{ "_name_or_path": "bert-base-multilingual-cased", "architectures": [ "BertForSequenceClassification" ], "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, "classifier_dropout": null, "directionality": "bidi", "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_size": 768, "id2label": { "0": "environmental degradation", "1": "human rights", "2": "bribery & corruptions", "3": "animal welfare or testing", "4": "poor product safety and quality", "5": "unsustainable practice", "6": "poor corporate governance", "7": "protected sites or species", "8": "InappropriateUndesirable", "9": "IllegalActivities", "10": "DiscriminatoryHate", "11": "ViolentGraphic", "12": "PotentialAddiction", "13": "ExtremismTerrorism", "14": "SexualExplicit", "15": "other" }, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "label2id": { "DiscriminatoryHate": 10, "ExtremismTerrorism": 13, "IllegalActivities": 9, "InappropriateUndesirable": 8, "PotentialAddiction": 12, "SexualExplicit": 14, "ViolentGraphic": 11, "animal welfare or testing": 3, "bribery & corruptions": 2, "environmental degradation": 0, "human rights": 1, "other": 15, "poor corporate governance": 6, "poor product safety and quality": 4, "protected sites or species": 7, "unsustainable practice": 5 }, "layer_norm_eps": 1e-12, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "model_type": "bert", "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "pad_token_id": 0, "pooler_fc_size": 768, "pooler_num_attention_heads": 12, "pooler_num_fc_layers": 3, "pooler_size_per_head": 128, "pooler_type": "first_token_transform", "position_embedding_type": "absolute", "problem_type": "single_label_classification", "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.33.1", "type_vocab_size": 2, "use_cache": true, "vocab_size": 119547 }