person A: I just got payed yesterday _comma_ so i finally bought new clothes and went out to eat with some friends person B: Payday is fantastic! What kind of clothes did you buy? person A: Just some khaki shorts _comma_ and running nike shorts since its so hot outside_comma_ nothing huge since all my bills are due next week person B: Do you ever use poshmark or mercari? Those are good for deals. Sounds like you got some nice stuff! Payday is always a fun day person A: when i was little i wanted to grow up _comma_ now that im grown up all my bills leave me broke and bummed lol person B: I SO HEAR YOU! lol! Being grown up has it's perks but it's not as great as we thought it would be with all the responsibilities. We ARE the mom and dad now ha
person A: I am very irritated with people who want to make everyone else miserable when they are. person B: i freakin hate that_comma_ like dude be sad or mad on your own dont take it out on your family_comma_ friends _comma_ or co workers person A: WHOA! That's EXACTLY what I say- if you want to be miserable fine..but I don't want to be_comma_ so don't take me down with you! Do it to yourself. person B: Exactly great minds think alike _comma_ that is always so annoying as hell
person A: I will never give up on my family person B: That is good to hear! Are there any issues? person A: My son is going through a tough time nad _comma_aking really bad decisions unfortunately person B: Oh lord :( I have a partner doing the same thing and he feels more like a son a lot. That must be so hard. Being a parent is the HARDESt job ever. I am so very sorry. I hope he snaps out of it soon.
person A: I was very apprehensive about someone coming to my house this weekend. person B: How come you were worried about it? person A: Because I have been working on trust with this person and it's just at the beginning. I felt very uncomfortable and like I would be stepping back in too old patterns". person B: It sounds like it might be time to consider moving on without them
person A: love getting together with my brother and reminiscing about when we were younger person B: Things were much simpler when we were kids. You are your brother must have a close relationship. person A: We do but we don’t see each other often enough person B: I'm sorry to hear that. I guess it makes the times you do see each other even more special!
person A: I really needed to fart and so I let one out down a grocery isle while shopping thinking I was alone_comma_ but I wasn't! person B: Oh no! Was anyone around? person A: Someone was right behind me! And I'm pretty sure they heard it_comma_ because they made a funny face. person B: That is no good. I bet that was embarrassing.
person A: I was eating at the Mcdonalds when someone who smell very bad sat behind me. The smell was so bad that I was going to throw up. person B: That's disgusting. Did you move to another table? person A: I couldn't finish my lunch. I throwed everything in the trash and left. person B: That's awful. Some people are disgusting.
person A: My aunt died. person B: I am sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now? person A: Pretty crappy at the moment. person B: I understand. It is tough.
person A: I found 5 packs of gluten free cookies on clearance at my grocery store yesterday. person B: Wow_comma_ that doesn't happen very often. Well done. Those things are normally quite expensive_comma_ aren't they? person A: YES! I am intolerant of gluten and just want to die when I am on it_comma_ so it's always a good day when I can find cheap food that is also good for me! I am easily pleased lol. I love clearance stuff! person B: Me too. Clearance is the first place I head for in the store! It must be so difficult to be gluten intolerant - seems as if there's gluten in everything these days. person A: Oh there is :( I do eat it now and again but it seems to really screw up my weight loss and digestion so I try never to get near it. They have great gluten free alternatives but yep they are all expensive. person B: Something I found which helped me lots was to eat e.g. bread made from organic wheat. So long as I don't overindulge I'm fine - fingers crossed. person A: Organic helps me a lot as well but unfortunately most things that are gluten free are NOT organic and I am so sensitive to pesticides- Trying to find my way around that_comma_ I am also on Keto (low carb-...So my diet is hard some days !lol person B: Boy_comma_ you are having a tough time. Someone suggested buying imported pasta from Italy as the wheat doesn't have the same pesticides sprayed on it as us wheat. Dunno if it works tho'.
person A: I was pretty excited to have a night out with the girls person B: How long has it been? person A: It has probably been about 8 months are so person B: Whoa! SO needed! What did you guys do?
