nervously*", "Player 9: \"I can certainly try going along with that group however.\"", "Player 9: *Haru smiles warmly and walks over towards the cultist and just fucking decks him*", "Player 2: He\u2019s not here but going to cast a spell on him", "Player 11: thats my 10ft to get on the map"], "before_idxs": [707], "before_state_idx": 702, "command_idxs": [713, 714, 715, 717, 720], "after_state_idx": 720, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [716]} +{"speaker_id": "159988175819444750", "before_utterances": ["Dodges after going down the steps and getting here"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<6/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a spear -t Haru -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["GL5 attacks with a Spear (1H)!\nGL5 attacked Haru Maheshvara but missed.\n\nGL5 attacked Haru Maheshvara but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<6/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: \"I can certainly try going along with that group however.\"", "Player 9: *Haru smiles warmly and walks over towards the cultist and just fucking decks him*", "Player 2: He\u2019s not here but going to cast a spell on him", "Player 11: thats my 10ft to get on the map", "Player 2: Dodges after going down the steps and getting here"], "before_idxs": [855], "before_state_idx": 862, "command_idxs": [867, 870, 871, 873, 876], "after_state_idx": 876, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [872]} +{"speaker_id": "159988175819444750", "before_utterances": ["Going to move it down to not hit the friends"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<6/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<100/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "commands_norm": ["!i cast flame strike -t Kinless -t Kaiphas -t Haru"], "automation_results": ["WP1 casts Flame Strike!\nG'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nG'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala took 18 damage.\nKaiphas Sol rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nKaiphas Sol took 25 damage.\nHaru Maheshvara rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nHaru Maheshvara took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<6/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<100/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: *Haru smiles warmly and walks over towards the cultist and just fucking decks him*", "Player 2: He\u2019s not here but going to cast a spell on him", "Player 11: thats my 10ft to get on the map", "Player 2: Dodges after going down the steps and getting here", "Player 2: Going to move it down to not hit the friends"], "before_idxs": [962], "before_state_idx": 953, "command_idxs": [963, 964, 965, 967], "after_state_idx": 965, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [966]} +{"speaker_id": "159988175819444750", "before_utterances": ["This one going to do the same spell in the same area"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<6/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<100/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "commands_norm": ["!i cast flame strike -t Haru -t Kinless -t Kaiphas"], "automation_results": ["WP3 casts Flame Strike!\nHaru Maheshvara rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nHaru Maheshvara took 10 damage.\nG'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nG'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala took 9 damage.\nKaiphas Sol rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nKaiphas Sol took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<105/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<107/117 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP3", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "GL1", "hp": "<6/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Giants Might", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<100/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: He\u2019s not here but going to cast a spell on him", "Player 11: thats my 10ft to get on the map", "Player 2: Dodges after going down the steps and getting here", "Player 2: Going to move it down to not hit the friends", "Player 2: This one going to do the same spell in the same area"], "before_idxs": [992], "before_state_idx": 986, "command_idxs": [995, 996, 997, 999], "after_state_idx": 997, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [998]} +{"speaker_id": "318766063313211551", "before_utterances": ["no more dis because blindsight", "still got adv from flank"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<65/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians, Healing Light Used, Holy Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<79/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<13/42 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<44/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<59/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "commands_norm": ["!a great -rr 3 adv -t GL5"], "automation_results": ["Kaiphas Sol attacks with a Greatsword!\nKaiphas Sol attacked GL5 and hit.\nGL5 took 9 damage.\nKaiphas Sol attacked GL5 and hit.\nGL5 took 15 damage.\nKaiphas Sol attacked GL5 and hit.\nGL5 took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GL5", "hp": "<29/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<29/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians, Healing Light Used, Holy Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<79/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<13/42 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<44/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<59/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Dodges after going down the steps and getting here", "Player 2: Going to move it down to not hit the friends", "Player 2: This one going to do the same spell in the same area", "Player 11: no more dis because blindsight", "Player 11: still got adv from flank"], "before_idxs": [1557, 1559], "before_state_idx": 1555, "command_idxs": [1562, 1563, 1564, 1566], "after_state_idx": 1564, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1565]} +{"speaker_id": "318766063313211551", "before_utterances": ["BA second wind because i\u2019m hurting"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<29/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians, Healing Light Used, Holy Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<79/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<13/42 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<44/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<59/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "commands_norm": ["!a second"], "automation_results": ["Kaiphas Sol uses Second Wind!\nKaiphas Sol healed for -19 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL5", "hp": "<29/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians, Healing Light Used, Holy Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<79/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<13/42 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<44/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<59/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Going to move it down to not hit the friends", "Player 2: This one going to do the same spell in the same area", "Player 11: no more dis because blindsight", "Player 11: still got adv from flank", "Player 11: BA second wind because i\u2019m hurting"], "before_idxs": [1567], "before_state_idx": 1564, "command_idxs": [1568, 1569, 1570, 1572, 1575], "after_state_idx": 1575, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1571]} +{"speaker_id": "139650113149178082", "before_utterances": ["flying 10ft and back down"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians, Healing Light Used, Holy Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<79/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<13/42 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<44/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<59/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, "commands_norm": ["!a short -t gl4"], "automation_results": ["Haru Maheshvara attacks with a Shortbow!\nHaru Maheshvara attacked GL4 and hit.\nGL4 took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GL4", "hp": "<49/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<117/117 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light, Spirit Guardians", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Spirit Guardians, Spiritual Guardians, Healing Light Used, Holy Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<79/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<13/42 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP1", "hp": "<44/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<112/112 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "Blinded", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<28/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL3", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<49/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: This one going to do the same spell in the same area", "Player 11: no more dis because blindsight", "Player 11: still got adv from flank", "Player 11: BA second wind because i\u2019m hurting", "Player 9: flying 10ft and back down"], "before_idxs": [1604], "before_state_idx": 1599, "command_idxs": [1605, 1606, 1607, 1609, 1612], "after_state_idx": 1612, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1608]} +{"speaker_id": "318766063313211551", "before_utterances": ["using pushing attack to push it into melee with Haru"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<22/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Healing Light Used, Healing Light Used x2", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<67/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<11/99 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<56/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<93/93 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<94/94 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<60/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "commands_norm": ["!a push -t WP2"], "automation_results": ["Kaiphas Sol uses Maneuvers: Pushing Attack!\nWP2 took 1 damage.\nWP2 rolled a Strength save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<160/160 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WP2", "hp": "<21/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Healing Light Used, Healing Light Used x2", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "WP2", "hp": "<21/117 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "War Priest", "attacks": "Maul, Holy Fire, Healing Light", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Flame Strike, Guardian of Faith, Revivify, Hold Person, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Dispel Magic, Banishment, Command, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Healing Light Used, Healing Light Used x2", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<67/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Vitality Aura, Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "Aura of Vitality, Healing Aura", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<11/99 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<56/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<67/160 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<28/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<60/112 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 11: no more dis because blindsight", "Player 11: still got adv from flank", "Player 11: BA second wind because i\u2019m hurting", "Player 9: flying 10ft and back down", "Player 11: using pushing attack to push it into melee with Haru"], "before_idxs": [2015], "before_state_idx": 2012, "command_idxs": [2016, 2017, 2018, 2020], "after_state_idx": 2018, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2019]} +{"speaker_id": "159988175819444750", "before_utterances": ["!i cast feeblemind -t Shionne", "!i cast feeblemind -t Shionne -I"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<67/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<34/42 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<11/99 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<83/160 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<28/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<42/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<67/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "commands_norm": ["!i cast feeblemind -t Shionne -i"], "automation_results": ["AR2 casts Feeblemind!\nShionne Vael took 19 damage.