person A: My son goes to kindergarten in a week and I can't imagine him being gone through the day. It's hard to not be worried about how he'll be at school. person B: He'll have a great time_comma_ though. He'll make tons of friends and his days will be full of joy! You will need some hobbies though. person A: I hope so. He's usually right there and I usually teach him. I was thinking of homeschooling but I work also. He is going to a wonderful school. I do wonder if I'll have extra time on my hands. person B: With all the extra time you have you should start a counseling service. I know your mom would use you!
person A: Friends threw me a surprise party at work yesterday. It was quite the surprise! person B: Did you have fun person A: I did! I got so many cool gifts. person B: I do love getting gifts
person A: I was happy to see my aunt at Christmas. I had not seen her in a long time person B: That's awesome. Are you and your aunt close? person A: We are very close person B: That's cool man. I'm really not close to any of my relatives.
person A: I was scared when i had t go home alone the other day person B: Im sorry to hear that. What made you scared? person A: its a dark wooded area i live in person B: Wow! I bet that is scary. Good to know you made it okay.
person A: The cashier at the grocery store gave me back the wrong amount of change. i didn't notice until I was at home. person B: what did you do? person A: I called the store and spoke with the manager. person B: what did they advise you to do?
person A: I have my driver's license test tomorrow. Been practicing all week for it. person B: Awesome. Are you nervous? person A: Nope! I've been practicing so much that I am sure to crush it. person B: You definitely will
person A: I was very happy to have the whole family at my house for Easter person B: That's really neat. Did you guys have an easter egg hunt? person A: yes_comma_ we did. person B: That's cool. Who collected the most eggs? person A: We had them all collect the same amount so it was fair for the littler ones
person A: I was very envious when my brother got this cd before I did. It was from my favorite band person B: I understand. person A: Yeah_comma_ I got it eventually person B: What band was it?
person A: I was waiting in a long line to take the bus. Two young women cut the line and go directly in front everybody. person B: You need to speak up next time person A: I spoke up and was very angry. person B: Good_comma_ thats what needed to happen
person A: I was afraid when i went home alone the other day person B: How come you were afraid? person A: going home in the dark.. live in a wooded area person B: I can understand that
person A: I am sure I will get this house clean tomorrow person B: goodluck! person A: Thank you. I don't know why I never complete the job I start person B: yea i think we have all been there
person A: My dad left for his deployment to Afghanistan yesterday. It was a sad time. person B: I am sorry_comma_ I am sure he will be safe person A: I am sure too. Just still so worried about him. person B: I am sure you are
person A: 4 person B: Four is a pretty cool number. I am a bigger fan of 5_comma_ though. person A: I am sorry. I meant to say I cared for my dad one time. I just felt like I had to make sure he felt better person B: What was wrong with your Dad?
person A: I just had to bury my Golden retriever today. I had him for 10 years. person B: Oh no. I'm so sorry. I feel you. I lost my sweet springer spaniel_comma_ Pepper_comma_ not long ago. Are you coping okay? person A: I'm fine_comma_ I went out and got a new one this evening. person B: Well_comma_ that's a wonderful thing. You had a good time with the first one and this new one will breathe life into your day and pull any sadness away. What will you name it?
person A: I haven't been feeling well and my husband has been so great. He takes care of the kids_comma_ goes grocery shopping_comma_ and makes sure I'm resting. person B: It's nice to have someone that is helpful around the house. Does he work_comma_ too? person A: Sometimes. Unfortunately not as often as I would hope but you can't have everything. He's still a good man. I don't blame him since he has cognitive problems. I love him anyway! person B: Well that is too bad. Maybe there is some way you can motivate him to work harder.
person A: I am a little nervous about dating person B: why is that person A: It has been a really long time and I am not happy with the way I look anymore person B: i hope it turns out well for you!
person A: its impressive when a team can snag away a start player from another team person B: It is. What are you referring to? person A: lebron to the lakers person B: of course you were
person A: I ate 50 Big Macs yesterday. Felt slightly bad for the herd of homeless across the street_comma_ gazing enviously upon my pile of gluttony. person B: Wow. How did you manage to eat that many? Maybe you should have shared. person A: I have quite a large stomach. Only the biggest meals will sate my absurd appetite. person B: You should enter a eating contest. Sounds like you could win.
