person A: I am feeling a little conflicted and disloyal today. I told my boss I applied for a new job. He was sad. person B: Maybe he should give you a raise so you can stay. person A: Well_comma_ I think he'd like to_comma_ but I just need to move on. I feel bad because he's been good to me though. person B: Well you have to think about yourself.
person A: I used to rush home from school to catsh a soap opera person B: Really? Which one was it? person A: Passions person B: Was that in the United States or somewhere else? I used to love All My Children and General Hospital. person A: It was in the US it had a bunch of young people on it. We would all talk about it at school the next day. person B: Sounds like fun! I wonder if you could find old episodes online now. person A: Probably. A lot of the actors have gone on to be in big movies person B: Oh_comma_ cool! Any names I might know?
person A: My daughter lost her last baby tooth today_comma_ she's growing up and it gets me a little choked up. person B: I was just talking about this with my friend. They are getting too old person A: I know they have to grow up and all but can't they stay littles for a little bit longer? person B: i know right.
person A: I walked to the store the other all cool and breezy. person B: Did you have plans to pick up something special? person A: Some cigarettes. But the interesting part was_comma_ halfway there some one pointed out that my dress was tucked in my undies in the bac. oops person B: I know that was probably embarrassing then but can you at least laugh about it now? person A: I laughed then lol
person A: I am satisfied with my gains so far. I hit the gym only 2 times a week but I am ok with that. person B: Are you making some good progress? person A: I'm making progress but it's a little slow. I am content with that. person B: You must be quite proud_comma_ how much can you lift?
person A: It really hurts to think about it happening_comma_ my house burning. person B: I can't imagine my house on fire. That's I got home insurance! person A: I was too young to know about that_comma_ we're done for. person B: I hope you didn't lose too much. person A: I hope so too_comma_ my math teacher has no pity on me either_comma_ had to write my test.
person A: Times sure have changed. When I was a kid no one locked their doors or had to get weapons for self-protection. person B: Yeah_comma_ the crime rate has steadily been rising. Not good. person A: I was allowed to roam the streets with my friends all day as long as I was home for supper. Aw_comma_ I miss the good ol' days. person B: I miss the good ol' days too!
person A: My co-worker got a promotion that I was pushing for her to get. I am so happy for her! She really does deserve it. person B: That is awesome. I bet she worked really hard to get that promotion. Good for her. person A: She is definitely a hard worker. I am so proud of her. person B: Cool_comma_ I hope she continues to be successful. It's good you are encouraging her!
person A: When I think back to the early 2000's_comma_ it was such a great time for me personally. Everything was perfect. person B: It feels nostalgic_comma_ what did you like most about that time period? person A: The great times I had with my friends and family. I had like 0 responsibilities too. person B: Must've been nice_comma_ being so free and enjoying your time.
person A: Ever been to a haunted house? person B: Yes_comma_ I didn't like it at all. I'm not into jump scares. person A: It was so terrifying_comma_ the men with chainsaws chased us! person B: Yeah_comma_ no thank you for me. person A: I don't recommend it.
person A: I used to have the best next door neighbors. person B: Was there any reason why? person A: They wer really nice and trustworthy. I even let them use my wifi password. person B: That's awesome_comma_ I've never had good neighbors so I'm pretty jealous of you! person A: They moved away now. I have terrible ones again.
person A: My sister and I got into this huge fight and she called me a fat cow. person B: I call my sister that all the time. person A: To be funny or what? Because I think it's really rude and unforgiveable. person B: OH. I'm sorry. We do that to each other. I didn't know she hurt your feelings.
person A: I ordered a game off of the internet and it came in on a way later date than expected. person B: Thats Sucks I download games so I don't have that problem person A: That's what I do now but back then they were not able to be downloaded. person B: I used to have that problem too. Downloading would take days. Technology saved me there.
person A: I am a little scared to move to a new neighborhood person B: Oh no_comma_ why is that? person A: I don't know any one. I am worried we won't fit in. But the rent was affordable and we needed more space. person B: Well as long as they're good people than it shouldn't be that bad. person A: I hope they are nice. I want to feel cofortable
person A: My daughter is the worst. person B: What did she do? person A: She only wants to talk to me when I'm on the phone with someone. Its so rude person B: Have you told her not to do that? person A: OF course I have.
