--- annotations_creators: - expert-generated language_creators: - expert-generated languages: - es-MX licenses: - mpl-2.0 multilinguality: - translation pretty_name: "Axolotl Spanish-Nahuatl parallel corpus , is a digital corpus that compiles several sources with parallel content in these two languages. \n\nA parallel corpus is a type of corpus that contains texts in a source language with their correspondent translation in one or more target languages. Gutierrez-Vasques, X., Sierra, G., and Pompa, I. H. (2016). Axolotl: a web accessible parallel corpus for spanish-nahuatl. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoro, Slovenia. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Grupo de Ingenieria Linguistica (GIL, UNAM). Corpus paralelo español-nahuatl. http://www.corpus.unam.mx/axolotl." size_categories: - unknown source_datasets: - original task_categories: - conditional-text-generation task_ids: - machine-translation --- # Axolotl-Spanish-Nahuatl : Parallel corpus for Spanish-Nahuatl machine translation ## Table of Contents - [Dataset Card for [Needs More Information]](#dataset-card-for-needs-more-information) ## Dataset Description - **Homepage:** http://www.corpus.unam.mx/axolotl - **Repository:** https://github.com/ElotlMX/py-elotl - **Paper:** https://aclanthology.org/N15-2021.pdf - **Leaderboard:** [Needs More Information] - **Point of Contact:** xim@unam.mx ## Team members - Emilio Morales [(milmor)](https://huggingface.co/milmor) - Rodrigo Martínez Arzate [(rockdrigoma)](https://huggingface.co/rockdrigoma) - Luis Armando Mercado [(luisarmando)](https://huggingface.co/luisarmando) - Jacobo del Valle [(jjdv)](https://huggingface.co/jjdv) ## Applications - Spanish Nahuatl Translation Task with a T5 model in ([t5-small-spanish-nahuatl](https://huggingface.co/hackathon-pln-es/t5-small-spanish-nahuatl))