person A: My sister graduated from high school and my parents bought her a car. I didnt get a car when I graduated. person B: That sucks. How does that make you feel? person A: Very envious. But she is the youngest so she always got her way. person B: Yeah_comma_ that's how it was with my younger brother too. He always go his way.
person A: I was scared going home alone! person B: That’s no good. Why? person A: cause its a dark wooded area person B: That would scare me too
person A: I felt a little let down when I had to leave work person B: why is that person A: I had to leave because my kid got suspended person B: oh sorry to hear that
person A: I lost my medicine today_comma_ one that helps me focus my attention span. I needed it especially because I had a job interview that I wanted to be sharp for. I felt weird during the interview_comma_ and now I don't know how I did.. person B: Dang_comma_ that sucks. When do you find out if you got the job? person A: Yeah_comma_ it does. Thanks. And I'm not sure! You can never tell with those things. They take their sweet time contacting you back while you agonize. Sometimes they forget to even send you a reply at all! But maybe I'm overreacting. person B: I think you are overreacting. Just try to find your medicine and calm yourself down. I am sure you will get the job.
person A: I threw up all over the bus yesterday. person B: That sounds terrible! I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope everything is okay now. Do you know what caused it? person A: I think it was the rotten eggs that I ate for breakfast. The experience was mortifying to say the least. person B: Eww.. Rotten eggs.. That's terrible. I know eggs are so healthy for you_comma_ but I never touch them partly because of how they smell when they're cooked/prepared in certain ways. Again_comma_ I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Was there anybody nice enough to help you when you were on the bus_comma_ or how did that end up?
person A: My sister just bought a new house_comma_ and she is only 25. person B: That is pretty impressive person A: She has been working and saving money since she was 15. Very determined young lady. person B: That is really something to be proud of
person A: wishing that he would call me person B: Why not just call him? Its not unheard of. person A: I did and he hasn't returned my call person B: Maybe he is just busy right now. I wouldn't lose hope yet.
person A: My neighbor returned my golf clubs yesterday after I thought I lost them at the golf course. person B: That is a good news. Did he kept them with him for a long period of time? person A: He didn't! He promptly returned them to me once he found them. I was so thankful. person B: That is nice.
person A: I am jealous of my brother because he is better than me in sport. person B: That sucks. What sport? person A: In any sport_comma_ soccer_comma_ swimming_comma_ running_comma_ etc person B: You're not good at a single one of those? I was a strong swimmer when I was a kid.
person A: I start a new job as a nurse next Monday and I'm so nervous. Nothing can prepare you for the real world of nursing compared to nursing school. person B: i can understand that person A: I'm looking forward to it also though since I get to work in the NICU and take care of little babies. That will be so rewarding. I will always take it very seriously since their lives are in our hands. person B: the NICU thats wonderful
person A: it was nice taking care of my sisters dog the other day person B: Oh fun! What kind of dog does she have? What's its name? person A: a husky .. charlie person B: My mom had a husky named Heidi for almost 16 years. They are beautiful dogs but boy can they run away fast if they get an opportunity.
person A: I kept playing a card game with my brothers_comma_ and I kept losing. They were bragging over and over_comma_ and being disrespectful. I just wanted to spend quality time with them... It gets frustrating sometimes. person B: Sometimes sibling rivalry dies hard -- even when you've well outgrown it. Are y'all far apart in age? person A: I have one that's four years old than me_comma_ and one that's eight years older than me. They do like to gang up on me_comma_ especially since it's easier just because I'm a lot less further along in life than they are because of age. They really can be tough. But I feel like it's important to stay close to family. person B: I love your heart. That's important. Are you a brother or a sister to them? person A: I'm a brother to them. And thank you for the compliment! I'll just try to stay positive. person B: Please do. Sometimes it takes time to mature on an emotional level. It's cool that you have that on them :-)
person A: I can’t wait to go on a blind date". person B: Nice! Where did you meet your date? person A: I still havent met him. My friend is having us meet person B: That's really cool. Where is the date going to be at?
