person A: I had a big piece of cheesecake yesterday. person B: I love cheesecake person A: Me too! But I didn't need sugar a second day in a row_comma_ it kicks me out of my ketosis_comma_ so I felt bad! person B: Oh no! Was is plain or did it have sweet toppings too? person A: Plain! I should really make it at home with xylitol...but I can't seem to get the thickness and I love the NY cheesecake type person B: I wish I could make a cheescake.
person A: I cant wait till tomorrow I am going to the mall. person B: What stores are you going to person A: All of em LOL.. I have been saving up for weeks! I need back to school clothes person B: News clothes are always nice
person A: I was so scared when a tornado hist close to me. I thought I was going to die person B: oh my gosh! I am glad you are ok!!! person A: I am too_comma_ it was something though person B: Where do you live? Kansas?
person A: i loved it when i watched my sisters dog person B: Oh dogs are so sweet. Was it your first time? person A: yes_comma_ and he lived! person B: he lived? Oh no. What happened?!
person A: A girl was actually hitting on me. person B: what did you do person A: I stuttered and excused myself. person B: good luck next time!
person A: I watched my daughter be born this morning. It was one of the best days of my life! person B: That's amazing_comma_ first child? person A: It was. I didn't realize I would love a kid so much! person B: Cherish every moment_comma_ they grow up SO fast!
person A: I was very shocked that they had a bunch of deli turkey on clearance with so many people shopping today! person B: Isn't that the best feeling when something you really want is actually on deep discount_comma_ and you are just in the right place at the right time! person A: It is the BEST_comma_ especially when you are poor! lol- It means you can eat more or eat for a longer time. I love to stock up_comma_ I live for clearances like that! person B: I am right there with you. I hope this is a sign of a great week to come!
person A: I just knew my favorite soccer team was going to do well. I had a good feeling person B: I'm glad they won! person A: I am too_comma_ it was a great game person B: Were the opposing team a really tough one?
person A: I got an extra 2 days paid time off from work. person B: Oh I bet you enjoyed that person A: Yep. I'll enjoy it greatly! person B: I bet you will
person A: I was sad when my brother didnt show up to my birthday. I really wanted him there person B: I am sorry_comma_ why didn't he come? person A: He had to work person B: I bet he hated missing it too! Work is good for bills but it interferes a lot with life
person A: Someone broke a window in my side yard today. I don't know when_comma_ I assume I was gone as my dogs wouldv'e went nuts. person B: That is not good. I am glad they are okay though person A: We are so far but I live in a bad neighborhood and it's late so I am still up a bit scared about it. person B: I would be too
person A: My sister got invited on an all expense paid beach trip by one of our mutual friends. I can't believe she's getting to go and I haven't had a vacation in 3 years. person B: You seem a bit jealous. person A: Its hard not to be when I thought I was a bit closer to her than my sister was. Its a 10 day trip beach front and now I have to hear about it too. person B: You should talk to your friend about it.
person A: I found a Christmas ornament my daughter made for me when she was younger person B: How precious! How old is she now? What does the ornament look like? person A: She is 13. She was 3 when she made it. Its a clay stockin that they got to paint themselves person B: What a wonderful nostalgic piece. My daughter is 8 and growing up way too fast. I have a hand print ornament she made and I can't believe one day she'll be 13! person A: ONe day they will be married and have their own daughter.
person A: I was confident about my final test. I had studied all week hard person B: That's awesome. What subject was it? person A: It was history_comma_ my favorite person B: History is one my favorites as well!
person A: I was supposed to be going on vacation_comma_ but one of my coworkers quit suddenly. person B: Thats bad timing for sure person A: I'm not upset with him though. Work hasn't been treating him right. person B: Well at least they got out
person A: I keep everything my kids make person B: You are a good parent. How do you have space for it all? person A: I don't/ Thats the problem lol person B: I guess you'll have to get a storage unit. The question then is what goes in the storage unit? Furniture or the kids crafts. Haha. person A: I know right lol
person A: I looked at a recipe that I wanted for dinner tonight_comma_ and I actually had everything I needed to make it. person B: Thats always a plus person A: It never happens to me. I end up having to go to the store every day at least once. I feel like I earned a vacation day. person B: That happens to me too. I go to the store almost every day
person A: I happy to see my brother last weekend. It had been a long time person B: Does he live far away? person A: He had just been busy with life and work person B: That makes sense. Did you have fun?
