person A: I'm so proud of my son who just finished 6th grade. person B: Wow! 6th grade_comma_ that's amazing. Are you planning on celebrating? person A: He finished on the A honor roll. We actually went to Dave and Buster's today. person B: Fun! He must be really passionate about learning person A: Yes he really does enjoy. He's always telling me about stuff he's learned. person B: That's really special_comma_ and a great attitude to have person A: Yeah he does pretty well. He's a good kid. person B: Looks like the future is bright for him
person A: I'm almost ready to put my Venison wellington in the oven. I think its going to come out great.". person B: What's wellington? person A: Its meat (usually beef fillet) covered in mushroom pate_comma_ covered in proscuitto_comma_ covered in puff pastry. then you bake it. person B: Cool_comma_ where do you get your venison from? person A: I'm an outdoorsman. I hunt or fish for half of the meat I eat each year.
person A: My dad just bought a new motorcycle for my sister since her old one isn't safe anymore! Why can't I get a free motorcycle?! person B: Anymore? Are they ever safe?? person A: Haha! You have a point. Maybe I should have said "safer"! person B: What made hers unsafe? person A: It was idle for too long. person B: Cool_comma_ you guys can race and whoever loses gets a new one
person A: I was excited that my neighbor came to my door person B: Good_comma_ How long haven't you talk to each other? person A: I havent talked to her since she introduced herself when we first moved here person B: Wow_comma_ she is a little weird.
person A: I was able sort out some communication problems that I had with my manager. I can finaly enjoy my job with peaceful mind. person B: I bet that feels good person A: Yes. Now_comma_ I have a nice weekend. Job problems can be heavy impact on my life. person B: It definitely does. You shouldn't have to stress about your job
person A: I really enjoy looking after defenseless animals. All of our cats are rescues! person B: It sounds like you have a lot of animals! person A: Not too many. 3 cats. We just like to help them as much as we can and give them a good life. person B: For sure_comma_ they can teach us a lot
person A: I am volunteering to be a class mom this year. person B: That is very considerate of you. What are your duties as class mom? person A: Help with the kids. Reading naps and art. Its a kindergarten class. person B: Ah_comma_ I miss naps. If only I could go back to Kindergarten. person A: I know right
person A: My cat threw up a hairball on bed yesterday. I was so peeved! person B: Those are so gross. person A: I know! I was almost too afraid to pick it to throw it away. person B: Did you put the cat in time out?
person A: I saved up money for four years to buy my motorcycle. person B: Oh cool. You got it then? person A: Yes 2 weeks ago_comma_ but I crashed it last week. person B: Oh no! Are you alright?
person A: I can't wait to visit my aunt person B: Oh I bet! How long has it been? person A: About 3 months but I used to see her everyday before she moved person B: That will be a very nice reunion.
person A: I miss my childhood friends. We were so close and always playing together. person B: I miss mine too. Where did you guys grow up? person A: We grew in Hochelaga_comma_ Montreal. Some of them moved to another city or country. person B: Canada is such a beautiful country. Was there a lot of things to do there for you kids?
person A: Tomorrow I have an interview for a new job. Never been so prepared in my life. person B: Nice. Good luck with that. You are interviewing for which position? person A: I am interviewing for CEO. It's going to be a breeze. person B: Wow. Good luck. I hope you get the position.
person A: I got to play hours of video games last night after a tough week at work. person B: That sounds relaxing person A: It was! I haven't been able to kick up my feet like that in a coon's age. person B: What game did you play?
person A: I can finally say my son is sel sufficient person B: It is a great feeling when we can say that. My 37th child just became self-sufficient last year as well! person A: Oh my that is great work on you person B: I know! I think my wife is calling it quits after the 38th_comma_ though.
person A: My food order today did not turn out as well as I had hoped. person B: Sorry to hear! What all did you order? And what was wrong with it? person A: Everything was cold. We had burgers and fries. You can't eat cold fries. person B: Cold fries are the *worst* b/c the potatoes are just gross at that point. Did you get your money back_comma_ at least? person A: Nope. I was starving so I ate it lol person B: Oh bless your heart! I'm sorry to hear! I'd have returned it and gotten the whole meal free for the cold messed up fries! person A: Well it was a delivery do we would have had to wait another hour. I did complain though person B: That's good! Hopefully you'll be compensated in some way for the fries. Ugh_comma_ cold fries! You're way nicer about it than I would have been.
