inf-wse-v1-base-zh /
SamuelYang's picture
ea48bc6 verified
  - zh
base_model: junnyu/roformer_chinese_base
  - transformers

INF Word-level Sparse Embedding (INF-WSE)

INF-WSE is a series of word-level sparse embedding models developed by INFLY TECH. These models are optimized to generate sparse, high-dimensional text embeddings that excel in capturing the most relevant information for search and retrieval, particularly in Chinese text.

Key Features:

  • Optimized for Retrieval: INF-WSE is designed with retrieval tasks in mind. The sparse embeddings enable efficient matching between queries and documents, making it highly effective for semantic search, ranking, and information retrieval scenarios where speed and accuracy are critical.
  • Word-level Sparse Embeddings: The model generates sparse representations at the word level, capturing essential semantic details that help improve the relevance of search results. This is particularly useful for Chinese language retrieval tasks, where word segmentation can significantly impact performance.
  • Sparse Representation for Efficiency: Unlike dense embeddings that have a fixed number of dimensions, INF-WSE produces sparse embeddings where the dimensionality matches the vocabulary size. Most dimensions are set to zero, focusing only on the most significant terms. This sparsity reduces the computational load, enabling faster retrieval without compromising on precision.



Infer embeddings

import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel

queries = ['电脑一体机由什么构成?', '什么是掌上电脑?']
documents = [
input_texts = queries + documents

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("infly/inf-wse-v1-base-zh", trust_remote_code=True, use_fast=False)  # Fast tokenizer has not been supported yet
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("infly/inf-wse-v1-base-zh", trust_remote_code=True)

max_length = 512

input_batch = tokenizer(input_texts, padding=True, max_length=max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt")
with torch.no_grad():
    embeddings = model(input_batch['input_ids'], input_batch['attention_mask'], return_sparse=False)  # if return_sparse=True, return sparse tensor, else return dense tensor

scores = embeddings[:2] @ embeddings[2:].T
# [[21.224790573120117, 4.520412921905518], [10.290857315063477, 19.359437942504883]]

Convert embeddings to lexical weights

from collections import OrderedDict
def convert_embeddings_to_weights(embeddings, tokenizer):
    values, indices = torch.sort(embeddings, dim=-1, descending=True)
    token2weight = []
    for i in range(embeddings.size(0)):

        non_zero_mask = values[i] != 0
        tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(indices[i][non_zero_mask])
        weights = values[i][non_zero_mask].tolist()

        for token, weight in zip(tokens, weights):
            token2weight[i][token] = weight

    return token2weight

token2weight = convert_embeddings_to_weights(embeddings, tokenizer)
# OrderedDict([('掌上', 3.4572525024414062), ('电脑', 2.6253132820129395), ('是', 2.0787220001220703), ('什么', 1.2899624109268188)])


C-MTEB Retrieval task

(Chinese Massive Text Embedding Benchmark)

Metric: nDCG@10

Model Name Max Length Average Cmedqa Covid Du Ecom Medical MMarco T2 Video
BM25-zh - 25.39 13.70 86.66 13.68 11.49 15.48 6.56 29.53 25.98
bge-m3-sparse 512 29.94 24.50 76.16 22.12 17.62 27.52 9.78 37.69 24.12
inf-wse-v1-base-zh 512 32.83 20.51 76.40 36.77 19.97 28.61 13.32 36.81 30.25

All results, except for BM25, are measured by building the sparse index via Qdrant.