person A: I am excited for summer to be over soon person B: Oh that's rare. How come? person A: I can't wait for football season person B: Oh now I see lol. Who's your favorite team?
person A: I bought my parents a new car last week. person B: Oh wow_comma_ that's nice of you! What kind? person A: It is a BMW. I am very happy about it! person B: I love BMWs. They must've been so happy!
person A: It really sucked_comma_ since a month ago I was dating this girl and she dumped me so early on. person B: I'm so sorry. Are you okay? person A: Yeah I'm fine. Just sucks that she basically just dumped me because she found another guy on Tinder. person B: Oh goodness_comma_ you will find someone better.
person A: The piano I ordered is coming in next week. person B: Are you exited about it.Do you play the piano. person A: I'm super excited. No_comma_ I don't play. I want to learn. person B: Well_comma_ there is your chance
person A: I can't wait for this weekend person B: Oh yea? What's happening this weekend? person A: Me and some friends are going to Miami. person B: That's awesome. How long are you guys going to be there?
person A: Last week was my birthday and I had to work. person B: That sucks. Did you get a raincheck on your birthday though? person A: I still went out after work and also_comma_ when I git to work_comma_ my office was all decorated and there was a cake and gifts on my desk! I was not expecting it! person B: I'm glad they did that for you. So it wasn't all that bad having to work on your birthday then.
person A: I walked to an apartment and it took me a while to realize I was in the wrong apartment. person B: Uh oh. Was someone in there? person A: They were all asleep. That's pretty dangerous for them. person B: Oh wow! That is kind of scary.
person A: I am so thankful for having so much land person B: That's good to have land you own. person A: I really like the privacy person B: Privacy is so important to have sometimes.
person A: The store I usually buy bird food from raised their prices at least 4 times. person B: That isn't cool. Is there anyone else that sells it? person A: I looked up some others stores and just bought a bag from Home Depot. The birds seemt o like it. person B: That is good
person A: I feel very happy right now. person B: That's great. What is the good news? person A: I just found out my family will come to visit me soon (I live quite far away)_comma_ so that made my day. person B: I am very happy for you!
person A: I am looking forward to the next season of Game of Thrones! person B: Oh me too! I heard it will be the last one. person A: I am so excited just thinking about it. I can't wait! person B: Me too! I hope we both enjoy it a lot!
person A: I am so glad I can talk to my parents about things person B: Good for you. I always had communication problems with my parents person A: That is common. I feel very fortunate person B: Yes_comma_ you should_comma_You are very lucky.
person A: I am so disappointed on Trump person B: You and me both my friend person A: He just acting more erratic with the passing of time person B: I know it is so disturbing
person A: I love seeing old friends. person B: That is great_comma_ how long has it been since? person A: I don鈥檛 get out often person B: Well I hope you have fun!
person A: My son just got engaged to his girlfriend! person B: That鈥檚 awesome! Is she a good one? person A: She is amazing for him. I am so happy! person B: I am really glad to hear that.
person A: My friend convinced me to go see a new band perform at a local club. I went along even though I was expecting it to be lame. person B: That was nice. I just recenlt had a baby. It was amazing! person A: I have to admit they were way better than I expected and I would love to hear them again. Congrats on the baby! person B: Thanks! What band did yall see?
person A: I am confident the democrats will bet Trump in november. person B: That's interesting. What makes you confident? person A: The recent results on the special elections_comma_ all democrats wins. person B: Ah I see. That would be a good guess then.
person A: I am feeling a little nervous at the moment. person B: Is there a reason.Are you expecting bad news? person A: I actually just had a big job interview_comma_ and I am not sure how the results are gonna go. person B: I am sure you are prepared for this interview.
person A: I am in awe with what I saw last week. person B: What did you see? person A: I saw a miracle.I work at the ER and a patient died for 2 minutes and came back to life. person B: Wow! That is a miracle!
person A: Next week I am going camping with my friends. person B: Good luck in your camping.I hope you have a lot of fun. person A: Thanks! I am so ready for it. person B: You are going to ace that interview
person A: I am pretty sure I am going to get this planning done soon person B: What are you planning? person A: I am planning a party for the end of summer person B: That sounds really fun. Hopefully you have some help.
person A: My husband thinks we should have another baby. person B: What do you think? person A: I just can't decide. I don't know if now is a very good time. I also wouldn't want to do it if I were any older thougj. person B: I can understand that
person A: I am so piss off at the Democrats. person B: Why? What did they do? person A: They keep defending those sanctuary cities that are full of criminal imigrants person B: I understand your frustration.
person A: Last week_comma_ I saw a ghost outside! person B: Really?? You probably were been very scared. person A: I was so scared! It was crazy. person B: What kind of ghost it was?
