import os import time import uuid import random import datetime import pandas as pd from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union from pathlib import Path import tempfile import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq import streamlit as st import huggingface_hub as hf from huggingface_hub import HfApi, login, CommitScheduler from datasets import load_dataset import openai from openai import OpenAI # File Path # DATA_PATH = "Dr-En-space-test.csv" # DATA_REPO = "M-A-D/dar-en-space-test" DATA_REPO = "M-A-D/DarijaBridge" api = hf.HfApi() # access_token_write = "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" # login(token=access_token_write) # repo_id = "M-A-D/dar-en-space-test" st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Initialize the ParquetScheduler class ParquetScheduler(CommitScheduler): """ Usage: configure the scheduler with a repo id. Once started, you can add data to be uploaded to the Hub. 1 `.append` call will result in 1 row in your final dataset. ```py # Start scheduler >>> scheduler = ParquetScheduler(repo_id="my-parquet-dataset") # Append some data to be uploaded >>> scheduler.append({...}) >>> scheduler.append({...}) >>> scheduler.append({...}) ``` The scheduler will automatically infer the schema from the data it pushes. Optionally, you can manually set the schema yourself: ```py >>> scheduler = ParquetScheduler( ... repo_id="my-parquet-dataset", ... schema={ ... "prompt": {"_type": "Value", "dtype": "string"}, ... "negative_prompt": {"_type": "Value", "dtype": "string"}, ... "guidance_scale": {"_type": "Value", "dtype": "int64"}, ... "image": {"_type": "Image"}, ... }, ... ) See for the list of possible values. """ def __init__( self, *, repo_id: str, schema: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, every: Union[int, float] = 5, path_in_repo: Optional[str] = "data", repo_type: Optional[str] = "dataset", revision: Optional[str] = None, private: bool = False, token: Optional[str] = None, allow_patterns: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, ignore_patterns: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, hf_api: Optional[HfApi] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( repo_id=repo_id, folder_path="dummy", # not used by the scheduler every=every, path_in_repo=path_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, private=private, token=token, allow_patterns=allow_patterns, ignore_patterns=ignore_patterns, hf_api=hf_api, ) self._rows: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self._schema = schema def append(self, row: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Add a new item to be uploaded.""" with self.lock: self._rows.append(row) def push_to_hub(self): # Check for new rows to push with self.lock: rows = self._rows self._rows = [] if not rows: return print(f"Got {len(rows)} item(s) to commit.") # Load images + create 'features' config for datasets library schema: Dict[str, Dict] = self._schema or {} path_to_cleanup: List[Path] = [] for row in rows: for key, value in row.items(): # Infer schema (for `datasets` library) if key not in schema: schema[key] = _infer_schema(key, value) # Load binary files if necessary if schema[key]["_type"] in ("Image", "Audio"): # It's an image or audio: we load the bytes and remember to cleanup the file file_path = Path(value) if file_path.is_file(): row[key] = { "path":, "bytes": file_path.read_bytes(), } path_to_cleanup.append(file_path) # Complete rows if needed for row in rows: for feature in schema: if feature not in row: row[feature] = None # Export items to Arrow format table = pa.Table.from_pylist(rows) # Add metadata (used by datasets library) table = table.replace_schema_metadata( {"huggingface": json.dumps({"info": {"features": schema}})} ) # Write to parquet file archive_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() pq.write_table(table, # Upload self.api.upload_file( repo_id=self.repo_id, repo_type=self.repo_type, revision=self.revision, path_in_repo=f"{uuid.uuid4()}.parquet",, ) print(f"Commit completed.") # Cleanup archive_file.close() for path in path_to_cleanup: path.unlink(missing_ok=True) # Define the ParquetScheduler instance with your repo details scheduler = ParquetScheduler(repo_id=DATA_REPO) # Function to append new translation data to the ParquetScheduler def append_translation_data(original, translation, translated, corrected=False): data = { "original": original, "translation": translation, "translated": translated, "corrected": corrected, "timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "id": str(uuid.uuid4()) # Unique identifier for each translation } scheduler.append(data) # Load data def load_data(): return pd.DataFrame(load_dataset(DATA_REPO,download_mode="force_redownload",split='train')) #def save_data(data): # data.to_csv(DATA_PATH, index=False) # # to_save = datasets.Dataset.from_pandas(data) # api.upload_file( # path_or_fileobj="./Dr-En-space-test.csv", # path_in_repo="Dr-En-space-test.csv", # repo_id=DATA_REPO, # repo_type="dataset", #) # # to_save.push_to_hub(DATA_REPO) def skip_correction(): noncorrected_sentences =[( == True) & ( == False)]['sentence'].tolist() if noncorrected_sentences: st.session_state.orig_sentence = random.choice(noncorrected_sentences) st.session_state.orig_translation =[ == st.session_state.orig_sentence]['translation'] else: st.session_state.orig_sentence = "No more sentences to be corrected" st.session_state.orig_translation = "No more sentences to be corrected" # st.title(""" # Darija Translation Corpus Collection # **What This Space Is For:** # - **Translating Darija to English:** Add your translations here. # - **Correcting Translations:** Review and correct existing translations. # - **Using GPT-4 for Auto-Translation:** Try auto-translating Darija sentences. # - **Helping Develop Darija Language Resources:** Your translations make a difference. # **How to Contribute:** # - **Choose a Tab:** Translation, Correction, or Auto-Translate. # - **Add or Correct Translations:** Use text areas to enter translations. # - **Save Your Work:** Click 'Save' to submit. # **Every Contribution Counts! Let's make Darija GREAT!