person A: Tomorrow is movie night! person B: What movie is it person A: SING for the 100th time. My kids love that movie person B: Well as long as they love it person A: Last day of summer vacation I can watch it once more
person A: I have never been on a cruise before_comma_ but I am going on one next month with my best friend. person B: That sounds amazing! What do you have planned? person A: We have so many activities planned; scuba diving_comma_ parasailing_comma_ and relaxing! I have been saving up for this for so long. I cannot wait! person B: That sounds great!
person A: the best friend I have had for he last 10 years will always be my best friend person B: That's so neat when friendships last so long. person A: It is. We have been through a lot person B: I am sure you guys have a great bond and many fun memories.
person A: I was a little lonesome last weekend. I was sick and my friends were busy person B: No one came to take care of you? person A: No one_comma_ just my cat ha person B: Was the cat nice? I know they can be sassy when they don't get all of the attention lol
person A: I am so luck that I had healthy children. person B: Healthy is important person A: Some parents are less fortunate. It sucks. person B: I guess_comma_ but they can always teach them
person A: I was shocked when my aunt came to my graduation_comma_ She lived far away person B: Oh wow_comma_ you must have been thrilled! person A: I was very happy for sure person B: That's great when someone you love puts in the extra effort to be there for you
person A: My daughter didnt have a good first year at her new school. person B: Thats not good_comma_ I remember bad times at school. What happened? person A: She didnt make a lot of friends. She is shy person B: One good friend who you can trust is better than a bunch you can't. It's just part of growing up sometimes. School can be an exercise in mental strength. person A: Thats what I told her. This year is going to be better person B: Yes_comma_ I hope she can find her self worth in who she is. It's just part of growing up. It's hard person A: 13 is a tough age for girls
person A: The birds in my neighborhood all gather on my fence if I haven't feed them that day. person B: What kind of birds are they? person A: All kinds_comma_ Wrens_comma_ sparrows_comma_ blue jays_comma_ wood peckers. I feel very protective and cannot help but take care of them. I will feel sad when I move. I like feeding all critters person B: Thats so sweet of you.
person A: I was nervous when starting a new school. I knew no one person B: That can be one of the hardest parts of life. Very tough person A: Yeah it was very tough person B: How did it go? Is it college?
person A: I am very upset and a bit disgusted by that the person I live with still doesn't like paying bills. You have to pay bills to have things person B: I am sorry_comma_ roommates can be annoying sometimes person A: Not a roomate lol-but yes. That's how life works though. If you want things and luxuries_comma_ they cost money. I'll never understand entitled people. person B: I will not either
person A: My sister has been begging me to go to a new haunted museum with her. person B: Ah! That's kind of a scary thought_comma_ but I bet that would also be kind of fun. I live in a city with a very extensive history that is utilized a lot in "haunted" trips and stuff like that_comma_ so I have seen them around and have wondered about going on one. Do you believe in ghosts? person A: They scare me enough that I guess I do believe. I don't want to go because I fell like I will get freaked out and have bad dreams. person B: Yeah_comma_ I can totally understand that. It can be exhilarating and a different experience_comma_ I would imagine. But I would understand that you wouldn't want to have to deal with the after effects. I never have trouble with nightmares_comma_ so I don't worry about that. As for me_comma_ I'm still on the fence about ghosts.
person A: My girlfriend has been so busy with work lately_comma_ it's left me feeling neglected. But she's working hard to pay off her student loans and to build her savings_comma_ so I have to respect that. But at the same time_comma_ we're long distance_comma_ so the time I have with her when she actually isn't working isn't that fulfilling_comma_ either. person B: That's really too bad. I know how that feels. Have you tried telling her how you feel about it? person A: Yeah_comma_ we've had multiple conversations. But it always comes back to her not being able to budge on the time she can commit to her job. And with the long distance thing_comma_ there's less of an immediate necessity for her to change her commitment. It's a work in progress. person B: That must be really difficult and lonely for you. I hope you guys can get something figured out.
person A: I am really glad to see how hard my son is working person B: Sounds like a good kid. What has he been working on. person A: He got his first job and he has been really responsible with it and it has been 4 months person B: That's great! How old is he?
person A: We finished painting most of my brother's room today. I think we'll be able to get his room done well before he comes back next weekend. person B: That is nice of you. Where has he been? person A: Away for college. He's been sounding stressed lately_comma_ so we thought we'd redo his room to surprise him. person B: that is really nice of you
person A: I got in a bit of an altercation with a co-worker today_comma_ and I'm afraid it may lead to me losing my job. It started with a misunderstanding_comma_and when they didn't want to simply accept that it was a misunderstanding after I apologized_comma_ I decided to simply defend myself and there was a verbal back-and-forth witnessed by a few people. This is not the image I wanted to have at my job... person B: Sometimes you gotta stand up for yourself. person A: Yeah. I didn't want to seem like a whiny brat_comma_ but I didn't want to seem like a pushover either_comma_ especially when I thought it was stupid to fight about it to begin with. If I lose my job_comma_ it won't be the worst thing_comma_ since it's just a part-time job to get me through college. But I still hate the feeling that I let people down_comma_ or that I look dumb in other people's eyes. person B: If they know you_comma_ they should know better.