person A: I bought so many groceries today. person B: Nice. What did you buy? person A: Things for the kids school lunches. person B: Ah_comma_ a must in a household of rugrats. person A: Yes. They are going to love their snacks.
person A: I went hiking all by my lonesome yesterday because my friends blew me off. person B: Are you mad at them? person A: Of course! I wouldn't have gotten mauled by a bobcat if they came with me. Bunch of jerks. person B: Oh my word! I thought bobcats were mythical like unicorns.
person A: I preordered a New Tesla 3 last fall and have still yet to be contacted about when we will get it. Tesla is such a let down for us right now! person B: wow. was it expensive? person A: Not too bad for a Tesla. The problem is that they promised a 3-6 month wait_comma_ and it is going on 9 months now! person B: That's crazy!
person A: I am going to a party this weekend person B: Awesome! Are you excited to go? person A: Yes. I already have my outfit together. person B: You sound prepared! I am sure you will make a good impression on the other party goers! person A: I'm going to find me a husband.
person A: My grandma didn't make my oatmeal right yesterday. I was so mad that I poured the chunky_comma_ boiling contents of the bowl all over her wrinkly head. That'll teach her. person B: Oh wow! You were pretty angry person A: I was indeed. But_comma_ I don't think this tragic incident will occur ever again. Sometimes have to show the elderly who's boss. person B: I guess you are right
person A: I am so excited I will be able to take a trip person B: Neat! Where are you going? person A: We are driving to Nashville person B: Sweet! What are you going to be doing there? Always wanted to take a journey to the South.
person A: I had such a good moment son spoke his first word! person B: Oh. wow. Did you cry? person A: I cried so hard...can you believe that his first word was "sea cucumber"? Couldn't believe it! person B: Your kid should be on America's got Talent! unless you're not in america.
person A: My new job is so great. person B: What is your new job like? person A: It's great I work my own hours and the pay is great! person B: That's pretty neat! I work in a Nike sweatshop in Siberia_comma_ so I really can't say the same! person A: I'm never quitting this job. You should work here.
person A: I have a physics test tomorrow. I think I can say that after 10 days of nonstop studying and copious amounts of adderall_comma_ I am finally ready. person B: Physics? That must be crazy hard. person A: Oh_comma_ it is. I am going to show that test who's boss. person B: Well good luck. I think you'll do well if you studied that hard.
person A: I am all one in the house this weekend. person B: All one? I prefer to be all two in my house. person A: lol. I'm alone. I don't like it. Its too quiet person B: Yeah_comma_ being alone a big ole house is often times more spooky than not. I almost got nabbed by a ghost the last time I was alone. person A: That's why Im scared I was kidnapped by a ghost before. No one saw it coming
person A: I took the garbage to the road last night and the bag burst. Got nasty stuff all over my shirt. person B: Ugh_comma_ that's the worst! Bright side - at least you weren't far from home that you were able to clean everything up_comma_ right? person A: No_comma_ my garbage can is 2 miles away. The smell was so strong that a herd of possums jumped me on the way back. person B: *blinks* One_comma_ I didn't know possums travelled in herds and two_comma_ I am only hoping your day didn't get worse from there? person A: Oh_comma_ but it did. When I was almost there...ALMOST...a gaggle of ravenous hobos shanked me. I'm not sure why_comma_ but it happened_comma_ I swear. person B: Bless it! And you survived all of that to tell the tale! And all of this over a busted garbage bag! We gotta get you a better brand of garbage bags_comma_ friend. :)
person A: I swore off fast food this month. person B: Good job! How are you doing so far? person A: I had McDonalds today. I am doing terrible person B: It is tough. Don't be too hard on yourself. Just do better moving forward person A: I am gonna try
person A: My sister and I watch each other's children while we work person B: That's nice person A: It works out well. Daycare is so expensive and they don't care about your kids more than family person B: That's so true. I was scared to put my kids in daycare
person A: My co-worker won the lottery. person B: Wow! They are pretty lucky! person A: Well not a huge jackpot but $150_comma_000's pretty damned nice to have. person B: Yes that would be nice.
person A: My son moved out on his own last year. person B: Awesome_comma_ a bird left the nest. How old is he? person A: He is 20 and is now living with his fiancee and child_comma_ but I can't bring myself to clear out his room. I left it how it was. person B: Awe a little sentimental?