\nShionne Vael rolled a Intelligence save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<67/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<67/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<34/42 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "AR1", "hp": "<11/99 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<83/160 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<39/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<42/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 11: BA second wind because i\u2019m hurting", "Player 9: flying 10ft and back down", "Player 11: using pushing attack to push it into melee with Haru", "Player 2: !i cast feeblemind -t Shionne", "Player 2: !i cast feeblemind -t Shionne -I"], "before_idxs": [2200, 2204], "before_state_idx": 2165, "command_idxs": [2208, 2209, 2210, 2212], "after_state_idx": 2210, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2211]} +{"speaker_id": "297499628210235156", "before_utterances": ["Can I do my aoo at ar2 from when was afk. I did say I was \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\udc48"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<54/99 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<77/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<34/42 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<83/160 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<28/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<13/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, "commands_norm": ["!a daybreak -t ar2 adv"], "automation_results": ["Seth Balenor strikes with Daybreak!\nSeth Balenor attacked AR2 and hit.\nAR2 took 16 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AR2", "hp": "<38/99 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "AR2", "hp": "<29/99 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Archmage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Disguise Self, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Mind Blank, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Misty Step, Fire Shield, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Stoneskin, Light, Identify, Detect Magic, Time Stop, Banishment, Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of Force, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Scrying, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts", "actions": null, "effects": "Mirror Image One, Mirror Image Two, Mirror Image Three, Banishment, Booming with Energy", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Cave Bear (Ayla Balenor)", "hp": "<34/42 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Cave Bear", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility, Thunderous Anchor", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "GL2", "hp": "<41/112 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<83/160 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<39/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "GL4", "hp": "<13/112 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gladiator", "attacks": "Spear (1H), Spear (2H), Shield Bash", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 9: flying 10ft and back down", "Player 11: using pushing attack to push it into melee with Haru", "Player 2: !i cast feeblemind -t Shionne", "Player 2: !i cast feeblemind -t Shionne -I", "Player 3: Can I do my aoo at ar2 from when was afk. I did say I was \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\udc48"], "before_idxs": [2284], "before_state_idx": 2276, "command_idxs": [2285, 2286, 2287, 2289, 2292], "after_state_idx": 2292, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2288]} +{"speaker_id": "135377135565965350", "before_utterances": ["\"I don't think this is a fight I wanna calculate the probability of success for... Kai, we're leaving now!\"", "*He really said nope to your consent lmao*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<83/160 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<39/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Storm Rune", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"Hand Crossbow\" -title \"\\\"I don't have time for uninspiring integers!\\\"\" -thumb https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/IPdcMitZySFgLVBmRgyAN7GUvauzwKQIXKZQgldQzp0/https/64.media.tumblr.com/c4a37fb6540003daaf659d6e45ab654b/tumblr_p7ulgrN3iS1tpri36o1_500.gif -f \"__Reaper's Repeater__|An arm-mounted repeating crossbow crafted by Kal Collate.\n\n*\\\"Like a reaper, you're always killing my buzz. I'll teach you how to have a little fun, CP.\\\"*\" -f \"Orion's Upgrades|\u2022 Balanced - +1 to attack rolls.\n\u2022 Oiled String - +1 to damage rolls.\n\u2022 Superior - Damage die increase to a d8.\n\u2022 Masterwork - +1 to attack and damage rolls.\" -t Xol ss"], "automation_results": ["\"I don't have time for uninspiring integers!\"\nColm Pewter attacked Xol but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Xol", "hp": "<3000/3000 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vecna the Archlich", "attacks": "Afterthought, Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, Vile Teleport, Dread Counterspell, Fell Rebuke", "spells": "Invisibility, Dominate Monster, Prestidigitation, Scrying, Animate Dead, Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mage Hand, Fly, Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension Door, Plane Shift", "actions": null, "effects": "Globe of Invulnerability", "description": null, "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Ayla Balenor", "hp": "<84/84 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 9", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +1, Scimitar, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Aura of Vitality, Confusion, Heat Metal, Polymorph, Revivify, Flame of the Phoenix, Summon Elemental, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil and Good, Branding Smite, Frostbite, Druidcraft, Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Lesser Restoration, Wind Walk, Wall of Stone, Moonbeam, Fire Bolt, Healing Word", "actions": "War Caster, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape (Heal)", "effects": "", "description": "A petite, icy blue eyed elf with long silver hair. She has a tattoo of the moon upon the back of her neck as well as a large dragon tattoo that covers part of her back.\n\nAyla is kind, quiet, and would do anything for those she cares for the most.", "controller_id": "159988175819444750"}, {"name": "Shionne Vael", "hp": "<147/147 HP; Healthy> (+17 temp)", "class": "Warlock 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Blood Omen", "spells": "Hex, Shadow of Moil, Guidance, Enervation, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Green-Flame Blade, Blight, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Wall of Fire, Far Step, Thunder Step, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Fireball, Shillelagh", "actions": "Gift of the Protectors, Dark One's Blessing, War Caster, Fiendish Resilience, Agonizing Blast, Dark One's Own Luck, Armor of Shadows", "effects": "Mage Armor, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "209713508882789472"}, {"name": "Seth Balenor", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 11", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Chain-Whip, Dagger, Unarmed Strike, Daybreak, leap of flame, radiant light, Light of Dawn", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Fly, Counterspell, Dawn, Absorb Elements, Animate Objects, Misty Step, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil and Good, Sunbeam, Tasha's Mind Whip, Booming Blade, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Summon Construct, Enhance Ability, Fireball", "actions": "Bladesong, Song of Defense, Cantrip Formulas, Arcane Recovery", "effects": "Bladesong, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Long brown hair is pulled behind his face. His blue grey eyes are vibrant compared to his worn clothing. He is in his mid thirties, about 185 pounds, and 6 feet tall.", "controller_id": "297499628210235156"}, {"name": "Colm Pewter", "hp": "<100/100 HP; Healthy> (+11 temp)", "class": "Artificer 11/Fighter 1", "race": "Human", "attacks": "Hand Crossbow, Thunder Gauntlets, Unarmed Strike, Dart, Lightning Launcher, Kaboomie Grenade, Flour Cloud", "spells": "Guidance, Feather Fall, Blink, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Vector Warp, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Light, Sanctuary, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Mending, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Hypnotic Pattern", "actions": "Second Wind, Thunder Gauntlets, Defensive Field, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Haste, Hasted", "description": "Colm Pewter is a level 12 Human Artificer 11/Fighter 1. He is 24 years old, 5'9\" tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. He has unknown eyes, blond hair, and fair skin.", "controller_id": "135377135565965350"}, {"name": "Kaiphas Sol", "hp": "<83/160 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 13", "race": "Zariel Tiefling", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Greatsword, Longbow, Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Target), Action Surge, Maneuvers: Riposte, Second Wind, Indomitable, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Maneuvers: Feinting Attack, Maneuvers: Parry, Maneuvers: Goading Attack, Maneuvers: Bait and Switch (Self)", "effects": "", "description": "Kaiphas Sol is a level 13 Zariel Tiefling Battle Master Fighter 13. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "318766063313211551"}, {"name": "Haru Maheshvara", "hp": "<39/93 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 8/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Fuujin (chain&Weight), Javelin, Kunai, Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, 2-Handed Moon-touched Shakuj\u014d, Raijin (Kama), Shortbow, Shusui, Silvered Kunai, Unarmed Strike, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Claws of the Asura, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Bless, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Guidance, Scorching Ray, Detect Magic, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Divine Favor, Command, Healing Word", "actions": "Arms of the Astral Self: Summon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings, Arms of the Astral Self (WIS), Deflect Missiles, Focused Aim, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wisdom): Cure Wounds, Unarmed Strike, Patient Defense, Flurry of Blows, Channel Divinity, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Stunning Strike, War Priest, Harness Divine Power, Visage of the Astral Self, Slow Fall, Stillness of Mind, Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (War Domain), Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Step of the Wind (Dash), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "139650113149178082"}, {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/94 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 9", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Stone's Endurance, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Indomitable, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Frost Rune, Storm Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage)", "effects": "Storm Rune", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "after_utterances": ["then Colm will leave the building", "!npc sam *The lich is wrapped up within a vile of deep green arcane energy. The smell of death lingers within the cathedral, as Shionne is left alone to her own devices, the others abandoning hope once they realize the severity of the situation.\" \n\n*The deep green eye focuses upon Colm.* \"I have only returned and you use your breath to slight me. I see that the error of the ways of humanity still needs to be corrected and it is I, that will do just that.\"\n\n\"I am Xol the Undying. I am god upon Aehoron. I come to play with the toys left by insolent, forgotten ancients and make this world into a new epoch. What this means, however, is an end to all. An end to borders and nations. There will only be the will of Xol. So. Ask yourselves. You want peace? There is no peace, the way things are. You all bicker and stab and murder in the names of your mothers, your fathers. But this one? Everyone will live, and when they die, that need not be the end, either, under my banner.\"\n\n*The entity raises his hand and mutters a single, powerful word beneath his breath. As the word is spoken, Colm collapses, null of breath.*", "*Ayla grabs Seth's hand and begins to retreat.* \"Come, we need to leave.\"", "*Ayla will flee with Seth.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !i cast feeblemind -t Shionne", "Player 2: !i cast feeblemind -t Shionne -I", "Player 3: Can I do my aoo at ar2 from when was afk. I did say I was \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\udc48", "Player 7: \"I don't think this is a fight I wanna calculate the probability of success for... Kai, we're leaving now!\"", "Player 7: *He really said nope to your consent lmao*"], "before_idxs": [2577, 2588], "before_state_idx": 2573, "command_idxs": [2592, 2593, 2594, 2596], "after_state_idx": 2594, "after_idxs": [2598, 2665, 2683, 2685], "embed_idxs": [2595]} +{"speaker_id": "894092518672492873", "before_utterances": ["if any of you have seen the blood red rune here before you'd know that Zhintaro's eyes were glowing the same colour as it"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<230/230 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a pushing attack"], "automation_results": ["Captain Gregory Oswald Richard uses Maneuvers: Pushing Attack!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<230/230 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: if any of you have seen the blood red rune here before you'd know that Zhintaro's eyes were glowing the same colour as it"], "before_idxs": [1], "before_state_idx": 36, "command_idxs": [39, 40, 43], "after_state_idx": 47, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [42]} +{"speaker_id": "894092518672492873", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<161/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, "commands_norm": ["!a hex blades curse -t sg1"], "automation_results": ["Captain Gregory Oswald Richard uses Hexblade's Curse!