{"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!cast aid -l 9 -t fae -d 20 -i"], "automation_results": ["Marder Mepilis casts Aid!\nFaegarth gained Aid.\nFaegarth healed for -60 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Marder Mepilis", "hp": "<138/138 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 15", "race": "Firbolg", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike, Blessed Strikes", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Resistance, Inflict Wounds, Hold Person, Greater Restoration, Magic Missile, Command, Spiritual Weapon, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Banishment, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Sacred Flame, Aura of Vitality, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Rime's Binding Ice, Bestow Curse, Silence, Holy Aura, Dispel Magic, Beacon of Hope, Sunbeam, Fire Storm, Spirit Guardians, Bless, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Prestidigitation, Bael's Distant Shield, Blade Barrier, Disguise Self, Revivify, Fire Bolt, Guardian of Faith, Cure Wounds, Heal, Antimagic Field, Guidance, Sanctuary, Hold Monster, Raise Dead, Word of Radiance, Aura of Life", "actions": "Divine Intervention, Blessed Healer, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Firbolg Magic: Disguise Self, Disciple of Life, Harness Divine Power, Hidden Step, Blessed Strikes, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Channel Divinity, Firbolg Magic: Detect Magic", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: So you have magic also ?", "Player 5: \"Place your hands on this crystal and it will tell us what buffs would be useful to you\"", "Player 5: Baudee reads the crystal and picks out a book. As be reads from the book faegarth will feel vitality and power surging through him", "Player 5: As quintis places their hand on the crystal baudee reads it and picks out a different book. Quintis feels accuracy evasion and versatility strengthen their brain as if they had went through years of training in their mind", "Player 5: !cast aid -t fae -l 15 -i"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 25, "command_idxs": [46, 47, 48, 50], "after_state_idx": 48, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [49]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["Faes weapon glows with holy aura"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!cast bless -t 55"], "automation_results": ["Marder Mepilis casts Bless!\nNo.55 gained Blessed."], "caster_after": {"name": "Marder Mepilis", "hp": "<138/138 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 15", "race": "Firbolg", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike, Blessed Strikes", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Resistance, Inflict Wounds, Hold Person, Greater Restoration, Magic Missile, Command, Spiritual Weapon, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Banishment, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Sacred Flame, Aura of Vitality, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Rime's Binding Ice, Bestow Curse, Silence, Holy Aura, Dispel Magic, Beacon of Hope, Sunbeam, Fire Storm, Spirit Guardians, Bless, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Prestidigitation, Bael's Distant Shield, Blade Barrier, Disguise Self, Revivify, Fire Bolt, Guardian of Faith, Cure Wounds, Heal, Antimagic Field, Guidance, Sanctuary, Hold Monster, Raise Dead, Word of Radiance, Aura of Life", "actions": "Divine Intervention, Blessed Healer, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Firbolg Magic: Disguise Self, Disciple of Life, Harness Divine Power, Hidden Step, Blessed Strikes, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Channel Divinity, Firbolg Magic: Detect Magic", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Place your hands on this crystal and it will tell us what buffs would be useful to you\"", "Player 5: Baudee reads the crystal and picks out a book. As be reads from the book faegarth will feel vitality and power surging through him", "Player 5: As quintis places their hand on the crystal baudee reads it and picks out a different book. Quintis feels accuracy evasion and versatility strengthen their brain as if they had went through years of training in their mind", "Player 5: !cast aid -t fae -l 15 -i", "Player 5: Faes weapon glows with holy aura"], "before_idxs": [61], "before_state_idx": 58, "command_idxs": [63, 64, 65, 67], "after_state_idx": 65, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [66]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!cast haste -t fae -t 55 -i"], "automation_results": ["Marder Mepilis casts Haste!\nFaegarth gained Hasted.\nNo.55 gained Hasted."], "caster_after": {"name": "Marder Mepilis", "hp": "<138/138 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 15", "race": "Firbolg", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike, Blessed Strikes", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Resistance, Inflict Wounds, Hold Person, Greater Restoration, Magic Missile, Command, Spiritual Weapon, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Banishment, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Sacred Flame, Aura of Vitality, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Rime's Binding Ice, Bestow Curse, Silence, Holy Aura, Dispel Magic, Beacon of Hope, Sunbeam, Fire Storm, Spirit Guardians, Bless, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Prestidigitation, Bael's Distant Shield, Blade Barrier, Disguise Self, Revivify, Fire Bolt, Guardian of Faith, Cure Wounds, Heal, Antimagic Field, Guidance, Sanctuary, Hold Monster, Raise Dead, Word of Radiance, Aura of Life", "actions": "Divine Intervention, Blessed Healer, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Firbolg Magic: Disguise Self, Disciple of Life, Harness Divine Power, Hidden Step, Blessed Strikes, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Channel Divinity, Firbolg Magic: Detect Magic", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": ["You exit the guild and to the left is the portaling area"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Place your hands on this crystal and it will tell us what buffs would be useful to you\"", "Player 5: Baudee reads the crystal and picks out a book. As be reads from the book faegarth will feel vitality and power surging through him", "Player 5: As quintis places their hand on the crystal baudee reads it and picks out a different book. Quintis feels accuracy evasion and versatility strengthen their brain as if they had went through years of training in their mind", "Player 5: !cast aid -t fae -l 15 -i", "Player 5: Faes weapon glows with holy aura"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 70, "command_idxs": [73, 74, 75, 77], "after_state_idx": 75, "after_idxs": [105], "embed_idxs": [76]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rubrum -t FL3 -eadv -d 1d10 -crit -f \"Assassinate | Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.\" -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" { -d 2d8 -b 1d4 -f \"Power Up | During your next turn, the next ranged attack you make gains a +1d4 bonus to hit. If the attack hits it deals an extra\u00a01d8 damage.\n\nAt higher levels the damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 17th level\" { -cc adept -1 -f \"Violent Shot | When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one or more grit points to enhance the volatility of the attack. For each grit point expended, the attack gains a +2 to the firearm\u2019s misfire score. If the attack hits, you can roll one additional weapon damage die per grit point spent when determining the damage.\" magical"], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Rubrum Monitus!\nNo.55 attacked FL3 and crit!\nFL3 took 37 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: \"Sir Player 3, over there\" *he points to the skulls*", "Player 5: !multiline \n!init madd \"flameskull\"\n!init madd \"flameskull\"\n!init madd \"flameskull\"", "Player 7: (you can do -n3 to add 2", "Player 5: Baudee never said he would join the quest", "Player 7: \"I assume it would not be wise to find out\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 168, "command_idxs": [174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182], "after_state_idx": 180, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [181]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["What would you like to do?", "*The missles hits with great percision but Quintis was able to avoid the fire*", "We will help with commands"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a dodge -amt 4"], "automation_results": ["No.55 uses Uncanny Dodge!\nNo.55 healed for -2 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<43/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Baudee never said he would join the quest", "Player 7: \"I assume it would not be wise to find out\"", "Player 5: What would you like to do?", "Player 7: *The missles hits with great percision but Quintis was able to avoid the fire*", "Player 5: We will help with commands"], "before_idxs": [223, 224, 226], "before_state_idx": 220, "command_idxs": [227, 228, 229, 231], "after_state_idx": 229, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [230]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["Faegarth is unable to find cover but can still move closer", "40feet away what would you like to do?", "Hold up lemme check something"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a holy weapon bow"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Holy Weapon!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<43/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: *The missles hits with great percision but Quintis was able to avoid the fire*", "Player 5: We will help with commands", "Player 5: Player 3 is unable to find cover but can still move closer", "Player 5: 40feet away what would you like to do?", "Player 5: Hold up lemme check something"], "before_idxs": [246, 251, 254], "before_state_idx": 229, "command_idxs": [256, 257, 258, 260], "after_state_idx": 258, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [259]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": [".!a bow -b 2d8 -t target"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a bow -b 2d8 -t FL3"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Shortbow!\nFaegarth attacked FL3 and hit.\nFL3 took 0 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<43/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: We will help with commands", "Player 5: Player 3 is unable to find cover but can still move closer", "Player 5: 40feet away what would you like to do?", "Player 5: Hold up lemme check something", "Player 5: .!a bow -b 2d8 -t target"], "before_idxs": [264], "before_state_idx": 258, "command_idxs": [268, 269, 270, 272], "after_state_idx": 270, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [271]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["!a fire -t fae -rr 2"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a fire -t fae -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["FL2 attacks with a Fire Ray!\nFL2 attacked Faegarth but missed.\n\nFL2 attacked Faegarth and hit.\nFaegarth took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<43/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Player 3 is unable to find cover but can still move closer", "Player 5: 40feet away what would you like to do?", "Player 5: Hold up lemme check something", "Player 5: .!a bow -b 2d8 -t target", "Player 5: !a fire -t fae -rr 2"], "before_idxs": [289], "before_state_idx": 287, "command_idxs": [293, 294, 295, 297], "after_state_idx": 295, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [296]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["*Quintis' hand glows softly along with his firearm as he takes another shot, steadying his aim at the skull*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rubrum -t FL2 -eadv -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" { -d 2d8 -b 1d4 -f \"Power Up | During your next turn, the next ranged attack you make gains a +1d4 bonus to hit. If the attack hits it deals an extra\u00a01d8 damage.\n\nAt higher levels the damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 17th level\" magical"], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Rubrum Monitus!\nNo.55 attacked FL2 and hit.\nFL2 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL2", "hp": "<26/40 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<43/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<26/40 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: 40feet away what would you like to do?", "Player 5: Hold up lemme check something", "Player 5: .!a bow -b 2d8 -t target", "Player 5: !a fire -t fae -rr 2", "Player 7: *Quintis' hand glows softly along with his firearm as he takes another shot, steadying his aim at the skull*"], "before_idxs": [309], "before_state_idx": 307, "command_idxs": [312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 318], "after_state_idx": 316, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [317]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": [".!a Dagger -d 2d8 -sa -t target"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<26/40 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a dagger -d 2d8 -sa -t FL2"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Dagger!\nFaegarth attacked FL2 and hit.\nFL2 took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL2", "hp": "<18/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<43/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<18/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Hold up lemme check something", "Player 5: .!a bow -b 2d8 -t target", "Player 5: !a fire -t fae -rr 2", "Player 7: *Quintis' hand glows softly along with his firearm as he takes another shot, steadying his aim at the skull*", "Player 5: .!a Dagger -d 2d8 -sa -t target"], "before_idxs": [358], "before_state_idx": 353, "command_idxs": [359, 360, 361, 363], "after_state_idx": 361, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [362]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": ["Additonal action it said for haste right?", "I forgot about that lma", "Attack once again same enemy"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<60/60 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<18/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Dagger -d 2d8 -sa -t Fl2"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Dagger!\nFaegarth attacked FL2 and hit.\nFL2 took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<17/77 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL2", "hp": "<10/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<43/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL3", "hp": "<3/40 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<10/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: *Quintis' hand glows softly along with his firearm as he takes another shot, steadying his aim at the skull*", "Player 5: .!a Dagger -d 2d8 -sa -t target", "Player 3(2): Additonal action it said for haste right?", "Player 5: I forgot about that lma", "Player 3(2): Attack once again same enemy"], "before_idxs": [369, 371, 372], "before_state_idx": 361, "command_idxs": [377, 378, 379, 381], "after_state_idx": 379, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [380]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": ["Or is my beyond sheet not what is being used here?", "I will just make it simple...lol"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<22/40 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneak -t FL1"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth uses Sneak Attack!