person A: I saw a fat ole rat slinking around my garage when I was taking the garbage out. person B: That is nasty. What are you going to do? person A: I'm thinking about hiring an exterminator. I can't gave vermin like that running amok around my house. person B: I am with you
person A: I went to my school reunion alone _comma_ my husband couldnt make it. I saw a lot of old boyfriends there. person B: How did that feel? person A: Kind of fun_comma_ But I let them know I am married and very much love my husband. person B: that is awesome
person A: I am in a long disance relationship person B: That must be hard sometimes_comma_ but I guess also has its advantages. person A: I am not interested in anyone else and I am busy with my kids but I miss him person B: I bet. Maybe he will move closer to you soon.
person A: I've been studying for my math test all this week. Never felt so prepared in my life. person B: That's awesome. What level of math is it? person A: It is Algebra I. Pretty tough stuff. person B: I always had trouble with math so anything above counting is beyond what I feel competent in. Good luck on the test!
person A: I found my old teddy bear in a box from a storage unit today. It really brought back some memories. person B: That's really cool! What kind of memories resurfaced? person A: It was the last thing my mom gave me before she passed away_comma_ so it wasn't really good memories. person B: Oh_comma_ I am sorry for being so insensitive. I am sure your mother is in a better place.
person A: i was schocked when i had to go home early person B: Wow! What happened? I hope everything is okay. person A: my got out from the backyard person B: What? Nothing too bad I guess...
person A: I knew a coworker wanted a project at work but I volunteered for it anyway. person B: did he get ma? person A: A little_comma_ I felt bad but we are all trying to get ahead right? person B: hellz yea.. all about number 1
person A: I'm kind of ticked off because my friend that I work with got promoted to manager. I really feel like I should've gotten the job and I know she knows that! person B: That is terrible_comma_ my friend. How do you think it is going to affect your friendship> person A: I feel like it already has because I'm trying to get over being mad at her and get over not getting the job. Plus she's now considered my boss so I have to be professional and listen to her. I hope its not weird. person B: I'm sure it won't be too bad. You just have to work hard and hopefully you'll get promoted next time.
person A: I have my soccer game tomorrow and I am so pumped that I can't sleep. person B: Oh cool! Do you play in the game or get to be the cooler part of the team_comma_ the waterboy? person A: I am the waterboy! Can't wait to provide sweet_comma_ succulent water to all the parched_comma_ puckered throats. person B: Ha ha! Awesome! I bet you're great at it! Get out a hose and just water them down! Its faster. Hope you have a great game tomorrow! Don't forget the orange slices.
person A: I am feeling uneasy about going to court person B: Why are you going to the court? person A: I am getting a divorce finally person B: I understand. I hope things will go smoothly.
person A: I took the bus without paying for it. I feel bad afterward. person B: I can understand that person A: I will see how I can repair what I did. person B: That is good. You will feel better
person A: I was totaly destroyed when I found that my wife took all the money that was in the bank account and left me. person B: That is horrible. Were you able to do anything about it.? person A: No yet. She took what I have been saving for 10 years. person B: I am so sorry to hear that. I wish there was something more you could do.
person A: When my son was in elementary school he hated getting up and going to school. He used to throw a fit in the car in front of the school. person B: Ir is almost all kid that do that. He will get used to it. person A: He has gotten better at time. I used to think people thought I was beating him and I would get in trouble. His fits were really bad. He liked to scream a lot. person B: People can be bad some time. I hope it will be better.
person A: When i was a kid i was alone at night during a huge thunderstorm and the wind was whipping outside. person B: what happened person A: I stayed up all night terrified since i was like 5. person B: well at least you made it through
person A: I was saddenned to see Lebron Go person B: oh yea im not surprised though. person A: me either person B: yea after the finals_comma_ at least he didnt go to the GSW haha
person A: I am worried about my interview person B: What is your interview for? person A: I am applying for an internal position at work person B: That's pretty cool. Do you think you will get the job?
person A: I got a break from work_comma_ so I went to the park to read my favorite book. person B: That sounds really peaceful person A: It was. I felt so relaxed and one with nature. person B: That is so good for the soul
person A: My sister and I went through some old pictures person B: I bet that brought back memories. Hopefully good ones. person A: It sure did. She had a lot of pics I didn’t know of person B: Wow_comma_ I bet that was a happy surprise. I love looking at old pictures.
person A: I was in a car wreck on the way home from church. person B: Are you alright? person A: Yes. I was wearing my seat belt. My car cant say the same. person B: I am sorry you have to deal with that.