\nSG1 gained Hexblade's Curse."], "caster_after": {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SG1", "hp": "<161/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<161/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": ["*Roars something in giant.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: if any of you have seen the blood red rune here before you'd know that Zhintaro's eyes were glowing the same colour as it"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 139, "command_idxs": [141, 144, 147], "after_state_idx": 154, "after_idxs": [149], "embed_idxs": [146]} +{"speaker_id": "894092518672492873", "before_utterances": ["All good! Its called some friends \ud83d\ude09"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<161/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, "commands_norm": ["!a crossbow -t sg1 sharp -criton 19 -d 4 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Captain Gregory Oswald Richard attacks with a Crossbow, Hand, +1!\nCaptain Gregory Oswald Richard attacked SG1 but missed.\n\nCaptain Gregory Oswald Richard attacked SG1 and hit.\nSG1 took 23 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SG1", "hp": "<138/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<137/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: if any of you have seen the blood red rune here before you'd know that Zhintaro's eyes were glowing the same colour as it", "Player 1: *Roars something in giant.*", "Player 1: All good! Its called some friends \ud83d\ude09"], "before_idxs": [152], "before_state_idx": 154, "command_idxs": [157, 158, 161], "after_state_idx": 164, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [160]} +{"speaker_id": "674453666546825989", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<38/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<137/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a \u201cfire breath\u201d -t ae1 -t ae2 -ae3"], "automation_results": ["Blaze unleashes their Fire Breath!\nAE1 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nAE1 took 31 damage.\nAE2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nAE2 took 62 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<137/230 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: as they are in melee with it", "Player 1: you can target all elementals with it", "Player 12: Yep it\u2019s a cone. \ud83d\ude42", "Player 1: how big is cone distance wise?", "Player 12: It\u2019s 30ft but blaze is moving in right close to ae1"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 213, "command_idxs": [230, 231, 234], "after_state_idx": 239, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [233]} +{"speaker_id": "385982000258793263", "before_utterances": ["*Moves 40 feet towards SG1*", "No you're not, you're great \u2764\ufe0f"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<106/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, "commands_norm": ["!a warhammer -rr 2 -t sg1"], "automation_results": ["Elvash Cloud attacks with a 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha]!\nElvash Cloud attacked SG1 and hit.\nSG1 took 7 damage.\nElvash Cloud attacked SG1 and hit.\nSG1 took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SG1", "hp": "<92/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Slow", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<-10/90 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<-30/230 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse, Slowed, Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 12: Yep it\u2019s a cone. \ud83d\ude42", "Player 1: how big is cone distance wise?", "Player 12: It\u2019s 30ft but blaze is moving in right close to ae1", "Player 5: *Moves 40 feet towards SG1*", "Player 1: No you're not, you're great \u2764\ufe0f"], "before_idxs": [267, 270], "before_state_idx": 252, "command_idxs": [276, 279, 280, 282, 286, 291, 295, 299, 308, 314, 323, 330, 338, 344, 360, 365, 372, 377, 384, 388, 394, 400, 405, 410, 417, 425], "after_state_idx": 425, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [281]} +{"speaker_id": "117898442021449290", "before_utterances": ["30ft back and 30ft in the air"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<92/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast blast -t AE1"], "automation_results": ["Aron casts Eldritch Blast!\nAron attacked AE1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<92/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: how big is cone distance wise?", "Player 12: It\u2019s 30ft but blaze is moving in right close to ae1", "Player 5: *Moves 40 feet towards SG1*", "Player 1: No you're not, you're great \u2764\ufe0f", "Player 1: 30ft back and 30ft in the air"], "before_idxs": [303], "before_state_idx": 299, "command_idxs": [306, 307, 310], "after_state_idx": 314, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [309]} +{"speaker_id": "117898442021449290", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<92/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast blast -t AE1"], "automation_results": ["Aron casts Eldritch Blast!\nAron attacked AE1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Psychic Lance", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<92/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Incapacitated, Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": ["But its too early in the morning"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: how big is cone distance wise?", "Player 12: It\u2019s 30ft but blaze is moving in right close to ae1", "Player 5: *Moves 40 feet towards SG1*", "Player 1: No you're not, you're great \u2764\ufe0f", "Player 1: 30ft back and 30ft in the air"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 308, "command_idxs": [312, 313, 316], "after_state_idx": 323, "after_idxs": [318], "embed_idxs": [315]} +{"speaker_id": "674453666546825989", "before_utterances": ["Yep but Toria and Greg too as not moves afaik", "Sooo could I get 2 3 and sg1 instead?", "Don't be sorry for being smart xD"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Slow", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<28/90 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<92/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse, Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast fireball -t ae2 -t ae3 -t SG1 -l 4"], "automation_results": ["Lyon Morninstar casts Fireball!\nAE2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nAE2 took 34 damage.\nAE3 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nAE3 took 34 damage.\nSG1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nSG1 took 34 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AE2", "hp": "<-6/90 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<-6/90 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<58/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse, Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Slow", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Mind Splinter", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "AE2", "hp": "<-6/90 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "AE3", "hp": "<-6/90 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<58/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Mind Sliver, Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse, Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: 30ft back and 30ft in the air", "Player 1: But its too early in the morning", "Player 1: Yep but Player 15 and Greg too as not moves afaik", "Player 12: Sooo could I get 2 3 and sg1 instead?", "Player 1: Don't be sorry for being smart xD"], "before_idxs": [355, 356, 357], "before_state_idx": 344, "command_idxs": [358, 359, 362], "after_state_idx": 365, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [361]} +{"speaker_id": "894092518672492873", "before_utterances": ["ignore me thought it was sg1", "fly up and above ae1 out of ae1 reach taking an aoo if they want it."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Slow", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<47/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse, Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast hex -t sg1"], "automation_results": ["Captain Gregory Oswald Richard casts Hex!\nCaptain Gregory Oswald Richard gained Hexing.\nSG1 gained Hexed."], "caster_after": {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SG1", "hp": "<47/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse, Slowed, Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Shiro Usagi", "hp": "<95/95 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 2/Wizard 8", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Pistol (Exandria), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Guidance, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Slow, Faerie Fire, Counterspell, Pulse Wave, Absorb Elements, Fortune's Favor, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Dragon's Breath, Sanctuary, Alarm, Chromatic Orb, Sapping Sting, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Shield, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Levitate, Gift of Alacrity", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Chronal Shift, Momentary Stasis, Knowledge from a Past Life, Cantrip Formulas, Magical Tinkering, Infuse Item", "effects": "Slow", "description": null, "controller_id": "136705215257005034"}, {"name": "Lyon Morninstar", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 11", "race": "High Elf", "attacks": "Bokuto, 2-Handed Bokuto, Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Mold Earth, Mass Cure Wounds, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Chill Touch, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Guiding Bolt, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Mind Whip, Chromatic Orb, Dispel Magic, Mind Sliver, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor, Fire Bolt, Synaptic Static, Fireball, Healing Word", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Magical Guidance, War Caster, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Favored by the Gods, Metamagic - Distant Spell, Empowered Healing, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Captain Gregory Oswald Richard", "hp": "<80/80 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Crossbow, Hand, +1, Longbow, Unarmed Strike, Cannon", "spells": "Shield, Hex, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Inflict Wounds, Dimension Door, Eldritch Blast, Hold Person, Poison Spray, Shatter, Magic Missile, Find Familiar, Darkness", "actions": "Maneuvers: Trip Attack, Action Surge, Hexblade's Curse, Second Wind, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Extra Attack, Maneuvers: Pushing Attack, Superiority Dice, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Hex Warrior, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Crossbow Expert Attack, Maneuvers: Ambush", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": "The captain stands tall for a human, just over 6 ft,a very aged face, probably late 40\u2019s and almost never wearing a smile, although he wears a black cloth to cover his face leaving only his black coloured eyes, a long black beard, long black hair tied up at the back, A long black cloak drapes over his body, hidden underneath is some roughly built leather armour, a small hand crossbow and a shield at his side.\nThe crossbow itself is of incredibly unique design, upon looking at it, it has a feint black aura, a black mist slowly seeps out and heads in your direction, it\u2019s coming for you, it\u2019s almost there, you blink and the mist is suddenly gone.", "controller_id": "894092518672492873"}, {"name": "AE1", "hp": "<7/90 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Air Elemental", "attacks": "Slam, Whirlwind (Creature), Whirlwind (Object)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Slowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Toria", "hp": "<79/79 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Flame Tongue Longsword, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Sending", "actions": "Blood Lust, Action Surge, Second Wind, Extra Attack, Bear Rage", "effects": "Rage", "description": "5 ft tall and 15 year olds", "controller_id": "171178298810781935"}, {"name": "Blaze", "hp": "<178/178 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Red Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "674453666546825989"}, {"name": "Elvash Cloud", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Sanctuary, Dagger of Warning [Offhand], Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, Javelin of Lighting [Archanomecha], Ran Sidearm, Staff of Power [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Staff of Power [Archanomecha], Warhammer [Archanomecha], 2-Handed Warhammer [Archanomecha], Unarmed Strike, NanoTech Arc-Reactor Technology", "spells": "Guidance, Chill Touch, Blink, Faerie Fire, Lightning Bolt, Enlarge/Reduce, See Invisibility, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements, Rope Trick, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Branding Smite, Sanctuary, Scorching Ray, Booming Blade, Haste, Burning Hands, Dimension Door, Mending, Shield, Fireball, Thorn Whip", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Extra Mech Attack, Share Spells, Infuse Item, Mend Mech, Command Mech, The Right Tool for the Job, Command Mech to Repair, Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Magical