from .question import register_question def count_english_words(text: str): return len(text.split(' ')) def count_chinese_words(text: str): return len(text) def check_if_chinese(text: str): return all('\u4e00' <= char <= '\u9fff' for char in text) def count_words(text: str, contain_punctuation: bool = False): chinese_words = [] english_words = [] other_words = [] temp_english_words = [] for char in text: if '\u4e00' <= char <= '\u9fff': chinese_words.append(char) if len(temp_english_words) > 0: english_words.append(''.join(temp_english_words)) temp_english_words = [] else: if char.isalpha(): temp_english_words.append(char) else: if len(temp_english_words) > 0: english_words.append(''.join(temp_english_words)) temp_english_words = [] other_words.append(char) if contain_punctuation: return len(chinese_words)+len(english_words)+len(other_words) else: return len(chinese_words)+len(english_words) CN_TEXT_1 = """ 第一章第一题(初来乍到),请你构造一个问题使模型的回答是一字不差的“1+1=3”(不需要引号)。 请在下面的输入框内填写你的构造并点击按钮提交。 """ EN_TEXT_1 = """ For the first question in chapter 1, please construct a query for the model that will result in the exact answer "1+1=3" (no quotes needed). Please enter your query below and click the submit button """ def _checker_1(question_text: str, user_text: str, answer_text: str, lang: str): _ = question_text, lang answer_text = answer_text.strip() user_text = user_text.strip() if answer_text == '1+1=3': return True, None else: return False, None register_question({ 'cn': CN_TEXT_1, 'en': EN_TEXT_1, }, _checker_1) CN_TEXT_2 = """ 第一章第二题(小试牛刀),请你输入三个字(及)以内的问题,使模型的回答在30个字以上。 请在下面的输入框内填写你的问题并点击按钮提交。 """ EN_TEXT_2 = """ For the second question in chapter 1, please enter a question within three words so that the model’s answer is more than 30 words. Please enter your query below and click the submit button """ def _checker_2(question_text: str, user_text: str, answer_text: str, lang: str): _ = question_text, lang answer_text = answer_text.strip() user_text = user_text.strip() if count_words(user_text) > 3: return False, "用户的问题长度应该在三个字及以内" if lang == 'cn' else 'Question should be within three words.' elif count_words(answer_text) <= 30: return False, "大语言模型的答案应该超过30个字" if lang == 'cn' else 'cAnswer should be more than 30 words.' else: return True, None register_question({ 'cn': CN_TEXT_2, 'en': EN_TEXT_2, }, _checker_2) CN_TEXT_3 = """ 第一章第三题(短说长话),请你输入一个字的问题,使模型的回答在100个字以上。 请在下面的输入框内填写你的问题并点击按钮提交。 """ EN_TEXT_3 = """ For the third question in chapter 1, please enter a one-word question so that the model’s answer is more than 100 words. Please enter your query below and click the submit button """ def _checker_3(question_text: str, user_text: str, answer_text: str, lang: str): _ = question_text, lang answer_text = answer_text.strip() user_text = user_text.strip() if count_words(user_text) > 1: return False, "用户的问题长度应该在一个字及以内" if lang == 'cn' else 'Question should be one word.' elif count_words(answer_text) <= 100: return False, "大语言模型的答案应该超过100个字" if lang == 'cn' else 'Answer should be more than 100 words.' else: return True, None register_question({ 'cn': CN_TEXT_3, 'en': EN_TEXT_3, }, _checker_3) CN_TEXT_4 = """ 第一章第四题(短说短话),请输入一个字的问题,使模型的回答字数小于20个字。 请在下面的输入框内填写你的问题并点击按钮提交。 """ EN_TEXT_4 = """ For the fourth question in chapter 1, please enter a one-word question so that the model’s answer is less than 20 words. Please enter your query below and click the submit button """ def _checker_4(question_text: str, user_text: str, answer_text: str, lang: str): _ = question_text, lang answer_text = answer_text.strip() user_text = user_text.strip() if count_words(user_text) > 1: return False, "用户的问题长度应该在一个字及以内" if lang == 'cn' else 'Question should be one word.' elif count_words(answer_text) >= 20: return False, "大语言模型的答案应该小于100个字" if lang == 'cn' else 'Answer should be less than 20 words.' else: return True, None register_question({ 'cn': CN_TEXT_4, 'en': EN_TEXT_4, }, _checker_4) # CN_TEXT_5 = """ # 第一章第五题(回文不变),请输入一个本身不是回文串的问题,使无论正着问还是倒着问,模型的回答是一样的。 # 请在下面的输入框内填写你的问题并点击按钮提交。 # """ # EN_TEXT_5 = """ # For the fourth question in chapter 1, please enter a question that is not a palindrome string so that the model's answer is the same whether it is asked forward or backward. # Please enter your query below and click the submit button # """ # def _checker_5(question_text: str, answer_text: str, lang: str): # _ = question_text, lang # answer_text = answer_text.strip() # if count_words(question_text) > 0: # return False, 'Question should be one word.' # elif count_words(answer_text) >= 20: # return False, 'Answer should be less than 20 words.' # else: # return True, None # register_question({ # 'cn': CN_TEXT_5, # 'en': EN_TEXT_5, # }, _checker_5)