person A: I was pretty lonely last night as it was Friday person B: I am sorry that you had to go through that. person A: Oh we all have I am sure :) Thanks. but then the person who is trying to build trust with me acted like a (fill in the blank) and I wasn't so lonely anymore. I remembered why I prefer being alone. person B: That is too bad. It sounds like you need some knew people to surround you
person A: How was your day_comma_ anything special going on tonight or later on ? person B: You were suppose to start the conversation with a situation based on the context chosen. person A: Im actually quite pumped for tonight _comma_ gonna bbq and watch the ufc fights person B: I hope the hit will not be rejected. person A: I hope the whole card is awesome_comma_ gonna be some good fights tonight
person A: I am sometime to afraid to speak in public_comma_ for example_comma_ during meeting at work. person B: im sorry to hear that_comma_ i was born with a lot of anxiety so i can somewhat relate person A: Thanks. I am trying to work on this issue and be able more easily speak in public. person B: I honestly started taking cbd oil by charlottes web_comma_ and my anxiety went away after a few days of using it
person A: I found $100 in an old pair of pants. person B: OH! That is the best isn't it? What will you do with it? person A: I haven't decided yet. Maybe buy some new sandals. My old pair broke a couple of weeks ago. person B: Oh awesome! It's always nice to have those little surprises in life. person A: It is indeed *puts on sunglasses*
person A: I am hopeful that good things come to those who wait. person B: What good thing are you waiting for_comma_ exactly? person A: I have messed up a lot with relationships in my life..picking the wrong people so I am happier to wait until it is right and I can trust someone. person B: I'm sure you'll find someone.
person A: I logged in too facebook_comma_ I do not very often and felt a bit sad that I don't talk to anyone anymore. person B: It is good to maintain that contact with people person A: Yes but I am just not the same peron anymore. I just don't feel like having people around. I had my time of friends and fun and I just prefer to be alone now. person B: That is ok sometimes but getting out is important for you too person A: I get out :) I have pets and a mom and I go for walks and run errands. People are hard to trust and I just don't care to be close to most anyone anymore. It takes awhile to build trust.
person A: I am happy to relax on this fine day person B: Oh yes_comma_ what is the temperature where you are? person A: It is in the high 70's so it is perfect! What is it like where you are? person B: OH! I love around 70! That is perfect. Oh it's over 80 here_comma_ getting a little hot but it will be nice when it's night time :) Nothing like a good summer to lift the spirits
person A: I am ready for my wedding. person B: That is awesome! Congratulations! So_comma_ you are prepared for everything that is about to happen? person A: Yes_comma_ I have been working on it every day. person B: It sure sounds like you have done everything you can to make the day special!
person A: I was at the pool the other day with my family. It would have been quite relaxing if there wasn't this little kid shooting water on us and bothering us the whole time. person B: Did you tell his parents? person A: No_comma_ I couldn't tell who his parents were because the pool was so busy. We just had to deal with him pestering us for about an hour. person B: That must of been no fun_comma_ hopefully he won't do it again.
person A: we have been getting in a lot of christmas freight over the last couple of months at my store_comma_ it always brings back a lot of memories of the good old times person B: I know_comma_ Christmas was the best when we were children. Now that were adults it's not as exciting. person A: i know its not that exciting _comma_ but sometimes i just dwell on the past _comma_ and it brings a smile to my face person B: Yeah_comma_ I used to love waking up in the morning and run downstairs to open my presents.
person A: I have pain in my stomach for about a week now. By reading what is on the internet_comma_ I am very worried. person B: What is going on? Have you seen the dr? person A: I have seen a doctor today. He give me lab tests to do but I am afraid of the results. person B: I am so sorry you have to worry about that
person A: I am so excited to spend each day with the kids during the summer person B: That is nice. Are you planning activities to do with them? person A: Yes there is apparently a lot of free family activities locally person B: That is great
person A: My best friend will be going to school in another country for 4 years person B: which country? person A: She'll be in England. person B: thats cool i bet she will have fun
person A: There was a laptop on sale but by the time I got to the store after work_comma_ it was sold out. person B: That is really a bummer. Have you looked online for it somewhere else? person A: Yea. They're all over $200 more without the sale. person B: That’s no good.
person A: I love that I can see my friend more now". person B: That's awesome. How come you guys didn't get to see each other often before? person A: She moved away for a couple years person B: Was it for work_comma_ school_comma_ etc?
person A: I admire my mom for leaving her job she has been at for a long time. person B: Why did she leave? person A: She hasn’t been treated well there for a really long time person B: Does she have another job already?
person A: My pants feel down while at church today. person B: Wow that must have been embarrassing. person A: Yes_comma_ luckily I had my underwear on that day. person B: That is so true!
person A: Montreal city have done some major renovation to the downtown area. I very happy with the new improvement. person B: That sounds really nice! Does it just look better or is travel better? person A: It is look better. They made a new park just in front of my office. I can enjoy walking in the park during lunch time. person B: That will make getting exercise during or after work a lot easier.
