import os os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK']='True' import gradio as gr from interface_connection import compute_supercell_a, compute_supercell_b with gr.Blocks() as latmatcher: gr.Markdown( "\n Please drop your XYZ files here to compute the minimum supercell.") with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem(label="file"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=400): example_file_a = gr.File(label="example file:",value="EXAMPLES/" ) file_material_a = gr.File(label="material A file", ) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=400): example_file_b = gr.File(label="example file:",value="EXAMPLES/" ) file_material_b = gr.File(label="material B file", ) max_angle = gr.Slider(0, 180, label=" min Angle:", step=1, value=5) max_strain = gr.Slider(0, 1, label=" max Strain:", step=0.05) inter_distance = gr.Slider(-0.05, 10, label=" Inter-layer distance:",info="If set to -0.05 is computed automatically.", step=0.05) msc_button = gr.Button("Compute minimum super cel") file_angle = gr.Text(label="Optimum Angle:") file_strain = gr.Text(label="Best Strain:") file_material_ab = gr.File(label="Result", ) plot_overlap = gr.Plot() file_txt = gr.Text(label="Result:", info=" You can use the text below to create a 3D plot in Speck \n(high-quality atomistic system rendering)."), inputs=[file_material_a, file_material_b, inter_distance, max_angle, max_strain], outputs=[file_material_ab, file_angle, file_strain, plot_overlap, file_txt]) with gr.TabItem(label="data"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=400): gr.Markdown( "## Host lattice:") host_lattice = gr.Textbox(label="Host lattice:", lines=4) host_atoms = gr.Textbox(label="Host atoms:", lines=50) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=400): gr.Markdown("## Guest lattice:") guest_lattice = gr.Textbox(label="Guest lattice:", lines=4) guest_atoms = gr.Textbox(label="Guest atoms:", lines=50) max_angle = gr.Slider(0, 180, label=" max Angle:", step=1) max_strain = gr.Slider(0, 1, label=" max Strain:", step=0.05) msc_button = gr.Button("Compute minimum super cel") file_angle = gr.Text(label="Optimum Angle:") file_strain = gr.Text(label="Best Strain:"), inputs=[host_lattice, guest_lattice, host_atoms, guest_atoms, max_angle, max_strain], outputs=[file_angle, file_strain]) latmatcher.launch(share=True)