person A: I changed my baby's diaper for the first time ever today. person B: how did it go? congrats btw person A: It was pretty darn gross. Thought I was going to vomit. person B: hah .. it gets better
person A: last week i felt all alone when the family left person B: Why did your family leave? Sorry that you felt that way. person A: they went to visit other family.. had the day alone person B: What did you do all by yourself?
person A: My turtle ran away from me today. person B: Oh my god. Did you guys have a fight? person A: Yeah_comma_ he was all butthurt because I wouldn't let him eat an extra tomato. Serves him right_comma_ but I do marginally miss him. person B: It's just an extra tomato_comma_ man. You're going to let that ruin your relationship with your turtle?
person A: About to open a restaurant with my friend. I hope it goes well. person B: Oh yeah? What is going to be your hallmark meal? person A: Probably the sushi and steak special. person B: Can't go wrong the sushi and steak special. A classic in Alaska.
person A: i felt sad when I was all alone the other day person B: That's too bad. Why were you all alone? person A: family left without me to visit some other relatives person B: Interesting. Why wouldn't they take you along?
person A: I was just released from the hospital yesterday. person B: oh wow.. how are you feeling person A: I am feeling pretty good. Looking forward to my bright_comma_ healthy future. person B: thats good
person A: I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. It was hard but he just wasn't right for me. The biggest problem I have now is that I feel so isolated and lonely without him. person B: It was the right thing to do. Getting used to not having someone around is going to take some time. person A: Yeah_comma_ I definitely don't want to get back together just because I miss having someone but its definitely hard. I'm struggling to find things to do or get out with friends. person B: It will take time_comma_ but I'm sure you'll be okay.
person A: My girlfriend is finally coming back to the states after being away for 4 years. person B: What a monumental event! I bet you're so excited. What took her away for so long? person A: She got a scholarship to go to school abroad. person B: She sounds smart. Are you nervous at all or just thrilled to be with her again?
person A: My dog pooped on the carpet yesterday. person B: Is the dog potty trained? person A: Nope. I am far too lazy to do that. In response_comma_ I beat her with a pool noodle. Think that got the message across. person B: That pool noodle must be terrifying for her.
person A: This bird chased my cat on our walk person B: Did your cat show the bird who's boss? person A: Nah. He's a pussy. person B: That's somewhat offensive.
person A: Have you seen the show sharp objects? person B: No I haven't. Is it good? person A: I like it. Its kind of scary to me though. I don't think its supposed to be scary person B: Sounds interesting. I will have to check it out. person A: You should. With the lights on person B: I will. But I dont scare easily. person A: Then you are nothing like me lol
person A: My sister who was my best friend passed away. person B: That's so sad. I'm sorry person A: thank you. Now I dont have anyone really to talk to or do things with. person B: Have you ever tried writing? That's what I do
person A: I am worried about not being ready for the party on Friday person B: You're hosting a party? or attending one? Either way_comma_ social gatherings can always be a lot of pressure_comma_ so that's why I usually avoid them_comma_ unfortunately. What are some of your worries_comma_ if you don't mind me asking? person A: I don't know if I have enough energy to get the house deep cleaned and prepare all the food person B: Oh_comma_ so you're hosting. Man_comma_ that's definitely hard. I really do feel for you_comma_ as I wouldn't have the courage to do that. Well_comma_ since you're worried about it_comma_ at least it shows you care. And you still have plenty of time to prepare! Do you have anyone that can help?
person A: I was watching my cousin_comma_ who is only 13-years-old_comma_ being a pretty good motherly figure towards my 7-year-old nephew while were hanging out today. It's interesting to see how well she performs at a young age when dealing with kids_comma_ and how patient she stays when most adults wouldn't be able to person B: That is so sweet! person A: It really is. I was caught off guard by the compassion and ability to take all the frenetic activity going on around her in stride and stay calm and talk to the children respectfully_comma_ trying to teach them instead of just yelling at them. I don't know if I'll be that good when I'm a parent. person B: It is a good sign that she shows that kind of care to them
person A: It took me 3 hours to mow the lawn. I'm glad it's done. person B: damn did you do it all alone or you had help? are you lebron james living in a mansion? person A: My lawn is normal sized. It's just that my mower kept stopping and going. person B: ah thats understandable
person A: I was all alone last week when my dog got out person B: I'm sorry to hear that! Did you find your dog? person A: no still missing after 8 days person B: Did you try calling your local shelter?