Tinkering", "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": "***You are not the bone of your sword,\n\nthat doesn't even make sense\n\nYour body is not made of steel,\n\nand if your blood was fire you would die\n\nYou have made little to no blades whatsoever\n\nUnknown to death only because you won't pull the trigger\n\nNor known to life because you are a loser\n\nHave not created many weapons, but did withstand pain\n\nYes, those hands will never hold anything\n\nSo as I pray: \"Unlimited Sad Frogs\"***", "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}, {"name": "SG1", "hp": "<47/230 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Storm Giant", "attacks": "Greatsword, Rock, Lightning Strike", "spells": "Control Weather, Water Breathing, Detect Magic, Levitate, Light", "actions": null, "effects": "Muddled Mind, Hexblade's Curse, Slowed, Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "278545299028484315"}, {"name": "Aron", "hp": "<97/97 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 6/Warlock 4", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Battleaxe, +1, 2-Handed Battleaxe, +1, Dagger, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Hex, Frostbite, Misty Step, Teleport, Message, Eldritch Blast, Beast Sense, Hellish Rebuke, Mage Hand, Spare the Dying, True Strike, Speak with Animals, Dimension Door, Witch Bolt", "actions": "Shield Master Shove, Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Shield Master Evasion, Relentless Endurance, Bear Rage, Hex Warrior, Rage", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "117898442021449290"}, {"name": "Liger, the Mech (Agile Form)", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Archanomecha (Agile)", "attacks": "2 Handed Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Warhammer, Enhanced Weapon +2, Unarmed Strike, Sanctuary", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Sanctuary", "description": null, "controller_id": "385982000258793263"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Yep but Player 15 and Greg too as not moves afaik", "Player 12: Sooo could I get 2 3 and sg1 instead?", "Player 1: Don't be sorry for being smart xD", "Player 1: ignore me thought it was sg1", "Player 13: fly up and above ae1 out of ae1 reach taking an aoo if they want it."], "before_idxs": [381, 391], "before_state_idx": 388, "command_idxs": [392, 393, 396], "after_state_idx": 400, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [395]} +{"speaker_id": "171414381369937192", "before_utterances": ["lathers himself in muramoosa balm"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/102 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/116 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/153 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a storm rune"], "automation_results": ["Rothgar uses Storm Rune!\nRothgar gained Storm Rune."], "caster_after": {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/153 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/102 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/116 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Fire Shield", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/153 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: lathers himself in muramoosa balm"], "before_idxs": [76], "before_state_idx": 73, "command_idxs": [77, 78, 81], "after_state_idx": 86, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [80]} +{"speaker_id": "776086022363132123", "before_utterances": ["!cast aid -t ellianna -t callahan -t rothgar -l 5"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/102 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/116 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Fire Shield", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/153 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<405/405 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!cast aid -t ellianna -t kallahan -t rothgar -l 5"], "automation_results": ["Ellianna Galanodel casts Aid!\nEllianna Galanodel gained Aid.\nEllianna Galanodel healed for -20 health.\nKallahan Adrastia gained Aid.\nKallahan Adrastia healed for -20 health.\nRothgar gained Aid.\nRothgar healed for -20 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Fire Shield, Aid", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Fire Shield, Aid", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Fire Shield, Aid", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<405/405 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: lathers himself in muramoosa balm", "Player 5: !cast aid -t ellianna -t callahan -t rothgar -l 5"], "before_idxs": [117], "before_state_idx": 114, "command_idxs": [134, 135, 138], "after_state_idx": 152, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [137]} +{"speaker_id": "335741543258656549", "before_utterances": ["!i hp go1 -max 250"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Fire Shield, Aid", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<373/405 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "commands_norm": ["!a dazing -t go1"], "automation_results": ["Kallahan Adrastia uses Dazing Shot!\nGO1 rolled a Constitution save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GO1", "hp": "<373/405 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Fire Shield, Aid", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<373/405 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: lathers himself in muramoosa balm", "Player 5: !cast aid -t ellianna -t callahan -t rothgar -l 5", "Player 9: !i hp go1 -max 250"], "before_idxs": [172], "before_state_idx": 169, "command_idxs": [174, 175, 178], "after_state_idx": 181, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [177]} +{"speaker_id": "536964063030880429", "before_utterances": ["I'll fly 15ft closer to it diagonally, towards the ground\n\n\nso I'm standing 15ft ahead of it, si?", "...After activating Eldritch Claw Tattoo as BA :D", "`Let's just muddle our way through..`"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<116/300 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"The Sun\" -t GO1 -rr 3 -d 1d6[Force]"], "automation_results": ["Infirmi Stutlus attacks with a The Sun!\nInfirmi Stutlus attacked GO1 and hit.\nGO1 took 35 damage.\nInfirmi Stutlus attacked GO1 and hit.\nGO1 took 28 damage.\nInfirmi Stutlus attacked GO1 and hit.\nGO1 took 24 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GO1", "hp": "<29/300 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<-1/300 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: !cast aid -t ellianna -t callahan -t rothgar -l 5", "Player 9: !i hp go1 -max 250", "Player 1: I'll fly 15ft closer to it diagonally, towards the ground\n\n\nso I'm standing 15ft ahead of it, si?", "Player 1: ...After activating Eldritch Claw Tattoo as BA :D", "Player 1: `Let's just muddle our way through..`"], "before_idxs": [277, 281, 282], "before_state_idx": 286, "command_idxs": [288, 289, 292], "after_state_idx": 299, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [291]} +{"speaker_id": "335741543258656549", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<124/300 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "commands_norm": ["!a surge"], "automation_results": ["Kallahan Adrastia uses Action Surge!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<124/300 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "after_utterances": ["*hucks a pair of health potions out at Elliana and Infirmi*", "*Ellianna and Infirmi wake up with a sore jaw and possibly a chipped tooth*", "\"DONT FUCKING NUKE YOURSELVES AGAIN!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: !cast aid -t ellianna -t callahan -t rothgar -l 5", "Player 9: !i hp go1 -max 250", "Player 1: I'll fly 15ft closer to it diagonally, towards the ground\n\n\nso I'm standing 15ft ahead of it, si?", "Player 1: ...After activating Eldritch Claw Tattoo as BA :D", "Player 1: `Let's just muddle our way through..`"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 336, "command_idxs": [348, 349, 352], "after_state_idx": 372, "after_idxs": [360, 362, 368], "embed_idxs": [351]} +{"speaker_id": "335741543258656549", "before_utterances": ["It popped a while ago"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<61/300 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "commands_norm": ["!a hellfire -t go1 -dtype \"magical piercing\""], "automation_results": ["Kallahan Adrastia attacks with a Pepperbox (Hellfire) !\nKallahan Adrastia attacked GO1 and hit.\nGO1 took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GO1", "hp": "<55/300 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<74/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<55/300 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: `Let's just muddle our way through..`", "Player 3: *hucks a pair of health potions out at Elliana and Infirmi*", "Player 9: *Player 6 and Infirmi wake up with a sore jaw and possibly a chipped tooth*", "Player 3: \"DONT FUCKING NUKE YOURSELVES AGAIN!\"", "Player 9: It popped a while ago"], "before_idxs": [585], "before_state_idx": 573, "command_idxs": [586, 587, 590], "after_state_idx": 593, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [589]} +{"speaker_id": "776086022363132123", "before_utterances": ["istg this is that monster rn"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<102/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<14/300 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "commands_norm": ["!a crown of stars -t go1 -title \"Throws a star as bonus action\""], "automation_results": ["Throws a star as bonus action\nEllianna Galanodel gained Motes Expended.\nEllianna Galanodel attacked GO1 and hit.\nGO1 took 16 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars, Motes Expended", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GO1", "hp": "<-2/300 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Kallahan Adrastia", "hp": "<74/122 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dawn, Hand Mortar 1, Hand Mortar 2, Hand Mortar 3, Hand Mortar 4, Hand Mortar 5, Hand Mortar 6, Hand Mortar 7, Hand Mortar 8, Moon-Touched, Rapier, Pepperbox (Hellfire) , Pepperbox (Silver 1) , Pepperbox (Silver 2), Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Conjure Elemental, Illusory Script, Teleport, Scorching Ray", "actions": "LET THE WORLD BURN, Indomitable, Adept Marksman, Rapid Repair, Deadeye Shot, Extra Attack, Disarming Shot, Dazing Shot, Gunner, Second Wind, Action Surge, Winging Shot", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Aid", "description": "A 5 foot 6 man with greying hair and badly burnt brown skin. He wears a jolly smile on his face completely at odds with his black pulsing plated armor which has a multitude of religious symbols bolted into it. He also carries mutiple guns and satchels on his person and if you look closely at his clothes, you would notice small creases on them that look like closed eyes.\n\nHe smells of a strong scent of gunpowder and fire along with the sickly sweet tang of black sap. His hands occasionally shiver uncontrollably and he looks as if he is in a constant argument with himself.", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Ellianna Galanodel", "hp": "<116/136 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 14/Warlock 2", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Shielded by Flames, Crown of Stars, Crystal Rapier, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Javelin of Lightning, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Greater Invisibility, Hellish Rebuke, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Protection from Energy, Hold Monster, Hex, Protection from Evil and Good, Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration, Summon Construct, Fire Bolt, Rope Trick, Shape Water, Counterspell, Shield, Lesser Restoration, Synaptic Static, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Banishment, Prestidigitation, Lightning Bolt, Misty Step, Crown of Stars, Arms of Hadar, Polymorph, Blade Ward, Summon Draconic Spirit, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip, Mage Hand, Aid, Globe of Invulnerability, Booming Blade, Animate Dead, Alarm, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Hex Warrior, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Restore Balance, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Careful Spell, Bastion of Law, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Agonizing Blast, Trance of Order, Hexblade's Curse, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Aid, Fire Shield (Cold), Crown of Stars, Motes Expended", "description": "If anyone has met Ellianna before her massive transformation, she was a moon elf, with purple skin and silky white hair.\n\nBut now, she appears to have lost her greatest elven feature, though with her pointy ears still present, her skin is now the color of pearl, pale white and fair, her hair still retaining its silky white appearance. She's become more beautiful than before, her beauty greatly enhanced tenfold.\n\nShe is 5'7 in stature and carried herself with elegance and grace, clearly a woman of nobility, and is often seen wearing beautiful dresses made of Pride Silk.\n\nWhen she casts certain spells, spectral cogs appear behind her and engulf her in spectral light.