--- license: mit --- # Model miniALBERT is a recursive transformer model which uses cross-layer parameter sharing, embedding factorisation, and bottleneck adapters to achieve high parameter efficiency. Since miniALBERT is a compact model, it is trained using a layer-to-layer distillation technique, using the bert-base model as the teacher. Currently, this model is trained for one epoch on the English subset of Wikipedia. In terms of architecture, this model uses an embedding dimension of 128, a hidden size of 768, an MLP expansion rate of 4, and a reduction factor of 16 for bottleneck adapters. In general, this model uses 6 recursions and has a unique parameter count of 11 million parameters. # Usage Since miniALBERT uses a unique architecture it can not be loaded using ts.AutoModel for now. To load the model, first, clone the miniALBERT GitHub project, using the below code: ```bash git clone https://github.com/nlpie-research/MiniALBERT.git ``` Then use the ```sys.path.append``` to add the miniALBERT files to your project and then import the miniALBERT modeling file using the below code: ```bash import sys sys.path.append("PATH_TO_CLONED_PROJECT/MiniALBERT/") from minialbert_modeling import MiniAlbertForSequenceClassification, MiniAlbertForTokenClassification ``` Finally, load the model like a regular model in the transformers library using the below code: ```Python # For NER use the below code model = MiniAlbertForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("nlpie/miniALBERT-128") # For Sequence Classification use the below code model = MiniAlbertForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("nlpie/miniALBERT-128") ``` In addition, For efficient fine-tuning using the pre-trained bottleneck adapters use the below code: ```Python model.trainAdaptersOnly() ``` # Citation If you use the model, please cite our paper: ``` @inproceedings{nouriborji2023minialbert, title={MiniALBERT: Model Distillation via Parameter-Efficient Recursive Transformers}, author={Nouriborji, Mohammadmahdi and Rohanian, Omid and Kouchaki, Samaneh and Clifton, David A}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages={1161--1173}, year={2023} } ```