,answer,gpt4_full_answer,gpt4answer,result,md5 0,office,"Before the bathroom, the apple was in the office. John took the apple from the kitchen to the office, and then he journeyed to the bathroom after that.",office,True,f32ea0d49375c13a2853f6cc3db7cefd 1,office,"Before the hallway, the apple was in the kitchen.",kitchen,False,3c3c9749abc202c3e7e3c6c4497bdc2d 2,office,"Before the hallway, the apple was in the office.",office,True,2b10cf9902ecd62aa2a90fc795ea48f5 3,bathroom,"Before the garden, the football was in the hallway. Daniel took the football in the garden, and after some movements without mentioning the football, he put down the football in the latest location he was mentioned in, which is the hallway. Therefore, when Sandra journeyed to the garden, the football was in the hallway before that.",hallway,False,72de64a3f029daf5a71f56673d5ae632 4,bathroom,"Before the garden, the football was in the hallway. Daniel took the football and moved to the hallway, where he subsequently put down the football before Sandra dropped the milk in the garden.",hallway,False,46decdaa8c4b6636531894a2eb1f8495 5,garden,"Before the bathroom, the apple was in the garden. Sandra had previously moved to the garden after obtaining the apple and before going to the bathroom where she ultimately dropped the apple.",garden,True,a9f2e432aea5137fdaa765441701d3d7 6,kitchen,"Before the office, the milk was in the kitchen.",kitchen,True,d8dae87cd4c5bd208accbd945cd46096 7,kitchen,"Before the office, the apple was in the kitchen.",kitchen,True,d3e642e6547fb093e8126f0dd003c0a9 8,kitchen,"Before the office, the apple was in the kitchen.",kitchen,True,7577987a7d87b608f39885fd03859ad6 9,bedroom,"To answer where the apple was before the office, we need to track Mary's movements since she is the one most recently associated with the apple. Here are the relevant actions extracted from the context: 1. Sandra got the apple. 2. Sandra dropped the apple. 3. Sandra grabbed the apple in the latest location. 4. Sandra left the apple in the latest location. 5. Mary grabbed the apple. 6. Mary dropped the apple. 7. Mary picked up the apple. 8. Mary put down the apple in the latest location. 9. Mary grabbed the apple. 10. Mary moved to the bedroom. 11. Mary went to the office. 12. Mary dropped the apple. From these steps, we can see that Mary last had the apple before moving to the office. She picked up the apple, moved to the bedroom (#9 and #10), and then went to the office (#11). There is no indication of her dropping the apple between picking it up and moving to the office. Therefore, the apple was in the bedroom before Mary took it to the office.",bedroom,True,f74327d3b784d7c98ca2553dc00fe787 10,garden,"Before the bedroom, the apple was in the garden. Daniel got the apple in the kitchen and then travelled to the office and moved to the garden before Daniel discarded the apple. Therefore, the apple was left in the garden before Daniel went to the bedroom.",garden,True,c09fbd9ed8947aac5192a901ab434636 11,garden,"Before the bedroom, the apple was in the garden.",garden,True,844ceff113ab31b81dbeaa0733754add 12,garden,"Before the bathroom, the milk was in the garden. Sandra journeyed to the garden with the milk, and then she went back to the bathroom.",garden,True,4ce0147169fa24350fd7cac79de7c072 13,garden,"Before the bathroom, the milk was in the hallway. Sandra picked up the milk in the hallway, then travelled to the bathroom, and eventually dropped the milk there.",hallway,False,3a6d391ac6c0ac180c0d3fa315ef9635 14,garden,"Before the bathroom, the milk was in the hallway. Sandra picked it up in the hallway, moved to the bathroom, and there she dropped the milk.",hallway,False,27fd4d354bcb3d15a08bcbbd9a01e360 15,kitchen,"Before the garden, the football was in the kitchen. Mary got the football in the bathroom, went back to the kitchen, and then journeyed to the garden with the football.",kitchen,True,196990b08deca7dfb18a199858536347 16,kitchen,"Before the garden, the football was in the kitchen. Mary got the football in the bathroom and then went back to the kitchen before traveling to the garden.",kitchen,True,dbfbbd1ea172c8d96a4a007f8fcbc982 17,garden,"Before the bedroom, the milk was in the garden. Mary travelled to the garden after the kitchen, took the milk, and then went to the bedroom.",garden,True,5f3c11ccf3b55097a24f9f329b0ac9ed 18,garden,The milk was in the garden before the bedroom.,garden,True,796b4174d175caeb93411608524e6637 19,bedroom,"Before the bathroom, the football was in the office. Mary took the football from the bathroom and then went back to the kitchen, to the garden, to the bedroom, and finally went to the office, where she left the football.",office,False,4c91d8388d681d887b09e5dc602774f2 20,garden,"The football was in the office before the hallway. Sandra grabbed the football after John dropped it, then she put it down in the office before taking it again. She eventually traveled to the hallway, so the last known location of the football before reaching the hallway was the office.",office,False,839a0dcf1c4b2a346d02b151a02840fb 21,garden,The football was in the garden before the office.,garden,True,3a981f13eab12c66b0c55465911b60f9 22,hallway,"Before the garden, the football was in the office.",office,False,d05010263ed0449b6c57594f1427134b 23,office,"Before the kitchen, the milk was in the office. Sandra grabbed the milk in the latest location (the office) and then she journeyed to the kitchen.",office,True,39c7dc6cc48f074e40d00ddac432d1e5 24,kitchen,"Before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen. Sandra grabbed the milk in the latest location, which was the kitchen, before travelling to the bedroom.",kitchen,True,45b714c8d2d788abad8d412268a9f2ae