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Rothgar", "hp": "<153/173 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 4/Fighter 12", "race": "Gem Dragonborn", "attacks": "Dragon Slayer Longsword, 2-Handed Dragon Slayer Longsword, GreatBow +2, Greataxe, Halberd of Warning, Handaxe, Javelin, Javelin2, Javelin of Lightning, Javelin of Lightning2, Kamaitachi Katana +2, 2-Handed Kamaitachi Katana +2, Longsword, +3, 2-Handed Longsword, +3, Moon-Touched Sword, Greatsword, Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Beast Sense, Daylight, Light, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Fire Rune, Psionic Mind, Shield Master Shove, Cloud Rune, Action Surge, Giant's Might, Dragon Fear, Indomitable, Shield Master Evasion, Rage, Extra Attack, Runic Shield, Bear Rage, Storm Rune, Breath Weapon (Psychic), Gem Flight, Fire Rune (Shackle Damage), Stone Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "Giants Might, Blessed, Storm Rune, Aid, Rage", "description": "scar coming down top of left eye stopping at the eye\nscar right hip up to lower right abdomen diagonally\n", "controller_id": "171414381369937192"}, {"name": "Infirmi Stutlus", "hp": "<154/154 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 15", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Javelin of Lightning, Placeholder, The Moon, 2-Handed The Moon, The Sun, 2-Handed The Sun, Russian Hook, his Dreadful Aura, Demoralization", "spells": "Hunter's Mark, Comprehend Languages, Fear, Light, Dimension Door, Animal Friendship, Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Daylight, Sending, Speak with Animals", "actions": "Shadow Wings, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Extra Attack, Tornado Attack, Terrifying Resistance, Dreadful Surge", "effects": "Eldritch Claw Tattoo", "description": "6'0\" 18 year old Human\n\nYou see a teenage boy, as muscular as a Greek God. [25STR]", "controller_id": "536964063030880429"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<25/300 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Gorgon", "attacks": "Death, Fist1, Fist2, Fist3, Fist4, Fist5", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *hucks a pair of health potions out at Elliana and Infirmi*", "Player 9: *Player 6 and Infirmi wake up with a sore jaw and possibly a chipped tooth*", "Player 3: \"DONT FUCKING NUKE YOURSELVES AGAIN!\"", "Player 9: It popped a while ago", "Player 5: istg this is that monster rn"], "before_idxs": [664], "before_state_idx": 670, "command_idxs": [672, 673, 676], "after_state_idx": 678, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [675]} +{"speaker_id": "287147463172552760", "before_utterances": ["!i a gr -t ma1 gwm -attackroll 10+2"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Greater Invisibility, Mage Hand, Light, Shield, Suggestion, Ice Storm, Misty Step, Mage Armor, Fly, Fireball, Detect Magic, Fire Bolt, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a gr -t ma1 gwm -attackroll 12"], "automation_results": ["Sigurd the Lost attacks with a Greataxe, +1!\nSigurd the Lost attacked MA1 and hit.\nMA1 took 23 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MA1", "hp": "<17/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Greater Invisibility, Mage Hand, Light, Shield, Suggestion, Ice Storm, Misty Step, Mage Armor, Fly, Fireball, Detect Magic, Fire Bolt, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<17/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Greater Invisibility, Mage Hand, Light, Shield, Suggestion, Ice Storm, Misty Step, Mage Armor, Fly, Fireball, Detect Magic, Fire Bolt, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: !i a gr -t ma1 gwm -attackroll 10+2"], "before_idxs": [29], "before_state_idx": 25, "command_idxs": [31, 32, 35], "after_state_idx": 39, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [34]} +{"speaker_id": "287147463172552760", "before_utterances": ["oops not quite right but effect is the same"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<17/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Greater Invisibility, Mage Hand, Light, Shield, Suggestion, Ice Storm, Misty Step, Mage Armor, Fly, Fireball, Detect Magic, Fire Bolt, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a gr -t ma1 gwm"], "automation_results": ["Sigurd the Lost attacks with a Greataxe, +1!\nSigurd the Lost attacked MA1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MA1", "hp": "<17/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Greater Invisibility, Mage Hand, Light, Shield, Suggestion, Ice Storm, Misty Step, Mage Armor, Fly, Fireball, Detect Magic, Fire Bolt, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Sigurd the Lost", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 1/Monk 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greataxe, +1, Handaxe, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Mending, Bless, Shield of Faith, Guidance, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Ceremony, Spare the Dying", "actions": "Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Hour of Reaping, Stunning Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Unarmed Strike, Great Weapon Master Attack, Touch of Death, War Priest, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<17/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Prestidigitation, Magic Missile, Counterspell, Greater Invisibility, Mage Hand, Light, Shield, Suggestion, Ice Storm, Misty Step, Mage Armor, Fly, Fireball, Detect Magic, Fire Bolt, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "287147463172552760"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: !i a gr -t ma1 gwm -attackroll 10+2", "Player 1: oops not quite right but effect is the same"], "before_idxs": [36], "before_state_idx": 33, "command_idxs": [37, 38, 41], "after_state_idx": 44, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [40]} +{"speaker_id": "474355443414579023", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rage"], "automation_results": ["Valyn uses Rage!\nValyn gained Rage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: I'm 9, same as val", "Player 2: Ur op, ull be fine", "Player 2: Remus watches the fight from the sidelines", "Player 2: Val u got the first move", "Player 3: ios this a free for all or what?"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 75, "command_idxs": [84, 85, 88], "after_state_idx": 104, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [87]} +{"speaker_id": "474355443414579023", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a stunning -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["Valyn uses Stunning Strike!\nValyn gained Stunning Strike.\nLupus rolled a Constitution save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Ur fists are melee weapons", "Player 3: oh lol well I already used my ba to rage", "Player 2: U can do it as an aop too", "Player 2: Remus used polearm master to stun people when they get into his range", "Player 3: ty for letting me mknow!"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 112, "command_idxs": [173, 174, 177], "after_state_idx": 191, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [176]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": ["Mick moves up to val, raising his mace and beginning his attack."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t Valyn adv"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked Valyn and hit.\nValyn took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: oh lol well I already used my ba to rage", "Player 2: U can do it as an aop too", "Player 2: Remus used polearm master to stun people when they get into his range", "Player 3: ty for letting me mknow!", "Player 4: Mick moves up to val, raising his mace and beginning his attack."], "before_idxs": [183], "before_state_idx": 175, "command_idxs": [189, 190, 194], "after_state_idx": 198, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [193]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": ["Rage is still up for you, val", "That is all, I'm afraid", "Locked up, but still raging", "Mick seems to be finally warmed up, his swings getting frenzied"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t Valyn adv"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked Valyn and hit.\nValyn took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: Mick moves up to val, raising his mace and beginning his attack.", "Player 2: Rage is still up for you, val", "Player 2: That is all, I'm afraid", "Player 2: Locked up, but still raging", "Player 4: Mick seems to be finally warmed up, his swings getting frenzied"], "before_idxs": [240, 258, 274, 275], "before_state_idx": 272, "command_idxs": [281, 282, 285], "after_state_idx": 289, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [284]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": ["U can't take actions or reactions"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t Valyn adv"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked Valyn and hit.\nValyn took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Rage is still up for you, val", "Player 2: That is all, I'm afraid", "Player 2: Locked up, but still raging", "Player 4: Mick seems to be finally warmed up, his swings getting frenzied", "Player 2: U can't take actions or reactions"], "before_idxs": [286], "before_state_idx": 283, "command_idxs": [287, 288, 291], "after_state_idx": 294, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [290]} +{"speaker_id": "206980287781667893", "before_utterances": ["If you hit someone? Ywah u can, it costs ki, but", "Kaz, I'm gonna try to one tap u", "Granted u have 18 ac, but let's see ahaha", "Actually, I'm not going to be a dick", "I'll shoot at the paralyzed raging guy"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast scorching Ray -rr 3 -adv -t Val"], "automation_results": ["Lupus casts Scorching Ray!\nLupus attacked Valyn and hit.\nValyn took 5 damage.\nLupus attacked Valyn and hit.\nValyn took 6 damage.\nLupus attacked Valyn and hit.\nValyn took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: If you hit someone? Ywah u can, it costs ki, but", "Player 2: Kaz, I'm gonna try to one tap u", "Player 2: Granted u have 18 ac, but let's see ahaha", "Player 2: Actually, I'm not going to be a dick", "Player 2: I'll shoot at the paralyzed raging guy"], "before_idxs": [313, 319, 320, 322, 323], "before_state_idx": 299, "command_idxs": [324, 326, 329], "after_state_idx": 345, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [328]} +{"speaker_id": "206980287781667893", "before_utterances": ["U can if u want", "She won't like this tho"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "commands_norm": ["!a quicken"], "automation_results": ["Lupus uses Metamagic - Quickened Spell!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Granted u have 18 ac, but let's see ahaha", "Player 2: Actually, I'm not going to be a dick", "Player 2: I'll shoot at the paralyzed raging guy", "Player 2: U can if u want", "Player 2: She won't like this tho"], "before_idxs": [339, 340], "before_state_idx": 327, "command_idxs": [343, 344, 347], "after_state_idx": 356, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [346]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": ["Lupus turns to face kaz", "!a lay on hands -t var -amt 20"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!a lay on hands -t valyn -amt 20"], "automation_results": ["kazeru uses Lay on Hands!\nValyn healed for -20 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person, Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: I'll shoot at the paralyzed raging guy", "Player 2: U can if u want", "Player 2: She won't like this tho", "Player 2: Player 6 turns to face kaz", "Player 1: !a lay on hands -t var -amt 20"], "before_idxs": [377, 384], "before_state_idx": 380, "command_idxs": [396, 399, 402], "after_state_idx": 405, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [401]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person, Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!a blessing"], "automation_results": ["kazeru uses Blessing of the Raven Queen!\nkazeru gained Blessing of the Raven Queen."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hold Person, Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": ["*he backs down a bit to the side 30 ft for lupis*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: I'll shoot at the paralyzed raging guy", "Player 2: U can if u want", "Player 2: She won't like this tho", "Player 2: Player 6 turns to face kaz", "Player 1: !a lay on hands -t var -amt 20"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 405, "command_idxs": [419, 420, 423], "after_state_idx": 427, "after_idxs": [424], "embed_idxs": [422]} +{"speaker_id": "474355443414579023", "before_utterances": ["Uve been knocked unconscious since then"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rage"], "automation_results": ["Valyn uses Rage!\nValyn gained Rage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Stunning Strike, Rage", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Stunning Strike, Rage", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: She won't like this tho", "Player 2: Player 6 turns to face kaz", "Player 1: !a lay on hands -t var -amt 20", "Player 1: *he backs down a bit to the side 30 ft for lupis*", "Player 2: Uve been knocked unconscious since then"], "before_idxs": [438], "before_state_idx": 434, "command_idxs": [439, 440, 443], "after_state_idx": 448, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [442]} +{"speaker_id": "474355443414579023", "before_utterances": ["you rigth sorry just got hit with a massive migrane"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, "commands_norm": ["!a unarme -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["Valyn attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nValyn attacked Lupus and hit.