person A: Someone found my wallet and returned to the customer service at the supermarket. All my money was still there. person B: That is a very nice person. You are lucky. person A: I've only ever lost my wallet this one time_comma_ and I definitely got luckly. person B: I lost my wallet once but didn't find money in it when it was returned to me.
person A: I recently went through some old pictures and it reminded me of childhood. person B: Old photos can be so nostalgic. Do you have a favorite memory? person A: Nothing in particular. Just how easy it was to be a kid compared to now. person B: Adult life can definitely be difficult_comma_ but we get a lot of freedom now though. person A: Yes I guess there are pros and cons to every stage of life.
person A: I just got my scores back. Looks like I'm gonna get a 3.8 GPA this semester. person B: That's amazing! What are you studying? person A: I'm in finance. It's pretty interesting so far. person B: what kind of job are you hoping to get?
person A: I am blessed to be able to go to New York City for Christmas. person B: That sounds amazing! person A: Yes_comma_ I will be staying right downtown. person B: It's pretty early to have Christmas planned already. I should get on that as well.
person A: Waiting to hear results on the photo I sent in for the contest. I've seen the other entries_comma_ and I think mine has a good chance of winning person B: When will you find out? person A: 2 weeks from now. I wish it was sooner. person B: Hopefully you win_comma_ what is the prize?
person A: Are you a gamer my good sir? person B: i used to be_comma_ not quite as much anymore person A: Have you heard of overwatch? I was playing it last night person B: yes my friends play it person A: a lucio saved the point for us and made my 30 minutes not wasted. I was very proud of him.
person A: It really bugs me when telemarketers call my house. person B: Oh me too. Have you ever messed with them? person A: I did once_comma_ keep that scammer on the line for an hour. person B: That is great!
person A: I am looking forward to going boating this weekend person B: Where are you going boating? person A: We are going to the lake about 15 minutes away from me person B: What do you like to do on the lake?
person A: Saw an 8 year old boy jump through a flight of stairs on his skateboard. person B: thats crazy! was he ok? person A: Little guy was skating like a pro. It was pretty amazing to see him going at it. person B: thats great. i love kids
person A: I sent in my short fiction for a competition too close to the deadline. I'm not sure if it'll make it on time. person B: Thats unfortunate person A: I was too busy trying to get it perfect that I lost track of time. person B: Was it for a contest or a class?
person A: I wanted to make beef wellington but the gorcery store didn't have english mustard. person B: Oh no_comma_ must be disappointing. Are you putting off making it now or will you go in search for the missing mustard? person A: I'm going to substitue dijon because its what I've got. person B: Will it taste the same? person A: It will be close enough.
person A: I went to the Art History Museum yesterday_comma_ it blew away my expectations. person B: Do you like museums? person A: I usually don't. But this one was very impressive. person B: Same here. Neither do I_comma_ but there are impressive museums out there that kinda make you change your stance.
person A: Saw this lttle old lady working at a Costco. She was upbeat as ever. person B: I love going to Costco. person A: Yea? What are your staples to get from there? person B: I always get rice and steak there.
person A: A turtle that came to my friend's yard 2 days ago is now missing. person B: Oh_comma_ cool! What kind of turtle was it? person A: No idea but it looks pretty fat. person B: It sounds like it may have been a box turtle. They are good as pets!
person A: I am going on a roller coaster for the first time tomorrow. I and so nervous! person B: Maybe you can have them get you on one of the kiddie ones first? person A: Haha! That is a good idea! person B: Hope you have fun!
person A: I am really worried that I will miss my flight tomorrow. person B: I always worry about that too. Is it early in the morning? person A: Yes and there is an expected rain storm. person B: Will you be able to leave a little bit earlier to allow time for any traffic delays?
person A: We are in a tornado watch right now_comma_ so we may or may not get a tornado. person B: Are you in your basement? person A: Not yet since it is only a watch and not a warning_comma_ but I have packed a tote if emergency supplies and put it in the basement just in case we end up there. person B: That is smart_comma_ hopefully thou it doesn't happen.
person A: I had to stay late for work_comma_ and my family went out to dinner without me. person B: thats unfortunate_comma_ sucks missing out on time with your family person A: It does. I feel like I barely get to see them nowadays. person B: you definitely gotta appreciate them while you can
person A: I needed gas and didn't have cash. Some stranger paid for it without me even asking. person B: That's really nice. Sometimes things work out ok. person A: Some people are quite ok. Makes up for the bad ones I guess. person B: Did you just forget your wallet or did you not have any money at all?
