import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from ...core import AudioSignal from ...core import STFTParams from ...core import util class SpectralGate(nn.Module): """Spectral gating algorithm for noise reduction, as in Audacity/Ocenaudio. The steps are as follows: 1. An FFT is calculated over the noise audio clip 2. Statistics are calculated over FFT of the the noise (in frequency) 3. A threshold is calculated based upon the statistics of the noise (and the desired sensitivity of the algorithm) 4. An FFT is calculated over the signal 5. A mask is determined by comparing the signal FFT to the threshold 6. The mask is smoothed with a filter over frequency and time 7. The mask is appled to the FFT of the signal, and is inverted Implementation inspired by Tim Sainburg's noisereduce: Parameters ---------- n_freq : int, optional Number of frequency bins to smooth by, by default 3 n_time : int, optional Number of time bins to smooth by, by default 5 """ def __init__(self, n_freq: int = 3, n_time: int = 5): super().__init__() smoothing_filter = torch.outer( [ torch.linspace(0, 1, n_freq + 2)[:-1], torch.linspace(1, 0, n_freq + 2), ] )[..., 1:-1], [ torch.linspace(0, 1, n_time + 2)[:-1], torch.linspace(1, 0, n_time + 2), ] )[..., 1:-1], ) smoothing_filter = smoothing_filter / smoothing_filter.sum() smoothing_filter = smoothing_filter.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) self.register_buffer("smoothing_filter", smoothing_filter) def forward( self, audio_signal: AudioSignal, nz_signal: AudioSignal, denoise_amount: float = 1.0, n_std: float = 3.0, win_length: int = 2048, hop_length: int = 512, ): """Perform noise reduction. Parameters ---------- audio_signal : AudioSignal Audio signal that noise will be removed from. nz_signal : AudioSignal, optional Noise signal to compute noise statistics from. denoise_amount : float, optional Amount to denoise by, by default 1.0 n_std : float, optional Number of standard deviations above which to consider noise, by default 3.0 win_length : int, optional Length of window for STFT, by default 2048 hop_length : int, optional Hop length for STFT, by default 512 Returns ------- AudioSignal Denoised audio signal. """ stft_params = STFTParams(win_length, hop_length, "sqrt_hann") audio_signal = audio_signal.clone() audio_signal.stft_data = None audio_signal.stft_params = stft_params nz_signal = nz_signal.clone() nz_signal.stft_params = stft_params nz_stft_db = 20 * nz_signal.magnitude.clamp(1e-4).log10() nz_freq_mean = nz_stft_db.mean(keepdim=True, dim=-1) nz_freq_std = nz_stft_db.std(keepdim=True, dim=-1) nz_thresh = nz_freq_mean + nz_freq_std * n_std stft_db = 20 * audio_signal.magnitude.clamp(1e-4).log10() nb, nac, nf, nt = stft_db.shape db_thresh = nz_thresh.expand(nb, nac, -1, nt) stft_mask = (stft_db < db_thresh).float() shape = stft_mask.shape stft_mask = stft_mask.reshape(nb * nac, 1, nf, nt) pad_tuple = ( self.smoothing_filter.shape[-2] // 2, self.smoothing_filter.shape[-1] // 2, ) stft_mask = F.conv2d(stft_mask, self.smoothing_filter, padding=pad_tuple) stft_mask = stft_mask.reshape(*shape) stft_mask *= util.ensure_tensor(denoise_amount, ndim=stft_mask.ndim).to( audio_signal.device ) stft_mask = 1 - stft_mask audio_signal.stft_data *= stft_mask audio_signal.istft() return audio_signal