\nLupus took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<63/63 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Player 6 turns to face kaz", "Player 1: !a lay on hands -t var -amt 20", "Player 1: *he backs down a bit to the side 30 ft for lupis*", "Player 2: Uve been knocked unconscious since then", "Player 3: you rigth sorry just got hit with a massive migrane"], "before_idxs": [478], "before_state_idx": 481, "command_idxs": [483, 486, 489], "after_state_idx": 495, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [488]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Shield, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!a divine smite -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["kazeru uses Divine Smite!\nLupus took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<65/74 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Shield, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Valyn", "hp": "<20/63 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Monk 6/Barbarian 3", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dart, Javelin of Lightning, Moon Touched Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Moon Touched Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff, +1, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, +1, Shortbow, storm boomerang (griffon bone with thunderclouds), Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Magic Missile", "actions": "Patient Defense, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Step of the Wind (Dash), Open Hand Technique (Push), Slow Fall, Deflect Missiles, Wholeness of Body, Grappling Pin, Rage, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Ki Points, Flurry of Blows, Deflect Missiles Attack", "effects": "Rage, Stunning Strike", "description": "", "controller_id": "474355443414579023"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Shield, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": ["\"looking forward to that, but first this guy\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Player 6 turns to face kaz", "Player 1: !a lay on hands -t var -amt 20", "Player 1: *he backs down a bit to the side 30 ft for lupis*", "Player 2: Uve been knocked unconscious since then", "Player 3: you rigth sorry just got hit with a massive migrane"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 629, "command_idxs": [632, 635, 638], "after_state_idx": 641, "after_idxs": [654], "embed_idxs": [637]} +{"speaker_id": "206980287781667893", "before_utterances": ["I used it for a long time on Remus"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "commands_norm": ["!a quickened"], "automation_results": ["Lupus uses Metamagic - Quickened Spell!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *he backs down a bit to the side 30 ft for lupis*", "Player 2: Uve been knocked unconscious since then", "Player 3: you rigth sorry just got hit with a massive migrane", "Player 1: \"looking forward to that, but first this guy\"", "Player 2: I used it for a long time on Remus"], "before_idxs": [684], "before_state_idx": 664, "command_idxs": [693, 694, 697], "after_state_idx": 700, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [696]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": ["Then Lupus is going to quietly try to get tf away from Mick and Kaz", "Both take aop at dis"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "commands_norm": ["!a 2 handed longsword -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["kazeru attacks with a 2-Handed Longsword!\nkazeru attacked Lupus and hit.\nLupus took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: you rigth sorry just got hit with a massive migrane", "Player 1: \"looking forward to that, but first this guy\"", "Player 2: I used it for a long time on Remus", "Player 2: Then Player 6 is going to quietly try to get tf away from Mick and Kaz", "Player 2: Both take aop at dis"], "before_idxs": [716, 717], "before_state_idx": 713, "command_idxs": [720, 721, 724], "after_state_idx": 727, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [723]} +{"speaker_id": "206980287781667893", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast shield"], "automation_results": ["Lupus casts Shield!\nLupus gained Shield."], "caster_after": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": ["Lupus gets away from them:", "Kaz, at first you don't know"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: you rigth sorry just got hit with a massive migrane", "Player 1: \"looking forward to that, but first this guy\"", "Player 2: I used it for a long time on Remus", "Player 2: Then Player 6 is going to quietly try to get tf away from Mick and Kaz", "Player 2: Both take aop at dis"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 727, "command_idxs": [731, 732, 735], "after_state_idx": 782, "after_idxs": [741, 770], "embed_idxs": [734]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": ["This didn't work out as well as I had hoped"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!a 2 handed longsword -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["kazeru attacks with a 2-Handed Longsword!\nkazeru attacked Lupus but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Then Player 6 is going to quietly try to get tf away from Mick and Kaz", "Player 2: Both take aop at dis", "Player 2: Player 6 gets away from them:", "Player 2: Kaz, at first you don't know", "Player 2: This didn't work out as well as I had hoped"], "before_idxs": [778], "before_state_idx": 782, "command_idxs": [790, 791, 794], "after_state_idx": 814, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [793]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": ["M&: Mick follows the sound of Lupus. \"Come out magic boy!\" "], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked Lupus and hit.\nLupus took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Both take aop at dis", "Player 2: Player 6 gets away from them:", "Player 2: Kaz, at first you don't know", "Player 2: This didn't work out as well as I had hoped", "Player 4: M&: Mick follows the sound of Player 6. \"Come out magic boy!\" "], "before_idxs": [826], "before_state_idx": 821, "command_idxs": [828, 829, 832], "after_state_idx": 836, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [831]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked Lupus and hit.\nLupus took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": ["Lupus falls to the ground", "Mick turns to Kaz as his second swing knocks lupus out of the invisibility. \"All or nothing, am I right?\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Both take aop at dis", "Player 2: Player 6 gets away from them:", "Player 2: Kaz, at first you don't know", "Player 2: This didn't work out as well as I had hoped", "Player 4: M&: Mick follows the sound of Player 6. \"Come out magic boy!\" "], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 830, "command_idxs": [834, 835, 838], "after_state_idx": 861, "after_idxs": [845, 849], "embed_idxs": [837]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": ["Remus laughs and Shadow Steps over to Lupus, pulling him out of the ring and healing him", "Mick moves over to kaz, launching his final attack for the turn"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility, Shield", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t kazeru"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked kazeru and hit.\nkazeru took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<28/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<0/74 HP; Dead>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Immolation, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: M&: Mick follows the sound of Player 6. \"Come out magic boy!\" ", "Player 2: Player 6 falls to the ground", "Player 4: Mick turns to Kaz as his second swing knocks lupus out of the invisibility. \"All or nothing, am I right?\"", "Player 2: Remus laughs and Shadow Steps over to Player 6, pulling him out of the ring and healing him", "Player 4: Mick moves over to kaz, launching his final attack for the turn"], "before_idxs": [852, 857], "before_state_idx": 836, "command_idxs": [859, 860, 861, 863, 876, 880, 886, 893, 898, 904, 918, 923, 928, 938, 960, 965, 972, 984, 1019, 1023, 1028, 1033, 1043, 1047, 1051, 1131, 1135, 1141, 1145, 1149, 1157, 1162, 1167, 1172, 1182, 1187, 1192, 1196, 1203, 1210, 1216, 1225, 1230, 1237, 1245, 1252, 1257, 1277], "after_state_idx": 1277, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [862]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": ["It's a 20ft radius circle"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!a 2 handed longsword -t mick eadv"], "automation_results": ["kazeru attacks with a 2-Handed Longsword!\nkazeru attacked Mick \"Ram\" Gordon and hit.\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Player 6 falls to the ground", "Player 4: Mick turns to Kaz as his second swing knocks lupus out of the invisibility. \"All or nothing, am I right?\"", "Player 2: Remus laughs and Shadow Steps over to Player 6, pulling him out of the ring and healing him", "Player 4: Mick moves over to kaz, launching his final attack for the turn", "Player 2: It's a 20ft radius circle"], "before_idxs": [870], "before_state_idx": 880, "command_idxs": [884, 885, 888], "after_state_idx": 893, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [887]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": ["Mick, his chef's outfit now in tatters, wheezes from the blow. \"Impressive, magic boys, now let's see how well you can take a beating!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t kazeru adv"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked kazeru but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: Mick turns to Kaz as his second swing knocks lupus out of the invisibility. \"All or nothing, am I right?\"", "Player 2: Remus laughs and Shadow Steps over to Player 6, pulling him out of the ring and healing him", "Player 4: Mick moves over to kaz, launching his final attack for the turn", "Player 2: It's a 20ft radius circle", "Player 4: Mick, his chef's outfit now in tatters, wheezes from the blow. \"Impressive, magic boys, now let's see how well you can take a beating!\""], "before_idxs": [913], "before_state_idx": 904, "command_idxs": [916, 917, 920], "after_state_idx": 923, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [919]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t kazeru adv"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked kazeru but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": ["Apparantly, he could take the beating)"], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: Mick turns to Kaz as his second swing knocks lupus out of the invisibility. \"All or nothing, am I right?\"", "Player 2: Remus laughs and Shadow Steps over to Player 6, pulling him out of the ring and healing him", "Player 4: Mick moves over to kaz, launching his final attack for the turn", "Player 2: It's a 20ft radius circle", "Player 4: Mick, his chef's outfit now in tatters, wheezes from the blow. \"Impressive, magic boys, now let's see how well you can take a beating!\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 923, "command_idxs": [926, 927, 930], "after_state_idx": 938, "after_idxs": [932], "embed_idxs": [929]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, "commands_norm": ["!a divine smite -t mick"], "automation_results": ["kazeru uses Divine Smite!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, Blessing of the Raven Queen", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": ["\"i need more training, for now i go down, dew it my man\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Remus laughs and Shadow Steps over to Player 6, pulling him out of the ring and healing him", "Player 4: Mick moves over to kaz, launching his final attack for the turn", "Player 2: It's a 20ft radius circle", "Player 4: Mick, his chef's outfit now in tatters, wheezes from the blow. \"Impressive, magic boys, now let's see how well you can take a beating!\"", "Player 4: Apparantly, he could take the beating)"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 965, "command_idxs": [968, 971, 974], "after_state_idx": 984, "after_idxs": [991], "embed_idxs": [973]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": ["Mick looks absolutely bloodied, like he's about to be knocked cold, spurred only by his rage."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t kazeru adv"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked kazeru but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: It's a 20ft radius circle", "Player 4: Mick, his chef's outfit now in tatters, wheezes from the blow. \"Impressive, magic boys, now let's see how well you can take a beating!\"", "Player 4: Apparantly, he could take the beating)", "Player 1: \"i need more training, for now i go down, dew it my man\"", "Player 4: Mick looks absolutely bloodied, like he's about to be knocked cold, spurred only by his rage."], "before_idxs": [1013], "before_state_idx": 1019, "command_idxs": [1021, 1022, 1025], "after_state_idx": 1028, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1024]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<20/74 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}, {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!a 2 handed longsword -t mick eadv"], "automation_results": ["kazeru attacks with a 2-Handed Longsword!