\nFL1 took 1 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL1", "hp": "<21/40 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<21/40 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): Additonal action it said for haste right?", "Player 5: I forgot about that lma", "Player 3(2): Attack once again same enemy", "Player 3(2): Or is my beyond sheet not what is being used here?", "Player 3(2): I will just make it simple...lol"], "before_idxs": [528, 530], "before_state_idx": 521, "command_idxs": [531, 532, 533, 535], "after_state_idx": 533, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [534]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<12/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rubrum -t FL1 -eadv -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" magical"], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Rubrum Monitus!\nNo.55 attacked FL1 and hit.\nFL1 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-2/40 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-2/40 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": ["Your at the entrance of the structure. What would you like to do?", "G3.*The snake seems to tease Quintis about somthing Faegarth cant hear*\nN2.*Quintis walks toward Feagarth, hes breathing abit heavily* \"I suppose now is the time to apply the balm i have given you\"", "Reina do you know command for applying resistance ?", "Your at the entrance of the structure"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): Additonal action it said for haste right?", "Player 5: I forgot about that lma", "Player 3(2): Attack once again same enemy", "Player 3(2): Or is my beyond sheet not what is being used here?", "Player 3(2): I will just make it simple...lol"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 543, "command_idxs": [546, 547, 548, 549, 551], "after_state_idx": 549, "after_idxs": [554, 557, 581, 595], "embed_idxs": [550]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-2/40 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a wind"], "automation_results": ["No.55 uses Second Wind!\nNo.55 healed for -7 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-2/40 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: You don't like dream lilly?", "Player 7: (Bro my build dies with disadv", "Player 7: (;\u00b4\u0f0e\u0eb6\u0679\u0f0e\u0eb6` the only thing they got going is elven accuracy rnll", "Player 5: Pair it with theki root", "Player 5: Would you like to walk down the narrow path?"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 591, "command_idxs": [625, 626, 627, 629], "after_state_idx": 627, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [628]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-2/40 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rubrum -t BD1 -eadv -d 2d10 -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -crit -f \"Assassinate | Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.\" { -d 2d8 -b 1d4 -f \"Power Up | During your next turn, the next ranged attack you make gains a +1d4 bonus to hit. If the attack hits it deals an extra\u00a01d8 damage.\n\nAt higher levels the damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 17th level\" { -cc adept -1 -f \"Violent Shot | When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one or more grit points to enhance the volatility of the attack. For each grit point expended, the attack gains a +2 to the firearm\u2019s misfire score. If the attack hits, you can roll one additional weapon damage die per grit point spent when determining the damage.\""], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Rubrum Monitus!\nNo.55 attacked BD1 and crit!\nBD1 took 37 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "BD1", "hp": "<73/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<73/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-2/40 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flameskull", "attacks": "Fire Ray", "spells": "Blur, Fireball, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Rp wise I'll allow it but don't remove Daggers from sheet and dms may not allow it", "Player 5: Fae garth trips as he's walking exposing his location", "Player 7: No suprise round then?)", "Player 5: Bd 1 is spined devil", "Player 7: *As Player 3 trips 55 springs into action and would attempt to pump the Devil full of lead before they would be able to act*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 821, "command_idxs": [829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 837], "after_state_idx": 835, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [836]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["Gets into melee range with no.55", "Charges duo gets into melee with far"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<55/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a", "!i cast eldritch Blast -t no.55 -i"], "automation_results": ["NI1 casts Eldritch Blast!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon, Hasted", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: No suprise round then?)", "Player 5: Bd 1 is spined devil", "Player 7: *As Player 3 trips 55 springs into action and would attempt to pump the Devil full of lead before they would be able to act*", "Player 5: Gets into melee range with no.55", "Player 5: Charges duo gets into melee with far"], "before_idxs": [880, 889], "before_state_idx": 892, "command_idxs": [894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 900], "after_state_idx": 898, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [899]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["Yeah but I'll allow you to do it try adding -i to rhe end"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<20/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<19/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<24/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"holy weapon burst\" -t pr1 -t pr2 -t pr3 -i"], "automation_results": ["Marder Mepilis uses Harness Divine Power!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Marder Mepilis", "hp": "<138/138 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 15", "race": "Firbolg", "attacks": "Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike, Blessed Strikes", "spells": "Lesser Restoration, Resistance, Inflict Wounds, Hold Person, Greater Restoration, Magic Missile, Command, Spiritual Weapon, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Banishment, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Sacred Flame, Aura of Vitality, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Rime's Binding Ice, Bestow Curse, Silence, Holy Aura, Dispel Magic, Beacon of Hope, Sunbeam, Fire Storm, Spirit Guardians, Bless, Fizban's Platinum Shield, Mass Cure Wounds, Shield, Prestidigitation, Bael's Distant Shield, Blade Barrier, Disguise Self, Revivify, Fire Bolt, Guardian of Faith, Cure Wounds, Heal, Antimagic Field, Guidance, Sanctuary, Hold Monster, Raise Dead, Word of Radiance, Aura of Life", "actions": "Divine Intervention, Blessed Healer, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Firbolg Magic: Disguise Self, Disciple of Life, Harness Divine Power, Hidden Step, Blessed Strikes, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Channel Divinity, Firbolg Magic: Detect Magic", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR1", "hp": "<19/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<24/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<20/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<20/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<19/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<24/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Bd 1 is spined devil", "Player 7: *As Player 3 trips 55 springs into action and would attempt to pump the Devil full of lead before they would be able to act*", "Player 5: Gets into melee range with no.55", "Player 5: Charges duo gets into melee with far", "Player 5: Yeah but I'll allow you to do it try adding -i to rhe end"], "before_idxs": [1012], "before_state_idx": 1007, "command_idxs": [1022, 1031, 1032, 1038], "after_state_idx": 1032, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1035]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": ["Put adv at the end of attack"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<9/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<8/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<13/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a adv daggers -t pr1"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Dagger!\nFaegarth attacked PR1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR1", "hp": "<8/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<9/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<8/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<13/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: *As Player 3 trips 55 springs into action and would attempt to pump the Devil full of lead before they would be able to act*", "Player 5: Gets into melee range with no.55", "Player 5: Charges duo gets into melee with far", "Player 5: Yeah but I'll allow you to do it try adding -i to rhe end", "Player 5: Put adv at the end of attack"], "before_idxs": [1056], "before_state_idx": 1045, "command_idxs": [1057, 1060, 1061, 1063], "after_state_idx": 1061, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1062]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": ["This isn't real quest think of it like practice"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<9/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<3/27 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<13/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sa dagger -t tr1"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth uses Sneak Attack!\nPR1 took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<9/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<13/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Gets into melee range with no.55", "Player 5: Charges duo gets into melee with far", "Player 5: Yeah but I'll allow you to do it try adding -i to rhe end", "Player 5: Put adv at the end of attack", "Player 5: This isn't real quest think of it like practice"], "before_idxs": [1083], "before_state_idx": 1075, "command_idxs": [1085, 1090, 1091, 1093], "after_state_idx": 1091, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1092]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["*55 walks away from the priests, takes out his pepper box and shoots the blind priests*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<9/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<13/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a pepper -t pr3 -eadv"], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Pepper Box!\nNo.55 attacked PR3 and hit.\nPR3 took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR3", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<13/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Charges duo gets into melee with far", "Player 5: Yeah but I'll allow you to do it try adding -i to rhe end", "Player 5: Put adv at the end of attack", "Player 5: This isn't real quest think of it like practice", "Player 7: *55 walks away from the priests, takes out his pepper box and shoots the blind priests*"], "before_idxs": [1114], "before_state_idx": 1110, "command_idxs": [1116, 1117, 1118, 1120], "after_state_idx": 1118, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1119]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<13/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a pepper -t pr2 -eadv -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\""], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Pepper Box!\nNo.55 attacked PR2 and hit.\nPR2 took 21 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR2", "hp": "<-8/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<-8/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": ["*uses the rest of his movent to get out of the building if possible*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Charges duo gets into melee with far", "Player 5: Yeah but I'll allow you to do it try adding -i to rhe end", "Player 5: Put adv at the end of attack", "Player 5: This isn't real quest think of it like practice", "Player 7: *55 walks away from the priests, takes out his pepper box and shoots the blind priests*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1118, "command_idxs": [1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1126], "after_state_idx": 1124, "after_idxs": [1127], "embed_idxs": [1125]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["Toward or away from spine devil ?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<-8/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a hurl -t no.55"], "automation_results": ["BD1 attacks with Hurl Flame!\nBD1 attacked No.55 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR3", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR1", "hp": "<-3/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<-8/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Put adv at the end of attack", "Player 5: This isn't real quest think of it like practice", "Player 7: *55 walks away from the priests, takes out his pepper box and shoots the blind priests*", "Player 7: *uses the rest of his movent to get out of the building if possible*", "Player 5: Toward or away from spine devil ?"], "before_idxs": [1133], "before_state_idx": 1131, "command_idxs": [1139, 1140, 1141, 1142], "after_state_idx": 1141, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1143]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<-8/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!i cast eldritch Blast -t no.55 -i -rr 2 -b 8"], "automation_results": ["NI1 casts Eldritch Blast!\nNI1 attacked No.55 but missed.\n\nNI1 attacked No.55 and hit.\nNo.55 took 1 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR2", "hp": "<-8/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": ["He doesn't pay any attention to the sounds fae makes"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Put adv at the end of attack", "Player 5: This isn't real quest think of it like practice", "Player 7: *55 walks away from the priests, takes out his pepper box and shoots the blind priests*", "Player 7: *uses the rest of his movent to get out of the building if possible*", "Player 5: Toward or away from spine devil ?"