person A: I went to the bowling alley all alone yesterday. person B: Oh no. You didn't have anyone to go with? person A: I didn't. My friends ditched me. It felt pretty bad. person B: Wow. That's some friends you have there.
person A: We had a group project_comma_ and everyone was delegated their parts person B: Did everyone end up contributing to the project? person A: Yep. They did. It's kinda nerve wrecking hoping everyone does their part though. person B: I am sure they will. They have to if they want to get a good grade.
person A: I was real scared when a tornado watch was issued. It just worried me person B: Tornados are terrifing. Are you ok? person A: Yeah_comma_ nothing got close to us. person B: That's good to hear. Glad you're ok.
person A: Passed by my old classroom. Looking in_comma_ it made me miss the time I suffered in the back through lecture person B: Lectures can be boring person A: Yea_comma_ it can be_comma_ but classmates are kinda make it worth it sometimes. person B: I do miss some of my class
person A: I have been trying to save money for a big vacation next summer. person B: where you going? person A: I hope I can save enough... I want to go to Egypt and see the pyramids person B: oh that sounds great. good luck
person A: I was shocked when i wasnt approved for time off the other day person B: why did they say no? person A: too much work.. no one able to take off person B: Im so sorry.. I wish I could fix that for you.
person A: I went to the skating rink all by myself yesterday. person B: That sounds like it could be fun_comma_ or was it sad? person A: It was kinda a bad time. All my friends ditched me. person B: Oh no! Well those aren't such good friends.
person A: I felt bad when I ate sugar the other day. I am on keto and it's a pain to cook the sweet treats I can have. person B: That is too bad. Why are you on the keto diet? person A: It helps me lose weight and I have energy on it. I just don't do well on carbs but eating sugar can reset me :/ It just takes such a long time and money to get ingredients and get a dessert right for keto. person B: Yeah_comma_ that diet is somewhat expensive. Has it been hard sticking to it? person A: The desserts are expensive but actually it's quite cheap if you do fasting. I eat much less now. It is not hard most of the time but you do get sick if you eat too many carbs- So that makes it easier to stick too lol
person A: I knew I was going to do well on my history finals. I studied hard person B: History is a lot of memorizing. Glad you did well. person A: I am too_comma_ it was a fun class person B: How were the rest of your exams?
person A: There was supposed to be a party this weekend_comma_ but it got cancelled. person B: Oh well_comma_ there is always next weekend person A: Yep. You're definitely right! person B: I am sure you will find something
person A: At dinner with my friends_comma_ I choked on water and coughed it up all over the food person B: Oh lord_comma_ that made me almost vomit! I choke easy too_comma_ I am sorry! person A: That's ok! I just felt so bad for my friends. person B: Not your fault at all! Somethings can't be helped.
person A: I have a hard time eating_comma_ I am allergic to so much! It gives me a lot of mixed feelings when thinking of eating.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3196_conv:6393,2,anxious,I have a hard time eating_comma_ I am allergic to so much! It gives me a lot of mixed feelings whenever I think about eating as I don't know what will happen with my digestions,1,Oh I know that feeling. What are some of the things that you can eat?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3196_conv:6393,3,anxious,I have a hard time eating_comma_ I am allergic to so much! It gives me a lot of mixed feelings whenever I think about eating as I don't know what will happen with my digestions,296,I am not sure! lol- I seem to be allergic to pesticides so any unorganic food_comma_ artificial flavors_comma_ colors_comma_ dairy_comma_ meat_comma_ gluten_comma_ sugar :/ I just never know how I will feel after I eat and what the issue is so it's hard! I need to get an allergy test done soon. I eat so plain..and even that seems to hurt me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3196_conv:6393,4,anxious,I have a hard time eating_comma_ I am allergic to so much! It gives me a lot of mixed feelings whenever I think about eating as I don't know what will happen with my digestions,1,It has to be tough to not know what to eat. I hope you'll get that allergy test soon to figure things out.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3197_conv:6394,1,terrified,I am scared to death of snakes. They freak me out!,160,Nothing scares me more than a snake.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:3197_conv:6394,2,terrified,I am scared to death of snakes. They freak me out!,126,I do hate those too,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:3197_conv:6394,3,terrified,I am scared to death of snakes. They freak me out!,160,I live in FL so I see them often and I get totally freaked out.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:3197_conv:6394,4,terrified,I am scared to death of snakes. They freak me out!,126,I would not like that at all,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:3197_conv:6395,1,content, I was very happy this last vacation. It was just so relaxing,126,I was very calm this last vacation. It was just very relaxing,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:3197_conv:6395,2,content, I was very happy this last vacation. It was just so relaxing,160,Sounds nice.. where did you go?,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:3197_conv:6395,3,content, I was very happy this last vacation. It was just so relaxing,126,We went to asheville,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:3197_conv:6395,4,content, I was very happy this last vacation. It was just so relaxing,160,Thats nice this time of year..,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:3198_conv:6396,1,faithful,My friend has been struggling through treatments for colon cancer. I am trying to be as supportive and helpful as I can. I try to go to every chemotherapy treatment she gets since her family isn't nearby.,438,My friend has been struggling through treatments for colon cancer. I am trying to be as supportive and helpful as I can. I try to go to every chemotherapy treatment she gets since her family isn't nearby.