import gradio as gr import utils # Araclip demo with gr.Blocks() as demo_araclip: gr.Markdown("## Choose the dataset") dadtaset_select = gr.Radio(["XTD dataset", "Flicker 8k dataset"], value="XTD dataset", label="Dataset", info="Which dataset you would like to search in?") gr.Markdown("## Input parameters") txt = gr.Textbox(label="Text Query") num = gr.Slider(label="Number of retrieved image", value=1, minimum=1, step=1) with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Retrieve images", scale=1) gr.Markdown("## Retrieved Images") gallery = gr.Gallery( show_label=False, elem_id="gallery" , columns=[5], rows=[1], object_fit="contain", height="auto") with gr.Row(): lables = gr.Label(label="Text-image similarity"), inputs=[txt, num, dadtaset_select], outputs=[gallery,lables]) gr.Examples( examples=[["تخطي لاعب فريق بيتسبرج بايرتس منطقة اللوحة الرئيسية في مباراة بدوري البيسبول", 5], ["وقوف قطة بمخالبها على فأرة حاسوب على المكتب", 10], ["صحن به شوربة صينية بالخضار، وإلى جانبه بطاطس مقلية وزجاجة ماء", 7]], inputs=[txt, num, dadtaset_select], outputs=[gallery,lables], fn=utils.predict, cache_examples=False, ) # mclip demo with gr.Blocks() as demo_mclip: gr.Markdown("## Choose the dataset") dadtaset_select = gr.Radio(["XTD dataset", "Flicker 8k dataset"], value="XTD dataset", label="Dataset", info="Which dataset you would like to search in?") gr.Markdown("## Input parameters") txt = gr.Textbox(label="Text Query") num = gr.Slider(label="Number of retrieved image", value=1, minimum=1, step=1) with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Retrieve images", scale=1) gr.Markdown("## Retrieved Images") gallery = gr.Gallery( label="Generated images", show_label=True, elem_id="gallery_mclip" , columns=[5], rows=[1], object_fit="contain", height="auto") lables = gr.Label(), inputs=[txt, num, dadtaset_select], outputs=[gallery,lables]) gr.Examples( examples=[["تخطي لاعب فريق بيتسبرج بايرتس منطقة اللوحة الرئيسية في مباراة بدوري البيسبول", 5], ["وقوف قطة بمخالبها على فأرة حاسوب على المكتب", 10], ["صحن به شوربة صينية بالخضار، وإلى جانبه بطاطس مقلية وزجاجة ماء", 7]], inputs=[txt, num, dadtaset_select], outputs=[gallery,lables], fn=utils.predict_mclip, cache_examples=False, ) # Define custom CSS to increase the size of the tabs custom_css = """ .gr-tabbed-interface .gr-tab { font-size: 50px; /* Increase the font size */ padding: 10px; /* Increase the padding */ } """ # Group the demos in a TabbedInterface with gr.Blocks() as demo: # gr.Image("statics/logo_araclip.png") gr.Markdown("""
""") gr.Markdown("
AraClip: Arabic Image Retrieval Application
") gr.Markdown(""" To run the demo 🤗, please select the model, then the dataset you would like to search in, enter a text query, and specify the number of retrieved images. """) gr.TabbedInterface([demo_araclip, demo_mclip], ["Our Model", "Mclip model"], css=custom_css) gr.Markdown( """ If you find this work helpful, please help us to ⭐ the repositories in Github Organization. Thank you! --- 📝 **Citation** To be shared soon. 📋 **License** """ ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()