** # """) st.title("""Darija Translation Corpus Collection""") if "data" not in st.session_state: = load_data() if "sentence" not in st.session_state: untranslated_sentences =[['translated'] == False]['sentence'].tolist() if untranslated_sentences: st.session_state.sentence = random.choice(untranslated_sentences) else: st.session_state.sentence = "No more sentences to translate" if "orig_translation" not in st.session_state: noncorrected_sentences =[( == True) & ( == False)]['sentence'].tolist() noncorrected_translations =[( == True) & ( == False)]['translation'].tolist() if noncorrected_sentences: st.session_state.orig_sentence = random.choice(noncorrected_sentences) st.session_state.orig_translation =[ == st.session_state.orig_sentence]['translation'].values[0] else: st.session_state.orig_sentence = "No more sentences to be corrected" st.session_state.orig_translation = "No more sentences to be corrected" if "user_translation" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.user_translation = "" # with st.sidebar: # st.subheader("About") # st.markdown("""This is app is designed to collect Darija translation corpus.""") with st.sidebar: st.subheader("About") st.markdown(""" ### Darija Translation Corpus Collection **What This Space Is For:** - **Translating Darija to English:** Add your translations here. - **Correcting Translations:** Review and correct existing translations. - **Using GPT-4 for Auto-Translation:** Try auto-translating Darija sentences. - **Helping Develop Darija Language Resources:** Your translations make a difference. **How to Contribute:** - **Choose a Tab:** Translation, Correction, or Auto-Translate. - **Add or Correct Translations:** Use text areas to enter translations. - **Save Your Work:** Click 'Save' to submit. **Every Contribution Counts!** **Let's make Darija GREAT!** """) tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Translation", "Correction", "Auto-Translate"]) with tab1: with st.container(): st.subheader("Original Text:") st.write('
'.format(st.session_state.sentence), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.subheader("Translation:") st.session_state.user_translation = st.text_area("Enter your translation here:", value=st.session_state.user_translation) if st.button("💾 Save"): if st.session_state.user_translation: # Append data to be saved append_translation_data( original=st.session_state.sentence, translation=st.session_state.user_translation, translated=True ) st.session_state.user_translation = "" # st.toast("Saved!", icon="👏") st.success("Saved!") # Update the sentence for the next iteration. untranslated_sentences =[['translated'] == False]['sentence'].tolist() if untranslated_sentences: st.session_state.sentence = random.choice(untranslated_sentences) else: st.session_state.sentence = "No more sentences to translate" time.sleep(0.5) # Rerun the app st.rerun() with tab2: with st.container(): st.subheader("Original Darija Text:") st.write('
'.format(st.session_state.orig_sentence), unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.container(): st.subheader("Original English Translation:") st.write('
'.format(st.session_state.orig_translation), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.subheader("Corrected Darija Translation:") corrected_translation = st.text_area("Enter the corrected Darija translation here:") if st.button("💾 Save Translation"): if corrected_translation: # Append data to be saved append_translation_data( original=st.session_state.orig_sentence, translation=corrected_translation, translated=True, corrected=True ) st.success("Saved!") # Update the sentence for the next iteration. noncorrected_sentences =[( == True) & ( == False)]['sentence'].tolist() # noncorrected_sentences =[['corrected'] == False]['sentence'].tolist() if noncorrected_sentences: st.session_state.orig_sentence = random.choice(noncorrected_sentences) st.session_state.orig_translation =[ == st.session_state.orig_sentence]['translation'] else: st.session_state.orig_translation = "No more sentences to be corrected" corrected_translation = "" # Reset the input value after saving st.button("⏩ Skip to the Next Pair", key="skip_button", on_click=skip_correction) with tab3: st.subheader("Auto-Translate") # User input for OpenAI API key openai_api_key = st.text_input("Paste your OpenAI API key:") # Slider for the user to choose the number of samples to translate num_samples = st.slider("Select the number of samples to translate", min_value=1, max_value=100, value=10) # Estimated cost display cost = num_samples * 0.0012 st.write(f"The estimated cost for translating {num_samples} samples is: ${cost:.4f}") if st.button("Do the MAGIC with Auto-Translate ✨"): if openai_api_key: openai.api_key = openai_api_key client = OpenAI( # defaults to os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") api_key=openai_api_key, ) # Get 10 samples from the dataset for translation samples_to_translate =['sentence'].tolist() # # System prompt for translation assistant # translation_prompt = """ # You are a helpful AI-powered translation assistant designed for users seeking reliable translation assistance. Your primary function is to provide context-aware translations from Moroccan Arabic (Darija) to English. # """ # auto_translations = [] # for sentence in samples_to_translate: # # Create messages for the chat model # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": translation_prompt}, # {"role": "user", "content": f"Translate the following sentence to English: '{sentence}'"} # ] # System prompt for translation assistant translation_system_prompt = """ You are a native speaker of both Moroccan Arabic (Darija) and English. You are an expert of translations from Moroccan Arabic (Darija) into English. """ auto_translations = [] for sentence in samples_to_translate: # Create messages for the chat model messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": translation_system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": f"Translate the following sentence from Moroccan Arabic (Darija) to English, only return the translated sentence: '{sentence}'"} ] # Perform automatic translation using OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo model response = # model="gpt-3.5-turbo", model="gpt-4-1106-preview", # api_key=openai_api_key, messages=messages ) # Extract the translated text from the response translated_text = response.choices[0].message['content'].strip() # Append the translated text to the list auto_translations.append(translated_text) # Update the dataset with auto-translations[['sentence'].isin(samples_to_translate), 'translation' ] = auto_translations # Append data to be saved append_translation_data( original=st.session_state.orig_sentence, translation=corrected_translation, translated=True, corrected=True ) st.success("Auto-Translations saved!") else: st.warning("Please paste your OpenAI API key.")