person A: I can't wait for the movie Venom to come out! It's going to be awesome. person B: When does it come out? person A: October 5 person B: What is it about?
person A: My aunt had just lost her husband and was very upset. person B: Wow_comma_ that sucks. person A: I decided to go stay with her and keep her company person B: That's kind of you to help her through hard times!
person A: I am very ready for my exam tomorrow. I stayed up all night studying. person B: I am sure you will do great. person A: I hope so. I am very prepared for it tomorrow! person B: Good luck!
person A: I hated being tagged in photos from the weekend person B: Lol. Are you embarrased? person A: Yes. I really didn't like the way I looked person B: I don't like that either.
person A: So_comma_ I saw this guys drop twenty dollars in the store when he got his phone out of his pocket. person B: What did you do? person A: I picked it up and kept. I feel bad. person B: That's no good. Did you get anything good with it? person A: I bought beer. I'm a terrible person
person A: I got 2 working arms and legs. I am so thankful for that. person B: That is something to be grateful for. person A: I can't imagine being in a wheelchair or having no arms! person B: MY boyfriend once said if he ever had to be in a wheelchair he wanted me to kill him. I broke up with him
person A: MY kids are a real blessing person B: How old are they? person A: 4 and 5. They calmed me down because I was a real party animal lol person B: It's always nice to have a balance in life person A: I kinda miss those days though
person A: A group of students at the university are extorting money from me. I am too afraid to go back to the university. person B: I bet you are apprehensive. person A: I am afraid and scared a lot. person B: They sound very selfish trying to blackmail you like that. I would tell the teachers or professors asap
person A: I am perfectly satisfied with having no car. Everything I need is within walking distance. person B: I am very content with having no car. person A: That is great. Less pollution.
person A: I used to only eat microwaveable food. person B: That can be very unhealthy for you but it's so convenient person A: I know. I have been trying new foods though. I am so glad I did too person B: Yeah that stuff is addicting person A: That is so true! I am a real foodie now.
person A: I am excited for the new Spider-man movie. It comes out October 5th and it has one of my favorite actors_comma_ Tom Hardy! person B: I love Tom Hardy! person A: He is such a great actor person B: He is. And he is nice to look at too lol
person A: I'm trying my grandma recip for the fist time today. person B: What is the dish? person A: It's dressing. I feel like I'm going to fail already/ person B: Maybe she can help you and guide you step by step person A: Well she passed away so that's not gonna happen
person A: I forgot to feed my pets this morning. I feel terrible about it! person B: Oh no! person A: Yes_comma_ they are all angry at me and I feel so guilty person B: You had better sleep with one eye open
person A: I get so envious of rich people person B: Me too_comma_ I like to see them as inspiration person A: I just want to buy things sometimes lol person B: If you work hard enough maybe you can afford in the future! person A: Maybe. Maybe not
person A: I am optimistic about the results about my exam test. I think I did well! person B: What is the class? person A: Economics. I am hopeful I did well on it because I studied hard! person B: Economics is pretty cool
person A: A really young guy hooked up my cable yesterday. person B: Are you a guy too? I bet you were envious of his looks and age hahah person A: Haha. No I was just impressed that he did such a good job_comma_ and so quickly. He was pretty cute too person B: Nice_comma_ I bet it was super fast! person A: I was. But there is nothing on tv lol
person A: Going on roller coasters makes me so nervous. I can't stand the feeling in my chest on the comedown. person B: I hate them too. I havent been on one in ten years. person A: Yes_comma_ I can't stand them! person B: I would be fine if I never rode one ever again
person A: I lost all my money in my bank account due to fraud. I am so broken... person B: That's terrible. Won't the bank help you out? person A: Yes I'm in the process of getting help. I am truly devastated... person B: I'm sorry. That really sucks
person A: MY daughter told me last night she wanted a guitar person B: Are guitars expensive? person A: I have no idea. I'm going to get her one for Christmas though. I think she is gonna be a rockatar person B: Does she want an acoustic or electric one? person A: She wants and electric one.