person A: Last week_comma_ I felt very inclined. person B: Inclined to do what? person A: I had a meeting and I worked really hard for that. Because of that_comma_ I felt very inclined to present my ideas in the meeting. person B: That is cool. How did you do?
person A: It was nice to have an adult gathering with no kids with family person B: Yes! sometimes I like such gatherings person A: Nice to get drunk with my parents person B: Ha ha ha. yes indeed!
person A: Today I saw a person screaming at a puppy. person B: Why would they do that? person A: I have no clue but I was really upset about it. person B: Man did you say anything?
person A: My husband and I don't usually get each other anything for Christmas but last year he got me a puppy which was so shocking. person B: That was really sweet of him! person A: Yeah it was so nice_comma_ it made me really happy. He's very sweet. person B: I am very happy for you!
person A: I am feeling disappointed with myself. person B: Why is that? person A: I lied to my boss and a co-worker got blamed for my mistake. person B: Oh that's so bad. But_comma_ at least you realized your mistake. You are a good person.
person A: Have you seen the football world cup final? person B: Yes_comma_ I did.I t was a great game. person A: But I was so amazed. I never thought that_comma_ France would win the cup person B: Are you kidding?? They were the favorites all the way.
person A: I am very scared for the USA person B: What are you afraid of? person A: We are in the mist of a civil war based on race_comma_ thanks to Trump person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds terrible.
person A: My friend just bought a mansion. person B: Are you happy for him or jealous? person A: I am very envious of him. person B: Well_comma_if he really is your friend you shouldn't.
person A: I am so mad at Trump. person B: ohh! why? person A: The tariff war he is creating will derailed the economy person B: Yes! that's very bad. I don't like it either
person A: Last year_comma_ I felt very nostalgic. person B: Did you miss someone or a place maybe.? person A: My grandfather passed away person B: I am sorry to hear that.I am sure he is in a better place.
person A: My husband thinks we should move to another state for his job. person B: What is the reason? Did he get a great job offer? person A: He did get a great job offer_comma_ but I am just not sure it is worth uprooting our kids and starting all over. person B: Families move all the time.The kids will be fine.
person A: My daughter is great person B: What did she do? person A: She just became the newest member of the rockettes person B: Oh wow! That is very impressive!
person A: My dog isn't feeling well person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Will you dog be okay? person A: He will. I am just giving him lots of snuggles and sleeping by the back door so he can rush outside person B: I wish only the best for him.
person A: I saw a scary movie last night. person B: I love scary movies. What was it? Was it good? person A: It was the Evil Dead. I didn't like it but I was really scared. person B: That鈥檚 fun though
person A: My son stood up to a kid who was bully him. person B: oh wow i hope it went well for him that takes a lot of courage. person A: I am very pleased with his response. person B: that is really great.
person A: i got cat hair in my food today when eating a sandwich person B: Wow_comma_ that is really gross. person A: yea i wanted to puke a little. person B: I can sympathize with you.
person A: My daughter just graduated college with honors. person B: Congratulations.You must be very proud of her. person A: Thanks! I sure am. She is the first in 3 generations to even go to college! person B: I am sure she will graduate with honors and get a great job
person A: I feel so alone these days. person B: That is not good. What seems to be the cause? person A: My wife of 10 left me sundelly. person B: I am so sorry. That must be very difficult.
person A: I am very scary of the things Trump can do as a president person B: Oh really? Why would you be scared? person A: He is a lunatic.He could star a nuclear war with Iran person B: I see. A war would be horrible.
person A: I feel very angry right now. person B: I am sorry to hear that.What is the reason for this? person A: I was in a car accident a couple days ago and I just got this new car. Not my fault_comma_ but still frustrating. person B: I am sorry to hear that.Do you have full cover insurance.
person A: I really thought that me and this girl were right for each other but things didn';t work out. person B: that really sucks_comma_ i dont know the feeling tho. person A: Yeah it does suck_comma_ she thought things might work out if we moved slower but nah. person B: she sounds like a rude person.
person A: my brother graduated high school last year which was cool. person B: Oh that's cool_comma_ how long did the graduation last? person A: a few hours. person B: That's a little annoying_comma_ since you just have to sit there and wait for it to end haha. person A: yea ut it was cool that we both moved on to college. person B: That is cool_comma_ sounds like a good time.
person A: I have faith in Trump.He will be a great president. person B: I totally agree with you. He's great! person A: Right?? The liberal media can suck it. person B: I can not disagree with you.
person A: My mailman delivered my package to the wrong address. person B: I am sorry to hear that.We you expecting somthing very expensive? person A: Yes_comma_ it's a Nintendo Switch. I am so furious about the situation. person B: Did you get in touch with the postal office?
