
HairFastGAN /
Your Name
fix requirements
import hashlib
import os
from io import BytesIO
import gradio as gr
import grpc
from PIL import Image
from cachetools import LRUCache
from inference_pb2 import HairSwapRequest, HairSwapResponse
from inference_pb2_grpc import HairSwapServiceStub
from utils.shape_predictor import align_face
def get_bytes(img):
if img is None:
return img
buffered = BytesIO(), format="JPEG")
return buffered.getvalue()
def bytes_to_image(image: bytes) -> Image.Image:
image =
return image
def center_crop(img):
width, height = img.size
side = min(width, height)
left = (width - side) / 2
top = (height - side) / 2
right = (width + side) / 2
bottom = (height + side) / 2
img = img.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
return img
def resize(name):
def resize_inner(img, align):
global align_cache
if name in align:
img_hash = hashlib.md5(get_bytes(img)).hexdigest()
if img_hash not in align_cache:
img = align_face(img, return_tensors=False)[0]
align_cache[img_hash] = img
img = align_cache[img_hash]
elif img.size != (1024, 1024):
img = center_crop(img)
img = img.resize((1024, 1024), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
return img
return resize_inner
def swap_hair(face, shape, color, blending, poisson_iters, poisson_erosion):
if not face and not shape and not color:
return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value="Need to upload a face and at least a shape or color ❗", visible=True)
elif not face:
return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value="Need to upload a face ❗", visible=True)
elif not shape and not color:
return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value="Need to upload at least a shape or color ❗", visible=True)
face_bytes, shape_bytes, color_bytes = map(lambda item: get_bytes(item), (face, shape, color))
if shape_bytes is None:
shape_bytes = b'face'
if color_bytes is None:
color_bytes = b'shape'
with grpc.insecure_channel(os.environ['SERVER']) as channel:
stub = HairSwapServiceStub(channel)
output: HairSwapResponse = stub.swap(
HairSwapRequest(face=face_bytes, shape=shape_bytes, color=color_bytes, blending=blending,
poisson_iters=poisson_iters, poisson_erosion=poisson_erosion, use_cache=True)
output = bytes_to_image(output.image)
return gr.update(value=output, visible=True), gr.update(visible=False)
def get_demo():
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("## HairFastGan")
'<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 10px;">'
'<span>Official HairFastGAN Gradio demo:</span>'
'<a href=""><img src="" height=22.5></a>'
'<a href=""><img src="" height=22.5></a>'
'<a href=""><img src="" height=22.5></a>'
'<a href=""><img src="" height=22.5></a>'
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
source = gr.Image(label="Source photo to try on the hairstyle", type="pil")
with gr.Row():
shape = gr.Image(label="Shape photo with desired hairstyle (optional)", type="pil")
color = gr.Image(label="Color photo with desired hair color (optional)", type="pil")
with gr.Accordion("Advanced Options", open=False):
blending = gr.Radio(["Article", "Alternative_v1", "Alternative_v2"], value='Article',
label="Color Encoder version", info="Selects a model for hair color transfer.")
poisson_iters = gr.Slider(0, 2500, value=0, step=1, label="Poisson iters",
info="The power of blending with the original image, helps to recover more details. Not included in the article, disabled by default.")
poisson_erosion = gr.Slider(1, 100, value=15, step=1, label="Poisson erosion",
info="Smooths out the blending area.")
align = gr.CheckboxGroup(["Face", "Shape", "Color"], value=["Face", "Shape", "Color"],
label="Image cropping [recommended]",
info="Selects which images to crop by face")
btn = gr.Button("Get the haircut")
with gr.Column():
output = gr.Image(label="Your result")
error_message = gr.Textbox(label="⚠️ Error ⚠️", visible=False, elem_classes="error-message")
gr.Examples(examples=[["input/0.png", "input/1.png", "input/2.png"], ["input/6.png", "input/7.png", None],
["input/10.jpg", None, "input/11.jpg"]],
inputs=[source, shape, color], outputs=output)
source.upload(fn=resize('Face'), inputs=[source, align], outputs=source)
shape.upload(fn=resize('Shape'), inputs=[shape, align], outputs=shape)
color.upload(fn=resize('Color'), inputs=[color, align], outputs=color), inputs=[source, shape, color, blending, poisson_iters, poisson_erosion],
outputs=[output, error_message])
gr.Markdown('''To cite the paper by the authors
title={HairFastGAN: Realistic and Robust Hair Transfer with a Fast Encoder-Based Approach},
author={Nikolaev, Maxim and Kuznetsov, Mikhail and Vetrov, Dmitry and Alanov, Aibek},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.01094},
return demo
if __name__ == '__main__':
align_cache = LRUCache(maxsize=10)
demo = get_demo()
demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860)