person A: An old "Friend" that's a girl wants to go get drinks tonight. Not sure if its a trap or not. person B: lol a trap for what? person A: trying to shack up with me. person B: I guess you're not at all attracted to her then? person A: She's a cool chick. Phyiscally_comma_ no. If she lost a lot of weight I'd probably date her.
person A: I saw a lady walking with her jack russell yesterday. I miss mine person B: Aww_comma_ I just had to put my dog down last month. person A: Oh no. I guess we both know what it's like going through losing these loyal creatures_comma_ hu? person B: It was very sad and I am sorry you had to go through that_comma_
person A: I spilled soda on my laptop_comma_ and my friend brought me one from his work to use person B: That was very nice of him. person A: It was. He's always had my back. person B: How long have you known him?
person A: I was shocked my brother came to my birthday party. person B: Oh_comma_ are you guys distant? person A: Yes_comma_ I have spoken to him in years before the party. person B: I'm glad you guys can start to come together again.
person A: I am very sad my best friend didn't come to my wedding. person B: Oh no_comma_ why didn't they? person A: He never gave me a reason_comma_ which makes it worse. person B: I guess you might have to reconsider this friendship.
person A: I've been revising this short fic and having everone read it. They all enjoy it. I think it's ready for the writing competition. person B: When is the competition? person A: Next weekend actually. There are a couple of really good writers entering it_comma_ too. person B: What is the grand prize?
person A: I really miss the road trips I took as a kid. person B: i love taking trips_comma_ where was your favorite place to go'? person A: I love going to Las Vegas. person B: ive been there several times but its not my favorite place
person A: My neighbor loaned me their new BMW to use while my car is in the shop. person B: That was nice of him_comma_ did you put gas in it? person A: I sure did and keeping it nice and clean! person B: Did you drive it fast?
person A: I am upset that my brother stole from me. person B: Oh god_comma_ why did he do that? person A: Cause he was in a bad situation. person B: Bad situations make you things you wouldn't normally sometimes. Did you talk to him about it?
person A: I fell out of my chair at work during a meeting. person B: Oh my! Were you okay? person A: I'm fine. My pride is a little injured though. person B: Yeah that would be a little embarrassing I am sure. person A: definatley. my face was bright red.
person A: My elderly neighbor just recently had to put her dog to sleep. That dog was her best friend and companion. person B: That's sad. is she going to get another one? person A: I came across a really good_comma_ loving 8 year old dog that was abandoned by his family. He was in need of a home_comma_ so I got him and gave him to my neighbor. She was so happy. person B: That's good. Its important for the elderly to have some company.
person A: About to get off work_comma_ I think I got a lot done so future me won't have to stress out. person B: thats great its always good to plan ahead person A: I know. I'm usually a wing it kind of person_comma_ but this was a lot of work. person B: im the same way
person A: I know my credit isn't the best_comma_ but I think I have enough of a down payment for this house to get a reasonable loan person B: If you love the house. go for it. person A: Oh I definitely will if the loan interest is ok. If not_comma_ I may have to wait. person B: You need to do some prosmection and you will find the rate interest that you want.
person A: I said a very bad joke during a lunch with my coworkers. I felt so stupid. person B: We've all done stupid things. I'm sure they'll let it go eventually. person A: I hope they have all forgot about it now. person B: You'll know for next time now. I know you must feel really bad.
person A: I'm waiting to hear back if I could get earlier flight tickets to my friend's wedding person B: Uh oh! What happens if you can't get an earlier flight? Will you miss the wedding? person A: It will be very close. I won't have to time to relax from the flight before the wedding. person B: I would be feeling quite anxious if I were you! I am sure it will work out for you!
person A: I few years back I was in a really bad car accident. I flipped my truck multiple times in a ditch. It was an extremely scary experience! person B: That sounds terrifying! Are you okay now? person A: Yeah_comma_I came out of it fine_comma_ but my life certainly flashed before my eyes! person B: Makes you appreciate life more_comma_ doesn't it.
person A: This new Korean barbeque place just opened up. Will be nice not to have to drive more than 30 minutes to one anymore. person B: I love Korean barbeque. person A: It's some great stuff! That's why I used to travel for it lol. person B: Is it open 24 hours a day?
person A: I cried the night I found out my best friend died. person B: I'm so sorry to hear that. How long ago was this? person A: This was a few months ago. person B: it's terrible to lose someone. Was this expected or sudden?