person A: The best shows come on in the fall person B: What shows are you referring to? person A: I love This is Us. I can't wait until it comes back. person B: I'll need to check that out! person A: You should. It's awesom
person A: All my money in my bank got stolen due to fraud and I am so mad... person B: That's terrible. Will you be able to get it back? person A: I hope so. I am so furious that it's taking so long though person B: Well at least you will get it back though.
person A: I miss my ex boyfriend. person B: how long were u together person A: 5 years. He s a jerk now though lol person B: well then maybe you're better off lol person A: I try to thin of it like that. He was really cute to
person A: I ust got my first apartment and I love it person B: Nice_comma_ is it expensive? person A: No_comma_ but I didn't think I would be able to handle the bills by myself. I think I'mg doing pretty good though. person B: I bet you are so proud of yourself! I need to learn how to be self reliant like you! person A: It was a bit hard but I got it organized. I'm pretty proud of myself
person A: I can't wait to start my new job soon_comma_ it's going to be awesome! person B: Congratulations! What's the job? person A: Computer Engineer person B: Oooohhh Fancy! lol
person A: I let my daughter go out with her friends today. person B: That's nice of you_comma_ do you usually let her go out? person A: I do. But she left her rooma a mess so she won't be going out for a while now. person B: My parents usually did that do. If I don't do the chores around the house_comma_ I don't get to head out person A: She is in big trouble now
person A: I went out yesterday with a shirt that had a huge hole in the back. I didn't notice until a stranger pointed it out and I was so humiliated. person B: Lol. That sucks person A: I was so embarrassed hahah person B: That has happened to me once or twice.
person A: All of the classes I wanted to take are full person B: Dang_comma_ that sucks. Did you find another class that is open? person A: Yeah but they are boring. person B: I hate it when that happens. person A: Maybe I can take them in the spring.
person A: I am sure I will do well on my test tomorrow. Wish me luck. person B: Good luck. What is the class? person A: It's a drug test person B: Lol. Good luck anyway
person A: I think I'm going to get evicted. person B: That is terrible. What can you do? person A: Well. I painted and I didn't know it was against the rules. Maybe I can paint it the original color and stay. person B: I am sure they will work with you. Don't stress out. person A: I hopep so. I like it here.
person A: I was so excited to see my kids when they came home person B: Aww. That's nice. Did you dosomething special? person A: They got to go with their grandparents for the weekend person B: I wish my parents would get my kids. They are too busy having fun themselves lol
person A: Recently_comma_ i can hear loud noises coming out of my car's engine. It only happens when I accelerate person B: Oh no_comma_ do you know what's wrong? I hate car problems.. person A: I am really afraid of this being something of big concern. I do not want to spend that much money for now person B: Last time my car had problems_comma_ I had to spend so much money. It was awful.
person A: I am reluctant to confront my my best friend's girlfriend. I think my best friend is cheating on her... person B: You should definitely first talk to your friend and clear out the concerns with him before talking to his partner person A: I don't know what to do but I'm apprehensive. Should I tell her? person B: As I said_comma_ first ask your friend why is he behaving in such an unacceptable way
person A: I have a secret.. person B: Are you going to tell me? person A: I hate being in the dark. It terrifies me person B: You're not the only one. I am afraid of complete silence. I think I'm about to be murdered.
person A: I can't believe I became on of THOSE people person B: Im almost afraid to ask person A: I can't live without my phone. I know. It's terrible. person B: hahaha I am so not one of those people. I am too old for the technology! person A: I am fine with no more upgrades on anything now.