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1163, "command_idxs": [1167, 1168, 1169, 1171], "after_state_idx": 1169, "after_idxs": [1192], "embed_idxs": [1170]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; 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Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): Ok, whch of the enemies is near me? I am having issues following where they are", "Player 5: Your 20 feet away from being able to see ni1", "Player 5: If you move pr4 will attack you", "Player 5: No the blind guys are dead", "Player 3(2): Ok and being attacked is fine. Going to hope RNG is good"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1180, "command_idxs": [1209, 1210, 1211, 1213], "after_state_idx": 1211, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1212]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": ["Oh wait, said if I move away it uses an attack"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Dagger -t pr4"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Dagger!\nFaegarth attacked PR4 and hit.\nPR4 took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: Your 20 feet away from being able to see ni1", "Player 5: If you move pr4 will attack you", "Player 5: No the blind guys are dead", "Player 3(2): Ok and being attacked is fine. Going to hope RNG is good", "Player 3(2): Oh wait, said if I move away it uses an attack"], "before_idxs": [1222], "before_state_idx": 1216, "command_idxs": [1224, 1225, 1226, 1228], "after_state_idx": 1226, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1227]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["*Points the pepper box to the Devil*", "(Ba steady aim to cancel dis at the first shot("], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a pepper -t BD1"], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Pepper Box!\nNo.55 attacked BD1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": ["***Click Click Click*** *gun got jammed*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: No the blind guys are dead", "Player 3(2): Ok and being attacked is fine. Going to hope RNG is good", "Player 3(2): Oh wait, said if I move away it uses an attack", "Player 7: *Points the pepper box to the Devil*", "Player 7: (Ba steady aim to cancel dis at the first shot("], "before_idxs": [1256, 1258], "before_state_idx": 1253, "command_idxs": [1259, 1260, 1261, 1263], "after_state_idx": 1261, "after_idxs": [1265], "embed_idxs": [1262]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["(action to cast power up, ba steady to cancel dis and shoot"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<32/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rubrum -t bd1 { -d 2d8 -b 1d4 -f \"Power Up | During your next turn, the next ranged attack you make gains a +1d4 bonus to hit. If the attack hits it deals an extra\u00a01d8 damage.\n\nAt higher levels the damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 17th level\""], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Rubrum Monitus!\nNo.55 attacked BD1 and hit.\nBD1 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "BD1", "hp": "<17/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<17/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): Oh wait, said if I move away it uses an attack", "Player 7: *Points the pepper box to the Devil*", "Player 7: (Ba steady aim to cancel dis at the first shot(", "Player 7: ***Click Click Click*** *gun got jammed*", "Player 7: (action to cast power up, ba steady to cancel dis and shoot"], "before_idxs": [1330], "before_state_idx": 1323, "command_idxs": [1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1336], "after_state_idx": 1334, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1335]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<2/110 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Dagger -t BD1 -b 2"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Dagger!\nFaegarth attacked BD1 and hit.\nBD1 took 3 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "BD1", "hp": "<-1/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "BD1", "hp": "<-1/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Barbed Devil", "attacks": "Barbed Hide, Claw, Tail, Hurl Flame", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): Yea, that probably would not happen", "Player 3(2): So- non lethal attack with the +2?", "Player 5: We just say non lethal there's no command", "Player 3(2): !a Dagger -t -b 2", "Player 5: Need to add target after-t"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1368, "command_idxs": [1406, 1407, 1408, 1410], "after_state_idx": 1408, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1409]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["\"I'm just here for the fruit punch\" says the quieter cult followers", "Lol which way forward or back ?", "K back the way you came"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a poop -t fae"], "automation_results": ["NI1 attacks with Hooves!\nNI1 attacked Faegarth and hit.\nFaegarth took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Hmm i don't know if I wanna show you after hearing that \"", "Player 5: \"Well if your gonna kill us regardless why would I tell you anything\"", "Player 5: \"I'm just here for the fruit punch\" says the quieter cult followers", "Player 5: Lol which way forward or back ?", "Player 5: K back the way you came"], "before_idxs": [1487, 1527, 1529], "before_state_idx": 1532, "command_idxs": [1539, 1540, 1541, 1543], "after_state_idx": 1541, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1542]} {"speaker_id": "237798397612976487", "before_utterances": ["Rushes to the spined devil and begins searching his body"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a mace -t fey"], "automation_results": ["PR5 attacks with a Mace!\nPR5 attacked Faegarth and hit.\nFaegarth took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Well if your gonna kill us regardless why would I tell you anything\"", "Player 5: \"I'm just here for the fruit punch\" says the quieter cult followers", "Player 5: Lol which way forward or back ?", "Player 5: K back the way you came", "Player 5: Rushes to the spined devil and begins searching his body"], "before_idxs": [1554], "before_state_idx": 1561, "command_idxs": [1563, 1564, 1565, 1568], "after_state_idx": 1565, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1567]} {"speaker_id": "214442838211797800", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<10/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Dagger -t PR5 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Faegarth attacks with a Dagger!\nFaegarth attacked PR5 but missed.\n\nFaegarth attacked PR5 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Blessed, Guided, Hasted", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Hasted, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR4", "hp": "<10/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<26/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): I pretty much yelled that", "Player 3(2): So a dash is an action then the attack would be the other correct?", "Player 5: If you dont disengage you'll take a hit", "Player 3(2): So dash behind the Pr5 then strike with my dagger", "Player 3(2): is there any bonus to dashing?"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1587, "command_idxs": [1620, 1621, 1622, 1624], "after_state_idx": 1622, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1623]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["G3.\"Steady now\"\nN.\"Shut up\" ***BLAM***"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<17/27 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a rubrum -t pr5 -eadv { -d 2d8 -b 1d4 -f \"Power Up | During your next turn, the next ranged attack you make gains a +1d4 bonus to hit. If the attack hits it deals an extra\u00a01d8 damage.\n\nAt higher levels the damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 17th level\" -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" magical"], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Rubrum Monitus!\nNo.55 attacked PR5 and hit.\nPR5 took 30 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "PR5", "hp": "<-13/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}, {"name": "PR5", "hp": "<-13/27 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Priest", "attacks": "Mace", "spells": "Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Cure Wounds, Spirit Guardians, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Weapon, Sanctuary, Light, Dispel Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): So a dash is an action then the attack would be the other correct?", "Player 5: If you dont disengage you'll take a hit", "Player 3(2): So dash behind the Pr5 then strike with my dagger", "Player 3(2): is there any bonus to dashing?", "Player 7: G3.\"Steady now\"\nN.\"Shut up\" ***BLAM***"], "before_idxs": [1718], "before_state_idx": 1715, "command_idxs": [1722, 1723, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1728], "after_state_idx": 1726, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1727]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["Sure it's rp I'll allow", "*He drops his musket and takes out his dagger*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<68/68 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a dagger -t NI1 -eadv -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\""], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Dagger!\nNo.55 attacked NI1 and hit.\nNI1 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "NI1", "hp": "<53/68 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<53/68 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): So dash behind the Pr5 then strike with my dagger", "Player 3(2): is there any bonus to dashing?", "Player 7: G3.\"Steady now\"\nN.\"Shut up\" ***BLAM***", "Player 5: Sure it's rp I'll allow", "Player 7: *He drops his musket and takes out his dagger*"], "before_idxs": [1756, 1759], "before_state_idx": 1752, "command_idxs": [1762, 1763, 1764, 1765, 1767], "after_state_idx": 1765, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1766]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": ["*55 aims for its thigh, not to kill it hopefully*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<34/68 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a dagger -t NI1 -eadv -f non lethal | please? -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\""], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Dagger!\nNo.55 attacked NI1 and hit.\nNI1 took 17 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "NI1", "hp": "<17/68 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<17/68 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): is there any bonus to dashing?", "Player 7: G3.\"Steady now\"\nN.\"Shut up\" ***BLAM***", "Player 5: Sure it's rp I'll allow", "Player 7: *He drops his musket and takes out his dagger*", "Player 7: *55 aims for its thigh, not to kill it hopefully*"], "before_idxs": [1830], "before_state_idx": 1828, "command_idxs": [1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1837], "after_state_idx": 1835, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1836]} {"speaker_id": "845824686992194580", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<1/68 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a dagger -t NI1 -f -eadv \"non lethal | please?\""], "automation_results": ["No.55 attacks with a Dagger!\nNo.55 attacked NI1 and hit.\nNI1 took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "NI1", "hp": "<-6/68 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<-6/68 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3(2): is there any bonus to dashing?", "Player 7: G3.\"Steady now\"\nN.\"Shut up\" ***BLAM***", "Player 5: Sure it's rp I'll allow", "Player 7: *He drops his musket and takes out his dagger*", "Player 7: *55 aims for its thigh, not to kill it hopefully*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1862, "command_idxs": [1864, 1865, 1866, 1868], "after_state_idx": 1866, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1867]} {"speaker_id": "236473153310974308", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<-6/68 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "current_actor": {"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, "commands_norm": ["!a fist adv"], "automation_results": ["Revas Aegyl attacks with a Ranged Fist!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Revas Aegyl", "hp": "<350/350 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 20", "race": "Aarakocra", "attacks": "Katana, 2-Handed Katana, Tandava Karma, Tandava Shiva, Killer Queen, Ranged Fist, No U, Potion of Fire Breath, Celestial Aura - Base Fire, Celestial Aura - Base Lightning, Celestial Aura - Base Radiant, Celestial Aura - Improved Fire, Celestial Aura - Improved Lightning, Celestial Aura - Improved Radiant", "spells": "Gust of Wind, Astral Projection", "actions": "Ki Points, Wind Caller: Gust of Wind, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Empty Body (Astral Projection), Mastery of Death, Diamond Soul, Flurry of Blows, Touch of Death, Empty Body (Invisibility), Stillness of Mind, Slow Fall, Hour of Reaping, Ultra Instinct, Perfect Self, Step of the Wind (Dash), Focused Aim, Ki-Fueled Attack, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Quickened Healing", "effects": "", "description": "A 5.6ft man with wings and claw nails as sharp as talons. 99% of the time is shirtless to show off his body. He (Usually) has white pants on held up with a belt with a bag hanging off it. He is often vulgar but if you get past that, he is undeniably Honest and Caring. He is boisterous, active and loves attention. He loves fighting and has a rather odd fighting style akin to violent dancing. He is well known for his loud and hearty laugh.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "No.55", "hp": "<34/60 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 6/Fighter 3", "race": "Half Elf", "attacks": "Pepper Box, Dagger, Paternal Gift, Rubrum Monitus", "spells": "Power Up", "actions": "Second Wind, Action Surge, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 5'5 person stands with proper posture before you, their eyes are an empty lifeless abyss in a nice shade of light red, their skin is sickly pale their hair up to their shoulders straight but not sleek are a muted shade of red\n\nThey wear a black a suit and tie along with matching pants and leather shoes all squeeky clean and freshly laundered\n\ntheir voice is as dreary as the way they look, a colorless monotone of barely audible whispers to the wind", "controller_id": "845824686992194580"}, {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<-6/68 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Chilling Touch", "description": null, "controller_id": "237798397612976487"}, {"name": "Faegarth", "hp": "<50/77 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 2", "race": "Eladrin (Variant)", "attacks": "Holy Weapon, Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Shortbow, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Misty Step", "actions": "Cunning Action, Sneak Attack, Fey Step: Misty Step", "effects": "Aid, Blessed Weapon", "description": null, "controller_id": "214442838211797800"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: \"Ya dont gotta fight me\"", "Player 15: \"Huh! Neat! Magic writin!