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3198_conv:6396,2,faithful,My friend has been struggling through treatments for colon cancer. I am trying to be as supportive and helpful as I can. I try to go to every chemotherapy treatment she gets since her family isn't nearby.,135,Aww_comma_ that's terrible but good she has you. I have had many family members that had that fight. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3198_conv:6396,3,faithful,My friend has been struggling through treatments for colon cancer. I am trying to be as supportive and helpful as I can. I try to go to every chemotherapy treatment she gets since her family isn't nearby.,438,How did you encourage them? I try to be compassionate and uplifting but finding the right combination is tough.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3198_conv:6396,4,faithful,My friend has been struggling through treatments for colon cancer. I am trying to be as supportive and helpful as I can. I try to go to every chemotherapy treatment she gets since her family isn't nearby.,135,It really is. I found being positive is key and you're probably more helpful than you realize. Even though you feel it's not exactly right_comma_ doesn't hurt to ask too. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6398,1,disappointed,They ran out of my favorite dessert at the restaurant I went to.,1,They ran out of my favorite dessert at the restaurant I went to.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6398,2,disappointed,They ran out of my favorite dessert at the restaurant I went to.,238,what did you do?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6398,3,disappointed,They ran out of my favorite dessert at the restaurant I went to.,1,I just went with fruits. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6398,4,disappointed,They ran out of my favorite dessert at the restaurant I went to.,238,thats a good selection,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6399,1,impressed,It was impressive when lebron left the cavs for the lakers,238,It was impressive when lebron left the cavs for the lakers,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6399,2,impressed,It was impressive when lebron left the cavs for the lakers,1,I'm not familiar with basketball. Why would it be hard for him to leave?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6399,3,impressed,It was impressive when lebron left the cavs for the lakers,238,because he already left once before and it is where he was from,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3199_conv:6399,4,impressed,It was impressive when lebron left the cavs for the lakers,1,I hope the lakers treats him well.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6400,1,devastated,My friend is having his first baby!,1,My friend is having his first baby!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6400,2,devastated,My friend is having his first baby!,160,Thats exciting. Do they know what they are having?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6400,3,devastated,My friend is having his first baby!,1,Not yet. He's such a chill dude. I think that kid is going to come out holding a game controller.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6400,4,devastated,My friend is having his first baby!,160,I just might you never know these days!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6401,1,proud,I am so happy. I got an A in my online class.,160,I am so happy. I got an A in my online class.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6401,2,proud,I am so happy. I got an A in my online class.,1,Online classes takes some dedication versus going to class. Good for you!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6401,3,proud,I am so happy. I got an A in my online class.,160,Thank you! It was pretty easy but I am still proud of myself,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3200_conv:6401,4,proud,I am so happy. I got an A in my online class.,1,You're very modest!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:3201_conv:6402,1,prepared,College is starting in 3 weeks_comma_ and I have my apartment all settled_comma_ my classes picked out_comma_ and my student loans scheduled. I feel like I'm on track to start the semester in a way where I'm not hurried or confused_comma_ and it feels good.,273,College is starting in 3 weeks_comma_ and I have my apartment all settled_comma_ my classes picked out_comma_ and my student loans scheduled. I feel like I'm on track to start the semester in a way where I'm not hurried or confused_comma_ and it feels good.,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:3201_conv:6402,2,prepared,College is starting in 3 weeks_comma_ and I have my apartment all settled_comma_ my classes picked out_comma_ and my student loans scheduled. I feel like I'm on track to start the semester in a way where I'm not hurried or confused_comma_ and it feels good.,294,That is really good. Starting off right is one of the most important things for a successful School year. Where are you going?,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:3201_conv:6402,3,prepared,College is starting in 3 weeks_comma_ and I have my apartment all settled_comma_ my classes picked out_comma_ and my student loans scheduled. I feel like I'm on track to start the semester in a way where I'm not hurried or confused_comma_ and it feels good.,273,I'm attending the University of South Carolina as a social work major. I'll be a senior_comma_ so I'm kind of excited about that. But I will have to attend graduate school after this_comma_ so I can't get that Almost all over with!" feeling just yet. What about you? Did you ever attend college_comma_ or want to?