person A: My son is finally using the potty. person B: That wonderful! Did he initiate it? person A: I had been trying for months but then he just started going on his own. I was amazed person B: That’s great and a relief person A: Yoou have no idea lol
person A: I was so grossed out to see my ex person B: I know the feeling person A: Don’t know what I ever saw in him person B: I definitely know that feeling lol
person A: Me and my sister were so close growing up. person B: Are you still close? person A: We hardly ever speak. I miss those days. person B: That's sad. Have you reached out to her? person A: I see ger maybe once a month. person B: That's not bad. I only see people in my family once ever few years. person A: That sucks
person A: I am going to be having my baby next week. person B: Oh wow! Congrats? Boy or girl? person A: It's a girl. I have spent the past several days getting her room ready_comma_ packing for the hospital_comma_ and getting meals made in advance to put in the freezer. person B: That is great that you are prepared!
person A: So thankful for good friends person B: It's always nice to have some good friends. person A: It is. I hope you have friends that are good person B: I do have a few really good ones.
person A: I am taking the drivers test on Monday. person B: That sounds exciting! Are you nervous about it? person A: I am. I cannot parallel park. person B: It's not the easiest thing to do_comma_ and so very few states ask for it. The state I come from requires it. It's just something you use in so very few situations_comma_ I'm surprised they still test for it. person A: I am gonna practice after church tomorrow person B: Sounds like a plan! that's the only way you'll get better!
person A: I'm leaving for college soon person B: Are you scared or excited? person A: A little of both. IT pretty far fom home. person B: My first few years I went from the east coast to Colorado. It will be the best time of your life. person A: I hope so. person B: Enjoy it before you get old. Before you know it college will be over and you will be a slave to student loan payments.
person A: I had a annoying day at work last week. person B: I've been there. person A: Well i am so glad my girlfriend was there when i got home. Made me my favorite dinner and just so glad to have her. person B: That's sweet.
person A: I went to this new restaurant and it wasa amazing person B: What kind of restaurant? person A: Italian. And the head chef was 19. It was crazy person B: Man that is pretty crazy being that young even. person A: I know and the food was soooo good.
person A: I miss being a kid. person B: Me two. No bills and just relax and play. person A: That's exactly why. I am too stressed now. person B: Being stressed never helps. person A: Being broke never helps person B: It could always be worse. People in the 3rd world are on the edge of death from having no food.
person A: I embarassed myself in front my class in high school once. person B: What happened? person A: I called my teacher mama/ It was crazy. person B: It is ok. If the teacher was not angry_comma_ it should be fine. person A: They just laughed for so long
person A: I need to buy some clothes for winter. I need a new jacket and boots. person B: 5 person A: Winter come so quickly. So I need to be well prepared in advance. person B: We have cold winters but hardly ever any snow. I'm glad too
person A: A guy cut us off in the car today and almost made us get in a car accident. person B: Did you follow him home and confront him? person A: No. I don't understand why people can't just try to drive to not kill others. It's not a joke person B: Perhaps he thought the same about you?
person A: I let my daughter go shopping for school clothes with her friends today person B: How'd she do? Did she get the right clothes? person A: She bought 3 things. I am so mad at her person B: Were the three things not in the dress code? person A: She bought three longs sleeve shirts. Its like 100 degrees until november person B: Yiiiiiiiiiiikes! Long sleeves in the heat! *cringes* Times like these make me glad our schools went to uniforms! But I understand about the heat - we're in short sleeved polos until November at the earliest. person A: I bet they were just on snapchat the whole time. person B: Sounds like what kids would do! But the bright side is_comma_ if you have two days worth of fall or winter_comma_ she's prepared!
person A: Today I did something terrible. person B: Oh no_comma_ what was it? Not too bad I hope. person A: I ate a whole pizza. It was really good though. person B: That isn't half as bad as what I was thinking it might be. Glad to hear it was just overindulging in food. Oh well_comma_ you always have tomorrow to be better! person A: I will try.
person A: I had the best time this weekend! person B: What did you do? person A: I turned 40 (not the fun part) and my wife took me on a surprise trip with our 5 best couple friends. So fun!!! person B: That is awesome. You should marry her again lol
person A: I am going to ace all of my classes this semester. person B: That's awesome! I know that took a lot of hard work! person A: I didn't overload myself like last time so I know I will. person B: That's the best way to go about it - make sure you have time for all the things you need time for. That way you're not running around like a chicken with your head cut off. person A: Exactly. I think I found a great balance person B: Are you gonna try to keep that sort of balance going forward? person A: I am going to try my best.