person A: I am mad that the summer is almost over. person B: IT went by fast. person A: I didn't even get to go on vacation. person B: That sucks. Everyone deserves a vacay.
person A: I had eggs for breakfast this morning. I don't think I cooked the eggs enough and the yolk was raw_comma_ I felt like vomiting. person B: Oh no_comma_ that's the worst to spend time cooking something and then taking a bite and it's awful. person A: I could have gotten sick. It was so disgusting.. person B: I've done it before so I feel your pain.
person A: I can't wait to get to the ocean! It's been a long time coming for me! person B: Nice! Are you going scuba divng? person A: No_comma_ I've never done that but my favorite thing is the food! I love the ice cream and french fries down the shore. person B: Ah_comma_ gotcha. Sounds delicious!
person A: I helped an old lady with her groceries the other day. Made me feel good. person B: What did you carry for her? person A: She had a watermelon and was having a hard time person B: You're so sweet for doing that_comma_ did she thank you? person A: She did. And then no one helped me with my groceries lol
person A: I can't believe I didn't tell her about the vase. person B: What ahappened to the vase? person A: I accidentally smashed it played beyblades. person B: People still play with those? person A: Yeah they're fun_comma_ I didn't tell my mom after though. person B: Who did she blame? person A: She thought my cat did it_comma_ I said he did_comma_ I lied. person B: Well if the cat didn't tell the truth he didn't mind atking the fall.
person A: I'm not in the best financial situation right now. Hear me out_comma_ these ramen noodles will turn into filet mignon steaks one day! person B: Hey. It happened to me. It could happen to you too! person A: Yeah_comma_ it's not so tasty but I'm very hopeful that hard work will pay off! person B: Have you ever put butter in your noodles. It elevates them lol person A: Butter? I need to try that_comma_ I'm just using cheese and chopped vegetables. person B: I've never used cheese. Learn something new every day.
person A: I bought a box of honey buns yesterday. person B: You know_comma_ thinking about it. I don't think I've ever had a honey bun... person A: OMG! Actually I didn't have any yesterday and they are all gone!! My kids are the worst person B: Wow_comma_ that sucks. I bet you are so disappointed... person A: I was ready for one about 5 minutes ago. I haven't stopped frowning yet.
person A: My new neighbors are already on my list. person B: What kind of list is that? Are you bringing them some Christmas cookies? person A: The naughty list. They are putting up pictures and moving furniture at midnight every night. RUDE person B: Oh so maybe you will leave some coal on their doorstep instead. They should be more considerate. person A: They should
person A: I spotted my dream car the other day. It is a Honda Civic Type R. person B: Ok. That's kinda neat. person A: Yeah too bad I can't afford one. I was so jealous of the dude that had one. person B: Oh I know how that feels.
person A: I love looking at my kids pictures. person B: Aww that's sweet! How old are your kids? person A: 4 and 5 and 14. I put up a ulletin board in my office and filled it with their pics. person B: Yeah I like to have pictures of my loved ones and pets and such at work. It really helps when I'm having a rough day. person A: Yep. Saved me from quitting a bunch lol
person A: Once I had a really scary experience where I was walking home by myself in a city where I was studying abroad_comma_ and a man started following me and verbally harassing me. person B: Oh no. I would have screamed. person A: Yeah I called a friend on my phone and talked to her. Thankfully I coincidentally ran into some other students that I knew and they walked with me the rest of the way. person B: That's nice. No police were involved? person A: No thankfully it didn't come to that! person B: Well at least you're safe.
person A: I had a great night the other evening. person B: That's nice. person A: My wife had made a gorgeous spaghetti dinner_comma_ and it was ready the moment I came home. person B: Aw. No one cooks for me :(
person A: I never go on a diet like I say person B: I'm sorry to hear that. What's holding you back? person A: I just never do it. I want to wear a two peice bikini one summer lol person B: You'll get there one day! person A: One day. person B: Just keep working at it. person A: Thanks for the support stranger lol
person A: The last season of game of thrones is soon. person B: Wow_comma_ the last one? How many seasons have they made? person A: I think it's been 7. Yep its about to be over. I can't wait til the premier person B: I need to watch that show in my free time. EVeryone I know talks about that show constantly! person A: It is the best show ever made ever in life ever lol
person A: I cheated on my exam yesterday. It was so tempting because the girl next to me didn't even bother covering her answers. person B: did you get an A? person A: Haven't gotten the results yet. But I feel so guilty about everything. person B: Come clean and take an F then
person A: I'm perfectly fine with being single at the moment. It gives me a lot of clarity and time to self-reflect. person B: Me too. I can focus on myself for a while person A: I've been trying way to hard to satisfy everyone. I think I'm content with being single_comma_ for now. person B: I feel the same way.