person A: I remember the good ol' days of when I didn't have any responsibilities and I was a kid! person B: I know right. I was just talking about that with my friends. person A: I don't know what to do but I'm apprehensive. Should I tell her? person B: tell who what? person A: Sorry wrong person. I got so many responsibilities now it's stressing me out! person B: It's okay. You'll get through it_comma_ And yes you should tell her lol
person A: I left my phone outside all night last night person B: I hope it didn't rain person A: It was in the car. But I didn't even lock the doors. It could have gotten stolen person B: Good thing nothing bad happen! I would be so devastated if my phone got stolen like that! person A: I know right. I always yell at my daughter for leaving hers and look at me
person A: I can't wait for date night person B: That sounds awesome! What are you going to do? person A: We are going to a fancy restaurant. I bought y husband an apple watch person B: That is sweet! person A: He is going to love it.
person A: I am praying that I get the part person B: What part is that? person A: In the play at school! person B: Is it the lead role?
person A: I heard a banging on my window at 3AM last night. I was terrified on what it was but it turned out to be a tree branch. person B: LOL.. You crack me up. person A: Lol_comma_ I thought it was someone trying to break into my house. I had my shotgun nearby just in case person B: What kinda gun do you have?
person A: I feel like blowing a trumpet I am so happy! person B: Yay! What made you very happy? person A: LOLOL. I got my medical marijuana card in the mail today! person B: Oh yeah!!! I need to get my ass to a legal state to get my card too!
person A: My naeighbors are really getting on my nerves. person B: That is no good. What are they doing? person A: They have been playing loud music all day. person B: That is annoying. Have you thought about talking to them? person A: They just moved in so I don't know the well. I'm scared lol
person A: 5 person B: 4 person A: 5 person B: 7
person A: I am so happy that I found all these old pictures person B: What are they pictures of? person A: Old friends and good times person B: Those were the best! weren't they?
person A: I was very sad about someone last night when they chose to ruin all the trust built up over something stupid. person B: THat sounds bad. Are you alright? person A: Oh yes_comma_ they have done this a lot. I was just sad they chose to throw the tiny bit of progress away. They just like to ruin everything that's good_comma_ you know? A lot of baggage. person B: It sounds like you need soe distance from them
person A: I am a smothering parent. It's terrible person B: Are you a helicopter parent? Do you spin? person A: No. I miss my kids when they go with their friends lol person B: Maybe you have went so long without hanging with your friends you forgot you had them. person A: That's probably true lol
person A: I am sooo mad. I came home and someone burnt a pizza in my oven and left it there. person B: OH. That's terrible. person A: I know and it was one of those expensive frozen pizzas too... Made my blood boil. person B: What is DiGiorno?
person A: I felt very compassionate towards someone I know with a mental illness and how they need a permanent place for a home. person B: Did you give them a home? person A: Not with me as they have not treated me very well and they need therapy etc but they have just had such a hard life and never learned as a I feel bad for them even though they've acted bad. They are staying with my family. I just want them to have a safe home. person B: Well that's nice. Every one deserves to be in a safe and loving home.
person A: I get a break from the kids soon. person B: Would you like me to take them? :) I like kids_comma_ sometimes! I totally understand needing a break person A: No school is starting lol person B: Ah!!! Nice lol Summer went by so fast! Summer for parents now
person A: I recently bought a lotto ticket and won $50! person B: That is awesome. I love gambling. Was it a scratch off? Pick 3? person A: It was a scratch off. I don't normally buy lotto tickets so it's why I'm so excited! Didn't expect it. person B: Its awesome... you can win 50-100 often on a 5$ scratch off..
person A: Sooo I just got done packing and I am ready for my trip... person B: Cool_comma_ where are you heading to? person A: I am going to Australia.. Going to see kangaroos. person B: Oh wow! I always thought kangaroos were really interesting animals!
person A: I am so excited to go to the park with the kids today person B: That sounds like fun! What kind of park is it? person A: We are going to a really big park that is the kids favorite and we will have a picnic person B: Great! Make sure to pack sunscreen. Hot here where I am
person A: I was in despair that someone ruined everything over nothing. They continue to ruin their life and everyone's around them. person B: That sounds terrible. What can you do? person A: Not much. If someone wants to destroy themselves and everything that is ever good_comma_ you just hope they stop. All you can do is put boundaries up and try not to let their crap take you down too. person B: I definitely agree you need to set up the boundaries. Make sure you keep that up for the sake of everyone involved. person A: I am_comma_ don't worry! VERY hard when you have loved someone so_comma_ but I am. They are not staying here anymore. So sad when some just don't care.
