Sukalingua / TTS /tts /utils /text /
Shadhil's picture
voice-clone with single audio sample input
import collections
import re
from enum import Enum
import six
_DEF_PUNCS = ';:,.!?¡¿—…"«»“”'
_PUNC_IDX = collections.namedtuple("_punc_index", ["punc", "position"])
class PuncPosition(Enum):
"""Enum for the punctuations positions"""
END = 1
class Punctuation:
"""Handle punctuations in text.
Just strip punctuations from text or strip and restore them later.
puncs (str): The punctuations to be processed. Defaults to `_DEF_PUNCS`.
>>> punc = Punctuation()
>>> punc.strip("This is. example !")
'This is example'
>>> text_striped, punc_map = punc.strip_to_restore("This is. example !")
>>> ' '.join(text_striped)
'This is example'
>>> text_restored = punc.restore(text_striped, punc_map)
>>> text_restored[0]
'This is. example !'
def __init__(self, puncs: str = _DEF_PUNCS):
self.puncs = puncs
def default_puncs():
"""Return default set of punctuations."""
return _DEF_PUNCS
def puncs(self):
return self._puncs
def puncs(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise ValueError("[!] Punctuations must be of type str.")
self._puncs = "".join(list(dict.fromkeys(list(value)))) # remove duplicates without changing the oreder
self.puncs_regular_exp = re.compile(rf"(\s*[{re.escape(self._puncs)}]+\s*)+")
def strip(self, text):
"""Remove all the punctuations by replacing with `space`.
text (str): The text to be processed.
"This is. example !" -> "This is example "
return re.sub(self.puncs_regular_exp, " ", text).rstrip().lstrip()
def strip_to_restore(self, text):
"""Remove punctuations from text to restore them later.
text (str): The text to be processed.
Examples ::
"This is. example !" -> [["This is", "example"], [".", "!"]]
text, puncs = self._strip_to_restore(text)
return text, puncs
def _strip_to_restore(self, text):
"""Auxiliary method for Punctuation.preserve()"""
matches = list(re.finditer(self.puncs_regular_exp, text))
if not matches:
return [text], []
# the text is only punctuations
if len(matches) == 1 and matches[0].group() == text:
return [], [_PUNC_IDX(text, PuncPosition.ALONE)]
# build a punctuation map to be used later to restore punctuations
puncs = []
for match in matches:
position = PuncPosition.MIDDLE
if match == matches[0] and text.startswith(
position = PuncPosition.BEGIN
elif match == matches[-1] and text.endswith(
position = PuncPosition.END
puncs.append(_PUNC_IDX(, position))
# convert str text to a List[str], each item is separated by a punctuation
splitted_text = []
for idx, punc in enumerate(puncs):
split = text.split(punc.punc)
prefix, suffix = split[0], punc.punc.join(split[1:])
# if the text does not end with a punctuation, add it to the last item
if idx == len(puncs) - 1 and len(suffix) > 0:
text = suffix
return splitted_text, puncs
def restore(cls, text, puncs):
"""Restore punctuation in a text.
text (str): The text to be processed.
puncs (List[str]): The list of punctuations map to be used for restoring.
Examples ::
['This is', 'example'], ['.', '!'] -> "This is. example!"
return cls._restore(text, puncs, 0)
def _restore(cls, text, puncs, num): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
"""Auxiliary method for Punctuation.restore()"""
if not puncs:
return text
# nothing have been phonemized, returns the puncs alone
if not text:
return ["".join(m.punc for m in puncs)]
current = puncs[0]
if current.position == PuncPosition.BEGIN:
return cls._restore([current.punc + text[0]] + text[1:], puncs[1:], num)
if current.position == PuncPosition.END:
return [text[0] + current.punc] + cls._restore(text[1:], puncs[1:], num + 1)
if current.position == PuncPosition.ALONE:
return [current.mark] + cls._restore(text, puncs[1:], num + 1)
if len(text) == 1: # pragma: nocover
# a corner case where the final part of an intermediate
# mark (I) has not been phonemized
return cls._restore([text[0] + current.punc], puncs[1:], num)
return cls._restore([text[0] + current.punc + text[1]] + text[2:], puncs[1:], num)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# punc = Punctuation()
# text = "This is. This is, example!"
# print(punc.strip(text))
# split_text, puncs = punc.strip_to_restore(text)
# print(split_text, " ---- ", puncs)
# restored_text = punc.restore(split_text, puncs)
# print(restored_text)