person A: I wasn't a very good girlfriend to my ex. person B: At least you are thinking back on it and doing some self-reflecting. person A: I used to pretend to be asleep when he got off work just so he wouldnt talk to me. person B: That's so mean. I bet he just wanted to say good morning to you. person A: He wanted to bore me to death. I told you I was good to him.
person A: I had some car trouble the other day. My car wouldn't start and I didn't know why. person B: What did you do? person A: Luckily I had Triple A membership. They came out and jumped my car and said I need a new battery. Glad I was prepared for this! person B: Did you buy a new battery?
person A: I am very pleased with the work Trump has done. person B: Yeah_comma_ I really liked those hunting trophies he got. We should be allowed to kill any animals we see! person A: I was talking about him as president. person B: Oh I was thinking of his son. I don't know much about the Donald besides the Twitter stuff.
person A: Have you ever had escargot? person B: No_comma_ that's a little too expensive for me. person A: I had it one a cruise once. Don't waste your money. Its gross person B: It's snails_comma_ isn't it? Why would anyone want to eat that is beyond me. person A: I was just doing what everyone else was doing.
person A: I have never been more appalled in my life_comma_ my husband stole money out of MY bank account and then tried to cover it up! person B: That is terrible. What was it for? person A: Jerk is cheating on me and wants to take his side piece on vacation. person B: Now That's a no no. Kill him
person A: I've been reluctant to confront my mother on her stealing my money. I know what she's doing is wrong but she is mother after all. person B: Oh wow. I have no advice there. person A: I've been stuck between a rock and hard place. I've been very apprehensive and don't know what to do. person B: Maybe you should calming ask about it.
person A: I'm going shopping tomorrow! yay person B: What are you planning on buying? person A: ACtually Im going with my mom. She always buys whatever I want person B: You self-entitled brat! Just kidding_comma_ your mother loves you person A: Lol. Its very nice. Se knows I can't afford crap lol
person A: I am ready for the winter storms. person B: Storms? Why? person A: The winter storm that comes every year. person B: Everything closes when we get an inch of snow in the south.
person A: I am so nervous for next weekend. person B: What is this weekend? person A: I'm meeting my boyfriend's parents person B: Have you met them before? person A: Nope. this is the first time. Yikes
person A: I can't stop thinking about when Christmas will be here. I love how New Years comes right after that. person B: I am waiting for Halloween. Its my favorite. person A: Wow_comma_ I forgot about that too. All the girls and their outfits_comma_ oh baby. person B: Lol. I do themes with me and my kids. Then I eat all of their candy
person A: I love when my mom invites me places person B: That's awesome. You guys sound very close! person A: We are. I don't know what I'd with out her.. and her wallet lol person B: That is so messed up lol person A: I'm only kidding lol
person A: I am very amazed about how great the circus was. person B: Oh yeah? I heard the circus had to close recently. What is your favorite part? person A: The big ending with the elephants. person B: Elephants are pretty cool. I wonder if they actually like peanuts?
person A: Yesterday I got my car washed. I was pulling out of the car wash and a bird nailed my hood with its mess. person B: Did you clean it again? person A: Yeah I was really ticked off but luckily the car wash said I can get another wash for free. That made me feel better. person B: That was nice of them.
person A: I can't believe I got accepted to school person B: Congratulations person A: Thank you_comma_ studying business! person B: Well that a good thing to study too person A: Did you go to school yourself_comma_ or no? person B: Im in school now for psychology. ITs so boring
person A: I really miss being a kid person B: What do you miss most about being a kid? person A: Not caring about anything but having fun lol person B: Just relaxing and playing? person A: Yep. Not one bill
person A: My birthday is tomorrow person B: How old will you be? person A: 35. I wish I was having a party_comma_ but I'm going out with friends. person B: Maybe they will party at your house after. person A: I have always wanted a surprise party. I should have told them that lol
person A: I am shocked the Red Sox beat the Yankees today. person B: They did? I've never seen a baseball game lol person A: You should watch it_comma_ its a great sport. person B: There are some real die har fans I miaght have to check it out
person A: I am pleased that I got to meet Donald Trump. person B: I don't believe you. person A: Why? He is the man. person B: How did you get the opportunity to meet him?