person A: I am worried I will drown when I go swimming. person B: have you swam before? person A: Yes_comma_ but I always see people drowning on the news. person B: just gotta be careful where you swim
person A: I have some stock that I forgot I had. Turns out they're worth 20k now. person B: That was a wonderful surprise I am sure. person A: It definitely was! Came at the right time_comma_ since I lost my job. person B: Oh wow! What a blessing!
person A: We just found out my cat has cancer. person B: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear that. person A: Thank you. We will probably have to put her down soon. person B: I know that's gonna to be a terrible loss for the family.
person A: My friend loaned me his laptop and I spilled juice on it. person B: Did it ruin the laptop? person A: it doesn't power on anymore. person B: Are you going to buy him a new one?
person A: I came in last in the race_comma_ I am not good at running. person B: Was it your first race? person A: Yes_comma_ but I shouldn't of came in last. person B: That must really disappointing. Will you race again?
person A: Waiting for my brother at the airport. Haven't seen the dude in years. person B: where has he been? person A: Just living his life and working some states away. person B: thats cool. what does he do for a living?
person A: My friend's cat had kittens! Can't wait to see them. person B: Are you going to take one? person A: They'll probably try to take care of them all. person B: Yikes that's a little crazy. Are they cat collectors?
person A: I'm making venison wellington and I totally forgot to put mustard on the backstrap before I wrapped it. person B: Is it gonna turn out bad without it? person A: I'm not sure.. I think its still going to be pretty good. person B: That's a relief then! Hope it's still delicious! person A: I'm hopeful. ITs my first time making it.
person A: I just got a new job and they offered to pay off my school debt person B: thats really awesome! person A: Yea. It is_comma_ because I've been so stressed with it. person B: im really glad to hear it got worked out
person A: Just saw a squirrel jump from one neirbor's deck to the other. Pretty amazing person B: Those little guys are quite nimble! Did is surprise you? person A: Oh yea. I saw it and was quite amazed. Didn't know they can jump that far. person B: Yeah_comma_ I guess they need to be agile to escape all the neighborhood cats!
person A: I was so let down at work the other day. I was expecting to get a large bonus_comma_ but actually received next to nothing! person B: That sounds awful! Did they give an explanation? person A: Nope! It was a "take i or leave it" situation. person B: You must be disappointed. I'm sorry.
person A: My friend let his girlfriend go spend the night with her best guy friend person B: What are your thoughts on that? person A: I think it's inappropriate. person B: I'm inclined to agree with you. That's kinda strange. The guy's ok with it?
person A: I bumped into an old friend from elementary school today. person B: How was it? person A: It was good. We got to talk about old times. person B: Must've been really nostalgic. Did you guys catch up on your lives now? person A: Yes it was... and we did. He's married with kids now.
person A: My friend is visting and said she made me something good. I want it to be cake so bad. person B: what kind of cake do you like? person A: I like the melt in your mouth kinds. Doesn't matter what kind. person B: haha me too_comma_ never met a cake i didn't like.
person A: Going to try out this new restaurant tomorrow. Heard some great reviews. person B: Going to a new restaurant is always fun! I am sure it will be great if there are a bunch of positive reviews! person A: I'm looking forward to it. All the steaks_comma_ lobsters and sides I can eat. person B: Yummmy! That sounds amazing! I am sure you will have fun!
person A: I have been studying super hard for a new qualification at work. I took the test yesterday know for a fact that I aced it. I don't even need to see the results to know I passed! person B: It's nice to know the time your spent studying paid off! Congrats! person A: Yeah_comma_ I liked going into the test knowing I would pass it! person B: Better to be over prepared than under.
person A: Came home to absolutely no one. I wonder where they all went. person B: maybe they went to see a movie? person A: As long as they're ok. No one left a note or anything. person B: can you call them on their cell?
person A: Bumped into this girl I used to have a crush on in High School. person B: Thats exciting. How did that go? person A: Pretty well. Turns out she's never dated since and has been busy with grad school. person B: That's almost a little strange. Do you still have any interest in her?
person A: I'm trying to cook a new dish for the first time. I think its going to turn out well. person B: What dish are you trying out? person A: Venison wellington... Its like beef wellington with Deer backstrap instead of a fillet. person B: Oh now you're just making me hungry! person A: I've never made it myself but_comma_ I've had it before. ITs fantastic.
person A: I was looking forward to eating cake when I got home_comma_ but turns out someone ate it. person B: Boo! Did it make you mad? I would have been! person A: I was super sad. person B: Rightly so! Nothing worse than expecting something and then it not being there!
