import sys from pathlib import Path file = Path(__file__).resolve() parent, root = file.parent, file.parents[1] sys.path.append(str(root)) import gradio from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response import random import numpy as np import pandas as pd from titanic_model.processing.data_manager import load_dataset, load_pipeline from titanic_model import __version__ as _version from titanic_model.config.core import config from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from titanic_model.predict import make_prediction from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score # FastAPI object app = FastAPI() ################################# Prometheus related code START ###################################################### import prometheus_client as prom acc_metric = prom.Gauge('titanic_accuracy_score', 'Accuracy score for few random 100 test samples') f1_metric = prom.Gauge('titanic_f1_score', 'F1 score for few random 100 test samples') precision_metric = prom.Gauge('titanic_precision_score', 'Precision score for few random 100 test samples') recall_metric = prom.Gauge('titanic_recall_score', 'Recall score for few random 100 test samples') # LOAD TEST DATA pipeline_file_name = f"{config.app_config.pipeline_save_file}{_version}.pkl" titanic_pipe= load_pipeline(file_name=pipeline_file_name) data = load_dataset(file_name=config.app_config.training_data_file) # read complete data X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( # divide into train and test set data[config.model_config.features], data[], test_size=config.model_config.test_size, random_state=config.model_config.random_state, ) test_data = X_test.copy() test_data['target'] = y_test.values # Function for updating metrics def update_metrics(): global test_data # Performance on test set size = random.randint(100, 130) test = test_data.sample(size, random_state = random.randint(0, 1e6)) # sample few 100 rows randomly y_pred = titanic_pipe.predict(test.iloc[:, :-1]) # prediction acc = accuracy_score(test['target'], y_pred).round(3) # accuracy score f1 = f1_score(test['target'], y_pred).round(3) # F1 score precision = precision_score(test['target'], y_pred).round(3) # Precision score recall = recall_score(test['target'], y_pred).round(3) # Recall score acc_metric.set(acc) f1_metric.set(f1) precision_metric.set(precision) recall_metric.set(recall) @app.get("/metrics") async def get_metrics(): update_metrics() return Response(media_type="text/plain", content= prom.generate_latest()) ################################# Prometheus related code END ###################################################### # UI - Input components in_Pid = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="79", label='Passenger Id') in_Pclass = gradio.Radio(['1', '2', '3'], type="value", label='Passenger class') in_Pname = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates", label='Passenger Name') in_sex = gradio.Radio(["Male", "Female"], type="value", label='Gender') in_age = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="14", label='Age of the passenger in yrs') in_sibsp = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="0", label='No. of siblings/spouse of the passenger aboard') in_parch = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="2", label='No. of parents/children of the passenger aboard') in_ticket = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="248738", label='Ticket number') in_cabin = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="A5", label='Cabin number') in_embarked = gradio.Radio(["Southampton", "Cherbourg", "Queenstown"], type="value", label='Port of Embarkation') in_fare = gradio.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, value="29", label='Passenger fare') # UI - Output component out_label = gradio.Textbox(type="text", label='Prediction', elem_id="out_textbox") # Label prediction function def get_output_label(in_Pid, in_Pclass, in_Pname, in_sex, in_age, in_sibsp, in_parch, in_ticket, in_cabin, in_embarked, in_fare): input_df = pd.DataFrame({"PassengerId": [in_Pid], "Pclass": [int(in_Pclass)], "Name": [in_Pname], "Sex": [in_sex.lower()], "Age": [float(in_age)], "SibSp": [int(in_sibsp)], "Parch": [int(in_parch)], "Ticket": [in_ticket], "Cabin": [in_cabin], "Embarked": [in_embarked[0]], "Fare": [float(in_fare)]}) result = make_prediction(input_data=input_df.replace({np.nan: None}))["predictions"] label = "Survived" if result[0]==1 else "Not Survived" return label # Create Gradio interface object iface = gradio.Interface(fn = get_output_label, inputs = [in_Pid, in_Pclass, in_Pname, in_sex, in_age, in_sibsp, in_parch, in_ticket, in_cabin, in_embarked, in_fare], outputs = [out_label], title="Titanic Survival Prediction API ⛴", description="Predictive model that answers the question: “What sort of people were more likely to survive?”", allow_flagging='never', ) # Mount gradio interface object on FastAPI app at endpoint = '/' app = gradio.mount_gradio_app(app, iface, path="/") if __name__ == "__main__": import uvicorn, host="", port=8001)