person A: I am very scary and anxious. person B: oh thats a weird thing to say. person A: Not_comma_ really.That is a state of mind.What are you_comma_ a robot??? person B: saying you are scary is weird tho???
person A: ive been losing a lot of weight but i gained a bit this summer. person B: I am sorry to hear that.Following a diet is very stresffull. person A: yea i just dropped the diet for a bt but i dont know why_comma_ once im back at college im stepping it up hard to make up for lost time. person B: You probably need to get more motivated.
person A: I am so sad my uncle died. person B: I'm so sorry. Will you be okay? person A: Yes_comma_ but it was take some time. person B: I hope you will feel better.
person A: I found out that my favorite tv show got cancelled. person B: What show is that? person A: It's that show on NBC about the family. I'm so sad it happened. person B: Do you watch any other shows?
person A: I am so ready for Thanksgiving. person B: Will you be hosting a Thanksgiving party at your home? person A: No_comma_ I always go to my mother's house. person B: Does your Mother's house have any animals?
person A: I can't believe I am allergic to cats. person B: When did you find out? person A: I went to the shelter to find an animal for my daughter_comma_ and I had a reaction to their Cats. person B: I guess she didn't get a cat then.
person A: I always watch the news at 7pm person B: It is good to stay informed. person A: Yes_comma_ and I enjoy it. person B: I am glad people still pay attention to the outside world.
person A: I stole money from the church collection plate. person B: That is very bad_comma_ you should return it. person A: I feel so pathetic for doing that. person B: When did you do it?
person A: I had just washed my car last week because I was supposed to drive it through the parade. person B: That's good. What kind of parade was it? person A: The parade in the County Fair. When I got home from the car wash I noticed that the car wash had stipped my car's paint! person B: Oh my gosh! I would have been so mad. Did you call them and complain? They need to fix it.
person A: When I got pregnant. I was confident I would be a good mom. person B: That is a good thing. I am sure you are a great mom. person A: Thank you. I try really hard to be the best mom I can. Do you have kids? person B: I do have kids. Being a mom can be hard_comma_ but it is so rewarding.
person A: I am so mad I have to work Sunday. person B: That's a shame_comma_ you shouldn't have to do that. person A: Yes_comma_ but the boss is not nice. person B: Things will get better soon.
person A: I ordered a pizza today and they forgot to put pepperoni on it. person B: Did you call the manager and complain? person A: No_comma_ I am just so disappointed about it. person B: You should of called and told them.
person A: I was the one who caused the car accident. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ how do you feel? person A: I feel bad. person B: I hope you can forgive yourself.
person A: My friend always interrupts me when I talk. person B: Do you talk softly? person A: No_comma_ it really gets on my nerves! person B: You should tell them.
person A: I always know if I need a ride_comma_ my brother will help me. person B: It is great to have a brother you can count. person A: Yes_comma_ he has been there my whole life. person B: I am sure he can also count on you for everything
person A: I deeply love my wife person B: How long have you been married? person A: 12 years.The best years of my life. person B: Do you have any children?
person A: I had to dance in front of everyone at the wedding and I can't dance well/ person B: I am sure you looked just fine. person A: Literally I have two left feet. person B: I am sure it was not that bad.
person A: My phone broke_comma_ so a coworker offered to sell me an extra one he had for a decent price. person B: Did you take the offer? person A: I did_comma_ but I started to get nervous when he forgot to bring it the next day. He did end up bringing it the following day though. person B: That was nice of him.
person A: I can not believe my dad was fired. person B: Oh no that is horrible. Is he okay? person A: Yes_comma_ but he will need to find a new job fast. person B: I hope he can do so quickly!
person A: I am feeling very at peace today. person B: Why do you feel at peace? person A: I got to see some family members that I haven't seen in a while_comma_ so I feel pretty good. person B: What did you do with them?
person A: I watched a man eat an entire turkey the other day. person B: wow thats crazy. person A: I was really inspired from seeing it. person B: i bet it was with something like that.
person A: i went to disney world with my family last week which was nice. person B: I am so happy for you! person A: yea it was really fun person B: Did you go on any rides?
person A: I am very anxious on the direction the country is taking with Trump as a president. person B: I think he is doing a great job. person A: You are probably delusional_comma_ like him person B: No_comma_ I am well educated. He lowered taxes.
person A: I go by myself on vacation. person B: Really?.You are a loser person A: Yes_comma_ I know I am a loser. person B: You should better yourself and fix this situation.
person A: I know my mother will always help me with my homework. person B: That is very nice of her. person A: Yes_comma_ she is very smart. person B: That's nice you can rely on her.
person A: The other day I stole my neighbors mail. person B: That wasn't very nice. person A: I feel really bad for doing that. person B: You should return it.