person A: I was super grossed out when I left some noodles in the sink last night and today there were maggots. I about vomited. Fly summer :/ trying everything! person B: I had to buy a fruit fly trap this summer as well. But as soon as I set it up they stopped flying around. person A: I have sticky traps and keep things cleaned with bleach and lemon. I need to put lime in the yard and see if that helps. It's like they get in ANY crack everyday! So gross! person B: I feel your pain.. I really do!
person A: I was so nervous taking my dog to the vet today... person B: Oh lord_comma_ I hate the vets! What happened? person A: He had an infection in his eye and had to get medicine. I was just scared because I had a dog go blind before. person B: Oh man! You know some meds can cause that. Look in too Similasan. They have one that prevents cataracts etc. Expensive ingredients but some are the some from people and dog meds for cataracts/dry eye etc.
person A: I really enjoy sitting outside on a nice cool day_comma_ watching my kids play in the yard. person B: That sounds great. What do they like to do in the yard? person A: They love playing on their playground and swinging around their toy swords! Slaying dragons and saving princesses! person B: THat is so sweet. I hope the weather stays nice
person A: I can't wait to get on the road person B: Going for a road trip? person A: Yes for the firt time in years person B: Awesome_comma_ sounds like fun! I hope you have a safe trip.
person A: Facebook showed me the old pic from 9 years ago! Hard to believe so much time passed. It made me a bit sad in remembering my cats who have passed. it was a pic of my cat. person B: Aww_comma_ how cute. Do you miss playing with your cat? person A: No. I just miss her and many of them. person B: It's alright. Your cat is somewhere up in heaven.
person A: Welp.. I am a little nervous about going back to school this year. person B: What are you going to school for? Online or in person? person A: I am a teacher.. in person.. Starting at a new school.. an alternative school. person B: Oh that is tough! Oh man_comma_ especially at an alternative one. Make sure you do a lot of self care and don't take stuff too personally from kids :)
person A: I was super sad yesterday when someone I know ruined the little bit of trust I had in them. person B: What did that do.. person A: I allowed them back in too rebuild..and they ruined it again. So I really don't know if I'll ever let them back in again. person B: I am sorry that someone did that to you..
person A: I was really upset when I heard my best friend lied to me person B: I know how you feel. I hate lairs. person A: The worst part is I don’t like to confront her when she lies because the denial is just ridiculous person B: But you have to do it otherwise you wont be able to trust her.
person A: I am super frustrated that someone I know keeps ruining their life. person B: That's unfortunate. Especially when there's nothing you can do to stop it. person A: Yep! They keep repeating the same bad mistakes to destroy everything_comma_ anytime anything good happens. person B: It can be a vicious cycle. I've seen it before.
person A: I lost my keys at a bar last night. person B: Oh man! Are they car keys as well? person A: Yep. and it gets worse. Apparently sometimes people will steal keys_comma_ then come back and steal your car after you leave_comma_ according to the bar tenders. So I got my truck towed home. And... no house keys.. person B: Oh my god! Well please get ALL your locks changed. The car will be more difficult however hopefully they have no idea where you live so you should be ok. person A: Yeah_comma_ it was super exciting.... and I wasn't calling my mom (she has an extra key) to come unlock my house at 3am either. so I 'slept' on back porch. person B: Oh god! How did you get in finally_comma_ did you contact your mom? person A: Well_comma_ we're talking here now.
person A: I am very anxious this weekend as someone I was trying to fix a relationship with is acting up again. person B: That is very difficult. I wish you will find a solution. person A: Well..the only solution is not talking to them however that is hard too. I just get a lot of anxiety about what they will pull next because they usually do pull something. person B: I understand. Take it easy.
