Text-to-Speech / app.py
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Update app.py
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import gradio as gr
from gtts import gTTS
# Define the text-to-speech function
def text_to_speech(sentence):
tts = gTTS(sentence)
return sentence, "output.mp3"
# Predefined sentences
sentences = [
"In a small coastal town edged by jagged cliffs and vast, open sea, stood an old lighthouse that had guarded the mariners for generations.",
"The lighthouse keeper, Mr. Elias, was an elderly man who had spent many years ensuring the light never failed, keeping ships safe from the dangerous rocks below.",
"Elias's grandson, Jamie, loved to visit the lighthouse.",
"He was fascinated by the stories his grandfather told of ships from distant lands and the many storms the lighthouse had withstood.",
"However, over the years, fewer ships passed by, and the town council questioned the need to keep the lighthouse operational.",
"They proposed using modern technology, which was cheaper and required less maintenance.",
"One evening, as a fierce storm brewed, the council decided to test their new electronic navigation system, planning to retire the old lighthouse lamp after proving the new system's efficiency.",
"Elias was heartbroken but knew he had to comply.",
"That night, with the storm at its peak and the new system in place, the unthinkable happened—the electronic system failed due to the severe weather conditions."
"In a panic, the town council realized their error. Without the lighthouse’s beam, ships at sea would be in grave danger.",
"They rushed to Elias, asking for his help. Elias turned to Jamie, handing him a small, old lantern — a backup they had never thought they’d use.",
"Hurry, take this to the top! It isn’t as bright, but it might just guide them in until we can fix the main light.",
"Braving the howling wind and pelting rain, Jamie climbed the winding stairs of the lighthouse with the lantern.",
"Reaching the top, he held the lantern high, its light flickering but steady. All he could do was hope it was enough.",
"Miraculously, the small light was seen by a nearby ship. The captain, familiar with the lighthouse’s position, navigated away from the cliffs just in time, guiding the ship safely into the harbor.",
"The town breathed a sigh of relief, and the council members were humbled by their near-disastrous decision.",
"From that day on, the council reinstated the old lighthouse, restoring it and even enhancing its light to ensure higher visibility.",
"Jamie learned the importance of resilience and tradition, and he took great pride in helping his grandfather.",
"Inspired by the event, he started learning more about navigational technology, combining new methods with the reliable old ways.",
"Years later, Jamie became the lighthouse keeper, just like his grandfather.",
"He maintained the tradition of the lighthouse while integrating modern technology responsibly, ensuring that the lighthouse continued to be a beacon of safety and a symbol of the town’s enduring spirit.",
"The story of the lighthouse keeper’s lantern became a cherished tale, reminding everyone that sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective in times of need.",
"It taught the town the value of wisdom, experience, and the importance of blending the old with the new to navigate the future safely."
# Create the Gradio interface
interface = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Dropdown(choices=sentences, label="Select a sentence"),
outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Selected Sentence"), gr.Audio(type="filepath")],
title="Text-to-Speech App",
description="Select a sentence and hear it read aloud using Google Text-to-Speech."
# Launch the interface