import numpy as np import copy from scipy import optimize from .geometry import ChangeBasis, supercell_points, get_supercell_vectors class LatMatch: opt_angle = True opt_strain = True # theta_min= 15*np.pi/180 theta_min = 5 * np.pi / 180 theta_range = (-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2) smax = [0.1, 0.1] bounds = None result = None def __init__(self, scdim, reference, target, optimize_angle=True, optimize_strain=True): self.ref = reference self.tar = target self.dim = scdim self.updated_target_cell = None self.sc_vec = None self.opt_angle = optimize_angle self.opt_strain = optimize_strain self.result=None def setMaxStrain(self, s): try: s0, s1 = np.array(s) self.smax = s0, s1 except: try: self.smax = [float(s),float(s)] except: print("The max strain value:", s, "is not valid") return None; def setMinAngle(self, theta_min): self.theta_min = theta_min return None def optimizeAngle(self, opt): self.opt_angle = opt def optimizeStrain(self, opt): self.opt_strain = opt def costFuncion(self, r, eta=0.001): dx, dy = (r - np.floor(r)) cost = 0 etac = np.sqrt(2) * eta n = int(np.ceil(eta)) for (nx, ny) in np.mgrid[-n:n, -n:n].T.reshape(n ** 2 * 4, 2): # print("nx:",nx) # print("ny:", ny) # print("dx:", dx) # print("dy:", dy) # print("etc:", etac) d2 = (dx + nx) ** 2 + (dy + ny) ** 2 cost += np.mean(np.exp(- d2 / (2 * etac))) / n ** 2 return -cost def fitness(self, x): s1, s2, theta = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 if (len(x) == 3): s1, s2, theta = x if (len(x) == 2): s1, s2 = x if (len(x) == 1): if not self.opt_angle: s1 = s2 = float(x) else: theta = float(x) Bsc_points = supercell_points(self.dim, Smat(s1, s2) @ Rmat(theta) @ self.tar) rBinA = ChangeBasis(Bsc_points, self.ref) return self.costFuncion(rBinA) def supercellVectors(self, force=False): if self.sc_vec is not None and not force: return self.sc_vec # Catch the proper variables. This should be properly improved if not self.opt_strain: self.bounds = [(self.theta_range[0], self.theta_range[1])] elif not self.opt_angle: smax = self.smax if (len(smax) == 1): self.bounds = [(-smax[0], smax[0])] print(self.bounds) else: self.bounds = [(-smax[0], smax[0]), (-smax[1], smax[1])] else: smax = self.smax print("Smax:", smax) print("theta_range:", self.theta_range) self.bounds = [(-smax[0], smax[0]), (-smax[1], smax[1]), (self.theta_range[0], self.theta_range[1])] print("cost without otimization",[0, 0, 0])) res = optimize.differential_evolution(, self.bounds, maxiter=1000, popsize=1000, polish=True) # Catch the proper variables. This should be properly improved s1, s2, theta = 0, 0, 0 if not self.opt_strain: theta = float(res.x) elif not self.opt_angle: if (len(smax) == 1): s1, s2 = float(res.x), float(res.x) else: s1, s2 = res.x else: s1, s2, theta = res.x self.result = (s1, s2, theta) print("result:", self.result ) print("cost after otimization",[s1, s2, theta])) self.updated_target_cell = Smat(s1, s2) @ Rmat(theta) @ self.tar return get_supercell_vectors(self.dim, self.updated_target_cell, self.ref) def updatedCell(self): return self.updated_target_cell def supercell(self, force=False): L = self.supercellVectors(force=force) try: L = L.T N = np.linalg.norm(L, axis=1) idx = np.argsort(N) L = L[idx][1:] N = N[idx][1:] except: print(" Not enough supercell vectors to construct a basis", L) thetas = np.diag(1 / N) @ L thetas = thetas @ (thetas.T) print(thetas) good_thetas = np.abs(thetas) < np.cos(self.theta_min) iop, jop, min = 0, 0, 1e14; for i, row in enumerate(good_thetas): for j, good_angle in enumerate(row): pair_norm = N[i] ** 2 + N[j] ** 2 + np.abs(np.cross(L[i], L[j])) # pair_norm = np.abs(np.cross(L[i],L[j])); if (good_angle and pair_norm < min): min = pair_norm iop, jop = i, j sc_vec = np.transpose([L[iop], L[jop]]) return sc_vec def get_optimized_target(self, Blat3D,Batoms3D ): """ :param Blat3D: B lattice :param Batoms3D: B atoms :return: """ s1, s2, theta = self.Result() Tr = np.eye(3) Tr[:2, :2] = SR(s1, s2, theta) oBlat3D = copy.copy(Blat3D) oBlat3D = (Tr @ (oBlat3D.T)).T s, rs = list(zip(*Batoms3D)) rs = [Tr @ r for r in rs] oBatoms3D = list(zip(s, rs)) return oBlat3D, oBatoms3D def Rmat(theta): return np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) def Smat(s1, s2): return np.diag([1 + s1, 1 + s2]) def SR(s1, s2, theta): return Smat(s1, s2) @ Rmat(theta)