person A: I am waiting my exams results. I wish I will have good grade. person B: What are you studying? person A: I am studying IT. person B: Oh great! That has a lot of jobs. I hope you did well!
person A: I can't wait to be off work person B: Tell me about it! I think about getting off as soon as I walk in! person A: It is so boring. At least I am getting paid I guess person B: Yeah. A job is better than no job_comma_ I suppose.
person A: A friend of mine spent all night partying instead of staying home to study. He ended up failing an important exam! person B: That is no good. I bet he regrets it! person A: I sure hope so! I warned him about going out drinking too often. Maybe this will teach him. person B: I hope so that is frustrating.
person A: My new foster dog finally run around last night. She has been very abused and starved but is so young. person B: Aww_comma_ that is so sad to hear. I'm glad that she has a good home now_comma_ though! person A: Thanks! I didn't know how long it would take her to get better or if she would recover quickly from her abuse. A week in- and loads of progress! person B: That's amazing! I wish more people were willing to do what you're doing to help out our furry friends!
person A: I'm really thinking about switching jobs_comma_ but I'm not sure if I should. person B: What are the pros of switching jobs? person A: Well_comma_ my current job is really hard on my body since it's really physical. The other job is much easier_comma_ but less pay. person B: Well actually desk jobs are much harder on my body and can be really bad for your back and hips etc_comma_ if it's a desk job? Well if you are getting older you might want to start saving up_comma_ have a side hustle and maybe think about it? Less pay but more peace_comma_ health and time is always worth it :)
person A: Last night my new dog finally played! She was so starved and abused but she is so young! person B: I also have a dog that was starved when she was young! She is so afraid of everything even to this day_comma_ but she's almost 8! person A: Yes! I have some who don't ever get over the abuse (just like people) but this gal- I didn't think she knew how to play or was just very docile but she took of running with my boxer when he ran and even mouthed him in play! person B: What breed of dog is she and how old? That's so awesome! Dogs are so resilient and it can teach us a lot about how we should live our own lives. person A: She is a pitbull mix..low rider- SO docile and sweet..I thought she might be pregnant but no- She sticks right to me leg everywhere. Good with all my pets! She is under a year old :( person B: Awesome! Mine is also a pitbull mix! I call her my little bunny in pitbull form! They are the best dogs ever. person A: I actually love shihtzus and small dogs LOL! But over the past 2 years I have helped many dogs in my neighborhood and all terriers- a few pitbulls. Most are WILD indians so far lol but she is so docile with all other animals. It's nice to have a dog that gets along with everyone including my cats!
person A: We recently got 9 chicks and we've been having to work on making them a coop! I had to do so much research but I think we finally have a place that they'll enjoy living when they aren't able to free range. person B: OHH! I Love chickens ! I have always wanted some. I have a duck! lol- What kind of chickens are they? person A: We currently have 2 Australorps_comma_ 3 Rhode Island Reds_comma_ 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks_comma_ and 1 Welsummer_comma_ but 4 of the 9 ended up being roosters. Ugh! person B: Oh man! They fight sometimes. I hope they aren't too bad about waking you up in the morning. Chickens can be very sweet though! person A: I love my little hens_comma_ especially one I've named Curly. The roosters might get replaced by hens though because the crowing is so frustrating!
person A: Well someone I am thinking of working things out with talked about coming over on Sunday. I felt really uncomfortable with that because they haven't done enough to build back enough trust with me yet. person B: Maybe you should be straight with him? That’s the only thing that will make it good in my opinion. person A: I always am but I just have to word things in a good way..however lo and behold..they acted up and made the decision for me anyway. person B: I know the type. There are better people out there that you just have to be patient for.
person A: I am so glad I get to see my cousins this weekend person B: Were you all best friends as children? person A: We were close but we didn’t get to see each other more than twice a year person B: Oh geez_comma_ that's hard! I am glad you get to see them again. treasure such moments!
person A: I've been going to the gym for the last 3-4 years and haven't missed a single workout. person B: Now that's dedication! person A: Oh yeah. Being dedicated and consistent is what will get you the furthest when it comes to fitness! I feel great! person B: Keep it up. One day you might appear in a fitness magazine.