person A: I felt a little bad I accidentally bought 5 packages of clearance cookies. I thought they were gluten free but I got the wrong kind. person B: Are you going to eat them? person A: No_comma_ I am allergic to gluten. They were from a kind that I thought only carried gluten free stuff I was in a rush. I hate losing $10. person B: Give them to a homeless person. person A: They are cookie dough so they wouldn't keep. Yes I could donate them
person A: My ex and I broke up but it was nice and clean. person B: That is great when that can happen but it doesn't always if one or both love a lot! I hope you remain friends. person A: We are now. I hope it lasts. person B: I hope so too! person A: Thanks.
person A: My refrigerator broke today. person B: That is terrible. Did you lose all the food that was in there or were you able to save it? person A: I did. I had just went grocery shopping. We were gone all day and it was 100 degrees today. person B: That is so terrible. It would be nice if the refrigerator company had to replace all of your groceries if their product breaks! Did you get a new one yet? person A: I will try to find one tomorrow.
person A: My wife is pregnant with our first child. I can't wait to see this baby for the first time! person B: That's awesome. Congratulatios person A: Thank you! I don't know yet if it will be a boy or a girl_comma_ but I really don't care either way_comma_ I'm just excited. person B: Just hope for a happy healthy baby!
person A: I am thrilled! I just found out that I'm pregnant! Its my second child and I've been having trouble getting pregnant again. It was such a surprise!. person B: Congratulations. Yes it can be very hard to get pregnant and carry children for some. I know how that goes person A: Do you have children? Have you had trouble getting pregnant before? person B: I do but both are in heaven. But they are still my children..doctors/midwive mistakes on me (in a lawsuit) and so it affected the second one. Not trying again until I can go to a specialized doctor and get in perfect health. person A: Oh no_comma_ I'm so sorry. I have had a similar experience with my second child that I lost. Don't give up! I'm glad you're seeking justice. I'm very wary of doctors myself. person B: Be very careful. It was just an untreated UTI in me and then they wouldn't help me when I had HELLP syndrome for awhile..I went to a few doctors too..none were good-and I was full term..I almost bled out..The littlest things sometimes can really hurt you and your baby. I am so sorry! I am so glad you had 1_comma_ take good care of yourself and follow your gut :)
person A: HUGS! I saw a mom and baby bunny around 8 and they were letting me talk to them. It was a bit shocking as usually bunnies take off whenever they see or hear anything. person B: Oh_comma_ how adorable! There are so many bunnies around right now. My parents house has especially a lot of them and they don't really run off like normal either. person A: Wow strange! I normally just see glimpses_comma_ I have two bunnies of my own but it was so sweet to see two just sitting and listening to me. The baby cute person B: That is so precious. I have never seen that before. Baby bunnies are the best! I've had 3 bunnies/rabbits in my lifetime and they were great pets. What are your bunnies' names? person A: Monkey Girl and Mousey :) One is a lionhead..I adore her and the other is a lop eared big old bunny_comma_ scared of everything..including Miss Monkey Girl. person B: lol_comma_ oh no! My albino rabbit I had when I was younger was like that....skittish beyond belief! Those are adorable names! person A: My lionhead looks like a shihtzu puppy_comma_ I just adore her- she is SASSY! Don't get a lionhead unless you want a sassy rabbit lol. That is sweet! Bunnies are fun pets for sure! You are the sweetest! I wish you much success in life
person A: I can't wait to have grandkids. IS that weird? person B: Not to me! Some part of me is anxious to be holding a grandchild_comma_ and then when they poop or get fussy_comma_ to hand them riiiiiiight back to their parents! person A: I know right. I miss having a little baby person B: On the one hand I miss them because there's nothing in the world like baby smell. On the other_comma_ the best day of my life so far was when my youngest was potty-trained! person A: BAby smell is awesome
person A: I was surprised when I saw two bunnies..a mom I assume and her baby_comma_ running around tonight. person B: A.ww that must have been so cute person A: It was! Rare that wild bunnies don't just take off! person B: I've never seen a bunny. That;s weird
person A: Im not sure my boyfriend is the one person B: Oh no! That is a hard thing to think about. You might want to take some time apart and find it out to be fair to him person A: I think so too. He is so sweet too. person B: Well think about what qualities he has- There are so many dishonest people out there and abusive people. Sometimes we don't connect with someone good..but will regret it later. Definitely think on it as you'd never want to lose a good trustworthy person even if you just keep them as a friend person A: That's great advice. Thanks
person A: MY kids are gone for the weekend. My house has never been so quiet person B: Is that a good or a bad thing? person A: Its bad. I miss then person B: Aw_comma_ I am sorry_comma_ they will be back soon though? person A: Tomorrow. I'm so attached to my kids. Its bad lol person B: Never bad_comma_ good mom or dad :) They are only young once person A: That's so true
person A: I am super aggravated at people that just can't let things be peaceful. Even if you disagree. person B: That makes me mad too person A: I know right? Why can't you just be nice and keep it calm and peaceful. No one wants any drama. Don't be a jerk is my motto- If you can't say nothing nice then keep it to yourself or keep it peaceful. person B: People let things get out of hand and it is so unecessary.