person A: A possom was waiting outside my door. person B: Talk about an unwelcome guest! I would have immediately slammed my door shut! I never know how to respond in those situations_comma_ as in whether or not they're dangerous_comma_ etc. What did you do? person A: He seem harmless enough_comma_ so I gave him some food. person B: I did not expect that kind of reaction! But I guess I don't know enough about possums. Maybe that makes sense. I compare them almost to raccoons_comma_ who I've seen be very aggressive. Well_comma_ it looks you made a new friend. I hope you named them!
person A: I had lost my iPad in an airport a week ago_comma_ and even though it had my contact information_comma_ I wasn't sure it'd be returned to me. I just figured it was gone for. But it showed up today_comma_ in the same condition! person B: You are so lucky! person A: Yeah_comma_ I know! I feel like I need to go buy a lottery ticket or something. I had already started looking online for replacements_comma_ and it came in today. Things like that restore your faith in humanity_comma_ as stupid as that sounds. I mean_comma_ it's just an iPad. I'm lucky to even have one. So_comma_ I did feel a little childish getting that sad over it. person B: I know exactly what you mean. Someone returned my purse at the casino once. It still had my money in it!
person A: I am still goin to court for child support. person B: That must be incredibly annoying to have to deal with. To constantly have to battle for what you feel is justified support_comma_ and to always be worrying about it in the back of your head. You have to be really resilient to go through that. person A: Its been ten years and it doesnt even show up half of the time. I told the judge the last time I don't even want it anymore. person B: Wow.. That's almost noble. I hope you're able to still properly survive without it_comma_ especially since it's unfair that you're not getting it in the first place. I'm sorry you're being put in that position. One day I'm sure your children will recognize and appreciate you had to go through for them. person A: I hope so. They deseve the best and I plan to give it to them
person A: I was aggravated at myself when I failed my science test. I could have done more person B: Don't be too hard on yourself. You taught yourself a lesson for next time. person A: Yeah_comma_ I will do better next time for sure person B: I'm in college I understand. Just have to keep pushing forward and you'll so great
person A: I have to deal with an entitled person lately and I can't stand it. person B: Oh no. I have experienced that before and its not pleasant. Its hard to be kind and careful with your speech and actions when you're near a snob. person A: Oh man...SO TRUE! It really makes me want to be nasty. Behaving like a dictator is not acceptable from even a dictator! person B: Seriously! I just keep thinking that they are a person just like me and it doesn't always means they are better than me just because they are entitled. As they say_comma_ everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time.
person A: I got a ticket today for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. So I stopped but they didn't think it was long enough. Ridiculous. person B: Ugh! So you have corrupt police officers in your town too? That is a bummer! person A: Yes. I'm a great driver with a perfect record but did I get a warning? No. I got a ticket but I'm going to contest it in court. person B: I would too! Most officers dont show up for that.
person A: My mom is doing her best to put me through college on her own. She raised me and my brother by herself_comma_ and while doing so she put enough aside to cover a chunk of my college expenses somehow. I guess she invested some of they money her grandparents left her_comma_ and it turned out to really pay off. She surprised me with this and I had no idea she was going to do that. I don't deserve her. person B: Your mom is awesome person A: She is! I try to tell her as much as I can. But she's very humble_comma_ so she doesn't pay attention to it. I've been trying to strategize on ideas of how I can properly show her that I appreciate all that she's done. It feels like everything would be too little a sentiment. person B: Maybe you should go on a trip together
person A: MY kids are my favorite people in the world. person B: Oh yeah? That sounds awesome. That's how it should be! Can you tell me a little bit about them? person A: Two girls and one boy. I want them to live with me forever. Their kids too lol person B: Haha_comma_ that's incredible. A lot of parents wouldn't feel that way... After 18_comma_ they're done. That's pretty cool of you to feel that way_comma_ but I guess that speaks volumes about the kind of kids you have and how good they are. It sounds like you raised them right. person A: Time will tell. I think they are pretty cool though.
person A: I don't like to go shopping at big stores. person B: Why is that? person A: I feel panicked. I don't like being around a lot of people at once. I wish I didn't feel that way but I just don't like big stores and lots of people. person B: I can understand that
person A: I am hoping my brother is going to make my birthday. He can get busy though with work person B: I hops so too! Work does come first or the bills can't be paid! :) person A: Yeah that is true sadly person B: What kind of birthday are you having?