person A: I found a gift card I forgot I had in a drawer! person B: I love that when that happens! What is it for? person A: Its for a restaraunt here in town. So i've got a couple of free meals person B: Love that! Glad you found it
person A: I felt very happy last night when my new dog was running around playing_comma_ I didn't think she knew how. person B: Yeah_comma_ dogs have to learn how to play. Kinda funny you don't always consider that. person A: I do_comma_ but she was really abused before and was so docile and quiet..some never do learn normal animal behavior..I have rehabilitated many. person B: It depends on how young they are. I have a rescue that was abused but she was real young. She snapped out of it.
person A: hello how has your day been going person B: I'm great how are you doing? person A: ive been feeling better since i just got payed _comma_ been a little bummed person B: What's wrong? person A: just broke up with my girlfriend recently _comma_ but it was totally my fault
person A: I am so happy that my daughter is doing so much better in school person B: thats great to hear _comma_ getting along better with the other students ? person A: That is actually a problem. This boy has really been harassing her person B: Thats awful _comma_ i hate bullying have you told the principle ? person A: I have just talked to the counselor recently person B: what did they advice _comma_ any martial arts schools around your area_comma_ maybe start your kid in it
person A: I couldn't believe I got flowers at work person B: Do you know who sent them? person A: My boyfriend sent them person B: Awesome_comma_ was there any special occasion?
person A: A found a box of my old toys from when I was a kid. person B: I bet that was fun to look through person A: It was cool_comma_ I got to see a bunch of stuff I haven't looked at in decadews. person B: That would be cool. Are you going to keep them? person A: Most of them. A few i'm going to toss.
person A: I am waiting my exams results. I am sure that I passed the exams. person B: i hope that you did well on them person A: I was well prepared. I am pretty sure that I did well. person B: thats great
person A: I am angry with how my neighbors talk to their dogs. person B: I can't stand people who treat animals horribly. person A: They yell at them everytime they go outside for the MINUTES they are out there and they get harassed the whole time until they don't want to get off the porch..then they get yelled at more! I rehabilitate dogs from such issues..and this gal is GIVING them complexes! person B: I hope you call the cops on them_comma_ so they can go to jail for animal abuse.
person A: I am super OVER the people who litter on the outside of my lawn everyday. person B: I understand. Did you catch some of them in action? person A: No_comma_ they don't do it when I am out there. I don't know what to do with how upset I get at picking up everyone elses trash. person B: That is bad. I would have the same feeling if I was in your situation.
person A: I miss the time when I was young and I can do a lot of sport. person B: I hear you! How old are you? As we get older_comma_ all kinds of stuff doesn't work the same person A: I am 50 years old. I was a sport addict. I was loving that. person B: Try keto and fasting_comma_ or find a diet like RAW and you will be amazed at your energy and strength again!
person A: I can't believe how much work my boss is able to do every day without getting tired out or slowing down! person B: Some people have incredible energy and drive! person A: It's amazing to watch! It's one of the few occasions where you can just watch a person and understand WHY they have the position they're in! person B: True! Often managers do not deserve that role. I am glad he does!
person A: I was totally grossed out by a guy who threw his nasty cup of something out the window on the EXPRESSWAY. person B: Oh my god_comma_ I HATE when people do that! That stuff can land on someone's windshield! person A: Oh_comma_ lol. IT DID! On mine. It hit our windshield and almost made us get in an accident. person B: Wow_comma_ that's horrible! I would have been so pissed.
person A: I was really hurt when my boyfriend moved away. person B: Oh my goodness! Why did he move away? person A: He always wanted to move out of state and I am unable to person B: Are you all still together? Long distance can be hard but honestly absence makes you love them even more!