person A: My wife and kid have been out of town for a week. I am so bored being all by myself in this empty house. person B: Must be really lonely. You're not trying to go on a guys' night out or anything? person A: Yeah_comma_ it is_comma_ and no guys night for me. I am trying to save money. I just miss having them around! person B: That's really sweet! Maybe they miss you_comma_ too.
person A: Going to the lake after work. Can't wait to see all the dogs and just relax. person B: That sounds so relaxing! What kind of dog do you have. person A: I don't have a dog myself. I just like seeing the dogs there. person B: Dogs are a good source of entertainment.
person A: Met my friend way back from elementary school. She grew up to be a hottie! person B: that is interesting. did you ever date? person A: No_comma_ I still thought girls had cooties back then. person B: oh yes that's true. i thought you might have dated later in life.
person A: My new girlfriend knows how to shoot a bow. person B: That's prett cool. Has she shown you? person A: Yes. I had my bow sitting out because I was practicing for hunting season. She braught it over the next day and we went and shot them person B: Oh so you're both hunters! person A: She's not a hunter but_comma_ she does have a bow.
person A: My grandma sent a lot of food to me through my mom. She's still making sure I get good food to eat. person B: Some habits die hard. My mom's always trying to send me food still.. I'm a grown man. person A: hahaha they are lovely women_comma_ our mom and grandma_comma_ eh? person B: I know_comma_ right. Its kind of annoying but_comma_ also kind of nice.
person A: There was a time my mom and dad didn't see each other for 4 years because of school. person B: wow_comma_ where did ya'll live at the time. person A: My mom was going to school in New York and my dad in California. It's amazing they did the whole long distance dating thing. person B: So you guys never did visits or anything?
person A: My mom and grandma were supposed to visit last week but cancelled last minute. person B: Oh no. What happened? person A: My mom said she had to go to work but I'm not sure I believe her. person B: Must feel terrible. Well_comma_ at least_comma_ you don't have to look after them then. person A: Its ok. Im used to it.
person A: I'm babysitting my brother's dog in 2 weeks person B: I love dogs! what kind? person A: I think she's mixed. person B: mutts are the most loveable.
person A: Oh man. I just got a ton of Taco Bell. Going to find a movie and chown down. person B: That sounds like a good night. what movie? person A: I haven't picked one yet. I kinda wanna see something that makes you feel. person B: hachi. best dog movie ever.
person A: Going to New York with some friends next weekend. I've never been person B: That sounds exciting. How long will you be staying? person A: We'll be there for 4 days. person B: That's cool. Do you have everything planned out?
person A: The weather outside is great for this time of year. person B: Sounds nice. What's the temperature where you are? person A: The high today was 90. Normally its around 98-100. person B: I think I wouldn't go outside in close to 100 degree weather. That's crazy. person A: Ha_comma_ I grew up here. 100ish is doable as long as you avoid mid day. (12-3pm)
person A: I have recently started gardening_comma_ but am not very good. Thankfully_comma_ my dad came over and helped me out! He saved ma a lot of time and effort! person B: That's great! I wish more people would garden_comma_ so much healthier to grow your own food. person A: I agree. I just don't know anything about it! That's why I was thankful for the help! I learn what he know! person B: That's fabulous. Love it when the older generation teaches the younger ones.
person A: I recently lost some weight and now when I dress up I feel more confident. person B: That's awesome! You must be feeling more alive and well person A: I definitely have a bit more energy. person B: It's amazing how reaching those kinds of health goals brings things that you would have never even imagined before going through with it person A: Exactly. I never thought I would be successful at it either. person B: Right_comma_ you always see the before and after pictures of other people but as you're doing it_comma_ it seems to take forever person A: It's definitely been taking forever but it's better than losing it quickly. person B: Yeah_comma_ a lot of the times it would just come back as fast as it got lost
person A: I am so mad! My insurance company keeps denying a valid claim and it causes the Doctor to send me a bill! I keep having to call and do their job for them! person B: Insurance companies suck. I hate dealing with them. person A: Yeah_comma_ it is quite apparent to me that they genuinely do not care. person B: They're trying to not pay if they don't have too. more $ in their bank.
person A: I inherited my grandfather's rifle. person B: That is awesome! I would love to get something like that from a relative! Does it have any sentimental value? person A: Yes_comma_ It goes with the rest of the stuff. It's a rifle he hunted with_comma_ and my father hunted with. Now I've got it. person B: That was so nice that your were chosen to get it and hopefully pass it on again!