person A: I did attend college_comma_ but I am one of those statistics you hear about....a dropout. person B: Hey... that's okay. I'm 28 and just now about to finish my 4-year degree. My brother finished his at 36. There's always a reason for the path you take. Maybe it led to better things. Don't ever just consider yourself a statistic. Good luck!
person A: I picked up my son from daycare today and they said another kid had pushed him over and taken his toy. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes kids don't know how to interact well with each other. But it's an important part of the socializing part of life that they work their way through it. All you can do is tell them how to respectfully and appropriately respond and defend themselves. person A: I didn't do that. I yelled at the teacher until I got tired_comma_ then I left. I don't think I'll send my son back there. person B: Ah.. so it's that kind of situation. Yeah_comma_ it can be one thing if it's just something where kids are acting like kids_comma_ and you can't physically intervene in time. But it's another if you think it's neglect and that they're not responding appropriately to the situation. I would trust your judgment. I hope everything ends well with it though! I'm sure you gave your child lots of love afterward.
person A: I was so mad when I failed my science test. I knew I should have done better person B: It happens even when we study hard sometimes! person A: I know_comma_ at least I learned from it person B: true! Life is full of learning_comma_ I am glad you have learned something from it_comma_ so many don't. Kudos!
person A: When I got home tonight my outdoor window was broken- To my cat room. person B: I am sorry_comma_ was the cat okay person A: The cats are fine as there is a screen_comma_ but I am in a bad neighborhood so I don't know what happened and who did it? A bit frightening. person B: That does sound scary
person A: MY sister just went back to school at 30 years old. person B: Good for her. Never too late to go back to school. person A: I know. She has three kids_comma_ single mom_comma_ works and goes to school She is awesome! person B: Oh wow. She sounds like super woman! person A: I think she might be
person A: Clown movies scare me. person B: I don't blame you. Those things are creepy person A: I don't know why. I'm not afarid of them in real life though_comma_ but the movies are super creepy! person B: I got a clown for my daughters 4 birthday. Every single kids cried lol
person A: I'm not very close with my family. person B: I understand that_comma_ I am not either with some of my family! We are not always born in too families that are like us_comma_ person A: I wish I was but its never good when we get together. person B: I am sorry_comma_ are they very mean or abusive? person A: Mean and dishonest. Its very toxic. person B: Well then it's no loss! Find family in others. That is no family! person A: You're so right
person A: I came home and my outside window to my cat room was broken. person B: Cat room? I've never heard of such a thing. person A: A room for my cats! It makes me feel scared as I am in a bad neighborhood and would like to know what happened when I wasn't home? person B: Did any of the cats get out? person A: No. They had a screen in front of it- the window opens out- It's old- but I don't understand who broke it? And who was in my yard? person B: Maybe you should get cameras
person A: I've had family visiting for the past couple of days_comma_ some cousins and an uncle and aunt that I haven't seen a long time. It's always great to be reunited with family_comma_ especially after you get over that first initial weird social hump of feeling each other out after not having spoken for a long time. It's crazy to see how much the younger cousins have physically changed! Anyway_comma_ it's been a blast playing games and catching up with them. person B: wow thats great person A: Thanks! Yeah_comma_ it's hard having so many people in the house at one time_comma_ since it's so much frenetic activity. But it's worth it for a few days_comma_ to make sure you stay in touch with family. Do you have big family visits? person B: every few years.. and its enough!
