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import re
import gradio as gr
from import tqdm
from transformers import pipeline
# pipelines
checker = pipeline("text-classification", "textattack/roberta-base-CoLA")
corrector = pipeline("text2text-generation", "pszemraj/flan-t5-large-grammar-synthesis")
def split_text(text: str) -> list:
# Split the text into sentences using regex
sentences = re.split(r"(?<=[^A-Z].[.?]) +(?=[A-Z])", text)
# Initialize a list to store the sentence batches
sentence_batches = []
# Initialize a temporary list to store the current batch of sentences
temp_batch = []
# Iterate through the sentences
for sentence in sentences:
# Add the sentence to the temporary batch
# If the length of the temporary batch is between 2 and 3 sentences, or if it is the last batch, add it to the list of sentence batches
if len(temp_batch) >= 2 and len(temp_batch) <= 3 or sentence == sentences[-1]:
temp_batch = []
return sentence_batches
def correct_text(text: str, checker, corrector, separator: str = " ") -> str:
# Split the text into sentence batches
sentence_batches = split_text(text)
# Initialize a list to store the corrected text
corrected_text = []
# Iterate through the sentence batches
for batch in tqdm(
sentence_batches, total=len(sentence_batches), desc="correcting text.."
# Join the sentences in the batch into a single string
raw_text = " ".join(batch)
# Check the grammar quality of the text using the text-classification pipeline
results = checker(raw_text)
# Only correct the text if the results of the text-classification are not LABEL_1 or are LABEL_1 with a score below 0.9
if results[0]["label"] != "LABEL_1" or (
results[0]["label"] == "LABEL_1" and results[0]["score"] < 0.9
# Correct the text using the text-generation pipeline
corrected_batch = corrector(raw_text)
# Join the corrected text into a single string
corrected_text = separator.join(corrected_text)
return corrected_text
def update(text: str):
text = text[:4000]
return correct_text(text, checker, corrector)
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("# <center>Robust Grammar Correction with FLAN-T5</center>")
gr.Markdown("**Instructions:** Enter the text you want to correct in the textbox below (_text will be truncated to 4000 characters_). Click 'Process' to run.")
- `textattack/roberta-base-CoLA` for grammar quality detection
- `pszemraj/flan-t5-large-grammar-synthesis` for grammar correction
with gr.Row():
inp = gr.Textbox(label="input", placeholder="PUT TEXT TO CHECK & CORRECT BROSKI", value="I wen to the store yesturday to bye some food. I needd milk, bread, and a few otter things. The store was really crowed and I had a hard time finding everyting I needed. I finaly made it to the check out line and payed for my stuff.")
out = gr.Textbox(label="output", interactive=False)
btn = gr.Button("Process"), inputs=inp, outputs=out)
gr.Markdown("- see the [model card]( for more info")
gr.Markdown("- if experiencing long wait times, feel free to duplicate the space!")