# Level 0: Basic requirements - What is the geometry of X? --> (Simple) extract from 1-2 interconnected tables ==> most basic requirement!! (output: link to 1_NUTS) - What is the country code of X? ... --> Questions which could be answered by extracting values from the data table - What is the bounding box of X? --> BB simplifies many subsequent tasks; recommendation to add as a value to all objects! # Level 1: Table Interconnection, Multi-Output & Searching - In what NUTS+1 lies X? --> X is given but the level containing X is wanted as an output (Example: In which federal state is the city Dresden => Saxony) - Which NUTSX regions start with [letter], ...? --> Query more like searching, requiring multiple outputs (Example, which NUTS0 region starts with I => Italy) - Call all NUTS-1 from NUTS where PROPERTY matches. --> Combines the prior 2 questions to query based on parent NUTS (Example: all federal states from Germany that start with the letter B) # Level 2: Simple Spatial Connection & Manipulation - What borders X? --> Estimation based using BB, check for correct borders using predetermined NUTS (Example: What borders Sachsen => Brandenburg (Berlin), Thuringia, Bavaria, Sachsen-Anhalt) - What NUTS is between X and Y? --> Use BB for simplification/preselection (What federal state is between Hessen and Saxony => Thuringia, Bavaria, Lower-Saxony) - Reproject X into PROJECTION (Reproject the Geometry of Saxony in UTM) # Level 3: Spacial calculation // User specification ***This demands a higher level of user specification)*** - What is CARDINAL from X? --> Need to extract the BB and check a multitude of NUTS for relation to X (Example: What is north of Saxony? => Brandenburg, Berlin, Mecklenburg) -> Define what distance counts as "CARDINAL"; Combination of different NUTS-levels? - Simplify geometry of X--> Load geometry of X, - Degree of simplification? (Example question: simplify the geometry of Saxony, similar to [GeoJSON Utilities](http://opendatalab.de/projects/geojson-utilities/)?) ---