import os from io import BytesIO import gradio as gr import grpc from PIL import Image from cachetools import LRUCache from gradio.image_utils import crop_scale from inference_pb2 import GuideAndRescaleRequest, GuideAndRescaleResponse from inference_pb2_grpc import GuideAndRescaleServiceStub def get_bytes(img): if img is None: return img buffered = BytesIO(), format="JPEG") return buffered.getvalue() def bytes_to_image(image: bytes) -> Image.Image: image = return image def edit(editor, source_prompt, target_prompt, config, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): image = editor['composite'] if not image or not source_prompt or not target_prompt: raise ValueError("Need to upload an image and enter init and edit prompts") width, height = image.size if width != height: size = min(width, height) image = crop_scale(image, size, size) if image.size != (512, 512): image = image.resize((512, 512), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) image_bytes = get_bytes(image) with grpc.insecure_channel(os.environ['SERVER']) as channel: stub = GuideAndRescaleServiceStub(channel) output: GuideAndRescaleResponse = stub.swap( GuideAndRescaleRequest(image=image_bytes, source_prompt=source_prompt, target_prompt=target_prompt, config=config, use_cache=True) ) output = bytes_to_image(output.image) return output def get_demo(): with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("## Guide-and-Rescale") gr.Markdown( '
' 'Official Guide-and-Rescale Gradio demo:' '' '' '' '
' ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): image = gr.ImageEditor(label="Image that you want to edit", type="pil", layers=False, interactive=True, crop_size="1:1", eraser=False, brush=False, image_mode='RGB') with gr.Row(): source_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Init Prompt", info="Describes the content on the original image.") target_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Edit Prompt", info="Describes what is expected in the output image.") config = gr.Radio(["non-stylisation", "stylisation"], value='non-stylisation', label="Type of Editing", info="Selects a config for editing.") with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Edit image") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): output = gr.Image(label="Result: edited image") gr.Examples(examples=[["input/1.png", 'A photo of a tiger', 'A photo of a lion', 'non-stylisation'], ["input/zebra.jpeg", 'A photo of a zebra', 'A photo of a white horse', 'non-stylisation'], ["input/13.png", 'A photo', 'Anime style face', 'stylisation']], inputs=[image, source_prompt, target_prompt, config], outputs=output) image.upload(inputs=[image], outputs=image), inputs=[image, source_prompt, target_prompt, config], outputs=output) gr.Markdown('''To cite the paper by the authors ``` @article{titov2024guideandrescale title={Guide-and-Rescale: Self-Guidance Mechanism for Effective Tuning-Free Real Image Editing}, author={Vadim Titov and Madina Khalmatova and Alexandra Ivanova and Dmitry Vetrov and Aibek Alanov}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.01322}, year={2024} } ``` ''') return demo if __name__ == '__main__': align_cache = LRUCache(maxsize=10) demo = get_demo() demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860)