\"", "Player 15: \"All I got... Is punches! Gahahahaha!\"", "Player 15: E: \"Sure! How ya want me to show?\"", "Player 15: *he punches the air so fast, it makes a bullet of air and hist the post from 10ft away*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1866, "command_idxs": [2070, 2071, 2072, 2074], "after_state_idx": 2072, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2073]} {"speaker_id": "207549028397976593", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "LI1", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Lion", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "207549028397976593"}, {"name": "Yuno Retolli", "hp": "<64/64 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2/Wizard 6", "race": "Wood Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, heavy, Dagger, Demon-Dweller, Demon-Slayer, Ice Tongue Rapier, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Mirror Image, Shield of Faith, Counterspell, Shield, Command, Prestidigitation, Find Familiar, Mage Armor, Absorb Elements, Thunderwave, Shadow Blade, Haste, Wither and Bloom, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Bladesong, Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "207549028397976593"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Yuno Retolli", "hp": "<64/64 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2/Wizard 6", "race": "Wood Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, heavy, Dagger, Demon-Dweller, Demon-Slayer, Ice Tongue Rapier, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Mirror Image, Shield of Faith, Counterspell, Shield, Command, Prestidigitation, Find Familiar, Mage Armor, Absorb Elements, Thunderwave, Shadow Blade, Haste, Wither and Bloom, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Bladesong, Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "207549028397976593"}, "commands_norm": ["!a ice -rr 3 -t li1 eadv -criton 19 -f \"C19| Crit on 19\""], "automation_results": ["Yuno Retolli attacks with an Ice Tongue Rapier!\nYuno Retolli attacked LI1 and hit.\nLI1 took 13 damage.\nYuno Retolli attacked LI1 and crit!\nLI1 took 31 damage.\nYuno Retolli attacked LI1 and hit.\nLI1 took 25 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Yuno Retolli", "hp": "<64/64 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2/Wizard 6", "race": "Wood Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, heavy, Dagger, Demon-Dweller, Demon-Slayer, Ice Tongue Rapier, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Protection from Evil and Good, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Mirror Image, Shield of Faith, Counterspell, Shield, Command, Prestidigitation, Find Familiar, Mage Armor, Absorb Elements, Thunderwave, Shadow Blade, Haste, Wither and Bloom, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Arcane Recovery, Bladesong, Divine Smite, Divine Sense, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "207549028397976593"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "LI1", "hp": "<-43/26 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Lion", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "207549028397976593"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "LI1", "hp": "<-43/26 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Lion", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "207549028397976593"}, {"name": "Yuno Retolli", "hp": "<92/92 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 2/Wizard 10", "race": "Wood Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, heavy, Dagger, Demon-Dweller, Demon-Slayer, Ice Tongue Rapier, Rapier, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Synaptic Static, Protection from Evil and Good, Message, Counterspell, Command, Dimension Door, Haste, Green-Flame Blade, Mirror Image, Mage Armor, Find Familiar, Wither and Bloom, Fire Shield, Booming Blade, Shield, Prestidigitation, Absorb Elements, Fire Bolt, Fireball, Shield of Faith, Misty Step, Geas", "actions": "War Caster, Arcane Recovery, Bladesong, Divine Smite, Song of Defense, Divine Sense, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Lay on Hands", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "207549028397976593"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": [], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 77, "command_idxs": [79, 80, 81, 82, 84], "after_state_idx": 82, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [83]} {"speaker_id": "956450128256143536", "before_utterances": ["wrong CR but same table"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Rakshasa", "attacks": "Claw", "spells": "Plane Shift, Suggestion, True Seeing, Detect Magic, Major Image, Dominate Person, Fly, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a super -t ra1 -rr 5"], "automation_results": ["Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacks with a Supernova!\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 48 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 35 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 36 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 35 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 35 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "RA1", "hp": "<-79/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Rakshasa", "attacks": "Claw", "spells": "Plane Shift, Suggestion, True Seeing, Detect Magic, Major Image, Dominate Person, Fly, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<-79/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Rakshasa", "attacks": "Claw", "spells": "Plane Shift, Suggestion, True Seeing, Detect Magic, Major Image, Dominate Person, Fly, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: wrong CR but same table"], "before_idxs": [14], "before_state_idx": 40, "command_idxs": [42, 43, 44, 46], "after_state_idx": 44, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [45]} {"speaker_id": "956450128256143536", "before_utterances": ["wrong CR but same table"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Rakshasa", "attacks": "Claw", "spells": "Plane Shift, Suggestion, True Seeing, Detect Magic, Major Image, Dominate Person, Fly, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a gung -t ra1 -rr 5"], "automation_results": ["Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacks with a Gungnir!\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 44 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 37 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and crit!\nRA1 took 66 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 42 damage.\nJotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley attacked RA1 and hit.\nRA1 took 43 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "RA1", "hp": "<-122/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Rakshasa", "attacks": "Claw", "spells": "Plane Shift, Suggestion, True Seeing, Detect Magic, Major Image, Dominate Person, Fly, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley", "hp": "<374/464 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 20/Barbarian 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Giant's Fist, Supernova, Ydalir, Essence of Mjolnir, Gungnir", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Stone's Endurance, Intimidating Presence, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Rage, Giant's Might, Frenzy Rage", "effects": "", "description": "Jotunn, the Strongest Mountain in Raven Valley is a level 30 Goliath Rune Knight Fighter 20 Berserker Barbarian 10. He is 26 years old, 9'4 tall, and appears to weigh about 625 lb.. He has blue eyes, black beard hair, and ash grey skin.", "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}, {"name": "RA1", "hp": "<-122/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Rakshasa", "attacks": "Claw", "spells": "Plane Shift, Suggestion, True Seeing, Detect Magic, Major Image, Dominate Person, Fly, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "956450128256143536"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: wrong CR but same table"], "before_idxs": [17], "before_state_idx": 41, "command_idxs": [43, 44, 45, 47], "after_state_idx": 45, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [46]} {"speaker_id": "268575493283630598", "before_utterances": ["bonus shackles cause fuck it"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<81/104 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Indomitable, Frost Rune, Hill Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Stone's Endurance, Storm Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "THT1", "hp": "<37/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Two-Headed Troll", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "current_actor": {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<81/104 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Indomitable, Frost Rune, Hill Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Stone's Endurance, Storm Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, "commands_norm": ["!a fire rune -t THT1"], "automation_results": ["G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala uses Fire Rune!\nTHT1 rolled a Strength save and succeeded.\n\nTHT1 took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<81/104 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Indomitable, Frost Rune, Hill Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Stone's Endurance, Storm Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "THT1", "hp": "<29/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Two-Headed Troll", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<76/104 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Indomitable, Frost Rune, Hill Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Stone's Endurance, Storm Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "THT1", "hp": "<29/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Two-Headed Troll", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: bonus shackles cause fuck it"], "before_idxs": [304], "before_state_idx": 300, "command_idxs": [306, 307, 308, 310], "after_state_idx": 308, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [309]} {"speaker_id": "268575493283630598", "before_utterances": ["so I'm gonna try to throw a hypothetical alchemist fire on this whore"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<76/104 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Indomitable, Frost Rune, Hill Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Stone's Endurance, Storm Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "THT1", "hp": "<29/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Two-Headed Troll", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "current_actor": {"name": "THT1", "hp": "<29/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Two-Headed Troll", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sky -t THT1"], "automation_results": ["G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala attacks with a Skytearer!\nG'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala attacked THT1 and hit.\nTHT1 took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<76/104 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Indomitable, Frost Rune, Hill Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Stone's Endurance, Storm Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "THT1", "hp": "<17/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Two-Headed Troll", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "G'Aggothk Kinless Agu-Vigala", "hp": "<37/104 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 10", "race": "Goliath", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Flail, Halberd, Handaxe, Handaxe2, Javelin of Lightning, N\u00e6\u0121ling, Skytearer, Wedge Blade, Unarmed Strike, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Spiked Armor, Displacer's Dagger", "spells": "", "actions": "Runic Shield, Polearm Master - Bonus Attack, Fire Rune, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Indomitable, Frost Rune, Hill Rune, Giant's Might, Polearm Master - Opportunity Attack, Stone's Endurance, Storm Rune, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}, {"name": "THT1", "hp": "<17/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Two-Headed Troll", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Regeneration", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "268575493283630598"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: bonus shackles cause fuck it", "Player 1: so I'm gonna try to throw a hypothetical alchemist fire on this whore"], "before_idxs": [342], "before_state_idx": 314, "command_idxs": [345, 346, 347, 349], "after_state_idx": 347, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [348]} {"speaker_id": "151378946600540225", "before_utterances": ["What is you talking about\u2026)", "You were great when I was still here\u2026)", "No problem! You\u2019ll get a hang of the server again eventually)", "But time to show off my 11 year old character\u2019s power)", "Everyone is 30 from eachother, I\u2019m casting)"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "commands_norm": ["!a quicken"], "automation_results": ["Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat uses Metamagic - Quickened Spell!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<0/24 HP; Dead>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: What is you talking about\u2026)", "Player 8: You were great when I was still here\u2026)", "Player 8: No problem! You\u2019ll get a hang of the server again eventually)", "Player 8: But time to show off my 11 year old character\u2019s power)", "Player 8: Everyone is 30 from eachother, I\u2019m casting)"], "before_idxs": [33, 36, 55, 60, 69], "before_state_idx": 63, "command_idxs": [73, 74, 75, 77], "after_state_idx": 75, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [76]} {"speaker_id": "326793710699339197", "before_utterances": ["So uhhh dawn does a nice thing called legendary resistance"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "Path to the Grave, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a fire"], "automation_results": ["Multiple Matches Found\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<0/24 HP; Dead>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "Path to the Grave, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: You were great when I was still here\u2026)", "Player 8: No problem! You\u2019ll get a hang of the server again eventually)", "Player 8: But time to show off my 11 year old character\u2019s power)", "Player 8: Everyone is 30 from eachother, I\u2019m casting)", "Player 10: So uhhh dawn does a nice thing called legendary resistance"], "before_idxs": [97], "before_state_idx": 101, "command_idxs": [107, 110, 111, 113], "after_state_idx": 111, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [108]} {"speaker_id": "151378946600540225", "before_utterances": ["And that secures my win\u2026)", "Except\u2026 if you have something to reroll?)", "*goes to galeem and fist*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "Path to the Grave, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast inflict -l 4 -crit -dtype grave -t galeem"], "automation_results": ["Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat casts Inflict Wounds!\nZionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat attacked Galeem Odyssey and crit!\nGaleem Odyssey took 130 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "Path to the Grave, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<0/24 HP; Dead>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "Path to the Grave, Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: Everyone is 30 from eachother, I\u2019m casting)", "Player 10: So uhhh dawn does a nice thing called legendary resistance", "Player 8: And that secures my win\u2026)", "Player 8: Except\u2026 if you have something to reroll?)", "Player 8: *goes to galeem and fist*"], "before_idxs": [145, 146, 153], "before_state_idx": 151, "command_idxs": [155, 156, 157, 159], "after_state_idx": 157, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [158]} {"speaker_id": "326793710699339197", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a breath -t zion"], "automation_results": ["Dawn attacks with a Breath Weapons!\nZionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nZionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat took 71 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<0/24 HP; Dead>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": ["Don\u2019t worry, we will only be talking after this)"], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: Everyone is 30 from eachother, I\u2019m casting)", "Player 10: So uhhh dawn does a nice thing called legendary resistance", "Player 8: And that secures my win\u2026)", "Player 8: Except\u2026 if you have something to reroll?)", "Player 8: *goes to galeem and fist*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 163, "command_idxs": [170, 173, 174, 176], "after_state_idx": 174, "after_idxs": [200], "embed_idxs": [175]} {"speaker_id": "835035232119082781", "before_utterances": ["Ok, so do I attack?", "I feel like I'm relearning dnd", "No just avrae, except if it is dnd)", "Wait, so do J do a wisdom save?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Longsword -t zion"], "automation_results": ["Seven attacks with a Longsword!\nSeven attacked Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<0/24 HP; Dead>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "246523906441275809"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: Don\u2019t worry, we will only be talking after this)", "Player 1: Ok, so do I attack?", "Player 1: I feel like I'm relearning dnd", "Player 8: No just avrae, except if it is dnd)", "Player 1: Wait, so do J do a wisdom save?"], "before_idxs": [209, 210, 211, 212], "before_state_idx": 193, "command_idxs": [216, 217, 218, 220], "after_state_idx": 218, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [219]} {"speaker_id": "151378946600540225", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast inflict -l 4 -dtype grave -t seven"], "automation_results": ["Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat casts Inflict Wounds!\nZionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat attacked Seven and hit.\nSeven took 54 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": ["*helps seven out and galeem*: Z"], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: Don\u2019t worry, we will only be talking after this)", "Player 1: Ok, so do I attack?", "Player 1: I feel like I'm relearning dnd", "Player 8: No just avrae, except if it is dnd)", "Player 1: Wait, so do J do a wisdom save?"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 272, "command_idxs": [275, 276, 277, 279], "after_state_idx": 277, "after_idxs": [282], "embed_idxs": [278]} {"speaker_id": "246523906441275809", "before_utterances": ["*shouts to ze balancer* \u201cyour strong!\u201d: Z", "*gets up and pops out a set of spectral gray wings* \u201cI\u2019m gonna go.\u201d"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "commands_norm": ["!a celestial"], "automation_results": ["Galeem Odyssey uses Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul)!\nGaleem Odyssey gained Radiant Soul."], "caster_after": {"name": "Galeem Odyssey", "hp": "<0/24 HP; Dead>", "class": "Monk 3", "race": "Aasimar", "attacks": "Dart, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Light", "actions": "Healing Hands, Step of the Wind (Dash), Ki Points, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul), Celestial Revelation, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind (Disengage), Deflect Missiles Attack, Radiant Sun Bolt, Radiant Sun Bolt (Bonus Action)", "effects": "", "description": "Galeem is a small child with golden hair and blue eyes. It has white robes with golden accents and a pendant that shows the phases of the moon depending on the day. When Galeem chooses, it has spectral gray wings. Despite its size and appearance, Galeem has an aura of animosity towards most people.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": ["And shield, and shield of faith, and counterspell, and when I\u2019m not broke, spell scrolls galore!", "\u201cHey don\u2019t say something like that, you fought with everything you got!\u201d"], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: No just avrae, except if it is dnd)", "Player 1: Wait, so do J do a wisdom save?", "Player 8: *helps seven out and galeem*: Z", "Player 8: *shouts to ze balancer* \u201cyour strong!\u201d: Z", "Player 5: *gets up and pops out a set of spectral gray wings* \u201cI\u2019m gonna go.\u201d"], "before_idxs": [284, 291], "before_state_idx": 277, "command_idxs": [293, 294, 295, 297], "after_state_idx": 295, "after_idxs": [301, 304], "embed_idxs": [296]} {"speaker_id": "151378946600540225", "before_utterances": ["\u201cYes, always train harder! Never give up!\u201d: Z"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<244/244 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast guidance"], "automation_results": ["Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat casts Guidance!\nZionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat gained Guided."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<244/244 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: *shouts to ze balancer* \u201cyour strong!\u201d: Z", "Player 5: *gets up and pops out a set of spectral gray wings* \u201cI\u2019m gonna go.\u201d", "Player 8: And shield, and shield of faith, and counterspell, and when I\u2019m not broke, spell scrolls galore!", "Player 8: \u201cHey don\u2019t say something like that, you fought with everything you got!\u201d", "Player 8: \u201cYes, always train harder! Never give up!\u201d: Z"], "before_idxs": [316], "before_state_idx": 313, "command_idxs": [318, 319, 320, 322], "after_state_idx": 320, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [321]} {"speaker_id": "326793710699339197", "before_utterances": ["\"Umm.....her.\" *Points at the dragon*", "\u201cOhh, hi dawn!\u201d *waves*", "\"Anyways time for me to kick some dragon a- ancient!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<244/244 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a fright -t meri"], "automation_results": ["Dawn uses their Frightful Presence!\nMerizon Aerialis rolled a Wisdom save but failed.\nMerizon Aerialis gained Frightened."], "caster_after": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<244/244 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<197/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<546/546 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: \u201cHey don\u2019t say something like that, you fought with everything you got!\u201d", "Player 8: \u201cYes, always train harder! Never give up!\u201d: Z", "Player 10: \"Umm.....her.\" *Points at the dragon*", "Player 8: \u201cOhh, hi dawn!\u201d *waves*", "Player 10: \"Anyways time for me to kick some dragon a- ancient!\""], "before_idxs": [333, 337, 341], "before_state_idx": 345, "command_idxs": [350, 351, 352, 354], "after_state_idx": 352, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [353]} {"speaker_id": "326793710699339197", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<197/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<442/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<197/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "commands_norm": ["!a stray -d 1d6[lightning] -dtype cold -d 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer|When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, necrotic, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage.\" -t dawn dis"], "automation_results": ["Merizon Aerialis attacks with a Stray bullet!\nMerizon Aerialis attacked Dawn but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<197/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<442/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<197/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Paving the Path, Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<442/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "Path to the Grave", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": ["\u201cSo, tell me about yourself!\u201c: Z", "\u201cJust info about yourself, general info taht your ok with sharing\u201d: Z"], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: \u201cHey don\u2019t say something like that, you fought with everything you got!\u201d", "Player 8: \u201cYes, always train harder! Never give up!\u201d: Z", "Player 10: \"Umm.....her.\" *Points at the dragon*", "Player 8: \u201cOhh, hi dawn!\u201d *waves*", "Player 10: \"Anyways time for me to kick some dragon a- ancient!\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 441, "command_idxs": [444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 450], "after_state_idx": 448, "after_idxs": [456, 465], "embed_idxs": [449]} {"speaker_id": "326793710699339197", "before_utterances": ["\u201cYeah alright that\u2019s fine\u2026\u201d: Z"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<197/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<442/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<442/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a bite -t meri"], "automation_results": ["Dawn attacks with a Bite!\nDawn attacked Merizon Aerialis and hit.\nMerizon Aerialis took 22 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<442/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<197/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<143/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Zionroe Phoenixbeam Jhoggernat", "hp": "<81/81 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 9/Cleric 2", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Dagger3, Staff of Power, 2-Handed Staff of Power, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Resistance, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Cone of Cold, Sanctuary, Wall of Fire, Counterspell, False Life, Cure Wounds, Lightning Lure, Magic Missile, Shape Water, Shield, Hold Monster, Fireball, Cloudkill, Chill Touch, Levitate, Guidance, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Wounds, Bane, Detect Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Spare the Dying, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Force, Shield of Faith, Ray of Enfeeblement, Fire Bolt", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Metamagic - Transmuted Spell, Channel Divinity, Sorcery Points, Magical Guidance, Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, War Caster, Circle of Mortality, Eyes of the Grave, Eyes of the Dark, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Strength of the Grave, Hound of Ill Omen", "effects": "Guidance, Guided", "description": null, "controller_id": "151378946600540225"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<442/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Seven", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2", "race": "Warforged", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Action Surge, Second Wind", "effects": "", "description": "Seven is a female human-looking war forged, however, someone would not be able to tell she wasn't born human. She has long white hair that falls down to below her hips, deep blue eyes that can stare down a hellhound, and skin fair like rose beach sand. With a 5'11 height and a curvaceous body, Seven usually wears blue leather clothing no matter the heat. Though she is unsmiling people usually find her beautiful.", "controller_id": "835035232119082781"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: \u201cOhh, hi dawn!\u201d *waves*", "Player 10: \"Anyways time for me to kick some dragon a- ancient!\"", "Player 8: \u201cSo, tell me about yourself!\u201c: Z", "Player 8: \u201cJust info about yourself, general info taht your ok with sharing\u201d: Z", "Player 8: \u201cYeah alright that\u2019s fine\u2026\u201d: Z"], "before_idxs": [473], "before_state_idx": 460, "command_idxs": [475, 476, 477, 479], "after_state_idx": 477, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [478]} {"speaker_id": "326793710699339197", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<143/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<426/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<143/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "commands_norm": ["!a tenshi -dtype cold -d 1d6 -f \"Boon of the Elemental Archer|When making a ranged weapon attack you can select an element (fire, cold, acid, necrotic, lightning, force) and all damage you do deals that specific elemental damage instead and deals an extra 1d6 damage.\" -d 1d6[lightning] -rr 4 dis -t dawn"], "automation_results": ["Merizon Aerialis attacks with a Tenshi!\nMerizon Aerialis attacked Dawn and hit.\nDawn took 29 damage.\nMerizon Aerialis attacked Dawn and hit.\nDawn took 33 damage.\nMerizon Aerialis attacked Dawn and hit.\nDawn took 37 damage.\nMerizon Aerialis attacked Dawn and hit.\nDawn took 28 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<143/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<299/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Merizon Aerialis", "hp": "<143/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 8/Fighter 12", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Ash, Celestial Slayer, 2-Handed Celestial Slayer, Dagger of Warning Bonded, Dragonlance, Lance, Stray bullet, Tenshi, Tenshi Sharpshooter, Tenshi Snipe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Bless, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Light, Daylight, Forcecage", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Disarming Shot, Rapid Repair, Violent Shot, Deadeye Shot, Firearm Specialist, Piercing Shot, Extra Attack, Action Surge, Adept Marksman, Cunning Action, Indomitable, Fast Hands, Gunner, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Frightened", "description": "A 6'2\" tall Half-Elf with long darkblue hair tied all the time and with aquamarine irises that would change in shade ever so slightly even though he has gray pupils hinting blindness in his eyes. He has thin round glasses that he sometimes dons along with his comfy cloak, that totally doesnt have multiple firearms and explosives......totally. \nHe's also now wearing a black crown with a blue tiny orb orbiting around it.", "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}, {"name": "Dawn", "hp": "<299/546 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Tail, Breath Weapons, Weakening Breath, Frightful Presence, Legendary Action: Wing Attack, Lair Action: Banish", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "326793710699339197"}], "after_utterances": ["*Whispers somethin to meri and ends combat.