person A: I can't wait until tomorrow. It's going to be lit!! person B: What will be lit? person A: The event_comma_ duh. My friend are coming over and we are going to drink...water and read the bible together. person B: That sounds boring.
person A: I was 26 when I had my first child - that was a very scary experience. I'm actually surprised we went on and had another one! person B: That is scary! As a 26 year old I cannot imagine actually having kids at this age. I'd be running around like a chicken person A: Well_comma_ unfortunately I got HELLP syndrome and basically my organs started shutting down - they had to do an emergency c-section and I was in the hospital over a week. person B: That's rough! I'm glad you're ok now (I hope)_comma_ but that must have been really traumatic
person A: My car broke down on the side of the road in the country person B: Oh no! Did you have a cell phone or did anyone come out to help you? I literally hate car problems. person A: I had a cell phone but no coverage. But_comma_ luckily_comma_ I packed tools in the back years ago for situations like these_comma_ so I was able to repair it myself! person B: Oh great! I do not have that kind of knowledge at all - maybe you could come with me on the next road trip - LOL!!
person A: My friend bought a new mobile. person B: What kind did they get? person A: It's Iphone. But he is earning less than me. person B: Are you a bit jealous?
person A: My daughter went shopping for her school clothes without me for the first time person B: It's sad actually. But be happy she become independent. person A: I know. I think she is going to do fine person B: Yeah_comma_ let her free. person A: I wish the clothes were free lol
person A: My husband really did a number on me when he proposed to me - I was completely not expecting it! person B: That's crazy! I hope to propose one day. Congratulations! person A: We went to Disney - it was our first real vacation together. He proposed at Chef Mickey's with all my favorite Disney characters!!!! person B: That's great! Disney is a wonderful place to go. I actually live near The Magic Kingdom!
person A: Recently_comma_ a person cut in front of me in line at the grocery store. person B: Ugh_comma_ that is so annoying. Did you say anything? person A: Yes_comma_ I told him to go to the back of the line. I was so upset about it. person B: Good_comma_ maybe he'll learn not to be a jerk next time.
person A: My cat constantly jumps on my keyboard even though I put him on the other side of the room person B: Did you try taken him to a specialist to help with that? person A: Nope_comma_ but I really should. It constantly keeps me from getting anything done_comma_ and if I put him in another room he just meows really loudly person B: Did you try closing your room?
person A: Today_comma_ it is rainning because of that I can't get out. It is boring. person B: Rainy days are boring_comma_ but I do like the sound of them. It's calming in a way person A: I don't like too much rainy days. person B: Yea_comma_ it is better in moderation. That's true
person A: what? person B: Who? person A: My son and I went to the beach and had a near death experience. We almost drowned as we got sucked in to an under tow person B: That's terrifying. I refuse to swim in the ocean. Too scary. person A: Yes_comma_ it was terrifying indeed! We were swimming just fine when all of a sudden a big wave sucked us under and spit us out into a deep section. We were seperated and out of breathe. I surely thought this was the end for both of us. person B: Glad you are both safe.
person A: So the other day I was behind a guy on a two lane road that was going 10 miles under the speed limit. We approached a light that turned yellow. He floored it and I got stuck at the red light. So mad. person B: Well_comma_ at least you followed the law and didn't end up running a red light. person A: I guess I got that going for me. I wouldn't have hit the red light if he had been going the speed limit though! person B: Yes_comma_ Better safe than sorry I guess.