person A: I was hapy when i got to leave work early! person B: Yeah_comma_ that's never something to complain about--well_comma_ unless you were fired_comma_ I guess_comma_ but that doesn't sound like that was the case! I'm happy for you_comma_ too. Did you do anything fun with your extra time? person A: took the kids out to peter piper pizza! person B: Well_comma_ that was nice of you. I'm glad you got a chance to squeeze in more family time and didn't go spend it just sitting around or something. I hope that happens more often for you.
person A: Well I bought a bunch of scratch offs today. I really wanna win the lottery. person B: Fun! Those can be addictive for me. I only get them around Christmas time...not sure why but its a fun stocking stuffer. Did you win? person A: Not yet... I haven't scratched em yet. I really could use the money I hope I win! person B: I hope you win too! Scratch them now and let me know if you win. Now I'm excited for you! Hope you hit a big bank!
person A: I'm planning a birthday party for my mom and she lives in another state. So I'm using a caterer that lives near her and banking on them doing a good job. person B: Oh wow.. are you going there to surprise her person A: Yes_comma_ I'm really excited about that and we're having family from all over coming in. Its her 60th. Its just weird having someone make food for it that I can't taste beforehand. They get good reviews though. person B: well don't worry too much ... the food isnt the most important thing and I am sure it will at least be satisfactory. Focus on the family
person A: My laptop broke_comma_ and I lost all the information on it. person B: That is not good. So no way to get the info back person A: No way at all. I've got to start from scratch. person B: I am sorry_comma_ that sounds terrible
person A: I hear happy when I hear this song on the radio. It makes me think of my dad when I was younger person B: Does your dad still live nearby? person A: No_comma_ he passed away person B: I am so sorry to hear that. His memory lives on though.
person A: There was hair in my soup_comma_ and the owner wouldn't take responsibility. person B: Oh gross! What restaurant? person A: It was a nearby pho place. I'm not going there again. person B: I would blast them on social media. That is not good_comma_ especially for them not to take responsibility for it.
person A: I didn't have a vacuum for a day and my vacuum hasn't been working for awhile anyhow_comma_ so my floor was pretty dirty. person B: Yea. Floors get dirty pretty quickly with dust. Will you be replacing the vacuum? person A: yes I already got a new vacuum tonight and WOW_comma_ nice to finally have a clean floor! It shows how bad mine was at picking anything up. person B: I actually got a vacuum myself but made a bad decision. The thing does not suck well. person A: That sucks_comma_ no pun intended. Can you return it?
person A: i loved watching my sisters dog the other day person B: What breed is it? person A: boxer person B: I love boxers_comma_ and their cut off tails.
person A: I was at the beach one time walking by the pier and I saw a diaper floating in the water. person B: Wow. I hope it was a clean diaper. person A: Nope. It was horrifying. It changed everything for me. person B: Who knew a diaper would be so terrifying.
person A: Going camping next weekend. I haven't hung out with my friends in so long. person B: That sounds like so much fun. I hope you have a good_comma_ relaxing time. Where are you going? person A: To a city named Scotland. Their pier is supposed to be very beautiful. person B: I hope it's a better experience by the pier than mine. hahahaha.
person A: I have started to makes schedules for myself everyday person B: That's good. Are you getting the hang of it? person A: I am. I never forget anything now. I keep bust too person B: It's better to write things down than try to keep things in your head. person A: Especially as you get older lol
person A: My favorite store is going through some tough times. They're trying to find another distributor so they don't have to raise prices and lose their customers. person B: That sucks. What store is it? person A: It's a Asian store that carries ingredients I can't find anywhere else unless I order online. person B: We have a lot of those where I live.
person A: I just got cable installed person B: Nice! Is this your first time having that done? person A: Yes but Im upset about it person B: How come_comma_ what happened? person A: I have 600 channels and there is still nothing to watch that I like! person B: Oh geez! lol! Just watch tv online :) I do- that way always something I like_comma_ I can watch person A: That makes sense. I'm not paying for this lol