person A: My son just finished high school. person B: Oh wow_comma_ that's exciting! person A: Yes_comma_ he will be going to college in the fall. person B: I'm also going to college in the fall_comma_ but I'm gonna be a sophomore.
person A: It really sucked since I took this girl on a date and she told me it went really well. Well apparently not since she dumped me after. person B: How did she dump you? person A: She said that she wasn't ready for a relationship. person B: Will you still be friends with her?
person A: I am so lucky I got the scholarship. person B: oh wow that is awesome. person A: Yes_comma_ saves me a ton of money. person B: yea i bet it does.
person A: i really hoped my mom would get her job the other day person B: Did she not get it? person A: no but it wasnt too big of a deal woldve been nice tho. person B: Will she apply elsewhere?
person A: I used my friend's car without permission. person B: It is unacceptable for a friendship. I think you should not behave in such a way ever again person A: Trust me_comma_ I feel really bad for doing it. person B: You should. You must immediately let your friend know and apologize for your behavior
person A: A week ago_comma_ my partner invited my relatives to my birthday without me knowing. It was a good surprise gift from her person B: That is a very nice gesture by them. person A: I know. I felt very happy and included when they all came to celebrate this special moment with me person B: You must have some great people in your life.
person A: I got demoted at work this past week. person B: What did you do? person A: I didn't do anything wrong. I am so upset it happened. person B: You should sue them.
person A: I stole from my wife. person B: Oh no_comma_ what did you steal? person A: I stole 1000 bucks from her person B: That is not right. Do you feel bad?
person A: My son said his first words the other day/ person B: Really? That's amazing_comma_ what words? person A: He said truck. person B: That's really exciting_comma_ I'm happy for you.
person A: One time in high school it snowed and I really tried not to slip_comma_ but I did anyway. person B: Did you hurt yourself? person A: No_comma_ but everyone looked at me and I was really shy about it. person B: Did they laugh at you?
person A: I was dancing when I heard I will be a grandfather. person B: oh thats so cool. person A: Yes_comma_ it will be my first grandchild. person B: i bet you were so happy.
person A: I thought it would rain so i brought an umbrella yesterday person B: That was smart of you. person A: yea and it did rain so i was happy i brought it. person B: You would be a good planner.
person A: I dumped my girlfriend yesterday for no reason. person B: Did you do it in person? person A: No_comma_ over the phone. I feel really remorseful about it. person B: You should of done it in person.
person A: I am very nervous to be a father. person B: Don't worry_comma_ you will be fine. person A: I am not so sure. person B: Just have faith and everything will work out.
person A: I am very pleased with the job Trump has done as president. person B: That is good that you are happy about his efforts. person A: Yes_comma_ and I hope he is elected again/ person B: I guess it depends on what the next couple of years hold.
person A: My parents are coming to stay with us next week. person B: That is nice of them. person A: I already have the house all clean and the guest room ready for them. person B: You are well prepared.
person A: I am ready for the work week. person B: That's good. Anything special happening? person A: I have a big meeting with my boss. person B: Ah_comma_ so you feel confident about it?
person A: I am feeling very happy because my mother is coming to see me. person B: When is she coming? person A: I was just talking to her. She will be coming this month. person B: How long is she staying?
person A: I am not looking forward to jury duty. person B: I've never had to do it before_comma_ have you? person A: Yes_comma_ it is terrible. person B: I'm sure it was_comma_ I hope the next time isn't as bad for you.
person A: I got dumped by my girlfriend recently. person B: Did you expect it? person A: Not at all_comma_ she wanted to slow things down and we did so I hoped things would work. person B: There are other girls out there.
person A: I took an exam last week for college. person B: How did you do? person A: I know I did very well. person B: When do you get the grade?
person A: I am angry that I was fired today/ person B: I'm sorry_comma_ why did you get fired? person A: I was not given a reason. person B: Things will work out if you stay positive.
person A: I thought it would rain so i brought an umbrella last night. person B: Do you live in a place where it regularly rains? person A: not really its sometimes tho. person B: As it is summer_comma_ i was a bit surprised to see raining in your place
person A: Loneliness is worst that can happen to a human being. After a break up with my partner_comma_ i am feeling desperate for emotional coddling person B: oh my gosh i completely agree on the loneliness thing person A: How do you cope with these feelings person B: i dont to be honest just try to get through the day but ive never been in a relationship so it gets bad
person A: I was on a date at a very fancy restaurant the other night. person B: oh my_comma_ was it worth it? person A: NO! My $30 salad had a hair in it! person B: what a joke! are you going to sue?
person A: I can't believe I forgot my girlfriends name. person B: How did that happen? person A: I just had a brain fart. person B: That's okay_comma_ she will forgive you.