from llmlingua import PromptCompressor compressor = PromptCompressor( model_name="microsoft/llmlingua-2-bert-base-multilingual-cased-meetingbank", use_llmlingua2=True ) original_prompt = """John: So, um, I've been thinking about the project, you know, and I believe we need to, uh, make some changes. I mean, we want the project to succeed, right? So, like, I think we should consider maybe revising the timeline. Sarah: I totally agree, John. I mean, we have to be realistic, you know. The timeline is, like, too tight. You know what I mean? We should definitely extend it. """ results = compressor.compress_prompt_llmlingua2( original_prompt, rate=0.6, force_tokens=['\n', '.', '!', '?', ','], chunk_end_tokens=['.', '\n'], return_word_label=True, drop_consecutive=True ) print(results.keys()) print(f"Compressed prompt: {results['compressed_prompt']}")