person A: my daughter left our freezer open for hours today. person B: Uh oh! Was everything ruined? person A: We only had popsicles in there. But I wanted those popsicles lol person B: Oh how disappointing. person A: I know
person A: My kids are out of town on vacation with my parents for the next week. person B: That must feel awesome person A: Actually it's way too quiet and boring. person B: I feel that way when my kids are gone
person A: I had to go to the DMV today to renew my license. It took 4 hours and I ended up having to use a sick day...Not happy! person B: I swear_comma_ the DMV is the *worst*! person A: You know it! They should have to pay me for the work I missed! person B: Yeah_comma_ but the state would never get out of debt if they had to pay the people for missing work just to wait in inefficient lines at the DMV.
person A: I miss my ex person B: That's understandable. What happened? person A: we broke up a long time ago but we used to be friends before. person B: That's hard. Are they in a new relationship? I hope it wasn't a bad breakup? person A: IT was bad_comma_ I have no idea what he is doing now person B: That's hard! If he was bad to you_comma_ I hope you are able to get over it_comma_ if not_comma_ you can always reach out :)
person A: I am super sad that people I've known and cared for do not want to change their destructive behaviors. I person B: that sucks person A: Yes... It's very sad especially when you know someone was abused for so long and they just keep ruining their lives. Almost like they are continuing the abuse on themselves. person B: you have to let those people go
person A: My co-worker ripped a nasty ole fart in her cubicle the other day. Which just so happened to be next to mine. person B: Lol. That's gross person A: You're telling me! It was absolutely revolting. I am never going to let her live that down. person B: I wouldn't either. She should find another job lol
person A: I broke my phone today. person B: That's no good. How did that happen? person A: I got in a heated conversation and threw it lol person B: Dang. Well I bet that really worked to get your point across haha person A: I feel so dumb lol
person A: I got out of the slammer last month after being there for 50 years. Hoping the remainder of my life is spent on a beach like at the end of Shawshank Redemption. person B: Oh_comma_ wow. That's a long time. How old were you when you first went in? person A: I was five years old. Went in for burgling a candy store. person B: Ha ha. Now I know you're kidding me. 50 years? I think you served your time for that offense_comma_ wiouldn't you say?
person A: Last week_comma_ my husband surprised me with a trip to Charleston_comma_ South Carolina next month. I am so excited! We haven't had a vacation in years so I can't even believe it! person B: South Carolina is really nice. What are you planning on doing there? person A: Eat at as many restaurants as I can_comma_ go to Folley Beach_comma_ explore plantations_comma_ and take a carriage ride to name a few. I have been researching a lot. person B: Sounds like a grand ole time. Everyone likes the good ole carriage ride every now and again.
person A: I applied for a new job last week. person B: Did you get a call back? person A: Not yet_comma_ but I am really wanting to get this one and I kind of think I will. person B: We believe it and you just might
person A: I lost another wallet today person B: Oh darn that is stressful I bet. person A: I have lost every single one I have ever had. person B: That's no good. How does that happen? person A: I have no earthly idea.
person A: I am happy I am not being abused today. person B: I happy you're not being abused either. person A: Thank you! i appreciate it. I am happy I have a chance to live my life still and make something of it. WITHOUT abuse anymore. person B: Some people make it to the other side. I'm glad ou did. person A: <3 Hugs!