person A: Do you watch POWER? person B: no _comma_ but i heard about it in commercials person A: I didn't think it was going to be as good as it is. You should check it out person B: i will try on do this asap _comma_ dude yesterday i forgot to pay some money i owed my friend_comma_ i felt kinda of ashamed person A: tell me about it person B: i got payed _comma_ went shopping ate dinner_comma_ then my friend messaged me asking for his money .... i had totally forgot about this
person A: i did not feel good at all of what had happened person B: Well_comma_ maybe your friend will understand. person A: i apologized and he was cool about it _comma_ i just felt like a bad friend for forgetting on pay day no less person B: I know how you feel. person A: thanks telling this to someone made me feel a whole lot better
person A: MY daughter is finnaly fully potty trained! person B: That is a great accomplishment! person A: Yes. She doesn't even need my help anymore. Its bittersweet person B: Yeah_comma_ kids grow up so fast! person A: Soon she will be trying to wear makeup :(
person A: I was driving in a parking lot and someone stole my parking spot. person B: That makes me mad person A: Yeah_comma_ I was really upset about it but didn't cause a scene. person B: Some people should be more considerate
person A: I just moced out of the city. person B: Where did you move to? person A: Just to the suburbs_comma_ but its a log drive. I miss my friends already person B: Im sorry.. I moved once from MD to FL so I know how you feel being without your peeps. person A: Wow that's a big difference
person A: I am so nervous. I have a blind date coming up. person B: Oh. That's kind of exciting though person A: Sorta.. Im just really nervous! person B: Well be yourself. If it doesnt work out_comma_ think of it as practice!
person A: I cooked a relly nice breakfast this morning person B: Hey great! What did you eat? person A: I made eggs_comma_ backon_comma_ sausage_comma_ and french toast. I only made it for myself and not my kids though person B: It is good to just treat yourself sometimes! person A: Well they wouldnt go to bed last night so I coooked while they were asleep. I feel bad about it now. person B: Oh don't feel bad! We need to treat ourselves sometimes!
person A: Our family has been really sad. We recently lost our 23 year old niece. person B: Thats terrible. person A: She had been sick for a bit. She had something called encephalitis. person B: I have heard of that. person A: It is like and infection in the brain. It came on pretty sudden though. person B: I'm so sorry for your loss.
person A: MY kids are still sleep at noon on a Saturday! person B: Oh_comma_ I remember those days. person A: I kept telling them to go to bed last night. I was going to take them out today_comma_ but they didnt listen. person B: Are you going to punish them for it? person A: Their punishment is not going to the school fair.
person A: I went to Wendy's and the cashier overcharged me. person B: What did you do? person A: I noticed after the fact. I was so upset about it. person B: I have had that happen a few times.
person A: My son is so energetic. I miss when he was a little baby. person B: Why is he 2 now? person A: he is 3. He just loves to climb and jump. He never sits still person B: It won't last much longer. Before you know it he will be grown up and married. person A: Oh no!. Don't remind me
person A: So yeah_comma_ its Saturday night and I am just sitting here chillin... person B: By yourself? person A: yep.. Just me and my dog..No work to do.. just relaxing person B: Well you should enjoy it
person A: I ordered a nice breakfast for me and my kids today. person B: That sounds nice. What did you get? person A: Not what I ordered! Everything was wrong and it ruined our special day. person B: That is terrible. I am so sorry person A: I will never order from them again.
person A: I am pretty thankful to have family living close person B: I wish my family lived close. You are lucky person A: I do feel lucky.. I am sorry that your family isn't as close person B: We see each other once a year.
person A: This city has become so boring person B: How so? Just used to the way things are? person A: I think so. I feel like I have done everything and I am so alone person B: Oh no_comma_ are there things you could do outside of your comfort zone? Things you never considered before? person A: That actually sounds like a good idea. I could meet some new people.
person A: My wife got a promotion yesterday! person B: That's awesome. person A: I know_comma_ I couldn't be more happy for her. She put a lot of work into her job person B: That's great. I hope she likes the new position.
person A: I am so nervous about tomorrow. person B: Why are you so nervous? person A: I am meeting my girlfriends parents. person B: Okay_comma_ I totally understand your feelings. person A: I want to marry her one day so I want to make a good impression
person A: My son recently graduated from high school. person B: That's great. What is he doing now? person A: He is preparing for college. I am so happy about it! person B: That's even more awesome. I hope he does well.
person A: I was just sitting here going through old photo albums.. looking at family photos. A bit sad.. but fun.. person B: I do that a lot. person A: I kind of miss having photo albums.. the internet sure has changed how we do things. person B: Aint that the truth!
person A: I look forward to our family reunion every year. person B: thats cool that you have one every year. person A: Well this year was terrible. There was a big fight over the food! It was so stupid person B: That could be fun!