\"", "\u201cSo, how have you all been?\u201d"], "utterance_history": ["Player 8: \u201cOhh, hi dawn!\u201d *waves*", "Player 10: \"Anyways time for me to kick some dragon a- ancient!\"", "Player 8: \u201cSo, tell me about yourself!\u201c: Z", "Player 8: \u201cJust info about yourself, general info taht your ok with sharing\u201d: Z", "Player 8: \u201cYeah alright that\u2019s fine\u2026\u201d: Z"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 539, "command_idxs": [541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547], "after_state_idx": 545, "after_idxs": [552, 562], "embed_idxs": [546]} {"speaker_id": "184581910036772518", "before_utterances": ["!i effect Buff GO1 -b +3 -d +3"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<34/53 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 5/Bard 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar2, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Tactical Revolver2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, Hypnotic Pattern, Cure Wounds, Heroism, Hold Person, Mage Hand, Healing Word, Vicious Mockery, Sleep, Blade Ward, Shatter", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Cunning Action, Defensive Flourish, Song of Rest, Mobile Flourish, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Scimitar, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "buff", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Scimitar, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "buff", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a scimitar -t jester hit"], "automation_results": ["GO1 attacks with a Scimitar!\nGO1 attacked The Jester and hit.\nThe Jester took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Scimitar, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "buff", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<34/53 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 5/Bard 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar2, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Tactical Revolver2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, Hypnotic Pattern, Cure Wounds, Heroism, Hold Person, Mage Hand, Healing Word, Vicious Mockery, Sleep, Blade Ward, Shatter", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Cunning Action, Defensive Flourish, Song of Rest, Mobile Flourish, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Jester", "hp": "<34/53 HP; Injured>", "class": "Rogue 5/Bard 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger of Blindsight, Dagger of Blindsight2, Ran sidearm, Scimitar, Scimitar2, Scimitar of Warning, Sun Blade, 2-Handed Sun Blade, Tactical Revolver, Tactical Revolver2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, Hypnotic Pattern, Cure Wounds, Heroism, Hold Person, Mage Hand, Healing Word, Vicious Mockery, Sleep, Blade Ward, Shatter", "actions": "Sneak Attack, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Cunning Action, Defensive Flourish, Song of Rest, Mobile Flourish, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}, {"name": "GO1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Goblin", "attacks": "Scimitar, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "buff", "description": null, "controller_id": "184581910036772518"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: !i effect Buff GO1 -b +3 -d +3"], "before_idxs": [34], "before_state_idx": 46, "command_idxs": [48, 49, 50, 52], "after_state_idx": 50, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [51]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*he sighs as he start casting a spell, putting a hand to his chest and sword aside* such a day.. standing in the wind, the dissonant song are what you shall hear me sing!"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<18/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"Dissonant whisper\" -t Ivy -l 2"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel casts Dissonant Whispers!\nIvy rolled a Wisdom save but failed.\nIvy took 13 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<18/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*he stands there, guarding stance*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \\*he sighs as he start casting a spell, putting a hand to his chest and sword aside* such a day.. standing in the wind, the dissonant song are what you shall hear me sing!"], "before_idxs": [26], "before_state_idx": 23, "command_idxs": [28, 29, 30, 32], "after_state_idx": 30, "after_idxs": [39], "embed_idxs": [31]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["\"Oh, now you made me mad...\" *she begins dancing and swaying her body, as she then threw her arms back, and she shoots out 3 flaming burst directly at Noe*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<18/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<18/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast scorching ray -t Noe Pavel"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Scorching Ray!\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel and hit.\nNoe Pavel took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<18/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \\*he sighs as he start casting a spell, putting a hand to his chest and sword aside* such a day.. standing in the wind, the dissonant song are what you shall hear me sing!", "Player 5: \\*he stands there, guarding stance*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): \"Oh, now you made me mad...\" *she begins dancing and swaying her body, as she then threw her arms back, and she shoots out 3 flaming burst directly at Noe*"], "before_idxs": [41], "before_state_idx": 35, "command_idxs": [43, 44, 45, 47], "after_state_idx": 45, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [46]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*he gives her a smile* impressive feat you're showing, \"my\" lady \\*he bows lightly before running toward her and slash his sword upward*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"Long sword\" -t Ivy"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel attacks with a Longsword!\nNoe Pavel attacked Ivy but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \\*he sighs as he start casting a spell, putting a hand to his chest and sword aside* such a day.. standing in the wind, the dissonant song are what you shall hear me sing!", "Player 5: \\*he stands there, guarding stance*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): \"Oh, now you made me mad...\" *she begins dancing and swaying her body, as she then threw her arms back, and she shoots out 3 flaming burst directly at Noe*", "Player 5: \\*he gives her a smile* impressive feat you're showing, \"my\" lady \\*he bows lightly before running toward her and slash his sword upward*"], "before_idxs": [71], "before_state_idx": 68, "command_idxs": [73, 76, 77, 79], "after_state_idx": 77, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [78]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*he immediately follows up by defensive stance, upon seeing the miss*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a bardic inspiration"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel uses Bardic Inspiration!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \\*he sighs as he start casting a spell, putting a hand to his chest and sword aside* such a day.. standing in the wind, the dissonant song are what you shall hear me sing!", "Player 5: \\*he stands there, guarding stance*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): \"Oh, now you made me mad...\" *she begins dancing and swaying her body, as she then threw her arms back, and she shoots out 3 flaming burst directly at Noe*", "Player 5: \\*he gives her a smile* impressive feat you're showing, \"my\" lady \\*he bows lightly before running toward her and slash his sword upward*", "Player 5: \\*he immediately follows up by defensive stance, upon seeing the miss*"], "before_idxs": [81], "before_state_idx": 77, "command_idxs": [83, 84, 85, 87], "after_state_idx": 85, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [86]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast charm person"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Charm Person!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<12/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["... \\*he stares at her as she sways her body, his hand weaken*", "\"You like me? Like what ya see?\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: his stats weren't even right", "Player 5: I forgot to update his char", "Player 5: (he always have 17 AC", "Player 5: (ignore the defensive flourish thing, it didn't proc", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): *She then begins to sway her \"Hips\" as she then attempts to charm the bard*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 131, "command_idxs": [135, 136, 137, 139], "after_state_idx": 137, "after_idxs": [143, 145], "embed_idxs": [138]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Scorching Ray -l 2 -dis -t Noe -rr 3"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Scorching Ray!\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel and hit.\nNoe Pavel took 9 damage.\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel but missed.\n\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<12/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: (when does the charm ends I wonder?", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): \"Oh! I'm quite flattered. How about you try dodging this then?\"", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): the duration is about 1 hour...", "Player 5: (oh well, I guess they'll be dating by then", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): *she then throws her arms back again and shoots out another stream of 3 scorching rays&"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 155, "command_idxs": [165, 166, 167, 169], "after_state_idx": 167, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [168]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*starts to feel himself being roughed up* H-Heavy hitting there aren't you.. \\*he shakes his head as he takes a stance with arm at his chest, casting a spell* With reason why I fight.. I do it with all my might, and with that. Is why the cloud of daggers must strike!"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Cloud of daggers"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel casts Cloud of Daggers!\nNoe Pavel gained Dagger Cloud."], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<12/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): \"Oh! I'm quite flattered. How about you try dodging this then?\"", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): the duration is about 1 hour...", "Player 5: (oh well, I guess they'll be dating by then", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): *she then throws her arms back again and shoots out another stream of 3 scorching rays&", "Player 5: \\*starts to feel himself being roughed up* H-Heavy hitting there aren't you.. \\*he shakes his head as he takes a stance with arm at his chest, casting a spell* With reason why I fight.. I do it with all my might, and with that. Is why the cloud of daggers must strike!"], "before_idxs": [177], "before_state_idx": 172, "command_idxs": [179, 180, 181, 183], "after_state_idx": 181, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [182]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["*she moves away from the dagger cloud*", "\"Oh, you are so good, but I'm better\" *she sways her body again as she tries to charm him with her snake-like movements*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast charm person -t Noe"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Charm Person!\nNoe Pavel rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<12/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<6/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["that.. won't work on me again! but I'm am flattered such a mistress like you wants something from this bard.", "\"Well, I may be a sorceress, but I am sure I could make some arrangements... once you are my servant!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: (oh well, I guess they'll be dating by then", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): *she then throws her arms back again and shoots out another stream of 3 scorching rays&", "Player 5: \\*starts to feel himself being roughed up* H-Heavy hitting there aren't you.. \\*he shakes his head as he takes a stance with arm at his chest, casting a spell* With reason why I fight.. I do it with all my might, and with that. Is why the cloud of daggers must strike!", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): *she moves away from the dagger cloud*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): \"Oh, you are so good, but I'm better\" *she sways her body again as she tries to charm him with her snake-like movements*"], "before_idxs": [202, 204], "before_state_idx": 199, "command_idxs": [206, 207, 208, 210], "after_state_idx": 208, "after_idxs": [216, 218], "embed_idxs": [209]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["heh.. maybe some day \\*he jumps above his cloud of daggers*", "tul!edit heh.. maybe some day \\*he jumps above and out of his cloud of daggers*", "Noe: \\*he drops his sword and walks up to Ivy with two open arms* since.. I still have my free will, I will do what I want before it's gone. \\*he hugs her, quite tightly* "], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<13/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a past"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel uses Knowledge from a Past Life!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<21/27 HP; Injured>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<12/27 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Cloud of Daggers, Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "Defensive flourish, Cloud of Daggers, Dagger Cloud", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<6/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": ["Ivy is passionately hugged by the bard, she could smell that his body is.. not quite fresh", "\\*as she is helplessly grapple, he use the rest of his movement and take her within her clouds of daggers*", "\\*as he sees her already knocked, he dropped concentration before she gets shreds too far*", "\\*he dropped her and dropped to the floor, huffing in exhaustion*", "as time passes, Ivy would find herself waking back up to the calm night in the desert, beside her is the adventuring bard, sitting by the campfire and roasting something"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: that.. won't work on me again! but I'm am flattered such a mistress like you wants something from this bard.", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 0 (Sor3): \"Well, I may be a sorceress, but I am sure I could make some arrangements... once you are my servant!