# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from typing import Optional, List import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from models.utils import LinearELR, Conv2dELR class Encoder(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, latentdim=256, hiq=True, texin=True, conv=Conv2dELR, lin=LinearELR, demod=True, texsize=1024, vertsize=21918): super(Encoder, self).__init__() self.latentdim = latentdim self.vertbranch = lin(vertsize, 256, norm="demod", act=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)) if texin: cm = 2 if hiq else 1 layers = [] chout = 128*cm chin = 128*cm nlayers = int(np.log2(texsize)) - 2 for i in range(nlayers): if i == nlayers - 1: chin = 3 layers.append( conv(chin, chout, 4, 2, 1, norm="demod" if demod else None, act=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2))) if chin == chout: chin = chout // 2 else: chout = chin self.texbranch1 = nn.Sequential(*(layers[::-1])) self.texbranch2 = lin(cm*128*4*4, 256, norm="demod", act=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)) self.mu = lin(512, self.latentdim) self.logstd = lin(512, self.latentdim) else: self.mu = lin(256, self.latentdim) self.logstd = lin(256, self.latentdim) def forward(self, verts, texture : Optional[torch.Tensor]=None, losslist : Optional[List[str]]=None): assert losslist is not None x = self.vertbranch(verts.view(verts.size(0), -1)) if texture is not None: texture = self.texbranch1(texture).reshape(verts.size(0), -1) texture = self.texbranch2(texture) x = torch.cat([x, texture], dim=1) mu, logstd = self.mu(x) * 0.1, self.logstd(x) * 0.01 if self.training: z = mu + torch.exp(logstd) * torch.randn_like(logstd) else: z = mu losses = {} if "kldiv" in losslist: losses["kldiv"] = torch.mean(-0.5 - logstd + 0.5 * mu ** 2 + 0.5 * torch.exp(2 * logstd), dim=-1) return {"encoding": z}, losses