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posted an update Jun 7
Evaluate RAG using Open Source from HuggingFace using BeyondLLM

# pip install beyondllm
# pip install huggingface_hub
# pip install llama-index-embeddings-fastembed

from beyondllm.source import fit
from beyondllm.embeddings import FastEmbedEmbeddings
from beyondllm.retrieve import auto_retriever
from beyondllm.llms import HuggingFaceHubModel
from beyondllm.generator import Generate

import os
from getpass import getpass
os.environ['HUGGINGFACE_ACCESS_TOKEN'] = getpass("Enter your HF API token:")

data = fit("RedHenLab_GSoC_Tarun.pdf",dtype="pdf")
embed_model = FastEmbedEmbeddings()
retriever = auto_retriever(data=data,embed_model=embed_model,type="normal",top_k=3)
llm = HuggingFaceHubModel(model="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2")
pipeline = Generate(question="what models has Tarun fine-tuned?",llm=llm,retriever=retriever)

print( # Return the AI response


Don't forget to ⭐️ the repo

Looks promising!


There is an issue while running on my local Mac machine. When changing the model name from "microsoft/DialoGPT-small" to "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B", the machine is hanging and no response.

GitHub Link


This is not using beyondllm