\"", "Player 5: heh.. maybe some day \\*he jumps above his cloud of daggers*", "Player 5: tul!edit heh.. maybe some day \\*he jumps above and out of his cloud of daggers*", "Player 5: Noe: \\*he drops his sword and walks up to Player 0 with two open arms* since.. I still have my free will, I will do what I want before it's gone. \\*he hugs her, quite tightly* "], "before_idxs": [221, 223, 229], "before_state_idx": 214, "command_idxs": [234, 235, 236, 238], "after_state_idx": 236, "after_idxs": [258, 262, 275, 277, 290], "embed_idxs": [237]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": [" Now go!)", "you gotta be kidding me", "*she then swirls her arms before throwing them back and doing her scorching ray, holding nothing back*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast scorching ray"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Scorching Ray!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): Now go!)", "Player 4: you gotta be kidding me", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): *she then swirls her arms before throwing them back and doing her scorching ray, holding nothing back*"], "before_idxs": [4, 27, 34], "before_state_idx": 32, "command_idxs": [36, 37, 38, 40], "after_state_idx": 38, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [39]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["do -i to ignore spell slot"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast scorching ray -rr 2 -t Noe -i"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Scorching Ray!\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel but missed.\n\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): Now go!)", "Player 4: you gotta be kidding me", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): *she then swirls her arms before throwing them back and doing her scorching ray, holding nothing back*", "Player 4: do -i to ignore spell slot"], "before_idxs": [44], "before_state_idx": 38, "command_idxs": [45, 46, 47, 49], "after_state_idx": 47, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [48]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*he dodges all with style, before he spins back and runs up to her, again with the upward slash to her stomach*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a \"Long sword\" -t Ivy"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel attacks with a Longsword!\nNoe Pavel attacked Ivy but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): Now go!)", "Player 4: you gotta be kidding me", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): *she then swirls her arms before throwing them back and doing her scorching ray, holding nothing back*", "Player 4: do -i to ignore spell slot", "Player 4: \\*he dodges all with style, before he spins back and runs up to her, again with the upward slash to her stomach*"], "before_idxs": [56], "before_state_idx": 54, "command_idxs": [58, 61, 62, 64], "after_state_idx": 62, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [63]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["\"You like the way I shake? Even though I'm a snake?\" *she sways again trying to charm him*", "now I'm just making a fool of myself, huh.."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast charm person -t Noe"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Charm Person!\nNoe Pavel rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*he watches her for a while* yeah.. I do, keep going if you will \\*he does actually like it, just not being affected*"], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): *she then swirls her arms before throwing them back and doing her scorching ray, holding nothing back*", "Player 4: do -i to ignore spell slot", "Player 4: \\*he dodges all with style, before he spins back and runs up to her, again with the upward slash to her stomach*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"You like the way I shake? Even though I'm a snake?\" *she sways again trying to charm him*", "Player 4: now I'm just making a fool of myself, huh.."], "before_idxs": [73, 75], "before_state_idx": 69, "command_idxs": [77, 78, 79, 81], "after_state_idx": 79, "after_idxs": [86], "embed_idxs": [80]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*he eventually stops watching as he goes for another upward swing, but mid way he stops and swing his sword side way*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Long sword -t Ivy"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel attacks with a Longsword!\nNoe Pavel attacked Ivy but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: \\*he dodges all with style, before he spins back and runs up to her, again with the upward slash to her stomach*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"You like the way I shake? Even though I'm a snake?\" *she sways again trying to charm him*", "Player 4: now I'm just making a fool of myself, huh..", "Player 4: \\*he watches her for a while* yeah.. I do, keep going if you will \\*he does actually like it, just not being affected*", "Player 4: \\*he eventually stops watching as he goes for another upward swing, but mid way he stops and swing his sword side way*"], "before_idxs": [89], "before_state_idx": 84, "command_idxs": [91, 94, 95, 97], "after_state_idx": 95, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [96]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["\"Oh, a huge fan I see, how about I heat things up?\" *her hands turn into fire as they burst out towards Noe*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast burning hands -t Noe"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Burning Hands!\nNoe Pavel rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nNoe Pavel took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"You like the way I shake? Even though I'm a snake?\" *she sways again trying to charm him*", "Player 4: now I'm just making a fool of myself, huh..", "Player 4: \\*he watches her for a while* yeah.. I do, keep going if you will \\*he does actually like it, just not being affected*", "Player 4: \\*he eventually stops watching as he goes for another upward swing, but mid way he stops and swing his sword side way*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Oh, a huge fan I see, how about I heat things up?\" *her hands turn into fire as they burst out towards Noe*"], "before_idxs": [106], "before_state_idx": 104, "command_idxs": [108, 109, 110, 112], "after_state_idx": 110, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [111]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["GAH! \\*he was too caught up with her to pay attentions* okay, I'll stop watching your moves now, doing so is actually feels like I'm degrading you in a way", "I don't like that thought. \\*he said as he swing at her, this time downward*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Longsword -t Ivy"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel attacks with a Longsword!\nNoe Pavel attacked Ivy but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: \\*he watches her for a while* yeah.. I do, keep going if you will \\*he does actually like it, just not being affected*", "Player 4: \\*he eventually stops watching as he goes for another upward swing, but mid way he stops and swing his sword side way*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Oh, a huge fan I see, how about I heat things up?\" *her hands turn into fire as they burst out towards Noe*", "Player 4: GAH! \\*he was too caught up with her to pay attentions* okay, I'll stop watching your moves now, doing so is actually feels like I'm degrading you in a way", "Player 4: I don't like that thought. \\*he said as he swing at her, this time downward*"], "before_idxs": [117, 119], "before_state_idx": 115, "command_idxs": [123, 124, 125, 127], "after_state_idx": 125, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [126]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["(it would be dis if she doesn't move", "(ye, I just want to remind :D", "*ivy then moves back before she shoots him while his sword was stuck in the ground like excaliber*", "(by rule I have to op attack but, nah"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast scorching ray -t Noe -rr 3"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Scorching Ray!\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel but missed.\n\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel but missed.\n\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel and crit!\nNoe Pavel took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Ohoho. You feelin the heat yet?\"", "AAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Y-YEAH THAT'S.. PRETTY HOT ALRIGHT \\*he exclaims while putting the fire out of himself*", "\"hot? Why thank you!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: I don't like that thought. \\*he said as he swing at her, this time downward*", "Player 4: (it would be dis if she doesn't move", "Player 4: (ye, I just want to remind :D", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): *ivy then moves back before she shoots him while his sword was stuck in the ground like excaliber*", "Player 4: (by rule I have to op attack but, nah"], "before_idxs": [144, 147, 148, 150], "before_state_idx": 132, "command_idxs": [151, 152, 153, 155], "after_state_idx": 153, "after_idxs": [157, 163, 166], "embed_idxs": [154]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*he takes a deep breath to calm down, casting his own spell* With the mercy within, and the strength to go on, please let this healing word save this fate's pawn.."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Healing word -l 2 -t Noe"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel casts Healing Word!\nNoe Pavel healed for -7 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: (by rule I have to op attack but, nah", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Ohoho. You feelin the heat yet?\"", "Player 4: AAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Y-YEAH THAT'S.. PRETTY HOT ALRIGHT \\*he exclaims while putting the fire out of himself*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"hot? Why thank you!\"", "Player 4: \\*he takes a deep breath to calm down, casting his own spell* With the mercy within, and the strength to go on, please let this healing word save this fate's pawn.."], "before_idxs": [168], "before_state_idx": 161, "command_idxs": [170, 171, 172, 174], "after_state_idx": 172, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [173]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["\\*he moves out of the way but not enough to save himself* I.. felt enough heat for today.. your moves are so much better than yesterday. But I won't yield \\*he runs up to her with his final strike, swinging from the side*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Longsword -t Ivy"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel attacks with a Longsword!\nNoe Pavel attacked Ivy and hit.\nIvy took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Ohoho. You feelin the heat yet?\"", "Player 4: AAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Y-YEAH THAT'S.. PRETTY HOT ALRIGHT \\*he exclaims while putting the fire out of himself*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"hot? Why thank you!\"", "Player 4: \\*he takes a deep breath to calm down, casting his own spell* With the mercy within, and the strength to go on, please let this healing word save this fate's pawn..", "Player 4: \\*he moves out of the way but not enough to save himself* I.. felt enough heat for today.. your moves are so much better than yesterday. But I won't yield \\*he runs up to her with his final strike, swinging from the side*"], "before_idxs": [229], "before_state_idx": 226, "command_idxs": [231, 232, 233, 235], "after_state_idx": 233, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [234]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a bardic inspiration"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel uses Bardic Inspiration!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<27/27 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*as his hit connected, he immediately follow up with a kick, knocking her away for..*", "\\*he smirks as he starts running away with the rest of his movement*"], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Ohoho. You feelin the heat yet?\"", "Player 4: AAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Y-YEAH THAT'S.. PRETTY HOT ALRIGHT \\*he exclaims while putting the fire out of himself*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"hot? Why thank you!\"", "Player 4: \\*he takes a deep breath to calm down, casting his own spell* With the mercy within, and the strength to go on, please let this healing word save this fate's pawn..", "Player 4: \\*he moves out of the way but not enough to save himself* I.. felt enough heat for today.. your moves are so much better than yesterday. But I won't yield \\*he runs up to her with his final strike, swinging from the side*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 233, "command_idxs": [238, 239, 240, 242], "after_state_idx": 240, "after_idxs": [248, 259], "embed_idxs": [241]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["*she then moves directly to Noe* \"Hey sugar. How about we stop with the flame wars, and I just give you a little kiss\"", "\\*he seems to be off guard*", "\"Well then, lets do it!\" *she then kisses him, but then a purple gas begins to fill his lungs*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast poison spray -t Noe"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Poison Spray!\nNoe Pavel rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nNoe Pavel took 2 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*he coughs the poison and falls to his knees*", "\"Still alive sugar? Well, not for too long!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: \\*as his hit connected, he immediately follow up with a kick, knocking her away for..*", "Player 4: \\*he smirks as he starts running away with the rest of his movement*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): *she then moves directly to Noe* \"Hey sugar. How about we stop with the flame wars, and I just give you a little kiss\"", "Player 4: \\*he seems to be off guard*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Well then, lets do it!\" *she then kisses him, but then a purple gas begins to fill his lungs*"], "before_idxs": [267, 269, 271], "before_state_idx": 265, "command_idxs": [273, 274, 275, 277], "after_state_idx": 275, "after_idxs": [285, 288], "embed_idxs": [276]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["I.. don't think I \\*cough* like my first kiss that much.. I should be more cautious. \\*he still coughing*", "With the mercy within... and the.. \\*cough* strength to go on, please let this healing word \\*cough* save this fate's pawn.."