person A: I just accomplished one of my biggest dreams and I feel like things are just perfect right now. person B: Wow! Enjoy it! What did you accomplish if I may ask? person A: I just bought my dream house at the beach! I'm moving there next week! person B: That is something that is a dream! Enjoy it so much! congrats
person A: Well I am in a relationship kind of..but they are away and I can't talk to them so I am quite lonely. person B: I am so sorry to hear that. When will you see them again? person A: It depends on what they do in therapy. I cannot live with them they way they have been so it's a pickle. person B: That is so sad to hear. I hope things go well with the therapy and you are reunited soon. person A: <3 Thank you! Truly!
person A: I've owned 3 birds in the past 10 years and my 3rd bird just died last night. I didn't realize how much it would crush me. They were my buddies. person B: There's absolutely nothing I can say to make you feel better about that. I'm sorry for your great losses. Just from those few sentences alone_comma_ I can tell you were very passionate about them. What were their names_comma_ if you don't mind me asking? person A: Thank you. That's so sweet of you to say. They were parakeets named Snowball_comma_ Curacoa_comma_ and Panda. I think the best thing for me to do is get another one soon to continue to enjoy their sweet personalities. person B: Those are great names! And that does sound like a good idea_comma_ as long as you're comfortable with it. It's such a tenuous situation.. to want another pet to fill the void_comma_ but to be scared that you will be disappointed when they don't live up to their predecessors. My girlfriend will be in the same situation when her dog passes. She's already getting nervous since her dog is 10-years-old.
person A: My significant other woke up last night with... a roach inside of her ear! She was complaining about pain in her ear_comma_ and a head ache that was incredibly severe. So_comma_ we took her to the doctor and he saw it with a light... and put water in her ear to get it out. Disgusting! person B: Oh gross! I've heard of flies or ants being in an ear_comma_ but a roach? That gives me chills because I hate roaches sooooo much. Now I might have nightmares tonight! person A: I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that. Yeah_comma_ some smaller ones--heck_comma_ even bigger ones_comma_ can get up there. And then they get stuck_comma_ and they freak out_comma_ so they're essentially just biting the inside of your head to try and get out. It's horrible to think about_comma_ and I've been trying to comfort her since when it happened a little bit ago. But she's getting over it soon. The weird thing is we don't even really ever see bugs in our house_comma_ so it was kind of like a one in a million thing. I bet she sleeps with ear plugs in her eyes for the next few years though... person B: EW! I might start sleeping with ear plugs in now too. I've heard you eat 8 spiders on average in a lifetime_comma_ some in your sleep. So many things to be scared of with bugs! I'm so glad they were able to get it out. Tell her I hope she gets over the trauma of it okay.
person A: Grocery shopping today was the worst person B: Oh_comma_ how come? person A: I filled the cart_comma_ got to the register. and I had left my purse at home person B: Oh my god! I have done something similar before. I don't get embarrassed easy but I know such things do sting a bit! person A: It was sych a waste if time
person A: I was a bit irritated when the police bothered me the other night when I was simply walking. They do this a lot here. person B: That is terrible person A: I know right? I can't wait to move. Seems like I can't ever go walking at night without them rolling up as if they don't have a million other things to do. person B: Police here do that sometimes. It sucks.
person A: It can be hard to wake up sometimes when you live alone. person B: I can imagine that. I've never lived alone before. person A: Wow really? I have before and now I am again. It's hard! You wake up and think..what is going on_comma_ where am I..Oh yeah! person B: When did you start living by yourself? person A: The past 2 weeks. It's a change. better then abuse though
person A: Just got a new job after being without one for a couple months now. person B: That is great! Being without a job can be very scary person A: Thank you. Yea. It was very scary and stressful. person B: What kind of job is it?
person A: The mechanic who came to fix our air conditioner overcharged us by $200 person B: Yu should report him person A: Who would I report him to? I did write a bad Yelp review. person B: Well thats what I mean. I hate when people take advantage of others
person A: I got all the classes I wanted this semester person B: Oh that could be tough sometimes. I'm glad you were able to get all the ones you wanted. person A: Yep. Last semester I wasnt so lucky person B: It's all behind you now.