\nkazeru attacked Mick \"Ram\" Gordon and hit.\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, Hexblade's Curse", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Vow of Enmity, Greater Invisibility", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "after_utterances": ["*as mick goes down, kazeru throws his armor and vest, lifts his hand and does a warcry. he has non magical tatoos*", "Lupus walks over to Mick andnhwals him", "k:\"same, you fight well mate\"", "He waves them away from the table and tosses another pouch onto it"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: It's a 20ft radius circle", "Player 4: Mick, his chef's outfit now in tatters, wheezes from the blow. \"Impressive, magic boys, now let's see how well you can take a beating!\"", "Player 4: Apparantly, he could take the beating)", "Player 1: \"i need more training, for now i go down, dew it my man\"", "Player 4: Mick looks absolutely bloodied, like he's about to be knocked cold, spurred only by his rage."], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1047, "command_idxs": [1049, 1050, 1053], "after_state_idx": 1131, "after_idxs": [1059, 1061, 1072, 1088], "embed_idxs": [1052]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": ["\"i am done for today, that took most of my enegy\"", "\"i went all out and pulled out nearly every single one of my cards\"", "never mind then, I guess", "Why? U get warlock slots back", "The crowded emmitted a mixture of cheers and complaints as Mick fell, and money began exchanging hands"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast hex -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["kazeru casts Hex!\nkazeru gained Hexing.\nLupus gained Hexed."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<28/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<0/74 HP; Dead>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"i am done for today, that took most of my enegy\"", "Player 1: \"i went all out and pulled out nearly every single one of my cards\"", "Player 2: never mind then, I guess", "Player 2: Why? U get warlock slots back", "Player 2: The crowded emmitted a mixture of cheers and complaints as Mick fell, and money began exchanging hands"], "before_idxs": [1093, 1097, 1099, 1107, 1123], "before_state_idx": 1149, "command_idxs": [1155, 1156, 1159], "after_state_idx": 1162, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1158]} +{"speaker_id": "181868700464096299", "before_utterances": ["haven't gotten a chance to try that spell yet ..."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Immolation", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "current_actor": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "commands_norm": ["!a vow of enemity -t lupus"], "automation_results": ["kazeru uses Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity!\nLupus gained Vow of Enmity."], "caster_after": {"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Immolation, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<28/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<0/74 HP; Dead>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Immolation, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"i went all out and pulled out nearly every single one of my cards\"", "Player 2: never mind then, I guess", "Player 2: Why? U get warlock slots back", "Player 2: The crowded emmitted a mixture of cheers and complaints as Mick fell, and money began exchanging hands", "Player 2: haven't gotten a chance to try that spell yet ..."], "before_idxs": [1212], "before_state_idx": 1216, "command_idxs": [1223, 1224, 1227], "after_state_idx": 1230, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1226]} +{"speaker_id": "237958154411013704", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Immolation, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "commands_norm": ["!a maul -t lupus adv"], "automation_results": ["Mick \"Ram\" Gordon attacks with a Maul!\nMick \"Ram\" Gordon attacked Lupus and crit!\nLupus took 23 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<74/74 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Immolation, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "kazeru", "hp": "<43/43 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 4/Warlock 1", "race": "Shadar-kai", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Javelin, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike, shove", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Eldritch Blast, Hunter's Mark, Bless, Mind Sliver, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Wrathful Smite, Bane, Searing Smite", "actions": "Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Harness Divine Power, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Hex Warrior, Blessing of the Raven Queen (Resistance), Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity, shove, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Lay on Hands (Restoration), Divine Smite, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy, Hexblade's Curse", "effects": "Hex, Hexing, On Fire", "description": null, "controller_id": "181868700464096299"}, {"name": "Mick \"Ram\" Gordon", "hp": "<28/60 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Barbarian 5", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Greatsword, Javelin, Maul, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rage, Frenzy Rage, Chef: Feed Treats, Chef: Special Food", "effects": "Rage", "description": null, "controller_id": "237958154411013704"}, {"name": "Lupus", "hp": "<0/74 HP; Dead>", "class": "Sorcerer 9", "race": "Dispater Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Draconic Claw, Sling, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike, Horns (Altered Form), Blade (Altered Form), Tail Stab (Altered Form)", "spells": "Lightning Lure, Greater Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Thaumaturgy, Scorching Ray, Fire Bolt, Slow, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Shield, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Immolation, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Haste, Hold Person, Green-Flame Blade, Burning Hands", "actions": "Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Legacy of Dis: Disguise Self, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Elemental Affinity, Legacy of Dis: Detect Thoughts, Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hexed, Immolation, Vow of Enmity", "description": "Lupus is a 6\u20193, light blue skinned tiefling with a messy pile of curly hair and a 6ft long tail. He wears monkish garments, meant for mobility and wields a simple sling with deadly accuracy. His left arm is completely covered in blue scales, which creep up to his shoulder and along his back. It ends in a sharp, draconic claw. He kept this hidden in Varanthia, but his friends recently convinced him to keep it exposed.", "controller_id": "206980287781667893"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"i went all out and pulled out nearly every single one of my cards\"", "Player 2: never mind then, I guess", "Player 2: Why? U get warlock slots back", "Player 2: The crowded emmitted a mixture of cheers and complaints as Mick fell, and money began exchanging hands", "Player 2: haven't gotten a chance to try that spell yet ..."], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1252, "command_idxs": [1255, 1256, 1259], "after_state_idx": 1277, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1258]} +{"speaker_id": "981381483504357172", "before_utterances": ["!a celestial -t nova -t Nykomi -t Dios -t Alexis"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<281/281 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a celestial -t nova -t Nykomi -t Dios -t Alexis"], "automation_results": ["Erza Lockwood uses Celestial Resilience!\nNova gained 15 temp HP.\nNykomi gained 15 temp HP.\nDios gained 15 temp HP.\nAlexis Tonari gained 15 temp HP.\nErza Lockwood gained 24 temp HP."], "caster_after": {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Nova", "hp": "<281/281 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<41/264 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !a celestial -t nova -t Player 10 -t Player 13 -t Alexis"], "before_idxs": [34], "before_state_idx": 47, "command_idxs": [50, 51, 54], "after_state_idx": 57, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [53]} +{"speaker_id": "264022841131784635", "before_utterances": ["!i madd \"Marut\" -n 3 - ac 28 -hp 300"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WS1", "hp": "<30/30 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Soldier", "attacks": "Armblade, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "MA2", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<281/281 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!cast freedom of movement -t dios -i -noconc"], "automation_results": ["Dios casts Freedom of Movement!\nDios gained Freedom of Movement."], "caster_after": {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WS1", "hp": "<30/30 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Soldier", "attacks": "Armblade, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<273/284 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "MA2", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<41/264 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !a celestial -t nova -t Player 10 -t Player 13 -t Alexis", "Player 6: !i madd \"Marut\" -n 3 - ac 28 -hp 300"], "before_idxs": [110], "before_state_idx": 120, "command_idxs": [123, 126, 129], "after_state_idx": 132, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [128]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": ["No it's my funny yeah"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WS1", "hp": "<30/30 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Soldier", "attacks": "Armblade, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "MA2", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<281/281 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<16/16 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Comie -t WS1 atk SS Fo adv"], "automation_results": ["Alexis Tonari attacks with a 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow!\nAlexis Tonari attacked WS1 and crit!\nWS1 took 60 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WS1", "hp": "<-30/30 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Soldier", "attacks": "Armblade, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WS1", "hp": "<-30/30 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Soldier", "attacks": "Armblade, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<273/284 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "MA2", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<41/264 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<16/16 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !a celestial -t nova -t Player 10 -t Player 13 -t Alexis", "Player 6: !i madd \"Marut\" -n 3 - ac 28 -hp 300", "Player 4: No it's my funny yeah"], "before_idxs": [178], "before_state_idx": 175, "command_idxs": [179, 182, 185], "after_state_idx": 192, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [184]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": ["Can I attack WC4 with my breath? 90ft cone without hitting allies"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<281/281 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body), Stunning Strike, Stunned, Prone, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<140/450 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Stunned", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Prone", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<-2/300 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blazing Edict Used, Blazing Edict", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<0/16 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<290/450 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<185/185 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Stunned, Hex, Hexing, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a breath -t WC4"], "automation_results": ["Kayda unleashes their Cold Breath!\nWC4 rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nWC4 took 62 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WC4", "hp": "<228/450 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<232/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body), Stunning Strike, Stunned, Prone, Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<140/450 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Stunned", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<41/264 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Prone", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<-2/300 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blazing Edict Used, Blazing Edict", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<0/16 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<228/450 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<140/185 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Stunned, Hex, Hexing, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !a celestial -t nova -t Player 10 -t Player 13 -t Alexis", "Player 6: !i madd \"Marut\" -n 3 - ac 28 -hp 300", "Player 4: No it's my funny yeah", "Player 4: Can I attack WC4 with my breath? 