person A: I always have to save up to buy myself something nice. person B: I hear you :) I do the same person A: I envy people who can just spend so freely person B: I know right? I am working on a side business so I can do that one day. You should totally get a side hustle. person A: I should but I work and go to school. I don't know if I can right now person B: I understand! What are you going to school for? person A: psychology. its boring lol person B: I bet_comma_ it can help people and pay a lot in a career as well. Good luck!
person A: My friends wouldn't go with me to the gym last night. I was so mad that I shattered my phone. person B: Ouch_comma_ sounds like you really like working out with your friends. person A: I do. I think I took too many steroids that morning. Usually I eat a bowl of 30 or 40_comma_ but I was feeling froggy and tried 100. Mistakes were made. person B: I'm no doctor_comma_ but it sounds like you might need even more to balance things out.
person A: I was married to my wife for thirty years_comma_ and even though she has passed I can't bring myself to date anyone else. person B: After being married for that long_comma_ I really don't blame you. Do you want to move on and find someone else? person A: I don't_comma_ but my kids keep telling me to try it out. I just feel like it's cheating and I can't stand the thought of it. person B: Well_comma_ if that's how you feel then maybe it is best if you stay in the dugout and don't play the field. No shame in that.
person A: MY daughter stayed home while I ran errands today person B: Did she get into any trouble? person A: Surprisingly she had cleaned the house. person B: Well that was very nice of her. Did you give her anything in return? person A: She asked for an expensive pair of shoes as soon as I walked in the door lol
person A: I took my grandma to the ER yesterday because she broke a nail. person B: Did she get a cute bandaid? person A: She did indeed! She thanked me for saving her life afterwards. person B: That's sweet. You should've took a picture and framed it so you guys can cherish that moment forever
person A: I miss old times when my grandma was with us. person B: I hear ya there. When did you lose her person A: Yes_comma_ I lost her about 10 years. She was so kind and a good listener. person B: That is exactly how I would describe my grandma. YOu are lucky to have had her
person A: I love that I have friendly neighbors that like to sit outside and have a bee on the weekends person B: That is very nice to friendly neighboors. person A: It is good to have people around that have your back person B: Yes_comma_ Now days_comma_ most neighbors don't talk to each other.
person A: I just found out that I'm pregnant. Its exciting but also scary because I lost my last baby at 18 weeks along. I'm just really trying to have faith that it'll turn out well. person B: Congratulations! I'm sure everything is going to turn out well. You probably have to see your doctor more than usual to make sure everything is okay. person A: Yes_comma_ they told me that I would see a specialist along with my regular OBGYN and they seem to be staying on top of things. I am now also eating a plant based diet and feeling much better than my other pregnancy. person B: That's definitely a good sign!
person A: My ex flaked on me again today. person B: That sucks. Why did he/she do that? person A: He sucks. He was supposed to pick up our son today. I'm glad he is too young to know what happened. person B: Yeah_comma_ ignorance in youthfulness is sometimes a good thing. That's really terrible of your ex_comma_ though. He should be burned at the stake. person A: I agree lol
person A: When I was a wee lad_comma_ I was always afraid of going to sleep. Always thought there was a big ole scary monster lurking in the closet. person B: I used to think that too. I could sleep if it wasn't closed all the way person A: I know_comma_ right!?! I swear I saw bigfoot a couple of times_comma_ but my parents never believed me. Now he is out roaming around the Pacific Northwest somewhere. person B: And you could have caught him in the closet!!!
person A: I was robbed at gunpoint once when i worked as a cashier. person B: Oh wow! Did the guy get caught? person A: Yes he did and I had to testify against him. It was very scary. person B: That would be. I am so sorry you had to go through that.
person A: I love that my kids have started helping out around the house now person B: That sounds like you have some good help now. How old are they? person A: They are 13 and 10. Thank you! person B: Its good that they are thoughtful_comma_ sound like very well mannered kids!!!
person A: My big soccer game is tomorrow. I am so excited that I can't even sleep person B: What position do you play? person A: I play waterboy. Can't wait to provide delicious and nutritious water to all of those parched_comma_ puckered throats! person B: Are you taking some orange slices to spice things up?