person A: My new neighbors just moved in_comma_ and they are around my age. Hope we can be friends. person B: My neighbors are terrible so I hope you have a good relationship person A: Oh I've got terrible neighbors_comma_ too. I know that feeling. I hope these are a lot better. person B: I actually had some move in a couple of days ago. I have figured them out yet lol
person A: Sometimes I just love sitting around doing nothing person B: That is doing something. It's what we call relaxing. person A: I guess you're right lol person B: Have you been busy lately? person A: Not at all lol
person A: I went by my old school_comma_ and so much has changed. person B: That happens over time person A: Yea_comma_ it does. Took me a moment to recognize the place. person B: I wonder what my old school looks like now
person A: My electric bill is twice as high as last month person B: Oh no_comma_ what happened? person A: I have no idea. i am so mad person B: You should check if they raised your rates unexpectedly or maybe something you bought is eating up a lot of electricity.
person A: I asked my roomie if he wanted cake_comma_ and he said no. Turns out he ate all my cake. person B: That's terrible_comma_ what did you do? person A: I called him out on it. person B: I hope he learned his lesson.
person A: I went to an Italian restaurant for dinner earlier. person B: How was it? person A: I thought it was pretty good_comma_ not the greatest but good enough. person B: What did you order? person A: I had the Pasta Puttanesca.
person A: There's nothing like being in your house after all your relatives have left after coming over for a long weekend visit. It's nice to see them_comma_ but once the frenetic energy is done with and you can kick your feet up... it's rewarding person B: yes! Yin and yang_comma_ it's hard to appreciate the quiet without the loud :) person A: I'm glad to have seen them and caught up with them_comma_ and to hear what they've been up to. But man does it get annoying to deal with the crowd and the mess. And plus the extra money spent to feed them! Well_comma_ I have six months until I see them again. person B: Remember to cherish them as we can all go at any minute :)
person A: I am looking forward to getting a new vacuum on Tuesday. person B: Oh_comma_ I love cleaning_comma_ so tools to do it with that are new are always welcomed. What kind of brand? person A: I'm going with a Hoover. Yes I love things clean! I haven't bought a new vacuum in years. It's long overdue. person B: A Hoover seems like a reliable choice. My girlfriend is a neat freak_comma_ and decided to go with a big purchase_comma_ a Dyson_comma_ which is more expensive. I've used it and it's not bad. Still not sure I'd pay as much as she did for a vacuum cleaner_comma_ but who am I to argue. Anyway_comma_ I'm happy for you. person A: I hear you! But some of us like a good machine. Personally I like Kirbys best and the old kind from Ebay etc. They work better then anything. Sharks work pretty good too. I guess we gals might think of cleaning tools like cars lol
person A: I almost got hit by a semi truck today on the highway. It scared me half to death. person B: Woah! I'm soooo glad you're okay! Those big rigs are so dangerous and make me so nervous. I stay as far away from them as I can. person A: I know_comma_ I always try to_comma_ but my wife was in labor so she was making me pass everyone on the road. person B: Well_comma_ that's understandable. I've had two kids of my own and labor would not be fun in the car. Was she in shock when you guys were almost hit?
person A: My son has been having stomach pain for months now and the doctors can't figure out what it is. They basically say he has to get worse for them to find a diagnosis if some new problem comes up. I'm so scared. person B: I completely understand that. Things are always scary when it is happening to your kids_comma_ but there is hope! Have you ever heard of whole foods plant based diet? Or doctor Fuhrman_comma_ or doctor Michael Greger? I think it could heal your son! person A: What is that? None of the doctors told me about that. I will look into it. Thank you! You've given me hope I never knew I had! person B: You will likely never hear about any of this stuff in a doctors office_comma_ but it can heal almost anything! I hope your son is better before the end of summer. Keep hope alive!
person A: There is a little cat I tried to help last night. person B: What happened to it? person A: He ran when my dog charged at him though and I am scared of what has happened to him. A lot of cats get hit around here person B: That sucks.
person A: MY children are making me mad person B: What are they doing? person A: I told them to go to bed hours ago. I can still hear them giggling person B: Oh lol_comma_ Well it person A: They do that every night. I cant wait for school to start. person B: Sorry! I meant that kids do that_comma_ enjoy it mom while they are little :)
person A: We were having a big family gathering and dinner today_comma_ and one of my nephews_comma_ who's four_comma_ wasn't feeling well. But his parents kept trying to force him to eat something anyway_comma_ and were being short-sighted. Well_comma_ the poor fella ended up puking onto his plate and ending everyone's appetite. person B: I feel sorr for the poor guy! person A: Yeah_comma_ me too! I tried to comfort him afterwards. There's only so much you can do. No one was brave enough to chastise the parents for trying to get him to eat more than he should. person B: Yea_comma_ they're his parents. I can imagine everyone being hesitant about telling them what not to do with their own child.