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Healing word -t Noe -l 2"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel casts Healing Word!\nNoe Pavel healed for -7 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*he's still on the floor, seems to be gasping*"], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Well then, lets do it!\" *she then kisses him, but then a purple gas begins to fill his lungs*", "Player 4: \\*he coughs the poison and falls to his knees*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Still alive sugar? Well, not for too long!\"", "Player 4: I.. don't think I \\*cough* like my first kiss that much.. I should be more cautious. \\*he still coughing*", "Player 4: With the mercy within... and the.. \\*cough* strength to go on, please let this healing word \\*cough* save this fate's pawn.."], "before_idxs": [290, 294], "before_state_idx": 283, "command_idxs": [296, 297, 298, 300], "after_state_idx": 298, "after_idxs": [307], "embed_idxs": [299]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["\"Well then, How about I give you a little of this?\" *she said as she shot him with another round of burning hands*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast burning hands -t Noe"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Burning Hands!\nNoe Pavel rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nNoe Pavel took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*he rolled aside just before the fire spews out*"], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Still alive sugar? Well, not for too long!\"", "Player 4: I.. don't think I \\*cough* like my first kiss that much.. I should be more cautious. \\*he still coughing*", "Player 4: With the mercy within... and the.. \\*cough* strength to go on, please let this healing word \\*cough* save this fate's pawn..", "Player 4: \\*he's still on the floor, seems to be gasping*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Well then, How about I give you a little of this?\" *she said as she shot him with another round of burning hands*"], "before_idxs": [309], "before_state_idx": 303, "command_idxs": [311, 312, 313, 315], "after_state_idx": 313, "after_idxs": [320], "embed_idxs": [314]} {"speaker_id": "335059211728713248", "before_utterances": ["Noe: you're.. really putting me on edge.. \\*he gets up looking trying to look through the smoke, he takes a precision swing at her spot*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Longsword -t Ivy -dis"], "automation_results": ["Noe Pavel attacks with a Longsword!\nNoe Pavel attacked Ivy but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["\\*he falls to the floor again, coughing* I am at your mercy now"], "utterance_history": ["Player 4: With the mercy within... and the.. \\*cough* strength to go on, please let this healing word \\*cough* save this fate's pawn..", "Player 4: \\*he's still on the floor, seems to be gasping*", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Well then, How about I give you a little of this?\" *she said as she shot him with another round of burning hands*", "Player 4: \\*he rolled aside just before the fire spews out*", "Player 4: Noe: you're.. really putting me on edge.. \\*he gets up looking trying to look through the smoke, he takes a precision swing at her spot*"], "before_idxs": [323], "before_state_idx": 318, "command_idxs": [325, 326, 327, 329], "after_state_idx": 327, "after_idxs": [344], "embed_idxs": [328]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["*she then begins to do a certain dance move... twice. She now has a second level spell slot*", "(I don't even know what's sorcerer points and how they work", "(just do it twice, not like Noe will be spending another turn", "\"Now eat this!\" *she then throws her arms back and throws her scorching beam at him 3 times)", "(imagine they just straight up all miss for no reason"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast scorching beam -rr 3 -t Noe"], "automation_results": ["Ivy casts Scorching Ray!\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel but missed.\n\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel and hit.\nNoe Pavel took 4 damage.\nIvy attacked Noe Pavel and hit.\nNoe Pavel took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<4/27 HP; Critical>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Ivy", "hp": "<17/26 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3", "race": "Swain", "attacks": "Spear, 2-Handed Spear, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Charm Person, Scorching Ray, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Poison Spray, Comprehend Languages, Suggestion, Message, Fire Bolt, Burning Hands", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Sorcery Points, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Careful Spell, Metamagic - Subtle Spell", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, {"name": "Noe Pavel", "hp": "<0/27 HP; Dead>", "class": "Bard 3", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Dagger, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Dissonant Whispers, True Strike, Command, Healing Word, Cloud of Daggers, Bane, Aid, Blade Ward", "actions": "Magical Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration, Slashing Flourish, Defensive Flourish, Mobile Flourish, Knowledge from a Past Life, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "He have appearance of a human but with abnormally grey skin\nHiding behind his long hair, one of his ear is missing. \nIf he shows his bare body, There would be a line between his shoulder and his left arm, seemingly like they were dismembered before magically put back together. \nHe have a medium size hole on the left side of his chest that goes all the way to his back, seemingly all the wounds are closed but the hole are left. ", "controller_id": "335059211728713248"}], "after_utterances": ["*she then picked up his fainted body, and carried him to the oasis*", "*she then dipped his body into the water to get rid of any extra flames on his body*", "*she then set him on the sand and waited for him to wake up*"], "utterance_history": ["Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): *she then begins to do a certain dance move... twice. She now has a second level spell slot*", "Player 4: (I don't even know what's sorcerer points and how they work", "Player 4: (just do it twice, not like Noe will be spending another turn", "Argo (Wiz9) Player 2 (Sor3): \"Now eat this!\" *she then throws her arms back and throws her scorching beam at him 3 times)", "Player 4: (imagine they just straight up all miss for no reason"], "before_idxs": [355, 357, 358, 366, 368], "before_state_idx": 342, "command_idxs": [369, 370, 371, 373], "after_state_idx": 371, "after_idxs": [375, 386, 388], "embed_idxs": [372]} {"speaker_id": "776086022363132123", "before_utterances": ["\"Well, what a nice first meet this is, Grandle.\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "commands_norm": ["!a unsettling -t grandle"], "automation_results": ["Celestia uses Unsettling Words!\nCelestia gained Unsetting Words.\nGrandle gained Unsettling Words."], "caster_after": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Unsettling Words", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Unsettling Words", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: \"Well, what a nice first meet this is, Player 2.\""], "before_idxs": [25], "before_state_idx": 23, "command_idxs": [27, 28, 29, 31], "after_state_idx": 29, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [30]} {"speaker_id": "776086022363132123", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Unsettling Words", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast command -t grandle"], "automation_results": ["Celestia casts Command!\nGrandle rolled a Wisdom save but failed.\nGrandle gained Commanded."], "caster_after": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Unsettling Words, Commanded", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Unsettling Words, Commanded", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "after_utterances": ["*Grandle falls to his knees, glaring at you as he cant help but obey*", "\"Like I said, power is power.\"", "*The girl lifts both hands, to show she means no harm anymore.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: \"Well, what a nice first meet this is, Player 2.\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 29, "command_idxs": [32, 33, 34, 36], "after_state_idx": 34, "after_idxs": [47, 53, 57], "embed_idxs": [35]} {"speaker_id": "152454623122096788", "before_utterances": ["*Gandle stands as as his glower intensifies*\n\"No.\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast magic stone"], "automation_results": ["Grandle casts Magic Stone!\nGrandle gained Magic Stone."], "caster_after": {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "after_utterances": ["*Grandle picks up a stone from the ground and throws it towards you, missing by several feet*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: \"Well, what a nice first meet this is, Player 2.\"", "Prime | Player 2 (4): *Player 2 falls to his knees, glaring at you as he cant help but obey*", "Player 0: \"Like I said, power is power.\"", "Player 0: *The girl lifts both hands, to show she means no harm anymore.*", "Prime | Player 2 (4): *Gandle stands as as his glower intensifies*\n\"No.\""], "before_idxs": [67], "before_state_idx": 64, "command_idxs": [72, 73, 74, 76], "after_state_idx": 74, "after_idxs": [81], "embed_idxs": [75]} {"speaker_id": "776086022363132123", "before_utterances": ["wait for a min im rummaging through irl stuff ;-;", "\"Well, that's great.\" *The girl fetches her harp dangling from her waist, beaming at Prime seductively as her slender fingers strum through the strings.*", "*Her seductive voice calls for Grandle, as if asking him to oblige.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "commands_norm": ["!a unsettling -t grandle"], "automation_results": ["Celestia uses Unsettling Words!\nCelestia gained Unsetting Words.\nGrandle gained Unsettling Words."], "caster_after": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone, Unsettling Words", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone, Unsettling Words", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Prime | Player 2 (4): *Gandle stands as as his glower intensifies*\n\"No.\"", "Prime | Player 2 (4): *Player 2 picks up a stone from the ground and throws it towards you, missing by several feet*", "Player 0: wait for a min im rummaging through irl stuff ;-;", "Player 0: \"Well, that's great.\" *The girl fetches her harp dangling from her waist, beaming at Prime seductively as her slender fingers strum through the strings.*", "Player 0: *Her seductive voice calls for Player 2, as if asking him to oblige.*"], "before_idxs": [91, 93, 95], "before_state_idx": 85, "command_idxs": [97, 98, 99, 101], "after_state_idx": 99, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [100]} {"speaker_id": "776086022363132123", "before_utterances": ["\"Thank you for telling me your name.\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone, Unsettling Words", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast lance -t grandle"], "automation_results": ["Celestia casts Raulothim's Psychic Lance!\nCelestia gained Psychic Lance.\nGrandle rolled a Intelligence save but failed.\nGrandle took 22 damage.\nGrandle gained Incapacitated."], "caster_after": {"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words, Psychic Lance", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone, Unsettling Words, Incapacitated", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Celestia", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Bard 11/Warlock 1", "race": "Siren", "attacks": "Dagger, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortbow, +3, Unarmed Strike, Claws", "spells": "Mass Healing Word, Dispel Magic, Holy Weapon, Fly, Mass Suggestion, Healing Word, Invisibility, Wall of Thorns, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Counterspell, Cure Wounds, Control Weather, Raise Dead, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Protection from Evil and Good, Enthrall, Daylight, Shield, Dissonant Whispers, Chill Touch, Charm Person, Levitate, Mage Hand, Light, Greater Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Armor of Agathys, Aid, Motivational Speech, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Command, Greater Restoration, Vicious Mockery, Fog Cloud, Shatter", "actions": "Universal Speech, Magical Inspiration, Sorcery Points, Unsettling Words, Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Inspiration, Hex Warrior, Morph, Metamagic - Extended Spell, Countercharm, Hexblade's Curse (Heal), Metamagic - Subtle Spell, Song of Rest", "effects": "Unsetting Words, Psychic Lance", "description": "Celestia is an extremely beautiful woman, with fish-like facial features. In her fey form, she sports a beautiful figure, her upper body that of a maiden with waist-length pink hair, gills on her neck and white-pink scales on the sides of her head. The lower half of her body is that of a fish, her legs merging into a fish tail, majestic orange, somewhat silky in texture.\n\nIn her human form, she is a beautiful maiden of 5'6 stature, retaining her fish-like features and waist-length pink hair, with a slender figure and enchanting beauty.\n\nThough the most enchanting feature of Celestia is her voice, that leaves a certain taste on the tip of the tongue of those who can hear.", "controller_id": "776086022363132123"}, {"name": "Grandle", "hp": "<31/31 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 4", "race": "Lizardfolk", "attacks": "Magic Stone, Mace, Unarmed Strike, Bite, Hungry Jaws", "spells": "Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Scorching Ray, Witch Bolt, Magic Stone, Lightning Lure, Mirror Image, Comprehend Languages, Toll the Dead, Green-Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Spare the Dying, Burning Hands", "actions": "Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Magic Stone, Unsettling Words, Incapacitated", "description": null, "controller_id": "152454623122096788"}], "after_utterances": ["*A shimmering lance escapes Cel's forehead, and speeds towards Grandle.*", "\"Ghrgh\" \n*Grandle falls to a knee*", "*The girl relished her win, grinning triumphantly, her eyes seductive.* \"Job well done with the rock, Grandle.\""], "utterance_history": ["Prime | Player 2 (4): *Player 2 picks up a stone from the ground and throws it towards you, missing by several feet*", "Player 0: wait for a min im rummaging through irl stuff ;-;", "Player 0: \"Well, that's great.\" *The girl fetches her harp dangling from her waist, beaming at Prime seductively as her slender fingers strum through the strings.*", "Player 0: *Her seductive voice calls for Player 2, as if asking him to oblige.*", "Player 0: \"Thank you for telling me your name.\""], "before_idxs": [102], "before_state_idx": 99, "command_idxs": [104, 105, 106, 108], "after_state_idx": 106, "after_idxs": [111, 113, 123], "embed_idxs": [107]}