person A: I didn't ask the girl I like to the Prom and I really wish I had just gone for it. person B: What was holding you back? person A: Well_comma_ I felt inadequate because it was summer school prom and she didn't have to go to summer school. I thought it would make me look stupid. person B: If you could do it all over again_comma_ how would you overcome _comma_ and pardon me for saying this_comma_ your wimpy-ness?
person A: I got a random bonus in my last paycheck I received this week. person B: That is awesome. Did you find out what it was for? person A: It was because I got the employee of the month award! I knew flipping 1000 burgers would eventually provide dividends. person B: That is great
person A: I am happy to snuggle in my boyfriends arms and watch tv all day tomorrow person B: That sounds like a jolly good time_comma_ ole chap. What shows/movies are you planning on watching? person A: We will probably binge watch the office person B: Nice. The Office is one of my favorite shows. I do enjoy Steve Carrell's character.
person A: My daughter and I found a sweet little bird that was hurt yesterday_comma_ sitting outside our door. We are trying to give it water and help it heal. Its so pitiful and helpless. person B: Awwwww! You guys are doing the right thing. How is it doing today? person A: It seems better. We have it in a shoe box and its drinking water. It seems to be its leg that hurts which is good and at least its wing isn't broken. We are trying to think of a name but I don't want my daughter to get too attached. person B: That's fair enough. I wouldn't know what to do with a hurt bird.
person A: I planned for a great vacation_comma_ then someone at work got sick so I couldn't go. person B: That is bad. Did you already made reservation and purchase airline tickets? person A: Luckily I was driving_comma_ and was able to cancel my hotel reservations. person B: Good. There was no else that could replace the person sick?
person A: I was happy to find that at work my coworker prepared a birthday party for me. I was not expecting it. person B: Wow. I bet that was a nice surprise. Did you get a lot of presents? person A: Yes. The most that we could garther together. person B: Sounds great. You are lucky to have such thoughtful coworkers.
person A: I took out the trash last night and had the displeasure of seeing a herd of cockroaches at the bottom of the bin. person B: Oh wow that is disgusting person A: Oh_comma_ it was. I afraid for my well being. person B: What are you going to do?
person A: I couldn't believe my friend started working with me person B: Where do you guys work? person A: I work from home now for a an online retail company. person B: That's pretty neat. I imagine is very nice working from home. I wish I could so that I can stop working at the Nike sweatshop.
person A: I was so mad last week when I got a flat. It was in traffic too person B: That's a bummer. Did you get it repaired? person A: I did after a few hours person B: Well_comma_ that's good. At least everything turned out okay in the end.
person A: My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so proud! person B: Oh wow_comma_ I bet that made you smile person A: It did! She said "daddy". Chills went down my spine. person B: That is very awesome
person A: I could not wait to go to the amusement park. I had no been in awhile. person B: That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you ride a lot of rides? person A: There were some really fun ones person B: Did you ride any that made you sick? Some of the ones that go upside down always make me sick. haha.
person A: My daughters all made the A honor roll at school. person B: I bet you were proud person A: I was. They work very hard to make their goals. person B: I am sure they learned from you
person A: I am lucky to have a roof over my head person B: I am as well. Even if it is a simple thatched roof. person A: So many people do without person B: Indeed. The world can use a lot less people.
person A: Went to the park alone yesterday. Feels bad_comma_ man. person B: How come it felt bad? person A: My friends ditched me. They have never done that before. person B: That is terrible. WHy?
person A: I am so happy to be working and making money.". person B: Yes_comma_ thats always a good thing. Have you been working long? person A: It will be 3 years now but before that I was jobless for a year person B: Wow. I bet you are grateful to be working. Being jobless is a horrible place to be.
person A: My Mother was ill. I was very worried about her condition. person B: That is no good. How is she doing now? person A: She is better now_comma_ but when she was sick I never left her side and made sure she was well taken care of. person B: That is great to hear
person A: I went to close a bank account today_comma_ and when they got there they said it was overdrawn by an IRS tax lien. I have never been so angry in my life! person B: That is horrible! I would've been too. That actually happened to me but thankfully it was an old account that I didn't use. Did they take money from you? person A: Yeah_comma_ About $4000. And I still owe them $100_comma_000. It's alright I'll just set up a Go Fund Me for my bad decisions. person B: I just think that's the worst way for the IRS to do things though. Life is hard and once you have debt from any numbers of things_comma_ it can be hard to climb back out of the red. I'm so sorry you had that shock and I hope they work with you on payments.