person A: I have a neighbor who sits outside all day and it's across from my backyard so I can't sit and relax and watch the birds. person B: How come you can sit also? person A: He is crazy/mental illness that is not taken care of and he yells over a lot. Even some nasty things. The police don't care. person B: That’s too bad
person A: I get to babysit for my nephews person B: That is nice. Babysitting kids is sometime nice. person A: Especially my sweet nephews in my opinion person B: How old are they?
person A: I have knee problems and a coworker don't stop making jokes the way I am walking. He making very angry each time. person B: That is terrible. How do they get away with it? person A: There is no HR department. It is a small company. person B: I am sorry you have to deal with that
person A: Today has been uneventful but_comma_ I got a lot of errands done. person B: That is always good! Errands can be a pain! person A: These weren't too bad. I'm all done now though. person B: I am glad you got some things done! Now you can rest
person A: My mom lost some of her teeth in a car accident and full coverage car insurance NEVER covers them. person B: I guess I never thought about weather or not car insurance covers your own injuries too person A: They cover most things but they cut her off from help after a year and had a bad doctor say she was FINE but she has a brain injury.. So SURE- Insurance companies can be very corrupt..However..I got her some fake moldable plastic teeth that will help her feel confident until she can afford teeth. They cost a FORTUNE. person B: Yeah they're really expensive.
person A: my weeks been going great at work _comma_ how about yourself ? person B: It's been a mix of a rollercoaster lol. person A: mine also _comma_ ive hated this job forever since they will never make me a full timer _comma_ and out the blue they offered me assistant manager person B: Wow! Are you going to stay now? person A: Honestly im just gonna take it for the experience and eventually quit_comma_ im still salty it took this long for a promotion person B: I understand! I would be too!
person A: I felt really happy last night when my abused dog started running around and playing! person B: That is great_comma_ what was wrong with the dog_comma_ how was it abused person A: She was starved and I don't know what else besides being bred and being quite young. So starved she was quite aggressive about food at first and so tired..I could see her hip bones. person B: That is absolutely awful to hear_comma_ poor dogs don not deserve to be mistreated in such ways _comma_ im happy the dogs better
person A: I was pretty shaken up from the scary movie person B: Me also when I was young. person A: I was an adult this time. I kind of surprised myself person B: I understand
person A: I was expecting some help from a coworker but he didn't keep his word. Before_comma_ I held him in high esteem. Not anymore. person B: That is disappointing. I am sorry person A: He asked me to help him then he will help in return. I helped him but it was his turn... person B: Have you tried talking to them?
person A: I am sad some people I like are such bully's to others. It's a real big turn off. person B: I hate bullies_comma_ but they usually get what's coming to them. person A: Unfortunately life is unfair and I don't see that happen a lot. Just sad when someone you liked is such a mean person. When will people learn you can disagree with someone else without ripping them apart? person B: I know how you feel. Sometimes you just have to show them the error of their ways. If not karma will catch up with them.
person A: My friend fell on hard times_comma_ so I let him borrow my brand new car so he can get to work. person B: That is incredibly kind of you_comma_ I hope he is a good driver :) person A: I'm confident he will take good care of it! We have been friends for a long time so I know him well. person B: You are a great friend! We all need help at some point
person A: The other week it sounded like a bomb went off. I am in a very dangerous city_comma_ so you never know here. Between the gunshots and fireworks..AND fire's hard to tell! person B: Oh wow! I'd be afraid to go outside! I hope you are able to stay safe! person A: I try! Having a fenced in yard helps but I worry about stuff at night. It's like vampire city here person B: That sounds very scary. Ever thought of moving? person A: yes but that takes money. Saving up! person B: I wish you luck! I really hope you can get out of there soon.
person A: I wish there will be more opportunities at work to make more money person B: I hear you! Have you thought about starting a side business? person A: Definitely working on that. Good idea! person B: great! there are SO many opportunities out there with the internet
person A: I am super proud of my little dog. She is sharing her space with a big gal dog who was really abused. person B: That is very nice of him to welcome that poor dog person A: Typically she doesn't like female dogs but she seems to sense she was abused and needs love right now. person B: That is really cool. good on you for welcoming them