import geopandas as gpd def geojson_processor_to_csv(geojson_data, output_file): """ Procces and Convert GeoJSON data to a csv. Args: geojson_data (str): Parsed GeoJSON data path. output_file (str): Name of the output CSV file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Pandas DataFrames containing the GeoJSON features. """ # split geometries from the DataFrame to reduce processing time in later steps geom_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geojson_data["geometry"], crs="EPSG:4326") # get geometry bounds df_bounds = geom_df['geometry'].bounds # create bbox column from bounds geom_df['bbox'] = list(zip(df_bounds['minx'], df_bounds['miny'], df_bounds['maxx'], df_bounds['maxy'])) print('bboxes added to df.') # calculate geometry centroids geom_df['centroid'] = geom_df['geometry'].centroid print('centroids added to df.') # find neighbors geom_df['neighbors'] = None # Iterate through the GeoDataFrame to find neighbors for index, row in geom_df.iterrows(): neighbors = [] for other_index, other_row in geom_df.iterrows(): if index != other_index and row['geometry'].touches(other_row['geometry']): neighbors.append(other_row['ID'])[index, 'neighbors'] = neighbors # save df as csv geom_df.to_csv(output_file + '_geom', index=False) print('geometry file saved') # assign unique string identifiers to each row based on its position in the DataFrame geojson_data["geometry"] = [output_file + '_geom;' + str(i) + ";0" for i in range(geojson_data.shape[0])] geojson_data["bbox"] = [output_file + '_geom;' + str(i) + ";1" for i in range(geojson_data.shape[0])] geojson_data["centroid"] = [output_file + '_geom;' + str(i) + ";2" for i in range(geojson_data.shape[0])] geojson_data["neighbors"] = [output_file + '_geom;' + str(i) + ";3" for i in range(geojson_data.shape[0])] # save df as csv geojson_data.to_csv(output_file + '_main', index=False) print('main file saved.') return 'Processing done and saved'