person A: My company will give us a bonus because the quarter was good. I am happy. person B: That's great. I've never gotten a bonuse at work. person A: I am planning to use it for a trip with my family. That will be great. person B: I just went on a vaction with my kids. Its was so relaxing. Have fun
person A: I have worked so hard in school lately. person B: Are you tired? person A: I am. I can't wait til its over! person B: I understand. Taking some rest is important. person A: I am going to push through though.
person A: I cheated on my taxes last year. person B: Did you get caught? person A: No_comma_ but I feel really guilty about it. person B: Don't feel too bad. Its not like the government gives you money once a year.
person A: I went out and stocked up on storm supplies yesterday. person B: Oh no_comma_ is there a storm approaching? person A: With all the rain the east coast has had I want to make sure I am ready for any storm that may come my way person B: That is a very good idea.
person A: I think all of my friends are just around for my money. person B: I'm sure they're not - what makes you think that? person A: They never pay for anything and always look to me when the bill comes. person B: Perhaps next time the bill arrives_comma_ say something like_comma_ "ok_comma_ so that's $25 each" and take out $25 and put it on the table. They may take the hint.
person A: I passed all of my classes last semester. That's a first. person B: Congrats! That is great! person A: I know. I am so happy person B: That is definitely something to be proud of. person A: I hope I do it this semester too!
person A: My son always used to be a really good student. person B: What happened? person A: He is more worried about having a social life it seems. He failed 2 classes last semester. person B: Sometimes when kids are young they don't get the importance of school
person A: Im a little nervous.. I just finished my online class and the grades are still not up yet. person B: That can be nerve wrecking. person A: I know the waiting is making me crazy person B: Do you think you did well?
person A: I'm leaving for college soon. I have never been so far from home alone. person B: How far are you going? What school? person A: I am going to NYU. I got a full scholarship person B: Way cool! Congratulations! Should be a great experience person A: Thanks. I'm really scared though.
person A: The test was so hard_comma_ but I think I got a good grade! person B: I hope you get a good grade. Were you well prepared? person A: I studied so much the last few nights_comma_ gave up going out with friends... person B: So_comma_ you don't have to worry about it. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm glad it's over now thought!
person A: One of friend didn't come to my birthday party. person B: Aw_comma_ that's so sad_comma_ I hope you had fun though person A: I had fun. I was thinking that he was a good friend. He didn't give a reason for not coming. person B: At least you had fun_comma_ too bad the friend missed out_comma_ their loss
person A: I was pretty happy to find out I was having a girl person B: Oh cool! How pregnant are you? person A: I had her 7 months ago person B: Ohhhh so you already had her! Congratulations!
person A: I am so mad.. My husband wont stop playing his video game. person B: That would be annoying. How about meeting up with a friend or something? person A: I am so mad.. my husband wont stop playing his video game person B: I’m sorry. What are you going to do? person A: That is a great idea... after all its been like a week of non stop gaming!
person A: I used to not like dramas because they were too emotional person B: I like being emotional person A: Well I have watched likt 10 this week. They can really move you person B: I bet. Its probably cheaper than therapy though! person A: Lol. That's so true
person A: I feel horrible. I did something bad. person B: What did you do? person A: I put an empty envelope in the collection basket at church. person B: Lol. I've done that before. person A: Wow so I don't feel as bad now.. TY lol person B: Sometimes we don't have it. God knows.
person A: I went to visit my family for four weeks. Now that I am back home_comma_ I feel lonely. person B: I would imagine so. It is difficult to be away from family for long. person A: I will try get out with friends to feel less lonely. person B: That would probably do the trick. If not_comma_ video call your family to touch base more often?
person A: I am pretty certain I will be able to afford a vacation for my family person B: Thats awesome. Where are you wanting to go? person A: I am not sure yet. Somewhere really fun for the kids person B: I live near Disney.. have you ever been?
person A: So yeah.. I am taking care of my mom now. person B: That can be stressful. Is she ok? person A: Just old... its just.. NOT fun at all. person B: I’m so sorry to hear that.
person A: I won 20$ off a lottery ticket this morning. Didn't expect it to be honest! person B: Wow_comma_ that rocks! person A: I know! I was very surprised. person B: I love winning things. It just makes the whole day perfect_comma_ lol.
person A: I love spending time and helping out my grandma person B: That's kind of you person A: She is so fun to be around too person B: I bet she really appreciates you