person A: My friend worked really hard this semester. I'm sure he'll do great. person B: That's nice of you to say about someone else. It's nice when someone can recognize someone else's hard work and dedication without feeling jealous or annoyed. I'm sure he knows how proud of him you are. person A: I actually look up to him. Makes me want to work harder. person B: That's a good way to look at it_comma_ to use them as motivation and a goal to strive for. Are you in school yourself_comma_ or just working?
person A: I didn't get a chance to make dinner for my date_comma_ so I got her McDonalds person B: Oops. That's doesn't have to be a bad thing. No one can resist fries from McDonalds. How did she react? person A: She seem kind of surprised_comma_ but she did eat everything. Not a fry survived. person B: Well_comma_ there you go. She enjoyed it and if she didn't complain or scoff at you_comma_ then she sounds like a keeper!
person A: My husband is coming home after a year abroad in the Army. I'm about to burst I'm so happy! person B: You must really miss him! So glad you'll finally be reunited with him. person A: I did...immensely. Its the hardest thing I've ever endured with him leaving_comma_ especially because I have to young kids. We're going to have a huge party! person B: Oh you have kids_comma_ too? They're going to be so happy!
person A: I'm going water skiing next weekend. It's going to be such a breather from all this heat we've been getting lately. person B: I've never done that before. person A: Neither have I. I'm looking forward to it. person B: I bet its fun. I cant swim though
person A: My daughter has be begging me to watch the movie IT person B: IT? Haven't heard of it. What's it about? person A: I have know idea and I'm scared to watch it. person B: Are you thinking about telling her you don't want to see it? person A: She knows I dont like scary movies. Im goin to though. Well I will try lol
person A: My momand I were discussing starting a non profit the other day. person B: That's a great idea! For what cause though? person A: Something that helps kids with clothing and other essentials for school. person B: That is very thoughtful of you. person A: Hopefully we can get it going.
person A: Last week I found my gold fish floating at the top of the fish tank dead. person B: Oh no. That has happened to us so many times. I thought fidh were easy person A: I am so hurt over it. It was 5 years old. person B: Wow. Im sorry
person A: Learned earlier today that I had been drinking all day out of a cup that had been used earlier by someone who has bronchitis. I'm hoping it's not too contagious... Why can't people properly clean and put things away so I don't confuse dirty dishes with clean dishes! person B: People can be inconsiderate sometimes. I hope you don't get sick! person A: Well_comma_ we'll see. I'm generally pretty healthy and haven't been to the doctor in like over 6 years for anything other than the flu. So_comma_ hopefully my immune system will keep it at bay. But it was just it's something so simple and avoidable_comma_ and they didn't do it. I guess I should feel more empathy for them though_comma_ since they're sick. person B: That's true. It's nice of you to put yourself in their shoes.
person A: ended up getting a pizza from Costco. I'm so hungry person B: Oh man_comma_ Costco pizza is great_comma_ and so cheap_comma_ too. It may not be the best_comma_ but for the price and quantity_comma_ you can't really beat it. Do you like shopping at Costco often? person A: Not really. I kinda feel like I don't get much_comma_ but their food court stuff is great value for the money. person B: Yeah_comma_ I guess it depends on your household. I just tag along with my parents from time to time to get certain things in bulk. But I think you need to have a certain amount of people in your family for it to be worth the membership. Still_comma_ I really appreciate the business and the owner as a whole.
person A: I let my friend borrow my car today person B: That was so nice of you. What did they need to use it for? Were you able to live without it? person A: I was fine until she brought it back with no gas and left trash allover the seat. I couldnt believe it person B: What?!! That's terrible. I don't understand how people don't take care of things that don't belong to them when its a privilege to use borrowed things. person A: I know. She lost that privilege
person A: I just bought a lawn mower because mine broke and the grass was getting so long. I barely had it 3 days when my shed was broken into and it was stolen! I'm so irate! person B: That is terrible. Some people ar just no good. person A: I know. it really ruins any faith I have in people. Plus_comma_ it was so much money that I had saved for quite a while and now I'm back to square one. I could explode thinking about it. person B: I hate that happened to you. I know the feeling too. Someone stole my car from the work parking lot once. I had just soent over 1500 getting things fixed on it.
person A: My father and brother are in a serious conflict with each other right now_comma_ as my father has complained about the way my brother raises his son. Obviously it's a really stressful_comma_ tenuous situation and I have no idea who's side to take_comma_ and I'm worried it will lead to them not wanting to keep in touch anymore. person B: Family conflict is always hard. Maybe you don't need to take a side and try to work for peace. person A: Yeah_comma_ you're right. It's kind of complicated_comma_ but I definitely shouldn't try to pick sides. I just want everyone to get along_comma_ but it's not that simple. It's like I can't figure out if I try to make peace_comma_ whether that will make things more complicated or not_comma_ and whether I should just stay out of it. Time will tell. person B: It is rarely easy to know the right thing to do in these sorts of situations. This might be a situation that calls for some professional help.
