--- language: - en - fr - ro - de - multilingual inference: false pipeline_tag: visual-question-answering license: apache-2.0 --- # Model card for DePlot ![pull_figure](https://s3.amazonaws.com/moonup/production/uploads/62441d1d9fdefb55a0b7d12c/u8rWTawSyUegF4jzwOpNO.png) # Table of Contents 0. [TL;DR](#TL;DR) 1. [Using the model](#using-the-model) 2. [Contribution](#contribution) 3. [Citation](#citation) # TL;DR The abstract of the paper states that: > Visual language such as charts and plots is ubiquitous in the human world. Comprehending plots and charts requires strong reasoning skills. Prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) models require at least tens of thousands of training examples and their reasoning capabilities are still much limited, especially on complex human-written queries. This paper presents the first one-shot solution to visual language reasoning. We decompose the challenge of visual language reasoning into two steps: (1) plot-to-text translation, and (2) reasoning over the translated text. The key in this method is a modality conversion module, named as DePlot, which translates the image of a plot or chart to a linearized table. The output of DePlot can then be directly used to prompt a pretrained large language model (LLM), exploiting the few-shot reasoning capabilities of LLMs. To obtain DePlot, we standardize the plot-to-table task by establishing unified task formats and metrics, and train DePlot end-to-end on this task. DePlot can then be used off-the-shelf together with LLMs in a plug-and-play fashion. Compared with a SOTA model finetuned on more than >28k data points, DePlot+LLM with just one-shot prompting achieves a 24.0% improvement over finetuned SOTA on human-written queries from the task of chart QA. # Using the model ## Converting from T5x to huggingface You can use the [`convert_pix2struct_checkpoint_to_pytorch.py`](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/main/src/transformers/models/pix2struct/convert_pix2struct_original_pytorch_to_hf.py) script as follows: ```bash python convert_pix2struct_checkpoint_to_pytorch.py --t5x_checkpoint_path PATH_TO_T5X_CHECKPOINTS --pytorch_dump_path PATH_TO_SAVE --is_vqa ``` if you are converting a large model, run: ```bash python convert_pix2struct_checkpoint_to_pytorch.py --t5x_checkpoint_path PATH_TO_T5X_CHECKPOINTS --pytorch_dump_path PATH_TO_SAVE --use-large --is_vqa ``` Once saved, you can push your converted model with the following snippet: ```python from transformers import Pix2StructForConditionalGeneration, Pix2StructProcessor model = Pix2StructForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(PATH_TO_SAVE) processor = Pix2StructProcessor.from_pretrained(PATH_TO_SAVE) model.push_to_hub("USERNAME/MODEL_NAME") processor.push_to_hub("USERNAME/MODEL_NAME") ``` ## Run a prediction You can run a prediction by querying an input image together with a question as follows: ```python from transformers import Pix2StructForConditionalGeneration, Pix2StructProcessor import requests from PIL import Image model = Pix2StructForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('google/deplot') processor = Pix2StructProcessor.from_pretrained('google/deplot') url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vis-nlp/ChartQA/main/ChartQA%20Dataset/val/png/5090.png" image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) inputs = processor(images=image, text="Generate underlying data table of the figure below:", return_tensors="pt") predictions = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=512) print(processor.decode(predictions[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` # Contribution This model was originally contributed by Fangyu Liu, Julian Martin Eisenschlos et al. and added to the Hugging Face ecosystem by [Younes Belkada](https://huggingface.co/ybelkada). # Citation If you want to cite this work, please consider citing the original paper: ``` @misc{liu2022deplot, title={DePlot: One-shot visual language reasoning by plot-to-table translation}, author={Liu, Fangyu and Eisenschlos, Julian Martin and Piccinno, Francesco and Krichene, Syrine and Pang, Chenxi and Lee, Kenton and Joshi, Mandar and Chen, Wenhu and Collier, Nigel and Altun, Yasemin}, year={2022}, eprint={2212.10505}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```