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posted an update 2 days ago
Good folks at Meta has just unveiled Llama 3.2, pushing the boundaries of language models and computer vision.

Even more interesting is how they trained this cutting-edge model:

1️⃣ Architecture:
Llama 3.2 uses an optimized transformer architecture with auto-regressive capabilities. The largest models (11B and 90B) now support multimodal inputs, integrating both text and images.

2️⃣ Training Pipeline:
• Started with pretrained Llama 3.1 text models
• Added image adapters and encoders
• Pretrained on large-scale noisy (image, text) pair data
• Fine-tuned on high-quality in-domain and knowledge-enhanced (image, text) pairs

3️⃣ Vision Integration:
• Trained adapter weights to integrate a pre-trained image encoder
• Used cross-attention layers to feed image representations into the language model
• Preserved text-only capabilities by not updating language model parameters during adapter training

4️⃣ Post-Training Alignment:
• Multiple rounds of supervised fine-tuning (SFT)
• Rejection sampling (RS)
• Direct preference optimization (DPO)
• Synthetic data generation using Llama 3.1 for Q&A augmentation
• Reward model ranking for high-quality fine-tuning data

5️⃣ Lightweight Models:
• Used pruning and distillation techniques for 1B and 3B models
• Structured pruning from Llama 3.1 8B model
• Knowledge distillation using Llama 3.1 8B and 70B as teachers

6️⃣ Context Length:
All models support an impressive 128K token context length.

7️⃣ Safety Measures:
Incorporated safety mitigation data to balance helpfulness and safety.

The result? A suite of models ranging from edge-friendly 1B parameters to powerful 90B parameter versions, capable of sophisticated reasoning across text and images. Llama 3.2 is set to revolutionize AI applications from mobile devices to enterprise-scale solutions.

What are your thoughts on these advancements? How do you see Llama 3.2 impacting your industry? Let's discuss in the comments!