person A: I woke up one morning and found a puppy in my bed. I wasn't expecting that! person B: Whoa! Was that a good surprise_comma_ or a bad surprise? I could see that going either way_comma_ but at least it would be exciting! I had that happen when I got one for Christmas. Well_comma_ actually it was in my parent's bed_comma_ and I barged into their room to ask if we could go downstairs and open presents_comma_ and I saw the one they had gotten me and had been hiding to surprise me with. person A: That sounds like a fun Christmas morning. For me it was a fine surprise. I think my wife got it for herself_comma_ but surprised me with it. person B: That's pretty cool! I hope everything goes well with the training and raising of it. Your wife sounds really cool to do that for you.
person A: I lent my car to my 17-year-old sister today. She left at 10 in the morning and it's midnight_comma_ and she still isn't back with it. I trust her mostly_comma_ but she hasn't been driving for long_comma_ and it makes me nervous thinking of her out there on the road person B: Did you call her? I hope she's ok! person A: I tried_comma_ and she didn't pick up. I texted her a few times_comma_ and she's responded here and there_comma_ letting me know her whereabouts_comma_ and that's she's fine. But we had an agreed upon time that she's not following_comma_ so I don't feel like she's respecting my trust. We'll have to have a talk when she comes home. person B: I'm glad you're going to talk about it instead of being passive aggressive about it.
person A: Just moved and there is a pier near where I live person B: Oh_comma_ that's kind of nice. It's nice to have those natural landmarks near where you live_comma_ so you can visit them and get a sense of relaxation and peace. I've lived near the ocean all my life_comma_ and while I do take it for granted from time to time_comma_ I try to remember how useful and beautiful it is. person A: Yea. I'm so used to living in the center of the city. Nothing but cars and buildings. I already feel so relaxed here. person B: Sometimes it means increased work commute_comma_ or higher costs of living. But sometimes that can be worth it in terms of the health benefits and lifestyle improvements that come along with it. It's all a balance. I'm glad you seem to have found yours!
person A: I won a year of unlimited pizza. I'm so psyched. person B: that is awesome! person A: Yea_comma_ it is. If I'm ever tired of cooking_comma_ I can always get pizza. person B: It will save you a lot of money too
person A: I am so ready to light a candle and bingewatch person B: Oh nice. What will you be binge watching? person A: Not sure yet. I just finished Nashville and ready to move on to something else person B: Hope you find something you like.
person A: I saw firsthand today how caring my cousin can be with children. She was being patient and cooperative with my unruly and difficult two-year-old nephew_comma_ and she's only 13-years-old herself. I was pretty proud of how she handled the difficult situation_comma_ and it made me imagine her as a mother in the future. person B: She will do great. OR she might not want to have kids be he is such a handful person A: Yeah_comma_ that's true. He's just a distant relative_comma_ so she doesn't see him often. But you're right_comma_ I shouldn't immediately assume she would have them. I just think she'd be good with them_comma_ is all. But kids these days seem to be a little more picky about whether or not they'll have children_comma_ so we'll see. person B: Lids today are so picky about everything. Its sort of strange. Its nothing like when I was growing up
person A: My friends are always flaking on me person B: That's terrible. Sometimes it's hard to know who your real friends are_comma_ and it takes repeated attempts to hang out with them_comma_ only to have them bail on you_comma_ to realize that you're not valued by them. I say cut your ties sooner rather than later. Life's too short. person A: I have to get a baysitter and spend moen just to prepare to go out. Its so inconsiderate. I think I need new friends. person B: Oh man... When you consider all that_comma_ then yeah_comma_ definitely cut ties. If they did that to me more than twice_comma_ then I would realize really quick that they weren't the type to depend on or waste time on. I feel sorry for you. People should have friends that recognize their worth and be able to respect that relationship. Go out and find you someone who will. person A: That's really good advice. I can have a better time with other peopl.
person A: There's a battle of the bands going on. I hope my favorite band gets so far person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds exciting! person A: It's been really fun. So nice to see so many people rock it out. person B: I love a good rock concert!
person A: The other day I accidentally stepped in dog feces. person B: Oh god. Someone did pick up their dog's poop_comma_ hu? person A: No_comma_ unfortunately not. It really grossed me out. person B: It must've been. I hope that never happens to you again.