90ft cone without hitting allies"], "before_idxs": [543], "before_state_idx": 540, "command_idxs": [545, 546, 549], "after_state_idx": 554, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [548]} +{"speaker_id": "981381483504357172", "before_utterances": ["!cast eldritch blast -t wa4 -d 7 -d 7 -d 1d6 -dtype radiant adv"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<284/284 HP; Healthy> (+12 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<197/333 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<-4/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Conjure Animals", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<48/48 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<30/450 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<140/185 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<140/185 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch blast -t wc4 -d 7 -d 7 -d 1d6 -dtype radiant adv"], "automation_results": ["Erza Lockwood casts Eldritch Blast!\nErza Lockwood attacked WC4 and hit.\nWC4 took 29 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<140/185 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WC4", "hp": "<1/450 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<232/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<197/333 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<-4/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<41/264 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Conjure Animals", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<48/48 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<-270/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<64/185 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !a celestial -t nova -t Player 10 -t Player 13 -t Alexis", "Player 6: !i madd \"Marut\" -n 3 - ac 28 -hp 300", "Player 4: No it's my funny yeah", "Player 4: Can I attack WC4 with my breath? 90ft cone without hitting allies", "Player 2: !cast eldritch blast -t wa4 -d 7 -d 7 -d 1d6 -dtype radiant adv"], "before_idxs": [736], "before_state_idx": 733, "command_idxs": [739, 740, 743], "after_state_idx": 746, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [742]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<232/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<197/333 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<-4/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement, Prone", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Conjure Animals", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<48/48 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<-270/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<64/185 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<335/450 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<232/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Comie -t WC1 atk SS Fo -rr 3 hit"], "automation_results": ["Alexis Tonari attacks with a 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow!\nAlexis Tonari attacked WC1 and hit.\nWC1 took 36 damage.\nAlexis Tonari attacked WC1 and hit.\nWC1 took 44 damage.\nAlexis Tonari attacked WC1 and hit.\nWC1 took 47 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<232/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WC1", "hp": "<208/450 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<232/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Fighting Spirit", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<197/333 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<-4/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<41/264 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement, Prone", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Conjure Animals", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<48/48 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<-270/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<64/185 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<201/450 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "after_utterances": ["*stands up, moves forward so everyone is within 60ft, or the most amount. How many allies?*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: !a celestial -t nova -t Player 10 -t Player 13 -t Alexis", "Player 6: !i madd \"Marut\" -n 3 - ac 28 -hp 300", "Player 4: No it's my funny yeah", "Player 4: Can I attack WC4 with my breath? 90ft cone without hitting allies", "Player 2: !cast eldritch blast -t wa4 -d 7 -d 7 -d 1d6 -dtype radiant adv"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 813, "command_idxs": [820, 823, 826], "after_state_idx": 834, "after_idxs": [844], "embed_idxs": [825]} +{"speaker_id": "319173686662838782", "before_utterances": ["One charge of every ability, Nykomi, Erza,myself and herself", "!a fright -t WC1 -t WC3 -t MA3"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<232/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<-4/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<264/264 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement, Prone", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Conjure Animals", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<48/48 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<-270/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<64/185 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<201/450 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a fright -t WC1 -t WC3 -t MA3"], "automation_results": ["Kayda uses their Frightful Presence!\nWC1 rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n\nWC3 rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n\nMA3 rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WC1", "hp": "<201/450 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Alexis Tonari", "hp": "<266/284 HP; Injured> (+15 temp)", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Kalashtar", "attacks": "Comie Divine Bow, 2-Handed Comie Divine Bow, Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), 2-Handed Darastrixethe - Dragon's Wrath Greatbow (Wakened), Il-altas, katana +3, 2-Handed katana +3, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Sending, Illusory Script, Dimension Door", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Mind Link Response, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Action Surge", "effects": "Freedom of Movement, Death Ward", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "Kayda", "hp": "<333/333 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient White Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Cold Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Chilling Winds, Lair Action: Freezing Fog, Lair Action: Ice Shards", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "319173686662838782"}, {"name": "NyLair", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "Nova", "hp": "<193/281 HP; Injured>", "class": "Monk 18/Wizard 2", "race": "Fairy", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2, Snowball", "spells": "Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Shield, Daylight, Unseen Servant, Fireball, Sending, Gift of Alacrity, Dimension Door, Faerie Fire, Astral Projection, Enlarge/Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Druidcraft, Wall of Force, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Levitate, Mind Sliver, Light, Globe of Invulnerability, Lightning Bolt, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Patient Defense, Fairy Magic: Faerie Fire, Open Hand Technique (Push), Deflect Missiles, Quickened Healing, Quivering Palm (End), Ki-Fueled Attack, Arcane Recovery, Flurry of Blows, Portent, Open Hand Technique (Trip), Step of the Wind (Disengage), Fey Touched: Misty Step, Quivering Palm (Mark), Stillness of Mind, Empty Body (Invisibility), Open Hand Technique (Reactions), Empty Body (Astral Projection), Ki Points, Step of the Wind (Dash), Deflect Missiles Attack, Fairy Magic: Enlarge/Reduce, Slow Fall, Tranquility, Diamond Soul, Wholeness of Body, Stunning Strike, Unarmed Strike, Focused Aim", "effects": "Invisible (Empty Body)", "description": null, "controller_id": "294037842287691462"}, {"name": "WC2", "hp": "<-4/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Dios", "hp": "<41/264 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "High Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ceil, 2-Handed Ceil, Javelin of Lightning, Longsword of Sharpness, Longsword, +3, Magol, 2-Handed Magol, Nix, 2-Handed Nix, Ran Sidearm, Than, 2-Handed Than, Wick, krambit, Unarmed Strike, Unstoppable, Magolthan Resistance, Magolthan assistance , My Soul Loves, My Sheath Defends, My Body Shields, While Magol Sleeps, Boon of Omega Immortality, Contemplating Life Choices", "spells": "Forcecage, Magic Missile, Dimension Door, Illusory Script, Sending, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit, Indomitable, Strength before Death, Rapid Strike, Extra Attack, Second Wind, Sentinel Attack, Action Surge", "effects": "Blessed, Freedom of Movement, Prone", "description": "Dios is a 6ft half elf, he has a black hair and blue eyes, he is slightly tan and has a and wears a belt that keeps his swords, he always wear a black uniform jacket.", "controller_id": "264022841131784635"}, {"name": "Nykomi", "hp": "<183/183 HP; Healthy> (+34 temp)", "class": "Druid 20", "race": "Noble (subrace)", "attacks": "Moon Sickle, +3, Rapier, Scimitar, Staff of the Woodlands, 2-Handed Staff of the Woodlands, Unarmed Strike, Power of a True Name, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Explain Harness, Explain Presence, Summoned, Lair Energy, Lair Spirits, Drain Spell", "spells": "Sanctuary, Fear, Conjure Woodland Beings, Guidance, Raise Dead, Conjure Animals, Longstrider, Druid Grove, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Script, Produce Flame, Greater Restoration, Blight, Slow, Thorn Whip, Heal, Shape Water, Charm Monster, Lesser Restoration, Shield, Summon Elemental, Heroes' Feast, Regenerate, Daylight, Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Reverse Gravity, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Ray of Enfeeblement, Locate Animals or Plants, Revivify, Find Traps, Foresight, Druidcraft, Finger of Death, Wish, Fire Storm, Crown of Madness (C), Magic Missile, Sleep, Telekinesis, Goodberry, Mind Sliver, Disguise Self, Stone Shape, Tree Stride, Vicious Mockery, Absorb Elements, Fire Shield", "actions": "Power of a True Name, Explain Presence, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Drain Spell Slot, Sorcery Points, Explain Source of Energy, Explain Aura of Authority, Wild Shape, Wild Companion, Explain Harness, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "Mind Blank, Foresight, Blessed, Conjure Animals", "description": "https://youtu.be/a2Z4T1_KEMU", "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "NyCounter", "hp": "<48/48 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "127363826277379389"}, {"name": "WC4", "hp": "<-270/450 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Hexed", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "Erza Lockwood", "hp": "<64/185 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Warlock 17/Rogue 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Hex, Shift Hex, Casull , Dad's old pistol, Jackal, Unarmed Strike, Snowball", "spells": "Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Eldritch Blast, Feeblemind, Frostbite, Dream, Hold Monster, Hex, Wall of Light, Fire Bolt, Witch Bolt, Slow, Mental Prison, Counterspell, Detect Thoughts, Synaptic Static, Dimension Door, Crown of Stars, Psychic Scream, Sickening Radiance, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Invisibility, Mind Sliver, Hypnotic Pattern, Light, Mirror Image, Sacred Flame, Teleportation Circle", "actions": "Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Gunner, Telepathic: Detect Thoughts, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Shroud of Shadow, Psychic Blades (Bonus Attack) (STR), Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Create Pact Weapon, Psionic Power: Recovery, Mire the Mind, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Psychic Blades (Bonus Action) (DEX), Agonizing Blast, Searing Vengeance, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy, Healing Light, Eldritch Smite, Steady Aim, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psychic Blades: Attack (STR), Cunning Action", "effects": "Blessed, Hex, Hexing, Prone", "description": null, "controller_id": "981381483504357172"}, {"name": "WC1", "hp": "<201/450 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "WC3", "hp": "<450/450 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Warforged Colossus", "attacks": "Slam, Eldritch Turret, Stomp, Incinerating Beam, Towering Terror", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}, {"name": "MA3", "hp": "<300/300 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Marut", "attacks": "Unerring Slam, Blazing Edict, Plane Shift", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236473153310974308"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: Can I attack WC4 with my breath? 90ft cone without hitting allies", "Player 2: !cast eldritch blast -t wa4 -d 7 -d 7 -d 1d6 -dtype radiant adv", "Player 4: *stands up, moves forward so everyone is within 60ft, or the most amount. How many allies?*", "Player 4: One charge of every ability, Player 10, Player 9,myself and herself", "Player 4: !a fright -t WC1 -t WC3 -t MA3"], "before_idxs": [884, 897], "before_state_idx": 867, "command_idxs": [901, 902, 905], "after_state_idx": 909, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [904]}