import os import shutil import argparse import sys import re import json import numpy as np import os.path as osp from pathlib import Path import cv2 import torch import math from tqdm import tqdm from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download try: import mmpose except: os.system('pip install ./main/transformer_utils') # hf_hub_download(repo_id="caizhongang/SMPLer-X", filename="smpler_x_h32.pth.tar", local_dir="/home/user/app/pretrained_models") # /home/user/.pyenv/versions/3.9.19/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torchgeometry/core/ # os.system('cp -rf ./assets/ /content/myenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torchgeometry/core/') def extract_frame_number(file_name): match ='(\d{5})', file_name) if match: return int( return None def merge_npz_files(npz_files, output_file): npz_files = sorted(npz_files, key=lambda x: extract_frame_number(os.path.basename(x))) merged_data = {} for file in npz_files: data = np.load(file) for key in data.files: if key not in merged_data: merged_data[key] = [] merged_data[key].append(data[key]) for key in merged_data: merged_data[key] = np.stack(merged_data[key], axis=0) np.savez(output_file, **merged_data) def npz_to_npz(pkl_path, npz_path): # Load the pickle file pkl_example = np.load(pkl_path, allow_pickle=True) n = pkl_example["expression"].shape[0] # Assuming this is the batch size full_pose = np.concatenate([pkl_example["global_orient"], pkl_example["body_pose"], pkl_example["jaw_pose"], pkl_example["leye_pose"], pkl_example["reye_pose"], pkl_example["left_hand_pose"], pkl_example["right_hand_pose"]], axis=1) # print(full_pose.shape) np.savez(npz_path, betas=np.zeros(300), poses=full_pose.reshape(n, -1), expressions=np.zeros((n, 100)), trans=pkl_example["transl"].reshape(n, -1), model='smplx2020', gender='neutral', mocap_frame_rate=30, ) def get_json(root_dir, output_dir): clips = [] dirs = os.listdir(root_dir) all_length = 0 for dir in dirs: if not dir.endswith(".mp4"): continue video_id = dir[:-4] root = root_dir try: length = np.load(os.path.join(root, video_id+".npz"), allow_pickle=True)["poses"].shape[0] all_length += length except: print("cant open ", dir) continue clip = { "video_id": video_id, "video_path": root[1:], # "audio_path": root, "motion_path": root[1:], "mode": "test", "start_idx": 0, "end_idx": length } clips.append(clip) if all_length < 1: print(f"skip due to total frames is less than 1500 for {root_dir}") return 0 else: with open(output_dir, 'w') as f: json.dump(clips, f, indent=4) return all_length def infer(video_input, in_threshold, num_people, render_mesh, inferer, OUT_FOLDER): os.system(f'rm -rf {OUT_FOLDER}/smplx/*') multi_person = num_people cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_input) video_name = video_input.split("/")[-1] success = 1 frame = 0 while success: success, original_img = if not success: break frame += 1 _, _, _ = inferer.infer(original_img, in_threshold, frame, multi_person, not(render_mesh)) cap.release() npz_files = [os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, 'smplx', x) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, 'smplx'))] merge_npz_files(npz_files, os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, video_name.replace(".mp4", ".npz"))) os.system(f'rm -r {OUT_FOLDER}/smplx') npz_to_npz(os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, video_name.replace(".mp4", ".npz")), os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, video_name.replace(".mp4", ".npz"))) source = video_input destination = os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, video_name.replace('.mp4', '.npz')).replace('.npz', '.mp4') shutil.copy(source, destination) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--video_folder_path", type=str, default="") parser.add_argument("--data_save_path", type=str, default="") parser.add_argument("--json_save_path", type=str, default="") args = parser.parse_args() video_folder = args.video_folder_path DEFAULT_MODEL='smpler_x_s32' OUT_FOLDER = args.data_save_path os.makedirs(OUT_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) num_gpus = 1 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1 index = torch.cuda.current_device() from main.inference import Inferer inferer = Inferer(DEFAULT_MODEL, num_gpus, OUT_FOLDER) for video_input in tqdm(os.listdir(video_folder)): if not video_input.endswith(".mp4"): continue infer(os.path.join(video_folder, video_input), 0.5, False, False, inferer, OUT_FOLDER) get_json(OUT_FOLDER, args.json_save_path)