person A: I lost my wallet once but someone returned it to me. felt good. person B: I bet it did. person A: yea i was super happy that they were a good person. person B: Not too many of those around nowadays
person A: I bought lots of snacks for the kids lunches this month person B: oh that was good of you. person A: Well not really. Ive eaten about half of them. I feel terribel person B: oh haha i know that feeling. person A: I know I shoudve have. Next time I will buy snacks I dont like person B: thats a good idea.
person A: I took off work to go to a concert_comma_ but it got cancelled. person B: Thats a bummer person A: It is. Now it's going to be hard to take off work for the makeup concert. person B: Whos concert?
person A: My new laptop is being delivered Monday person B: Nice. Are you excited? person A: I am so excited. I got exactly what I wanted_comma_ person B: I hope it's what you expected to be!
person A: I've been really sick_comma_ and my cat has been taking care of me person B: That is so sweet of your cat. person A: Yea. He's usually not this affectionate. person B: Well_comma_ I hope you get better soon.
person A: Next week_comma_ I am going to Las Vegas! person B: Oh sweet. Sin city! What do you look forward to doing? person A: I'm looking forward to the dining and drinking. I can't wait! person B: Oh yea. I heard the buffets there are amazing.
person A: I am taking care of my sister when she get out of the hospital person B: Good for you.You are an exampler brother. person A: She can't drive or walk around to much person B: That is so hard to imagine.She will need all the help she can get from you.
person A: I am so happy theses days. person B: That is great to hear. Anything in particular? person A: My vacations are coming and I am going to Italy with the family. person B: Cthat sounds amazing!
person A: I was walking back home today_comma_ and I had to go through the front yard. The summer time means lots of rain_comma_ and so the grass gets a little tall. While I was walking through it_comma_ I stepped on a snake! I screamed like a little baby and jogged away really fast person B: Oh god that's terrifying haha. I hate snakes. person A: Yeah_comma_ me too. I find them interesting_comma_ but would never want them as a pet or anything. Seeing them once every few years in a zoo is fine with me. This one was a black snake_comma_ but that's all I really remember. Didn't get a good look. It slithered away fast. I think it was as scared of me as I was of it. person B: I know what you mean_comma_ they are cool to look at but if they are near me it spooks me hard.
person A: My senior year wasn't nearly as good since my brother left for college that same year. person B: That's tough. I have two older brothers_comma_ so I know how that is. We're separated by four and eight years_comma_ respectively_comma_ so we weren't as close as you two seem to be_comma_ but I always liked having them around. person A: I feel you_comma_ me and my brother are really close so it was pretty sad not having him around. person B: Well_comma_ absence always does make the heart grow fonder. It will make your relationship a little strained_comma_ but the time you guys do get to spend together maybe will mean more and you can enjoy it more. Hopefully his college work doesn't stress him out too much for him to be able to enjoy hanging out.
person A: Its my birthday tomorrow and my husband put together a huge party for me. I'm so excited about it that I may not be able to sleep tonight! person B: Your husband sounds awesome. That's interesting that you're the type of person that actually likes birthday parties. Most people I know would be too embarrassed or self-conscious to enjoy them_comma_ and they'd feel uncomfortable. Especially me. But for you_comma_ I'm glad you can get into them. person A: He is wonderful and ever though he isn't used to planning and putting bigger events together_comma_ it sounds like he has it all ready. I do love them! I don't bother taking time to be ashamed of my age. I embrace it with life! I'm turning 40. person B: Oh_comma_ I didn't mean anything about the age! Who cares about that. I'm just a doofus when it comes to social interaction_comma_ so I get nervous and avoid things that put attention on me. But I hope you have a lot of fun_comma_ especially since your husband went through so much effort. I bet he knows you and what you like well and it will be great.
person A: I was playing with football with my two nephews_comma_ just throwing the ball around_comma_ and I threw the ball too high and hard for my younger nephew. It sailed past him and nailed the neighbor's car behind him_comma_ and left a dent in the door. I felt so stupid having to go up to their house and tell them what happened.. person B: Oh no! My gut feels sick for you having to go through that. It happens to all of us but its so painful and awkward. How did the neighbors take it? person A: They were pretty respectful and understanding_comma_ and realized that those things just happen_comma_ especially when kids are involved. They appreciated that I came and told them right away. Mostly it was because the dent isn't that serious and they feel like they can get it out without much problem. But yeah_comma_ I'm glad I don't have a jerk for a neighbor who would have blown up person B: Its so commendable that you went over and told them right away. Not everyone would do that. Your actions increases my faith in the goodness of people.
person A: I haven't played my flute in years. Picked it up the other day_comma_ and I was still able to play my favorite songs. person B: That is cool. When did you learn? person A: When I was around 8 years old. person B: That is awesome